how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    that's my 2 babies--Joey did this for me.?????

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Awww…that must be your Joey…so handsome!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    NUMBER 1 fer mese pweeeezzeee!!  LOL u are a cwack up.  And I agree wif da D-liver-E...anytime.

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    CAAAMMMMIII - Joey is just soooo handsome and KittyKat sooo purrrdy.   Thank that spashall boy for sharing.  LMAO 'shark vs dyson' !!

    Genny - A bff party at a house in the country with a pond sounds like just the ticket.  And you'll hab da willie to help...OMG...I wanna go! Still sending you MEGA HUGZ!

    NM - WOW the whole weekend off....YAY YAY YAY you so need and deserve it and with better weather too.  You and Sadie have a fab weekend K?

    Lori - u b safe on ur trip dis weekend.  And ya kno....I swear when we grew 'maters' on my widdle ranch in MT that dey tailed us to pinch the blooms off.  idk   But we did and had fab maters.  No worries bout da pics...we'll get to em. 

    Oh, and someone asked about 4Sew, it is GB Laproscopic.  Will let you all kno when I hear sumpin.

    OK....almost time to head out for #12.  Got the THRUSH in mese mouth....gotta remember to ask what he wants me to do bout dat chit.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami yes, I went to CTCA in Tulsa OK (not TX). Flew out there every 3rd Friday, had chemo on Saturday and home on Sunday. Did that for 6 months. Then I drove out there and stayed for 6 weeks for radiation. Awesome place for sure. I know how you roll with your tests and results.

    Well Ms Wacko, I did not share the picture as I didn't have permission to do so. Even though she said to you she didn't care what you posted, I would still ask. And I vote for #4.

    Cami, Wacko and I are both gonna slap you. Your picture does NOT look like halloween!

    Love your song La La!

    Cracking up at Erin!

    YAY for having the weekend off NM!

    Good luck today Genny, you are that much closer at being done!

    Sue, I hope you can get that thrush taken care, we don't need extra bumps on this damn road.

    Ok, time for dis girl to fly. I made a boo boo on some stuff we sent to Amazon to sell, put the wrong label on it, now to figure out how to fix it! Toopid me!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Oh, did you get your furniture Wacko???? I hope you got a goot nights sleep on it!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Erin is it now wacko u right I mese sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    k touvh a dart and u will fart

    make a part in your hair

    and u will flare

    sharks fly spome movie they fly around sharknado

    have fun  goldie this trip

    party in the woods genny smoking the willie sounds great

    not working today they are slow ing down thank goodness.  The jon is so boring I am a mover and shaker cant sit starring at the ceiling

    ill be in the fountain splashing around

    Im under the weather a bit of a cold

    Hi NM yes it is strange weather is pok here rain this weekend that woul;d be my weather report for the Northeast

    I vote NAY

    plumb in latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    funny pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lori u have to fix whatever u did NOW and of course u can put my silly pic on here.

    I just lost a whole post here. WTF How did that happen? Oh well'Sue ick Thrush that hurts,

    And I'm glad 4 got Lap, it usually hels better and faster.

    Lara good u relax today.

    And yes we do have an official wacho person in this board--Oh she's crazy ahhahahaha

    OK here's the thing -I have all the paperwork to do my taxes from 2007 and I'm doin g it myself so I was searchin ing my head for help and I remember when I was young and went to Catholic school I used to get a lot of novenas said for me, so maybe they are still not expired and I will count on the prayers of the nuns to help me get thru this horrid all day job of mine, I'm not that good anymore doing this. All the novenas were for was for me to take life more seriously and I got all A-then I never quite understood why they took this so seriously, even having me over in the convent to have a hostess cupcake with them which I was shocked they ate food like that and I told them I thought they'd et Hot Cross buns so maybe just maybe they'll be some left over prayers for me to do this seriously and take the control I need. I'll let u know Oh the Dr. called me again and I told her I had serious things going on her and stop worrying about me--Oh maybe that's what they meant????? I really never understood those Notre Dame nuns. Oh and now I have Erin who's crackin me up to contend with.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    quick pop in as I am getting help with the now two sets of furniture in my DD's room. 

    thank ye all for playing mese game, you are de best! 

