how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Good afternoon goils! Happy Monkey dey (to the newer girls, we refrain from saying the dreaded M word here lol). 

    I am waiting for a guy to come and look at my pool. I am having some cosmetic work done on it. 

    NM, good God, more snow? I am glad it went away, ick. It is still quite nice here but we are expecting frost tomorrow night. I hope my flowers do not die. I will prolly put them in my cave for the night as they are not planted. I picked up some beautiful dahlias. I just love flowers. I guess you are looking forward to getting your veggiees planted soon. I loved the stories of your dreams of persons from heaven visiting. Just love it. 

    Oh Gennie, Nora is sooo beautiful. And those feet, the eyes, the hair, everything about her is adorable. Even the pic of you holding her while she is crying is cute. That is a great pic of you, you are gorgous girl. I hope you are feeling as good as you look.

    Lala, you gonna come for a pool party this summer? The pool is not heated but I have a ghetto way of heating it...I take the hose and screw it into my laundry room wash tub and add hot water. It does the trick pretty well but looks tacky with a hose coming out of my window.  How you feeling? Did you get yer pain pills restocked? I feel for you as I know what it is like having all that pain. Hugs to ya! 

    Camille, sorry I did not come and sit with you in the lounge last night. I went to bed reallllly early. I had to fast starting at 8pm since Ihad a blood draw this aye em. The only way to refrain from dwinking was to go to bed hehe. Glad your partay went well but like Lori, I am nessapointed that there are no pics of you. YOu are a bootiful woman and I just love de hail outta ya. I hope you feeling good today love. 

    Lori, what does propagate mean? I have never heard that term. I guess I can look it up. Funny monkey day jokes, lmao at the Maxine, love her. oops, double checks and that is not Maxine but a look a like lol. And gosh it was cold there last night, brrrr. So ready for Spring, not Summer but Spring. 

    Princess, so sorry you are feeling sick, hope you get better quickly. It will be over before you know it. For now, take it easy and rest when you are tired. Sending you some gentle hugs and lots of love. Hang tough, you will get through this and feel better than ever once it is behind you.

    Mema Sue, I hope you are feeling well today. Are you going back and forth to Vegas for your tx or staying there? It will be over soon so hang tough and dwink lots of uhhhhh water? and tequilla too. sending you a hug too. I love ya and am praying for you. 

    Gotta fly in a few minutes, my hot pool boy is here. When we pulled off a corner of the pool cover, a little snake came out of the ground between the concrete and the coping. I nearly jumped in the pool ick.  Anyway, dude is now writing up an invoice, I tink gonna be about 7k, ouch! 

    Hi Aly good to see you poke your head in here. Come back soon and tell that goil Chrissy B that I am missing her around here and to get her arse in here for a dwink with yers truly. GOes for you too, let's have one or two or turdteen (you knew I was going to say that huh?). hehe. 

    One more ting, say some prayers for my widdle dog Bella. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow to have a huge lump on her titty checked out. I am praying it is not cancer but it does not look good. She is doing just fine so I am hopeful that whatever it is can be removed without too much trouble or pain for my sweet puppy. I just love her and she is all I have. 

    Oh, one more one more ting hehe. My DD was here today and we had a nice chat. She still loves me, yipppeee! 

    Ok, tenders, rounds for all. And get our Cammy some jello shots, in strawberry please. and rounds of black monkey day dwinks for all! Peace and love, love and peace. And lots of cheeRs! Love you girls.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    wwww poor dogie Erin

    Ill b there for the party

    I can't even get into what happened today with these god damn doctors it's unrealI'm to stressed to talk about it

    Thursday stitches out

    I worked today I'm not tomm told her I can pick any three days ill go in wed then Friday I need to rest I'm tired

    Cam Juliet genny princess mema 4 

    Idk who else Goldie golden Goldie

    Love u all

    If I missed someone sorry I'm so tired

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    I feel crappy today, just tired and crappy, day # 10 and I felt the same crappy about this time last round. My head is all broken out in zit-like things covering my whole scalp but thankfully none on my face this time. Anyway, felt like whining… thanks. 

    Erin, I'm so glad to hear about your DD, that is great news, hopefully Bella just has a fatty tumor, I've had quite a few dogs with them, how old is she? I'll be praying' for her.

    Princess, hope you're feeling better, chemo sucks… BC sucks

    NM 80 degrees yesterday, 70 today, snow tomorrow…uggghhh

    And everybody else… hope you're havin' a good day

    Nora sleeping, I'm gonna lay down for awhile

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Hahaha…funny Juliet.. I'll have one

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2014

    Hey ladies, relaxing with a glass of Barefoot Crisp White--lovely white semi-dry wine that easy on the palate.

