how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Sweet Lara--whoever said that to you was so incredibly stupid. beside u nor anyone knows what coming your way. so u don't know anything. And with adoption there are so many who need adoption if and as soon as u feel well enough u can discuss what u want to do.Stop thinking such dark thoughts.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Lala sweetie. Of course you would be an excellent mom. You deserve a baby. Get a little bit better and you'll be all over this like dirt on a rug. {{{Lubs you}}}

    Thank you for your good wishes. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Sending hugs Red. I really do feel for you.

    Just came on to ask for prayers for my grand nephew. He has had six months treatment for Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He had a scan yesterday and things are not clear as they had hoped. I think he has another 3months treatment then more scans - poor kid has just turned 19.

    Any ways now I must get a caked baked and organise what we are having for dinner - it is our friend's 70th birthday. Have some bubbly rady and tinks I really needs it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another frosty morning here.
    As in need to scrape the car windows if you park outside. Winds were COLD
    yesterday.Where is SPRING????????

    Cammy--jello shots
    probably last a good long time, alcamahol is a great preserver!Good luck finding and accountant.Taxes just suck in my opinion.

    Goldie--I'll vote
    today and try to remember to bookmark the page for future vote!

    ORLA--hooray fro
    getting stitches out!And for getting a
    competent doc, finally!Work is moving
    along, we are moving into a new area that will be a busy one for us, only one
    other agency serves that area and the nurses only go there once a week, we'll
    be able to give a lot more.Watch our
    census explodeover the next couple of

    Mema--Rest up,
    dahling, and be careful not to get nicked when buzzing off the hair!


    ORLA--who was saying
    you need a baby? Really, how insensitive can a person be.Here's a dry shoulder to cry on, and I've got
    another one on the other side and when that one gets wet there will be more
    lined up for you.

    {{{Red RH}}}

    Julie--My kind of
    Easter Basket!

    Aly--What is with
    the rat ba$tard and kids recently???????So NOT right.Just NOT.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Friday Freeze

    1/2 cup Vodka

    1/4 cup Rum

    1 cup Orange Juice

    4 scoops Orange

    Best served in a
    White Wine Glass.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Thank yopu I cried all day in my wine

    I feel like im loosing my mind I cant take all this packing repacking its all coming down on me

    I feel im in the middle of a break down

    all this stuff is reminding me of last year  I called my pyscho I nee to see him

    The baby thing destroys me

    I hate that women who said that

    Im going to work mybe that will help

    love u all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh when I saw sherbert I thought this has to be good NM. It's Friday, now do u have the weekend off? I hope so u shouldn't be on call this weekend.

    It's TGIF for some so enjoy that and Easter Sunday too.

    Oh Joey's on crutches again, they dais a very bad strain, but when I was the x-ray I also saw a super slight slit in the bone so He says it hurts a lot but he's got to take it easy for a while. So not much doing for Easter I'm sure. I hope. This kid is always breaking or spraining something he's such a Klutz, but no ne want t tell him that, but he's just like his mother when she was little. And a little now.

    I hope the day is decent or better for everyone.

    Lubs for all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    imageFOR ALL OF YOU!!

    Aly and Red you are facing the worst.  My heart aches for you both and the families of those 2 boys.   It just is NOT fair!   (((Aly))) ((( Red)))

    Lara - and same to you, f that lady and anyone else tell u that. You wud b fab mommy and if not your own, there are sooo many beautiful babies out there that need your love and affection.  All this will pass, go see ur shrink, cry when u need to, BUT DON'T will get thru this ((((Lara))))

    Cami - and now widdle Joey need a spashall hug for his leg (((Joey))).  Sounds like some bizy wabbits for Easter in ur world.  ENJOY and share more jello shots.  Member I like Cherry....heehee!

    NM - this weather is jes NOT right.  Been catching bit of news about it.  Spring has to come soon for you dangitit!!   This new work sit is sounding a bit better, praying it continues to go smoothly.  U da bestest!  I'll bese careful wif mese head.  While at rads yest, I did take 2 or 3 knitted bonnets.  Remembered summer of '11 that my head wud get a widdle chilly at night.  Those sweet ladies in the world who knit/crochet these things and deliver by the bagful to those in need are very spashall indeed.

