how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Wacko.... I AM THE SHIPPER! We are sending product to Amazon to sell on Amazon. You have to put bar codes on everything, and then they split the shipment up in 3 shipments, sending them to all three of their fullfillment centers. I put the wrong barcode on the wrong product. Which would result in a customer ordering one thing, but getting something else.

    NM, most people wouldn't consider 6:30 sleeping in. But I understand. I am usually up at 5, and I can sleep until whenever I want.

    Oh wow, how nice to see Joey in the lounge. I hope you goilies were on your best behavior! Cami, like I said, you need some poyple highlights in youse hair. And have Joey help you make that your avatar!

    LDB, that is great news on 4, glad to hear she rocked it! As well as you. Hoping to get with you some time today, k?

    Lara, glad you are doing better, and tell Shannon she needs to join us more often and that we miss her.

    Good luck on that other foot Unde'.

    LOL Erin..."if I only had a brain". You know my DH calls me scarecrow, right? Can't wait to see all of your flowers. Glad you like ye new bed too. Wowsa, you ARE up early!

    Alyson, good wine, good pizza and good friends. Nice to have such wonderful friends.

    NM, that is awesome that your brother can build you a puter, just foy you! And certainly they will come up with something better than 8, they have to! If you get something to haul around your yard, pay special attention to tires. We had bought a trailer to pull behind the quad and it was a piece of crap. Mostly because of the tires, but it was also very cheaply built and not very sturdy.

    Well, we got to see the truck and DH is VERY pleased. The bed was off, so we were able to actually see the things that were fixed, and I feel very confident that this guys is doing it right and we will also be safe. Should be done and ready for us to pick it up in 2 weeks. Saw step daughter and her fiance, got hit with snow and heavy winds on the way home.

    I had to add the picture of our DOTD


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    good afternoon girls

    cammi you look stunning,give joey a kiss and hug as thanks for the lovely pic of you

    4 and shannon, get well soon

    lara here's to blue skys for you

    lori-just visited epcot for the flower and garden festival!,thought of you in the irragation section

    according to the pedometer i only did approx 6,000 steps each day !!!!!!!!!!!!!  with a 6 year old, yesterday we were at the magic kingdom were there from 1200 until 2330,  went to the be our guest restaurent for dinner,not too badly priced ,good food and i got a hug off the beast!

    back in work tomorrow ,the other girls are off so they went to animal kingdom today and were staying until the park closes, which mean i would have got home at midnight ,not good if you have to get up at 5am.  so i went to epcot ,had a great time

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Cami!!! thanks Joey - that is a fabulous picture. I luv it tons. And Cami, I love the picture of Joey too - what a handsome lad!

    Erin - what can I say? Yup I'm still here and still alive and well. Love that you are still you no matter what name you are going by. Thanks for getting rid of the doll avatar. She definitely gave me the creeps.

    LaLa - my DD is doing a distance Reiki healing tonight. Can I add your name to her list? She actually has a BCO ladies group she does this for. It will help your chakras align better.SillyHeart

    Aly, you kill me. That was too funny. Please pm me about your trip, we are trying really hard to make it happen where you are going to be. But we need the name of a restaurant. Sigh.

    Juliet, good exercising - yes I started too. I get my pedometer on Wednesday. I think it will be a long time before I can do 6000 steps though.

    NM are you ever going to have half decent weather? Lord, lady, I am anxiously awaiting your post that you have sunshine and warm temps.

    Lori, what kind of stuff are you shipping to Amazon. I saw some of the other girls talking about botanicals and irrigation systems and referencing your name. Is that what you do?

    Genny & Princess, I hear you have been going through a lot lately. (((gentle hugs)))

    MamaSue - I hope you are doing well. How much longer until you're through? I send prayers your way every day.

    Lynne, hope you're ok too.

    I miss Chrissy and Bernie and Wahine and Shannon. Hope they are all doing well.

    Our Gage is now blind, although they say he can hear. But he has never woken up. Today they pulled all medical assistance, took him out of ICU and moved him over to palliative care. In Canada, that's where you go when there is no more hope. No hope for a 6 year old. I swear I will work really hard not to feel sorry for myself ever again. Poor baby.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Red I don't like hearing that--so sad.

    Lori got snow, now? We had a storm today, I really don't like lightening, it never used to scare me but the last couple of years it seems like it really means business.

    I hope everyone had a good day----I did all my paperwork for the last 6 yrs for IRS and so confused and my eyes are so tired. so I just thought I'd pop in to say hi.

    BTW Julie I;m glad u had a good day and 6000 steps? Sounds like a lot to me--I hope u get some good rest for work.

    Lubs u all so much

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!It's Monday!

    Goldie--Can Amazon
    intercept the items with the wrong bar code and send them back to you?Or at least post a warning in the listing
    that there is a glitch that is being corrected?I can imagine you are scrambling around right now trying to sort this
    out!Good advice about checking the
    tires on a wagon, I will keep that in mind when I start looking around.I can't believe you found a pic of the
    DOTD--you are so clever!

