how about drinking?



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


    G'nite nitey nite!!!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Julie u sound good-I think days is going good for u and of course I love the funnies.

    Beans it's so good to see u here and u had a great face time--I love it. And u are busy wow great u have the energy for all of it. It's just a good thing to hear...We all miss u here so I hope u get a little time to check in and share what's going on. And everyone talks about --yes all good so u are missed. It's the middle of the nite damn, but I'm going back to sleep--(I hope)

    If plans go as planned I should be going to the show later today with my GF's this afternoon, but we never know til the last minute so we'll see.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi Beans thank u

    Juliet exercise exercise they said I have it so waitress is good I am going to another place

    I was texting the girl who trined me that bitch was in here car even tryed to call me on her cell wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    who are these people

    I could code them say I just got my nipples done and she fired me for saying I could not plate carry  but ill leave it be going to church today that helps me

    Just not letting this get me down I cryed all day but I did judt get the curse this morning explains a lot

    ill do my MRI this week dreadill text in later


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Pin it


    Now we know !!

    Now we know !!

    Pin it


    dog fart

    dog fart

    Pin it


    Never fart in wet suit. I really laughed at this.

    Never fart in wet suit. I really laughed at this.

    Pin it




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    yea shes in the swamp with the rest

    lets all go to the festival

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie is happy as a clam at
    high tide with all the mud in the yard.Good thing she dries quick and vacuums clean!

    sherbert is good in almost anything!You
    thought your accountant was dead?Has he
    risen from the dead or was he just missing?What are you testing now?

    Princess--IRS people
    are mean from what I've heard.

    ORLA--Glad the
    waitressing is going well and you are enjoying it.Liking your work is always a good thing.

    4--hmm, I didn’t
    think about the squirrels digging up bulbs, but I'll probably go ahead
    anyway.If I end up feeding the
    squirrels, well, so be it!Bi-polar
    weather?What a great way to describe
    it!RE Frankenfoob--of courseRad doc says not his fault, PS says not his
    fault, so since it's nobody's fault it didn't happen, right?That's medical logic for you.

    ORLA--thank for the
    update on Undie, tell her we're praying for her.

    4--I can imagine how
    hard things are with only one hand!

    Mema--Tell us how
    the drink turns out, ok?Hooray for a
    meeting with Jeanbeans!

    pointing in the wrong direction, too funny!

    ORLA--scary movies
    and foot massages, what a combo!

    Beanie!!!!!Happy couple days after May Day!Great pic of chasing tail, too!

    Erin--I want some of
    what you are drinking, or smoking or whatever!You obviously feel GOOD!

    nothing wrongwith being bullheaded once
    in a while.I think I'll end up feeding
    the squirrels with bulbs too, but what the hey, it's fun to play in the dirt.

    Julie--the doggy
    smile made me smile, too!

    ORLA--you got
    fired?????Holy cow how does that place
    keep wait staff if they won't give anyone time to learn anything?What was wrong with you clearing tables,
    passing menus and getting drinks while they were slammed?What a maroon.

    Princess--hope you
    are resting when you need to.

    Cammy--sounds like a
    deep conversation with Joey. Those are good for both of you.

    ORLA--take a couple
    days off from the job thing, then reassess.I'm sure there is something out there for you.

    Julie-- I've heard
    really good things about Mepilex softening up scar tissue.That and scar massage.Here's hoping it works for you!LOVE the pics and posts!

    Beanie--that's lots
    and lots of busy for you!There is no
    time limit on grief, none whatsoever.I
    think wegrieve for the rest of our lives,
    it just changes form over time.

    Good heavens, the
    spider cartoons are bad enough, but that spider tattoo??YIKES!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Tequila Swamp

    1 oz Jose Cuervo

    1/2 wedges Orange

    1/2 oz Blueberry

    1 1/2 whole Orange

    1/2 oz Pomegranate

    1 whole Maraschino


    If you can find the
    Pomegranate/blueberry juice combination, use 1 oz. Otherwise use 1/2 oz
    Pomegranate juice and 1/2 oz Blueberry juice. Slice oranges in half and peel.
    Put half of one in food processor or blender and puree. Squeeze juice from
    other 3 halves and reserve. Half fill glass with crushed ice. Pour in half the
    Tequila, Add half the Pomegranate/blueberry juice. Add Orange puree on top,
    then the reserved squeezed orange juice. Add rest of Tequila, then rest of
    Pomegranate/blueberry juice. Muddle slightly with swizzle stick or straw. Top
    with Maraschino cherry and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Oh shoot La La, you will find something else. Like Princess said, it just wasn't meant for you.