    Genny, I am taking your advice, I'm going to use my energy in a positive way fighting this darn Big C. F-u-ck the negativity that is trying to take over my life. I got better things to concentrate on like fighting the BiG C.    Meanwhile, I'll relax with wine and enjoy reading you guys post!  :)  Love and hugs!  Have a good night all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    dwill I am having a glass of white wine right now as well…ahhh… feeling a little better now

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Hi all. Genny, it was me who wanted baby toes. Aren't they just the cutest things? And so many tiny bones and muscles and ligaments in such an itty-bitty package. They prove the miracle to me! Nora is gorgeous - and so are you. I'm glad you included that pic. 

    Erin, glad you and your DD are getting along better. Hope your Bella is okay.

    NM I totally get your stories about moms calling when their babe is in trouble and the terminally I'll predicting when the will pass. Have u met a ghost yet. Someone who was just hanging around for no rhyme or reason. Hey you're getting more snow too? Sucks, eh?

    Sue, I hope that all is going well with you. I am saying my prayers for you, while working, relaxing, working out. My very best wishes and hopes and caring go out to you.

    Lala stitches out Thurs - maybe while they are doing that, you can question them. Get some answers.

    Princess sorry that chemo kicked your ass today. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

    Cami you had a party with 70 guests? Why wasn't I invited?? Lol. Bet you're glad they're gone now and you can finally relax.

    {{{{Aly}}}} see you soon.

    Lori, I've propagated my geraniums too but never roses. Good luck with that. If you figure it out, please let me know.

    Julie, you made Welsh cakes? What are they? I've not heard of them before.

    Interesting bit of news, my eldest (who had a breast reduction) is fast tracked for yearly MRI's. So she got the results of the first one today. No bc YAY but she has a piece of metal of unknown origin in her breast. No wonder she's been in pain since the reduction. They think it's a staple and she never would have known from mammos and ultra sound. It's too far in. She has an appt with her doc. 

    I have been exercising, but before my first class, I put my back out picking up my runners. How ironic is that?  After a week my boss insists I go to the sports clinic. I appear to have torn my pelvis away from my tailbone. Sacroiliac thing. The muscles are inflamed and won't do nada so my body is relying on the ligaments to do double duty. I go in again on Wednesday. 

    I know I've missed a ton of people, but I have brain fog tonight. Sorry. But know I lubs ya. {{{{huggles}}}}}

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!The weather guesser is
    talking about rain, possibly snow, wind chills, YUCK!

    Genny--So cute!Is she laughing out loud in the 3rd pic?I think I see a tooth, too!Yeah, pink is ok in this setting.

    Goldie--I can't wait
    for the ground to dry enough to work outside.Coming soon, Iknow!

    Cammy--Monday was
    beautiful here, I ate lunch at the riverside down town.Funny seeing the big chunks of ice racing by
    in the fast river water.

    about the nausea, glad you could rest!

    ORLA--I've been to
    Disneyworld and Disneyland, both are great fun!

    Erin--how often do
    you have to snake a hose out your window to warm up the pool?Does the pool stay warm once it's heated
    up?And I firmly believe that Maxine and
    Aunty Acid are sisters, they are so much alike!Poor Bella!Praying the lump isn't cancer.

    ORLA--sounds like a
    reasonable schedule while you get your strength back, stick with it!

    Genny--I can
    understand that you feel like whining, glad you came and unloaded!

    pic!Is that you restocking the

    Dwill--Good for

    Red RH--Can't say as
    I have met a ghost, would like to though.Have questions about the other side to ask!And yes, the snow sucks, out loud!Ouch about the ligaments, etc.So not fair!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theBaby Fingers

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    2 dashes Angostura


    Shake with cracked
    ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, your adjectives are poyfect and don't need any work at all.

    Nora is just too darn cute, I love all of that hair and the color, and those huge eyes. She just looks SO alert! How strange that you and Princess are crashing on day 10? Was always day 3 for me.

    Princess, sorry about the crash, chemo truley sucks! Glad you were able to rest, that is prolly the best thing you can do. I had the compazine, but then there was something I took for 3 days, I can't remember the name of it, Amend or something. That worked really well for me and hardly ever took the compazine.

    LaLa, I still can't believe you never heard of Disneyland, I don't care where you live!!! How do you like your new job, and how is DH treating you? Glad you can pick your days at work and get some rest on those other days. Stitches out? From nips?

