how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Hi again.

    My pepper story--it's boring so u can skip this if u want. I'm standing in the kitchen nd the peppers were in the fridge in the garage in 2 HUGE bags, Joey takes them out and I swear they were the size of cantalopes --I have never seen such big pepper, so I figured they're going to be tuff. After a while I couldn't stand anymore well we have a kitchen bar (doesn't everyone) with stools so Joey set me up there,So he put them after cut, pepper by pepper in the 2 frying pans,When I finally got to the end I was going to cry for joy--2 big frying pans overfilled with sliced peppers, with of course red, orange and yellow ones too. So Joey got them started and we started seasoning--I taught him what a pinch of something was--an old measurement that's hard to explain but u can show.....Then the stirring started _a lot__ and steaming and checking the aroma--Joey took care of that mostly, then the actual frying and shrinkage (it happens not only to men, but peppers too)  then more seasoning and finally done( with the feeling is that all there is) again a man and peppers come to mind--Joey helped me all the way it was a big job cuz so much and I honestly could not have done it without Joe--he was so natural at doing everything--I was so glad--he stayed with me the whole time, doing a lot of the work my sweetheart---and yes He'll be here along with about 6 other kids about his age, so Marty will set up the net in the back for whatever the kids want to do it stays light pretty late now so they'll be busy for a while anyway. It's possed to be like 75 today so that helps a lot. I told u it was boing but someone had to do it and u know I have to splain things, like I want things splained to me. That's why I say word for word, my girlfriend always says here we go--when I ask any question and then folds her arms--every effin time for years and years. I just tell her to shut up. OK--Have a great day everyone--but I'll be back checking in before the party. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I love that story cam

    My neices are going to disney my brother is renting them a pink limo to take them to the airport how cute

    mema u never know with these men IDC

    Yes bring your own erin

    have fun

    went shopping and lunch now im relaxing to tired I ger

    NM u r resting


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    In a pink Limo?  How adorablely wonderful. Oh they're going to have so much fun. The Limo alone is fun. And yes little one rest.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    cammi-don't you ever stop telling stories especially the joey stories ,they always bring a smile to my face, your peppers sound fantastic

    erin-enjoy the wedding, the only people that have free booze in the uk are the really rich, my bil will buy everybody a drink  but  apart from the wine at lunch it will be a cash bar and my family and the facts nobody is driving, they will do good buisinessHappyso glad my niece is being sensible about her wedding, she has issued "orders" to all the family .  her future mil is doing the decorations and making the jam for the party favours and me and my ds are making the welsh cakes ,only 370 of themShockedbut they are cutting costs when can  because they wanted as many friends and family as possible to come for the receptiom  so bought all the bridal dresses on sale(in the uk the bride pays for the dresses). my nephew that got married 2 years ago was the same,this is our budget  , i think their totoal expenditue <$3000 and it was a lovely wedding with lots of good food.

    sue-love you and hope your feeling better today and tomorrow and tomorrow you get the drift

    nm glad the weather is better  ,its going to be in the 80's today here

    tobbi-sorry i spelt your name wrong 

    lori -have you got your truck back yet?

    genny,4,dwill lara,red,aly,chrissy hope your having a good day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    imagethis is my bil ,he's so good to my parents, this is the birthday cake my niece made for him, she's also making her sisters wedding cake

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Good morning loungettes, I've missed you. I have been reading back a bit over the last few days but decided if I try to catch up all the way I'll never get anything posted. I forgot how busy a 3 month old baby can keep you. I am having fun and she is beautiful and I think I am getting her schedule figured out. She pretty much cat naps throughout the day, is somewhat fussy, and does not like to be ignore. As my DH put it, "she is not a low maintenance baby"… However.. she fusses at night from 8-10 and then she goes to sleep and sleeps straight thru till 8 or 9 in the morning. Ahhhh.. which is how I am typing now. I gave her a bath yesterday ( I haven't bathed a baby in 30 yrs) and she went crazy, splashing and laughing… so,so cute. I am tired though, day # 8 from chemo, this seems to be when my fatigue sets in a bit, the Dr says thats about when I start crashing from the steroids. My taste buds seem to have gone on strike too, not sure yet if that will make me eat more or less but I'm hoping for the latter.  I got my mammogram and U/S yesterday of my other boob and all is clear so that's good news. I did not like the lady that did the mammogram, she was one of those people that asks a million questions but never really listens to the answers. Kinda talked down to me like I was an idiot. Oh well, won't be needing to see her again. While I was gone my DH was babysitting and my darling GD had an explosive poop…. teehee… hubby had to do a complete outfit change and wash up. Thanks Nora for saving that one for gramps.

