how about drinking?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Aly--Like that one, but I'm so partial to cats,  When I came home today my cat was so glad to see me, but I immediately had some work to do so she waited next to me--then we cuddled and she was purring like mad then we started falling asleep way to early, that's why I'm here now. She screwed me all up.

    Julie u'll have so much fun, and being with a five yr. old it's like seeing it for the first time---I'm so glad u relaxing for a few days now. U deserve it..

    Oh my Dr. called and she wants to take some more tests first--next week, then if sshe can't figure it out she'll send me to another Dr. She did say if it gets like it did the other day to go to the ER--yea right. So pain meds are going down me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good breezy morning,
    Loungettes! Getting a better start today than yesterday, just could not drag my
    EWWA out of bed yesterday.Got up just
    in time to get dressed and head in to work.

    Goldie--your maters
    have blossoms.So NOT FAIR!

    ORLA--so very true,
    no one prepares us for the aftermath, at all.Almost like survival isn't on the medical radar.


    Cammy--good grief,
    no breaks for you, are there?So UNFAIR!

    Erin--Hooray for new
    bedroom furniture!Yes, you do deserve a
    new mattress once in a while, good sleep is important!If we got a nickel for every lie we were
    told about treatment and recovery from treatment we would all be rich
    women.Very rich women.Typing with your eyes closed, good job!That's a valuable talent!

    Cammy--what more do
    they want from you, blood?Maybe you
    should send a vial along with the paperwork and ask how much more they want. .

    ORLA--in the middle
    of a "slight" break down?Hope
    it goes away soon!

    Goldie--ooh, that
    Copper Camelsounds like fun!And the dangerous virus warning, so timely!

    Good morning, Will!

    Julie--what fun
    taking a 5 year old to Disney!I have
    some friends whose children I rent from time to time in order to enjoy a
    children's activity myself!


    Cammy--more tests,
    more tests, are there any tests you HAVEN'T had yet?Praying these tests give some real answers!

    Princess glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD for Thirsty Thursday is the Thirsty Marine

    100 oz Southern

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Triple Sec

    1/2 oz Jagermeister

    1/2 oz Peach

    2 oz Orange Juice

    4 oz Red Bull


    Pour all ingredients
    over ice in a highball glass. Stir, and serve

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Just wanted to say a quick good morning. Gotta get ready for work, Dh outta town gonna take brats to Camp Bow Wow, they love it there and when I pick em' up they're so tired they just come home and pass out. Go back for more fun tomorrow to git my chemo again…yuck, just feeling back to my old self. Went to see my MO yesterday, tells me my tumor down from 2.5 cm to 1 cm so I guess it's working. 1st visit MO just talked nothing but lumpectomy, now she says "so what're we thinking, lumpectomy or mastectomy?" which has been the big question plaguing my life, but I guess i have time to decide, I just have to be patient and wait and see what test show when done with chemo. still having trouble finding much info on the whole neoadjuvent stuff, it just doesn't seem to be the norm. Hopefully my surgeon will be able to help, I'll see her end of May.

    Cami, I pray the bladder thing turns out to be nothing major. Joey sounds so cute, how old is he?

    Erin, whatever is going on hope you get feeling better soon, sorry about you puca. Hope you like your new bed, how's the pool coming?

    Aly, love the pic, I think maybe u just retired??? did I get that right, if so congrats. 

    NM, Orange Lala, Dwill, and everyday else, have a good day… gotta git in the shower..bye for now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning NM it's Thirstday are u on call this week-end? I hope not so u can enjoy Sadie and the outside.

    Whoa I think the DOTD will surely wake us all up. It's what I need. It rained here last nite, but supposed to be a decent day today--unless they changed their mind like usual.

