how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another sunny ayem for me
    and Sadie, definitely hae to take he for a walk today.Didn't do that yesterday.We both need the exercise!

    Aly--hope you
    enjoyed the lounge in bed.

    Red RH--nothin'
    better thangood silly and a good
    massage!Sleep good!

    ORLA--been to the ER
    AGAIN?I hope the new med combo works
    AND you can get more of as you need it!

    Genny--Isn't the
    fountain great?We've got a xanax
    fountain, too, that's my fav!

    medicate appropriately for the neulasta you are talking about a fentanyl patch,
    correct?Make sure to be taking an
    NSAID, too, starting the day before the neulasta shot.Glad your sister is able to be there to help.

    Undy--Love the green

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Green Beer

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yes my lymphdemia is bad had a flare up

    On a new pain pill but helps nerve pain

    So I prsy it works

    Red I feel asleep on the float

    Goldie where were u  lets have another party

    I left the perco fountain sitting at the pool bar

    come join

    heres a perco for everyone

    and everyyone gets goldies drink

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    orange...  Bootiful!! Hope I don't fall in and drop my drink!!

    NM..  I took Claritin. This time I will add some pain reliever. More than Tylenol or Aleve. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    I'll have a mimosa please...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    here u go genny

    Now we need are tenders 

    Yeaaa princess is here


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Shannon!!! Love the green drinks! Long time no see. Pull up a stool. We'll make sure no one falls off.

    Tender! Mimosas for everyone! How's yours Genny?

    Princess the percocet fountain is just over there. It ought to do the trick. Just have one of the tenders bring it closer. 

    Lara, sorry for your pain. I saw you snoozing in the tube, so I had the UFO drag a little tiny cloud over so you would be shaded from the sun.

    Cheers goils!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning! poor are you feeling now?  When are you going to bisit Dorty? I want to make a bisit too..but when its warm so I can swim in her pewl and sit by the fire pit at night and get silly with Willie.  

    Nice to  see Undie stop in and with the Irish beers for St. Patty's.  

    Lori, you are the innocent one ......Stella cant even try to pretend to  be any way shape or form.

    BC I think I saw my RO once a week .  It was a quick visit just to check my skin for the most part.

    Aly, trying to type on the phone is a pain in the booty..I think they make the little keyboards for tiny hands. Im always hitting the letter next to the one that I had wanted.  

    Princess, what is the story of you and your DH living so far apart?  Im familiar with Ogunquit and Peabody..grew up in MA and moved to ME...but now in FL.  No more cold!

    Genny good luck Friday! 

    Cami where are you?  LilFarta??

     Sure loving these day hours..I got off of work at 230pm yesterday and met some friends from Maine down at the beach for some drinks...I had all of my drum circle stuff in the car as that is where I was going to move on to after the meet up..well, they convinced me to go back to the house with them which is a bit far to travel after a few drinks or 12 so I spent the night.  Needless to say my hoops came out at one point and my new flow wand..I would have missed playing with my toys. 

    Love my breasties!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    I think I'd like a massage on the beach while having my 2nd mimosa 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning all-

    Genny I'm joining you for a massage right now----oh feels good and I'm on my $$%^&% mimosa -who's countin'?

    Lara u poor thing--u'r LE? Is this job t much for u?

    Oh Goldie u are the innocent one, u'r so damn sweet and I feel bad u'r so far from u'r mom but I bet u wouldn't do much good if she's going to do what she wants anyway. I'm sorry

    Shannon OMH how nice to see u and tanks for da green stuff---

    Princess now did u say u'r sister's a nurse too. Egadddsss u 2 can take care of each other all de time.

    I'm floating in de fountain dat Lara show us and feels good.I need more perc today.

    Red u'r not feeling so good are u, and I'm sorry--it stinks, but not as bad as Dorky'w farts just member dat.

    NM u amaze me how u still hang u'r clothes outside that's exercise in itself with u'r arms. We're not warm here yet. tomorrow.

    I want eberyone to feel good today---my kids have hangover hahahaha--jello shots early (green) and green beer later--they stopped when they ran out. they're both sick, LOL Neither one can take it anymore--babies already--they drop Joey off at Jodie's and then they drink--they don't like Joey to see them drink or drunk hahaha .  opps u see I took some painy stuff so I'm rambling--Geeze I wish I could meet all of u and ramble face to face.

