how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---NM that DOTD sounds mighty--mighty anything wow is right. And good weather is coming here too, it's going to be 70 Saturday??? I hope so. And now I hope things are better where u work for everyone but especially u and enjoy this weekend like crazy--I am I'm going to sit outside maybe.

    Julie I don't think u check ID's they'd really love u in a bar as a bouncer for the youn ones. How are u liking days now?

    Lori I swear I laughed out loud today again when I read what u call Erin or whoever--Honest to God u'r so funny. I'm LOLing as I writing this. And I'm so glad to hear this news about Sue, it's a much better case scenario to me--I'm still praying cuz I'm not stopping for Kat and Bernie too. Now when I pray I turn the sound off of the TV so I'm serious and I've been saying Novenas lately too. Haven't done that since I was a kid.

    Oh and Erin with her grill and her strings, oh mese Oh mice.

    What is lite chemo? I never heard of that. Princess it sounds like a beer. I hope it goes well tell us how u feel.

    Genny will be to busy and happy to write much but I hope we get more pics I love Nora's hair.

    OK Lara if u'r working today rest when u get home.

    Well I'll close for now I slept about 2 hrs last nit or this morning chit--I will b miserable in a little while.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Goldie..... Herceptin weekly with carboplatin and taxotere, in addition, on the third week. 

    So the herceptin makes me gave headaches and watery eyes and nose, so i call it chemo light!  The other, which I call draino, is what kicks my ass. You know I have run marathons. This shite sucks!! Just sayin!

    Gooood morning dears!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    cam I worked I'm resting

    Wacko Jacko lol

    Goldie u have trips where do you go again?

    Princess hugs 

    Lite beer omg

    Juliet working days 

    Nm yup nice here got the windows open

    Idk I can't think on the phone all day with work work

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    what's the pepper dish cam

    Wacko a string got caught ih no

    I pulled on something today

    Sue hugs

    We prob should not pull on things ick I squished my nipple done to some black thread I pulled on

    I hate bandages gauze tape blah 

    I'm crazy talking

    About nothing

    K love u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    hot peppers??????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    LOL just plain fired bell peppers and fried up fo sandwiches, that's all. But when I was talking to my sister she told me how she makes them and everyone loves them and it's really easy (she knows I've had hers before) she give me the exact same way I make them--goofy we were taught by our mom as I told her and she says like-- OH yea we have the same one. Lara when it was all our family we always had hot peppers too, but I just make mild cuz a lot of people don't like hot peppers or can't eat them.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hilow goils, happy thirsdey! 

    Lori, I have to agree that humpdey was jest skipped right over this week, not sure what happened but no hump dey here either, went from twosdey to thirstdey just like that. And I only let you call me Wacky because it entertains our dear Camille and thanks for that disclaimer I am lol I tink. ANd did I told you I used to take offense to a name given to me at work which is Loca, I guess it grew on me as Wacky is sorta. How bout mese be Erin Wackovich? instead of Brakovich? I like how I just change up mese name and all de goils address me accordingly, well cept you who may continue to call me Wacky, short for Wackovich! dooy  boinga goes mese brain hiccup~ I can FB you the pic of the ultra sound and if you have time, you can crop out Erin Jr's real name. 

    NM, I also cracked up at you tailing Cammie that she can give one voice in her head the zanax and the other a pain pill, I still laughing mese ass off. I am sooo sorry that there is more drama at work. Why can't people jest shut de phuck up and do their jobs without making trouble. I feel bad for you, hope this passes quickly. Is that facility from hell one of many you work with? I hope the care gets better, I know just how much you care. You are a great nurse and I do not know anyone that is more passionate over the job they do. Sometimes we jest have to get go of those tings we cannot control as in mese fabrite prayer, de serenity prayer. As much as I lubs it, I would not wear it hehe! Hugs to ya (((( Kim )))))


    well I might wear it like de goil above but only if mese did not have a muffin top which mese do! hehe!

    Julie Julie, I know you are not checking ID of the boyz ya post but I do not care, they might be a tad bit too young for me but they sure hot and fun to gawk at. And Lori is right, the time we had together was tooo plucking short. Seemed like you came, we dwank, ate chocolate, dwank more, than off went you and Stella. BDW, I still look at those pics I took and Stella looks so happy in yer handbag. Is she behaving? I take you still have her? And CAMILLE, wtf happened to flat Stella?  Cyn was asking me and I tailed the truth, she went to you den nessapeared. Our dear Allison aka Tanya Harding, hand painted her. Iffin that young lad Joey felled in lub with her, it is okey, just say so. Julie, make her spill de beans! hehe, love you Jule ♥ and de other goils are right in that you do not say much but your appearances are always stellar, just like you. 