    Erin, have a blast at the wedding tonight even tho not real fur cited about it, that's usually when ya have the best tim, when it's somtin ya don't really wanna do. When you r talking about your dad's ear all I could think of was Mr Potato Head.  Too funny, hope yer chit wit year DD gets all worked out. Who knows, dat baby may make her grow all da way up and figure herself out…babies kin do dat to ya.

    Cami, have a great time at the party, enjoy the jello shots. Joey sounds like a wonderful boy, how old is he? You crack me up, love your work stories.

    Princess, hope your fog has lifted and the chemo crud has gone away. 

    Lala, hope your pain is gone and the dog didn't eat your nips

    Juliet, keep the pics coming, LOVE the cake, would be great for my DH

    NM, Have a beautiful spring day, 65 and sunny here, DH is out golfing

    Mema, praying, praying, praying

    Red, have a super weekend.

    Goldie, have fun at the casino you dancing queen you

    dwill, have a drink, forget those people, negative energy spent thinking about them could be turned into positive energy you can use to fight the stinkin' BC. 

    4sew, glad you got to go see mema, it's 3 o'clock and I just poured an ultra light beer… just 1, but Nora just went down for a cat nap and I'm pooped… so thanks for reminding me it's 5 0'clock somewhere.

    Anybody else I didn't mention, have a good Saturday, i've been working on this post since 6am, gotta hit submit before little fuss as her mama calls her wakes up. posting pics soon….. i'm wooped!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


    and he's got food too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Julie that cake is beautiful--the wedding cake will be too. OK only $3,000.00 American dollars for a wedding. If that's it OMG even without likker here it's way more than that. I'm so happy for u'r family--it's so exciting isn't it. U'll be making lots of cakes? Can we see pics. of them, I have no idea what they are. I just enjoy all the different country traditions so much, they are everyday to u but they are extraordinary to me. I've learned so much about people here, we're all alike and yet all different--just funny.

    Lara I just watched Beyond Loch Ness hahaha

    The kids are still working so hard that our furbaby doesn't like all that commotion and he spends it with me, he knows who's not doing anything all the time.

    Oh this is silly but I had a dream, yes I had a dream and I was working where I used to and all things were busy and I was with some people that had died and told me they missed me--men of course--men always think I'm one of the guys--my whole life dammit--but they were telling all this stuff and then all this pain started to come n my back on the left side with my hip and down, so my mom came to me and said take u'r pain meds and I said I hate to take them I don't like being a baby and the guys were agreeing with her and th pain was getting worse and all I heard was my Mom's voice saying take u'r pills just take them I started to wake up and was in so much pain, I quickly took 1 and 1/2 pills to stop the pain then I thought I hope I didn't take any in my dream, then I thought OMG that would be almost 200 mg of codeine I got scared in real life, so I made sure I stayed awake drinking all kinds of coffee--but it was my Mom's voice so clear and stern but gentle, then I thought she wouldn't let me take double hahaha I know I'm goofy about things. The Italians used to say if dead people talk to u in u'r dreams hat's a bad omen for u but since I was little I've dreamt about dead people who were talking to me all the time so it doesn't bother me any more.  Maby that's why I'm a little off. oops my screen is jumping--bbl LUBS U ALL

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    oh man. I'm so jealous.. Pink!! I only had blue babies. Sigh. Now I'm ass deep in pink... Lol!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Juliet. Fab cake!! Who cares on my name.!  Triple fab strawberry delivery man!  Yummy!!

    Cami... I love Joey and want some peppers! Enjoy the party!

    I sell bakery and candy on the side. I made caramels for the my wedding favors. It saved a lot. We were elegant but frugal. 

    Erin... Have some wedding fun!!

    Lara.. Hope your starting to feel better!

    Genny... Mean people suck ass! 