    Julie - got me tearyeyed wif that Easter pic.  Thank you for all your inspiration!

    Today is #7 - then 8 left...WHOO HOOO!!  Woke up feeling pretty darn good this morning and heres my reasoning. least 4x last night.  NO, synthetic dwugs.  NO headache this ayem.  For someone who is NOT used to willie, this is very enlightening to me, jes wanted to share and I don't care if Mods git me or not, I think it's important.  I hope it sticks!

    Cami - dat last Fart....yep....dat b me tooo...LMAO!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Sue I want u to feel good and if it takes Willie then please do it--so many mixed feeling people have about making it legal everywhere--like the young ones can't get it on the streets anyway--if u want it bad enough u get it not matter what and the older people who can really benefit by it would really not abuse it but can feel better with it. Well those are my thoughts. I don't even know if it's legal her cuz I don't use it but my kids could get it for me anytime I want--how silly. I'm not really nauseaus for the most part but have a lot of pain, does it help pain, does anyone know? And I know u can make brownies with it somehow, so I think I would go that route.. Any suggestions?

    I need to complain here so I apologize--we pool our money so I always have to see what affordable with out budget for some reason this really bothers me, I said fine at first, but to ask for something just rubs me the wrong way, but we do have a high rent and I know that--after all it's a good size home and that's important but why does it bother me so to ask for something I need, My DD does a good job with the bills and stuff and I know we don't have enough money for frivolous things but mine is not silly stuff. So I hold that in and pray for patience cuz I don't want to start anything and I hear my SIL tll my DD to get whatever I ask for, she's the cheap one.I smeimes go a month without my aromasin (it's the most expensive) but to me that's not much I hate that drug--Now please tell me the thruth am I being to miserable, I knew what I was getting in for, but I also realiz I bring in the most money--I really hate this feeling, I don't want to be like this, it's so upsetting to me and  if u think I'm being sensitive please tell me I want to know, maybe I can adjust myself to relaxing more. I'm sorry to be a downer but I really respect how u all feel and think and I'm not asking anyone else so......Well I think I haven't--my memory is so shot.

    And my baby doesn't complain at all, he's such a brat--hurting himself, now I can't boss him around.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    hi girls, gotta make this short as I am sick as a dog, coming out both ends,, booooo chit chit chit.

    prayers for Red, Aly, Sue and Lala and some hugs too.

    Rounds for all (blaaaaahhhh) 

    I was in bed since pee em yesterday, woke up to chit now back to bed I go. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    oops since 3  pm yesterday, no puking yet todey but got the chits. must have caught a nasty bug. carry on girls, dwink some for me. blahhhh. 

    edited to put my number lock on duh.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Erin they say it's going around but vomiting has to cause pressure on u'r tummy so be careful and this is the time for Depends

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Camille, sorry I had not refreshed when I posted earlier so did not see your rant. Awww, sweet lady, I am glad you expressed how you are feeling to all of us and I hope that you at the least tell either your DD or son in law of any financial needs you have. And for the love of God, YOU need to take your medicine duh. I personally hate spending good money for chit that makes me feel bad which is the case with the AI I take. But It is not right that you are not getting them or even have to make a stink over it. My suggestion would be to just kindly ask for what you need so that you do not create any friction. And if you WANT a little something for yourself now and then, by all means, go for it. I know you like simple things like having purple hair or hot pink nail polish. These things are not expensive and should not cut into the house hold budget. I get it why you do not feel comfortable talking to the family about resentments you have especially when your income is the majority of the household income. But I hate that it is disturbing you and I think you will feel better if you bring it up. Maybe if you bring up the fact that you are the big bread winner and sort of make a joke about it and then ask for what you need? I guess your pay goes into a join account for the house? Maybe ask for your own spending money from YOUR check and laugh, then say but really? I dunno, just throwing out suggestions. 

