how about drinking?



  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    cami. Thanks. Forgot to say you look great!  Joey is super cute and kitty too and the IRS are just mean people!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi Princess glad u pooped inMy waitress gig is good work today it gets very busy

    I work today and tomm

    Tomm I am on my own I did get tables yesterday

    Yes genny I am waitress now'

    it good for me I am social and walking around

    Erin hope u r doing well genny I finished that book I am sending it to undie she has surgery today

    poop in latah

    Hi everyone


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Good morning girls!

    Lara, I loved waitressing!  I did the cocktail and bar tending thing too.  It's fun.  Glad you sound like you are feeling better and getting out and about!  I will be thinking good thought s for Undie today!  I hope her surgery is not serious and goes really well.  I feel bad she is not posting :0(

    Cyn, hope you ae felling better!  Drum circle sounds like so much fun. Maybe I should start one in my cul de sac every full moon!

    Cami, ugh!  Another test?  Well I hope the results yield a helpful, non serious answer!  And those both sound like accountant names!  My dads a CPA.  I learned all my creative bookkeeping early!  We got a letter from the stinking IRS yesterday and they amended our 2012 return and say we owe them $3150. WTF?  They say we sold $10000 in stock.  I think I would have noticed that go into the bank!  Maybe it is sitting in a nice account somewhere gaining interest. I will give them their $3 when we get the other $7!!!  I might need you to write a letter!  Good luck today!  In your pocket!

    Princess, sorry chemo is kicking your ass.  This is such a busy kid time of year too.  We have less than 3 weeks of school left and I think I am more ready then the kids for it to be done for a while.  We have to survive all the end of year stuff first though.  I hope you get some rest and feel better soon, and that the next one doesn't kick so hard.

    Red, wow Italy!  Sounds like great fun.  I have only been to Europe once and would love to go back.  I'm holding a special thought for little Gage every day.  I hope he is peaceful and I pray for strength and healing for his family.  It's just SO not fair.  I will never understand these things, especially when it's kids.  I am coming up on a year from my nephew passing.  In his case it was a blessing, but I will still never understand it.

    Genny!  I hope you can avoid the Crud, again!  And another visit with Nora.  She is so cute. I don't think I could give her back!  And dogs can be a lot of work!  I miss not having a pet but now is just not the time.  We gave up our psychotic dog after she assisted me in breaking my ankle. None of the kids could handle her and it was just too much for DH and I on top of everything else. 

    NM!  We had daffodils here in January or February.  They get confused with our stupid bi polar weather and come up really early just to get frozen in their prime!  So then when we are supposed to have them they are already gone!  I never have luck with tulips. The squirrels like to dig up and eat the bulbs.  So I planted gladiolus several years ago and they keep coming back.

    Erin-I-am-never-sure- who-you-are-gonna-be-today!  Glad to hear your mom is chewing down like a truck driver!  It's nice of you to host your cuz too. I'm sure it makes her feel better while she adjusts to losing her mom. New fridges are way too expensive!  Good thing you figured that out before you had an extra one delivered!

    Lori! I'm glad you is Okey Dokey even though I missed why you might not be Okey Dokey!  Have a fun trip and glad you got the Amazon thing cleared up!  Hope business gets better and the weather stops messing with us all!

    Mema! Yum!  A real burger!  I hope you are still feeling great!  With any luck rads fatigue will not set in.  I ate my way through rads but never got tired.  How's Maddy doing?  My Maddie has been crazy busy Witt end of school stuff and keeping her brothers in line!  So I already know it is March next year we are coming back!  Are you free for lunch?

    Julie!  How is that day shift treating you?  DH flew back from Florida last night on an overbooked flight with only one working toilet!  In first class!  So the whole flight there was a line of people in first class waiting to use the potty!  His headquarteres are down in Westin and they have a meeting in Miami third week of June so I think we will be driving so the kids and I can hang at the pool.  Maybe I can buy you a drink after work one day if we are going to pass anywhere nearby to you!  You too Cyn!  We are going to come hipbone up the golf coast and see some friends that moved there so surely we will be kinda close.  Florida isn't very wide after all!

    Aly! Sounded like you were having a fun restful time.  Do you have to get a new suitcase to get your purchases home?  I almost had to!

    Ok I don't think I missed anyone. If I did it is totally unintentional. I blame the week long headache I have had!

