how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Princess you are gorg so pretty I know its hard when we feel down I had gained 60 pounds I was pushing over 200 pounds I was always 140 still trying to drop which I have,first holiday I felt great


    OMG cam u were the devil in prada that sly smile I bet u had men dancing at your feet.

    Hi Genny I hope everyone had a good day

    you go girls 5 k do it  I gotta start just walking again its so god damn hot here my arm swells up hate it

    NM ok so they are putting a pic on the card. Oh yes I heard of that cash thing people tey to do it with gas cards to

    I am due for my gyno apt in june then ill go from there still waiting for MRI apt

    I have to go to work today whoppe ILL b bored

    ERin all the nracs I think are with tynel oxy i bad bad very addicting thats herion basically thats how my brother became a herion addict the pills, then he was snorting 8 bags a day clen now over a year I worry every day about him one slip up and well leave it at that

    Ill see u girls after my 6 hours


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Lara, BRCA 2, is that the one that you can pass down to your children? If So, perhaps something to consider. You gained 60 pounds after your diagnosis? What treatments did you have?

    Dork and La La, taking all of those pain pills, I can't tolerate them, but I think it would just make me want to sleep. But if it helps manage the pain, well...ya gots to take em. I do hope your tummy is starting to feel better. Flu? Glad to hear you had a nice time at your sisters and dad behaved.

    Sue, I think if ye and Willie are doing ok, I wouldn't worry about increasing the Xanax. I think you know your body good enough to know iffin you should take it or not.

    Ms Pink Sugar, why are you always dumping on yourself. You are going to get spanked from every Tender in da house. You are a gorgeous woman, then and now. And Wacko is right about those big brown Italian eyes. You go to the doctors today, yes? I can picture you with the garden hose by your mouth. But YES, lots of water for Princess and Genny. How is Joey's foot? Did he stay home today?

    Princess, we know the feeling. Hang in there girl, you have to. You will get through this. And there is nothing pretty about this, for sure. I get upset when they show pictures of someone with cancer, or especially the ones that shave their heads in honor of. And they all look just absolutely gorgeous. I'm like, it's not like that AT ALL! I think Sue had the watering eyes. Yep, get your Big Girl Panties, and put em on. (((((Princess)))))

    Genny, hugs for you too (((((Genny))))), yes a mile at a time is a good way to look at this crapola, it does suck. Just keep thinking of little Nora.

    LOL NM, you don't like country music. Well, TN is a very pretty state. I do like country music, but didn't find Nashville to be anything too special. Walking around town, lots of bars and of course Tootsies. And there is the place where they have the streets blocked off, Bourbon St. maybe? Other than that, no big deal. Oh ya, The Grand Ole Opry. Is your brother's children in Nashville?

    Planted some cukes and over 100 beans. Now to keep the critters from eating it all! Lasagna was AWESOME! Ok, we still have The Easter Basket and we'll have The Pink Pantie Pulldown.
    2 oz. Malibu Rum
    1 oz. Vodka
    1 cup(s) Cranberry Juice
    1 cup(s) Pineapple Juice


    Cami after her shower!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    I woke up in such a happy happy mood...wooohooo!!  And then to jump on here and read all the wonderful encouraging words.  Yep and lots of phuckin phunny stuff too.

    OMG Princess - you are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!  AND you will be again.  I can promise you that.  Yes, I had very same cocktail and all the same side effects.  I too gained weight and did not need to.  Eyes watered, the breakouts, the folliculitis, so many things, but it all passed.  Once I got my hair growing out again and my energy increased....people were shocked to learn my dx.  I look, act, AM healthy.  I kept a journal throughout the 1st 2 years of my journey.  I only update now after my 6 mos tests.  But you can ASK me anything, here or on PM.  Sharing our stories struggles and achievements are what this is all about.  AND....I would not be as in good of shape were it not for allll my BWESTIES on this site.  Hope you are feeling the love and HUGZ.  Pay attention to the GR8 advice from Erin, Cami, NM and all others.  We all LUBS u!   ((((Prn))))

