how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    2 parts RumChata
    1 part banana liqueur
    1 part caramel vodka
    Banana slices

    Mix the first 3 ingredients, pour over ice and shake and pour in glass---garnish with bananas

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Oh dear Lara, that creates a whole nudder issue if you DH doesn't want children. I don't think you would want to force someone to be a father, that doesn't want to be. I'm sorry about this.

    Cami, express to your doctor that you can not afford all of the medications they have you on. I hope Joey is feeling better today and doesn't hurt himself with those crutches. How do you make a bunny head face? Maybe you should try what ever it was Les gave Joey to sleep! I miss Kat and BBBB too.

    Wacko, I tink you freakin our Cami girl out wif you doll avatar! You can vote once a day on FURB, and I saw those 2 thumbs down.

    Julie, we can tell what an awesome aunty you are. You are the sweetest fo sho.

    oh my NM, more snow??? CRAZY, but as you say, good if you are sailabrating Xmas! Are you going? Hope you don't end up being called in for work. I would imagine it's hard to plan your day, if you might have to  up and leave at any time?

    Cami, look at you with a DOTD, looks yummy, what's it called?

    Love all of the Easter funnies, here's a few more. One of my favorites is the painted behinds.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    hahaha Goldie I forgot the name something like rumchacha, just sounded good and springy for Easter.

    U'r right Goldie that doll Erin has IS freakin me out really. Where does Miss Wacko comeup with these ideas of hers.

    Lara I meant to ask u, cuz I don't know maybe everyone else does tho. Do u have a lot or any nieces or nephews? I honestly don't remember.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I have two amazing nieces I love them one has a genetic disorder she will be small statue she has the most spunk and very funny I love them both etwo bits I make them laugh they live in Long Island with my brother and hes wife they are both teachers I talk to them through face time and I will put my glasses over my hair when they see me on the screen and they laugh

    god mothers awwwwwwwwwwww

    yes there are options I am still wrapping my head around everything but I need to research this why 40 should they b out I will see my oncologist in a couple months I keep blowing off the apt

    erin u better the puka and farting both sides I had that thought I was dying

    we are going to a buffett at a golf course tomm should be fun

    its hot here today

    NM they give u willie wow

    well they have candy machines now with pot in legalized places well they are trying to get them up and running but how will that stop underage kids then now on the news they are showing all these bad things this father ate a willie cookie went crazy killed his wife I think

    my writing changed how fun

    I take about 12 pills a day yes I got the good pain meds this time I told her about me peeing and it comes clear so shes aware I think its hogh metoblism to pills I pray it doesnt happen agagin everytime that happened my pee looked liked water very clear

    she pees test randomly and counts pills thats fine I will just back off the water a few days before

    Goldie its a weird situation we did talk about it he does i think but its money he worries about money

    anyway whats meant to b will

    I love that pic juliet

    calling 4444444444444444444


    mema hugs

    poop in later



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhhhLinKs!

    NM - excellent splanation of the willie.  And that is just what I have learned in my research.  I hope you have some decent weather for ur salabration today...u need some sunshine dangitit.  Thanks for tips on mese head.  Went thru all this in '11, so still have my hats n such.

    Lowee - yes mese scalp itches but not untolerable yet.  RO said hair follicles DO NOT like radiation and my hair will fall out.  But right now it's cut in a pixie and my DD and DS are coming tomorrow and she wants to take pics.  Am glad I did not shave it yet.  What is this voting thingy.  I went back a few pages but can't find?

    Cami - Willie has been around me all my life.  I tried to use it but did not like the 'instant' buzz, then I'd jes laugh til my face hurt for 30 mins and go to sleep.  So I never developed a recreational tolerance for it.  In the last year, I've still fought using it at night, but in the last 3 mos it has helped.  When I go to bed and I'm in pain, I lay there and get tensed up more and more....well I've found by taking one light hit it relaxes the tension which allows me to NOT concentrate on the pain and I get a widdle sleep without having to take da major pain pills so much.  Now this last week with steroids, been me n willie 3 or 4 times a night.   As our RN's keep telling us....our bodies CANNOT heal without rest.  Willie and I rest well together and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

    Lara - good to hear he is not totally against parenthood.  You wud make a gr8 mommy!

