how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Thanks for all the support
    yesterday.The boss didn't even blink
    when I told him I couldn't take that patient back.Now I feel a bit guilty that another nurse is
    going to have to deal with the situation,but I work with a crew of exceptional nurses, and this one may be just
    the nurse this situation needs to get worked out as well as it can be.

    baby!What's his name?He looks a little miffed at the world in that

    ORLA--you were
    right, state facts, boom it was done!

    Julie--wish you
    didn't have to go back either.Take
    chocolate with you--that might help.

    Goldie--Wow, slow
    down a bit!I did make ONE visit, to see
    if things had really changed as much as they had the admission nurse thinking
    they had.Things have NOT changed.They didn't accuse me of stealing pill again,
    just mad 'cause I did provide pills while I was there.I got wheezy, but didn't have an actual
    attack.But close enough to justify my
    declining the case.Now I can say I
    tried and it won't work.Next time I
    will push the Clinical Manager to go out and make the visit herself.Lesson learned.Sounds like you had a good trip, breaking
    even with the gambling is good in my book!

    Cammy--Good advice,
    I am going to put this patient out of my mind and concentrate on the ones I can
    help.Double digits below the donut
    here, this ayem.Not going to be able to
    plant gardens until August this season, I swear!

    DorFarta--Great pic,
    and so glad goils are having a great time! NO, that pic is the perfect

    OK, Farta, out with
    the story, no making us wait!!!!!!!!

    CynCyn--Oh, my, that
    is creepy/funny/creepy!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Stella's Stinger

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1 tsp Creme de

    1 tsp Pernod

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    LOL Cami, calling Dork and Cyn out, saying they are ignoring us.

    Stella, you look VERY happy, you are one lucky biotch, das fo sho.

    Julie, you're looking awesome girl!

    *singing* someone wuz hitting on Dofey, someone was hitting on Dofey!

    Oh no Jules, another bad night??? And it's not even a full moon!

    NM, glad that all turned out with not so nice patient and spouse. I kind of feel sorry for them tho, is that bad??? I agree with you on the picture being poyfect size! Sorry bout doze double digits below da donut, dat a funny saying. We actually planted 2 tomato plants outside, using our plant protectors, just for grins and giggles, as we are still having some awesome weather.

    Julie, I need to drink more water too!

    Where is everyone??? Don't make me come looking for you!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good One Julie.

    NM I'm glad u did what u needed to do now just go from there and take care of u'r patients that love you. U have enough.

    Lori should be here soon.

    OK OK Dork u better start 'splainin'--ha ha now we know why Stella is the way she is---u are so funny, kinda  spooky tho, but funny--So we're all watching u.

    Busy yesterday with a visit from my boss, he stayed for about an hr. So we had a nice talk too.

    I'll call my Onc this week and make an app't for next week, Oh the weather better be better.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Good morning ladies (insert deep game show host voice)

    Today is Dorty's last day in paradise.  It's overcast but warm and the sun should pop out later.  Julie have a good trip tomorrow.  I hope everything goes smoothly for you and have a fantastic time at your dad's party.  I know you will.  

    Will poop in later....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Cyn the time went by so quickly --oh it seems like she just got there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image Well everyday is fat day for me--but I know they are not for u.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi girls, I just you had to be here to really appreciate the story of the goon at the restaurant. He had a radio voice but was just so creepy from the minute we walked in the door. He kept staring at us each time he passed by. It was quite unnerving to see his creepy face appear from behind then for him to follow me outside when I was trying to get away from him. I broke into a sweat and was very creeped out. But when we imitate his voice, it IS quite funny. I wish you could have ALL been there with us, quite memorable. 

    It was great meeting Julie, we had a great dinner together too. We enjoyed doing some people watching too. There was a couple next to us having a meal, appeared to be a married couple. Neither of them said a word or smiled, just looked at their food and ate. Then I head the Mrs say to the Mr "honey, pace yourself" as he was trying to enjoy a cold beer. It was sad seeing people so seemingly unhappy together. We were thankful to be amongst the people having a great time together!! Another couple there were sitting next to a large party and the wife just ignored her hubby and conversed the whole time with the other party of folks. I'd guess her DH was not happy with her either. ~yawn~ right? Really though we enjoyed every minute of our time together. 

    Julie, sorry about the bad nights at work. TGFC! You and Stella have a blast and send pictures. And Beware of the Moler Focker! hehehe! made me tink of de ides of March. beware of them too! Thanks again for de likker, it is gone!! 

    NM,  I remember that story about that drug addicted couple accusing you of taking their meds. How awful that you had to go back there again for more whooping. I am proud of ya for standing up and saying no. Don't beat yerself up over it, you are a great nurse and your passion is evident to all who know you. Stay warm and give Silly Sadie a kiss from me.