    Genny - I just have to ditto what I said to Princess.  The fact that you both are joggers and continue to do it at ANY pace is just mind boggling to me.  My exercise (I used to b aerobic queen) consisted of walking in circle 8's inside my house during treatment.  Course it was 115o outside so that wasn't gonna happen.  My tx started 5-23-11 til 9-6-11.  I thought I was invinsible and doing well, so I booked a vacay in mid-July to Oregon with my kids.....UGH UGH UGH.....NOT....I did get some visiting done, but spent most of my time curled in a ball in da hotel room.  Live and learn!  ((((Genny))))

    Erin - u put da smiles on everyones faces around here.  U are a funny goil always.  I can't get enough of your sense of humor and how you share it with all of us.  It jes warms mese fart dat daddy was a good boy at da beach and ya'll had a wonderful time.  I think u made good choice about mom's place too.  That part makes mese fart ache, but I kno was time goes on we must accept.

    Cami - Always an inspiration with a total comic outlook that keeps me laughing OUT LOUD everytime I read your posts.  You are beautiful, I just love the picture, thanks for giving permission.  And what you said about all of us and how close we have gotten, some with face-time, has not deterred ANY of us from giving, praying, hoping, encouraging, sharing, making each other laugh.  All of which is the BEST MEDICINE.  We don't have to be in physical contact to FEEL each other and everything we're going through.  I lubslubs u Lady!

    NM - Maine is so very patriot, but no I don't kno too much of the history.  I LOVE the idea of pic ID on those cards and agree 100% with your explanatons.  We have to do something to stop the fraud.

    Damn screen...back in sec

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Back again!

    Lara - my family additive personalities.  So I too try to be careful.  BRCA gene is nothing to sneeze at but do you research and get the best advice possible.  And yes, Lori is right, it can be hereditary to your children too.  PLEASE don't take this as negative, jes get your facts, you are good at research, and you will make the right decision for you.  (((Lara)))

    Loweee - I gotta go....I'm late....I love the to ya'll later.

    lubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hi chickadees! peep peep, happy Easter monKeydey! 

    Such awesome words you all have spoken todey, mese God, I jest about having a fart meltdown here. (for newer goils, mese and others sumtimes chose to sey de word fart in substiTOOT for heart. hey, I made a funneee, get it ... sub-sti-TOOT as in a song I writed for Mema Sue in her honour and here it go:

    Beans beans the Miracle Fruit

    De more Ye Eat de More ye TOOT *edited to correct de word eat, had east ooops

    De more Ye Toot de Betterly ye Feel 

    So Eat Mo Beans with Ebery Meal 

    anD NOW FOR SOME edumacation to go witH mese song, BY eRIn wACK0 .... thank ye tank ye....hold de applause til after de essplanation of mese song. here it go:

    The basis of dis song, other den bean/fart humor, IS de berry esstreemly high amount of oligosaccharides present in beans. And ya see, dese oligosaccharides help with bacterian that is present in de large intestines which digest these sugars OUTTA de beans which den produce a combination of carbon dioxide and hydrogen .....WHICH my friends, dis all results in flatulence more commonly known as farts/farting/farts. 

    If ye need further assastince with hessplanations, ask one of our resident HTL RN's. we has about three of dem now. yippEE. and I wonder if they could have essplained dis better than me, eRIN wAck0 (jest for you CammieLub)

    so yes, me typed out de hole ting and made de bold and de itatic ting. Hey Cam, is de word itatic Itanlian? seams like it should be and could be? jesst interistin to me. whY ye ask? WELL FN DUH, mese really DWUNK, yippeee ya, been since twosdey night last week sincen mese been able to dwink without nausea, chEErs! 

    bbl cuz mese gotta make dinner. and yes, why of course beens are on de menu for dis night! 

    keep the peace and love coming, keep farting and keep Dwinking!

    TiTTIEES up

    FARtS out

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    for NM

    day finderWhat is Patriots' Day?day finder

    Patriots' Day, sometimes spelled Patriot's Day, is an annual civic holiday, celebrated in Massachusetts, Maine, and Wisconsin, that commemorates the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord that occured on April 19th, 1775. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the Revolutionary War in the United States. Patriots' Day is celebrated every year on the third Monday in April.

