how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,Loungettes!Boy did I get absolutely nothing done yesterday after the first few
    hours when I got a couple loads of laundry done and played with Sadie.I had a headache Friday night, was having
    trouble sleeping, took some advil and a xanax,spent most of the day yesterday very relaxed and snoozing in my comfy
    recliner.Poor Sadie had to wake me up
    to go to bed!OK, Loungettes, I'm going
    to need a few of you in my pockets tomorrow, gonna tell the boss I can't/won't
    see that patient I saw Friday, the one I had before.They are both still chain smoking, still
    lying about meds, and expect Hospice to provide all the pills they want
    whenever they want them.Just like before,
    and I spent a good part of Friday night wheezing until I broke out the
    nebulizer and dosed myself.It is so
    hard for me to not provide care to a patient for any reason, but most
    especially for my own benefit.

    Deb--Let me tell you
    about my run with Tamoxifen.I started
    out on Tamoxifen and was absolutely terrified that it wasn't helping because I
    had NO side effects.None.I couldn't tell I was taking anything at
    all.I got so scared by having no side
    effects that I actually asked to go off it and go on arimidex.I hated the hot flashes, but at least I knew
    it was working.With time and more
    clarity, I know now that the tammi was working, I was among the many women with
    no side effects, and I made a very emotional decision to change to
    arimidex.So not everyone gets bad side
    effects from tammi, or from arimidex, or any of the hormonal therapy
    drugs.So don’t borrow trouble, try it
    and see what happens.And congrats on
    being so close to done with rads!

    Cammy--patients who
    are addicted to drugs will say and do anything to avoid taking responsibility
    for their problems.Nothing is ever the
    fault of an addict.The docs won't give
    them enough drugs, won't give them the right drugs, the pharmacy won't fill the
    prescription accurately, or won't fill it when it's needed, the insurance
    company won't pay like they are supposed to, and on and on.I'm not going to take this one on again.Tried and failed, time for someone else to
    take over the fight.

    Genny--pull up a
    barstool and join us!I wonder how many
    of us may have had the radiation from the mammograms contribute to our getting

    Cammy--yet another
    bit of evidence that medicine doesn't know diddly most of the time.

    Julie--glad you had
    a good time with CynCyn and DorFarta!Have fun with Stella!I saw the
    Jack Daniel Bacon Mac &cheese on FB, thanks for the link to the recipe!

    ORLA--I like the
    "tea" cups!The best
    "nerve tonic" ever made is wine!Where did you find the Unicorn meat???????????

    Cammy--that's a
    unique way to measure snow!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Unicorn

    1 dash Midori Melon

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Brandy

    1 part Coffee

    1 dash Cointreau

    2 parts Irish Cream

    2 parts Milk


    Pour all ingredients
    into cocktail shaker, shake & strain into martini glass or champagne cup.
    Garnish with red straws & tacky plastic animals (preferably horses or
    mermaids) Add parasols & slice of orange if available.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Hi NM--ok I have an opinion---Holy Chit yes.

    U have every right to explain why u feel it inappropriate for u to care for this patient--talk about u'r nubeulizer and how sick u did get, but more importantly for some reason I think u feel guilty from pulling away, like it's u'r fault. I've never gotten that feeling from u--u are a very caring and giving person to u'r patients u always care and I know everyone arounds u know--so take it easy on u'rself--some people just can't be thankful for what u do and if they need more drugs of course will lie, but u don't deserve to be involved in their lying--U are so above that please don't feel like u are not doing the right thing. Because u are for u'r own health. U do too much good for one person to make u feel bad. So just do it--Everyone there respects you, as do we. OK I've said it now relax with u'r decision. And who cares if u did nothing yesterday and if u'r up to it do it today or not.Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    OH NM Again the DOTD sounds great.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Snowing here in Ohio again too, arrgghh!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Genny everytime I look at u'r avatar I smile---or is it the likker in my coffee.? The snow here has stopped--it won't snow here again until next January--that's my prediction--and I'm sticken to it'

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yuck more snow

    NM I'm in your pocket

    Unicorn meat is for my pet unicorn glitter


    I'm over this weather I can't believe it's march

    Nothing wrong with relaxing NM

    Cam watching  rosemary baby on tape


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Hello gals...

    I'm in the land of the living again.  It was a rough go there for a few days.  You're cartoons just make me laugh..thank you so much. You're a great group of women.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Sorry about the bottom caption I have no idea why it says that

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    LOVE you new avatars Lara! Bootiful.