    Ms Wacko, propagating is taking a cutting and getting it to grow roots and grow. So I took cuttings from my roses, soaked them in some hormone stuff and put them in some dirt, hoping I get more roses! In case Sue doesn't make it in to post, she is not getting treatments in Vegas, she is going to St. George. WOWSA, 7K to bix your pool? Chit, like you needed that! I do hope lil Bella is ok, and as foy ye DD, we told ya she would come around.

    Julie, you moosta be sending those trucks to Wacko's house?

    Dwill, you got the right attitude now. The big C around here is known as the Rat BasTURD, and then we have FURB, got it???

    OMG Red, that is awful about your DD and staple. How long ago was the surgery? A huge congrats on no RB tho! We can drink to that one for sure. I've tried roses before, but started too late in the year, I won't really know for a while. Once the roots get going, I don't know how long until they are establised enough to plant in the ground. The hormone stuff I used is "Thrive". The issue with your back sounds very painful and serious, can it be bixed?

    NM, you have me laffing about having some questions for the ghost. I can see it! DH and I went to Disneyland on their 50th anniversay, it's the same day and year he was born. I was amazed at how small it is, the whole thing, even the parking lot is only on 40 acres. Nothing at all like Disney World.

    Had a horrible night last night, I hate when I can't sleep! Up from 11:30 until about 3:30. I wish I could get up and do things, but I don't, I lay there and fight it, hoping I will fall asleep. I did get to see some of the eclipse and the blood moon.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Wacko, I came over your house and saw this guy in your yard, I'm like....WTF? Get the hail outta here, you are not the pool boy that was hired.


    And then I found the right one, and he's back now.....


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    LMAO the pics

    sitches come out thurday hate my ps she made my primary give me my pain pills

    my chest is swollwn as always I am seeing a breast doc not PS to see what this chit is

    well PS nurse goes oh this women helps with breast pain telss me now etf

    then PS says let her primary fax request my primary thinks PS is nuts and prob me because he wants nothing to do with it so I look like the pyscho in the middle

    the nurse is faxing the crao for me with out PS knowing

    I hate doctors I do not get it I have no pills left could not even sleep last night its hot and I have my bandages on and stitches I am uncomfortable an din pain no pillls im miserable I have black circles under my eyes


    poop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    oh and after months I get this refferal

    the nurse goes u might have costochondritus

    fuckers sorry for my rant

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Helloooo DahhhhLinKs!

    Down 4, 11 more to go.  I am feeling it for sure.  Like I'm in a fog.  Burning on tops of my ears, but not too bad yet.  Overall am OK, and resting whenever I feel like it.  Just wanted to let you all kno and thank you again for all the positive energy coming my way. 

    Lubslubslubslubslubs   LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS  ALL YA'LL more than you will ever kno.  MUAH MUAH MUAH and WEBK'S!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Afternoon Ladies--Oh chot I fell back to sleep after 5am, now I have my meds and really went back to sleep.So I missed a lot. Damn

    Sue u'r getting there soon??? Muah sent to you.

    Lara I don't understand why they leave u in pain--it doesn't make any sense.

    Red u;r pelvis is what??? separated from where it should be? Don't they fix that internally--what a strange thing to have, how could this happen?

    Princess u'r not getting ur' chemo every week right? I get confused when everyone is getting them. But however u get it, I think there is a pattern of when u start feeling icky, but again o rules there can be sometimes it breaks patterns or last longer ??? I'm sorry this one is worse. Furb for sure.

    genny oh I bet u miss u'r Nora now, but I think u should rest too. What a lovely little one. U'r so blessed.

    Erin how's Bella? We need to know too.

    Lorie again I laughed, u'd think by now I'd be usd to it, but I'm not--something about when u writ it cracks me up.

    Julie again I forgot what I was going to say to u. GRRR (oh Not that for sure)

    NM our snow is melting today, we actually had that mini blizzard had more snow than they thought.

    OK back to work---BBL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Baby gone home, DH outa town, home alone, went and got a massage….. aahhhhh….going to bed early, I'm beat. I've got nasty eruptions covering my whole scalp, MO says it's folliculitis, called me in doxycycline, hope it works. It's cold out, 32 degrees, about an inch of snow. 

    Erin, what about Bella?

    Princess, how ya doing?

    Cami, you probably needed to sleep after busy weekend.

    Lala, sorry about your pain, hope you get some meds zoo. Red, glad you liked the toes, love the easter eggs, the owls could be here in Cleveland.