    The Boston Marathon is held every year in Boston, Massachuseets, United States on Patriots' Day.

    - See more at:

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Hi ladies, thanks for all the encouraging words, I know it's all temporary, just doesn't always feel that way. Feeling really good now but I gotta go do it again on Friday….booooo…hissss. Oh well, it's also my 3rd which means I'll be halfway through the chemo part if this chit. Went to try and buy jeans today cause nothing fits and I couldn't find any. And these friggin hot flashes!!! god, I feel like a sweaty pig...Other than that it was a wonderful day, sunny and in the 70's, got done working at 2 and after shopping came home and walked my dogs and sat outside and read. I just got Susan Love's breast cancer book, have any of you read it? It's 700+ pages but I can skip some of em' cause they don't pertain but it's got lots of info.

    Memasue, glad you're having such a good day, you are an inspiration to me. I started a journal but haven't gotten very far with it. 

    Erin and Cami, you 2 cwack me up… you always put a smile on my face, thanks. And Erin, may I say your new avitar is gorgeous!

    And Goldie, I love the pic of Cami…. very cute and...clean looking.

    NM and Lala.. hope you had a good Monday

    Gotta go, I get to go and babysit my little fuss tomorrow then going out to dinner with my all my buds that you all saw the pic of right before I started dis chit so that'll be fun. Catch up later… bye for now

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    U guys are something---

    Sue u sound good and are so helpful for the newbies, u can splain so well and u'r so together about everthing.

    I like that drink too, I wish I had a full loaded bar and I could try any or all of them whenever I feel like it.

    U know I never heard of Patriot's Day, maybe cuz we don't have it here. So it's not a National Holiday right? Oh Erin without u splanation I wud hab gone thru my wole life really not knowing now I know and have heard of it, and this will be a topic of some thing I will be able to open at some time and I'll be smart. BTW I don know who u'r avatar is, but she's mity peerty

    Well the Dr, is done, had more tests and she thinks my bladder has gone crazywell it's about time it caught up with the rest of me. She found blood in it and thinks I should now see a urologist, I said another Dr. with a gist at the end OH, she giving me more test, ten we'll see. NO MORE GISTS for me.I'm so tired now I tink I need a nap--oh no to early o maybe I hab anoder drink. Yay sounds better.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Hi's all, read so much forget who says what. 

    Erindorkywackoetc Ise a lady of leisure. Ise was a schoolteacherlady but decided Ise had enough and retired early.(Actually got stupid BC and have RA and more tings wrong)  Loved the teaching hated the admin - Ise only taught 3 classes cause Ise was boss of faculty so Ise was bossyschoolteacherlady. Nows I lady of leisure and dos what I please, well almosts.

    When I get pics will show my repaired fire places theys look bootiful.

    Cami just says she's no patriot hehe. Does you knows I had heard of Patriots day. (I has a friend who lives near Lexington)

    Princess youse real bootiful.

    Big hugs and Slainte

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    quick poop in before bed. jest lubs ye ladies me does. 

    Ginney, sorry bout friedey but de good ting is you bese ober de hump, a reason to partay! and funny ting about The Breast Book, mese sister gave me a copy of it as it was her Bible when she got her DX and was mine too. and get dis, Dr. Love is a friend of mines on facebook and actually commented on one of mese photos of mese puka that I once put out dere. I was star strucked! I hope you have another good dey on twosdey and can appropreeeitaly dwink two at a time hehe! More hugs coming atcha! 

    Cam, mese can use-you-ali interpred yer words but uhhh....what is Gists? mese no know dat werd ~hiccup, oh scuuuz em wah! and mauh speaking of it tall hehe. but crud, hope it nutting but a bladder full of piss n vinegar dat de doctor is saying about. he on crack on sumting. I happy to essplain anyting. cuz me lubs ye. 