    Cyn's puppy Reese jest loves me. He is so darn cute. Last night when we got home, he was bringing a toy from me to throw then bringing it back to Cyn then to me then to Cyn again. We were cracking up at him. He is so funny. He can be a handful but when he looks at me with his Benji eyes, I am in love! He looks just like the cute widdle dog from the first Benji movie. It took me a few days to figure out what dog he reminded me of.  

    I am so sad to have to go home but this is NOT my last day in my book girls. I have to leave here about this time tomorree for de airport. I am getting anxious over getting there, getting through security, checking the bags etc. I feel so lost and skeered without someone with me to direct me. Oh, I have to return my widdle white VW bug! It is the cutest lil car. I picked a flower off the beach after the drum circle to put on the car but it was a real flower so would not work. YAWN~ I know I know, I am boring todey! 

    Lori, welcome home, glad you did well and did not come home a loser. well you'd never be a loser even if ya lost money but awesome that you did not. I am glad you had a good time away. And I am envious of your fine weather. I tink Cammie and de rest of us are too. 

    Lara, did you get a lot of snow that way? It was a bust my way. It was supposed to be a foot of snow. Schools closed early,, my employer even had a two hour delayed opening but turned out to be nothing much more than a dusting of snow. the storm system went further south than predicted. It did hit the shore area, I am hoping my car is not buried at the airport since I flew out of Atlantic City. They got about 7" with drifting over a foot. I shoulda paid the 12 a day vs 9 a day to use the parking garage, chit. Last night it was like 6 degrees at home. Here, oh went down to maybe 60? I LOVE FLORIDA and don't want to go.

    Cam, we wuz not ignoring you. We often talked about posting to you girls. Last night whilst we wuz dwinking on de beach, we thought of all dese funnee tings we could tail ye all. But then got home and dwank too much to post tehehehe! I no joking either. 

    Red, hope you are feeling better and getting through treatment a little easier. And to the other new girls just starting this journey, remember that This too shall pass.

    Well I jest looked at de clock and it is 5'oclock. Do you know what dat means? Yep, time to dwink! IThe sun is out and prolly gonna make a beach run. I just LOVE it here in paradise, Cyn is so lucky to live here. Cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Lol creepy bus boy!!!!!

    I'm on my I phone somehow that article pooped on there wtf

    No snow

    6 hours were ok I'm home today had to do stuff for school

    My car won't start again 

    Ill get there someway tomm

    I just watched a creepy movie can about some cult like in the 70 s idk

    I still haven't heard from my primary after the ER visit I'm over docs they know nothing

    Mom glad u did it

    Lol drug addicted old people jeez what is this world coming to

    My u can't get a pain pill to save your life they give u three yea that helps idiots

    Poop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014


    Comment on this Motifake



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Comment on this Motifake

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    demotivational poster Why so Sirius?
    was this the bus boy creepy

  • ChgoDeb
    ChgoDeb Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014

    Just had my last Rad treatment.....YAY! It's also Fat Tuesday, so my husband & I plan to go out and celebrate!  CHEERS everyone!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    BCDeb! Yay to final rads!!! Good for you. Hey, are you from BC?

    NM, glad you passed on the patients from hell. Ise was in your pockets the whole time but you probly didn't hear mese cuz mese brought bottles not cans. Hiccup** glad to hear it worked out bestest.

    Cami, you so sweet caring about Stella - I'm still holding the baby goat thing against her. But if she's berry berry nice and DorFarta agrees, maybe I'll take her to Italy in June. Thx for asking after me. ((hugs))

    Orla, I totally slammed my PC doc yesterday. I get it! I'm tired of them idjits!!! They don't believe, they don't help and they don't care. OK, I'm done - just pissed. Big {{huggles}} ps, what did you delete? Twice?

    Julie, you are definitely a braver woman than I. Working nights AND then taking Stella to the UK. I hope you enjoy your trip to see the fam but I hope you keep Stella in a suitcase cuz I've heard she can create havoc with a single breath. Gotta say tho - that pic of u 2 rocks!!! Love it!

    Princess, hi again and welcome back. Happy to see you sticking up for our fellow RN's. You go girl!

    Genny, have a glass of wine for me, willya? Can't drink the stuff cuz it makes me stupid and naked. Not a good combo.

    DorFarta, I cannot wait to see the pics you took and hear all the stories! Safe drive home, I hear Atlanta got snow. Boooo. And I hope that creepy dude didn't stow away in your luggage.

    CynCyn did you all end up having that contest to see who would pass out first. Dork was threatening to paint faces-yes? Since I've heard what a marvelous hostess you are, I'd like to put my name forth for a visit with you!! Haha - beat you all!

    Lara, how did your six hours go? You okay? Cuz if not I gots mese a fine tender here whose offering a gentle massage by the fountain.