    OK Erin and u'r eyes closed, u might be able to type with u'r eyes closed, but can u read this with u'r eyes closed? Now that would be impressive.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Godd morning everyone

    Thanks JUliet I feel ok today going to work

    Cam thank goodnes whew

    That is a hard decsion genny there is a lot to the surgery

    My hairdresser has a friend and she had zero problems she was done with everything in 4 months I wish that was my case

    almost done I might put off  the tat because I need to heal a bit and see what this MRI says I think the date was may 11 not sure

    poop in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    genny I had 4 months of chemo before (weekly) surgery, then continued after surgery. But the before is working well on u (it did me too) and it's not to unusual to have it before as long as it works, then it.s OK.So this means u and the r. have to decide what kind of surgery u'll have. I hate decisions. But I'm sure u'll make the right one.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Sawee not posted...I did try and then post a pic and lost it all pissed me off. Anyway, just touching base. All is good.#11 today Woohoo.

    Had a fab talk wif our Cyndilouwho, she is doing ok, jes some, well alot, of fatigue, she is on it like stink on farts and misses all of us and will be baaaack soon. Sends hugs to all.

    Also heard from 4Sew. She not asking, but I am jes a widdle prayer today. She habing gallbaldder surgery today. (((Lynne)))

    Cami - when will you kno the results of the bladder? I got down on my knees yesterday morning at mese widdle altar and said spashall prayers for you. Keep us posted wif, lub that too. How was your lunch wif ur 2gfs, sister and cousin. was she excited about her B&B foofoo? I love dat chit too.

    Cwack me up Lori overranked u wif da pics....sawee gotta laugh mese arse off. U are bootiful and we lubs u sooo soo mushy muchly ya kno.

    Lowee - I lub dat post about the work n bar n wine n rum n stuff. You been busy busy and ur maters already coming up...u got da thumb gf! I can't post pic. I got em on fb but can't copy paste. Mayb dis weekend we ttalk u hailp me pwease.

    Julie - o what fun. I been trying to post pic of my 5yoa gd and I jes can't do it. Also some of me n my family. Nutting working. You have a fab time with her and act any age u wanna.

    Genny - oh how I remember struggling over surgery or no surgery and the stress and tears and was awful. After chemo tho I went to Cancer Treatment Centers of America for a 2nd opinion on all that had been done and what they wanted to do next. CTCA said my Team here has been doing exactly what they would recommend, EXCEPT, would not do mastectomy because it had already spread. That is NOT your issue so I can only suggest 2nd opinion and lots of research. BigHUGZ dahling ((((G))))

    Aly - Tank EWE for posting mese fav dwinkie of alll time. It affects me dat very same way.

    Erin - Bootiful set. Am sooo happy for you you so well deserve it. Sheets and Pads. UGH. Been thru sooo much of that lately and finally finally....have to look at the INCHES of the fitted pockets on both pads and sheets. I had 5 sets and now down to 2 cuz I HATE THEM LIFTING. Gotta be at least 17" fitted pockets for these new pillow top thingies. I'm crying, laughing, snorting, spitting mese dwink out as I read ur posts. You are a mess but really you are what I would call....A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. You are beautiful inside and out and you continue to work and improve and deal with and go on and encourage and laugh and you POUR all that out to all of us who so dearly need it sometimes. You are always KUDO's to the rest of us....but GIRL....u da TOP 'O DAT SUNDAE. We love you to the moon and back!!

    NM - Hiya....speaking of EWWA's gotta get mine in gear for tx. But I wanted to leave all with this.

    When RO nurse asked how my se's were thru all this...I said...I cud complain but really it's nothing and it will all pass eventually. She said, and I like this saying....

    "Yea, why waste ur energy acknowledging all the annoying monkeys around you when you're fighting that BIG APE on your shoulders."


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Ha ha, give Leslie a HUGE hug from me Baby Girl. image Too funny that I rank over you! The pictures are beautiful, you are crazy lady. You are just as gorgeous as I pictured. I loved the purple scarf and didn't you say you wanted purple hair one time? That would look awesome. I hope you had a fun day out. Oh that darned bladder, can you ever catch a break? Praying it DOES NOT give you trouble and you end up in ER.

    Julie, how fun to get to go to Disney and see it through the eyes of a child. HAVE FUN!!

    Alyson, yep we all lean! Cute kitty.

    NM, yes I have blossoms on my maters, but I'm actually concerned it's too soon for that. So I have been pinching most of them off. I don't want the plant using all of it's nutrients on those tomatoes, and not growing. I did leave some, just to see what will happen. Wow, that Thirsty Marine is wild! I just can't imagine mixing Jager in any drink!