    I am feeling better today. Day 10 after cycle 3.  Tough one this time. Lost lots of weight. Having some ice cream now. Took my oldest to get his tux for Prom. His first one. He's a good boy. We cleaned out the garage too from winter crap. I finally put the hats gloves and scarves away!!!

    Cami and Lara... Watched Skeleton Key last night. Lol

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    wow i love dreams cam that is telling u something

    I had a dream last night it was a camera like the old polairds and blank pictures were coming out

    then I dreamed of a baby

    I have a tat that means dreams we both love that stuff


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I sorry I type fast im in education I hate grammer errors

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hey girls, 

    Cammy, you crack me up and I tink we all lub your stories. That dream was awesome. I never dream about people who are in heaven but would love to. I always say that dreams are great, iffen it a bad dream, we are like oh hell, it was jest a dream and back to reality we go. But if a good or fun dream, I tink well that was fun, wish I could go back and resume the fun times. I used to have recurring dreams of moving. I would end up in a bad hood or sumting. It took years after my last move for that to stop.  and omg I spit out mese drink when you talk about peppers and shrinkage then say "it happens not only to men, but peppers too". you are a riot girl and I love you.

    Genny, nice to see you. Give that sweet baby a kiss from me. And yes, anytime you get behind, jest jump right in. I am glad you were able to enjoy a dwinkie todey, cheers to ya! Hope you get through the remaining treatments easily and able to keep on dwinking. Enjoy that baby goil, she is sooooo beautiful and sweet. Most babies are a lot of maintenance. 

    Lori, I have to find a good pic of mese Dad for you to work with. And the other, I already have saved. omg that your SD asked you for 10k, like wtf, people think money grows on trees?? I did have a nice time but left pretty early. I told de person next to me that I was going to lay down in mese car and I took off, wooops! hehe! I bought a few drinks then got a diet pepsi, they charged a buck for a soda, could not believe it. Not the most elegant affair but it was still lovely. 

    Lara, you and Cam now have another scary movie bwestie huh? I wish I had the courage to watch them but I do not. 

    Princess, what do you do with the caramels for favors? I jest love anyting caramel. yum yum yum! 

    Julie, you making me berry berry hungry for a strawberry with balls hehe! and that cake is just awesome. Is that man passed out on the 4th hole hehe! Your bil is cute, what a sweetie, glad he is so good to your parents. It must be so hard having so many family members so far away. 

    Mema, very nice to see you love. Keep your chin up lub, eberyting is gonna be alright. So glad you are feeling better today. 

    4sew, I guess you home recuperating from vegas, oh boy, that is one vacation where you need a vacation after the fact. cheers!  

    NM, I know you are having a fab weekend. Seems we are all having great weather and so deserved after the winter we've all had. 

    I hope I did not miss anyone but if I did, just call me on it and I will mail you a big arse bottle of likker, hehe! I love you girls and always look forward to reading here. and dwinking too, why of course! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    cammi -its more if you never have relatives and friends talking to you in your dreams and then they do one night its usually does mean your joining them soon!   several years ago had this lady ,condition much improved , talking of her going to regular floor and the d word mentioned(discharge), well we were talking and she starts telling me how her parents and sister had visited last night in her dreams first time ever ,  kept a close eye on her all day, just continued to improve through out the day, well i'm giving report to the night nurse who had a student with her, so the last thing i'm telling her is how her family visited her in her dreams  last night, the student is looking at me as if ive lost my mind, he was even more surprised when the rn told him they would be keeping a very close eye on her that night because she was their most stable patient.  she was discharged a couple of days later , not sur ewhat happened after as i moved hospitals

    erin, glad you had a nice time at the wedding, i got the offical invite to my nieces today,the fact i have bought my hat ,dress,bag and shoes  already

    tobbi-you will have to post some pics of your creations

    lara-how you doing today

    genny enjoy that babe, they grow up too fast

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It hit 70degrees on my back
    deck yesterday, was lovely and sunny.Cloudy and supposed to rain today, which is ok since I have to do my
    taxes today.Sadie is in Lab Heaven,
    there isa huge mud puddle in the yard,
    she can get thoroughly muddy and turn into a chocolate lab!I got lucky yesterday, after she dried off I
    could vacuum off most of the dirt.Had
    to wash the living room floor 4 times, though. . .

