how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    hey prn you got your name!   hope you and genny are feeling good today

    cammi-i bet you were fun to work with

    nm and sadieHappy

    eron wacko     so glad your mum is doing so much better and your dad is on a good med for him!  

     red i can't look at parsley without thinking of poor joey,just have this mental pic of him lying on the fur rug with the stalks coming out his butt!

    aly-prayers for your friend

    have a good day ladies ,off for my personal training session this morning then the ot this afternoon 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Happy Nurses Week!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Princess, too funny about going to the ballet on the wrong day. Be sure you make it on the correct day and welcome to the world of chemo brain!

    Sue, what are you heading into Vegas for? I also think you are going to get some Maddy time?

    So LaLa, you might get a job working with your sister? I love your grandma's name Katarina, that is so pretty.

    Geeze Louise, y'all see how fast 4 ran in and out of here, so she could get ready for the guitar teacher???? LOL!

    Cami, it will be strictly work. I don't even want to go. It's a 7 hour drive, so we will get there around 4 or 5 tomorrow, get up early on Wed. and do the show, take Lilian to the airport, drive to Laughlin (hotel is free there) it's about an hour and a half from Vegas, get something to eat and get up very early Thur. morning (like 4 am) and head home to pack orders. Awww, dat wuz so sweet of you to say you miss me already.

    Beans, now you know we all want to see your bedroom set! Your DH is SOOOO talented! Is there anywhere out there by you where they have a swap meet/flea market, that maybe you could take some furniture to sell? Although that would be a lot to transport. Are you at Nanu or Hoth? I too like the bigger pictures.

    Wacky Wacko, you got to go to school wif you cuzin? How kewl is dat? I can't even imagine just getting ready to head out at 10pm, and then closing the place down! You are my party goil fo sho. I wish your picture was bigger. How sweet of you to give that man his wallet back, but I would have done the same thing. I have to admit, my CC's are not signed either. Where will your mom go if you take her out of the home? Oh meese oh mise, you fell outta de bed? I can't believe you are going to have more surgery. And looking for another job? So glad to hear the news about your dad. Would he behave at mom's place now? Yeah, wow....been a year since our meet! That was an awesome time for sure, I will never forget!!! Thanks to Kat for the condo, and Sue for all of the groceries and a vehicle! And yes, we really missed our Beans, but understand becuz of her brudder.

    Julie, you have to keep us updated on your scar tissue. And that would be awesome if it would help Dort too.

    Alyson, growing wine!!! Dat phunny. I am very sorry to hear the news about your friend, chit disease, is right. Glad to know that Chrissy is doing ok, and we will want to know when she gits her knee done.

    NM, I don't know who was last in the de pewl, but I glaly buy you a drink, one every half hour. LMewwaO at Dorky's ego struttin around.

    Ha ha, I hope that coffee isn't too hot 4.

    Awww Julie, that is sweet for our nurse girls, and for you too. We have the BEST NURSES here in the HTL. Have fun at the gym, I hope you get a hot trainer today.

    See y'all Friday!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Ok Goils!  I am doing the two screen thing and trying to ketchup wif whats been going on!  I have been reading, but now I go back and address the impotent issues.

    Cami, I saw beautius pictures of you a few pates back!!  You are always so happy and positive, even when tings are chitty, and for you that is often!  And IRS problems, yuck!  Your Joey is so sweet.  I got one kinda like that.  He's 16 now, yikes!

    Sue, tanks for giving everyone an update about my docs tinking I nutzo.  Went for my post op.  He still was laughin!  I am so happy fur you dat you are done wif da rads and eatin up a storm.  I been wanting a burger since I saw you went to get a good one.  I bout 25 pounds of burger at sams yesterday.  It's for orders I have coming up, but I gonna sneak some and make a good burger fur meese! 

    NM, Sadie sounds so much happier wif mud to play wif instead of snow!  I don't recall seeing too many issues about work for you on the last few pages, does that mean things are a little smooth right now?  Flower bulbs, I kinda remember from when I was planting them that the reason everyone has dafodils is cuz the bulbs are poisonous and taste icky to da squirrels, so they don't eat those, they go for the more expensive bulbs instead!  All my outdoor stuff needs work.  Kids want to plant veggies too, so we are gonna give it a try.  Prolly end up with $20 a pound tomatoes by the time we invest in getting the garden ready, but it will be fun.

    Lara!  Good ting tossing dat Biotch in da swamp!  Whatcha reading these days?  I got caught up in a series, finished the 5 books only to find out annuder one is coming out in a couple week.  I hate waiting for sequels!!  How's Undie doing??

    Erin, You got a new bed then didn't even get to sleep in it cuz your cuz is dare?  Sounds like you are having a fun time, except that her mom passed.  Really sorry your family has had another loss.  Glad your mom and dad doing better and that you is gittin along better wif your DD.