    Lori, can you just call UPS or the shipper and ask them to return what was sent out wrong? I have done that at work and had packages redirected or returned to me. Come on, post that pic, Cam said ok and that means you too. Right Cam? 

    Lala, you are gonna git famous with your poetry. But for now, keep the day job hehe! 

    Cam, omg, Shark vs Dyson, sounds enough like a scary movie hehe. Lubs de pic of Joey and yer kitty kat too. He is a handsome lad for sure. I tink wese all love him. Tank him for helping! 

    NM, wooo hooo to ALL weekend off, you enjoy. I know Sadie sure will.

    Genny, I second the prayer NM said for you. Hang in there. Once dis over, you will feel better dan eber. 

    Sue, thrush, oh mese oh mise, I say a prayer for you.

    I luv mese furniture cept it stanky, smells like the finish was just put on. mese room is fumey, worst dan a fart. I hope it dissipates quickly. It is gorgeous though. I feel like a kid at Christmas.

    Julie, have fun with yer rent a kid. That is really awesome. And they are the best kids to have as you do not have to pay for their further edumacation! 

    Peace out girls, gotta fly! Cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    oops, Cam, I did not mean to bump you. I had to look up novenas. I am tinking if we all pray for you for nine days, that will do it? I am praying for you today and will do so ebery day. You have gone through so much, dealing with the IRS should be a piece of cake for ye! Love ya and sorry, at least you landed in new life guard #4's arms. hehe. 

    Lala, that yoga pic with the tin man is histerical! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    I have to rest for a little from that mumbo jumbo--u'd think I've robbed the IRS of some big stuff the way they're acting the most I made in one year was 19,000.-- no other money none, another 15,000.00 hahaha

    Oh they really have a closet criminal here, that's why I lost my home hahaha At least if I made a wage to live on and all that time I had to (like now) get dozens of meds. I'm really laughing I was one refridgertor box from living on the street( lost my car too)  and they are treating me like my picture should be in every place imaginable as wanted 0n the top 10 list. See why I LOL about this.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    The IRS wants your money from 2007 u forgot to file

    They are poops

    new furniture yeaa

    This next song

    is for king kong

    and hes dong

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OK I'm ready for a whole slew of drinks--my eyes are red and I kind of know what's going on except--in one section it say when u are on disability from work and SSD it's not taxable????????????/ I reread it 3 times and yet I owe a fortune I've just been on my pension for Oh maybe 2 years and it's just a couple of hundred more a month than my dis.U see why they make me crazy--They're telling me with the first 2 yrs, I owe 6,000.00 and then we add the rest on---Oh as someone reminded me all u can be sure of is death and taxes, then Joey said after that and we don't want death so let's deal with the taxes--he overhears everything. Brat--but I'm putting it down for now. I can't believe I used to do people's taxes a few yr back How did I, I can't think like I used to at all. hahaha I can't believe anyone trusted me with that either--how stupid were they. hahahahaha

    YOO Hoooo Erin are u resting I hope after all that work????

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a lovely sleep in this
    ayem, slept ill 6:30, woke up to Sadie cuddles and kisses.I can see green grass in the yard.No temps in the single digits for days and
    days and days.There is hope for Spring
    yet!Now if only he computer would
    behave.I'll be glad to get rid of this
    one and get a new one.

    Genny--that girl's
    night sounds like a great thing to have coming up!Good for you!

    Cammy--so enjoying a
    leisurely morning, so is Sadie!Shark
    vs Dyson, too funny.Great pic!

    Mema--thanks for the
    update on 4.

    Goldie--oops, at
    least you caught the mistake, that makes it a bit better!

    ORLA--hooray for
    slowing down and a day off!

    Cammy--I'll say
    another prayer for you for your tax work, probably not as goodas a novena, but it might help a little!

    Erin--set up a fan
    in your room, crack a couple windows, the smell should go away quickly!