    Aly, tank ye too for essplaining. sorry bout de admin peeps. dey do tend to git de hail in de way, eh? curse on dem. may de fleas of a tousand horses jump on dere armpits and dere leg pits too hehe, dat'll teach em to be mean n keep ye from de kids. I want to bese a lady of leezshore when mese grows up and mese been practising a hole lot ~hiccup. ye dwinking now? me too, what about it, far out and uber cool beans. 

    no one like mese bean song? geez, i knkow whoese mese real fwends. hehe, i jest kidding ye all. me dont care iffin ye like it or not. made me laff my EWWA off so take dat n smoke it in yer willie pipe~ burp, ooops again, foygive mese lack O mannorismsn ~hiccccup. 

    well mese gotta mosey on ober to de pool and see whose hot tonight. i see meester bigliest's bigness and I gonna go n grab it. dare me? 

    has a greeat night. oh and me wanna see dat dere newly honstructed fire place, Aly oops burp, tank ye n cheers to all ye. HicCCCCup, oh de JD so yummmmmy dis night 

    i go now n sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OH Erin I loved u'r bean song I sang it to Joey and he really loved it---I shudda tole u.

    A gist---GynocoliGIST, OncoloGIST, urologist, CardioloGIST==etc. that what I don't like Gists. I know I know my mind is silly.

    OK eberyone I lubs u all and hope we all sleep well.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    gists lol cam

    love the song Erin

    yes my mom had the book she had breast cancer twice I scanned it

    Goldie well I think the weight gain was from being up and down from surgeries I only started exercise that one time and my chest was blowing up.

    Also I was down about 4 months after masectomy and recon stayed with my mom she just kept feeding me italian mothers. DH mom died around that time we were seperated and he in no way could of taken care of me and he had to work I really needed someone there ,y dad would come and sit with me I had a very painful expierence with that whole situation. Then th eexpanders came out. I walked when I had no boobs.I also was traveling for work my dad took me on my trips I could not even open a door . Let alone lug my things I was on the road as new place evry week for 3 days.

    mema yea we have addiction in the family to

    herion is big here I just saw on the news these drug dealers are trying to stay off the highways and going through vermont the cops are being vigilent about it

    Hi princess

    Juliet hope u have a good day

    Genny I finished that book we were reading great twist

    I have off today it is so freaking hot out I have allergies and I cant breath all this pollen

    A flu strain Has hit here a new one IDK saw something about it on the news everyone is coughfing at the office

    fart in latah




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?Sprinkling here, not supposed to
    rain hard, I hope not, some flooding still a problem in places.Don't need more!

    Cammy--Hooray for

    ORLA--how I would
    appreciate a gas card with money on it! Some people just aren't happy no matter
    how much they are given, I guess.Maybe
    they'd be happier if they worked for their money. . .

    Goldie--I've heard
    that TN is pretty.Their son is in the
    Air Force, family is currently somewhere a few hours from Nashville they said.
    I think the oldest granddaughter is going to college in Nashville.I’m so jealous that you can plant
    already!It's going to be another month
    here, at least.

    Mema--Patriot's Day
    is a very New England holiday, to honor the folks that played a role in the
    Revolutionary War.Think it dates back
    to when Maine was not a state, was still part of Massachusetts.Nowadays it's all about the Boston Marathon
    and, occasionally, extending the tax filing date for those of use who send the
    info to the Mass office of the IRS.

    Erin--Yup, beans is
    the miracle fruit!Aha, you found a more
    succinct splanashun of Patriot's Day!Wisconsin celebrates Pats Day?Didn't know that!

    Genny--I remember
    the feeling. I remember being scared to plan anything more than a day
    ahead.I remember the shock I felt the
    first time after treatment that I planned something a month ahead and actually
    felt like I really would be able to do it.I've read Susan Love's book, read it several times during treatment
    time, occasionally refer to even today.And I got to sit outside and read for a bit after work, too, and was
    even visited by a mosquito!There IS
    hope for spring!

    Cammy--Patriot's Day
    has the impact of a National Holiday here, but probably not anywhere else.It is not a real National Holiday, just a
    regional one.

    Aly--so you are the
    Lounge Lady of Leisure?How neat!