    NM, spring coming this weekend?

    Memasue, glad your hanging in there, praying' for ya

    Who's Wacko?

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Cami you won't believe this but I screwed my back bending down to pick up my runners for exercise class. Nope, I'm not chitting you. 

    TENDER, somebody needs a massage over here!

    Juliet, I agree with the poor owl. This is what I woke up to...


    Please note that the snow is 4" deep. Booooooo.

    Genny!!!!!!!!!!! Baby toes!! Love em!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hiya girls, happy twosdey! 

    Genny, Goldie calls me Wacko because of mese last name on here as Brocko, I guess she tinks that wacko suits me. 

    Lori, I forgot to respond to I tink what was yer question as to why they call me loca at work. It means crazy in spanish I tink. 

    Bella update - I guess I will never know if her lump is cancerous. It would cost me $1400.00 to have the lump removed and biopsied. Since Bella is doing quite well otherwise, we decided to just leave it alone. The vet said that it is a good sign that the mass is not "connected" to her body, in that it hangs loose and only attached to her skin. She was put on antibiotics for a hole in her mouth where she lost a tooth, I had no idea of this so very glad i took her to get checked. She was soooo cute and so well behaved there. It is the first time I have taken her to the vet. I thought she would be schitzy there but she seemed to have a good old time. She even took treats and ate them. She is usually shy in strange settings and will not eat anything. She was approx six years old when I rescued her so she would be about ten now. Other than the ugly mass on her tittie, she is in great shape. The thing is so ugly. Had the vet told me it had to come out, I would have spent the money. The vet said if it is cancerous and removed, it could actually cause things to metastasize when otherwise they would not. I did not quite comprehend everything she said but the gist is to leave it alone and keep an eye on it. 

    Genny, so sorry you are having the scalp issues. Remember, This too Shall Pass, it will be behind you and you will be back to life as you knew it. I can imagine how much you miss that lil sweetheart but you do need to rest and take care of YOU. Sending you more hugs. 

    Red, good to see ya. Sorry you are having medical issues, I bese praying for ya, ya hear me? 

    Juliet, go ahead and rub it in, it is freaking cold here, currently 35 degrees.oh, I still loved the easter egg hunt pics. I really really envy you and Cyn too for living in Florida. I always say it and will say it again...I see why old people go South from these cold parts of the world. It gits more difficult to deal with the cold n snow each passing year as I git older. I wish we could be partaying in yer neck of the woods right now, cheers! how you liking day work? 

    Lara, so sorry that your docs are being such asses with the drugs. My doc is now weaning me off and I am skeered. I hope you find a way to get some help with the pain. I sawry lil sista, I praying for ya too. 

    And Mema, so good to see you as well. I love yer optimism. And I love you. I will be praying for you to get through this quickly then be back to yer silly dwunk self! ((((((Sue)))))

    crud, more to say but others are on previous page. I will try to get back here again. For now, I have to check in mese Daddy. He is having a hard time these days. so so sad.....

    Happy hump dey eve! Have YOU humped a tender lately??????????? hehe! ChEErs! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Woke up to an inch of snow
    this ayem.Sigh.Winter simply will never let go.Getting so tired of this white stuff.

    Goldie--I figure if
    ghosts can talk to us, we should be able to talk to them and find out what life
    after death is like, right?You got to
    see the blood moon?Too cloudy here, so
    I didn't set the alarm.Not being able
    to sleep is the pitts, isn't it?Hope
    you have a better night tonight!Like
    the pool boy you got back, but what's with him not having any ladies in the pic
    with him?And what is with the bikinis
    and high heels?

    ORLA--Your PS does
    surgery but does not prescribe pain meds?Is he/she crazy?Praying the BS
    can help with the pain.No wonder you
    need to rant a little!

    Mema--so good to
    hear from you! Hang in there!

    Cammy-we've got
    another inch or so of snow to melt off, and lots of streams and rivers already
    bankful, gonna be an interesting flood season.

    Julie--I know
    exactly how that little owl feels!Like
    the Adult Easter Egg hunt idea!

    Genny--spring came
    and went for me.I'm resigning myself to
    perpetual winter."Global Warming
    is real and dangerous."Yeah.A massage, how wonderful!Folliculitis, not so much wonderful.

    Red RH--I guess I'm
    lucky, only an inch or two here!