    Cammy--so fucused on
    the dollar bill, those tax people.I
    wonder if they even remember they are working with human beings?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles's DOTD isSaturday Night Special

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 bottle Bacardi
    Breezer Orange


    Pour Jack Daniel's
    whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning NM DOTD sounds good and nice and easy this morning--good for a Saturday. No more snow--u and Sadie will have a good day--I't going to be rainy here for a few days but maybe not today????

    U know when I worked for the state it was different always from the IRS we were on the carpet to b nice cuz that was considered a voting kind of job, people will  vote for the person in charge if they are treated nicely but the iRS is that and it doesn't change so the voting peeps don't make any difference. They will always have their jobs with no consequences of how to treat people. Oh well I'll have this don, in a couple of days and see what happens.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    image      Did this 4 mamaw hi girls it joey

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    4sew came thru with flying colors yesterday.  She was alert and kinda wound up afterwards.  Staff thot she nutzo.  I say no, she jes strong strong strong.  I tail her to rest dis weekend...she jes lost an organ fer crimminnie.  She promise to check in soon.  Prayers answered...tank ewe all!!!

    Last 2 days weird for me....but feeling better today.  End of month so I will be bizy with da bills da bills da bills.  UGH!  But I will take old advice from all mese breasties to work a little, rest a little, then dwink ALOT.  heehee. 

    NM - your weather sounding soooo much better woohoo.   And Sadie gotta be digging chit out of it too.  So, serious bout a new 'puter huh?  Any ideas yet on what u gonna get?   My dh has done sumpin to his....we have our puter geek coming on Monday.  DH jes tinks he can click on

    Cami - I thot you didn't have to file UNLESS you owed money???  Is that not true anymore?  It sounds sooo daunting...I'm amazed u got it all together...well no I not...u got it going on and you have the background too.   I am, sorta organized.  But what really made me smile was my dh digging in boxes looking for a 1992 Workmans Comp claim he made for his loss of hearing as a cop.  He found it and gib me big kudo.  I was sure I'd tossed anything older den 10 years.  Glad I didn't.  (((Cami)))  U'll git'er done!

    Wacky - a nudder set for dd....too cool.  I fergit what else I was gonna say and it on da udder page.  poop

    Will try git back later and yak at all ya'll....LUBSLUBS!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    oHHHH  Joey....thank ewe thank ewe thank ewe for posting that BEAUTIFUL pic of ur mamaw.  She is sooo spashall to us, inside and out.  Gib her extra BIGZ HUGZ for us today K?  MUAH!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Hi cam love your pic love that scarf

    I exercised today feel so much better depression has lifted

    I cleaned my chakra it is where people hold negetive energy so I took a bath in sea salt and baking powder feel amazing

    Its raining here just bought two books gone girl and another one

    Thanks mema for the update

    wheres wacko big sis tryed calling u yesterday

    shans having a foot surgery other foot

    wheres everyone at today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Sue I'm glad u told us about 4--and u r so rightm u feel good but a lot goes on inside of u so I hope she listens---and u sound good, but then again u always do.

    Lara I'm glad u'r having a good day- it's about time-Enjoy it anyway u want.

    Oh Erin will probably stay in her new bed all day, well at least I would.

    I'm going to be alone tomorrow so I'll work on my taxes and Sue so did I about filing, no one will be home so interruptions will be few, and I have 7 years to do hahahaha the thought of that makes me laugh.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Mornng goils! well Cam was right, it is really pee em but mese arse stayed in mese bed long long time. I love mese new pillow top mattress. Mese old bed had one but me ewwa flattened it out ober de last 14 years or so. 

    Camille, I jest lub that photo of you. Those eyes are jest beautiful and your hair looks great. You are so beautiful and stop denying it, biotch lol. Please thank Joey for doing that for you. He is one special young man and tell him I love him as much as I love you and that one hail of a lot. you might want to get a lawyer vs paying out all that money to the IRS. My tinking is why bother? I did some research for you as I was also under the impression that SSDI was not taxable and what I found is convoluted. I wanted to help you but OMG, the guide lines are super wacked, even more than Erin WACKO! I personally hate paying taxes. well duh, hehe! I love you. I know I know I said it before but I saying again and again, I love you.