    Bbl. Huggles

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Please don't tell me the dogs name is Leia? Orla - too funny. I love your new avatar. Super picture! I am fairly certain there is a law against Unicorn Meat. I mean they are an endangered species, right? 

    Hi princesses. How's it going? Yes I love those cartoons too. Brightens my day.

    Welcome to the new girls, Genny, Deb, o dear, I'm forgetting one. 

    Who likes their wine? Was that you Genny? Because whoever was talking about whether the should or shouldn't drink wine, should in my opinion. First, there is no medical evidence to prove drinking anything causes cancer and second, with so much going on in your life right now, normal routines are important. If yours was to work, come home and enjoy a glass of wine with your DH, then I think that's fine. Just my opinion. 

    NM, I have my stern voice on now. I am disappointed to here you talk about failing when you are looking after an unreasonable patient. There is no failure in you at all. The failure is all theirs. The responsibility lies on them. If you are a good nurse (which you are) and they are disagreeable (which they are) AND they are affecting your health (by smoking) then you have the RIGHT and the responsibility to yourself to see that they are cared for by someone else. Never think it was something that you did, it was all on them.

    OK stern voice over. Look after yourself sweetie. Not every patient needs to be yours. I'm sorry this is affecting you so much. I'll be in your pocket with a couple of beers tomorrow when you talk to your supervisor. I'll try to be quiet. 

    Cami, sure is quiet today. Your flower pot filled up so you know it's 5 inches? Teehee. I love that. Why is Julie taking Stella to the UK? She sold her baby for a goat last time she went on a trip!

    Julie, are you sure taking Stella to the UK is the right choice? Are they ready for her?

    DorFarta and CynCyn are you still having fun? Wish I was there! Of course you're having fun! What was I thinking.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014 RN to another...bad patients are bad patients!  It's not you!  Mean people suck and addicted mean people worse. Makes ne want to have 2 drinks dammit!  Now if I could only taste them that would help!  Snickering....

    Orange73..a Princess Leia dog? That is Uber Humor!  LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Red Stella will probablt get pregnant there too and she's not easy to control--I had her for a while and tamed her down and sent her back to Dork and she started all over again.

    For all the newbies Stella started here cuz of Dork and I'll try and get a pic. of her so u understand

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image They're not Stella just members of her family just so u know who we're talking about.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    well stella did behave the last time,didn't go out at all, the fact it was pouring with rain and cold probably had something to do with it.

    nm -you are a wonderful nurse and these pts are a danger to your health mental and physical, we have a term for them"one shift pts"    

    how are all you ladies doing that are currently in active treatment?

    in work tonight and i'm ready to start drinking

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another cold day here,
    surprise, surprise.Will spring ever

    OK, going to tell
    the boss to reassign that patient and move on.Not my fault, not my problem, and I have a right to not risk my own
    health while working.Still needs you
    guys in my pocket, though!

    Cammy--thanks for
    the support!

    Genny--how much snow
    you get this time around? Is the poor little poochy buried?

    ORLA--Haven't seen
    Rosemary's Baby in a long time, need to find that one.Very scary but not gory as I recall.

    Red RH--same could
    be said about housework!


    Red RH--thanks for
    the support, and I'll be listening for the beer tab pulls!

    Princess--thanks for
    the reminder that I can't fix everybody!

    shift pts" is a great name!There
    are a couple of nurses on staff who smoke, time for one of them to take this
    one on.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theCyber Smoke

    1 oz Southern

    1/2 oz Lemon Vodka

    3 oz Orange Juice


    Blend all
    ingredients and pour into champagne flute. Add a small piece of edible dry ice.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    We got lucky, only about 4 more inches, I can still find him!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    HI REd I like your thinking FYI these ladies have picked me off the floor we r here at my lows

    Cam I love that pic, purple fairies

    Princess cute pic

    well gettingready to work my 6 hours today whopppe

    Hi Cyn I need to come visit but first its dork as soon as I get the go ahead I might not leave FYI

    Heres a drink Juliet

    NM in the pocket be confident and say the facts thats it boom done

    Love u all


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    night from hell ,wish i didn't have to go back tonight

    have a good days ladies, about to hit the chocolate

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Ok, I'm home!!!!