    Erin--Dr. Love
    commented on your puka?Neat!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Patriotic Blow

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1/4 oz Sloe Gin

    1 squirt Whipping


    Layer the blue
    curacao and whipped cream over gin in a shot glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    LDB, you rockin this girl. You sound awesome. Hang in there, you're half way.

    Lara, I sure hope I didn't sound negative with my comment, I certainly didn't mean for it to sound that way. But I had a freind (I think I have shared this before) she was BRCA positive, her DD tested positive and immediately when in for double mx and historectomy. No cancer diagnosis, she just didn't want to take the chance. I remember when you were staying with your folks, but didn't know about all of moms good cooking! Hope you don't catch that flu.

    Tanka ewe Wacko for edumacashun an de beans, not to be funcused with our Dear Beans who be MIA. An mese sang along wif ye. What did Dr. Love say to you?

    Genny, Friday is the half way mark....wooo hoooo! As for the hot flashes...get used to em girl, they aren't going anywhere for a long time!

    Yeah Cami, why should one of your organs be any different from any of the others??? Gheesh girl, you just can't catch a break. I pray this doesn't cause you too many troubles, or MORE pain. LOL at your "gists". Did you see the purdy picture I put up of ye?

    Alyson, bossy lady of leisure now!!!

    NM, yes I'm planting, have been. My maters have blossoms already.

    Gittin might windy again here, gusts up to 50 mph. but suppose to be in the 80's.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    no Goldie I don't get mad or take things like that 

    After they chopped my boobs off nothing bothers me

    My story was they saw something prepared me for chemo after masectomy and lymph node but I was lucky it all got taken out. I was very high risk so I do not regret saving my life


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    On days I feel sad like today I remind myself I am alive

    No one prepares you for the aftermath

    which I struggle with every day and pending descions ahead

    lets face it this chit gets to all of us

    I am blessed to have you all in my life

    we r strong women

    and we only get that

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Julie so true.

    Lori I noticed it, at least I was young and altho I didn't like it then being photographed it was acceptable sometimes. So it's fine my dear Lori.

    Lara u hit the nail---Nobody prepares us for after, I think I thought after it was under control u'd feel fine. And it's never happened--I said they should do studies on the life after cancer so more women would be prepared not thinking they're freakish. I know some seem to get thru it easier but most don't. Really and it's a process u have to figure out not any automatic fix. And who knows what SE linger forever. I sometimes feel I'm always living on the edge and altho cancer itself is fine now, other things are horrendous to me.

    I was on the phone with the IRS for 1 hr--I really have no idea what he was saying all I know is he was laughing at times and I thought and said u'r not supposed t laugh at my problems Jez can't even get a good old IRS guy--Now I have my work cut out for me- with no doubt the scissors ending up in an artery. Confusion reigns Supreme here. I don't know what is worse the IRS attacking me or the thought that I could have bladder cancer--right now the IRS is beating everything else--I hate them.  Oh well it could be worse for me as Joey said, he doesn't know about my bladder, But now he's calling me Baby Girl--my new name. BRAT.

    Well first I'll take a nap, then I'll start burying my nose in paperwork, aha maybe I won't be able to breath--see that's what the IRS wants. LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    I went out tonight after hearing a TV commercial for Raymour and Flanigan, a furniture store. My current bed is 15 years old and this store is having a one day sale tomorrow, I got a nice new queen mattress and box spring, it is a pillow top mattress for 599 with free delivery. Ok, so I fall in love with this beautiful vanity so I had to buy a bedroom set too. It will actually be my very first brand new set of bedroom furniture. The set I have now was my parents old set and it is falling apart. And my current vanity is an antique that I messed up trying to re finish it, also the mirror needs replaced due to age. I did not think they made them like my old one anymore and when I saw the one in the store, I fell in love and had to have it. soooo, I am busy hustling and emptying my drawers for a thursday delivery.