    So a quick Frankenfoob update.  I met with my PS yesterday.  I have met with several plus my rads onc since they say it's his fault.  He disagrees with this, BTW!  So my guy asked about my GB and told me when I was feeling up to it and had my energy back we could schedule something.  So I asked what he was doing today.  Again I ask, why do all my docs laugh at me?  So anyways Operation-Build-a-Boob is scheduled to start on May 21.  He is going to do a fat transfer so I get some lipo.  He was checking possible donar sites and asked if I had a spot I wanted him to use.  Since I will be having it done more than once I said I didn't really matter what order we go in.  Then as he is feeling his way around he grabs my belly fat and says "this is a Gold Mine". I'm like "really? Thanks for pointing that out!". He's a real MOFO that one! (master of the freakin' obvious!)

    Okey Dokey before I lose this novel I wrote I'm going to hit submit. I think we need an end of rads for Sue party this weekend!  Glow in the dark theme of course!

    Have a great day ladies TGIF!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi 4 glad to see u

    damn doctors I swear

    I have had my belly fat pinched to its like HELLO thats not nice to say to a women

    but our fat needs are foobs

    undie is having foot surgery she will b down for a couple months

    shes been really busy Ill tell her evry one misses her

    GB surgery u ok? does that not keep u down and u have the kids your super person

    Hi cam How was lunch?


    k geetting ready ck in latah

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    I go for my GB post op in a couple of hours.  I didn't bruise anywhere and the only places that smart are where they put the instruments through,  my belly button feels like it is full of super glue. It prolly is!

    The other 3 spots are tiny and just feel like a puncture wound trying to heal.

    Foot surgery stinks. My ankle still gives me trouble since chemo fried the nerves.  I would rather be without a foot than a hand though!  Trying to eat, brush or wipe sucks with a hand out of commission!

    Keeping a good thought for Undie!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    NM - I absolutely gonna try the sounds sooooo delish, mmmm sherbert...o not to mention da alcamahol lol. I could make a batch a that and freeze it to enjoy n e time...woo hoo.

    Cami - what test today?   I kno it's a PITA, but u gotta do it, well, we wancha to do it.  GR8 dat ur CPA is still kicking and willing to go thru it all wif ya when it comes back...dat a bit of goot news.

    Princess - My fart aches for you...and I kno how ugly all da chit can be, but like the others say...if u feel like it RANT RANT RANT...den feel our loving arms around you with gentle hugs.  Frickin ya need a nudder PITA.  Praying daily for you (((P)))

    Genny - MRI in 2-3 months, guess da rads keep doing their thing?  I'm worried about you and ur dh crud, immune compromise and all, so do take precautions.  Nora....Yay...I kno how uplifting that can be.  We get to see my Maddy (5yoa) this Sunday.  Guess we are gonna tell her I lost a 'head-shaving' bet with her Papa.  U'll get around to meeting willie for a test rush. (((G)))

    Erin - Good, am glad cousin still wif u even if means u sharing u new bed.  And BEST news is mommy eating again...wooohooo.  Been praying hard for that and He has answered.  CWack mese up...2 frigs...well send one here...I bese wanting one fer long time too. j/k  Muah!

    4 - Next March....sheet...I intend to b right here and lunch sounds poyfek.  LOVE the alcamahol book...too funny.  Sounds like u OK on da GB surg..yay.  Got ya on da calendar for da FB (frankenboob) on da 21st.  I had to laugh when u said u 'ate your way thru rads' cuz that is zackery what I've been doing, but I do get tired.  But now down to 1/2 a day, so my night grazing should calm down and energy increase...hope hope.  Some docs have absolutely NO bedside manners.  Glad your back!!

    Lara - new job sounds pretty darn good.  And thanks for the update on Undie....good vibes n big hugz to her from me pweeze.

    I kno I'm missing peeps...but u all are always in mese heart.

    lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014


    Me again....I just have to share.  Dis pic is how I was allll week long.  Y....well... YESTERDAY....I met face to face and had a lovely talk and lunch with.....wait for it....

    JEANIE-BEANIE-BABY!!!!   I still can't stop was sooooooooooooo wonderful to finally get face-time with her.  It was tooo short a visit but hey, I'll take 1 second over none anyday.  She is everything and more that I imagined.  She said she has been bizy bizy but is doing well and wants you to kno she missing us on this thread and will try to poop in a widdle more often.  I AM SO BLEST!!!

    LOVE you Jeanbeans!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Sue what a great lunch and so nice to hear she's doing good.

    Poor Undie having a foot operation suckz big time, Trying to get around is awful, I hope she heals well and fast.

