how about drinking?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014


    It is pouring with rain here. We do need it. Anyway I need a drink.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    lara good luck for the appt tomorrow, would be nice if all your docs worked as a team.

    cammi-stay warm, i worry about the flying organdas if you get cold

    wacko-hope bella is feeling good today,my sisters dog has them ,and they don't bother him at all

    genny and tobbi  hope your both having a good day

    red-you got to be kidding!  hope the pain is better today, whats the treatment for that?

    nm-the new medicare rules are starting to bite hard in peoples pocket , hope your having a good day,need to tak eyour advice and let things go except pt care, 

    have a good day ladies, went to a new gym today better hours for the day shift,  now having a personel trainer 1 day a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    ok yes juliet I am staying with all of albany med

    I saw the pain doc got pills and a patch when needed fetynol

    so Im better now

    dh saw me I was white as a ghost I was in so much pain


    anyway love u all

    I never got an MRI after this crap you are supposed to so IDK when surgery will be but she going get that implant off my chest wall

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OK Lara let me get this straight--U saw a new Dr., she actually found the problem and GAVE u something for u'r pain? OMG finally u'r getting some relief and everything will be fixed? Whew at last.

    Julie u'r own TRAINER Oh Boy--we won't see u for a while--Nice going Julie.

    Aly u can't sleep, I know u'r dinking tea? hope it's decaf, something soothing.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014


    Wacko here reporting in for dwinks. Love the DOTD, Camel Hump nom nom nom, burp!

    Lori, I am still outta work and hoping to stay out as long as possible. My PS has not yet filled out de disability paperwork but will do so this week. I tailed him that I am in waaaay too much pain and misery to work at this time, I Hope he understands and keeps me out for awhile. 

    Cam, I can smell your clean bod from here. I tink I tailed you before that I make mese Dad smell me too after me shower hehe. I tink of you when I do it too and crack up. I did tail my Dad about you but I doubt he remembers. If he got to meet you, he would more likely remember you as he does remember Mema Sue and LaLa too. 

    Lala, oh I am soooo happy that they found a cause for all of that pain. I wish I had thought to suggest that the implant shifting could be the issue as I had the same problem. That is one of many reasons I chose to be rid of my implants. I still have to get the right foob raised again. That dern ting just insists on drooping whether an implant or mese own skin and fat and such. I would leave it alone as my primary dr has suggested but it is soo annoying. It is now hanging so low that it pops out from under mese bra and is sooooo uncomfortable. And I still have the same pain on the right foob, the underside of the outside, near mese armpit. Some deys it feels like it on fire. And of course mese puka still hurts. It is not where the hole is that actually hurts, the pain comes and goes, at least it is not constant. The foob pain is constant but is slowly, berry berry slowly gitting better. 

    NM, I stayed de hail up waiting for the blood moon. I saw the beginning of the eclipse but then clouds moved in and ruined de whole effing show for me. We also had a dusting of snow last night wdf? I refuse to stay in winter mode. I did resolve to putting on a freaking sweat shirt on today and did not wear a tank under it. Ended up freezing my ewwa off. trust me, summer is coming SOON and hopefully we get more spring like weather before it gets blazing hot.  I got mese income tax return today and will be signing contracts on Friday for the pool refurbishing. I am sooo furcited. I am also berry berry skeered as the people will be putting up scaffling (sp?) around de empty pool. My vertigo kicks in full swing when I see the pool empty, it freaks me de hail out. I can't get without ten feet of the 8 ft hole in de ground without wanting to vomit. And I am skeered for mese little dog too. I will prolly keep her on a leash outside when they start the work in June. 

    Julie, a personal trainer? Woah baby, you go girl! You have not said if you like the day work better than working nights. I guess both have their ups and downs. Nights much be quieter of course but that is prolly when the loonies come out in full force. 

    Gennie and Princess, I am cheering you both on and hoping you get through your treatments without much more torture, pain and suffering. Wese gonnna has a biggliest partay to sailabrate when you are both done. Who is first to be done? Do tail. 

    Aly, I hope your rain stops and dwinkies pour in instead hehe. Whatz yer pleasure? I get the tenders to make you some dwinkies or pitchers if ye prefer. 

    Oh, who posted the Jack n COke trucks? I foyget but loved them. I hope those trucks are on their way to me, yeeee haww, that would be awesomenesstest of all! 

    Camille, Erin Wacko wishes you a zippity dooo daaa dey hehe! I jest love you lady. 