    Lala, so glad you feeling better, keep up the good work. You called me? Hmm, will have to check my phone. It still in de charger by mese bed, ooops. Hugs to ya.

    Mema, thanks for the update on Lynne. I hope she heals up right fast. And glad she had robotic, that amazes me. I hope you git feeling better. Dwink lots of likker and yer water too. Muah! 

    Julie, hope you having a blast at Disney World with yer little buddy. I know you will. Don't forget to dwnk. Cept I bet a dwink at disney cost about a hundred bucks. Thtat place is expensive but it is worth it to indulge now and then. I be tinking about ye today. cheers! 

    NM, cheers to green grass in de yard, yippee! I will dwink to that! My lawn is nice and plush, has already had two cuts. and I have been planting flowers. I had mese so much fun yesterday. There is something about having my hand in God's dirt that gits me high. and no no no, not de willie hehe. HOw nice to be awoken to Sadie kisses on a saturday when you do not have to work, I know the feeling. ahhhhh! Enjoy your weekend, well deserved. I thank you and the other nurses of the world for ye service. It takes a berry spayshall person to do that job. I could not. neber ebbbbber. Enjoy girl. and dwink too! 

    I miss mese LOri in de aye em. I know she away dis morning but foyget where she go. Hmmm, lemme tink about it. 

    Oh, Lala, tell Shan na na hello! 

    GOtta git mese Dad lunch. and dumbass mese, I took mese Dad on a road trip to buy bread and came home and foygot de dern bread. Oh if I only had a brain hehe! 

    Have a great day. BBL goils. Peace, love and hugs to all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    I knew Erin would stay in her bed for as long as possible, cuz I would too. So Yoo Hoo Wacko-and yes I always miss Goldie when she's missing--LOL Wacko hahaha

    Lara I hope u'r day is going good, lots of scary movies on today.

    And I'm sure Julie is having fun stuff going on, but it is tiring being there so long. It's so big and expensive now.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Camille, you are berry smart goilfriend Happy

    I want a new fun name but I like mese avatar pic, mese look pretty hehe. but uh Chloe is jest not me. Ya see, I want a modern name. for now, iffen new goils come here, they will tink that is really me in that picture of Erin hehe. that is unless they recognize de goil. I foyget her name but again, she gibed me permission to use her photo as my own hehe. I was trying to remember how I came up with Erin and duh, Erin Brachovich. How funny that it has evolved to Erin Wachovich, Erin W aka Erin White as in EWWA. hehe. ok, I stop here b4 I get into some chit trouble again. 

    Where is Dwill? and goils, her really name is Dorothy, how funny is that? So now I know of two Dorothy's on this thread hehe. One is berry wacky, de new one, well too new to know but she a Dorothy so she musta be a cool goil. Oh, mese middle name is Dorothy. It is Erin Dorothy White-Wacko. Ya see, mese hyphenated at mese marriage so it really is White Wacko. Dat because my exDH name is Wacko too hehe. We are de Wacko family and wese bese proud of that! Ye should all be proud of who ye is. k?

    I been dwinking, can ye tell? And planting too. I hope to put up pics of mese flowers when I all done. I am BACK, yep, been a long long time sincen I have been able to do yard work. Jest don't tail mese employer cuz mese faking sickness. Yep, ya see Erin works for the government, de USDA to be precise. I on a secret project but could not handle it so mese portend that mese puka hurts too much to work at mese secret USDA location.  I, Erin B D Wacko, had better shut de hail up now. cheerS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    OMG u are a gwate undercober person, u neber leeve a clue, neber---I see why any organizashun would want to have u as their leed on undercober--Oh wait--do u meen undercober in u'r new bed??? Cuz dat's be good too. And who is u'r abatar she is Purdy Purdy pudy--I can see her blue eyes, ooohhh--I married my 1st hubband mainely cuz of his brite blue eyes tinking I had a goot chance of maken a baby wid blue eyes. nope didn't happen, so divorse came easy. So I did it agin--easy kids he had brown eyes no sense in that. So Erin--er Wacko -er Wacky-tackey er crazy but I still Love ya all the way. u Lucy Goosy.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Can't read cause too much wine  