    Julie - loving all da funny pics

    Well ya'll posting some funny chit dis morning....tank ewe fer making us all smile.

    Genny & Princess - Take it easy....sending BIG HUGZ   ((((G))))  ((((P))))

    Wacko - LMAO.....shudda thot of the spit   Am not happy reading ur response to Lowee.  I want you well soooo bad, this is jes nutz!!  Give mom and dad a big MUAH and WEBK fer me.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs you all sooo much and pray you all have a FANTABULOUS weekend!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    had my first real session today at the gym with the trainer!now off to bed with some motrin!

    sue ,if willie helps go for it! 

    lori don't work too hard

    nm have a relaxing day and hope the on call day is a !@#$%( won't say the q word)

    ladies hope your all having a good day

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Lori, Julie, Whacko, Aly and Cami - thanks for the giggles.

    Not a lot to say, but as long as we are talking about avatars - I HATE dolls and clowns. Wacko, have some sympathy and change it. She scares me. For that matter, Cami, what are you holding in your hand in your picture. I keep trying to figure it out and the best I can come up with is a crossbow - which would make you some bad a$$ granny. lol.

    Gage is still with us but he hasn't woken up at all. We keep praying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Happy Easter everyone hope everon enjoys their day

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a lovely
    "Christmas" Day with the family yesterday, except for when my brother
    and sister in law announced that they are moving to Nashville.Too much winter here, not enough work.Sigh.

    Cammy--yummy banana
    drink, I need to run out and get some bananas, and banana liquer, and caramel
    vodka, and rum chata. . .

    snow did melt off, but it is frosty again this morning.The poor birdies are all puffed up and
    shivery looking.When I'm on call on the
    weekend there are usually a bunch of scheduled visits, too, so it's like a
    regular work day for me, just with more phone calls.

    ORLA--No, they don't
    give ME willie, but I have had a couple of patients who got medical marijuana,
    and I learned a lot from them.Not legal
    for me to havethe willie.Would live to try it someday, just to see
    what I'm missing, maybe after I retire when I don't have worry about losing my
    license to work.Sounds like the new
    doc has some brain cells to work with, what a great change for you!

    Mema--We did get
    sunshine yesterday, and looks to be lovely today, too.Watched the ice go out of the lake Mom and
    Dick live on.Steroids are wonderful
    drugs, so helpful in so many ways, but the side effects are very annoying.I don't sleep when I'm on steroids (for
    asthma flare ups) and it feels very odd. Xanax is my savior drug in that

    chocolate, YEAH!!

    Red RH--Still saying

    Happy Easter,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is The Easter Bunny

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1 1/2 oz Dark Creme
    de Cacao

    1 tsp Chocolate

    Shake creme de cacao
    and vodka with ice. Strain over ice in an old-fashioned glass. Float chocolate
    syrup and cherry brandy.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Good morning loungettes and Happy Easter! Sorry I been away so long, just went back over last couple of pages to try and catch up a bit. Dh home causa good friday,had his mom over for dinner, cleaned out my entire closet yesterday, took me all day. Just real busy and not been on my computer. DH golfing this morning, I want to go this afternoon. Having MIL over for eats at 1, then hoping to get her out by 3 so DH can take me golfing. Sposed to be 65 degrees today. As you all kin probably tell I'm feeling much better, scalp cleared up (it was nasty), blues all gone. I went back to my SE journal from my first round and I had pretty much the same sh*t at the same time last round, just was worse this time. Hoping that doesn't mean it'll be worse yet next round. Next chemo is Friday again so I'm just gonna enjoy this week as much as I can. I even had a manhattan on Friday night..shhhh…don't tell my MO. DH tells me Mary, you're being good but ya do have to live a little…such a bad influence.  I will see my MO for the 1st time on Wed and I have a bunch of questions I'd like to run by u ladies when I have time to sit and type em' but now I'm gonna make this short cause I gotte get my brats out for their boring run. They're starting to get whiny and pissy with me. 

    Erin, sorry about yer bug, glad yer feel in better, one thing I would never call u is self centered, u r very caring, I kin tell, and if u can't feel a little sorry for urself here than where else  could u do it. Good luck with the pool, glad bella is doing ok.

    Julie, have fun with the workouts, wish I could get myself back into it. I might do a 5k next weekend, I'll see how I feel. It's for dog rescue, I'd take my pooches so it'll just be a jog.

