how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Last day of April, now bring
    on those May flowers!

    Erin--I hear you
    about being afraid to see death.Most of
    the time death is a calm, peaceful thing.In our culture we have hidden death and turned it into an enemy and
    forgotten that death is as natural a part of life as birth.Hang in there, girlie, life will get better
    with time.

    Mema--ambien and a
    good sleep is a wonderful thing!Yup,
    did get some sun yesterday, gonna get rain showers today.

    Erin--all my
    sympathy to you andyour family.May your Aunt be smiling down on all of you
    from Heaven.

    Cammy--weather here
    is getting better, very , very slowly.My crocus are blooming and my daffodils have popped up, so there is
    hope!Enjoy your aromatherapy shower!

    ORLA--Wow, a new job
    already!That was fast!Sounds like it could be a fun job, too.Oh, my, those shirts in those mug shots, too

    4--glad you hear you
    are still alive and kicking!Spring is
    struggling in, but every day without snow is a good day!

    Good morning,

    Red RH--April is on
    the way out and my yard is JUST getting so that I can get out and rake.Was hoping to do some this weekend, will have
    to see if the weather cooperates.As to
    the garden, maybe in June. . .

    CynCyn!Can't wait to see you in September!And mud season has arrived, Sadie reminds me
    every single day.As soon as you have
    dates let me know and I will put in for some time off work.

    Cammy--a stick of
    parsley up the baby's butt?Never heard
    of that one before!Did it work?Amazing how resilient a baby is.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Parsley Gin Julep

    8 parsley leaves

    3/4 ounce fresh lime juice

    3/4 ounce Simple Syrup

    Ice cubes, plus crushed ice

    1 1/2 ounces gin

    1 ounce chilled club soda

    1 lime wheel

    In a cocktail shaker, muddle the parsley
    with the lime juice and Simple Syrup. Add ice cubes and the gin and shake well.
    Strain into a crushed ice–filled collins glass. Stir in the club soda and
    garnish with the lime wheel.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Morning ladies, I don't have time to read back and catch up now, DH outta town and I'm on dog duty, then going to work then taking MIL to doctor appt. She's 85 and been having more a-fib. Anyway, been off the boards for a few day, last Friday's chemo knocked the snot outta me, been sleeping and working and walking dogs and that's it. I see there's a lot been going on since i last checked in, hope to sit and catch up tonight if I don't fall asleep again. 

    Memasue, glad to hear you're feeling so good, hope you all have a great day…maybe see ya tonight..bye for now..

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Cyn u get a spanking u r backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    missed u I would love to go to Maine as well

    Im sorry u r not feeling good

    $ glad your surgery went well hugs for recovery just take pills k

    HI cam watching a scary movie I got from red box skeered

    Yes NM start tomm I like moving around so it should b fun go today meet her partner they are a gay couple that owns the diner they are very nice

    Then thursday start gotta get my uniform today

    I keep putting off my MRI i will call today

    Hi golden goldie

    Gennnyyyyyyyyyyyyy glad your back sorry it kicked your butt

    Hi Red I do the same thing  read and forget it all

    Hi Juliet

    memaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you work in the biz bartend right?

    I did that in my late 20s early 30s

    I hope they put me on the breakfast shifts mula money

    glad to see the thread going again



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Never fart in wet suit. I really laughed at this.

    Never fart in wet suit. I really laughed at this.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Woo hoo 4-sew in da house...rock it down...whoop whoop.  Sew glad eberting turned out, now git da Elmo bixed k?  Any time-frame on dat happening?

    Cyndielou who DID poop back in...ohhh mese so happy.  And yeah...I read dat Parsley tingy....and LMAO, but if Cami say it woiks I jes might gib it a go and see if I go-go...heehee.  Maine in September is beautiful.  DH and I traveled there, went as far north as Salem I think.  The Coast there is jes breathtaking.  I hope hope hope u and NM and meet up too.  So glad u back, but no pressure, u gotta git ur db issues squared away.  Jes poop in when u can.

    Lara - I used to bartend and cocktail. Where did u land a spot??  I liked it enuf.  But can't do it anymore, so haven't slopped a dwink...well hail...dat a lie, I slop into mese own craw eberday, but to public not in over a year.  NO desire to go back either.  But I likey to sit on da otherside and dwink like a fish sumtimes.  Works for me!   And I tooo always LMAO at dat fart wetsuit...LOL.

    Lowee - I send to alternate dis morning da bald head.  Still working on da Easter pic.  MUAH!!!

    Genny - always good to hear from you.  We worry so bout our girls in midst of dis tx chit.  Jes take it easy cuz u most important!  Prayers to you and your MIL.