    - really. For me one glass fine  two glasses nice and happy   Three glasses very happy not sure where the world is four glasses extrely happy and very honest. Oh well four glasses really good wine with da boys who lives over rhw road          .  They be myse good friends we'd winks wine den order pizza Great evening I love d boys why is it gay guys so nice. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Aly HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA---Good for you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    omg Aly, you are a hoot tonight! glad ye had fun winking de wine hehe! cheers!

    gooden morning Camille, me beautiful fwend. guess what!??? me up early too.. why cuz todey berry furciting day, wooop wooop! it's about Willie but not what ye tink. I essplain later, gotta fly to de moon n be back by 10 aye em. 

    loungettes have de best dey eber@!! oops, wrong carocter tehehe. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Erin I hope u have a wonderful day and u'r logic again mystifies me--but u sound happy. That's all that counts.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!A dreary, drippy day here,
    kinda chilly, good for maybe baking some bread or something.

    Cammy--Morning!Great pic, thank Joey!

    Mema--thank you so
    much for the update on 4, good to hear she's doing well.Yeah, I'm getting a new 'puter, my kid
    brother is building me one, customizedfor me, will cost $520 or so.Will have Windows 7, so I'm safe from Windows 8 for a few more
    years.Hopefully there will be a better
    version out next time I need to replace.

    ORLA--Exercise is
    amazing, isn't it?I need to do more of
    it.Much more.

    Erin--isn't it nice
    to lie in bed late and lounge and relax?Sadie and I slept in until almost 7 ayem, after staying up late watching
    the first episode of season 10 of Deadliest Catch.So much has changed on that show, yet so much
    stays the same.My yard won't need
    cutting for a little bit yet, but soon enough.Time to plug in the lawn mower's battery and get it charged up.I really need awagon I can attach to it to haul stuff
    around, should look into that this summer.Thanks for the recognition, greatly appreciated!Sounds like you go shopping the way I do, go
    after one item, come home with a bag full and withOUT the one item. . .

    Aly--Wine and pizza
    and good friends, sounds like a great way to spend the evening!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the "Wood-fired Black Margarita Pizza Cocktail"

    1.5 oz. Jim Beam
    Black Label infused with Italian sausage

    .5 oz. Tres
    Generaciones Reposado tequila

    2. oz. tomato juice

    2 oz. sundried
    tomatoes in oil

    2 barspoons Nora’s
    Cuisine’s pizza sauce

    2 fresh basil leaves

    Leaves from 2 fresh
    oregano sprigs

    1 clove fresh garlic

    Red Pepper Flakes

    To make the Italian Sausage-infused Jim Beam Black

    Cook the Italian
    sausage in a non-reactive pan until well done. Pour entire contents of pan into
    a deep bowl. Cover completely with Jim Beam Black Label (about 2 pounds per
    liter) and let sit covered overnight in the refrigerator. Next day, fine-strain
    out the sausage, and pour the infusion through cheesecloth into a re-labeled
    bottle or container.

    To make the cocktail:

    In a mixing glass,
    drop in chopped garlic clove and muddle to extract juices. Add oregano and
    basil leaves with the sundried tomatoes then muddle again. Add tequila, bourbon
    and tomato juice. Fill with ice and stir thoroughly. Strain into the bell
    pepper Garnish with the mozzarella balloon tied to the breadstick. Serve with a
    cocktail pick

    To enjoy:

    Using the provided
    cocktail pick, poke the balloon so that it bursts open, releasing the wood
    smoke and the infused oil into the cocktail. This will fill the area with the
    aromas of a wood fire pizza oven. Use the breadstick as a stirrer. Enjoy the
    cocktail. And when you’ve finished you can ask for another or just eat your
    cocktail glass!

    from <>