    Julie, You got to go to see Mickey??  I love to go there.  I am having withdrawls because the last 2 years I got to chaperone 8th graders and this year I don't git to go.  Yes, I was allowed to be a chaperone and even got invited back the next year.  You all can stop laughing about the irony now.  I am so glad day shifts are yours now and that you got new medicing and some OT and stuff!  You always taking care of others, bout time you get some TLC.

    Aly, glad you had a fun trip and bought wine!! and thanks for the ChrissyB update.  So sorry to hear you had another friend with problems.  Too many in your life have been affected.  And now Poor Mary is up there watching over us too.  How is your nephew doing??  or am I confused and it was somebody elses nephew??  I hope you are enjoying your Fall weather as much as we are all enjoying Spring finally getting here!

    NM. new computer??  One of my kids took mine over, so I took DH's over!!  

    Lori, Glad you got the Amazon stuff straightened out.  UGH I bet it was frusterating though.  OH, I agree, Cami needs some Poyple high lites!!

    Red, So cool you and Aly might meet up!  You can see her Big Girl Panties!!  And you is excercising like a good girl.  I need to get to some formal exercise, but my ankle still is not a happy camper so it is tough to do.  (shhh that's my excuse!)  Seriously though, my ankle is always swollen and stiff and doesn't like to exerise.  Ooohhh Italy,  I went there once.  Some little street urchins tried to mug us!

    Prayers and more prayers for little Gage and the family.  Brings back memories of my nephew, Spencer.  Just never will understand.

    Genny, How was your visit with Nora?  I hope DH didn't share his crud with you.  I hope de dog doody is not too rough and you feeling ok.  I foygit, are you doing 4 or 6 of the nasty chemo??  I did 4.  At my 3rd and 4th treatment I offered to do 6 and my onc said no.  I offered cuz I turned down the red devil for lots of reasons.  I hope you is feeling better and will be done soon.  You apparently need your snot inside you and if chemo keeps knocking it out of you, dat not gud!

    Lara, sorry the job thing has been a bite in the ass.  Something poifect will come along.  Stupid people don't deserve you.  I do get the money problems though.  When DH company got bought out they used him for what they wanted then kickd him to the curb after 14 years.  It was really tough and we are just now finally finally starting to dig out from under.  We had a slight leg up then got all the medical stuff that slapped us right back down.  You are right.  Pain is your bitch and you control it!!  I hope you are feeling better.  Another surgery?  What this time?  I am looking at at least 4 more so I know how bad it sucks.  I was done with this shit.  Maybe only needed a quick revision.  Now starting from scratch and it sucks.

    Lori, I get the DH not having a social life if it weren't for us!  Mine sometimes gets upset with the time I spend on the computer or when I get into a book I can't put down.  It's my break from reality though.  Might be because he has to do all the kids stuff when I get in the zone.  I hope he is in a better mood now.

    Mema!  Lolllie-Pop Head!  You like Kojak now :0)

    Lara, haha mug shot pics.  Guess I should be more careful what t-shirts I buy my kids!!

    Red, I was gone a long time, but I was reading, just not having time to post.  I had lots to take care of like taking a friend to the body shop for a new hip!

    CynCyn!!!  Nice to see you poop in.  Hope you are feeling better.  I should understand if that A1c number is good or not, but I foygit.  I hope you not working too hard and that you and D are good.  Drum circle sounds awesome.  Seriously I want to start one in my cul de sac!  Ooh and you might get to meet up with NM, how cool!  End of May is coming quick so you should see the specialist soon and get straightened out quickliest!

    Princess, hope you feeling good today.  I know how much work shuffling those kids around can be.  Even just trying to get them to do homework, feed them and shoo them off to bed can wear you out.  Working full time is tough even when you feel good!  Only 2 more to go though, right?  You could always take the kids to Cami for a weekend and they could play with Joey.  Just be careful of her parsley!  And you r appliances started a revolt and then Erin's appliances commited Harry Carry.  Mine are on life support!  I hope nobody pulls the plug soon or we will be buying ice for longer than a few days waiting for new ones.  Donkey Ass Sucking, Yup, that describes FURB and all it comes with.  Speak your peace here.  I read a study once that swearing is very therapeutic, especially for Women, so Go For It!!

    Undie!!  Hope the foot is coming along.  I wish mine would get back to normal.  I am going to have to have de operation for dem to take the hardware out now dat da bones is healed.  My doctors are starting to think I am addicted to de Michael Jackson Juice because I keep scheduling more surgeries!

    JeanBean, you and Mema got to meet up!  WooHoo.  She gives the bestest hugs ever, don't you agree!!  Nice to see you back in de Lounge.  Hope life is treating you good these days and you can stick around for a while!