    but got this mirror for the bureau instead

    and the vanity which was what lured me to the bedroom furniture

    I am so furcited! Sadly, the plans for new outdoor furniture are now out the window lol. And the price for what I had my eyes on was more than the whole set of bedroom furniture including mese new pillow top queen bed. OMG, I jest can't wait to sleep on it. Mese old bed is so flat, I ended up buying a very thick down mattress pad in an effort to make it "pillow toppyesh" again. Well it is all great and good but will not stay on my bed as it pulls my bottom off every night. It also flattened out where I sleep. I got my DD a new bed a few years ago and napped on that when I was sick and my sheets were in the wash. That is when I said to mese dern self "self, you deserve a new mattress". So I am broke, spent my income tax return plus a widdle bit more. I gonna have to git mese ass back to work soon. I can do some major financial damage while out of work. I found my current home and my current vehicle while on vacation time.

    Lori, Susan Love wrote something to the affect that the edges of my wound were pink and looked very healthy or that it was healing well. If you or any of the other girls want to friend her through me, I am sure she will accept you. I had written her a personal message with my friend request and she actually responded. She is a super great lady. She and her partner have been together for a very long time and they are actually married. I truly admire her as she lives her life helping others get through cancer and is also big into research. She is very passionate and gives so much of herself. 

    Camille, I am praying that you do not have freaking rat basturd in your bladder. How long before you see the 'gist for that? I wish I could help you with your issue with the IRS. If you want to PM me, I can try to direct you. They will work with you if you are persistant. I have worked with clients with IRS liens that had to get cleared and it is tough cutting through the fn red tape. Hugs to ya my lub. and that Joey is a funny one with calling you baby girl, that is too cute. Give that lad a hug from me if you will. I know we all love him here, he is an honorary member of the lounge! 

    Lara, I feel you. I remember my first PS visit and looking through the before and after pics of gals who had breast reconstruction and actually believed that my foobs would be beautiful. They are a far cry from beautiful and I have come to accept that I will never look like the after pics in those books. If anything, I could be shown in pics of recon mishaps or the worlds worst reconstructed body. I have like a rope thingy from hip to hip where the scar is with huge lumps of scar tissue. My left hip is pointy, I look like an alien to myself. My back is mutilated from the lat flap, my stomach will forever be horribly scarred. My left foob is teeny tiny and my right foob is not where it is supposed to be. Where the boob should be is 100% flat, the boob is pretty much six inches below where it should be, totally drooped again. Remember, when I had the inplants, that one dropped not once but twice. And the tits are scarred beyond repair as well. But hell, I am alive and cancer free, isn't that what is important? I do not complain often but my body is a hot mess and is FUBAR ---- effed up beyond all repair! And my primary care dr does not want me to get further revisions. If I got my belly fixed, I would be grafting which would mean having another area of my body cut into (the donor site) and God knows, I would have to expect infection. I do plan on trying to have the right foob lifted one more time and to also have a revision to the diep scar on my stomach. But no to skin grafting as I just know it will backfire. I am so disgusted with my darn body. I was told that it would take a full year from DX until all repaired and feeling well again. Wasn't that the biggest crock of BS I ever heard. Here I am nearly four years out and still effed up as ever. But cancer free, cancer free cancer free, I tell meseself this all the time when I feel like crying at my naked body. It repulses me.  Oops, sorry for the vent. But it did feel good to get it off mese chest (pun intended). 

    I have to get back into my bedroom, I have my work cut out for me. Tanks for allowing me to brag, I am soooo furcited! 

    Love you girls, every one of you has a spayshall place in mese fart. Tittys up, farts out and chEErS lubs, have a good night all. 

    EDITED TO ADD that I have gone through two of the hardest drawers in mese underwear drawer and jamma/slip/cami drawer and tossed over half of de tings. Next is mese sock drawer and that will complete my bureau. Then five more drawers but all have larger items and are in fairly good order already. GO ME GO! 

    (dorK is saying to Erin, good gawd goil, ye full of yerdernself todey eh?). and Erin says to DorK "Can you jest shut de fuk up, aint yo bidness. ye jest jailous cuz ye not Erin Blackovich (aka BlackoWackoVichBiotch), ya see eberybody wants to be mese, Erin. And foyder, you, dorKyting are one jailus goil (biotch)"

    Erin says "gasp"!! 

    we both say mo CHEERS!