    Ok Princess, so after that one, you have one more and done!

    Nice eulogy for Wacko's appliances Cami. Only you would think of such a thing.

    Julie, I really enjoyed looking at your Disney photos and glad you are liking days. Good idea for Lara to dump that biotch in the swamp. Wow, that scar softening bit sounds interesting. I sure hope it helps, and also praying that there is no lymphadema. Love the doggie's prayer. I can hear Sadie reciting it.

    Oh Beanie Baby, I jes can't tail you how goot it is to see you! I hope you get your places rented out in Hoth. How is the furniture biz going?

    Cami, I hope you were able to get back to sleep so ye can go out wif your GF's. Should I bug your DD for another picture.....LOL! Your talk with Joey was so sweet.

    Time for me to bug outta  here. Got work to do in the warehouse, we are sending more stuff to Amazon. Also I will be gone later in the week. My DH just infomed yesterday that we are Vegas bound to do the hardware show. I won't be back until Thursday afternoon, so prolly not checking in until Friday. But I should be here mananna. Here are the pics of Sue and her hair stylist and then of her most beautiful family and self. I jes love her hair and that smile!!! Sawry dey be so big, but I can't figure out how to resize here. Me personally, I like the bigger photos!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    NM, lets go for a swim!!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    Hi ladies,

    Juliet those are the greatest pictures! 

    Cami love the eulogy I hope you said one for my appliances too!

    Goldie Those are great pictures of Sue and her family excellent!!

    NM.. Sadie must be one happy gal!!

    I had someone come and touch up my landscaping. I'm too tired this year to do it myself and it's pretty extensive. So it got a nice little facelift yesterday. 

    How this'll make you laugh I'm really tired it's 9 days after my last round. And I really wanted to just stay in bed. But I got up did laundry did Bills errands got shower got dressed took care the landscaping people waited for the appliance guy then took my mom to dinner because we were going to the ballet for her birthday. 

    We were running late to get into Chicago, so I'm driving kind of fast after dinner. We get to the place it's the Joffrey ballet For Romeo and Juliet. Supposed to be excellent. II dropped my mom off she walks across the street I go park the car walk across the street in heels get in and my ticket won't scan. 

    The guy says that's okay you know where it is go check for your seat I go there are people in my seat I told them they must have the wrong seats I look at their ticket they're  in the right seats I look at  my ticket......... I'm on the wrong day!!!

    OMG I drive into Chicago parked dressed on the wrong day!!! I've crossed over. Chemo effin brain. What a dumb bunny!!

    Lol.....  I hope you girls are laughing your asses off I was!! And gramma had a nice time anyway and says," well, the weather was really nice!"  Lmao

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    x'cuse me fer being mia yest.  Had so much runnin around to do, den jes had to vegamatate for a few hours.

    Princess - 2 left....woohoo.  Rest as much as you can over these next 2.  I remember it hitting hard at this time, and then like 3 weeks later I was...'hey, I feel pretty good' and I was off and running.  ((P))

    Prayers and HugZ to Undie and Genny!!

    Cami - we all communioned too.  But I have not in 30 years.  I did not my children either.  they have both made their own choices and dat is how I wanted it.  U da sweetest mamaw for taking time to splain to Joey. 

    Lowee - tank ewe fer posting mese pics..I don't kno how to resize either.  You stay safe in you travels this week...muah!

    NM - went to store yest and forgot da sherbert...danggitit!!  Off to Vegas today so mayb dis weekend.  It jes sounds so good.  Plus dis DOTD...y...cuz Jose woohooo!!

    YAY - now dat da JeanBeanie we kno n lubslubslubs...da funniest pics/posts....whoop whoop whoop.  Permission to post our booTful pic in a few days?? 

    Lara - I no like what going on wif ur woik situation, but it does mese fart good to see you ranting and's healthy and I kno it make u feel bettah and den tings around u will look bettah and good tings will happen.  ((Lara)))

    Juliet - WOW...wonderful news...and for once a doc who is so willing to help...mese jaw dropped.  Oh I so pray da new med woiks and you finally find some relief.  I jes lubs all da pics/posts too spashally da STRESSED one...gotta member it.

