how about drinking?



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Alyson, poor you. Tender!!!!! A massage for Alyson! And the non alcoholic version of the DOTD.

    Hope your pain lessens soon Aly.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Red you was just digging that hole deeper and deeper trying to splain.......hahahaha!

    Oh yeah, I forgot about us endin up on the floor......maybe we should start there this time jest in case.......I'm sure the boys won't mind serving us on the floor........drinks! I mean drinks!!..........m not diggin that hole!.....hahahaha!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Gus cat is sitting beside me. They seem to know when I  so sore.

    Thanks for the smiles Chrissy and Red. 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Already done Chrissy. Pass me the shovel!

    The floor it is! Tenders, we need those comfy loungers that lie on the floor and prop up our shoulders. 

    No, not you Pants, although, now that I'm thinking about it....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    No, no Red!........don't be tinking about's a dirty dangerous ting to be tinking about (I'm doin my best Irish accent here)........hahahaha!   Mmmm I jest tought aboot it an I tink you mebe roit...........what was we tawkin aboot here now?   Oh.....doesn't matter.......boys!!!  Wees getting a little dry down here!!!! More booze please!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Chrissy, da journey of alcamahol in de bloodstream has started early today. Hic*

    So what was wese sayin? I Ummm er Ooo neva mind. 

    O look instant bikinis, and do we look good or what!!! Wow, nice abs Chrissy! But I've got better legs I think - only cuz I'm taller. Da sunshine is warm, the sand feels nice and the drinks are.... HEY!!!

    TENDER!!! Wese runnin on empty over here!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Ok are some photo's 

    First one is LilFarta and Mese at the South Jetty in Venice


    Sharkey's Tiki Bar


    On the Beach!


    Stella getting into Lil Farta's stash.


    LilFarta letting out her inner Hippie!  Peace!


    oops..thats a little blurry ..but you get the jist

    I think I posted pics of Julie's visit already???  yes?? 

    Hugz Ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning aerybody---u know I always start on de floor so don't save a stool for me--the tendahs make me very comfortable, just the way I like it.

    Lori u sound like my sister--when are u going to the Dr. she asks me all the time--I will call Monday so I'll get in withing the next few days.

    It's kind of funny reading about the 3RD DAY for me too--I had mine every week but the 3rd day it all started and the day I'd go for the next one I felt OK that day. I went for sometime over 2 year then finished with Herceptin, then rads--then another operation so it took about almost 3 stupid years and I'm saying this cuz Red I have a heart problem now well they found it after rads but it's not bad it is controlled with meds My cousin always made fun of me say she never heard of anyone going so long, she figured I was making it up--But I never missed Christmas with my family even tho I laid down thru most of it--I still listened and laughed. Didn't mean to rant--but I really think that is what makes me still have so much pain and the aromasin doesn't help matters. And it caused havoc inside my system, but I'm all in remission and they didn't think it would happen. So I was meant to come here and aggravate all of u on a daily basis.

    There have been some great DOTD this week and I'm going to try one on St. Patrick's day I always have a drink with my SIL he's half Irish, 1/2 Italian-Oh what a combo--he's wonderful.

    OK it's snowing here now and there is a huge St. Paddy's day parade in our area where we used to live that everyone goes to but it's usually nicer out, but they can stay inside one of the storefronts cuz they know them--It's never been this bad for the parade--it's a long one too--then they all party after.and sleep it off wherever they are. Joey will be at my other DD's house-so they'll be all over the place today.

    OK I've talked to much--I'm waving to everyone (really, too) LOL


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Oopsies...fell flat tripping over Aly, Red and your new avatar! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Cyn I just saw the pics---LLLOOOVVVEEE them/ Thank you.

  • ChgoDeb
    ChgoDeb Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014

    Thank you!  If feels great to be done with the rads! No, I'm from the Chicago area.

    Starting tamox on Monday. My MO wanted to start me on Femara even though I have oesteoporosis.  I wasn't comfortable with that, so asked to go on tamox for at least a year or 2 and then switch to one of the IA. I've learned more from these discussion boards, than from my own docs...for example, MO said don't worry about brand/manufacture of the tamoxefin, but I've seen several posts about Teva being the best. 

    Also, just curious, was anyone's RO there during radiation treatments?  I saw my RO only once during the 4 weeks of treatment; I mostly dealt with the techs or nurses.  Love my RO, but think she should have been around more; very disappointing.

    Sorry to hear of the issues some of you are going through....hang in there...brighter days are ahead.  In the mean time, have a drink!Happy  Enjoy the weekend Ladies!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Awe Cyn thanks!  Just an update on the old  The munchkins are what was the baby ( on the left) and bigger nieces.  Amazing how quickly they grow!