    Erin--That sounds
    like good news about Bella.Amazing how
    much it would cost to have it removed and biopsied.Glad she behaved well at the Vet's too!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Camel Hump

    3/4 shot
    Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot Irish Cream


    Pour Butterscotch
    Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with
    Bailey's Irish Cream.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh NM that DOTD sounds uber---would like that now for sure. I know about the snow, ours did melt but we had more than was thought--but it's still cold, I took my shower this morning (I smell lusious, BTW) and put my winter nitegown back on, of couse it has big hearts on it so it's cute, long. my flannel bed jacket and my wrap around blanket and I'm comfortable--It COLD.--Oh my big fuzzy socks to so I'm well dressed for work and clean. So I'm work worthy.

    I don't like anyone in pain and I feel bad who's not feeling good and I hope the Docs can help you. And Lara I don't understand why thy won't help u, it's like a sin against their ethics. I mean they see what u'r going thru with all this nonsense, I just don't get it. Maybe in u'r state they have stricter rules--So far my Docs haven't given me any problems, I get 100 Pain meds and 100 Xanax at a time- Maybe our State laws are different and I get them renewed about ever 2 months, My primary gives them to me, if that makes a difference. And she gave me what I asked for in pain meds too.(the only ones I can take, without a crazy reaction) It's funny my sister, DD1  get the same reaction with all the other drugs, seems strange to me. The only other thing I can take is the patch, which I hated too, so I don't even want it. And I'm sorry I don't get pain management at all. OK I get the exercise to stenghthen muscles in the area but the reason for the pain is still there so stronger muscles to help the are but what's happening in u'r body hasn't changed and it doesn't repair it gets worse with time--so it confuses me totally.

    Erin I knew y'r baby and u would be fine, that's how it's supposed to be and no doubt will be--so u go from there. And take care of u'r puka will you please.

    LUBS everyone. BBL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    snow can u belive this weather

    I give up I will live in pain

    no doc wants a pain med under there name

    I am on lotitabs not oxy or perco

    I tryed a perco once and I was crazy I did like three exercise videos that stuff is nuts

    well we will see what this ass doc sayds mybe I need a revision my PS is an asshole

    see her thursady for my stitches out

    I hope that nurse faxed my stuff

    then im going to work

    I rested all dayyesterday I just get so tired

    love all the pics

    hugs poop inlatah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Im going in dressed to the nine I used to wear expensive suits

    and all my research


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good for u Lara---but u do know pain makes u tired too--well it does me--I don't know if that's medical but I think it should be--Rest when u get home---MUAH

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    imageHappy Day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Lara, I hope they can figure it out for you. I did read up a bit on that what you said it might be. Rant away girl, you have every right to. Where are you going dressed to the nines? Work or doctor?

    My Lil Doyty Butt, tis goot to see you, and glad you found time to check in. About a third of the way through, let's gitter done girl, and kick that RB to the curb. Sending tons of love and prayers your way, HANG TOUGH lady!

    Cami, you are easily amused!!!! WACKO WACKO WACKO!! LOL, glad you are all bundled up, keeping warm and smell delicious, Pants told me so.

    Cute spring owl Julie, and I want to go egg hunting!

    Red, can they fix your back? How the heck do you exercise?

    LOL Genny, WACKO is Erin Brocko, aka Dork! I just did a play on Broco, took it and made it Wacko. I hope you can get your head cleared up.

    Indeed Wacko, twas me that axed about loca, so now youse Crazy Wacko! Wacko suits you, but in a good way ya know. Sending some prayers your way for Bella, and you too, hoping the meds help her and the ugly lump goes away. Also glad that she is doing well. Not good about ye daddy tho. How is your tum tum doing, are you back to work?

    NM, I did get to sleep last night. Only woke up at 1 and 3, woo hoo! All of this snow is just crazy. Def. hurting us for sure. It hurt us last year, we were hoping NOT to have a repeat.

    DH went to the skin doc yesterday, had the spot on his head burned off, nurse practioner thinks it's prolly cancer, won't know for a couple of weeks. He says to me, I just hope I don't die. I said, you'll be fine! Today we have our container arriving, so he will be gone most of the day to get that unloaded, he has 4 other guys to help him, but they only give us 2 hours to do it.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Like the pics ladies LOL

    And yes I am easily amused and thanks for saying Wacko for me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I'm home the beast doc says it looks like my god damn implant has moved causing my bone to protrude out finally a competent person

    MRI all that jazz later in the week

    Going to her recommend breat pain management at 2 today

    She pressed on this bone so fking hard I wanted to slap her

    So who knows

    Stitches out Tom

    The pain she caused me is unreal 

    I'm so glad she called over and got me an apt asap