    Lala, so sorry about your pain and what that lady said to u, not nice. Wish your nieces lived closer. 

    Red, Aly, Julie so sorry about the little boys, so not fair,  just so not fair. I don't understand why so many really bad people get long lives and then things like that happen to kids…it's just so wrong.

    Memasue, you're such a trouper, I hope the rads aren't too bad and you can keep your hair and not get headaches and not take all yer energy.

    Cami, so sorry about Joey, sounds like a bull in a china shop on those crutches. Too bad about the IRS, that sucks for sure. 

    NM, Merry Xmas, hope you have a nice time with your family, hope spring shows up soon.

    Princess…where r u, hope you're feeling better.  someone asked… I'm done with chemo end of June, when are u done?

    And anybody else I didn't mention… Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Lara, doc wants ovaries out just because you're 40? I thouoght it had something to do with your diagnosis?

    Sue, we give a thumbs up in the Urban Dictionary for definition of FURB, that Wacko entered. Enjoy you day today LDB, luh you and it was nice talking to you.

    Julie, sorry you have to take Motrin, but that kind of hurt is a good hurt. Yay for you!

    Sending prayers for Gage for a miracle. That is Cami's sweet Joey in her avatar. Halloween picture, he is a knight with a sword.

    NM, now you will have to go to Nashville! Hopefully your brother will be back for plenty of visits. Glad you had a nice Christmas. The Easter Egg cocktail sounds yummy and I'll have some more of Cami's Rum Cha Cha.

    I google all of those ingredients Cami, came up with Monkey Business! That sounds more like us.

    Genny, YAY for having your scalp cleared up. Sorry you wuz feeling down in the dumps, but certainly understandable. We call that being down the wabbit hole. Glad you back and hope you get to go golfing. For me it did NOT get worse with each chemo, so I'm hoping that is the same for you. Are you taking any supplements to help with SE's? Questions....ask away. Also, the ones you have for any of your docs, write them down and take with you, so you don't forget.

    Hoping to get more planted in the garden today, beans, cukes, zucchini, butternut squash. Then making some lasagna from my home made garden sketti sauce.

    Can't have too many Easter drinks, or any drink for that matter. How about an Easter Basket too?


    Rim a martini glass with thick simple syrup and then dip into dyed green coconut flakes, then adorn with a little marshmallow peep. Think of it as your very own adult Easter Basket, but instead of being filled with candy, it’s filled with booze!

    Prepare the glasses ahead of time and put them on a tray decorated with jelly beans and other seasonal delights for a stunning effect.

    For the cocktail:

    1 1/2 ounces Cherry Vodka
    1/2 ounce Triple Sec
    3 ounces Half and Half or Milk
    Dash Grenadine

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    oh goldie yes of course because of me being braca 2 he thinks 40 is the age

    hi genny glad the blues r gone

    getting ready for the buffett should b fun

    poop in later

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Loooowwwweeee - tooo funny!!!  Ahhh....I gotta see this Urban Definition sometime.  Lubbed yakin wif you always.   

    HAPPY EASTER Everyone!!


    Genny - thanks for the kudos.  Am sooo glad you are feeling better.  I was on what Princess is on, and it was cumulative.  The feel good days dwindled as the tx went on.  Hoping your tx doesn't do that.  Take your time with your questions...we'll be here when you need us.

    Dory - lubbed our talk too.  Hope your evening turned out as u planned.  Mine did. 

    NM - YAY on some sunshine and a nice dinner.  Not so cool ur kin moving to Nashville.  But hey....mayb soon a place for you to escape to when you can.  Thanks for the Onco did say to increase my Xanax...will have to think about that cuz like I sed, me n willie doin jes fine.

    Lovin the DOTD's.  EveryBUNNY have a GR8 DAY!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Happy Easter girls! 

    He has risen, hallelujah. I missed church, ooops. I was up late but still feeling a big under de weather. I dwank a dwink whilst speaking to mese Sue yesturdey but had to stop there. My stomach is still queeezy, wuz a nasty nasty bug that bit me. 