    Love the holiday snaps!  You goils look great!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image I found this pic of Stella too.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Cyn!!! You falled down. Yay, just stay still, it's nice down here. 

    TENDER!! 6 more DOTD'S an 2 nonalcoholic kinds for Aly. Yay. That was quick.

    Lubbed lubbed da pics. So beautiful - all of you!!. Shoulda kept Stella away from da booze tho. You know how she is!

    Cami, come on down. Wese all in bikinis an we look like 21 year Olds - all tanned and buff. Ders somting bout dis floor dat makes it werk! 

    K, back to cleaning, boo. See use in turdy mins. Next break!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Ooo Chrissy love that new avatar. You all look happy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    SaTURDay?It has gotten so warm here
    that the snow is steaming!Amazing how
    much a little warmer weather makes life look happier.Even got a little energy to put into house
    keeping (already got the bed linens washed and on the line, load of dishes
    going, one kitchen shelf cleaned out and reorganized).Even considering taking Sadie for a walk

    ORLA--there is
    supposed to be a system that monitors the prescription refills of people on
    MaineCare and denies approval when a new script is filled too soon, but since
    narcotics need a new prescription every time, it doesn't track narcotics well.Crazy system.Heroin is getting more prevalent here in Maine again, lots of people
    addicted to prescription drugs turn to heroin.And yeah, the DEA does hang around certain doctor's offices, and the
    methadone clinics.We've got 3 of them
    in little old Bangor, Maine.Prayer for
    the job and interview!

    Goldie--These folks
    are in their 50's at the most.The
    hospice diagnosis was COPD.The
    "emergency" admission was because he finally flash burned his face
    smoking with his oxygen on.

    Don't forget the
    Disscusion Boards were down for maintenance yesterday.We often have little glitches like favorites
    dropping out of the list after maintenance.

    Aly--procrastination is a big problem for me,
    one that I must do something about, tomorrow, or the next day. . . .

    Cammy--Joey is so
    wise for his age!

    Goldie--Nice week at
    the beach cocktail!Let's have

    Genny--Nice pic, and
    nice post treatment get-together to look forward to!Do you feel more settled now that you have
    your treatment plan?I know I did.


    is down south, in the "other Maine" also known as "Boston
    North".The only Marginal Way I
    know is in Portland.I spent a couple of
    years there in school.Beautiful
    scenery, lots to do.And yes,
    "discharged for cause" is very good "outcome" indeed!If your WBC went super high after the
    nuelasta shot, ask if they are going to decrease the dose this time

    Cammy--if only there
    WAS a deodorant that works like that!

    Red RH--yikes, what
    a ride you are on!

    Goldie--Sadie did
    let me sleep in this morning, until 6 ayem.Prozac is good stuff, I'd be a quivering lump of crying jelly if it
    wasn't for prozac.It's not known for
    affecting balance, though.Your Mom had
    some falls, am I remembering right?That
    shouldn't be related to the prozac.But
    anyone can have any kind of reaction to any medication.

    Chrissy--Heh, gal,
    there you are!Now I see where everybody
    is!Make room for me!

    Hey, gang, Chrissy,
    Alyson and Red RH and providing entertainment with the Tenders' help, lets go


    Cammy--thanks for
    reminding me that St. Paddy's day is coming up.I had forgotten.Need to find
    some green to be wearing. . .

    CynCyn--I saved you
    a good seat over here, great view and really fast service!

    Deb--the standard of
    care when I got rads was that the RO did an exam once a week.Of course that "exam" lasted about
    10 seconds.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Is bin a couple tough says but nows ise on da floor wit Chrissy and Aly, ise feelin bestliest. Cami and Cyn are cheatin. Dey is sittin up. Silly goils. NM we saved youse a spot ober here wit us an I habnt seen our LilFarta Dorkable foreber. Or at least a day or so. Lori and Lara needs to come ober too. I gots spots.

    Ise missin Kat an Bernie an Beans an Mama an Shannon muchliest. (((hugs))

    Mese hopes all ob dem are ok.

    Sssssshhhhhhhhh. Aly did falls asleep. We gonna dwink quietliest now. Hmm?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Hi  goils true it's safer on the floor. Me Mother fell off a bar stool at 92!!'

    Give me a real drink Red might help.

    DH has gone to church and I have gone back to bed. Think I will get the notebook as it's hard to type on my phone and the auto correct is driving me crazier than I am

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Yay Aly is up! We can be noisy again.

    Genny and Princess and Deb, where da heck are ya! Wese all down by da fountain. If youse watched da video you can finds it ok.

    Ise feelin silly today. Is a good feelin. Hasn't been silly in a while. 