    Red - yes, thank you for that.  Bright colors, big hoop earrings, I can do it.  Still praying for Gage and family...heavy sigh, not fair, FURB.

    NM - hate da synthetics, willie wud git me 2 or so hours sleep, meant hitting it 2-3 x a nite.  Den I got tired n popped Ambien...worked better much as I hate to say.  But I kno I need to sleep, so I will do what's necessary.  Course docs say the fatigue will hit hard soon and I can play catch naturally then...hope hope!

    LAST DAY, LAST RAD, WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!   Mese fart is joyous to all of you who have helped keep me going.  I KNOW I would've crawled in mese wabbit hole if it wasn't fer all of you.   THANK U FROM D BOTTOM OF MESE HEART!

    Erin - BIG HUGZ!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    what's forest gumps password?

    1 forest1


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    LOL Good one Lara!!

    Hi all....jes thot I'd poop in for a second.  I AM FINISHED, FINITO, DONE!!  Woo HOO.   The place I go has an actual GONG on a widdle table in the waiting room.  It has a very nice inscription above that is title 'CANCER BE GONG'   So when pts finish last tx, they come out and hit the gong.  I did....then I cried a widdle happiness all over the place.  They gave me face mask too.  May come in handy round Halloweeny heehee.

    Latah.....lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014


    Mema Love it congratssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


    sue-  HappyThumbsUpSmile here's to rads being over!

    erin wacko dorty -no matter how prepared we think we are it still hurts to loose someone we love, i'm glad she had such a long happy life with a loving family.hugs and prayers to you all

    lori-hope your day is uneventful

    cyn pooped in!Happyi'm at the lmh campus ,if your friend is working for the same system, she'll know which one!   i don't mond if you give her my name and phone number. hope your feeling better, did they do an a1c?

    went to the gym today for another sessionShockedaching right now!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    WooHoo  Mema is kickin butt and takin names!!!  Put those rads at the curb wif FURB!!!!!!

    Haha, love the wet suit!!

    Erin, Sorry bout your aunt :0(  

    I have done and lots of things to torture my kids.  Parsley up the butt was not one of them!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great night.  DH is out of town so I am pulling double doody.  BBL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    cammi-parsley up the butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    here's one for sadie nm!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Tht's for Sue-----

    Julie I like the way that Dr. thinks, well I guess we all do. Hope u'r sleeping now.

    Yes the thin part of the parsley and it worked, some old Italian things seem to have a comeback every so often. LOL Just like when my dad was very young used to charge pennies a leach to leach people to make them feel better----then some years later they came back in view of the Drs. Now no one hears about them anymore, but my dad  used to say it was like acupuncture hhaha cuz u had to know where to put them. Oh mercy me, my family, my friends all crazy. 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Julie, I need to finish what I start. I need inner piss. Peace or sometink. I tink. Hilarious!

    CynCyn!!! Welcome back. I heard the funniest thing today and thought of you. Did you realize the those chocolate coated peanut butter cups and pieces have an apostrophe in the name? That means they belong to Reece. All of them. Reece's Pieces. Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. Lol. Gosh I hope my memory is right and it's you with a dog named Reece.

    Erin, glad you and your DD are doing so much better. Still praying for your family.

    Cami I will never put parsley on anything again without thinking about you and Joey.

    MemaSue, it's over and done!!!! Now rest, relax as much as you can. Talk to Willie. Take gentle walks. O listen to me. Trying to tell you what to do. But you know it's just cuz I lubs ya!!!!

    NM you've got daffodils? O I am soooo jealous. I've seen two but still have ice on my gardens.

    Lynne, hope you are recovering well.

    Same for Princess and Genny.

    Did I tell you I'm going to Italy. Of course I did. OK won't bore you with my expectations of a wonderful time. Did I tell you we are having a Cdn get together in which we will get to meet Aly? Oh probably. 

    OK then, I'm done. Nite nite and Hugs'n'kisses. 


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2014

    Deb...My a1c is 11

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2014

    Drum circle tonight...make a me feel GREAT!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    soooo jeolous Cyn, mese wanna be at humpdey eve and saturdey eve drum circle with ye. and mese is dere clad in mese hippie garments dat made me feel cutliest. I shall foreber be a hippy at fart hehe.

    MEMA, wooooop wooooooooooop --- GO YOU goil fwend, so so sooooooo pwoud of meese pwoud mary sbhoney goil. I dwinking to ye.yep, me dwinking early aka late, dependa on a how ye looka at it tehe. it after 5 aye em and mese gonna finish dis weally weally strong dwink den go back to bed. 