    PS paging Chrissy B, where ye bin hiding, eh? Huh, word on de street is dat you been hogfacing our own Pants AND Jock, is dat true? ye has some spaining to do.

    Cam, I twied to make ye laugh in writing my new longer version of mese last name, dis cuz mese lub ye. I hope me not fail ya hon. lub ye and lub ye all. I go now and get to sock drawer. or go bed? yawn~ hmmm.  LUB IN MESE FART for all yese goils. Lub Erin B

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    so girls, please dont trow me under de bus,K? i gib it to ye straight and honestly, k? 

    it been so so so so hard libing in mese skin dese recent monfs. but mese feel berry guilty if I biotch up a storm whether date storm be a tornado, a tropical storm, a cyclone, a oh dat ting that put Idida off de earth when that tital wave tinigy hit bout four years ago, ya know? and bdw, me is typing tottttallly with mese eyes closeed. ooops, lost me spot but still has eyes cloes. no chit at alll! and fyi, cant find de tools in mese lap top to make mese to make sense of all dis, ya know? well so I been up all night. it four turdey nine here and me besided NOT to git to bed. sleep is for wimps and mese, Erin Blackovich, aint no wimp. so take dat biotches. harhar hahahaha tehehhehehehee, NOW YE KNOW mese not consider anyo ofs mese goils biotches, i jest sayed dat to crack meseelf de Haiiiiiilllllll UP! 

    one more ting before me go, i bin totality amazed at how well mese ken type with mese eyes closed. will sumbuddy, youbuddy, ENNYbudde gib me some kudos for dat cuz me no bullchitting dat mese eyes bese closed. AND me acshally made half sense hehehe. yep, mese fingars ken write with eyes closed and wide open at de same fricking time. i hear scary music. I see clowns, oops Cam, oh ok, ye did not see demm, jest mese. burp. oh mise. I hope ye all lubs me in spiked dwink of it'all!! cheers! and mo lub dan I ken put into werds. so dere, good nighen and good dey too! hehe, again eyes totality closed! 

    one mo ting. Erin is a mess, she not doings well. me shared with mema sue what bin going on in mese world ... and iffen she has de time to chat about it, i gib her permisssheON. 

    Mese not doing so whale, errr I mean wall. oops, dat not it eidder. it bese reallies dat mese not doing so well. but whales, sharks, who gibs a mother fletcher fark anywho> ???? eff dem alll. eff dere brodders too. ha, take that mo fo bad n mean peeople. I aint got time for ye so shove it. dwink up goils n know me knovvs ye. yicccup.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OMG another name change but u'll always be Wacko to me now. LOL It still cracks me up and I sti;; remember when Lori said it first---so so funny. BTW I love that vanity, it it perfect for anyone. Ther are so many drawers and I love the way the mirrors are set up and now u'll have a bed that's fit for a queen that u are, Oh u'll get some good sleep Miss Wacko. I'm showing u respect for choosing something bootiful.

    Erin thanks for the offer, but I think I ave things (in my head ) that are under control for my paperwork, Jodie printed out what I need and they sent me the other stuff I need and I was looking thru it and it wants u to list all my assets--hahaha just one big line, cuz  I have none, not even a car. so if I fill out just the reg. form what else is there to do--no credit cards nothing---The Irs is already taking 150.00 out of my SS. and the State is taking 200.00 out of my pension. And now they want to bog me down with paperwork. So I'll just do it and see how it goes. Thank ye Erin,

    And I feel so bad for u for all the surgeries u've had so u'r boobs would be good afain and all the trouble u've had--like I've said I've never heard of so much going wrong, and now Lara is having so much trouble/ Begore this I thought that was the easy part but it's certainly the hard part--Because I'm older I didn't give it a thought to have anything done, and now I'm really glad, but I do understand with u'r age and wanting to ook good but being so disappointed has to be horrible for you. and I'm sorry. I hope u get some sleep and when u get u'r new bed u'r be sleeping a lot with comfy feelings. YYAAAYYY