    Camille, oh sawry, stooopid me did not realize you were referencing mese avatar when talking bout dolls n clowns, me can be so empty between de ears at times, hiccc! I changed mese avatar. I tink that is the Erin played by Julia Roberts, yep, me is much purdier than her in real life hehe. I was looking at pics of you on facebook whilst looking for your avatar pic and omg, i jest lubs yer ornery smile. And with your permission, would love to share the pic of you and yer sister from a few years back. You two goils are jest beautiful and are still bootiful as can be. I jest love you goil. 

    Genny, Princess and Sue, saying prayers for you right now...  ................................................................................................................................................................................................AMEN. wow, that was different, I jest hit de period ober and ober with mese eyes closed in prayer +

    Lori, so good to see you and de animated pics you find are jest awesome. What are you doing for Easter? No working goil, k? I have a big DorKy hug for you girl and you jest know mese lubs lubs lubs you too. and whislte mese sharing lub, if God forbid I foyget any of you goils, I do lub each and ebery goil who has eber passed through this place. 

    I am missing Kathy and Bernie here, I won't say more essept that I continously prayer for both of the goils and there families and it hurts - period. PERIOD. Happy Easter goils if you read this, wishing great blessings to you both. 

    NM, sorry to hear your bro is moving to a warmer climate. It happens as peeps age, it jest gets too hard. And it seems to me there is more than the benefit of warmth when chosing Florida to retire, cost of libing so much cheaper and housing prices are nearly the best in de nation. Shucks, mese DD has ruined me, how can I move whilst hespecting a grand baby? oh mese oh mise, pinch me! a baby is a blessing a baby is a blessing a baby is a blessing, kk, I am convinced this is good as it has to be. Happy Christmas lol, glad you had a nice time with your family yesterday. Hope you and Sadie are playing and loving each other lots todey. I love you. 

    Red, prayers to Gage and family, hugs to you (((((DEB))))). and I tink it was you who asked what Cam is holding in her avatar. That pic is of her sweet Joey, not Cam hehe. It is hard to differentiate. I believe he is holding a sword or something similar. I am trying to recall if he was in a play or it was a halloween outfit but he was dressed up handsomely silly! I was gonna try to find on facebook where the pic was and share it but could not find it. And I would do it privately for Cammy, of course. Love and more hugs coming atcha. and a dwink too, cheers!

    Julie Juliet, what de hail is this trainer doing to you where you has to take pain pills huh? Huh, the truth lady! I am sensing some hot tenders singing de boom chicky wow wow song whilst training you. yep, that is what I tinking. Do tail, I always knew you liked Mr. Big the best of de tenders. I hope de Easter bunny brought you lots of chocolate and lots of alcamahol to wash it down hehe. I love you lady and am so happy to have had the opportunity to meet you. I hope I did not "uninpress you", I was not at mese best cuz mese bad if ye know what I mean hehe. Did I get too high, oops mese apologize if i did. I tank you again for yer generiousity with me ober de years. You have showered me with likker and chocolate on more than one occasion and I shall ever be grateful and feel tons of love for you in mese heart. Yep, I said HEART dern it, I can if I want. tehehe, I make meselef laf. 

    Aly, lubed de cartoon where the chicken is pissed at de Easter bunny cuz chicken do de work and bunny get de glory hehe. I assume it is also Easter where you are? But almost monkey dey right? ick, sorry I brought that up. I have met to ask you, are you a property appraiser? I might a asked before but can't recall and answer. And I am badliest at times with that, I ask then get caught up and foyget to comprehend what I read cuz mese dwunk. Well duh, aint we all hehe! And you know I lub you too, right? Gotta keep the love moving, all around de world it go. 

    I am sending some to OZ to. Chrissy B, git yer WA in here tehehe. 

    Lara, I really feel your pain. God has a plan for you and you will not know it until you least expect it. I do hope that He blesses you with a child of your own whether natural or adopted. We are neber too old to adopt. And if all elese fails, get a furbaby. I tail myself often that I could have a house full of fur babies and it would be easier and much cheaaper than real babies. I love you widdle sis. and so glad ye got yer pills. I been having a hard time keeping mine down. I still take pills daily but know I have to wean off soon. ughhh. I love em and I hate em too, dont like being dependent on anything other than alcamahol of course.

    Hey, where did all new goil nesspear too? Dwill I tink. And her real name was Dorothy, no kidding. Dorothy, come back!! 