    Lowi, mese gonna miss ye iffin ye not heare in de aye em's. yep, mese wont post until yese post. cuz i making a point like dat of a pointy shovel for mese yard which remind me that it been raining cats n dogs for two deys so mese has to use dat dern pointy shovel to dig out dese swamp bamboo/ weeds dat mese ex DH2 p;anted a few years ago. dat a whole nudder story for no odder time, oh hail no. So de point Ms Innocent, ye gotszta come here in de aye ems or mese outta here. well ..... not really, would not do that to you but feel like doing it cuz mese jest lubs you. I know ye okay but ya know, I know ye need us goils and it unflair if ye cant bisit de lounge de JD and odder likker. kk, offa de subject, lub ye and hopin it bese a gwate dey. 

    mese cousin staying ober again tonight but mese pooooped out on her waaaay early. and dat becuz i crash early cuz of wishful dwunkeness but not weeeel dwinking, twas total fatigue from life.  booooo hoooooo waaaaaaa! 

    I gonna go soon but tail ye all first, mese had a ruff ruff dey. Cuz mese Mommy wuz put back in de hospital for what we thought wuz her inabiliity to swallow. yep, she jest kep chewing de food yestardey den sorta not able to swallow (git yer minds out of de gutter. you know who ye are.  tehehe). Soo det now suspect anudder UTI which gibing her a fleaver dat is berry low grade. and I tail ye, she dehydrated from being too yukcy feeling to dwink n eat. And denn a bell went off, ding dinga donga ding big dong (outta de gutter Cam, me know ye a culPRIT hehe). which bdw, glad ye had a funliest time with ye fwends, lubs ye. so ennyway, now remembered dat last time Mommy went to de hopatpal for dehydrashion AND uti, she had stopped eating but rebounded so mese has new hope n new faith. iffin ye all pray for wese, wese bese gratefullestliness! 

    so me jest read from where mese posted first but gonna git back to bed. dat cuz mese gootta make sure mese cuz is outta de door by 9:20 aye em and dat is hexactly four ours from now, ya know? I go to bed now, wake up to see mese cuz off, den mese nephew come to care for mese Papa so mese can sleep until one pee em den do it again, .... CHEERS! and tanks for hearing me, Erin, whom bese a goil with manny menny identallteeeze! will try to catch up with ebry duddy later on todey, k? peace out goil scouts! Hugs too! I go.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,

    ketchup is a losing game on here most of the timeJump in where you are and move forward, that
    's the best thing!Sorry to hear chemo
    beat your butt, glad you are resting as needed.

    ORLA--the diner job
    is sounding really good---fun, interesting, good for you!Um, OK, I will NEVER fart in a wet suit!

    Mema--it's good you
    have a way to get some sleep untilthe
    rads fatigue kicks in,too bad there's
    that to look forward to, though.Here's
    to good sleep!Congrats on the last of
    the rads!Hooray!

    Erin--double doody
    is double the trouble!

    Julie-- a great
    reason for finishing what you start!And dog toys in the cup, I know that one, too!

    Cammy--it is funny
    how some of those old things make their into mainstream medicine, isn't it?

    Red RH--I've got
    daff sprouts, no blossoms yet, but maybe next week!Only one place, next to the house, full
    southern exposure, protected, snow melts off first there.

    CynCyn--I bet the
    drum circle is great for the soul!

    Erin--Your poor
    Mom!I'm praying she bounces back like
    she did before.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Sandbar Sleeper

    5 cl Frangelico
    Hazelnut Liqueur

    5 cl Vodka

    5 cl Coffee Liqueur

    5 cl Irish Cream

    1 splash Ice

    10 cl Milk


    Fill shaker with
    ice, add ingredients, chill, strain.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Going to try and be quick here! Ha, you can see that didn't happen!
    Dofey, you sweet thang you, thank you for offering me a pwace to lib, but I weally don't need it. What fun though! I don't think DH knows yet that I am not writing to you all as much, but he will catch on sooner or later. You see, he told me he didn't want me to stay off of here, it's what I do. So why say anything to begin with. So....when he comes over for a kiss, I have solitaire up on my screen, cuz he wants me to get on the computer like I always do. He was going to be upset with me if I didn't. So I am just being bull headed with him. I AM FINE! I wish you could be fine too, I sawry about the loss of your Auntie, we all should be so lucky to live until we are 80. Try to think of good things and not the bad ones (((((WACKO)))))

    Cami, you went out again the other day, not feeling well, I hope you enjoyed it. YOU PUT WHAT UP JOEY'S BUTT???? OMG!!! That is funny, nebber ebber heard of that!