    Lori with all those lousy kinds of chemicals, and rads and meds I think too my insides are all effed up and they dan't do much about it I do hear sometimes would u rather have cancer? from the Drs. so this is how I am.

    BBL   LUBS to all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Cyn my screen was jumping so I had to stop typing but I wanted to say Hi and Oh I enjoy seeing pics of everyone then I know how happy u guys are. I love it.

    Oh I had the furbabies by myself last nite---our Sox slept by my feet and Katie-Kat slept right on top of me ooohhh but they were so good.

    OH my oldest brother Nick and his wife came back from Fl. early he has a broken hip--now he did fall it just brok so he needs a new hip--see I said usually they fall and "break a hip" but I think it's the other way around--he was sitting dow and all of a sudden he felt like a knife go thru his hip, He is 80 so maybe it was time.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    good morning girls! well it de pee em but I jest got my ewwa outta bed so morning to me! Someone stole an hour from me last night and I was partaying so hard that it was 5 aye em before I saw my pillow and my eye lids! 

    You goils been biddy dwinking, wow wtg! I have to drop the kids off at de pool but will be back a widdle later, k? 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    oh, I am DorK again. That lilfarta goil was jest toooo ugly to look at hehe. And she stunk up de place! 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Yay the real Dork has returned. Very nice avatar girl! Saw a pic like that with Cyn and you. 

    Pull up a stool, we've totally given up on mimosas and I've got a JD and Coke with your name all over it. 

    ((((hugs)))) I've missed you.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    I'm going to meet dork fried egg day so excited

    We r going to get very drunk

    And put lampshades and toilet paper all over our outfits

    Prayers for kat we miss u

    Bernie to st pattys day soon I like how u explain the holiday there

    Red yum this drink is yummy

    Hii cammmmm miss u to

    Not much for scary movies this weeken

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    jest sitting here at de percotini fountain with the tenders. wese all on de floor and de tenders are loving on me. where is everyone? geez, partay poopers you goils are. I bin waiting for hours to sumbuddy to join me. I got a big bong, anyone wanna hit? oye vay, mese stoned and dwuk. What Pants? Crack pipe, uh nooo tank you, me too skeered to do that. But I share mese willy with ennyone who wants to partake in de partay ~hiccup~

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    wearr emm i? oh meeeese oooooooooooo mise ~ %&** hiccupptinkMese drank2muchliest, dern er it. ~hiCC u p ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; zzzzz z            z z z z z     z z z z z  z zzzzz              Z Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz gulp hic ooosies farsie oops hiCC. wherr am me at? uhhh ohHH moler flucking aye, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    dis ~hicc up    wat habbin wen ue leab me bye mesedarnEFFINsailf, chit. 

    word " it nebber habbened" unword. lub ye all in spite of being left alone n deserted hiCCu bye all tendars, wenchies n loungettes. 

    ober n out. back to floor me go. 

    hicccup                                 hiccUUP                             erp                  sniff sniff hiccccUp zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning and Good night Dork---been partyin'? I did mine early can't last as long as I like.

    Lara  u really meeting Dork Fried-day" Woot Woot for both of u--again I love it--pics pics pics

    Well it's going to be 50 today and more snow tomorree--LOL we're slowly springing into Spring--very slowly.

    Dork u had a great time all by u'r self--I feel better today than yesterday--bad bad day. I hat those, they don't last tho so I'm happy.

    OK my first Good Morning BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Getting up in the dark
    again.Blah.Snow coming mid week.Blah.Enough already!

    bumped you, right into the arms of Mr Bigger!That patient's face wasn't badly burned, second degree over most of the
    face.There was a guy who killed himself
    that way some years ago here in Maine.Does your Mom have the obligatory "No Open Flames" sign
    up?Reminder that a cigarette is a n
    open flame.Needs to be 10 fee away from
    the oxygen and oxygen tubing.And
    yes,still smoking with oxygen on.Both of them, actually.Expect to hear the house burned down any
    day.Nice table of drinks!!!!

    ORLA--good thing
    that percotini fountain is mobile!LE
    flare up, huh?So NOT fun. Is the pain
    pill helping?