    OK, I know I haven't said hi to all yet, and haven't said nada about myself, but I've gotta make dindin, so I'll be back later. 

    O and {{{{Bernie, Kat, MemaSue, Beans and Shannon}}}}} don't know what's happening with you ladies, but you have my hugs, love and kisses.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lara hahaha--llooks like something from one of our movies only better makeup.

    OK Red u doing all right? U sound more balance==well balanced as far as we can go here. Geeze I don't have much to say--I slept this afternoon but checked all messages so all is good. My mind still feels muggy.

    OK be back later. PICTURES Ladies

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Hi all lots to read. Need big dwinlk after family reunion. Nearly killed MiL so did DH - she had tantrum because we wanted to be somewhere 30mins before she thought we should arrive. We was only on organising committee. Suppose she is 90 but she can be very naughty like small child. I needs drink tinking bout it.

    See you behaving like good goils hehehe


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Aly that's a typical fun family reunion--Have a couple of drinks.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    RedReading….Hahaha… what's wrong with stupid and naked? I think it sound like a perfect combo

    NativeMaine.. poor little baby is my very spoiled brat named Junior. He is positive that he is a german shepherd (we have one named Emma), so he will just plow through the snow no matter how deep, anything to keep up with the big dogs.

    Wish me luck girls, I go to the oncologist for the first time tomorrow, get my tx plan. Sounds like I'll be starting with chemo, so while I'm sitting home, I'll be going back through all your previous post to get to know you all. I love this thread, not so depressing, you all crack me up...

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Genny good luck tomorrow with your Onc doc. Big smiles and best wishes.

    Aly, I'm pretty sure all of my family reunions are like that. Have another drink. O and did an aunt fall down the stairs in slow mo crying out to Jesus to save her? Cuz that's pretty much standard too.

    Cami, I am better balanced but I am not well. Sigh. Why do things pile up on each other. So turns out the heart hiccup is bigger than we thought, so radiologist has ordered me off work for 3-4 weeks and I have a cardiologists appt Friday. Sigh. I'll let you know.

    On the positive side I'm 10 days into radiation! 6 more whole breast and 4 boosts to go and I'm outta there! If course they're not happy there either. Does it never end?

    BUT - March 18th is a very special day! I was born in '57, I will be 57 and I'm DONE rads! A three for one in that day! Yay me!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    redreading...way to make it through the rads! and I am a March 20 fishy girls

    goldie...I took a beating that first round.  I got my dukes up for the next one though!

    cami..fist bumpin cat  gotta love that

    julie62..the best cartoons..laughed right out loud...several times

    genny 5775....good luck... take a deep breath.

    You guys are so great...thanks!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Good luck Genny!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    ~ * hiccup~ Burp, chit,, meeze gotzta pass out. no farts dis night, gotta hit de burp bott n cleep. sleep.HIcc~ find me at de founten passed de phuck outs. cheerRs!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Part 2 of the saga of the
    problem patient:a different nurse was
    assigned to the case and went to management to be taken off the case yesterday.The spouse called in the middle of the
    night, intoxicated, and demanding drugs for the patientMonday night.The On Call nurse would not go out there because the spouse was
    obviously intoxicated and belligerent.Big pow pow in the boss's office yesterday, still no word what's going
    to happen next. I'll keep you posted!

    Julie--that's a
    great way to get more water!

    Goldie--I feel sorry
    for that patient and spouse, too.It's a
    sad situation.But I can't undo what the
    world has done to them, especially since they feel they should have to do
    nothing and get whatever they ask for.They won't even tell us what meds are present in the house, that's none
    of our business, apparently.BTW--we
    know that the spouse is taking the patient's medications, this was established
    last time around. This time the patient even admitted the spouse is getting
    most of the pain pills.

    Cammy--I am relieved
    to be out of that situation and am concentrating on my other patients.Most are lovely to work with and I enjoy my
    visits with them.

    CynCyn--Glad you
    guys are having fun!

    creepy, creepy, but still, kinda nice to get the attention, hmmm?People watching is great fun, isn't it?Too bad so many couples don't seem happy
    together.Thanks for the support, and
    Sadie snuggles you back!Reese sounds
    like a darling!Glad he could entertain
    you, and you, him!Digging a car out of
    the snow after vacay is NOT fun.The
    price we pay, I guess.

    ORLA--You and I
    can't get pain meds for nothing, that couple gets them everywhere they go.Haven't figured that one out at all.

    Deb--Hooray!Enjoy dinner!

    Red RH--aha, so I
    did sniff the aroma of beer, I thought I was losing my hearing!The whole situation is tuning into quite a
    thing.Whatcha making for dinner?