    Camp Bow Wow, how cute Genny. Enjoy the days you feel well, and know that the time will come when that will be everyday. Lumpectomy/Mastectomy? I was asked that very same question, but right before being taken into the OR! I have similar diagnosis as you, did 6 months of chemo, and then rads. Lumpectomy before treatments. I also had another chemo, that I don't see you have listed, adrimycan, something like that. Got that with the Cytoxan, 4 doses, and then 4 doses of Taxol.

    LOL Erin reading with her eyes closed, you are too funny Cam.

    La La, are you feeling better? I hope so.

    LDB, tanks for the de update on Lucy, I do hope she comes back. Sawry bout da gremlins though. Sending prayers for Lynne and her surgery and a quick recovery. I won't be home to help with pictures until Sunday. Maybe late Saturday afternoon. You will fight that big ole ape right off your shoulders. How's the fatigue and are you still blessing everyone when you talk???

    DH has doctor appointment today, and we are meeting with doc and his wife for lunch before his appointment. Then heading to Phoenix Friday, check on our truck, haircuts Saturday and then home. So I may not be posting if I don't have the time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Sue I'm glad u told us about Lynne --oh 444444--I wonder why so many of us have had our GB out after chemo--I hope she gets Lapriscopy or the robot. I think those are the easiest ways. Well keep us posted or maybe she will in the next day, I hope.

    BTW I really like what u'r nurse said, makes so much sense and u are going thru a lot and u always sound so up. I admire u so.

    Oh don't worry about my bladder, I get more testing next week, I'm not worried at all I just don't like pain. I'm not tough enuff. I could have sworn I told my DD that the Dr. called last nite, then this morning I mentioned it in conversation and she all upset cuz I didn't tell her--I really thought I did. My brain is mush, like my bones LOL

    OH if I knew how to do avatars I'd do different ones--cuz everytime I look at Erin Wackovic she has another one, I'm LOLing right now out loud just thinking about her. and her name. I think Goldie started it too.

    Oh I think I'm going to my DD1 Sat. til Sun, with Joey of course (my 9 yrs old--old man) so we sleep there and he has a ball, her bonus dgtr is 13 now but when it's just her and Joey they have so much fun, she's tiny still so Joey is taller and acts like an old man but they get along really well, but by the end of the day he comes and sleeps with me holding my hand. I know he's getting older, but I can't help keeping him close to me. One thing my DD1 does is always ask me what I have a taste for and she'll make it. She used to have her own catering business putting herself thru school, so she really makes some good things


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, very top right, click on My Profile.
    Then there are 4 gray boxes accross the screen, My Articles, My Diagnosis, My Treatments and Settings. Click on Settings.
    Scroll down to Avatar and click edit.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Goldie u'r so cute, I did everything u said but I don't have any pics to put in hahha--I'm very one at a time person. But I did read u'r prfile and I don't think I ever knew u went to the CTOA I always see the commercials and they all look so nice, but u had to stay in TX" wow. U gals that travel are amazing to me, There are 2 hospitals further from me with fantastic reps. but I went to the one 8 mins away, BUT both of my Drs. were trained and worked at these hospitals earlier so I felt fine with mine. When I moved I changed hospitals, and now it's like 5 mins away. But these Drs. seem more afraid for me then my original ones were--they take so many tests all the time, they don't really know me like the others did and I tell them if they suspect anything just tell me what u'r looking for. I take it with a grain of salt. Like my flying organdas, and they always think they have to reassure me about things, Like this Dr. was going to put me in the hospital the other day--no no no---I told her I'd be fine and I did promise her I'd go to ER if needed. I'm not brave believe me--but I just don't worry about things. Like for instance my poor DD2 is so upset about my income tax that I haven't done since 2007 and there I am saying don't worry I'll get it straighten out, and I'm not upset, something must be wrong with that part of my brain maybe---

    Oh chit I'm blabbering again, why do I do this all the time--see I'm a word for word person hahaha that's why I always tell u gals to tell me word for word what the Drs. say, or something that u want to talk about.

    OK I'll shut my trap. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hi Girls, I can't stay long as I still have a little bit of work to do to prepare for mese furniture.