    Lala, oh mese oh mise, what you talking bout thread? Yer nipple did not fall for de dogs to eat now, please tail me it is still in tact. And I been praying for you to git comfy and feel good. I hope yer pain meds are keeping any and all pain away. I always feel yer pain as I know you know what it like to be Erin, ya know, me Erin from de other block.  Hugs to you too, make that gental hugs, not to be funcused with genital tehehe. 

    Mese dad sayed to me today to put down the crack pipe and talk to him. I was like wtf? then he told me he was watching I thinkk Maury Povich or one of those crazy shows with crazy people talking crazy chit. I jest had to share that useless bit of info. 

    Camm, I do miss having pau hanna with Wahine and seeing Biker Babe Bad Ass Bernie when she wakes up in de middle of my night. All I can do is pray for both of them. I pray for Kat's DD often and sometimes cry whilst praying as I tink of mese own daughter. I am glad that all ye goils are still hanging around. seems the HTL as we once called it has morphed into something a little different than what this place was when I stumbled in here. At the end of the day, it is still and will always be a place for all of us survivors to get together and support one another. And all the while, gitting dwunk as we can. Oh, I foygot to mention how cute that story was about yer DD and yer SIL, I just lubs all of yer people like they are mese own people. And I still plan on making it to Chicagoland for a visit. I hope you are having a D free and painfree day, you deserve it ma' dear lady. I lubs you. 

    Sue, awesome news that the number of treatments is decreasing and the number of lesions has decreased too. I pray that the number comes down to a big fat goose egg soonliest. I love your spirit and will to fight. I say it again and again, YOU GOT THIS GOIL. I am mighten proud to call you fwend, I lubs you so berry much. I hope you find a minute to poop in here iffin you only say high, that bese great.  HUGS to ya, Pwoud Mary, keep doing us pwoud! yippee, clink, I will dwink to that (which btw, I will be having a few shots of tequilla again later tonight in yer honor). 

    Oh gosh, I have to hit sent before finishing up. Seems my fingers jest git carried away after jest one stwong dwinky-POO. speaking of, and Cam can appreciate this one - those dern anti'b's I take giving me the big D. So todey while gitting ready to visit mese doctor, I went to go pee. I peed, got up, pulled up mese pants then stoopid me farted but actually sharted. Ye know what a shart is....hate when that happens, spayshally after gitting out of de darn shower. So yes, I have to go and eat so I can take mese anti b then shart, fart and chit some more. Life is grand. Well for now as mese Dad took a road trip to mese sister house for chow chow chow dis night. kk, gotta run for realziesbut be back to finish up. I know ye all fercited hehe. 

    CHEERS! and ps, where is that new goil, has not seen her sincen a few days ago I tink. 

    Ok, more cheers coming yer way. 



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Princess, you poor dear, hearing you say you feel like you are under the influence of draino makes mese heart sad. I hope you hang in there. You will get through this no matter what, keep smiling and as I say "fake it till ya feel it", meaing happiness. You will soon be the Warrior Princess, k? Sending you some cyber huggles. 

    I hope Gennie is having a fab time with that sweet widdle grand baby of hers. She is such a widdle cutie pie that one. And yippee, it won't be long til I no longer have that ole grand mom envy issue, wooop wooop! 

    RED, saying prayers for ye and for ye heart (yep I said the word, fart does not seem appropriate for this one). I was glad to see yer face pop in here and hope to see you soonliest. YOu are berry funny and make me laugh. Please do not be a stranger. 

    I am missing CynCyn too but I have been in contact with her. She on hiatus from here I guess, we did not talk about that subject. 

    I always miss enny goils who used to be here and no longer report in.  There is Kymn from Canada, mese fella NHL fan then there is or was that goil who went away for surgery then nesspared for ever. And does anyone remember the goil who got a DUI whilst driving home from her pre-treatment session? I never foyget mese goils even if a brief encounter and all in spite of mese heavy dwinking!  

    and finally, thanks all goils for your kind words, suggestions and support for issues I am having with mese parents and with mese EJ (again, EJ is Erin Jr who is preggers with Erin III hehehehe). I love you goils and am thankful to those of you who continue to come in here and remain loyal cyber fwends. I smiled at mese computer todey cuz ye all lib inside it and mese was smiling atcha all! ok, time for a hicccccccup dwink! ps had some retail therapy todey, tail ye all later, still have to eat more food n pop that monster FN pill, ick ick ick!