    Lara I'm so glad u like u'r new job, that a hard job too but u sound so happy about it-  I'm so furcited for u little one.

    444 U sound really get up and go stuff--I'm glad u've been healing well and now getting ready for the next surgery. "A Gold Mine" I'm sure to a Dr. it might be but u'r little hahaha. I would be like a mountain to work with.

    Erin I hope u'r doing good.

    U all know how I feel about all of u, I'm so greatful I pooped in here even tho at the time I thought I didn't belong here at all, but I've gotten so comfortable here and LUBS u all so much, anytime I do have a drink I'm so furcited to tell you all hahaha Oh well.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    LOL love the pics

    survived another day like it people can be assholes but whatever

    4 I know what to drink everything lol glad your doing well

    undies good just got the text shes on her way home

    wtching a scary movie massag ing my feet everything sches but its good for recovery I need to get stronger

    hugs allNerdy


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Lara I'm glad Undies on the way home now---and I'm also u sound so good, rub dem feet and soak dem good. This is a lot ov moving around--lotsa work---good for u.

    In my flannels got home a little while ago from de hospital--all done YYAAAYY stoped and got my meds and a couple of things myself--well my DD drove me but I went in. That's something. hahaha But I smelled so good, I like other people to enjoy it.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


    Happy May Day! Yes, I know it was yesterday but I couldn't get here 'cause I was bisiting wif de most lovely lady, de one and only SU-Z-Q-T and we hada super fantastic widdle lunch and I can't tail ya'all how great it was to getta meet her!!! Just beyond woyds. Tank U Tank U Tank U Suzie and once again big, gigantic congrats!! I AM SOOOOOO BLESSED!!! IT WAS A GREAT DAY DET EBEN DOUGH I CAN'T 'MEMBER NUTTIN ANYMORE I WILL NEBER EBER FOYGET!!!!

    So I tot I wud check in and say haylooooooooooooo wud is up wif YOU??? Anybuddy up for a dog beer by de pool? Itz nice n sunny and I tink I'll gwab one a doze Sandbar Sleepers as a chaser, hick, hick, yummy!!! We can talk about anyting you want. I'm all ears. Everyting goes in one ear and out de udder tru a vast expanse of empty space inside a lil pea shaped head. More like a pin ball head lately wif all de different directions I'm goin in. BING-BING-BING-TILT-WHOOOOOSH!!! Weeeeeeeeeee dere I go, as usual I can most often be found in de outer space or down de wabbit hole chasing my tail. ARF-ARF-ARF. I will be going back up to de coast of WA unless I go to de moon foist.


    So in case you wonder, I guess I'm okay. I so hope you lovely loungettes are doing great too. I think of you all the time with all love in my heart and you are always in my daily prayers.


    Got it!




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014 in da house!!!  I jes finite a Jose n natty brew on da back side.   So feeling weely good rite now.   And I have not been able to quit smiling all day....cept during mese widdle nap.  N den I ck in and Der is mese Beanie!!!     Whoop whoop!   And I still laughing g at Mese toopid foigetfoilness...but I am wif u my bootiful Jeanie Beanie....yesterday will be wif me 4ever!

    Cami...glad u got thru u appt and dat u smell soon drewrishious right now...but what test u get.   U kno mese brain a bit frieed n mese tinks I shud amember but...nope...nuttin honey.  Lol

    Lara....wanna share widdle Jose wif me...mite make u feeties feels bettah?

    Titties up...cachink a dwinkie X.....well at weast 3 eh?  CheArs!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh I love it when u so hoppy rite after Easter----I haven't seem beans in like forever I tin, but I tinkin, which is no so ezy any more====I'm glad u had this time

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    lARA LALA LAAA, sooo sawry yer tootsies hurt. but ye doing sooo goood n mese so pwoud. 

    pwoud merry aka suz e q t aka MEMA baby.... !!! woop woooop, mese sooo jailous. cuz ye meeting me goil beanie de bean of ALL beans. yippee! i am so fircited dat mese chitted mese pants in yer both honors teheheehe!lmfao and wolling wolling wolling at de werd ... drewrishious, mese been dwinkin sum drewrishious dwinks mese dern effin damn sailf tehe! oh mese ohhhhh....bin missing de chit outta ye goils but tings been cwAAAAzeeeee as all hail bwoken lose dese days. 