    Lori, I still did not see the FURB definition in the post, will have to try again. I am feeling much better than I was a few hours ago. Girl, I was so damn sick but thank God it passed in less than a day. You asked about my pain....I am hopeful that it will go away in the future but I have wicked pain in both my right foob and in mese belly puka. And oops, I never did wound care last night, only the second time that I missed it. Thats for posting that link, I am gonna check it again now. 

    Red, I had also initially missed your story, I am so sorry for your family. I loved the prayer NM said for you. May peace be with your family at this difficult time. And the same goes for you Aly. It is just heart breaking and so damn wrong that children can get so sick. They are innocent and it is just horrible for the families to go through. One of my ex's who I am quite fond of has a young son, he is now about 7 years old. He also has a twin sister. This little fellow has been fighting for his life since birth, had a very rare form of childhood cancer. He is doing pretty good, he has been NED for about 4 years now but the RB took so much from the child. I have a hard time comprehending the WHY of these things. They tell us God is good right? So why does he let such bad things happen to great people? 

    Sue, Princess and Genny, I am always praying for you girls to get through the active treatment. 

    Sue, hated reading about what you are going through but tanks for tailing me about de flatulence. I hope you tink of me when that wicked gas escapes. And are you saying that you spit when you talk? That is uhh sorta funny but not. Well knowing you, you laugh at yourself. Hey, if you spit at anyone, tell them I said they are blessed by you! hehe! Keep farting proudly, own it girl, own every one of them tehehe. All joking aside, I jest love you so much and am praying harder for you. 

    I just got a call, pool guy is coming to sign contracts earlier than scheduled.  Yikes, I hope I do not regret spending all this money. I try to make a home improvement every year with my tax return and this is a big one. But it is definitely needed. Ok, talked myself outta buyer's remorse hehe! 

    Lala, I hope you are having a better day. I got your call yesterday but at that moment the phone rang, I was doing the nasty bug "dance", projectile style at that, ick. I am going to have to take my toilet seat apart to clean it but waiting for my belly to settle some more.  TMI? nah, not for mese bwesties. If so, sawry!

    I love you girls and think about each of you every day. I apologize for being self centered around here too. I will try to do better.

    Happy Good Friday, before ye dwink up, try to remember the meaning of this very Holy day. 

    Cheers, peace and Blessings to all mese goils!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Hey all, did ya miss me? I know Cami did! It's that time of year when we will prolly be heading to town beery early, so's we can get back and pack the days orders. So don't fret iffin ya don't see me on Friday morning, k?

    Lara, I hope now they can get to the bottom of your problems and get you all bixed up. And of couse you can adopt, if you aren't going to be able to get pregnant yourself. Why could you have a baby now, and then have everything taken out after? How do the nips look?

    Cami, weather across the country is what affects our sales, and iffin it's not snowing, it's raining. So it's not as busy as it should be. That guy blasting off from the fart is hilarious!

    Sue, did you scalp itch before when you lost your hair from chemo? It could just be an itch and not that it's falling out (I hope). My back itched like the dickens when I was getting rads, and my side. Oh I would have liked to scratch it raw. Do you still get rads over the weekend, or do you get a break??? If you gets a break....REST!. 

    Julie, be sure and keep some of those eggs for yourself, the ones filled with health and happiness. The ones with booze, well you better hide those!

    NM, hoping you get some nice weather soon! I think I will go look at your forcast.

    Alyson, sending prayers for your grand nephew. I hope they can get him clean. It's just horrible how so many young people are getting cancer.

    Sue, I'm SO GLAD that Willie is hailping you. You need to start your own! Oh, I'm praying you don't lose  your hair. I say DON't shave it. 15 rads, maybe it won't fall out??? Here's to Willie!

    Joey will be ok Cami, but what's this about the money and MEDS? I thought maybe you wanted something for yourself, but it's your meds? Oh dear! Of course you should have your meds....OMG! Can't any of the doctors help, with free samples, or maybe the American Cancer Society? And of course you could always write to the government!