    Erin mese is soooo honored dat u pooped to mese n da Beans facetime.   U Cwacking mese up!!!  Speaking of which....I have FINALLY gotten to drop da kiddies off at da pewl da last 2 days...ahhhh feels sooo goot!!

    OK...gotta git git git.  Will try to post but wifi not too goot round mese ds house..but I will try!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    princess lol!!!

    Hi mema yes I hope so

    Great pics have fun at the show in Vegas

    Had communion when I was little took my grandmas name for communion Katarina

    Just came from church feel centered

    Yea she's in the swamp NM

    How's work?

    Where's Erin?

    It's rainy day I'm snuggled drking tea I love tea I have all different kinds

    My sister worked at this place stopped in after church gave my name to the owner it was pked we will c

    Hi Juliet 

    Cam report in calling cam




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Now it's good afternoon, Im late--I was taking my showere and stull, but it doesn't seem like we're going today maybe during the week??? So like us.

    Princess that is hysterica and telling someone they are in the wrong seat hahaha This just shows u, relax more.

    U gals know how I love u'r pics and love to see everyone, it just makes me smile.

    Lori U know how I miss u whenever u'r not around, but I hope u get some fun out of this trip.I hope u all have a food day.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Hello Girls!

    Just trying to catch up on some housework.  I HATE housework but the kids sure are not gonna do it!

    Trying to clean up for the guitar teacher.  Did I mention he is not quite 30 and REALLY good looking!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    sounds yummy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    haha Julie sounds familiar

    44444----how bout some pics.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


    Cami – Wow, so nice to hear from you in the middle of the
    night. I should join you as I always have lotta wake time in de nite. It is so
    good to be here and see me fwiends!! Hope de show with you friend was good. Wud
    did U see? Oooop, you no see de movie??? Wud Up???

    Lara – Love de puppy and wet suit farts and de whole fart
    festival. Made me laff, tank U! Goldie is right, you will find something way

    NM – So lovely to see you and know dat Sadie is happy as a
    clam. You sound so good too so dat is great! Love de Tequila
    Swamp so I have got a swamp full to
    enjoy tonight! Tank U! I will say det I sure hope all my spidey jokes didn’t
    BUG anyone – teeee heeee!!

    GoldBug (ooop no bug...all Gold) – Wow, such great pics of SuZQT and her hair stylist
    and family. I tink de size is poyfect. Geeawwd she has the most gorgeous
    glowing smile. Makes me smile all over. De furniture is slow so we are using some to
    furnish our rentals. Also my DH made us the most beatisimus bedroom set. Queen
    bed, night stands, dresser and coat racks. I so love them. He’s had some very positive comments fwom customers so that is good. I
    sure hope biz is great for you.

    Princessm – Love your story bout de wrong day at de ballet.
    I totally relate. Chemo brain is for real.

    MemaSue – LOL at vegamatating! Hope de pics made you laff. I
    love love love de pics Goldie posted of you and your fam. You are a bright glimmering
    beautiful star!! Love U Sue. As you wish on de pic too, wud U like me to post??
    Twood be an honor!!!

    4sewwhat – Housework! I did dat all day. Chased de dust
    bunnies but I tink dey are winning. It’s nice to have an all clean house now.

    Juliet – LOL at de “normal” pic and de “wine” pic and de “cookies”!
    So funny!!! Tank U Tank U

    Hello to everyone and sending love and best weeshes to you all everywhere, everybody, and every thing. It was a glorious day today and I am so glad to have you in my life to share the beauty of it all.


    Love and hugs and beeeg time cheers!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hiya goils! 

    I saw the Beanie baby in de lounge and jest had to poop in! wooo hoooo, a partay! 

    Beanie, me so happy to have you back. and now you can help me stock de UFO with likker woooo hooooo. I been a biddy dwunk tehehe. but really. I had a mini class reunion last night and ooooh mese oh mise, I got trashed! mese cousin Cheryl, de DD of de Aunt that jest passed, is still staying with me at nights and was also in mese gradeating class. We had a freaking blast. We wuz like celebrities cuz wese wuz more dan fashionable late. Partay was at 7. wese arrived at 10 and shut de place down at two pee em aldough I do not remember gitting home. We hailed a cab cuz weze was plasturd. and high too, cheers to Willie. And I tail ya, not sure why but two former class mates, both married, seemed to be hitting on me. mese cuz sez I exume sexuality whateber dat means. but it made mese ego feel goodliest. Oh the stories I have. 