    and oh mese gawSHEESE, me also habing FN apllianence issue aka fridge aka freezer wITCH makes mse abilitie to has ice cubes all effed up. it an epimeM Nick ya know? we;; chit, ,mese cpmtact ;emse i mean lenses all kinds o flucked up so mese a widdle teeny tiiIIIIIney bit blind dis dey. but i tail ye all, i feel ye pain. dis whole chit abou t   deeeee   efffff NNNNNNN RRRRRRRRRRRRRR  Beee is jest too much. hate it more den mese hate de stankiest of ALL FARTS EBBBBER. 

    hiccccccccccup ~~ boyyyyp, oops, sawry. so beans in de ;house also noooooooown as de htl, be go n partay wif her cuz mese n shese gotta ketch de phuck up. yippppppddddddeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeem iios u neab iios oops, mese fingars a widdle teeny tiny bit o off dis night. 

    i lubs yese goisl and again feel so sailfish but me bad n cant write in de few ours a dey when mese, Erin White, bese sober. i twy harder, k? lub lub lub,, ALL YE NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED is lubs ♥♥♥♥ chEErs!

    n dog bukets o beeeerz! peace all ye goils lubs each n ebery one, two three, easy as do ray me, 123 x infinity of yese k? i hope ye lubs me too. me goETH now, to de garden alone. den from dere, mese sleep. i go now. and remind me to tail ye of de interpretation of mese sleeping from sumbuddy awake, do not let mese foyget cuz mese cuz say it hysterically funnny, me, me skeer of her intarpretation. k. lubs each of yese MUAHC. 

    and peee esssss ....mese sez dey same ting as all ye but tooo effed up,  ma   waaaa     alll     goYALLS! chEERS ageubm ne gi dus tune fir reakzues, hicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eq4905q85084q9058q048q9045q098540

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Cami, you always make me laff. "Not telling anything else you did to that kid". How'd your test come out? And you fit in here poyfectly, and you are nebber ebber allowed to leave. I just wish ED would come and stay.

    Princess, you need to come here and bitch up a storm girl. We won't mind, honest! You can do this, YES it sucks, it SUCKS BIG TIME. I forget if you have 6 or 8 treatments.

    Genny, make your DH go stay in a hotel! Or maybe you can? Oh shoot, I hope you don't get what he has. You too, hang in there girl.

    Wacky Wacko, I was sorry to read about your mom, but now I read she is doing moocho bettah! I glad to read that.
    What's up with all kitchen appliances breaking, you and Princess, sheesh. How long is your cuz staying wif you?

    NM, yes I can be a little bullheaded once in awhile. I can't have tulips or daffy's, the critters dig em up and eat the bulbs, just like what 4 said.

    La La, glad the new job us going good. What is Unde having surgery for now? Still her feet?

    Julie and Cyn, might get to meet up with 4? Cool Cool Cool! Julie, are you liking days?

    Cyn, whenever you talk about the drum circle, I see you with your hoop. That is SOOOO AWESOME!

    4, you must be feeling pretty good. Where does the government come up with this chit? Don't you wish you had $10K to sell? My issue is not a big one. My DH is jealous of the time I spend with your girls, which is only every morning for about an hour. He thinks I should spend this time looking for things for "US", things to do, places to go, etc. He has no friends of his own either, so he doesn't understand. But I am not going anywhere. OMG, "gold mine"! And operation "build a boob", too funny.

    Lil Doyty Butt, you saw BEANS? Shut the front door! How cool is that? And why didn't you say anyting? How long you two been planning dis? I hope all is good wif her. Was she in to see the doc too? Ok, I got the most wonderful pictures you sent. I love your hair in the Easter pic. Did you want me to share either or both of them here?

    Oh dere you are Beans. I so so happy to see you. You been in dat hole again? And what are you going to WA for? Weather should be ok by now, yes?

    Had a nice day in town, picked Lilian up, I think she is here until Wednesday. She has jet lag pretty bad, but was up at 3 am. I'm gonna try and get meese windows cleaned today. They are a mess, and when the sun hits them in the afternoon you can see just how bad they are. I hate it! I have such a beautiful view out that way, and I just can't stand those doyty windows. Gotta fly............lubs y'all!

    Hey, we need a Derby Party!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Lori, mese fridge was grieving de loss of Princess's appliances and dwopped dead from grief. dat's all I ken esplain. Gib dat silly DH of yers a slap across de head from mese hehe. but really , glad ye okey. boys r so silly yah, dat it. silly silly silly boys. and dey nebber ebber get tru dis as well as wese cuz wese goils can grow babies and de boys are jailous cuz dey cant. take dat Lori DH and all boyz of de world ~hicccup. oops, sawrie n tank ye for being here. meese wuz gitting lonely in dis bar. n mese glad ye dont bwing yer critters, dey skeer me. 