    Well I lubs all mese ladies. I saying more prayers for Mema Sue and hope todey is a good day for her. It brakes mese fart to know any of mese goils are hurting/suffering especially over the FNRB (for new goils, FN means effing, well duh.... and RB means Rat Basturd). So when we say furb, we saying EF YOU RAT BASTURD. and yes, I made it a real word, it is now in urban dictionary. FOr those of you that have not hit the like button for the definition, please do so here. I put a link below. It excites me when I google the words "urban dictionary furb cancer" together and the definition comes up. Crud, I can't find it now, LORI HELP! 


    I lost mese trend of thought cuz I can't find de FURB in and I am peed off. urgh... 

    oh hail, I jest gonna dwink and fugget about it. speaking of, rounds of fukkitol's for all mese goils, take yer pill and dwink yer dwink and all will be okay. cheers!






    = one happy Erin Wacko!!! 

    put yer titties up (if ya got em and toast. Here here, to mese bwesties, lubs you all! 



    (the only image that showed when I posted were the "cheers girls". Odd when I preview, the other two come up but do not post. SOOO I put the link up instead using the tree n hope it shows. otherwise mese post will not making no sense. And if dat de case, I chalk it up to the fact that it is 5'ocklock and i Has had turdteen dwinkies thus far. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    yay, the edit was a success.  .... S - U - C - C- E - S - S thats de way I spell success. another acceptable version is spelt dis way

    L   I   K   K   E   R     L I K K E R

            L I K K E R is mese bes♥test fwend other than ye all goils!

    Take one fart and pass de rest around!   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    yea cam one was a breast doc not a ps

    Then she got me the apt at pain mangement this afternoon

    2 docs I saw

    Oh really I didnt know your implant shifted Erin

    Well it's pushing my chest wall out

    Enough of this pain crap

    Here's a drink we r at the 5 o clock bar

    I just took 100 fuckitol all pills

    Who's partying

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    oh Julie's got a trainer is he cute?

    Or a girl idk good for u Juliet

    My training has been nada! 

    Can't right now but this pill works from dr. Oz

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I caught the fart pass it on

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    passing the fart on .....

    and I changed my name, jest for you Camille. Why? Because I love ya. Do you like mese new pic? 

    I am doing yard work, shhhh don't tail mese doctor. Well actaully mese jest supervising it and dwinking. I can walk and chew gum or I can supervise and dwink, I am ohhhh soooo talented (patting mese own back).

    Lala, mese implant shifted twice and my foob also drooped and shifted. My right foob is possessed. 

    NM, I get it that you have loads of questions for ghosts but aren't you skeered if you see a real ghost? I'd be singing that song from SNL called "oops, I chit myself" hehe!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    woohoo lara hope your pain free tonight

    erin wacko hope your not doing too much!!!!!!!!!! don't make us come up there to make you rest

    trainers will vary on what time i book the appt,  but todays was a guy ,he;s married and his wife has just had a mastectomy and on chemo, this furb is everywhere.

    my bf was sensitive to the other side ,one time i was at her house and just went ice cold and she said there was one standing behind me. but didn't see work tomorrow and 0530 comes around way to quickly, so good night all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Scalp still a mess, still sad, first day of real fatigue, barely got thru workday, going to bed now…nighty night, sweet dreams all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh genny I feel so bad for u--do u have sick days u can use?--When I started chemo I worked the first 4 months but I knew when I woke up I felt miserable and used sick days so I was officially working well after that I didn't work at all during chemo or anything. But again don't go by me--I'm a baby.

    Oh Erin u changed u'r picture, BTW 2 of the things that really freak me out are clowns and dolls-Can't help it, But on a happier note u did get u' return back while I am literally being help hostage by the IRS and my accountant is going on vacation tomorrow and will be back the day all my stuff needs to be in. I'm effed and I really need that fukitol and yes all. Yes and the beat goes on. Damn every year I thought it was my last now I screwed me up bad. LOL

    Julie I can't believe the first trainer u got about his wife WTF--does this disease leave anyone alone.? OK we'll just wait and see what the next one is like hopefully more cheery news comes from him, But u do sound good on days.

    Oh little Lara I hope this awful pain is halted, yes halted foreber and eber. Why didn't anyone else find this?????? I don't uncerstand. really

    OK everyone have a good night's sleep, comfy and cozy with who or whatever is near.

    Lubs u allllllllll 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    I need hugs and kisses.

    I am living with sadness today. My cousins grandson is 6 and tomorrow they will do a final CT and pull the plug and all breathing apparatus. They are living thru so much pain right now. Please pray for healing and ease of mind for Barb, Hammy and especially Kim as she watches her son pass.

    I'm sorry. Don't mean to be a downer but I needed to share with ladies who would understand.