    Sending prayers for Lynne and hope she comes back soon. Same goes for my Cyndie LouWhoo I miss eber so much.

    Cam, I saw the pic of you on Les' facebook page and OMG, you loook so purdy. But why is Lori not sharing here? I mighen have to dno just that since you said so. 

    Genny, hoping tomorrow's treatment is more tolerable. Great saying your dr had about complaining. But just the same,come here and complain away, you are entitled. Here is a hug just for you ((((( GENNY)))) because I love ya. 

    Julie, I jest lub that you will be bringing out de kid in you at Disney this weekend, you enjoy yourself - as if I need to even say that. 

    Mema, same goes for you, just keep on going, onward and upward is de only way to go. I just love your tude nearly as much as I love you. Hang tough girlfriend. 

    Lara, haylo lil sis, hope you have a good work day.

    NM, great dwink, yum yum yum. I thank you and Lori to for keeping up with our abundant thirst. I hope today is a good day for ya and it is almost yer weekend, hip hip horraay!

    Hi Dwill, come in more often goil, we enjjoy your company. 

    ALy, loved the pic of de kitten, tanks for sharing. Here's a dwink for ya!

    ANyone I missed, hello hello, dwinks on me. 

    I hope ye all have a pleasant day with lots of alcamahol. Which bdw, I really really really enjoyed mese likker last night and am enjoying a cup of coffee now. I tailed me Dad that yesterday morning coffee was de best cup I'd had in years. Mese taste buds are finally back up n running, at full speed. Which is why I am gaining the weight back that I lost. I was 8 lbs down from that fn virus. 

    Ok, ErinWacko, whose been having a lot of fun changing up her profile, is over and out. I can essplain the pic at another time, there is logic behind that. CheerS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OK Erin if there is a logical explanation I would sure like to hear it. Cuz I can't imagine what's logical to you anymore.

    Oh u got u'r furn coming today YYAAYY and will it be all set up tonite so u can sleep with the comforts of a new mattress.

    Oh I don't care if my Pic is here, it's time, even tho it 's not Halloween, u will be reminded of that.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    I pm'd you Cam, I decided against my so called logical spanation, not so logical and do not want to get myself in  trouble with the mods. 

    I hope ye all like my newest avatar. I always wanted long hair. The real owner of that face is Elizabeth Alexander. She said I could use it hehe!

    gotta fly like a bird and get back to work. Peace girls and cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Im home'la la is la la land like candy land

    heres a fart grab a tart and u willl fart

    I miss cyn

    4 having that surgery yikes

    kk poop in later with another song


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara I miss Cyn too. How are u feeling,

    Just poopin in to tell u I had to take a pain pill cuz I was laughing so hard at Wacko I couldn't stop and  boy did I start hurting.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Lala, can't wait until your next song Happy

    Cam, I will be rightly serious cuz I don't want ya hurting, sorry hun. pls foygive mese?

    I changed my name again, just doing what I can to remain incognito! 

    Dinner time, gotta fly, Love ye all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Erin please have mercy on me hahahahahaha

    I'm waiting too for Lara next tune.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    I will do my best Cam. 

    I tink we will have to stop waiting for Lala's next song tonight, she bese sleeping. Sleep is for wimps tehehe, jk! I was up most of the night on Tuesday but made up for it last night. I know I know, not healthy blah blah blah. Neither is de likker I am consuming. Life happens! 

    CHeerS all! 

    Erin W 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    and btw, Dorothy might not be in Kansas anymore but her good friend Erin W is hehe! 

    She moved from New Mexico to Kansas jest yesturdey. And had only been in NM for a few weeks, yep. Me previously from PA, Hershey PA to be precise. Cuz this is my life and it is my fantasy and dream to be Erin W. I am still working on Chloe or another form of it but chit, it not letting me use that one not even with mese real last name which is Black. shh, cuz I am in hiding. 

    ok then, carry on and the boys will keep de dwinks flowing. I am hitting the percotini fountain den de pool cuz there is a hot life guard dere. see yaaa! 


    well HELLLLLLLO BABY, I tink I am dwowning!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh I'm laying by the fountain all afternoon and night, Thank u very much ERIN.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    NEWS BULLETIN for any late nighter goils .....