    I will ditto yer post and also I wanna see dese dere pics of mese Sue Beee Honey too. I sleep again now, all have a habby hobbity saturdey. I pass out cuz me saw mese beanie n got so fercited, farted and now has to pass back out n sweeeep n grab jest a few zzzzzz's hicccccccup ~~~~~ . cheerZies dearZies! 

    ~hicc lub Erin W 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    made me smile

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    well I am hystercal got fired

    yup first day on tables

    the owner has a problem with everything all the girls

    First table seperate cks so the girl showed me how to do it never did seperate cks on their system

    sharon the owner runds out dont show her

    I said it was seperate cks

    buzzer goes pick up my food hashbrown touched my shirt she said drop it hadf the other girl carry it out all arms no tray

    she calls me in sats good luck this is not working out dont argue with me hands me 50 bucks and that was that shes a fking bitch

    the girls were slammed yesterday I was clearing tables they were saying can u get drinks give menus I did

    This morning she says dont do that ok sharon

    then we like u we want u to stay then half hour later I am gone

    nothing I did nothing wrong

    I am getting tired of restarting you know

    I waited on hillary clinton once worked for hard chefs captains on the floor never once got fired nothing

    fuck her

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    aww Lara I'm so sorry! That's poopy farts for sure.  You weren't meant to be there thats all !

    Erin.   Sorry my appliances lead the revolt. I think it will be about 500$ for the repairs of oven and freezer. Mine were only mostly dead you see

    Sue. So great you had a nice play date!glad you enjoyed it. 

    Goldie.  I have 6 cycles total next may 15, number 5.  So tired. More than I thought. But this will pass. 

    Thanks for all being a bunch of peaches!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    just pounded 4 beers your right princess

    I'm just doing jobs till I graduate 

    They might take my car the bank. 

    Nothing I can do take it

    I'm tired of this chit 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Lara I'm so sorry about all this chit, Oh Lara I waitressed for many years so maybe this will lead u to something better..can u DH help u--I know things are bumpy but he does seem to care about u Or have I missed something--u were sounding so so good in u'r head and u'r right u somehow have to keep up school. Damn FURB it just doesn't disappear like we think it should.. Oh I feel so bad for u. But it has to get better it does really.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Erin--Oh please--this is hard t do--there Wacko LOL my deepest sympathies for the passing of u'r appliances, it could very well be a sympathized death because of other  appliances that does happen u know--it's difficult to be sorry except for the money that has to be put out and when u do and u get new ones--u do forget about the old ones and love the new ones better. So chin up, u'll be fine.

    Lori u aslways keep track of my tests, u stinker--Well I finally went yesterday afternoon, I'm so bad so no answers yet, but I'm really  not worried-so it will b fine.

    Princess this is difficult I know, it's funny when people are new we tend to make it sound not bad, cuz sometimes it is, but for the most part it really sucks once u get going--I actually had a good time at chemo cuz we'd move are chairs in a circle and just talk and laugh--so that's why I can say getting chemo isn't bad at all it was the funnest time I had.And when new people came in their fear went away pretty quickly cuz I think they pictured everyone just being a laying around person. But after they learned like u and I am sorry u are having a rotten time of this. I think GENNY has Nora maybe this weekend so that will cheer her  up and I hope she's doing all right.

    My kids went to that communion and I hate to say this but my kids aren't really religious so Joey never made his and I don't push this and yet he prays everynite-I kinda pushed that--But he did ask me about why he never got communed??? After I LOLed I talked with him about 1/2 about all this and this was a deep conversation, I of course am never at a loss for words, But he understood why some people are what they choose to be (I think) I didn't go into the part where my Dad was an atheist--and some of my family is---hahaha-so we had a good conversation. I think

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    well we can do what we can on dh salary 

    I'm going to apply to Duncan's a place by my parents

    I'm tired I know reinventing it well ill go on disability for my next surgery 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    good evening all, ladies who are going thru active treatment vent away because this is one group of ladies who will understand, i know we put our brave faces on for family and friends so  you need an outlet

    cammi-do you think joey would like to get communed?  love his expressions

    lara, the swamp is open!