    Hey, Chrissy, dey brought jello shooters. Open up sweetie. I only droppin it from a foot or so, derefore I shouldn't get it on ur neck again.

    Mese tired now, gonna gets me a massage and sleeps for a bit. Nite nite. Lubs you all. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    REd I am hereeeeeeeeeee

    Alyson we have a perco fountain come hang out with me

    I just came from ER again I know had a huge flare up got I hope th ebest pain meds and nerve combo

    They gav eme a perco while thre wowwwzer never had one

    LOve th epicccccccccccccccccccssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    lil farta me and u babe next meeting

    Hi Chrissy

    Juliet where r u

    Goldie nice drinks we need tenders

    heres a round of shots and come to the perco fountain girls

    splash ............ splash hic cup oops fart


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Images may be subject to copyright.


    streaming pain meds
  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Lara, the ER again? O nooooo. Are youse ok girl? That pic's caption is too funny, but it's a great fountain!! OK ise up for swimmin in da fountain *hic. I needs a tender tho cuz ise a wittle bit drunkliest, so he be like a life preserver, yes? *burp.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    hi red glad your here

    Who else?


    Oops I just fell off my raft

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Tender! Go rescue Lara! Sokay, it's only 8 inches deep Lara! 

    Pretty quiet Saturday. Hmmm. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Hey, I'm still here…I'm still dwinkin' da wheel ting… chemo till me a gwass of wine white now…..and a widdle xanax on bord… ha! got a couple days left till I gotta take da drip.. drip…drip… den only xanax… oh and virtual drinks!

    Love da fountain!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    nm I got engaged in Ogunquit. Married in Ipswich. My dh is in Peabody.  I'm in Indiana. Far far away. Sigh.  About the neulasta, it's a standard dose. So. Okay for me. This time I will medicate appropriately. My sister will be with me, she's a nurse too. She's been a great comfort.  

    Cami. ... "Lady days" too cute.  Had a patient sneak stuff in her "lady purse". Lol!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Hi Genny. Yay to wine! Lara and I are splashing around in da fountain. Come on over. It's fun! 

    I tink Cami and Cyn are still sleepin on da sand. I had a Tender put a big umbrella ober dem so they don't get sunburned. An I saw Aly and Chrissy on da couches in da lounge. Dey not sleepin, no no no. Dey just comfyest.

    Da waters fine, come on in!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Early St. Patty's day celebration. Cheers girls. image image,

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Alrighty then! That's what I'm talkin bout! My party girls! And y'all are lookin smokin hot in your bikinis.

    Chrissy, who are the 2 little darlings in your avatar? You made me chuckle with your comment "Wees getting a little dry down here!!!!" Reading on, I see the girls are your neices.

    Red, careful where you're swinging that golf club girl!

    Alyson, I hope that tramadol helped. How about a Tender to rub those achy spots? Your Gus knows you like Cami's Katie Kat knows her.

    Cyn, the pics are awesome! And that Stella is something else. And yes, you posted pics with Julie. And Stella and Julie.

    Cami, I LOVE your aggravation, don't ever stop! You did chemo every week? And for 2 years? No wonder you're all flucked up! And you were home alone, again, yesterday? You'll have to let us know which drink you have.

    BCdeb, no RO for me during rads. Saw him just for appointments. So what is the BC before your name? I hope it's not what I'm thinking!

    Well Stella, don't you look darling and oh so innocent, but we know better. I hope you and Julie are having fun.

    Oh my NM, they are so young! I pray that my mom doesn't get burned, I worry so about that! When I was there visiting, I told her I would leave if she smoked while the oxygen was on. But I know she does it now. His COPD must be bad if he is on hospice. Was his face burned bad? I wonder if he will continue to smoke with his O2 on? Yes, my mom fell a couple of weeks ago. I think it's because she doesn't walk much, is obese, and so her legs are not very strong and I think they gave out on her and just couldn't hold her weight, plus her knees are bad. And she sleeps SOOOOO MUCH.

    Alyson going crazy wif her phone. I didn't think we could get any crazier!

    LARA? You were back in the ER? Gosh, my heart breaks for you. got meds that helped? And what was the flare up from? Love the "streaming" pain meds.

    Genny, Friday is the first day of chemo? With so many new goils, I'm getting funcused at who's getting what? Xanax helps you all sleep?

    Princess, ooooh my, someone sneaking meds in her "lady purse"??? Ewwwww!

    Sha-Nay-Nay, you slippin girl! You usually bring "friends" when you stop by! But none the less, is always good to see youse.

    Darn alergies had me up at 1 am. Couldn't go back to sleep, so got up at 3 ayem. Gonna be a looooooooon day!

    Lots of drinks, to get our day started!
