how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image Is this the guy Dork?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Close Cami.  Dorty is still here. Her flight is later today. Safe travels Julie!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Good morning friends! Yes, packing up now and getting ready to head to de airport. Chit, hate that I have to leave paradise. 

    Cam, you are close, the guy is the pic you posted is almost as creepy as the said creep, ick. It was his voice that was spookiest. 

    I am very anxious over getting to the plane. I have to return the bug (the car), check luggage then go through security. I am allowing plenty of time. I also have some valium packed in my hand bag to calm me once I reach the airport. It stresses me to travel, always. 

    As for pics, uh, we is berry bad. Everything we have taken is on facebook. For those who do not have facebook, get on there and friend me. I love friends!! 

    Sorry for those of you gals doing the treatment, the girls are right, you will get past in and be stronger for enduring it. God Bless and keep you all strong. prayers for Red, can't have a heart issue k? Do get it checked out and report back pronto!

    Well time to shower my stanky arse. See you all from NJ (or from the airport, might check in using mese phone. And bon voyage Julie and Stella. Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    (((HUGS))) and safe travels Julie, stella, and Dork

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    hey ladies, I am home now. I had such an awesome time. Cyndie and I got along so well - she was the hostest with the mostest no doubt. another major highlite was meeting Julie. She is such a sweet heart. I hope to meet all of my goils. So who's next, ~hint hint hint LARA. and Red, you need to take a trip to New York City so I can meet you. Same goes for NM. There is nothing more precious to my heart than meeting my breast friends. Cyn and I were talking about it and meeting one another makes it worth going through the hell of cancer. I jest love each of you so much. 

    I really miss Bernie and Kathy here, it is soooo quiet anymore. I hope you are all praying for Kathy and her daughter. I think her daughter gets to ring the bell for finishing her treatment very soon. She needs all of your prayers and as our dear Beckers would say, we need to PRAY HARDER. I do not know the details but I know that Kat's DD is hurting beyond comprehension. 

    Ok, i gotzta make a dwink but wanted to first let you know that I made it home safely. And I did very well hauling my luggage. I got a skycap dude in Tampa, he picked me up as I pulled up to return the rental car and took me all the way to check in my luggage. AND I freaking figured out just today that a piece of lovely luggage that my sis lent to me had freaking stow-away wheels. It is a beautiful fancy schmancy tapestry Liz Claiborne bag. Stooopid me carried the darn thing over my shoulder getting to Florida not realizing that it flipped sideways and had a hidden handle. I hate how blind I can be sumtimes, must be de likker! It was so much easier pulling my two bags then carrying one and pulling the other. I do not have ash on my forehead today, I have a big L for LOSER lol. So here it is in case one of you get one and are stoopid as me. It is purdy no doubt and much more functional that I realized. 



    ok, will try mese best to be back. I also want to post some pics for the goils who are not on facebook. It is great to get away but so sweet to be home. The reunion with my Bella was the best! She is on my lap now keeping me warm!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Oh, ur all right , I feel so much better, gotta go to sleep now, I'll fill ya in tomorrow

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Dwinkies time in dis part of world. Dh pouring some good Kiwi white. Wese make good wine down here, youse should come and try.

    I pooped cause I cleaned out ensuite and dressing room. 

    Does wine help sore joints? Hope so.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Aly wine helps everything, u know that.

    Dork glad u'r home safe and Bella is so happy. And we all knew u'd have a great time with Cyn and Julie--how could u not, now Julie's left right so we'll miss her. And I miss Bernie and Kat too and pray s much for her DD--it's so awful what they are all going thru and I can't even imagine the pain.

    We had more snow yesterday only like 4-5 inches so we had very little---well we used to think 4-5 inche was a good amount now, that's a dusting--Oh how the weather has changed us all.

    OK our site will be down for a while so we have to catch up tonite--thos we've been a little slow--we have to start getting going again. I'm definitely not drinking enough.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another chapter in the saga
    of the patient from he##.The doctor who
    supervises the PA that referred the patient to Hospice will not sign any
    Hospice orders and will not sign any rx for narcotics for this patient.The PA gave the patient a script for 60 pain
    pills, enough for 15 days, the patient was out of them in 3 days. Patient and
    spouse are still drinking heavily, and still smoking in the presence of the
    patient's oxygen.Patient's face is
    burned from this, that is why we got an "emergency" referral for this
    patient.Yesterday the situation was
    discussed at length with our medical director, patient has been
    "discharged" due to unsafe conditions for the patient and staff.So, no more problem!