    Julie--I think that
    pedometer is lying to you!How can you
    chase a 6 year old around Disney and only walk 6K steps?The pedometer obviously got distracted by all
    the goings on!

    Red RH--Yeah, I'll
    get half decent weather, eventually.Maybe not this year, maybe next summer. . . I am so sorry to hear about
    Gage, I pray he is kept comfortable.

    Cammy--you're brain
    must be tired too, with all that work!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Bloody Monkey

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz DeKuyper Sour
    Apple Pucker

    8 oz 7 U

    1 oz Grenadine

    1 dash Ginger Ale


    Half-fill a highball
    glass with ice. Pour the grenadine around the inside of the glass and on top of
    the ice to give that bloody look to it. Next, add the vodka (more if you
    prefer), then the sour apple pucker. Add the ginger ale, and then fill with

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    My Brother does alot on ebay and pay pal selld things I need to figutre this out

    feeling better every day going to work today we will see if they r going to cut hours it is so slow there I need to move around I cant stand  sitting

    Good drinks NM

    where is everyone nice here today

    k poop in latah

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Erin - How you doing today?  How dad?  Did ya git da 'new bed' smell outta room yet?  U still up all nite n sleep all day eh?  How DD doing?  Did u end up co-signing for her place?  We need details round here ya kno...git bizy....MUAH!

    Aly - sounds like u habbin loads a fun on dat wine...go girl!

    Red - mese heart so heavy for Gage....and all who love him just is not right...and yes it does help keep us off our 'pitypots'.  Prayers and Hugz!!  I am hanging in there, thank you for your prayers...muah!!

    Loweee - I saweee.....been weird days but I did get done what absolutely needed to be.  I rested 90mins x2 during the day and was in da beddieby by 7p last night.  Woke up several times and visited willie...but by 4:30 I was done.  I hope u got da Amazon all squared away, that can be espected at da beginning I guess, and wud hope they woik wif u to correct it all.  Good news about the truck too...I can see da smile on DH face.   And I been checking out the articles from dat link u sent me. gives me gumption.  I am gonna git spitting mean and find me a doc to sign off on my mm card in the very very very near future.   MUAH!!

    Cami - glad u got it all tagether fer da irs.  what a PITA!   Can't believe it...Mayb u found where dem bisterds OWE you??? HOPE HOPE LOL!

    Julie - had to have more than 6000 that long out with a 6 yoa.  Even not u there that long....ped needs adjusting.  So pwoud tho that you doing it.  I've not done the elliptical in over a month, but I will get back to it soon.

    NM - Have to admit da DOTD in da pepper not at all appealing....HOWEVER....Bloody Monkey is right up mese alley...yum!!

    Lara - does mese fart good to see your post that you are feeling better everyday....I gotza big ol SMILE on mese face.  Go Girl!!

    Today is hair is falling out in today after tx will stop in salon for shave.  Did I tail u all dis already....must b da short term memory thingy at work.  Anyway, fergib if I repeat.  Scalp a widdle tender too but I can handle it.  Hearing/eyes affected yes but jes annoying right now.  OK....So off I go.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Sue all that u;r going thru--I'm so sorry and praying for u all the time--

    Lara u do sound better YYYAAAYYYY

    Kinda good DOTD today, but what do I know NM?

    Lori I can't even imagine all that mix up and what u have to do Sorry.

    OK I'm coming back later, I've been busy all morning--yea me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I am better got laid off today it was temp position' they hugged me its all good

    They r looking to place me somewhere

    trying to stay in what I do

    just applied to some grading test stuff

    etc I have 6 more classes im done then start my PHD so I just need fluff jobs I have been looking for big positions but nothing

    getting my MRI this week so ill know if I am having surgery soon hope not

    but the bone is pressing out from implant keeping in good spirts I am not letting this knock me down no more

    Ive decided this pain is my bitch and I control it

    THnaks mema,cammie

    Im the cookie monster

    drking a cold one now

    cyn where u at got a beer


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara I know u were expecting this, but u have u'r ducks in a row so move on and u'll be OK. MUAH to you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Ha ha Julie, thinking of me at Epcot. Glad you had a nice time, but knew you would! 6000 steps is 6000 steps. And BDW (by da way) you are looking GREAT!

    Red, my husband and I have an online store/website. And recently we have been sending product to Amazon to sell. It is drip irrigation and mist systems ( I am so terribly sorry to hear about Gage. My prayers go out to you and your family, and I PRAY that that little boy is not in pain. I know his parents are! God Bless! I can't even wrap my head around that, and you are so right about never complaining again. Be at peace little Gage.

    Baby Girl, you got things right with Uncle Sam? I sure hope so, what a pain. Yes, we had snow, but nothing that stuck. Too dayem windy fo dat!

    NM, there was other product in the boxes sent to Amazon, and they are TOO BIG to weed through my stuff, and take out the mistake! I think we have it taken care of. I need a Bloody Monkey....or maybe 10???

    LaLa, good to see you feeling better and wanting to move around. Just be careful. Pain pills must be working??? Well, I see now you got laid off. I guess I'm glad too. With what you explain, and I know you don't want more surgery, but it sounds like you need it. Whatever it may be, you know we are here beside you and praying for the best.