    Erin--open windows
    are nice at night, aren't they?

    Cammy--in relax mode
    this weekend!

    Goldie--my yard is
    starting to dry out, but not dry enough to start raking yet.Getting anxious to get out there!

    Mema--the new rules
    with Medicare D will not really help anyone, but it will save Medicare $$.When a persongoes on Hospice, Hospice pays for the medications related to the terminal
    diagnosis and used for comfort.Regular
    prescription plans such as Part D continue to cover the meds not related to the
    terminal diagnosis.For instance, a
    person with cancer who also has diabetes comes on hospice, hospice pays for
    pain meds, bowel meds, anti-anxiety meds and anti-nausea meds.Medicare Part D continues to pay for insulin,
    needles, strips for the blood sugar machine, any pills taken to help control
    blood sugar.

    Starting May
    1st,.Medicare Part D will no longer
    cover ANY medications when a person goes on Hospice.The theory is that the person going on
    hospice is not expected to live more than 6 months, so medications to treat
    other diseases is not needed or beneficial.Problem is, there are many medications that we do not ask a person to
    stop taking, but are very expensive. Insulin for diabetics, for one.There is a preauthorization process that will
    keep the Part D coverage for meds for unrelated diseases, but it means a lot
    more paperwork for me.But, better more
    paperwork for me than people having to pay out of pocket for expensive drugs
    like insulin.

    Cammy--that sounds
    like a great way to eat peppers, I'm going to have to try that!What do you season them with?

    ORLA--yup, relaxing
    weekend, lovin' it!

    wow!Can't wait for a few of those

    Genny--don't try to
    play ketchup, it's not possible!Besides, we tend to cycle back around to the same topics periodically,
    since we revisit those topic 'cuz we forgot what we said the first, second,
    third, fourthwell, you get the idea.

    Suddenly I have a
    craving for strawberries!

    Cammy--I think that is a great dream!I do believe that people who have died can
    visit us in our dreams sometimes.And I
    think family never stops taking care of us.

    Princess--I've heard
    of people making caramels, is it complicated?Some of theloveliest and most
    memorable weddings I've been to have beendone on a shoestring budget.I
    think that people on a budget are more focused on the reason for the
    celebration and thus more relaxed and have more fun.

    Erin--It always
    amazes me when someone talks about someone asking for them for large amounts of
    money.I like the fun dreams, too, very
    entertaining.I'm blessed to not have scary
    ones very often.

    Julie--I've out and
    out asked patients if I would see them again or when they thought they were
    going to die, and almost never get a wrong answer!Paying attention to signs is important.When I worked in NICU, night shift, if a mom
    called in the middle of the night crying after a nightmare, I would go sit next
    to that baby the rest of the night.Usually something happened.And I
    can't tell you how many times we would be in the middle of a crisis with ababy and the Mom would call in the middle of
    it. . .

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Cheerzarita

    2 1/2 shots Tequila

    1/2 shot Triple Sec

    1 splash Orange

    3/4 shot Lime Juice

    3 piece (wedge) Lime

    Add 1 shot Cheerz

    Fill shaker with
    broken cubed ice and squeeze two fresh lime wedges into shaker. Add other
    ingredients and shake vigorously. Rim outside of glass with lime peel and salt.
    Add ice and strain. Squeeze in third lime wedge and garnish with lime slice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Sue, I hope the rest made you feel better. I can' t imagine why would you might be stressed! Don't forget, those rads will make you tired, especially towards the end of the week....MORE REST! (((((SUE)))))

    LMAO at the "pepper shrinkage". So sweet of Joey to help, but then again I wouldn't expect any less out of him, he is a blessing. Waiting for pictures! Sorry you were in so much pain, but glad you had that bisit wif you mommy. I don't think that is a bad omen at all.

    How sweet on the pink limo Lala. Disney World or Disneyland?

    Julie, you said you and DS were making Welsh cakes. When I first read that, I said dear son, then I'm like...I didn't know Julie had kids. Then it dawned on me, maybe she meant dear sister? Love the golf course cake, she did a great job. And the wedding sounds like it will be awesome, with only spending $3000. I wish my step daughter would do something like that. No truck yet, but craving strawberries!