    Nite nite - bye Gage

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    awww Red, mese heart bese bleeding in pain for you and yer family. I hope the passing is at least peaceful. Damn, FURB and non FURB,, whatebber, life can jest be so UN Flecking fair. Sending hugs to you and yer family (((((( RED )))).

    Cam, stop feeling so bad for all wese goils. cuz wese feels badlist for ye and hate hate hate yo sufferage. not dat ye black or anyting but ye suffering foah shoah and I FN HATE IT. chit chit chit. Life can be SOOOOOOOOOOOO FN effin unFAIR. chit. all I ken sez is I tank God for likker. Odderwise, mese could NOT cope with all de chit life hands us. 

    Hear ye hear ye, say to yer dern self....but IF not for God, so help us all. mese prayer de jour aka da jar sez GOD, hailp me to under and over stand wise wese good peepal has to suffer. I hate it and it leaves me wanderin n wonderin too. WHY ????????????

    mese feeling a tab bit angreee at dis moment. foygive me pleeeeeze?????????? 

    lets try to focuss on lubs lubs lubs. cuz all wese needs is lubs. amen. bARmen ~hicccup, oh sooo sawry. 

    so mese thirstdey, whats to dwink dis dey? and Lord, if ya cant buy mese a Mercdedes Benz, den ken ya at least grant peace to all mese bwesties? ok, I sed it. now dont be pissing mese off anymore and please, enny less too. i peeee oooooooo'd on dis early aye em on thirdsedy. what do mese do? I dwink. I dwink and I dwink cuz odderwize, mese can't cope. hiCCup. 

    one more word, k? de werd is HATE. and dont be mads at mese. mi mamma kins, k? but I hating de rat bastard and de con SEE quences of it. I bid ye a doo and hope ye foygive me for a hating right now. FURB FURB FURB FURB. mese HATE HATE HATE DE FNRB. 

    one more werd. oh make it two mo's werkds. FURB and LOVE. keep feeling de lub and ef de FURB, k? feel it, de lub is in de sky, in de earf and in wese farts,k? as elTON wood sey, come n feel de lub tonight or sumting like that.~sigh~~

    LIFE NOT EASY PEASY as dose portend it is. jest feel de lub, kk? Can I get a kk?? heheheheehehe!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    AND ... de widdle lions are cutliest. kk, night night for realZee's dis time. 

    cheeRs mese lubleeeeeeze! muah as mema would add, some WEBK too ♥

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    burp oO0ps!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    oh red, so sorry, lots of hugs and prayers for your family, may god hold them in his hands 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Chilly night last night,
    most of the snow melted off but now everything is frozen over again.Yuck.

    Cammy--You sound so
    cozy and comfy!

    ORLA--people have
    the oddest reactions to some meds.3
    exercise videos, huh?Maybe a good way
    to lose weight!

    Cammy--yes, pain
    causes fatigue, well known medical fact.

    Goldie--glad you
    slept better!I got up around 3:30 to go
    pee, you must have woke me up a little so I noticed, all your fault!

    AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!The Snow Monster is Baaaaaaack!

    Juilie--how far,

    ORLA--Hooray for an
    ASAP appointment, even if you had to go through the poking from he## to get
    it!Finally, a cause that can be dealt

    Aly--stick your
    glass out the window and collect a drink of rain water?Nah, something more 'adult' is far better!

    Julie--yeah, the
    medicare changes are purposely designed to minimize how much $$$ medicare has
    to pay out.And who gets stuck, the
    patients.I hate that I have to pay into
    this system all my working life.I
    really do.Your own personal trainer,
    wow.Is it a he?Is he cute?

    ORLA--so glad you've
    got some meds, and have things in motion to correct the problem!

    Erin Wacko--Keeping
    Bella on a leash while the pool work is being done is a good idea, just to keep
    her from getting hurt or getting loose accidentally.The idea of looking at an empty pool gives me
    pause, too.Wonder what it is aboutempty holes in the ground that's so
    disturbing?I'll join you in a drink,
    drinking from my Fukitol mug today!Would I be scared if I actually saw a ghost?Probably.I think that's why we never get to ask them questions, we all too
    scaredy cat and can't talk!

    I LOVE Cadbury Eggs!

    Genny--Make sure you
    rest up.Radiation is damaging healthy
    tissue and your body needs lots of energy to repair those cells after every

    Red RH--Oh, my dear,
    what a sad, hard time!Saying prayers
    for Barb,Hammy, Kim, you and the little boy.