    LDB (lil doity butt, aka memasue), sounds like those rads is kickin you EWWA, but I so glad you are resting. I think one or two more? You got this girl! Good luck wif da MM card. Oh phuck, the hair is gonna go there, eh? What about just a short do, instead of shaving? SHITFIRE! MOTHERPHUCKING RB!


    Was not here this ayem, having a little bit of conflict with my DH, pretty much the same that happened last year. So I will just be sneaking in when I can. Just the bullheadedness in me. He is jealous of you girls. So I refuse to do my usual morning posts. Of course he says that he wants me to continue to do what I normally do. So hang with, and no worries, I am good wine!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    red-hugs and prayers for gage and all that love him

    sue-here's to willie and a new do

    have a good night ladies ,worked today so early night

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Mema, mese cometh to dis lounge to answer yer tough questions. hehe, not really, mese dwunk as a skunka n typing with one eye open, one is bitter dan none, right? 

    yer questions, cuz me cant bremember are here for you and here for me hehe haha woohoo wooo weee! 

    how dad? dad is doing remarkably well since de switch to de dwug abilify. Did ya git da 'new bed' smell outta room yet? It still smells a widdle vernisheese but me opened me windwo and put on mese ceiling fan like NM sorgested to do. hehe. U still up all nite n sleep all day eh? I tink I sleep ebery other night den ebery other dey. hehe. I go to bed soon dis night cuz mese tired, tell ye later. How DD doing? Did u end up co-signing for her place? DD and mese been getting along well. I jest lubs lubs lubs her. She tail me todey that she turned her hair back to brunette from blonde, using pregnancy safe hair color AND dat she did it her damn self and knew how from watching me, awww, she meltedmese fart with that one. And she, me tink, gonna git a difflent apartment where mese no need to sign, or at leastest hopeth so. We need details round here ya kno...git bizy.  details ye ask? oh boy. well I been biddy with gitting mese pool ready, it bese open for all goils and all tenders, yep. And mese bese biddy with de hundreds of dollars of perenials mese bought. i been going cwazy spending mese income tax return and DEN some...

    and de big unfortunate news is that I spend lots of mese day at the Lutheran Crossing, where mese MOM and mese Aunt is. Why, because Aunt not doing well, we are praying for God to bring her home. Her daughter slash mese cousin is here waiting for de news call. mese cousin Cheryl is hurting but mese twied to cheer her up and tink me did well. mese life has been peaceful yet hectic. I did not get a paycheck last week cuz mese STD, disabily goils, NOT disease hehe, was not yet approved cuz mese doctor had to order mese office bisit notes from an outsourced farking company in India so mese no get paid. But dat ok cuz me has a few bucks left from mese tax return but dose bucks are disignated for de payment for mese fluckin swimming pool renovashions. Soooo mese borrowing from Peta to pay Po. hehe. MUAH!oh tehe, MUAH backatcha Sue cuz mese bin talking to ye dis whole time whilst tailing de goils what habbening in mese life. So yes, I will eidder sleep on mese sofa bed, fall asleep at mese computer OR take mese widdle Bella dog and meseself and sleep with mese cousin who I made sleep in mese bed. and oh, don't tink I am gay. NOT dat dere anyting wrong with that but lubs mese cousin berry berry much but not in dat way. ok, disclaimar ober. 

    SOOOOOO. RED, sweet Caroline aka DEb... opps let me toyrn off de bold print, it gitting obnoxicating.   brb