    LUBS LUBS LUBS you all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh I forgot I'm planning to go out to lunch today with my 2GF's and my sister and cousin. I get so fircited and it was my sisters BD so I got her some Bath and Body works .Again I get so furcited getting her a present. It's called (I thnk) beautiful Springtime and smell so good, but she's not as poofy and as I am so I leave the receipt in so she can exchange it. I do that all the time. She's like my mom.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I visit u big sis I don't know how u do it and u r not mutilated

    Cam u have bladder cancer? Wtf is going on

    When we had all this fked up drama on here I was thinking why? Why people need to forgive and not look into so much we have to much going on

    I miss the old girls mybe some day they will return but guys are in face book

    I'm in the middle of a slight breakdown

    Drank last night didnt help

    Work will fire me I'm sure I can't go today or tomm 

    Poop in later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    ahh, mese Lala Lil Sis, no no no, nebber gib up. ya hear me ??? if I CAN do it, den Ye can do it, k?

    oh mese Cam, mese jest crying hearing ye words to de erin's o de world. dey not handling tings dose Erins, ya know? but dey keep going cuz of goils like ye.

    i sleep now. God willlings. cheeRs.

    no tEARs. big ears no fears. and finalby, FURB FURB FURB. me LOATHETH ye RB. sigh. n a feoup bug too. ooprs m me dwuni. i passeth out nows, wat up wit dat, i go. seeyalubyabyeee!  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    mses abatar did jest make me lauff mese ewwa off tehehehehe! 

    it all good goils, aMEN. barmEN. 

    ccccccc ya n wanna bbbbbb ya


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    i M from New Mexico yo?!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    LaLa, it is a bunch of crap with what we have to deal with, that's for sure. And some (like yourself) more than others. I'm glad to be alive too! And NO BREAK DOWNS, not allowed. Hang tough girl, hang tough.

    Baby Girl! I love it, and it's now your new name. To the swamp with the IRS. When do you see the doctor again? Wishing you a super fab fun day out with friends and family. Such sweet words to Wacko, you are a dear.

    Beautiful bedroom set Erin. I know it made you feel good to buy it. ENJOY! Your bod is messed up for sure, you have been through hell and back. Although I don't think you have made it "back". I cringe at the thought of you having more surgery. Please be careful cleaning and getting things ready for your new set. Big gentle hugs to you. (((((Dort))))) OMG, you were up all night. I hope you get some good good sleep.

    I was up late (10:00 pm) late for me anyways, cleaning. Therefore I got up late. Pretty much everyone is missing! Dis be da HumpDay. So we have The Copper Camel for our DOTD.

    1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
    1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps

    Add the Bailey's Irish Cream to a shot glass and add Butterscotch Schnapps on top.


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2014

    RedReading,  So sorry about your cousin's grandson.  Such a precious little fellow will be hard to lose!  I am praying for the family, Barb, Hammy and especially Kim to find the strength to endure this difficult time. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    lara I don't have bladder cancer, I just have an effed up bladder and again no one knows why----I have to see a urologist to find out what's going on.

    oh such a good time today, I gave my sister her BD present--Bath and body work stuff and she paid for m,y lunch==she's so goofy--

    LORI my DD forced me into pics today FOR YOU, I take worse pics now more than ever after all I'm like 69, it doesn't get prettier hahaha--All I am is like get that camera away from me and she said no lori wants to see u.-WTF.-u have over ranked me.

    i'll be back later I have to go thru my phne messages for work--I let them go to voicemail.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    good evening all,working today and tomorrow then off to disney for the weekend, going with friends from work and one is taking her 5 year old girl there for the first time, so i can act like a 5 year old for the weekend!

    cammi-you smell so good, glaad you had a good day out,so now your bladder has joined the flying organdas! wtf hows joeys leg?

    wacko- if any doctor wants to perform surgery on you and tells you its ok to smoke run like hell from that office,glad you treated yourself to something nice,you deserve it

    lara-miss the old girls too!  how you doing today

    have a good night ladies