    ORLA--I think the
    addicts get the pills cuz they have time to do nothing but call doctor's
    offices and go to ER s and generally make themselves annoying until they get
    what they want.Make enough phone calls
    and someone will give you something just to shut you up.Go to the ER after hours and they have to do
    SOMETHING, and they will not admit you, so you get some more pills.And they aren't that hard to get on the black
    market, either, not even here in Maine.You and I tend to try to follow the rules, so we lose out.And it's not fair how something comes up every
    time we get a few dollars ahead!

    Goldie--Neither one
    is old enough to have Medicare, both are on MaineCare, so not only do I have to
    get pulled into all the drama, my tax dollars are PAYING for them!Heart rate of 40?Hope they cut back some of he meds!

    Julie--Stella and
    the hand santizer, what a trip!What do
    you think of the Kindle so far?

    Cammy--Yup, we were
    going to sic our addict specialist nurse on them.They were not going to be happy!She was planning to do drug counts daily, put
    out 24 hours of pills at a time, do all the things we were doing last time and
    the patient hated and vowed would never do again!

    DorFarta--The FB
    pics have been great, would love to see them on here, too!And Welcome Home!I've had trouble finding the handle for my
    roll along luggage at times, now I tie a brightly colored string or bit of
    cloth to it, not thick enough that the handle can't close, but bright enough to
    see easily.I bet Bella is VERY happy to
    have you home!

    Aly--if I provide
    wine will you come clean my house?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Welcome Home

    2 Cups simple syrup
    (make syrup with 1 part water and one part sugar)

    2 Cups lemon juice,
    freshly squeezed (about 12-14 small lemons)

    1 1/2 Cups gin

    15 fresh mint leaves

    Mint leaves have
    lots of oils in them which give them the wonderful fragrance. The oils won’t
    really come out though unless you bruise the leaves somehow. You could do this
    by muddling them, but for this drink, I like the whole leaves in the pitcher.

    So I just lay the
    leaves out on a cutting board and literally smack them!

    Add the lemon juice,
    simple syrup, and gin and stir it all together!

    If you’re serving it
    immediately, add ice to the pitcher as well. If you’re making this in advance,
    chill it without ice in it so it doesn’t get watered down.

    The only thing I’ll
    mention about this drink is to be careful! There’s a fair amount of booze in it
    and you can barely taste it. When I was having one of these guys, I felt like I
    could’ve easily put down the whole pitcher, which would’ve been a bad idea.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    black market jeez this is a whole thing 

    60 pills in three days wtf! Ah that's a bit much I can't imangine one ny they print a roster shows where and whom gave u the pain pills they see to much activity u r classified an addict idk if they do that in Maine it's bs now there is a huge herion epidemic wonder why? People can get easy for ten bucks they won't give pills people on that oxy turn to that

    Cam another 6 hours today I like it but I'm getting them all the work places tons of people in jobs and wtf are they doing I have no idea idiots

    Red u will like this one the doc calls me back late last night says hope your better see u for your Friday apt  I threw the phone after that message

    I call back no I'm not better no I do not have an apt Friday I need u to get blood work from the hospital wtf !!!

    Goldie pain management I have seen they put me on 2 of the nerve pills both ended in ER I go back to the old one she tells me to go back on the one that ended in the ER ok f her never going back

    The other one office looked like a meto done addict place and he tells me DEA stalks his office bye bye to that one I'm seriours this chit is for real

    Dork I'm so ready to come see u let me know GF

    Princess feel better

    Kk gotta get ready for work

    Oh I have my first phone interview for the company I want at 5 30 please send me prayers I need this job

    Love u all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Cami, dat dude is creepy for sure! More snow your way? Wow, such crazy weather across the country. I hope it ends soon. That is what it did last year, and killed us, business wise.

    Dork (LilFarta for the new girls) I hope things went smoothly for you at the airport. How is the weather at home? You hit the nail on the head when you talk about meeting such great friends having to endure going through the rat basTURD. Glad you made it home. LMAO about the luggage. Silly goil.

    Alyson, the kiwi white sounds quite yummy and if it doesn't help the joints, it should at least help to make you forget about the pain??

    Oh wow NM, what saga! 60 pills gone in 3 days? How old are these folks and why is/was he on hospice? If you can tell. I think my mom's heart rate had to do with the COPD. They did not cut down on meds, they doubled up on one! Not Xanax, but one similar I think. How clever of you to offer Allyson wine if she cleans your house!!!!!

    Oh yeah, Stella and the hand santizer, that was hilarious! So glad she doesn't have that baby or the goat!

    Lara, I just don't know what to say. My gawd girl, you have been through the ringer. Time to go shopping for a new doc I guess?