    And NM posts a drink with parsley in it.....I'm cracking up! I think I'll pass on that one! LMAO!!!!

    La La, congrats on the new job, I hope you get rich on tips!!! And YAY for no trays!

    Red, Amazon also caught the mistake, as there were 2 products with the same sku. I think we have it under control. All of this weather is hurting us business wise. But also it's so terrible all of the deaths from the tornados and floods.

    Oh Lucy, I so happy to see you, but I sawry about the fatigue. Diabetes does that to ya? That's awful that you have to wait until the end of the month. Keep trying to be a goot girl, k? And how exciting that you and NM might get some face time, and maybe, jes maybe a jamie party!!!

    Genny, it's ok to go missing for a bit, but we like to know, like you gotta have permission! Cuz we will not only miss you, but we worry too. Which is why I keep "checking in". I am so glad to hear you are resting when that chemo is kicking butt. You gots to rest so you can come back and kick some butt yourself.

    LDB, I banging on dat gong wif you girl. I so glad you done now, and praying with all my being that it zapped all that RB right outta you head. Thanks for telling me you sent to alt, or I might not have known for a while. I will go look now.

    I still have a page to read. I need to go check real quick for anymore updates on little Gage first. Nope. Still praying for that little guy Red, it truely is so not fair. I pray he is not suffering.

    Gotta run, leaving early in the morning for town, so me won't be here. Also we are picking Lilian up at our little airport, she will be here for a few days. Love you ladies!!!!! Huggles!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Thank you all for all the kind woids...lubslubslubs ya!  DH took me out for 2 dwinkies in 2 hours and den bought me a big ol juicy cheese burger.  Not fast food, restaurant kind...much better.  It was good to get out. 

    Erin - muah muah saying moocho prayers for you and yours and sending u da BIGGEST, warm, gentle HUGZ (((D)))

    Red - lubs u too, and yes I do need to be encouraged to walk, so thank you.  And R correct about Cyn and Reese, that is her pooches name.  We used call him Sirpoopsalot when he was a  Italy? Meet Aly?   Woo hoo.  When is all this taking place?  NO details are boring round here.

    4 - don't pull too much duty...u need ur rest dernit goil!!

    Cami - u cwackin me up wif da Italiano ways.  Guess lots of peeps have old remedies hidin in der closets, but swear, some still work today.

    Cyn - I don't kno what dat number means for you, but u prolly do and one our nurses will git right back to u am sure.  I jes love to be able to say...I am sooo pwoud of you and ur drum circles...u r GR8 ...muah!!

    Lowee - O Tay be careful on ur trip in da am.  We'll miss you tamari!

    lubslsubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---OK things are in better order this morning oh Wacko LOL is right NM, then Lori then it seems OK;;silly I know.

    Sue Oh a restarant cheeseburger Yummy I love them , I eat meat then and good Sausage, actually just when my GF makes it. Oh I hope u'r feeling OK, u must be tired tho--so just rest til u r ready.

    Genny I'm sorry this is so hard on u, sometime it really is and u thing that's enough, but u go back and do what they tell u to do and then it's done. (((HUGS)))

    NM u mean Parsley isn't an actual medicinal thing Holy crap, I'm not telling anything else we did to that kid then, bus he's fine now so...... LOL BTW my oldest DD1 got daffodils in her yard, we're 15 mins away and nothing is here. She  of course picked them and put them in the house---she loves frsh flowers.

    OK BBL

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    Hello Ladies...

    How is everyone? I am okay.  I finished lcycle 4. This is crappy crap.  Esophageal burning, nails looking discolored, nausea and fatigue.  I still am working full time and some days, man, I am just beat.  Yesterday, just for fun the oven and the freezer broke. Woo hoo and the fun keeps coming.

    Memasue...done with rads!  yay you

    Erin..Sorry about your Auntie, cool ladies are always missed, anytime they go.  Glad you are digging your furniture and the pool will soon be ready for a super setsy pool boy!

    Jenny.. This shit just sucks donkey ass!!!

    Goldie...Glad your shipping is back to tip top..