    I missing my CynCyn too, hoping she is having a bootiful Easter sundey at de beach, soo envious of her location. was talking about it yesterday with mese hair dresser who is looking for a summer place in venice right now. 

    I gotta feeling I missing sumbuddy berry berry spayshall. So, if I do, I give you one million HTL dollars to spend on likker, k? Cuz I jest lubs all mese goils and hopeth ye all having a super Easter.

    And if mese goil Karen from CO reading, happy Passover to you and family. I miss you here too. 

    Ok, time to test some alcamahol and see if I can hold it without nausea. I bought tums, hmmm, I tink they helped but only time will get me back to where mese, Erin WACKO, needs to be. (btw, the WACKO is for Camille, hoping it still make ye laugh. and do tail if it not funny and I will find someting new to entertain ya, k?????? ) 

    I lobs you all goils. Gotta fly like a bunny.

    one more ting, I made eggs last night and used crayons and stickers, I done good. I made a baby egg for mese DD and it is cute. will try to take pic and send along. 

    Have a greatliest day. BBL! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Wow am I glad u changed u'r avatar ERIN--but she sure looks like Angelina Jolie in dat pic.--But I need new glasses so what do I know.??? Oh u can put anything on for a pic of me at least eberyone will know why I hide meself den. OH oh I so hoppy (bunny) that u are furcited bout the baby--u will go crazy so this is good. And it's so true everytime I hear Wacko, Wacky or such I LOL out loud, for some reason.

    Lara I just thought of something I've heard over these few years----from a Dr.   Drs. are wrong all the time. Which in itself lessens confidence but in the whole picture of life things can still happen.

    Sue u sound goooot today I hope u feel that way and keep the willie going. I lub de way u tink.

    oops I forget to teelya all, I took a shower and I smell yummy--Pink Sugar is the smell for the day. hehehe

    I fell back to sleep and woke up--no note--I have no idea where everyone is--oh I could call but I really don't care enough actually--they have to come home. Maybe oh yea they wouldn't leave Sox.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    big sis I'm sorry u have that bug I'm sure your docs can put u in a less heavy pain killer

    They gave me fetnoly patch and I have not put it on I'm very scared about withdraw do I'm taking my loritabs 

    Cam that was a good saying

    Hi just

    Omggggg pics are to funny

    I'm so full from the Buffett but yummy I so do not want to work tomm 

    Boring day it will b

    Lets splash at the pool

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Hello ladies....sorry I have been MIA.  I had a hard week last week.  It was only a Herceptin week but I was super emotional.  I could not stop crying.  Here is my pity eyes will NOT stop watering, crazy amount.  Can't wear make up, eyes swollen.  I had a horrible rash on my face, red raised almost almost blistering looking.  UGH.  I was retaining water, weight up 10#!  Then I noticed some welling to my BC side, lymphedema. That was the last straw, I had a melt down.  I told the NP that I was pretty before I came here, now look at me.This was me in August of 2013 when I got married...Now I would scare small children.


    So I have gotten it together a bit but I was in bad blue zone. My fourth cycle is Thursday, only seven more weeks to go.  I ran a 5K race yesterday with my sister and niece.  Time stunk but I got to the start and I got to the finish.  Just like this chit.  I have run marathons before and they are 18 weeks, just like my chemo course.  I guess I was just training for this, and the last 7 weeks are hard on that program too.  So, I just need my BGP and to get over it right now.  You girls are the best!

    Cami..I love that Joey, klutzy boy that he is and all!

    Lala...glad you have a better Md and some meds too.  Pain free days for you.

    Erin...glad it was a zippy flu and that your poochie feels ok, bump and all.

    Genny... I finish with my last TCH 6-5. I am glad that your head has cleared up and that you are feeling better.

    Juliet..I am glad days are going along and that you have a trainer.  That is so terrific.

    Goldie.. Enjoy the golf!

    NM...I am glad that you have a new MD that might be regular.  Nice to know that you are working with a professional.

    Memasue...Use anything you can to fell good.  You are in my thoughts everyday.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    oh Princess, I'm so sorry, that all just sucks, I hate FURB! I'm not feeling too pretty these days either, no hair, 7 lbs heavier, eyelashes just about gone and I keep trying to talk myself into running again and I just don't do it. Planning on a 5k next weekend but it's 2 days after chemo so we'll see. I guess all we can say is this too shall pass (I hope).  You were a beautiful bride and I'm sure you're still beautiful. We gotta concentrate on 1 mile at a time, can't pass 26 till we get thru 9 and 10 and 11….better days ahead….