    I hope I'm on time to get my post in. Here is a cute video, 2 naked guys dancing with towels.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    testing 123 testing ~ not sure if it cuz mese berry dwunk berry early or sumting else. 

    very weird - it looked like our thread was no longer found as I could not access from my favorites. So I did a search by name and clicked then walaa, here it is.  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Some appeared and others didn't maybees the mods had joined us for dwinks

    Still cleaning house, very slow and can procrastinate very easily.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning--looks like everything is in place--oops no I have no boobs, well I did mean the thread.

    It's TGIF right? so confused. I think our weather is quiet for a while now so maybe some snow will melt. Not much is new--I am finally going to call the onc for an app't, I think the weather is safer now so I can get there. I hope.

    A Joey story---he told me he kind of liked this girl Gina--hmmm so I asked why> and he said Well, she very respectful to people, she has good manners and she's cute, and I said u put cute last. And he said Mammaw u can't just look at someone and  think that's all there is, u have to see they're really good.---Where  the hell was this kid when I met my ex's. chit I really screwed up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Dort, they were doing maintenance on the site.

    Alyson, cleaning and procrastinating go well together!

    Oh Cami, you are always so funny and witty. Everything in order except your boobs! That Joey is really some kind of special, and he has very special people raising him, to be thinking like that. Make that appointment.

    Genny, how did your appointment go?

    Yes, it's Frieday. But OMG, where did everyone go to party??? The beach???
    1 oz. Peach Schnapps
    1 oz. Apple Schnapps
    1 oz. Vodka
    1 oz. Cranberry Juice
    1 oz. Orange Juice

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Morning ladies! well I got my tx plan all in place and I have 1 more week of "normalcy" then I start my chemo and get to join many of you in the world of virtual drinking. Get chemo for 18 weeks, then surgery and radiation. Weather here is so much better, supposed to be 40 today! Whoop..whoop.. it's gonna feel balmy after the winter we've had. Gettin' ready to take the 2 brats for a long run thru the woods. I did get one bit of good news, Doc says not allowed to scoop the cat box after next week, get to turn that job over to hubby. Below my last night of drinkin' with my buds(that's me in the middle) one of them wrote the date on the wine cork and gave it to me and said we're meeting same time, same place next year when I'm all done. Be seein' lots more of you ladies soon….. hope u all have a great day! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh Genny what a great picture--u are smilin' girl. See now u know what's going on and u can plan around it and we'll all be here to help u and maybe be a little bossy telling u what if anything u need to do--I'm bossy sorry. U might not need anything so don't worry about it. If u get benedryl with u'r cocktail, u'll feel great when u get it so don't turn it down---ever. hahaha. I'm glad u went out too, it's good to do that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Hello Ladies!  I am feeling good!  So now I know, one crap week and two okay weeks.  Seems that my nose is a faucet with the Herceptin though and that is a bit annoying.

    NM... shall I say it again..mean patients suck and them being "discharged" is an excellent "outcome"!  LOL Hey are you familiar with Olgunquit..the Marginal Way?

    Cami..geez you crack me up...great cartoon and yes creepy dude! What a sweet boy story!  I have three sons.  I have had my doubts over the know we hope it is sinking in but you wonder some times.  So like you, I think I have gotten to the first one, he is 17, NIck.  He saw how sick I was..he helped me in from work, carried my things. Made his littler brothers behave and do the right thing and checked on me each night, asked what I needed and pleasantly did what I asked....  there is hope! look beautiful now and you will one year from now tooo!

    Goldie...thanks!  I have a better idea of what's barreling down on me this time around and I have some better interventions.  It will be better this time around.  Although, my WBC went super high after the Neulasta shot and that was pain producing so I may not be able to get out of all of it.  But I will take more meds this time around.

    Lilfarta...bootiful luggage!  Glad you gals had such fun.  I just planned my post chemo trip with my DH.  We live apart for now and it makes things a bit harder but we will be together for a nice relaxing trip when this poo poo is over!

    Thanks all you lovely divas for making each day a little brighter....Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Princess u sounds good and what a sweet son u have and caring--I love to here that tho Joey is my grandson--I live with them but my DD has that type of sweetness except when she has her period--then Joey comes to me and says Oh Oh mommy's got her lady days we've got to stay away. He doesn't even know what it is yet. And it's good to plan a trip then u really have something to look forward to, I'm glad u have good support. And some good days too. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Cami, that cartoon's too funny!!!! I shared it with my DH. I also laughed when I read about your boobs being out of order. Lol Aww Joey. Is such a sweetheart. 'her lady days' lmao. And the little girl he thinks he likes. Just adorable. I wasn't around much last week but did I read you were having some problems? Was that you? What's up?

    Genny, great pic of you and the girls. Really nice to put a face to the name too. I knew you didn't look like your avatar but... I'm glad you had such a lovely time.