    One more ting, this is for Lori aka Goldie. I asked mese Dad if mese was talking his ear off this week and he said yes. I thought how cool it would be if I can take a photo of him and cut and paste his ear from his face to say uh,,,, his lap or something. YOu know, like that chocolate easter bunny that goes around every year with a bite from its ear and he says HUH< I CANT HEAR YE!! hehehehe BurP oops, essscuuuuze em wah! 

    Cheers! again, sincerely, 
    ERIN de PageHog oink! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    well just finished my 2nd day shift, have a class tomorrow so early night, will be back tomorrow

    hope everybody is having a good day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Julie rest well  ThumbsUp

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this

    Goldie--things are
    getting better at work, still a little slow, but things will pick up soon
    enough.Very good news about Sue,

    Cammy--yup, 60's,
    maybe 70's over the weekend and early next week.Hope to see lots of drying out going on along
    with the melting.

    Princess--so not
    fun, chemo is.

    ORLA--I'm waiting
    for when I can leave the kitchen door open when I go to work, so Sadie and get
    outside while I'm away.Almost there!

    are getting better at work.Now Medicare
    is changing the rules, gonna hear about that this ayem, should be
    interesting.Put down the crack pipe,
    hmm?What are you doing in your off duty

    Julie--hooray for
    day shift!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Lemon Drop

    There was a big
    discussion about lemon drop recipes here in the HTL a while back, it was fun
    seeing all the different recipes!

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 cubes Sugar


    Add sugar to the rim
    of an old-fashioned glass, and drop a cube or packet of sugar into the bottom
    of the glass. Pour vodka and lemon juice into a stainless steel shaker over
    ice, and shake until completely cold. Pour into the prepared old-fashioned glass,
    and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM now u'r making me laugh (out loud) directing a statement to a certain person who's called all different names. LOL.  Good DOTD NM, like that one. And yes u are off for 2 days with some good weathr for u and Sadie. I'm sure u'll find a lot to do but at least u'll rest from work.

    The kids got all the deck furniture out and cleaned yesterday so hoping the weather does what it's supposed to and it's  me and the peppers today--Oy vey. The weather has been super nice, but I'm still wrapped up in my blankets so this better stop too. Joey asked me if I could go without the blanket for the party--boy that kid worries to much. LOL Then he throws in cuz it makes me look like a granny and old cuz my face doesn't have wrinkles. Yea right--brat.

    I hope everyone has a feel good day today and can get out to enjoy the weather,

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Holy shit I just spit my coffee

    erin your dad is fking hilarous omg lmao....................................

    I t is taking me every ounce of fking energy today to get my ass to work

    im so fking tired

    god how long does it take your body to get back to normal wtfffffffff

    I feel like Im 90

    Dh says hes divorcing me he had hes period that day im like do whatever I cant even move lol


    NM ok ill take sadie when the doors open no problem heres a hug for u

    Oh erim you going to b a grand ma r u going to have to watch the baby I loved your daughters room I slept there zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    I need willie

    k hope I can get my ass to work




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    funny pictures

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    funny pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Lara I hope u have some kind of decent day and when u come home just relax and look forward to that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, I hope you can get enough sleep tonight to enjoy the party tomorrow and have your jello shots.

    Princess, I do know that you run, and you will run again. Thanks for explaining the chemo "lite".

    Lala, I have no trips planned. Only to go to Phoenix when our truck is bixed. Going to town later tonight, Hondah Casino has ABBA (tribute band) concert. You have strings now too? Sutures no doubt? DON'T PULL ON IT!! Troubles with your DH?

    It's Wacko, not wacky. Are you asking me if I can crop out EJ's name on the ultra sound? If so, yes I can. Why did they call you Loca? Put down the crack pipe! You went to the doctors yesterday? How is your tummy doing anyways? I mighten be able to hailp ya wif da picture of your daddy and his ear in his lap too.


    Hi Julie, are you liking your day shift?

    Lemon Drops are VERY yummy NM, have you ever had one?

    Lara, that dress is NOT flattering! And the one on the cheese...WTF???

    For my Willie wanting girls, a friend posted this on FB, she actually ordered it at a local pub, Liquid Marijuana.

    Edited to put in a picture from the internet, wouldn't let me post hers.