    Red..NM, Cyn, 4, Lori and everyone else I have missed  love you all and your great posts.  Sorry to be such a biotch and a lurker.  I can't sleep.  i can't eat.  I hate all of this.  I can;t be nice so I have stayed away.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Princess never feel like that here--say what u need to say and we all get it believe me, I'm veey sorry for u going thru this but wow how can u work--It amazes me, I worked for the first 4 months, but I took days off that's for sure I couldn't put in a whole week--I worked on my steroid days, then nothing. I give u lots of credit--I hope it starts picking up for u soon.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Just a quick hi before bed. Princess, you are so right, this shit does suck donkeys ass…couldn't have said it better myself. I'm still working too, then walking my dogs and then nothing… that's all I got. I hate it…

    memasue, so glad you're done with the rads! What now, do they do an MRI? Still waiting to take willie out for a test drive, i HAVEN'T QUITE GOTTEN AROUND TO IT YET

    Erin, how's the mattress working out, and what going on with the DD's little bambino? Get an ultrasound pic yet?

    Orange and Red and NM… we have lots of daffodils and tulips, we've had a month of rain and suddenly everything is green, now if it would just get above 50.

    Cami haven't been here for awhile, did you get the IRS shit straightened out? got a new job?

    DH has been traveling all week and he just got home and he's sick with some sort of respiratory crud again…e-gads that's all I need, hope he keeps it to himself. Anyway, gotta go to bed, looks like I might have pooch duty again tomorrow since he's sick. Supposed to get my little Nora tomorrow night, hope we still can…sweet dreams all..nighty night...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    AWW, Princess, Gennie, mese so sawry ye habing chit n crud, hugs to ye both. Hoping baby Nora is able to make ye smile. And hope doggie dooty goes well and that NO SICK FOR YE goil, chit, no way hooooo-saaay, make dat bug stay far far far away.

    uh, mese new bed? well then.... mese only spending a few hours a dey there cuz me litting me cuz still sleep dere. ya see, she lives by de ocean but her daddy slash mese uncle libs nearby so she bese staying with me to hailp her git tru de hard time of losing her mommy dearest AND hailping her daddy git true it. so so. here is de obit. ye might yest see mese real name dere but dat cuz mese named after mese Aunt, one of mese Daddy sista's day died menny menny years ago. ya see, he was one of nine babies.

    mese mommy ate like a farm aminal todey so mese feeling lots better n tinking she bese okey. 

    well mese cut mese pinky fingar cooking two pizzas, a batch of hash browns and some super pretzels in mese oben. why ye ask? cuz mese fn fridge/freezer took a chit yesturdeday. mese new mese fridge was gonna die and me twied to find one two years ago but failed in finding de poyfect one. soooo todey, well uh yesturdey I tink, mese buy new one which was like 500 bucks more den when mese chopped for dem years ago. den mese wuz so tired and effed up and accardentally  bought two friderators, ooopps. took awhile to git dat bixed but all good....mese gitting new fridge on twosdey and already ready to dwink twos dwinks in honor of mese tooooooo new fridgergators???? 

    lawrie, tail dat boy ye needs us. stop beings a tough arse goil or I kick yo ewwa. but mese so glad ye alright. 

    i go now, time to eat more pizza with mese cuz. cheers and have a lobely dey all. 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!TGIFF!Thank God It's a Foggy Friday!

    headed?You?Hard to believe, but I hope it's fun!

    Mema--the difference
    between a restaurant burger and a fast food burger is amazing, isn't it?Glad you had a good time!

    Cammy--there are
    lots of things out there that work that aren't accepted by mainstream medicine.
    In fact, those things are more likely to work than medical interventions!And I can't wait to be able to pick a few daffs
    for the house!

    Princess--no need to
    stay away just 'cuz you are getting you’re a$$ kicked by chemo.Come on in and vent anytime!And the oven and freezer went, too?Just not fair!

    Genny--I keep saying
    I'm going to plant a bunch of tulips every fall, never do.Need to be sure I do that this year.They are so beautiful when they come up!

    Erin--what is this,
    an epidemic of freezer failures?I can
    just picture you being so tired you buy 2 by accident!Glad you gotfamily there while you all are grieving.

    Princess Glitter
    Ssizzle's DOTD is the Friday Freeze

    1/2 cup Vodka

    1/4 cup Rum

    1 cup Orange Juice

    4 scoops Orange


    Blend all ingredents
    in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi -
    thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but
    not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add
    equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning

    NM great DOTD when I saw orange sherbert that was it. Yes Friday so u can enjoy 2 days YYAAYY with Sadie.

    What is going on with freezers,

    Genny yay for Nora coming--she'll make u smile and Princess were 'with you

    Erin wow u'r aunt -wow lots of family and so many loved her--AWWWW

    I've got to go get a test today--why the hell does this aggravate me, leaving  my home to do something stupid, that's how I feel anymore.

    Oh my accountant called me (the one I thought was dead) and he said when all my crap comes back cuz it will he'll go over it and do my taxes- And I can't remember if his name is Lenny or Bernie-Still