    Princess, I agree with you about NM's former mean patients. I'm glad she is out of that situation. What is the Marginal Way? Happy for you that your oldest has stepped up to the plate and is helping out, especially with the younger ones. Such a load off your mind.

    LilFarta DorKable, other than your luggage, I have seen no pics of your trip. Did I miss them? Are they posted elsewhere? Don't feel bad about the luggage tho. When I went on my trip in Jan, I couldn't  find my hair ties or my makeup (not that I bother often) even tho I vividly recalled packing them. Day 4 I found another hidden zipper in my bag and there they were. Sigh.

    Alyson, I hate housework, I do it but don't like it. I need a wife!!! But not one like me, I want one that cooks and cleans and fetches my slippers. Looking forward to June.

    I have a ton of other people I want to mention, but I have to go clean the computer room first. I wrote the following earlier so I'm just going to paste it here then go clean. Bbl

    I have finished 12 of 16+4 now. They have been having real problems getting the field correct, so I usually lie there for 40 mins or so, while they take pics and adjust me over and over again. Thursday they decided they couldn't give treatment after all that. So I've had a day tacked on to the end. I've met a medical physicist (who was more interested in the machinery than me lol) and even my RO has come for my treatment this week. 8 more and I'm done! I hope.

    I'm also now wearing a heart monitor for the weekend. When it rains it pours, eh? Guess my beats weren't happy during the last test. O well, this too shall pass.

    Have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Genny, what a fun celebration your friends had for you, and I just love the cork story. You will have to take that with you for treatments. And you my dear are beautiful. No scooping the cat litter box, too funny, but so true. Your immune system is compromised during chemo. So you don't want to get sick, or infections. I was even told not to let dogs lick me!!! Cuts take longer to heal as well. Do you know what cocktail you are getting? Oh, and if you are not up to drinking, there are plenty of us that will drink for you!

    Princess, yay for feeling better. During my treatments, the "icks" usually hit about day 3, and lasted only 2-3 days. My tx's were 3 weeks apart. I had 8 total. Good job Nick! Play that card girl, let them help you. It will also teach them compassion. PLAY IT UP! Cami is a hoot, isn't she? The boy she speaks of is her 8 year old grandson, Joey. How far away is your DH? And where are you planning to go? There is another gal here that lives away from her DH, but she hasn't posted in awhile. Ooops, I see Cami explained.

    OH MY CAMI, that is hilarious about the stick deodorant!  Did you get your appointment made?

    Red, I am so sorry about heart issues and I sure hope they get it figured out. You don't need any more chit added to your plate. And why such troubles getting you lined up on the table??? Gheesh!

    NM, the medicine they doubled up for my mom, which I couldn't think of (chemo brain) was Prozac. Hopefully you are trying to sleep in this morning, but I doubt Sadie will have any part of that.

    Girls, if we don't get this lounge hoppin, I'm afraid the the Tenders will quit and they will shut us down!!!

    Look for me out in the water, I'll be floatin around wif a cocktail.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Ok, ok.......I'm here!  Where are all the Tenders?   Ooooooh!  There you are!!!  I see ya all over there playing wif da Dork!  Howdy Dork! Hey Lori!  How you doing?  Mmmmm, who else is in the eberry buddy hiding?  Yoooo hooooo!!!!!!   

    Howdy new gals! Cami, NM, Orla, Cyn, Julie, Aly!  Have I missed sumbuddy?

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Hey Chrissy, I'm just finishing up 9 holes on that golf course the tenders made for me. I'll be there in a few minutes. Can you order me 2 DOTD'S and meet me by the fountain?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    You got it Red!!!

    Boys!  Tenders?!!  Yo! Tenders!.........oh, there you are........we'll have 2....... No, make that 4 DOTD an make em snappy coz Red will be in in a mo all hot n bothered, not coz o you!......well, maybe ........depends who was on the golf course wid her........

    I'm saving the stool next to mine for ya Red!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    would love a drink but won't as I have had to take tramadol. joint pain just terrible. It isn't 4am yet and I am up having a cup of tea.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Chrissy, just putting away my clubs. I was playing with Pants and Mr Big. They aren't very good golfers but they're still fun to play a round with. Umm

    OK they're fun to play around with too.

    Are you sure about the stools tho. I seem to recall both of us sliding to the floor last time. That was jello shooters tho, so maybe we'll be ok.

    I'll try it.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Wow Aly!  I saw your post and thought you are up either late or early!  Hate that you're hurting and hope the trammy kicks in soon and eases your pain.

    I'll have a drink for you if you'll have a cuppa for   (((((((Hugs)))))))) gentle ones.