    1/2 oz Captain Morgan® spiced rum
    1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    1/2 oz Malibu® coconut rum
    1/2 oz Midori® melon liqueur
    12 oz pineapple juice
    1 splash sweet and sour mix

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    ewww, Lara, next time I buy cheese I will be checking to make sure that the products around my choice are not squashed as in having a big EW(N)WA sitting on it ~gag~! 

    Camille, I hope you enjoy tht partay tomorree and git to eat ebery red jello shot you see and hoping it a lot of them. I love ya lady. 

    Lori, I will try to send you those pics tomorree or de next dey. I have a wedding tomorrow, I wish I was more furcited about it. I should have fun, it is the prep that is a bit overwhelming for me. I stress out in even going to family events, not sure what wrong with me but it shirly bese sumting ~ hiccup, maybe too much likker? And great dwink, love it. guLp gulP burp gulP oh mese lubs a good willie dwink on a fwidey night, wooop wooop. You are a dear. 

    I gotta fly, time to watch baseball with mese Daddy and portend that I love it like he does. I like it alright though. 

    Hello to all other goils, hope ye all having a great fwied dey night, cheeRs! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    cammi have a wonderful day tomorrow

    erin wacko enjoy your wedding and don't get anything  else  tied up in your dressing

    nm enjoy your weekend and sadie time

    genny and tobbi-hope your both feeling good this weekend

    sue- glad to hear 4 instead of five  and less rads

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Juliet... A toast to your first week on days!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    thanks toobi,had acls class today so thats done and dusted for another 2 years!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014


    hello girls!

    Checking in and trying to ketchup. Still here in Sin City. Fly home in de ayem. 

    Found a new logo for the HTL!!

    Hope everyone is well!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Like the logo 4 that will be are new bar

    Juliet days yesssssssssssssssssssss

    goldie I posted the pic of cheese for my cheesy humor lol

    big sis you have a wedding gawdddddddddd I hate that crap right after surgery I had my brothers wedding with expanders in 2 days before the implant surgery I was not happy I was so fat

    I am taking this dr.Oz weight loss pill I think its working

    Cam some creeppy movie is on now

    Hi princess

    wheres Genny

    who else IDK love u all poop in latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    If you where cowgirl clothes you are ranch dressing lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Lara u'r so cute--I hope u rest well thi weekend.

    I agree with 4--I like that sign.

    Julie again nice thought for u'r first week on days--Cheers---

    Princess how are u doing???

    Genny has Nora right---her darling Gbaby. I think. ?Brain Fart.

    OK here's the thing----Erin whoever----is it all right to go to a wedding so soon when u still have strings and stuff and u'r not healed? I'm serious right this second--oops it passed. but I was just wondering, I don't want u to pull things worse. But I do want uo have a good time really--I like weddings when there is a lot of family around--just being with family is always fun for me--I like Marty's friends they are fun guys and their wives--whoever is still married and his family is OK--but he's the nicest then I found out he was mostly raised by his grandma so he has different kindnesses about him and he still talks about her with love so I'm glad Leslie met him for that reason. BUT I haven't just had an operation on my puka with strings all over and bandages and stuff. So that's what I was wondering.

    Sue I forgot what I was going to say to u. Damn.

    OK BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Lovely sunny, warm, spring
    day here, gonna enjoy it!

    Cammy--Joey comes
    out with some zingers, doesn't he?

    ORLA--so much
    drama!Oh, my, Iwonder if that woman ever checked out the
    back side of that dress in a 3 way mirror. . .

    Goldie--Liquid Mary
    Jane?Sounds like legal fun!Have you ever tasted one?Is it good?It sounds good!

    Erin--hope you have
    fun at the wedding!

    Julie--I am looking
    forward to a nice weekend for a change!

    Princess--I'll join
    you in a toast to Julie on days!

    4--great bar you

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle is drinking Liquid MaryJanes today!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Good morning girls! I was up at the crack of dawn, very unusual for me but I went to bed at 10pee emm last night. ohhhh and I slept with mese windows opened all night, bootiful day here too. 

    NM, enjoy the weekend weather and your time with Sillie (Lucky) Sadie. You are both lucky dogs this weekend, embrace the time off and enjoy that willie dwink! hehe.

    Lori, I beat ya dis morning, wooo hooo.

    Hi 4sew, leaving Los Vegas is the pitts but glad you had fun and more glad you got to meet Mema! muah! 