    More life guards are en route to de lounge pool cuz de management said that dese goils are twouble and dey need to add at least two more guards. I voted yes for de hottie in mese last post, oh he hot and he big and he good. oops, I made that up cuz dis goil does not kiss n tail hehe. anyway,  I said to htl management "what, trouble, here?????.? How could that be?". And dey reply was "dis place has more dwunks dan in an AA Meeting, management wants to be cautious". I said well ye better maken shir dat de life guards are cute and I poysonally like em a widdle mature. 


    "I asked for a glass, not to see an ass" is what my friend DorK said to tail de HTL management. geeez. and both me, Erin W and mese fwend Dork both say NAY to these guys who auditioned uhhhh I mean intarviewed for a pozishion of life guard at de HTL swimming pools, ya see dere is four pools. and a golf course too. Did we make that for Red? Where is Red?  anyway, due to corporate/BCO policy as known by de residents of de HTL, we has to vote on all tenders/helpers of the lounge. And these boyz auditioning slash (/) interviewing slash (/) getting nekid for me and for you, are subject to de popular vote. 

    SO please vote YAY OR NAY on these guys, dey are guy 2.3 and 4, k? and below is guy 5, I say no although he might have good Willie which is shirley de only reason I can tink of to hire him. Ok, get yer votes in my end of bidness dey fwiedey April 25 twenny-turdteen plus one year aka as 25/4/2014 in other countries outside de US. Oh, iffin ye in anudder times zone, ye still have 24 full hours plus one hour plus turdeen PLUS turdeen more minutes which is what is midnight tomorrow USA EST, or mighten be EDST meaning daylight savings. Oh so funcusing but I will count de votes on de next morning which is saturdey, k? I vote yes to boy #1, no to the three white asses and no to de below whom ooops, And he tried to bwing me to bed, de goof ball. Ya see, as humbarrasing as it is, I was practicing reading with mese eyes closed when he came in and first touched mese mangled body and his hands felt goooood. But den me opened mese eyes and hadda say no. He too bony n looks in need of a good shower to smell good like Camille hehe. He got me high on de willie but I still say no to dis guy, actually no WAY JOSE de Willie Lookalike. What is yer vote?


    and girls, guess who this is? Me stumbled upon dis one and wuz gonna bust on him. BUT he is a former President of de USA. It would not be a patriotic ting to do now would it? And he is deceased so no need to vote~ whew, that is a relief cuz he sorta dorky. 


    drum rolll......dis bese ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Ronald Regan. Isn't that a trip?

    SO, iffen ye goils wanna play mese silly game (it has been ober a year since mese had de stink bug challenge, remember???) So ennyway, make it easy on de auditors who do de final legal tally and jest add to dese here numbers starting with mese votes, and a fwendly reminder, de guy above aka Prez R, de 40th Prez of de America, is exempt for obvious reasons hehe. 

    GUY 1 - de hotty in de first lifeguard pic      YES

    GUY 2 (2,3,4 are all de moon shiners hehe)  NO NO and NO

    GUY 3 NO

    GUY 4 NO

    GUY 5, de willie lookalike HAIL NO

    GUY 6 NO cuz he dead

    so to summarize here is the tallies in ez englash:

    1 - 1 vote

    2 - 0 votes

    3 - 0 votes

    4 -0 votes

    5- 0 votes

    and please, I do not mean to sound bossy but it time to git some furcitement around dis place and I hope dis works. 

    *** kindly copy paste den add yer own votes den nest person do de same. if ye do not comprehend, no biggie cuz I already told #1 he is hired hehehe.

    ~disclaimer MESE APOLOGIZE FOR BEING A PAGE WHORE, dis was not mese intent. Dis all intended for fun, de staff of de HTL will not be responsible for de boys or de goils who dwunk too much so for God's sake and all of our own, 

    "Pace yerself honey" 

    one more quick ting, de first person that can identify de location of de above quote wins a Lifetime supply of dere faborite beberage compliments of the HTL. Although only one person knows, mese wants to make sure ye all read my nonsense!! It's been a while since I have felt like being so silly. I love you all and thank you for having me, Erin W from Kansas, on board with ye all. Hey, can we change de lounge to a cruise ship with all de same amentaties? we vote on dat one nexxt week, k? 