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Princess that picture is absolutely georgous and I'm sure u still look beautiful, don't fret u'r beauty doesn't leave u just think it does---Genny looks beautiful, it's just part of this crap that we call *(&(^)*__(_))(*&^%^%$&^&*& ooohh, we all hate or despise this disease, but we're stuck in this vortex of whatever it is. LOL 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    image  The party's over, it's time to call it a day lalalalala

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hi girls, 

    I hope you all had a great Easter. I sure did. We went to my sister's house at the beach, it was a great day weather wise although only in the 60's - I will take that. My Dad was berry well behaved todey, tank God....had he not been a good boy, not sure what could have happened during a three hour round trip and most of the ride, going past cranberry bogs and such, very remote area. mighta bin tempted to him off in the Pinelands hehe!  jk of course, I lubs him with all mese fart, always. As I told him today, I do not always like him but will always love him. His mood was awesome and mese so pwoud. I has not been spending much time with mese Dad as I'd have to sneak over to see her. When I visit, it is short. She is usually very sleepy, the chatty days seem further apart, so sad. And I chose not to take mese Dad to see her todey, it brings him down and she does not know we are not visiting on Easter sunday, sad but true. I feel guilty but think it was better that way.

    Cam, here is the full size pic of mese tehehe! well not really, I found this and saved it before I found the one of the doll which skeered you. I liked the doll better but this was mese second choice. I believe I did find one of Julia Roberts as Erin but passed on it. I do not think it is Angelina though. I googled key words under images ---- girl, brown curly hair blue eyes and this was what I picked. So her eyes are not blue but ya can't tail with the teeny tiny version of the pic. I hope whomever it bese, she not mad that me portending to be her. Same goes for the real Erin Brackovich hehe! oops I kidding agen, it is me and Erin is mese name. My name is not Dorty, Dorky Wacky, Wacko, it is Erin B or Jest Erin is ok too. aint me purdy? that DorKy goil does not have dese purdy lips like Angie and she has a higher forehead and a longer chin, maybe a lil Jay Leno'ish but tankfully not as bad as he, omg, dat me horrifalling! yikes. So here is de big debut of mese avatar, it was taken on tuesday, before me got sick. ~hicccup


    and now for a real lady with a true identity hehe ..... may I present the beatonimousest pic of mese dear Cam and her. Jest love this photo. Ya see, Cam was jest a few years younger but she still has that same ornery smile and purdy large Italian brown eyes. Cam is on the left. Muah muah muah, me kissed de photo. oh, me gibed yer sis a kiss too. You both look alike cept the hair color. 


    Princess, here is a big DorKy hug for you ((((Princess)))). I really feel for you girls going through treatment. Cammie is right, the FNRB is a cruel disease, it is diabolical.  Please trust me, you might not like who you see in the mirror right now and I get it. But once this is over, you will come back and be more beautiful than ever, if that is even possible. You were a STUNNING bride. You are a beautiful girl, you have a gorgeous figure and a perfect smile too. Your hair will grow back and your complexion will clear. Do try to be patient and remind yourself that time does pass quickly. I knew a gal that actually had such a hard time looking at herself in the mirror that she went as far as covering all of the mirrors in her house while going through her treatments, terrible to deal with. And she is another very beautiful girl and today she is more beautiful than ever! I am glad you pooped in to let us all know you were really down. We can't help ya hon if we don't know. Let that be a lesson from yours truly,Erin Wackovich, k? HUGS TO YOU. oh, may I ask your age? You look like a 30 year old in the wedding pic and I am not chitting ya just because, I am sincere.  

    Genny, great words of encouragement for Princess. I hope the two of you are talking privately, you can help each other. And I know that Sue would also be happy to chat with either of you. She has been down this road more than anyone should be but she still keeps such an awesome attitude. And I do not tink she would mind me offering her support. For that matter, feel free to message me and that goes for ALL of mese goils, whenever you need a lift. I can do my best to at least make ya laugh. I tink mese funny and i hope ye do to. but not tonight, mese serious. Please don't push yourself too hard with running, seems to me the best thing in the world  is plenty of R&R. REST and RELAX.....and RUN is NOT a synonym lol. Goes for you too Princess! 