    Dork, I mean Wacko, glad you are feeling better, and goot idea for Sue to say dat her peeps be blessed by her when she spits on them! Did you get to the FURB? I voted again today. We only have like 24, but we are number 2. Number one has 200 votes. For some reason that link takes you to page 2, scroll to the bottom and go to previous page. Happy GOOD FRIDAY girls, see you in de ayem.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    puke yuck u have a bad bug sorry erin hugs

    my husband doesnt want one

    ill figure it out

    red hugs

    cam u r right

    genny where r u


    poop in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara u OK?

    I voted again too.

    Wacko hahahahahaha every time

    Oh Erin u'r pool will be great with all this done, make sure u let him do the pool and not waste time doing you.

    Oh I take enough meds for 3 people so missing one once in a while is fine with me--Oh my Doc called and wanted to see me today, but I couldn't get a ride so she said it can wait til Monday so I'll see her Monday--what another pill? It doesn't bother me why believe me they see me for the strangest reasons so I'll wait and I'm not nervous so don't concern u'rselves either--I just like when they call and say they have o see u--no none has to see me they can talk on the phone as far as I'm concerned so it can't be bad.

    Oh weather I think maybe, possibly some spring is coming in maybe, not for sure. Don't want to count on it. Well we're going to have our traditional ham on Sunday, Joey was going to his cousins but he's stuck at home now. he's really bad with crutches Oh he's like a disaster happening.

    OK I I was ranting earlier but I do feel better after that one--I knew what I was getting into and agreed but my little job has helped me a lot for me mostly so I shouldn't complain--I told u I'm a big,huge baby and I don't like clowns and DOLLS Erin.

    Lubs u all very much

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    oh yikes Cam, I am glad me is not a doll hehe! and mese gonna be worried about dis appointment on monkeydey for ya, ok? it is mese job as a friend to do that so you don't have to. I love yer attitude lady, you are someting else and I just loves you. 

    Lori, tanks for tailing me where to find the FURB definition. It will not let me like it again. dern. And wtf, people put a dislike on that? Chit, I dislike those people and wish I could tail them so. I am going to put dislikes on de other meanings since dey are bullchit, ha take that losers who jest don't get it. Tanks for essplaining yer absense dis morning. I did figure it was town dey for ya. Glad you checked in latah, cheers! 

    aw, Lara, you know God has the plans and you jest show up. maybe you can get some hot tender sperm and tail yer DH that's what he gits for saying no to children. I mean really, did you have that conversation in your earlier days and go into the marriage knowing this or wuz it sprung on you after the fact? men can be so dumb. But again, it is up to the man upstairs and he tail me to tail you que sera sera. I do see you with a bambino in your future though. And I wanna be God Mother hehe! 

    um, I had someting else to say but foyget. uhhh, tinking tinking tinking...oh got it.....

    Cam, if you have not tried de willie for pain management, I would encourage you to do so. It does not take much of it to mask the pain. someone I know, named Dorty or sumting like that, well she was sick todey and was mourning no likker. so she decided to hang with meester nelson for jest two minutes and I tail ya, I feel a world better. ooops, I mean this friend feels better. it kicked de nausia and extra pain from retching my guts up. ooh de mess I made. I no talk about it cuz it not purdy. 

    so it is Good Fridey, anyone up for a partay? or ye gonna be poopers? you need not have alcamahol to partay, just a hat or a sock or just having on underwear is good enough for mese. no likker for dis goil, it would send me to Barfarella city and that is a no no no dis night. fridey without likker aint so bad when willie in de house. so this is my suggestion for all to partake at least to try if ye has not in yer adult years. it difflent that being a stoned ass punk kid if ye do it responsibleee hehe, I made that up. 

    so I ask again, who is partaying with me? if I end up going to bed with no friends here, dat it, I leaving ye all. for de night ennyway hehe. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh I'm here see my tone--it's monotone BTW so I'm really partying with no likker or any other substance, just me Wow am I having fun, the meter for fun it is ringing off the wall, my oh my what shall I do to control it, well maybe I'll just watch it break with excitement, after all that means plenty of rousyness--is that even a word.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    good evening ladies

    prayers for aly's and red's families  

    cammi- lori had some good ideas for meds also susan g komen/acs run programmes tooo,can't a little pocket money for everyone be figured into the expenses,joey is getting older  and would probably like it

    lara-can i be god mother too,i make a great aunt,    i have 2 nieces and  2 nephews of my blood but 9 in total of my heart 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Cam, is that sarcasm or real fun? I hope de latter of de two. Hugs to you.