    testing   1 2 3  testing 1 2 3 i need a dwink for goodness n godesses sakes. and why? because WESE ALL BESE GodESSES, right? oh hail yeah. so as mese wuz sezing... to Red uh Deb, not Didi, (bdw, Didi was one of mese childhood play names sorta like Erin and Chlloe and Dara etc etc . oh and Kimberly too. NM, when I had mese paper route many mooon years ago, well one year I signed all of my Christmas cards to my news paper client as KIM - yep, that was mese name de ana aka name of de year, well play name dat it. SO I was saying. .... chit mese dwunketh and stoned too. Yep, stoned in de honor of mese Sue whom me hope is resting comfy-billy on dis night, barmen AMen. but woman R better bdw. oh crud, I was talking to Deb but got distracted cuz i hadda friend, or have a fwend whose name is also Dorothy aka Dottie. But she has a twin named Debbie and wese exchanged names in de 8th grade, and dat was after our/my first and only 2nd fist fight better known as pulling goils hair fight. hehe, I won that one with de other Dottie whom I was jailous of her twin Debbie n wanted to be her. kk, prolly does not maketh sense right now and me apologizes. I am jest so vulnerable right now and have been for manny manny weeks. But sorry to make dis about me cuz I care jest as much for ye all. So lemme get mese head together after me down anudder dwink and try hard to git my point across about love and life and de universawed realitieees of de bad parts of life which for mese are few, but too many at de same time. And I tink ye all understand ya know?  So I gather mese senses den come back and talk to mese dearest Goldie, de widdlest angel of our group....and remind me to talk to mese dear fwind Lala too cuz oh chit, me owes her a teleCALL/conFaants y AWW. den I talk more to Deb who is Red as IN the RED ROCK CANYON, remind me to tail ye about dat place cuz mese was dere, yep. it twue. and lemme tink of other tings I has to say. oh gawsh, wish me had two eyes to look and to tink while mese typeth de words me feel. and oh yah, gotta talk to mese Lala Lara Orange Orla goil too, mese a bad bad bad loungette. Mese gotta talk to Cam and to NM. but I am eidder high or dwunk so foygive mese for being sailFISH please? I am so so so so sad. Mee beautiful GOd Mother / slash / Aunt/ slash medse Daddy's bog seester  is about or has passed away. BUT de good news can be that she is now with: Mese grandma Martha, who went to heaven in approx 1982ish, and mese Aunt's dear son / slash mese cousin WHO passed I tink two years ago Christmas and she will also meet mese widdle brother Jay, who libed jest a few days, wooda been mese babyest brother but now mese brother David is mese baby brother and i has one instead of two. yep, me do not talk about losing a brother whilsst only 5 or six years old but me tinking of him now sincen I am tinking about mortality and immortality as well. Please dont hate me for expressing de truth, nothing BUT de truth so hailp me GOD. Amen, barmen. uh, am I bad to ask for de tenders to bwing me jest one more dwink? n a doulbe of mr willie, and in honor of Sue (as mese sed b4) and sailabrate that mese Aunt slash God Mommy had a wonderfoil and long life at age 84. And goils, can you please pray for the family and especially for her husband whosse name is Clinton III but we call him Uncle Bucky? He is about to lose the love of his life after nearly 70 years of being so in lub with mese Aunt / slash / mese Daddy's big sister? And pray that Daddy keep on improving and finding gratitude in the life he now has. He been such a good widdle boy. I can tail ye some funnnny stories bout him. but mese tired now. oh I share a short story n hope it not a weee pete hehe. So when I was matttress shopping, mese DAD twice made funnies. He sat on a matress and said OMG, I tink mese depends is leaking!! dat was jesst sooooo funny. cept that he falled down in mese drive way whilst pulling in from de furnitshore place. oh, de second time, well de sales rep's shift was ober so the store manager served me when I decided on grabbing an entire bedroom suite of foyniture. So Dad dis time, he sits on dis berry berry plush sectional with a price tag for de whole set at ober 4k and he says again " OH NO, mese diaper leaked, mese too humbarrassed to show you de mess under mese ewwa". de lady was such a prude and looked like she was ready to has a freaking fart attack as me and mese sumtimes obnoxious Dad laughed our asses off. and at that moment, i TAILED HER, "ring me up, mese skeered of trouble here, me do not now this man but have got to get him back to his spayshall home cuz mese rented him for de night". and omg, we laffed and laffed and laffed.

    tank Ye for listening to mese long stories. yawn. I no tired yet so hopefully ken address mese other goils. and note to ALL goils, mese fart is connected to yese fart, I care so gawsh dern much about all ye goils that it sumetimes hurts. and now is that time. I hurt fur ye all and de not so purdy tings in yous lives, I hurt cuz I miss mese Cyndie Lou Who aint posting, I hurt cuz I miss both Bernie and Kathy and I hurt because I tink they's both hate me. and I hurt over mese Sue, n for mese goil Princess and goil Gennie aka Mary, oops dat her real name and me tink she no care and iffen so, saaaaawry but mese lubs de name Mary cuz of de Virgin Mary. Dat a story in itslef. I trying so hard to keep focused here but not doing too well. Cept mese dqunk and mese highbut mese still has so much emotions in mee heart, mese fart and mese bwain which be mushy, oh hell yea. Gotta go now. Tanks to dose few who patience t enofuff to read dis whilst mese typie with mese eyes losethes agen, ooops. LUB LUB LUB LUB LUB LUB LUB ye all. And I am NOT cheering hence no cheeres from anybuddy cept de outsourced Indian people cuz dey nice people and dey need money too. ~hiccccup~ oops, mese did not eat mese chilli, cooked it and oops, still in de crack pot. i got now n eat some beans...aka chili beans to make mese fart. fart euall happy. happy equal hopefully mese bese a better fwend to ye all. lubs lubs lub, it is WHAT de world needs now more den EBBBBBER!!! , 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Okey, mese is composed and has unclenched mese fists. aint no buddy got time for clenched fists, eh? 

    Lori Lori Lori, yer werds to me melted mese FN fart /slash/fart.  you say WACKO??? CALLING WACKO!!! WHERE YOU BE WACKO???