    LaLa, good morning to you. I am not exzachery thrilled about this wedding but my friend wants me there. I will refrain from dwinking, spayshally cuz it cash freaking bar, tacky! oops, did that slip out? 

    Cam, you so cute worrying about little ole me. I will be a good goil, the ceremony is outdoors and the wedding at a vfw hall. I jest sit n eat n maybe have a beer? I doubt it, I do not care for tap beer. I might blow the big wad and have a few but I have to drive anyway so I promise I will keep a low profile.  I am actually healing quite well, woo hooo, me gots a feeling this dern would will finally close. . 

    Princess, how you feeling todey lub? I hope you are not taking a wooping and no head aches, k? God Bless ya sweetie. and I third your toast to Julie for day work. 

    Cheers Julie, and muah to you too. 

    and ick, that dress, oh mese! I have a dress of a similar pattern and said no to it for todey. hehe. I did check the back and make sure mese hiney was not uhh "singled out". and I still crack up at the lady with her sexy self in the cheese at de store, she got brass ones foah shoah! 

    gotta fly, happy saturdey goils. peace and lub, love and peace!  woooo hoooo!!! chEErs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    NM are u OK? or are u just in a relax mode? I hope that's what it is.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Do take it easy at the wedding DorK. Is it family or friend? I see, it's a friend. My step daughter is getting married in about a year, I think she's doing a cash bar. Prior to the wedding, she had asked if she could borrow 10K from us, of course the answer was no, but if you need 10K to pay off debts, why would you plan a wedding? I think they should just go to Vegas or something. Send the pics whenever, and I will try and do what I can, when I can.

    Yep, 5 o'clock somewhere! Safe travels home 4, did you go to any shows?

    LaLa, Dr. Oz pill, for real? LOL ranch dressing.

    Ok Cami, did you get those peppers done? I'll be waiting for some pictures of you doing a jello shot. I hope you have a GOOD day and can enjoy the party. Is Joey going to be there?

    NM, no I have not embibed on the liquid Willie. It does sound pretty yummy, but quite sweet.

    Julie, I'll toast to you too.

    WOW WACKO, you DID beat me! I am totally shocked!

    Gonna try and do some work outside today, but it's suppose to be windy all weekend and most of the week. 35 mph winds, so gusts even higher. BUT....that is our spring, wind, not rain.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Thank you all again for all da hugs, prayers, energy.  Lori thank you for posting an update.  I musta been outta my mind a little, cuz it was thot 4 but confirmed 5 lesions...but what the hey...dis Rads gonna knock em all out.  No pressure about the fall...we will see each other again sometime.

    4- I like the sign too and so glad you having a goot time in da Vegas.  That looks like it was downtown, did you make it to Fremont Street?  And what was that u told me in mese car, an alterantive to the phrase 'expiration date'.  I liked it and I can't remember it, do u?  Safe travels home girlfriend!!

    Erin - am cwacking up over Wackovich.  It better then what I sed on ur voice mail eh.  Anywho, hope you and lil Erin daddy come to an agreement regarding her situation.  Where is baby daddy in all this?  Have fun today, but do b careful with your puka.  Ur dad gotta give up watching dem trash-talk shows then looking at u wif da 'snake eye' lol.  I had my grill catch fire...throw it out girl, get a new one K?

    Cami - Jello shots, yum yum, and a little caution thrown to the wind...I say go for, cuz ya never kno.  Have a BLAST and several shots for the way, love cherry!

    NM - Glad things may b looking up.  Anxious to hear what the new rules with Medi-care will b and especially if it will HELP at all.

    Princess - Ohh I feel for you...I remember still those tx's and all the se's.  I called the Taxo/Carbo the bomb was def the hardest on mese body with se's.  Herceptin had little affect on me.  U 1/2 way right??  Here's a big Hugz (((Prn)))

    Julie - I immediately said "my head jes about to pop up outta dat bath water when dat pic of da hunk was taken"...yep, jes dreaming a being under dat youngin heehee.  Tank u!

    Lara - u post some phunny pics.  Was ur dh serious?  Tell me no!

    Have so much to catch up on around da house today.  Already have dishwasher going.  Had a bad day bed from 1p til dis morning.  Even called the RO's office.  Wondered why headache worse after being on steroids.  They upped my dose and I do feel better this morn.  Am also thinking it cud b jes the 'residual stress' from these last 10 days that I jes had to take time out.  But I'm up and at'em today girlfriends.  Hope you all have a FAnTabUlous weekend.