    Princess--I've heard
    that Claritin can be helpful, but if you had that much pain you will need more
    than that.Let us know how this round

    CynCyn--where did
    you live when you were in Maine?And is
    FL really "no more cold"?Seems I've been hearing about some pretty cold temps this winter!I would so love to see a drum circle on the
    beach. . . Maybe someday.

    Genny--you do know
    how to relax!

    Cammy--I never
    thought of hanging out clothes as exercise for the arms, but it really is!I love the way the clothes smell after being
    outside.Would love to ramble face to
    face!And you are right, the expert
    opinion is that the hip breaks and the person falls down, not the other way
    around.Sounds like your brother was
    sitting down when the break happened!

    DorKable--yeah, an
    hour of my time got stolen, too.What is
    up with that?

    ORLA--So great you
    and DorKable get to get together!

    doesn't look like a very comfy place to sleep!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theLost Time

    1 1/2 oz Canadian

    1/2 oz Ruby Port

    1 Egg Yolk

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Combine the Canadian
    whisky, port, egg yolk and grenadine in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice
    cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Lara, that's awful that you end up in such pain that you have to go to ER. I'm always here in spriit! And Partying of course. I just only have time to post in the mornings (usually). But yes, let's PAR-TAY!

    Princess, if you fall in, one of the Tenders will catch you. Oh I hated those Neulasta shots, my legs would hurt the most, and felt like jello.

    Oh how sweet of you Red, to make sure Lara was shaded.

    You got that right Cyn, no innocence in that Stella what so ever! How fun if you get to go and bisit Dort, and get sillie wif willie. I'll bet you and your freinds had a blast. No pictures???

    Cami, my mom is VERY bull headed. And YES, she will do what she wants. What a stupid thing to say, "would you rather have cancer?" That is awesome that your DD does not want Joey to see them drink or be drunk. Hangovers suck! About the hips, breaking first, then the fall. I believe that too. So sorry it happened to your brother though. Sorry for the bad day yesterday, and glad they do not last and your are feeling better today.

    DorK, I so so happy to see that purdy face of yours and not that LilFarta one. Glad you got rid of her, but it was phunny. How you stay up so late just floors me!

    Oh wow, Dork and Lara on Friday, FOR REAL??? You can get drunk and wear lampshades, but maybe pass on the toilet paper? Where are you ladies meeting up at?

    Dork, at least you are still hot, even when passed out. I hope you got to bed early enough to get up for work.

    Glad tht Mr. Bigger got me yesterday morning NM. NO, no signs at my moms. She has a friend that comes sometimes and stays for days, she smokes, as does my son who lives with her. And if she is in her bedroom, smoking of course, she usually has the door closed.

    No lost time for me, he he!! I did get plenty of sleep last night tho. Had some beers, took some OTC night timies, and in bed before 7, and up at 5 this ayem. Yesterday DH and I got our tent out and put it up. Too funny, but finally we got it. It really is easy, but not the first time! Hoping to get to go camping this coming weekend.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    good afternoon all from sunny england,  took stella to chester zoo,saturday but it was so cold she refused to come out of the bag.  got my wedding outfit,  gone back home with my parents so can'tshow you\!    mam got hers too, so all we need is the invitation..    dad had a great birthday, its today but we celebrated saturday.    

    had a flare up of pain , so was able to buy voltaren and tylenol with codeine otc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    joey- i love that boy,he's a perfect gentleman

    on the good news front, baby sister just had the all clear ,so 8 years frb freeHappy

    lara and dorty together    woo hoo

    speak to to you later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    OMG, where is everyone today? Camille? Happy to read you having a good day mi' dear, I love ya. And Good God, do I love that Joey, I think we all dream of a man as caring and sensitive as your lil guy. God Bless him! 

    Julie, be weary of Stella saying it is too cold to come out. She prolly planning a big arse partay in your bag with all that stash of JD she brought. I was showing my vacation pics to my Dad last night and he asked if you were single lol. I told him you were married so that he would not make me stalk you. He said you are quite pretty, I told him he was too old for you but he said no way, you are just perfect. He is so cute! eseicaly when he is in jail as I call it. He gonna be there for awhile it seems. How are you feeling? I hate when pain rears its ugly head when traveling, same ting happened to me. I had to pit stop for a bottle of advil on the way back to the airport cuz me ate all me narcotics and did not bring enough it seems. ooops. 