    Gotta fly cuz mese glass is empty. Tenders??????? COMETH to mese immediately. Ye fiind me on my fart shaped raft in de pool # 4, de one next to de golf course. kk, I betta shut up cuz I boring mese dern self. Cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    yippee, Cammi dahling, I got lost finding de foundtain by de pool cuz i was hitting on de tender/lifeguardy guy #1 and he hot. sorry I oberlooked ye, will neber happen again. I jest love you Cam, muaaaaaah. kisses from Erin and one from her widdle Bella dog too. 

    Bella sez "I CAN"T WAIT TO GET INTO MOMMY's Brand new bed". Erin sez " me neider " yawn ~ can I has another dwunk? cippcy!hiccup

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh NO to de Willie guy, but he can drop by and deliver whenever he wants.

    No th the dead man for obvious reasons.

    OK I tink I like 3 up there, tho I can't see faces his back looks good So I am official now No 4. And I did my best to not laugh at u,  Oh u'r so Wacky. I love it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sunny, cool, supposed to get
    nicer later in the day.TGIF!TGIF!TGIF!And I have the weekend

    Genny--Good morning
    to you, too!Praying for the right bit
    of info to come your way to help with the lumpectomy/mastectomy decision.

    Cammy--nope, all the
    way off this weekend, for the whole weekend!Of course, it's going to rain all day tomorrow.Oh well, plenty of inside stuff to do.

    ORLA--It amazes me
    how many women do get through treatment without any issues.Makes it harder for those of us who aren't so
    lucky, though.

    Mema--thanks for the
    update on CynCyn!Great saying!

    Goldie--good thought
    about the early blossoms.And very cute
    Marine!Have a good trip to Phoenix!

    Cammy--Enjoy Joey
    while you have him, he will grow up too fast.Such fun having a caterer catering to your food wishes!As to not beingupset bout the taxes thing, it's not like
    you've had worse things to deal with, you just have it all in perspective!

    Erin--ah, coffee, my
    main indulgence is good coffee!

    OK, I vote thumbs up
    for Lifeguards # 1, 2, 3 and 4.Thumbs
    down for#5, no Charlie Manson wannabes
    need apply.Scary!

    With my vote that

    1 - 2 votes

    2 - 1 votes

    3 - 1 votes

    4 -1 votes

    5- 0 votes

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Swimming Pool

    3/4 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum

    1 scoop (Crushed)

    1/4 oz Cream

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    3/4 oz Coconut Cream


    Mix ingredients
    well, pour into an exotic glass and float the blue curacao on top.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Oh Erin, you cwack me up… I go with guy 1 and maybe guy 3 but hard to tell, hell no to willie septin' for deliveries like Cam said. Ifin I wanted to party with dead boys, hell no to dat one. Maybe Jim Morrison or John Bilushi we could probly git some real good stuff from them… Lala Land for all! My bff did get me some wille but haven't tried it yet, bin alotta years. Waitin for a girls party, my bff has a big pond and house in the country and we having a girl party in June, right after my chemo so no drinks, probably break out d willie then…. unless I find a reason before. I gotta do the blasted chemo today, just when I was feeling all normal again, but I'll meet ya all at the fountain this afternoon. Lookin' forward to some virtual cocktails served by the pool boys.

    hope you all have a great day, chitty and rainy this afternoon, good day for chemo I guess, got my avitar outta da snow...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Woot Woot all weekend NM--rain or not it's jst good to be home and do whatever u feel like--with Sadie of course. Good DOTD anything with cream has to be good,

    Genny u'r getting there, it's not an easy road but it does end and it's a big relief..  And the drinks can keep coming and u'll start to feel differently. So many women do well so keep that in mind.

    Oh just so u know I'm going to skim Erin whoever her name is, I think she beyond help--But her posts are unusual So Iove her like crazy--crazy being the operative word here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara I was going to watch this movie Shark vs---- and I really did pay attention to the name so I put it on---It was Shark vs Dyson---oh  like  I would even watch about vacuums

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014