    Was not here this ayem, having a little bit of conflict with my DH, pretty much the same that happened last year. So I will just be sneaking in when I can. Just the bullheadedness in me. He is jealous of you girls. So I refuse to do my usual morning posts. Of course he says that he wants me to continue to do what I normally do. So hang with, and no worries, I am good wine! awww, I am here for ye. and me gonna twy to PM ye as I eben more fart broken dan eber ober yer posting news. why why why I oughta uh uh uh uh, oh mese oh mise, cant say. will PM ya when mese a widdle sober, k? Big DorKY hugs coming atcha! ((((((LORI))))

    DEB????? Red?? Me hope ye hear me. and not sure how to say dis, mese dont wanna hurt ennyone. But I sez to mese dernself and to mese dernDaddy about his sister's imminent passing , i say "Dad, your seester/slash/mese Aunt and God mudder, she lived a wonderful and full life. she has so much love and has had so much happiness. and mese point IS that she only fell ill a few months ago and it did not git really bad til dis weekend. SHE is going to be delivered to God after living I tink 84 wonferful years and dat me tank GOd for her life". Den me proceeded to tail him about your widdle guy Gage and how his parents have to come to terms with losing him muchliest to early. I mean widdle children, to me, should not be in heaven as dat is s'posed to be for old people like mese and mese older people, not a freaking widdle teeny tiny boy. I git mad at God, sorta like NM do when dese tings happen dat are not fair, TO SAY DE LEAST< right? ?? WDF, I git really really PO'd at dese shananagans ya know? As Deb said, "No hope for a 6 year old" ................. that is jest wrong wrong wrong flecking FURB, so wrong. And Deb, I will also work hard to not get into feeling sawry for mese dern self too. Tanks for that valuable lesson. 

    I go now and collect more thoughts. Sitll gotta talk to LaLa aka Lara aka mese widdliest seesta of BCO, me gotta work on being less sailfish. really. I lub ye all and hate that I talk about me me me. I feel bad for sum of mese behaviour here and all i ken do is ask God and his spayshall congregation, aka all of YE, to foygive me. k? I go to de corner now. I cry. Den I dwink den I schmoka de willie. Or better yet, how bout a random act of kindness, hail yeah, me gonna do it but if mese tail, den it not random right? k. mese gotta a mission.

    cheers, hugs, lub and mese promise that I have lubed ebery goil who has eber stepped foot in dis lounge. well except for de uh how can I say it without hurting anyone? Ok, cept for de dumpster diver goil and uh, I tink I axshally lubs her too. chit, it is not easy hating on peeps, and dat is mese Mommys influence on de DorKy Erin White de Wack. cheers! tanks again and feel free to skip mese arse, I woooood if mese was yese! hehe> cheers! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this Twofer

    ORLA--Hope you had a
    good day at work.Sometimes slow is
    good!Not always, but sometimes. . .

    Mema--I wondered if
    the drink in a green pepper would go over or not, figured it was worth the
    reaction if it didn't!Just sounds odd,
    you know?

    Cammy--Liking or not
    liking a drink is a very personal thing, sometimes I post a drink just to see
    what the reaction is!

    ORLA--got laid
    off?Yikes!Even from a temp position that is hard.Good luck with the fluff jobs, the MRI and

    Goldie--so glad to
    hear the oopsie got taken care of.Definitely worth a drink or a dozen!

    Julie--have a good

    Erin--so good to
    hear your Dad is doing better with the new med.Wow, things are busy in your world!No wonder your sleep schedule is all messed up!You really entertain with your observations
    on life, living and all the troubles that come with it!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Two Turtles

    1/2 oz Benedictine

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    2 oz Canadian


    Pour whisky,
    Cointreau and B & B benedictine into a mixing glass half-filled with ice
    cubes. Stir well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino
    cherry, and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    oh NM, mese jest had a haLOOSE in nation that ye posted. but  i tink me saw it from before now but wuz tining ye reading mese twisted brain. So yes, I lubs ye so much. pls dont feel too sawry for me for hurting. I dozed off for a few hours but feel like waking up mese cousin and mese Dad and going NOT< at 6:06 aye em to de Home aka Moms place aka mese Aunties place too. I wanna go and bwing mese people so that we can be with mese bootiful auntie when her time comes; ya see, it skeers me to see death. but de Bible teacheth me to see no evil nor hear no evils. And to Erin, that bese intarpretted as perhaps some extraordinary peace. I hopeth ye all feel me. I bin awake all cept about tree hours and mese so funcused as hail right about now (funk soul brother ... te he, lyrcs 'right about now funk soul brother are lyrics to a funk soul bro song which mese not sure if mese lubs or hates. hehe. oh God, make me comfy in mese own skin now, please....mese NEEDS YE God. so oh mese oh mise.