    Red, saying prayers that your heart is ok, Keep us posted. 

    Genny and other new goils, thanks for being here. You all taking care of tings for us old goils who bese mia. 

    Hi Undiecove', nice to see you. 

    Lori, I am used to getting little sleep on work nights. I hate going to bed since I have to get up and go to work. ick. I am taking a break cuz I have to make a call to a bazilliionaire and decline him and mese skeered. Dude and his wife live in NYC, they make 45k a month between teh two of them. The issue is that they live in a three unit co-op, four units are the minimum we finance. oops on the sales consultants part for not asking. but I get to take the ear ful of bs over it. I hate filthy rich people. I was viewing the appraisal and they have freaking servants quarters in the place, punks should give me money vs the other way around. no money from me, they get the old decline aka dklein! hehe!

    oh Lord, gotta fly, work is calling my name. I say no buddy home but dey finded me. cheers, love and peace to all mese goils! sorry if I missed ya or forgot yer names, mese dwunk! notting new dere teheheh!

    Titties up if ya got em! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Goldie I'm glad your here in spirt

    Yes I think fried egg will b the day

    Hi can worked my 6 hours today r u still working?

    NM any crazy cases?

    How r those people I wonder

    This is nucynta they gave me pretty powerful crap

    Where's the party Chicadas

    Oh I did not get another interview with that phone interview it was due to where I live I think they were looking at candidates everywhere oh well what's meant to b will

    I have this job and school

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    O Lara, so sorry to here about you not getting that job you wanted. Another will be just around the corner, and much better than that one. You and Dork can party the blues away!

    Julie, I didn't know that Tylenol C wasn't available in the states! Really? When I come to the states next, I'll bring me a bunch. And you'd better not put that stuff in your bag. You know how Stella is!!!

    Dork, really? 3 or 4 hours sleep isn't enough girlfriend. Even if it's cuz u hate the thought of going to bed cuz you have to wake up to work. I know that one. I used to do it every Sunday night. Too funny about your dad and Julie. Umm what about your mom? Lol. So far I'm ok. Had a big talk with my RO today. Took my DH and my DD to the appt cuz I have a bad case of CRS - can't remember chit! Got a bunch of answers that made me feel better. Next, the heart results, but not sure yet when I get them. And hell yes, toilet paper dresses!!!! Have fun Fried day!

    Lori, the UFO was there, the cloud was there and I didn't want Lara to burn so...what can I say? I love camping, the smell of the fire, cooking over it, coffee tastes so good in the wilds. But my DH and I have become a bit spoiled and its not the same without kids. Now we camp in the back 40. We don't really have a big yard, but behind the pool is an area about 30x45' with a firepit. We set the tent up, sit on the picnic bench in front of the fire with our furfriends and play cards, read or just talk. I do breaky on the barbecue nowadays, but dinner is usually over the fire. We love it.

    Cami, sorry about your bad day yesterday. What was happening? Again. I have to say what a sweetie your Joey is. And although I'm fairly impressed that your DD doesn't want joey to see her drinking, he's so smart he probably knows. Kids know everything we want to hide. Hope today fared better for you. ((Cami))

    NM, we got more snow yesterday, but today was pretty nice. It went above zero anyway. I wish I could hang clothes out to dry, but I've never mastered the trick of not having them stiff as boards when I take them off the line. It would be good exercise tho.

    Aly, Chrissy hope you will both have a lovely day.

    Genny, Princess and Shannon, Partay!!!!! 

    To all I missed, hugs.

    {{{{Bernie & Kath}}}}

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone

    It was 50 today---yay finally. snow tomorrow

    Lara I never even heard of some of these pain meds u get, but as long as it hels u who cares.

    Julie I can't believe u'r over the pond now. Whoa and they sell codeine OTC there boy sounds good to me. And U'r having a good time, please try to stay well when u'r there so u can enjoy--and u know not to trust Stella.

    Dork finally we see u'r bootiful face again, u'r so silly, I don't know how u can stay up and then go to work all day.

    Lori I love how u and u'r DH like the same things like camping--I never liked it and yet  I know people who still go and love it.

    Helloooooo  to eberybody, don't mean to miss nyone so again I'm waving HELLLOOO (really, I am)

    Lubs Lubs Lubs u all

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    By popular request here are the boys 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Here's another one of Jake for luck. .