    Aly--Yikes, a
    tantrum from a 90 year old child? Could you plop her in the tub and shower her
    with cold water?Or just leave her

    Genny--Sadie says
    "hi" to Junior and Emma.Did
    you notice the Lounge's dog park?It has
    it's own staff for the pooper scoopering work!Good luck at the Onc's.

    Red RH--we need a
    big party on the 18th!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Bitter Pill

    2 oz Vodka

    2 oz Bourbon

    1/2 oz Lemon

    4 parts Coca Cola


    Mix JD & vodka
    together, add dash of lemon juice and top up glass with coke!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Hi Red yes a tender would be nice

    I work today ugg

    Doctors are idiots I am over it. I have to be very strong with them. I understand the narco thing I have documented 7 surgeries and nuero pain three nuero pills reacation in the hispital wtf no one helps me.I have lost complete faith. I hate them I really do.

    How do the addicts get it and we do not

    Hi Princess, and genny

    Yes cam I know u would like that pic creepy

    wheres the pics lil farta , cyn.....................................................................................

    NM you cant even get them and your a nurse jeez anyone watch the oscars<

    I watched dallas buyers club he goes across the border to get aids meds for patients to stay alive I might have to do that for people who have pain. That was a great movie

    my car died again need an alternator that will b sitting there for a week waiting for my school ck,never ends

    I have DH car to go to my 6 hours of work

    poop in latah

    love u all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    LOL sweet Cami, yesterday mornging you had said that I should be here soon. I was already here and my post was right above yours! How is Elizabeth Dahling doing? Let her know we miss her.

    Cyn and Dork, I hope that creepy goon didn't ruin your lunch, or your day.

    Dork, safe travels home. You be careful and ask for help!!!! Of course Reese loved you!

    And Julie is traveling today too.

    And Stella!

    Lara, I just can't believe that you can't get pain meds. That is cruel!! I wonder if a pain management place would help? Sawry bout you car, but glad you have other means of transportation.

    BC, yay for no more rads!!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!! How are you feeling?

    Red, Stella does what Stella wants, regardless of what DorFarta says! I imagine Orange was having trouble getting her picture to post, hence the deletes. She finally got it. Sorry you had to slam your doc. I love mine, it makes such a huge difference. Ha ha, just like the song, except with wine. "Wine makes my clothes fall off". Oh dear, hate hearing about your heart, but glad they found it so you can take care of it.

    Alyson, cute about 90 yo MIL having a tantrum. I hope you had a wunnerful time at the reunion.

    Genny, being up beat and funny is what helps all of us get through tough times. And we will be here for you. We shall all get teeny tiny, the Magic Party Bus and UFO will come and gather us all up, so we can be with you today. I forget, were you given a diagnosis?

    Princess, chemo kicked butt? I'm sorry sweetie. When is the next one? Remember, water and protien.

    Oh my NM, all the drama with the problem family. It is the wife that gets intoxicated and the husband on hospice? How old are they? It's kind of funny in a way, but I know in reality it really is a shame. What did they decide in the pow wow?

    Interesting drink there NM, The Bitter Pill!

    Well, nuttin for me to report, same ole same ole here. My mom kind of scared me last week, went to the doctors and her pulse was 40! And she fell about a week ago. And that IS ME shooting that assult rifle. I need to go after some docs, mese tinks?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    I tink LilFarta will like dis one.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    At the airport,Stella sleeping off the hand sanitizer.had to go straight from work so no shower.  Can you say stinky. A mother busy night was thinking of doing 1mg Vatican for you and one for me.take using my kindle for 1st time

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning all--Well Lori that hunk beats my Wed. Camel to the ground.

    Genny I'm glad u have u'r onc tomorrow, once u know u honestly (in u'r head) feel better cuz there is a plan and of course u have to tell us what it is exactly--I'm the exactly one and yet I don't even know what I got for the most part LOL

    Princess I'm sorry that first one knocked u down--but sometimes each one is different--there are no rules just like Goldie said loads of water and protein and rest, don't overdo anything. nd if u get anything u feel really bad with call u'r onc right away don't go thru something if u don't have to.

    OK Red now we have to find out about u'r heart, it could just be some crazy thing-but u know they have to find out--and fix anything if they need to. Tell us what's happening.

    Dork is home I tink now right. Well now it will take her a while to get settled down--notice Cyn is fine and Julie is fine from that time in Florida--so we'll see if Dork is fine.

    NM these people are beyond help when it comes to drugs--U have  to call in Nurse Ratchet for them to put them in line-so if u have a really tough nurse she's the only one who might possibly be able to deal with these people.

    Hi Lori---I hope u'r mom is all right--that's low and she's not close by. (((HUGS)))

    Lara u'r car??? Oh I'm so glad u got another form, but take care at work I know it exhausts you.

    OK BBL I've got to set up my crap for work--yes I do have crap I have to do hehe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image data-sz="f"> I think this is the guy Dork was with.