    Lori Lori, de innocent one, ye come lib with me? I mighten gibs ye my room and take ober de Hessica's bedroom . and dat cuz she no libs here anymore cept de two dwayers mese giving her. But i has drawers for you. Me skeered about yer sit cheeeeee ayyyyy shion, dont hate me for sezing but do tail me ye okay, ok? oh mese fart is on F I R E ! oh geeze. and mese Lara, lost her job. Dese are sum tough n rough times for de louungettes of dis lounge. And ya know what?????????? mese not like saying de HTL lounge anymore or any less CUZ IT HURTS TO SAY IT, k? I feel so vulnerable, like a piece of OR pile of chit lately. Me no happy with mese, mese life, mese fwends I hurteth and just know.....well mese is quite resilliant and will feel goodliest tomorrow or de next day so nebber ebber mind mese BS> 

    Back to LAla NOW, I hate yer sit-she-ayyy-shion too cuz mese been dere n done daat. cuz mese hespected great foobs and mese nessapointed as all hail. and now you has not job and likely cuz of de FNRB and de comilations that come with it. well FURB FURB FURB/ 

    and last but far as poss eeeee ball from lastly, mese Mema Sue I twy to gibe her all i got and sooooo wanna has mese arms around her now. and me always sexxx ooopd make that sezzzzzzzz.......,when DERE a will, DERE a way, damn it mo foah. I feel de need to reach out for a real life hugger but tink mese spend a widdle too much of mese greenbacks on making mese pool blue and making mese grass n plants green, dern me. Mese priorities suck bout now. 

    ok, tanks for hearing de occastional  Dorky / slash Erin vent. I wish for de DE cammy cozie (like a dwink but mese bwestie insTED). ooops lpost ,mese place here tehe. hoping de mods do not flag mese willie inflected ewwa along with mese JD inflected EWWA too. but ya know, MESE realy skeered so much n not liking de world right about now, funk soul brother hehe, that song AGAIN. no worries, me feels bestiest once mse sleep n sober up some. beg ye pardons for hog facing anoudder page here. lob ye goils and as I tail others who bese struggling, Dis TOO SHALL PASS.....goes for ye all, ie Red, Princess, Mese Mema Swue, de Genny goil whom bootiful too, and for all and eberyone of mese goils who bese hurting (for certain) IT BLOWS, it SNUCKS de bigliest ONE, ya know? ughhhh.  oh, for fun though thou art thee goils, I made a funny ryhme, now ye pay me a dime hahahaha har har har har. I go now. 

    Lubs ye all.  lets pray, git de titties up if ya got em and lift ye glass to sailabrate goodliness.  i bin lookin all nihjy snf jesy found a big ass farking spark of happiness and I want to share it will ye all, k? lift yer glasses and mese and wese says cheers. and NO FEARS< NO TEARS> AMEN """" BARMEN """""" tank ye again for pulling up wif mese, muah muah kisses to each of ye gwate gwate goils. me sing off now.. sig ]ned, Erwin , de page hog oink oink oinkyity oink. tank ye so berry much for allebiTIN s0me pain. onr motr yinh, zi sdk ehy? why wy why?? i go now, mese snore--typing oodles o toodles all

    lubs from, 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    OOPS nm, MESE BUMPED YE INTO DE CASINO. .may todey bese yer lucky day, as in luck of de Irish, cheers. I sleep now cuz it freaking almost seven aye freaking em. oh mese. kk, i shut up and sleep ~~ promise ye all dis. lubs lubs lubs n hugs hugs hubs. ~hiccccccccuppppp

    ps where be breakfast, or is it slowfast, dern me craving bacon. or even beggin strips for dogs. but i go I POMISE on de bible, de book for me hehe.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    #14 today....whooop whooop! I'm feeling so fine, so fine, so fine! Spent from like 2p til 3ayem in da bed. Well, up and down, but u git da pic. Took an Ambien at 8p, woke once...then back to sleep til 3. Feel really really good!!

    Cami - see...I lubs u fer ur prayers and good wishes. I keep looking at ur pic and your soulful eyes...I feel like hugging ur face off. I'm so glad Joey posted it for me, well us, but I needed da mostest...heehee.

    Lara - I'm loving ur new 'TUDE' are a mover and shaker and will continue to do so. NUTTIN knockin ANY of down fer long round here dat is fo sho!

    Lowweeee - my Golden Girl!! Doncha woieee bout mese head...I'm loving it already. I picked out 2 beanies from da basket at tx center....but DH don't like da colors...he say get BRIGHT ones. So today I'll fish for more. I'm in X C LENT spirits....truly!! I was gonna send u pic to post but now I'll hold off. You let me kno K....sending you Big HugZ...dh will come around, but kno I, WE, miss you when you don't post.

    Julie - my new lollie-pop head!!

    My ErinD - You cwacking mese up. I love love the story of ur dad and his leaking depends....I can see the look on dem salespeeps. So glad new dwugs woikin better for him. Brought tears to mese eyes too bout DD and how she trying to 'show' her mama she can be da bestest DD.

    I am sooo amazed at your gumption for da planting and scaping your yard. I bese telling mese DH and kids dat I want mese backyard CRASHED. I don't like it....but not a priority right now obviously.

    Sending your and your Dad and Uncle and ur cousins (((((ALL)))).

    You gotz a GREAT BIG HEART Erin, and I love to read everything. A whole whirlwind of emotions, up and down, but you ALWAYs end on the upswing making us all laugh and lubslubslubslubs you to da moon and back!

    NM - I got it, odd can be good sometimes, otherwise, lots of boring right? And how are you this Twofer Tuesday? Sunshine in your area I'm hoping.