    LOL Genny, sweet Nora saving the explosion for grandpa. Ya, if you ever get behind, just jump in where you can. Dancing Queen, well they did play that, but no dancing from us. I do at home tho, while cleaning with the music way up loud. As for the rude tech you had for the mamogram, I would put in a little word for her at the facility where she is employed, that is uncalled for.

    Ass deep in pink, yep!

    Wacko, YES SD asked to borrow that much. We loaned her money before and she didn't pay it all back, still owes us a couple thousand I think, and she thinks we would give her more??? NOT! Glad you got to enjoy the wedding at least a little bit.

    NM, you and Sadie must be having a nice weekend....ENJOY!

    Spent ALL DAY outside yesterday, playing in the dirt. Today, maybe not. Suppose to have 40 mile an hour winds! Guess I'm stuck inside cleaning...BOOOOO!

    DOTD-Chocolate/Caramel Truffel...with STRAWBERRY!
    Here’s the goodies: Take one ounce each of Alchemy Chocolate Vodka, Godiva Milk Chocolate Liqueur, Caramel Bailey’s Irish Cream, heavy whipping cream and caramel syrup. Rim a martini glass and swirl the inside with caramel. Place a strawberry cut into a heart on the rim. Shake ingredients in a shaker with ice and strain into glass. You’re on your own to find someone to share it with.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Well NM, I guess you and are swimming together again this ayem! I just knew you and Silly Sadie were having a relaxing weekend. Funny how we are all craving strawberries!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    the one in Florida didnt know there were two Goldie

    Wow that's Amazing these stories u have

    So what have people told you before passing they saw in there dreams NM and uf the mom yells about the baby u sit by the baby I'm so interested in that

    Hi Juliet doing good next surgery in 3 weeks I still look bruised etching I'm getting the tat and another scar revision they were tucked up by the old dick more ps weird he did that

    I work tomm no ones in the office ill bring a book it's really boring there when I'm not busy or school work

    Hi genny and princess's

    Ill b at the 5 I click bar


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning everyone. UUUGGGG

    I'm not used to this at all anymore....I conked out early about midnite peeps were here all nite cuz they didn't want to drive and stayed up and some slept, I don't know it was like a haze maze--about 70 people ended up coming cuz people brought people that Marty hasn't seen in years but we had plenty of room cuz it was so nice out. And my one cousin came cuz Marty hung around with him when they were teens plus my girls and me too are very close to him --I hardly knew anyone--and I didn't drink any shots cuz I had to take pain meds--chit--there were about 6 kids here (his cousins) so he had a great time. The kids were outside a little and screaming and laughing loudly and I said to my cousin, that's why I never wanted kids--and I look at my DD1 and said oops sorry. She just laughed like usual. Poor Leslie she was worrying about enough food cuz she didn't plan on that many people but we had enough, just not much in leftovers. And goofy Joey asked how everyone liked the peppers, like they really  paid attention. Oh NM all I use is garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper--it's enough for us and they are not hot.And it was so dumb his cousin took a couple of pics and my kids didn't at all??????? to many peeps. LOL

    Lara and Princess no good scary movies today, but I have NCIS-LA for most of the day so I'm happy.

    I'm so confused Julie I thought u have 2 kids???

    Lori AGAIN I laughed out loud when I read u'r post (Wackey) LOL

    Erin (ahem) I glad u left early so u didn't overdo.

    Oh we're going from mid 60's today to 30's tonite with snow maybe tomorrow. Any one else? Back to my flannel for the week.

    Back to my position of non movement and Everyone have a great Sunday. I'm sure I'll be back

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OH CHIT--no one has been here WTF is this all about? Everyone partay to much or just to lazy, I know everyone is just to busy, well I'm both of the above--leaving the third out.  What a glumpy day raining and now getting so cold too. Winter is back, Ahh who cares really--it'll be gone soon now.