    You see Erin in de middle of de pic here and mese cuz behind me. I wuz soooo stoned n dwunk and wese wuz a comedy show. Me lost mese voice.

    Photo: Classes of the 70's and 80's!!

    k so it took us hours and hours to get to the place. we had to make a gas run, two bank runs and a stop at de store. and whilese mese at de ATM, I got out of mese car cuz it was raining a thundar storm and me wanted to put mese big hand bag in mese twunk. Well dontcha know, I loook down on de ground and find a mans big fat wallet! and it was loaded, cash, tons of credit cards, the dude and his wifes DL's and soc security cards. and de credit cards wuz all unsigned. wtf. so todey, did not wake up til like 1:30pee em and find de phone number and called de cat. Julie, he lives in Camden and his name was Ramon. Well me and mese dad met him and his wife up at the mall. I surrender the goods and also gib him a lecture bout carring the SS cards and so many unsigned credit cards. dere wuz so much paper work in there, a lifetime of telephone numbers and bidness cards. so I tail him that he could has easily had him identity swolen and he said tank ye tank ye den gave me $40.00. Well wese went out to dinner tonight on Ramon den went out to visit mese mom at de hospital. She looking sooooo good, coloring is great and her skin looks grate. well mese sis has a call into a social worker to look into pulling mom outta this nursing home, we are hoping we can make a change....mainly becuz of de restrictions they put on mese Dad.  So here I am after taking a nap and now waiting for mese cuz to come back and do it again!

    Cammie, glad ye came out of de hiding, always nice to see yer bootiful face and yer onederful smailing body. oh ye smell so good. did I tail ye i make mese dad smell mese arm after a shower? tehehehehe. and I tink of you!

    Julie, thank ye for de funnies, yep mese laughed and loved em. De maxine cartoon made mese piss mese pants, too funny. I hope you well. and I also enjoyed looking at yer pics on fb. 

    Princess and Genny, saying prayers for you goils to get through and to de finish line fastliest with the least grief possible. it not fair dat ennyone has to go through this. remember, onward and upward ladies. and ye will sooooo apporciate feeling good after being so down. 

    Mema, lubs seeing you here. Glad ye wuz productive. Ye know I just lubs ye to de moon, den to Hoth, then to de moon and back again turdeen times plus infinity. Muah and a big big hugger from stanky me (((SUE)))). oh, I gotta tail ya, when me got home last night, me fell asleep sitting up in mese bed and wuz eber so rudely awakened by a plomp plomp on mese ass to de floor. yep, gotta a big arse bruise on mese ewwa from hitting the side board of mese bed on de way down to de floor, ouch. I den got up, got sick n went back to bed. Yep, de bartender wuz taking good care of mese and a widdle bit too much alkamahol. I just now having the hair of de dog! 

    oops, gotta run but try to be back, cuz here now. to those I did not address, lubs ye all and lubs being here and feeling de lub of all of ye. cheerS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    hi again! 

    gonna try to finish up while mese cousin gitting organized. she a good goil cuz she picked me up two more bags of ice. jest two more days til mese fridge comes. it has been interesting living primitively with a chest of ice and mese mini shack fridge. ugh. oh and tank ye all for de consollensces over mese dead fridge, Camille you made mese laff hard. i foygot to menshion dat. 

    Lara, oh mese Gawd, dat biotch putting you through hail over not doing an fn tray? i hope de biotch is wiggling in de swamp and gitting eaten up by alligators before one eat her alive. ugh, so sorry you had to go through that. and oh I feel for you having that montthly ting. one good ting that came out of the RB for mese was going into menapause. although I still sweat mese ewwa off. when mese napped tonight in mese fresh sheets, mese sweated up de pillow, de most of it wuz wet. ugh. dese hormone blockers could make any whore moan hehe! here is a big DorKy hug from Erin (((((( LA LA)))), I lubs ya widdle sista! and dat Fart Festival wuz jest about de funniest ting. I mighten hock that for facebook! tank ye all for all de funnies. 