    Julie, great suggestions for our dear Camille. 

    love that slipper cartoon, one of my easter favs. de other one I love is the two chocolate bunnies where one has a bite out of his ass and the other his ear. The assless guy says "my ass hurts" and the other guy says "what"? That one makes me laugh too.. thanks for paraying with me, mese fart is appropriately melted. Nighty night goils, sweet dreams. 

    oHHH I found it, yay, another oldie but goodie....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    and one more 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    cammi,aly and wacko Happy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Saturday Morning Ladies

    I hope some can enjoy being off work today and hoping the weather is nice where u are. It's supposed to be in the 60's today altho it's only 30 now--but it's coming (I think) We have a woodpecker in our yard wow does he peck fast and I wondered what use in nature are they--all they do is peck trees, I mean it's not like they're making paper or anything and all types of things have some use in nature, it sure is annoying--I never liked Woody Woodpecker even as a kid--smart aleck little monster.

    I don't know what Leslie gave Joey last nite but boy did he sleep, I checked on him a couple of times, I know he was hurting but he wasn't really complaining but she didn't wait LOL well I'll see how he is today. I was actually thinking of making a bunny head face for him. But I don't want to promise, but I can simply show Les how to do it. I have so much untapped talent --yea right

    Princess and genny I hope u can enjoy the holiday a bit but just don't overdo and drink lots of water always remember that.

    Lara I hope u'r pain has lessened if the new Doc gave u something.

    Erin I hope u'r doing all right with u'r mom and dad too.

    And I still miss Kat and Bernie

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Would you believe it's
    snowing again this ayem?I suppose it's
    appropriate given that my family is getting togetherto celebrate Christmas today.Between snow storms, work schedules and
    medical appointmentswe never did manage
    to get together in December.

    ORLA--oh my dear, I
    so want to sit that woman down and give her a talking to, I really do.All this stuff is so hard to deal with.

    working/on call tomorrow, 8 to 5.I will
    be glad when/if the weekend nurse comes back to work, that's for sure.Poor Joey, on crutches again?Sounds like he's a healthy active boy, which
    is a good thing.

    Mema--don't forget
    that your poor head can get sunburned very easily, too, and make sure to
    slather on the sunscreen or wear a hat when outside.Hooray fro no headache this ayem, too!Nothing wrong with some willie, in my

    Cammy--Some stuff I
    learned about willie from my patients who had medical marijuana cards:Eating it works better than smoking it for
    nausea, anxiety and pain, but it takes longer to kick in, so it pays to be
    careful 'cuz you can get more high that you want by eating more waiting for the
    effects to start.Find a supply place
    with well educated staff, there is a surprising variety of MJ and some
    varieties are better for eating, some for smoking, some with different levels
    of different effects, and well educated staff is really helpful.The drugs made from isolated chemicals in MJ
    (marinol, megace) do not work as well as the whole plant.One of my patients used marijuana butter,
    another used marijuana granola.I know
    how draining the financial impact of the rat ba$tard has.When I had to scrimp and scrape just to meet
    the bills it was horrible.It's natural
    to feel sensitive aboutfinancial
    security when something so fundamental as your health and even life is being

    Erin--Yikes, you
    poor dear!Feel better soon!Oh, good, I see it's better in your later
    post.And your ex's little boy, so sad a

    Goldie--Nice weather
    would be nice, but I'm thinking I will need to redefine nice weather to ever
    see some again!

    Cammy--glad you feel
    better after the rant, it helps sometimes to get it out of your system!