    lori-i like days

    beans was hereThumbsUpThumbsUpHappy

    4 would be nice to meet up, email me your dates

    cyncyn oh so sweet cyndie louwho!    glad they checked your a1c  but your doing so many things to help it like your hooping and eating right most of the timeHappy you know what i mean .  hope that once it comes down you will feel better, i have had patients tell me they can tell there sugar is high by their aches and pains

    erin-so sorry for the loss of your appliances hope your bob is okHappy

    sue-wheres the pics of you and beans?  glad you got to meet up,

    they started the star progamme here, its a rehab programme for post furb symtoms, so looking for customers, anyway my pcp referred me to see if they could help with the scar pain,had my eval yesterday,  gave me something called mepiform ,its a dressing to put on the scar to soften it up,its basically a silicon dressing but they are using it on old scars now,have to wear it at night. insurance will pay 100% for 6 visits and 90% for a further 6 visits to this ot ,so she thinks she can get the scartissue softened and broke upHappy also evaluated me for lymphdema,  my right upper arm is 4cm larger than my left , doesn't meet the criteria for lymphedema but its not normal  either (the story of my life).   but she wants me to act asif i do have lymphedema so will be getting a sleeve to fly with but thats the only time i have to wear one, got all the exercises too!!!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    for all the furbabies that rule the roost

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014

    SuZQT Baby Doll – So glad U will join me for a Jose n natty
    brew!! I still smiling too det we gotta meet in poysun. We do it agin soonliest
    – yahoooooo! Tank U agin for de lovely time and for being YOU and 4 bein so
    AWESOME thru and thru! YOU R BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Cami – It so goob 2 see ya again me fwiend. Haw ya doing? I’m
    okay but going in 20 dif directions at once. Cant sleep too weel. N den I am
    slow in de ayem and sometimes I just go lie down til I can tink again.

    Erin – Love U baby doll, tank U for de sweet wooooop woooop
    and for joinin me in a big ol wound a dwinks be de pool and 4 dancing on de
    table tops wif me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Dat wuz fun till yer frezzer
    started trowing ice cubes at eberyone!


    GoldBug – “lil Doyty butt?” Dat funny. I had a wunnerful whirlwind
    twip to see de beautifimus SuZQT. No kidding I get up at 6am everyday and woyk foyever, in fact, I woyk my fingers
    to de bone and wuddo I get? Boney fingers!!. Heee Heee. J/K It’s been
    bizzzzzzy, we are setting up furnished rentals up north n there’s been a
    lotttttta details. I stole a day and was so LUCKY det Sue could meet up for a
    lil while. Too short for sure, but we gots more plans ahead. DH painted one
    place on de outside, he got a great break in de weather, it was gorgeous and
    sunny. Den rain came in again. De desert has been getting warmer but I was
    having fires ebery nite till couple days ago. I had wead bout UPC codes and
    Amazon. Hope dat is goin well for you! How’s eberyting else??? Hope you have a
    good bisit with Lilian. Derby
    Party!!! Yay I’m dere!!! Love you Goldilocks!!!

    Juliet – So glad to see yer funny pics!! Love de doggy named
    Stopthat and Getbackhere! Giggle giggle!!! Also de temples from yest a
    HOOTER!! Tanks for permission to vent away. We soooooooooo need that space. I
    will share wif you dat I have been beeting mesef up for years for neber geetin
    ober some tings, like loss of me mom n dad, n many mores. I found dis and I was
    so glad, it gibed me permissions to take as long as I need to grieve.


    Muah Muah
    to Juliet!!! Meet up wif us wud be gweat!!! I sure hope de mepiform is gunna
    feel goooooot! Geeeawwd, too bout LE, sure hope det doesn’t slow you down nun. Love
    de Dog Pwayer n desserts/stressed!! Funny. And I wuz to ashamed to tail you I
    still have a spot where you can see de pidey bite fwom moths ago. I am a
    delicate thing. LOL at the lion saw a pidey too!!!! Love Love Love You!!!

    Lara – F de Biotch. So sawwy NE1 would tweet you dat way.
    She is so wrong. I was an employer for long time and dat is so mean, nasty and
    wrong. Glad you are away from that hell and hope you find a place that
    recognizes quality!!!

    Princessrn – Haylooooooooooooo! I heard you started de
    appliance spittin ice cubes…J/K…yikes $500 for repair. Dat is a lot of mooolah.


    Much love and huggggggs to everyone!!! LUBLUBLUB YOUALL!!