    Beanie, I just lubs yer posts. I miss ye so much when you not here. can you pleeeeze twy not to nessapear for so long? I Know life gits biddy but I jest lubs ye so much and miss ye when you not hear. and too all other goils, she is de one that established de offishall langwitch of de HTL, called Beanglish. She is de reason mese talks like mese do here. I iknow some goils has issues with reading mese version of Beanglish witch mese calls Dwunk-speak but oh fn well hehe! 

    NM, so happy that you and Ladie Sadie had such an awesome weekend together. Me jest lubs that puppy dog, she so sweet. 

    PRN, what a story about the wrong date, ooopsies. you poor ting, glad you could at least laugh at yerself. funny that de people let you in when de ticket did not scan and did not notice you were at de wrong day. or should I say they were at the wrong date tehehe. Hugs to you dearie. and congrats on de landscaping touch up! Mese is envious. But mese bought soooo many perenials that I still have to git in de ground. I bought primrose which are growing beautifully. I has geraniums and pansies in addition to the rhotodendrum (sp), roses and oh mese oh mise, de other chit I boutht. mese went craaaaaazy spending way too much. but mese gitting mese pool resurfaced so has to have the grounds look jest as bootiful. me has a lot of work to do. Like you, I has struggled for the past years since the FNRB with working on mese grounds. Me so furcited about de after iffin me eber git finished. 

    Julie, foygot to mention about yer wonderful news, I wonder if I can git that stuff to help with mese scar tissue? mese has big ole lumps across mese belly incision and dey hurt too. oh, I get to see de PS tomorrow and hoping to schedule a revision to mese belly where I has a pointy hip and also have mese right foob lifted for de turd time, ugh. but I do anyting to git outta work and would rather be cut den work. I still on medical leave but going back on 5/15 and hoping to take another leave whilst looking for new job. I been at mese company well be turdteen years next month but I have had it with de abuse I git. De quality of mese life is so much better when mese not working and de stress level is so much lower. oh foygot to sez how much I lubed de doggie bed time prayer, aint dat de truth!! 

    I foyget to tail ye all that my Dad has made an amazing transition into a berry berry sweet n kind man since taking off de crack aka resperdol and put on de abilfy. Mese want that pill too but would cost me over 400.00 a month even with insurance. It not yet available in generic and so expensive. but what a difference it has made in the quality of mese Dad's life. wese all could not be happier! 

    Lori, wese will all miss ye while you in vegas but hopin ye have fun. and guess what, today was de one year since mese flew to vegas with five of mese bwesties. well Sue did not fly, she libed dere. Kat was with us too, I do miss de hail outta her and pray for her and her DD daily. Has anyone heard from her? I tink she no talk to me nor like me ennymore and dat hurtful but life goes on right? Nutting I can do.

    4, I gibs ye lots of credit for dealing with all dem dere kids. and I know how nice it is when dey no longer has to go to school for de summer, wooop wooop for ye. and me suspect that when it time for dem to go back, ye be ready for that too. I hope you are healing and feeling well as can be, huggles to ye!

    Sue B honey, mese jest lubs lubs lubs de pics of ye and yer family too. you are so bootiful and your smile is de purdiest I have ever seen. The way the corners of yer lips turn is jest quite frankly sexy as hail. hair or no hair, ye is mese most bootiful fwend and I jest cant say enoufh how mese lubs you. and did time last year, wese wuz hugging and playing with our Stella's and our Johnboy that Cyn Cyn brought. Dat was a riot. I had no voice for a week after that trip. I can't believe it has been a year. and I really really miss Allison around here. Speaking of....

    Alyson and oh chit, mese foygot who else mese wuz missing, I miss ye goils when ye do not post. I been calling our ChrissyB to de lounge and she no answer. I hope to see her purdy face soonliest. And I saying prayers for our Unde'Cove, poor goil been true enuff already, too much chit crud and now more chit. Hugs to Unde! I saying prayers for all mese goils lately. yep, been lumping dem into one prayer cept for a few spayshall prayers for those who needs extra lub from God. Me feeling really good dese days and I tank ye God for that. go figure, time for more surgery. I would put it off longer cept for de decision to try to make a change in employers, wanna git er done while mese has insurance albeit a chit insurance plan. 