    Good Morning, Lord,
    it's me again.I know You have a plan
    for everyone and have everything under control, but it's hard to remember that
    when I hear about a situation like Red RH's cousin's grandson.Please be with that family, give them Your
    peace and strength to get through this.Please ease that little boy'spassing, make sure he isn't afraid or in pain.Than You.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Blue Angel

    1 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Vanilla

    1 dash Lemon Juice

    1/2 oz Half and Half


    Pour the brandy,
    blue curacao, vanilla liqueur, half-and-half and lemon juice into a cocktail
    shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---Red my heart is breaking upon hearing u'r news, OMG he's a baby and his whole family is being crushed with this--This is so not fair, I know we know nothing is really fair but t be 6 and taken away from a family that loves u so is horrendous, prays for them and NM started a beautiful one.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    NM again another good DOTD of the day--he we still have jello shots --I didn't know I'm sure they are still good--I'm getting some later, I think It's to early;

    Erin something tells me u'r pushing it a little about u'r puka, so take it easy we don't want to see things get worse--I wish I lived next door if anything I could keep u quiet. I wouldn't do anything.

    Oh it's Thirstday and my sweetheart boy has no school tomorrow so I get more of him tonite YYAAYY-Good Friday too Lent ends Sat. at noon, well it used to ????

    I have to find an accountant today, I hate to go to HR block and get charged as much as I owe the IRS, Thousands, it's just so weird when I make less than total 2500.00 a month--to live and get meds etc. How can I possibly own them money ahahahaha Oh I'm f*ucked.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Well La La, looks like you might FINALLY be getting somewhere?

    Alyson, drinking in the rain!

    Wow Julie, a personal trainer? And you had a ghost behind you and got ice cold.....YIKES!

    LOL Wacko, I taught we had a new loungette, until I sawed your name. I can't imagine you girls being in constant pain all the damn time. Which puka still bothers you? Boob or belly. Odd that you are skeered of your cement pond.

    Genny, maybe you can search around the threads to see what some of the other gals have done for that folliculitis. I foyget what Mema said she did. And yes, when you are worn out, REST!

    Cami, you are skeered of dolls and clowns. Did you not play wif dolls when you were a little girl then? Really, you OWE tax money? I think it's a conspiracy against you girl.

    Oh my Red, that is just terribly sad news and we all send our love and prayers to your family. I don't remember you mentioning anything about this little 6 year old. Oh my, I just can't even imagine. I'm so so sorry.

    NM, sawry for waking you up so early....darn bladders! Love the Blue Angel, and to your prayer....AMEN!

    FURB in the dictionary, definition #2. Don't forget to click on the thumbs up. Number #1 definition has 200 thumbs up, we only have 18. You can click on it every day.
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    hI Juliet that is not great what happened to his wife, but he will know how to train you

    I looked for a trainer that can train me and not hurt me knowing my condition

    at this point no exercise ill walk today,but the heavy stuff I am not doing

    Hugs Red feel better

    cam I think the docs I were seeing were not trained and my ps is a fuck a dill,then I started searching for myself and it became a big mess

    My primary is the one who reffered me to the righty person

    alot of regular docs dont know what to do

    but I am happy now its getting figured out

    getting my stitches out an a hour yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    NM how r work? etc

    Keep posting genny we r here

    farts to all

    poop in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Goldie how do u keep track of all this--amazing. Is u'r weather getting better for u'r work? I hope so. At least no snow this morning, but chilly willy out there.

    Lara I:m anxious to hear how u slept last night. Hope good. And I never know when u work so in a way I hope u don't but then again $$$ helps a lot.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Red - OMG....lots of hugs, prayers, going out to his family.  FURB!  (((Red)))

    Genny - those are anit-b's yes.  u will need them to get rid of that painful folliculitis.  (((G)))

    Don't have time to address all...but wanted to give update.  NM - you are right....rads is kicking mese bootie.  Each day I have more and more trouble walking too.  hmmm.  Funny se....can't talk without spittle....heeehee. humbarassing fer sure.  OHHH and WACKO u will love this....flatulance....BIG BIG BIG TIME and woooweeee....nasty.  LMAO!!  Scalp itching so mayb time to shave it...whoop whoop!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    image Erin loves this

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I slept great thank god

    mema heres a energy filled hug love u mese mema

    Just got stitches out cokking and having wine

    fking lady started talking to me while I was waiting u know 40 isnt young any more u need a baby asap before they pull your ovaries fuck u I  am agiatated I know whats going on god people sometimes

    IM making lentil soup and chicken with brownsugar and lime juice

    I guess ill go to work tomm idk I like being home feel better

    poop in later

    Oh and PS had to say oh I know u saw that doctor I ignored her

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I am crying I hate it all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I would b a good mom I hate these people

    I want a child I will adopt if thats the case

    Im so sad