    Lil sis-la, glad you had a yummy dinner. I did not tink to ask if there such a ting as a pain killer than doesn't upset stomach other than tylenol which for me, does not touch pain and not nearly as effective for body pain as advil/aleve. I often take the percocet between strong doses of advil. I suggest trying the cocktail of advil between doses of narcotic or on better days, narcotic between does of advil. Of course only IF YOU KNOW they can be taken together. It was my PS that died who told me that and it really does give added relief for my surgical pain. 

    I am still fighting nausea but ate a great dinner, just could not stomach the desert. Unlike me. And I has not had coffee in five deys, hoping tomorree is de day! Well I have talked a lot and mese tired of hearing mese dern self talk. Hello again to all other goils, happy MonKEYdey, it is here, dern dey jest creeps up every dern week. Have a great week and mese try to come back soonliest and bese a gwate bwestie to all of ye, k? Peace goils. and cHEERz!  

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monday!Happy Patriot's Day!FYI, it's Patriot's Day in Maine and Mass, it's Patriots' Day every where else.No
    one knows why.

    Genny--So glad you
    are feeling better!

    Goldie--Yup, gonna
    have to go to Nashville now.The thing
    is I really do not like country music, so never had any interest in going to
    Nashville. Guess I'll have to rethink that one, now!NICE Easter Drink!

    Ok, current news
    item, Maine will start putting pictures of recipients on EBT cards (welfare
    cards) to help cut down on fraud.The
    anti's are saying having pictures on the cards will deny benefits to some needy
    people.I'm thinking how?How on earth is having your picture on a card
    of free money going to prevent you from getting the free money?Yes, it will make it harder to sell the card
    for cash, but the cards can be used at ATM's to get cash, what's the
    difference?Making it harder to use the
    welfare card for gambling and vacationing is going to deny a card to someone
    trying to make ends meet and stay alive?I don't get it.I just don't get

    ORLA--Have you
    gotten a second opinion about the whole BRACA/ovary removal thing?Or checked into banking some eggs if you do
    decide to have them out?

    Julie--if only
    people knew how often I leak when I laugh, sneeze, cough, hit a bump in the
    road. . .

    Mema--if you and
    willie are doing just fine, I'd stay with him!

    Erin--I know people
    have aharder time dealing with the cold
    as they age, but my brother is NINE YEARS YOUNGER than me!But, he works in IT and there isn't ongoing
    good work here for that level of technology.So I can't blame them, really.It
    also puts them much closer to the grandchildren they almost never see.AND, they like country music.Sigh.

    pic!Hang in there, it will get

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is another round of the Easter Egg!Looks so purty it needs a second day on

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---I SLEPT WOOT WOOT---

    Erin I love u'r posts and are sad and happy and feelingy and u remember everything to talk to and who needs some extra boosts. Ane ye so funny. I'm glad u had a good day, now how do u feel with u'r puka? I still have visions of that picture before I have never ever seen anything like it. When u had Zak the vac. OMG it was so sad to look at. I don't understand why u and Lara and others have so much trouble with all this, I always thought this was the easy part. NOT anymore---Oh u put up a decent picture of me from years ago so that's fine, Erin u never need my permission to put a pic. of me none of u do, I just never liked looking at meself and still don't really. I could never be mad at any of u. U'r all my bweasties.

    I lubs u all and I wish we had real time together, who would have thunk we could be so close and yet so far and still care and pray for each other---Five yrs ago I would have said that's crazy--In fact some of my family can't understand it really and they put all this crazy stuff on TV but it's just not like that we got lucky, well I did.

    Princess and Genny I thnk we all feel what u are going thru, I think personally some are worse than others, but that's just me. I know after I got the top 3 and they started throwing everything else at me I didn't even want to know the names what different did it make, everytime they change thigs up I said don't even bother me with why or what. I understand when u get it every 2 or 3 weeks u get heavier doses so it's got to be rough, I had mine weekly and to me that was tough. So enjoy the days u can and just relax on the days it hits u without feeling guilty about staying in bed. Or just reclining and don't forget u'r water, never forget u'r water. Well that's what I always heard so I told them yes I brought the garden hose in and it just sits by my mouth.

    OK My screen is jumpiing BBL