    Genny, Red, Princess, Aly and anyone else I'm missing.....kno

    I lubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Good morning girls!

    oh boy did I dwink too much last night.

    my Aunt passed peacefully. I am not sure if mese dear cousin Cheryl knows, she still sleeping.. May God Bless her family, mese Daddy who lost his big sis and all of their many friends and other family members. 

    I go now, mese sad. BUT she lived a great long life, was well over 80 years old. Mese Dad is feeling very bad for her hubby of many many years, I hope they become closer friends. 

    no funnee dis morning girls. and tanks for reading or skipping mese middle of de night rant. I glad me hentertainment for ye NM, wooo hoooo. 

    SueB, glad ye feeling great. woooo freaking hooooooo !

    peace and love girls, love and peace. Amen, Barmen.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Ah Erin I'm so sorry about u'r Aunt and it does bring up so many emotions when our loved one pass away--our senses are tuned to memories and happy, then they go sad cuz good memories are no longer there, and I too hate this part of things. When I talk to me sister (all the time) we usually keep everything light and funny---but the other day we talked an hr and about how she's feeling--and I don't want to hear any of this but she only tells me, so I listen with such sadness and me being so scared and she sounds like my mom --so well this is life--and I'm just sad. She's going to finally retire this yr--soon--she can't do it anymore, I did tell her either my BIL or she would die soon after that, cuz one of them will kill the other for sure, and she agreed. But a lot is sad and I understand for all of us.

    Sue I don't know if u'r being silly or u do feel good--I sure hope u do--I pray every day for u and some others of course, and yes get bright happy colors and big ole earrings, that gets good looks and u'r so pretty hair or no hair so it doesn't make any difference really.

    NM I hope the weather is getting better, it's chilly and raining here today again--Spring, I think not to cold.

    Julie I was thinking u must be tired after that weekend and then work-Uggh hard to do it all, but u do.

    My GF called this morning she's picking me up for lunch with my other GF's so I'll be gone for a few hrs.I'm not feeling so well, but I didn't tell her and I'll just go. As u saw I use very little makeup so now I feel easier about getting ready, it just doesn't take so long, except for my damn shower but then I smell so good. I don't know why that excites me so--it's like aromatherapy for me. I should do it every day but I'm to damn lazy lLUBS TO ALL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Erin im sorry to hear this news hugs

    cammie lunch yum

    Im waiting tables small diner saw the sign yesterday applied I start thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im excited no trays hand carry out food

    gott get some polo shirts I have been in the bizzzzzzzzzz for long time on and off I like feeling free hate offices

    Im glad that job is dome I dread it every day

    poop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014





  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Hi Girls!!

    I'm alive and kicking!  Just not too high for a couple more daze!  

    I am em-bare-ass-ing-ly behind on what is going on in de lounge, but I wanted to poop by and thank you all for the prayers and good wishes.  Things here have been crazy busy since I got back from Mema's neck of the woods.  I can't wait for the school year to be over and no alarm clocks and crazy schedules for a while.

    I hope everyone is doing well.  NM, did Spring finally arrive??  Sue, your done now right?  What about Princess and Genny?  How much longer with the chemo or did I miss that party???  Lara, how are you feeling?  Did you ever hear from that Doc??  CAmi, I saw sumptin about yur bladder??  hope it turned out ok.  Erin, we needs to ketchup!!  Hi Julie, Hi Cyn!!  Hi Dwill!!  Hope you had a good trip Lori!  Hey Aly!!  Hi Red!!  Jeese I hope I didn't miss anybody :-(

    Anyhow, I promise I am reading and trying to ketchup  (like from page 1400 I think!) , but I am jumping back in from here!

    I missed everyone like crazy but had some stuff to take care of,  like taking my friend to the body shop for a new hip!!  And if I hang out here I have too much fun and don't always get my work done.  I wuz trying to be grown up and responsible.  That chit stinks!  So I am back now!

    I know there has to be a reason to have a party soon!!!  Count me in!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    OMG Dort, I mean Dork, I mean Wacko, I mean Erin......Very sorry to hear about your Auntie, but like you said, she had a long wonderful life. And continued prayers for dad to do well. And I knew you and your DD would be just fine. I hope she gets that new apartment. And I moosta say, I like her better as a brunette. I usually favor the blonde, but not on her. You have me cracking up at your post though!!! Hugs to you girlfriend, I love you too! And the love you have for everyone else is evident! I sayed it before and I will say agin.... I'M FINE!

    I still have a page to catch up on, but moost grab me some Turtle Toofers, or whatever they were, and scoot in de house. I still have some stuff to make up some lasagna to freeze, so mese tinks I will do dat.

    4, glad all went well with your surgery, now to get those boobs taken care of!

    LDB, go ahead and send pics, I can do it! Glad you iz ok about you hair. You rock girl, and I luh you! Well, I luh you all.....

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2014

    Hi everyone. I just spent an hours catching up and hardly remember anything I read. Damn brain. 

    Erin, so sorry about your aunt, it doesn't matter if she lived a long time, she'll be missed by your family. (((hugs)))

    MemaSue still praying daily. You're done now? Yay! Love your attitude. Who said bright hats, big earrings and beautiful you. They were right. {{{Lubs you.}}}

    4 glad all went well in your surgery. You were gone a long time. Lots must have happened.