    I wanted to post a pic in mammory of de goils vegas trip last year, yep, it was 5/5/turdeen that mese first met our CyndieLouWho, Lori and Allison aka Mrs. Vino. and saw again our Wahiney and Mema Sue for a second time. It wuz so much fun. I wish we could ALL do it and meet up for realsies, I had de TIME of mese LIFE! and our dahling JeanBean wuz sposed to come too but her bro wuz going tru treatment which kept her away. Mese always bese praying for her bro and glad he is doing goodliest tanks to our Godliest God. And ya know, mese and Beckers had plans to meet Camille, wtf is Beckers? She jest ditched us, showed up one time den nessapeared. it is always mese hope that she come back. 

    well i hope to hail I did not miss ennyboddy but if so, foygive mese. and goils, I wanna post de pic of some of us in front of de chippendales sign in vegas but should get all ye permission to do so. I will work on dat. In de meantime, sending all DorKy kisses n hugs. I jest lubs ye goils so much and tank each and ebery one of ye for being here.  

    Talk to ye all lata goils! CheerS! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2014

    Just popping by oops wrote pooping, wese been aways for a few days. Good friends and good wine. NZ grows real good wine and DH and I did some wine tasting. Very Yummy and wese buy some its supposed to be cellared hehehehe.

    Erindork I wills talk to that Chrissy tink its long story why she not here much but she is OK and going to has other knee done soon. Will trys to get her over.

    Sending every one big hugs. Feeling blah cause saw friend yesterday and she had bad news - mets to spine very bad. Chit disease dats whats I says.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Monday has arrived again and
    it's raining, again.Same old, same

    Goldie--have a good
    trip and a good show!Great pics, and I
    like the bigger ones, too!Last one in
    the pool buys the drinks!

    Princess--Sadie is
    VERY happy.Amazing how much enjoyment
    she gets out of some water and dirt. . . Ouch, how embarrassing to go to
    Chicago the wrong day!Glad Gramma had a
    good time anyway!

    Mema--sounds like
    something I would do--go to the store for one item, come out with a bagful but
    not the one I went in for. . .

    ORLA--ah, the peace
    of dropping off problems in the swamp!

    Cammy--a good shower
    is a wonderful thing no matter what time of day it happens!

    4--housework never
    seems to end, does it?

    Julie--LOVE the
    "normal" post!!!!!

    Beanie--Love the
    doggy on the couch, what a great way to spend a dreary Sunday!

    Erin--Wow, sounds
    like a great mini-reunion you had!I bet
    your ego is just struttin' around today after all that good stuff it
    heard!And to find that big fat wallet,
    how crazy.And very glad to hear your
    Mom is doing better!Can you or your
    sister talk to the nursing home folks about relaxing the restrictions now that
    he is being correctly medically treated?Sadie loves you, too, BTW.

    Aly--So sorry to
    hear about your friend.FURB!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Ballet Russe Cocktail

    2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Creme de

    4 dashes Lime Juice


    Shake with ice and
    strain into a cocktail glass.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Morning Coffee...............


    What??  Cami asked for pictures!

    Kicking kids out the door then I will try to ketchup!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Goodmorning all.

    NM good DOTD and I know Monday for any reason feels different, not good whether u work or not--I thik it's ingrained in us.

    Erin u'r such a good person getting the wallet back or the owner,  would have just miled it and forget the trip going anwhere. LOL So u had a great time with a sore ASS now, well that's not bad--Glad u went and had such a good time. And hearing about u'r dad is wonderful, what a difference now u can work on u'r mom seeing him. I agree about work, for me it wasn't stress it was responsibility that I didn't care but I had to back up all the work. I did hear the woman who has replaced me is like Hitler and no one likes her, Well I was like a little goofy and sleepy so I was easy and I always backed them up and never gave them grief for being 7 minutes late for anything. She writes them up===It's funny I've know her all these years and years ago I said she'll be trouble some day--well I'm glad I'm not there now. haha I'd still be her boss thos and I was very nice to her as a boss. I didn't want to be boos and begging not to be, responsibilities that;s why, but it happened anyway so I did what I had to do but was always fair and nice to everyone, even when I wasn't crazy bout them.Oh well.I do notice the difference tho in my thinking cuz of responsibilities.Never the work.. Why am I going on about this.???

    Aly I'm so sorry about u'r friend, that's always sad.

    I/m missing Lori all ready

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Beans I'm so glad u came back and I hope u stick around.OK anyone who is having face time has to have pics for us I love seeing  the beautiful smiles and happy faces of all of u. I enjoy that.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    for my fellow healthcare workers