    OH not one scary movie today Yikes--Nothing good was on anyway. Oh I'm just saying nothing now so I'll see if anyone comes on at all for a while and hope I can sleep good tonite.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Suppose you are sound asleep now Cami?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Aly I just woke up--like my body thought it was nap time instead of sleep time. I hate this. It's getting cold again and really droopy out and can not see the BLOOD MOON cuz of all the clouds. So why bother having one--I'm always missing these moons, well like they are just for me. Aly how is everything going?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I knew yesterdaywas going to be dreary, but I was not
    expecting SNOW.Yes, it SNOWED, again.At least it didn't stay, it melted in the
    rain that came after.Crazy springtime

    Goldie--Sadie is
    loving the mud, and living that she gets so much extra attention from me as I
    try to keep her from mudding up the entire house!Sure sign of better weather, though.Oooh, that Chocolate Carmel Truffel,YUM!!!!!So glad the pool is kept warm, I think I'll just float here for a

    ORLA--I've been
    visited in my dreams by people after they passed.First time was my paternal grandfather when I
    was 10.I don't remember the details,
    but I remember dreaming about talking with him after his death and that's when
    the nightmares about funerals stopped.Mom wouldn’t let me go to the funeral, I thought they were terrible
    things for the longest time after that.My maternal grandfather died suddenly one day when he went out to fill
    the bird feeders.He had heart trouble,
    but no one expected that.A few nights
    later he came to me in a dream and told me everything was OK.A friend of mine's little boy died when he
    was 11 years old of cancer, I'd known him since he was a baby, helped take care
    of him as he grew up (he had a chronic illness from birth).A couple nights after he died I heard him
    whisper in my ear that everything was OK now, and felt him kiss me on the
    cheek.All these experiences were very
    comforting for me.

    Cammy--Sounds like
    quite a partay!And those herbs sound
    yummy on peppers!

    Morning, Aly!

    Wow, uneventful
    evening in the Lounge last night!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theBlack Monday

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1/2 oz Black Sambuca

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice


    In a shaker
    half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain
    into a cocktail glass.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    wow that is so interesting NM

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning loungettes, Nora sleeping, DH too, hope everyone is set to have a good Monday after a busy weekend with wedding' casinos, dogs, and b-day parties. This is my last day with my baby, I'll miss her. Her parents don't land till 10:30 tonight so I've got the whole day yet. Here are a couple of pics, and one of toes, but I can't remember who asked for them.




  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014


    Ok, now I can tolerate pink…..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    LaLa, you've never heard of Disneyland? It's in California and is 58 years old. Disney World in FL is 43.

    Wow Cami, that was some party, 70 peeps? And I don't get my picture of you? Even after I told your DD I wanted one? Sounds like Joey was pretty proud of his peppers. You know every time he makes them now, he will think of when he made them with you. We got cold here last night and tonight, in the 20's. Love your weather words, glumpy and droopy!

    NM, what wonderful dreams. I don't think I've ever had any, not any that I can remember anyways. Black Monday, how appropiate!

    Awww Genny, she is so adorable. And you look fabulous too. And how could you not like pink now??? Looks like you still have your eyebrows and eyelashes? Keep in mind, this IS a public forum, so anyone visiting (whether they post or not) can see our pics.

    Wind or no wind, I worked outside all weekend. NO CLEANING at all, except for dishes and one load of wash. Trying my hand at propagating some of my roses, oh I hope it works! I propagate my geraniums, and they are doing good. Pants, be a dear, and get all of us a Black Monday please.



    Right up there with shriveling peppers Cami!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Goldie it's so Monday here too with this lousy weather and I think the Monday pics are so appropriate  and yes my adjectives need work--I I think that's what they are.

    NM u'r dreams are so interesting--they sound so very comforting to me. I've had dreams like that also and it's so peaceful waking up with that feeling of calm. U'r DOTD sounds good, Pants another round please.

    genny gives pink a whole new meaning---she is adorable, her hair is something. Enjoy u'r day with her and BTW another beauty (you) on this thread--u do look wonderful.

    OK I'll bbl with the weather report again.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    aww Genny she's super cute and you look lovely together!!

    NM... Dreams like that are super great and comforting. 

    Cami.. So great you had a good time!!

    I got hit with some super nausea yesterday afternoon unexpectedly 10 days after cycle. I was in bed all afternoon. Sad

    Have a good day everyone!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    lol Goldie now I know Florida of course we r to far for Cali I drove to Florida 

    So cute genny u look great love the babies feet 

    I'm at work uggg

    Princess feel better hugs