    Cami, how you feeling? You had problems? Sorry about that. I loved that picture joey posted of you and the one you posted of joey. But I think I said that pages ago. Darn. I'll say some prayers for your sister too. It's a crying shame she has to live like that.

    NM, I've given up. Spring is never coming. For Petes sake, it's almost May. We aren't even thinking of gardening yet. The best I can do is clean up leaves and branches. My big garden is still frozen solid. 

    Lala, glad you're happy about your new job. Also very happy to hear you sounding so cheerful and chipper. Sorry about the possible impending surgery. Damn.

    Lori glad you got that problem with the Amazon shipments fixed, but how did you manage it? They don't really care, I don't think, so I'm amazed you were able to do it. 

    Hi Aly, Juliet, Cyn, Princess and Genny, and anyone I forgot, sorry. ((hugs)) love you.

    O and Gage's condition remains unchanged. 

    Nite nite

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2014

    Elllo Ladies,

    I know , its been quite a while since I have pooped in and said hi or more .

    Erin...I am so sorry to hear of your prayers to you and your fam..

    your dad and DD..((( Erin ))) .

    Hello to anyone new that I dont know yet.

    I am going to try and get on here once a day but its difficult..It doesnt

    seem like enough time in the day to do everything...yes, I am looking for biggest is being so damn tired...My diabetes has been kicking

    my ass and I cant get in to see a speicalist until the end of May. I

    have been trying to do better with my eating and not cheat so much.

    Hello to everyone are you and Sadie? I hope you are on your

    way to an awesome spring..I know there is mud with spring...I am getting ready

    to solidify my plans to travel to Maine in Sept...we MUST get together.

    Im going to rent a car so either I can drive up there or you can meet me

    in Auburn..I am staying at a friends house and she wont be there if you want

    to come down ..bring Sadie and spend a night..we can tie one on

    we can talk closer to Fall.

    Lorilou....miss you ...we have to plan on another phone chat soon...I loved

    talking to you back a few weeks ago. I never know when is a good time now

    that its your busy season..let me, PM your free. are doing sooooo good...I think of you every day and the hand

    you have been are one tough cookie and you will kick this gorilla's ass

    ..I just know it. WEBK. know how I feel..miss you so much !! are you??? I have a friend who just moved to CC...she got a job in

    a local health care facility..she is an Xray tech..not sure where..I will find out.

    need to get together again soon.

    LARA!!!! ((( lara))) whats up buttercup?? are so is Joey? I laugh at your FB posts all the

    time.,.you have the best humor...just love you

    Princess..didnt get a chance to get to know you much yet...hope you are well

    Any sign of Ms. Vino? Aly? ...Undie?? If I missed anyone I am sorry...


    Cyndielouwhopooped , yes I did...did you?

    Latah tatahs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Cyn we all missed u so much I'm glad u pooped in but sad u'r having a hard time that's for sure--Oh to have that disease and this one what a horror. I know some of u do, I would go crazy everyone handles it so well. But I sure as hell hope u get u'r numbers in a good place, u'll start to feel better--it 's a difficult disease.

    I just wanted to say hi and then I saw Cyn's post and I did want to say

    Lara good going and

    4 I'm glad u'r doing well

    I had a long day today but a great time me and my pain meds LOL and my GF's -it's funny cuz I have to take meds thruout the day and everytime I hear one of them saying what are u taking now??? and I really don't know I just follow directions then they think I won't tell them for some strange reason hahaha I tell them everything anytime--they're so silly. But I'm tired now so I hope I sleep well--I have to go for another test--I'll probably go Thursday, cuz I won't feel like it tomorrow and when I got home Joey came out to help me in the house and of course say hi to my GF, they would try to help me take care of him when he was like 3-4 weeks old when I started and they were more useless than I was and we all knew it.  And when he got colicy my one GF would put the stick of the parsley up his butt so he could go. OMG what we all did to that kid. We still laugh about it. Oh well he's fine so..... 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2014

    Parsley? Where? Did it work?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2014

    Did you hear that SuZQT?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Cyn she would put the end of the parsley up his little butt and it would make him poop and he'd be more comfortable--These old Fashion Italian things and I said OK!!! My DD was in the hospital for months so she never knew what we did and a long time after when we'd tell her she was like OMG and he got thru this. My niece took him once in a while overnight and so did Marty's cousin, it was my night off, my SIL's Mom took him once and called me around 9PM and took him back to me, but by now he was like 4 months old and he cried the wholetime and as soon as he saw me he stopped and went to sleep. hahaha My SIL was afraid to take him very long, he never handled a baby before and he was like 40, so it scared the hell out of him. Plus he was at the hospital as much as possible. I know u guys know most of this, that's when I bonded with Joey, cuz I always felt it didn't matter who bonded with a baby as long as they were loving and of course it's why we're so close--but he adores his mom and dad--so it's not a problem, he got the bonding he or any baby needs and it was constant.