    Lara, back in the ER from new meds? Girl, you have such a time with everything (((((Lara))))). LOVE the new avatar! It's tiny, be we can see how cute you are.

    NM, great words about how we did NOT cause ourselves to get the RB. It just SOOOO PISSES ME OFF when I hear people being told, they got cancer because they drink, or because they are over weight, etc., etc., etc. Glad you are not getting work over load. OMG, I remember the couple acusing you of stealing pain pills. Glad you asked to have that one given to someone else. OMG, you went anyways? Then had an asthma attack, on top of being accused of stealing again???

    Ha ha Genny, nuttin wrong wif a good bitch slap, eh?

    Hey, I just thought of something, maybe WORK caused us to get cancer???

    BCdeb, is the BC for British Columbia or the dreaded breast cancer?

    Cami, you are sure getting slammed with major winter there. And such sweet words to NM, you are a doll.

    Welcome back Princess, I thought maybe you left us. That happens a lot here in the lounge, gals will come in for a few days, and then they leave.

    Red, indeed Stella sold her baby for a baby goat, and thank goodness she was made to give the baby goat back. That girl is in no shape to take care of a baby of any sorts!

    Julie, make sure you keep a close eye on dat girl. When are you leaving? Sawry bout da ruff night at work, have some chocolate and go to bed wif sweet dreams. What all did the 3 of you's do? And what time did you go to bed, or did you???

    CAMI, BITE YOUR TONGUE WOMAN. STELLA DOES NOT NEED TO GET PREGGERS AGAIN. And if she does, we are sending her and the baby to you!

    Oh Genny, that is a sweet picture. I assume that is your fur baby? what is his/her name?

    Bernie, Kat, MemaSue, Shannon, Beans.....miss you girls, I hope all is ok.

    We had a fun weekend, not too much gambling as we hung out with friends and Basia. Helped her on Friday, then on Saturday we went to Lake Havasu, went out riding with friends in their razor, and target shooting, then dinner, and then met another business associate that evening at the casino, and home yesterday morning. Broke about even with the gambling.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning all u wonderful Ladies----

    NM it's cold here too, like below Zero--WTF--Alaska had a better winter than we did this yr. Now remember u are so so so right about that patient so no need to feel bad in any way--this is u'r health too you know.

    Julie u had one slap u this last week and last nite was bad, so I hope u get a good rest before u go back--I don't like anyone hurting u--u've had that before and u'r so sweet. But u do have stella bring her to work no one will see her and she'll keep everyone in line for u.

    Lori u'r home--I'm so selfish, when u'r home everything is in place.I hope u helped (Lordy) the waitress like u planned and again u came out even--Good going. Oh I did forget the goat and Stella-

    Genny u furbaby is adorable in the snow --it's so high, the little face is so cute.

    Lara I hope the 6 hrs are ok for u--check in when u get home--I miss my movie buddy.

    Well Cyn and Dorky are ignoring us--u do know what that means--hic--oops---oh reminds me of Dork

    I miss Bernie and Kat--hope they can get back soon.

    OOOOOOOOO I have to go--litterally

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Cyn and I jest read the thread on our own but at the same time. 

    Cam, we are not ignoring ya lub. Ye will see how hard it gets to break away from de fun when meeting a bweast fwend ♥. 

    Here is a pic of Julie taking Stella home with her. Stella is so fercited to going on yet anudder faykayshion with Julie. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    ohhhh, that came out a bit large, ya tink? gonna go back to de drawing board girls. 

    I have a story to share with ye all about going to breakfast. It was the three of us + one creeeeepy chit head bus boy! bbl, I promise girls. LOVE YOU ALL! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Tap, tap tap (my foot) waiting for our story. Stella looks a little tired but once she has her bottle she's be flying high--Julie u look so cute.

    OK newbies now u see stella being nice and LilFarta(Dork) being bad.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Well , it goes something like this. We went to breakfast at a small Denny' s like place and there was a bus boy who was giving us a little too much attention and actually snuck up while he was cleaning the booth that was directly behind us and poked his head in between Dorty's and mine and said "hello ladies, can I interest you with a newspaper?  We have piles of newspaper..they pile up...You can read the funniest "  . Now this is all in the deepest game show host voice.  Dorty left the restaurant before Julie and I and when we joined her outside....there he was hovering over her in conversation.  He was creepy.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    hello, hope your having lots of drinks for me! a busy night againBawling