    Cami, yes "a Gold Mine"  MyPS has a way with the ladies, obviously!  I do think I will let them just keep rearranging fat until I have nice legs and a flat tummy.  Then I might need a FrankenFoob reduction thought!!  I really like my doctor and he used to be all prim and proper doctorly around me.  Now he knows me a lot better so yup, a gold mine!!!

    Lori, Guitar teacher is a nice Irish Catholic Boy.  He good looking and great personality though.  Unfortunately he had a flat yesterday and didn't make it:0(

    Erin!  Bootiful picture.  is you leaning on the guy next to you so you don't falls over??  I am healing and feeling well and the kids really are my pride and joy, even when I want to do them bodily harm!!!

    Goldie, your trip sounds exhausting.  Kind of like reading this post!  I hope it is productive for business though and that you and DH get some quality time in the car.  Then he can't complain when you come hang out here for a while.  Well, he can, but still!

    Princess, wrong day, that sucks, but I think we have all been there, done that!!  Glad you could laugh and still have fun.  And don't beat yourself up, the guy who let you in when your ticket wouldn't scan didn't catch the problem either!

    Whacky, so nice of you to get that guy his stuff back.  I have been on both sides of that situation and you did a good thing girl!  A year since Vegas trip.  I know you can't tell because you are not in vegas and what happens there stays there but when I was there I saw a pic of what happened there, in a hot tub, wif you and de innocent one!!!  not so innocent I say.  And I still sowry bout dat udder chit

    Lori, HaHa, I saw that picture before and it makes me think of Cami and ED!!!

    Ok, I did ketchup, I think!!  Happy Nurses Day, Happy Cinco De Mayo!!  Think we need a Mexican Hat dance with Gauchos and Margaritas Poolside tonight!!  Free lap dances for all the nurses!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    OH OH OH, I almost foygetted agin what I wuz posed to member fir Meese Mema SuZi QT.  It what I tailed you in yur car when we wuz finishin up our short time together in Sin City.

    I tailed you, you  does NOT have an expiration date, you just has a BEST IF USED BY date!!!  Some of us just git better used by dem dates, but NEVER, NEVER wif an x piree date!!!

    You keep kickin ass and da rest of us goils gonna do da same!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Gee 4 could u possible say more-I felt like I read a novela--but it was nice that you can addrss everybody, I can't double screen so I really forget so much in my posts, tho I remember later But it's nice to double screen some of the gals here can do that- again I'm  lucky to find the thread.

    And I did not know it was nurses week--and we've got the bestest. So we are lucky, that's for sure.

    BTW u'r ankle must really be bad, I hope they can fix it up soonlyest for u and u'r family.

    Picking up more meds for an infection I have--boy hey really don't give me much time to drink. So inconsiderate.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    My sister lives in brooklyn she worked for a diner years ago while home in the summer but they still know my family

    Hi 4

    Lots of funny pics

    feel nausea today so im resting

    scary movies all day

    undie is good in and out sleeping

    read gone girl it was so good

    I need to ketchup

    meet at the bar for cinco de mayo girls ill b in the pool until we are at the bar

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    happy cinco de mayo photo: 2012-05-05_19-48-37_766 photobucket-1386-1336261863912.jpg

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Lara good stuff, drink Annisette for wobbly tummy

    Julie great one. LOL

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Hey everyone!    Am back from MO and finally able to chill.   Jes pooping in to let everyone know I am okay and it's positive stuff.   Next round of TX not what I was hoping for but...all good.  I am still processing and my fatigue has hit me hard today so keeping this short.  I will be back!!!!!!     Lubslubs!!!    

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Sue if it sounds good that's what we want to here
    ,, now rest well.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hi goils! 

    Hi Cam, why an anti b? me no like. but wacko loves ya, dont ye foyget.

    Julie, omg, I lmao at "i can't look at parsley without thinking of poor joey". I jest lubs ye.

    Sue, I hope you git some good rest tonight. Please do not push yerself. Sorry you did not get the news you wanted but glad that the news is not bad. Dat bese goodiest! I lubs lubs lubs ya back, muah!

    4, great novel, wacko here bese impressed. Lub yer writing. 

    NM, I jest luv dat muddy Sadie, can picture her now. send pics of her all dirty n brown hehehe. Hugs and thanks to you and all de nurses of de lounge. I had a question for you goils and now can't bremember. 

    Gotta fly, it is cousin time yet AGAIN! we are having such a great time. Another night of partaying like it is 1979 which bese pour gradeation year. and Lori, you right, it is UBER cool. Lori have a great and safe trip and try to have fun.

    Lala, lub ya lil sis. And swry to those mese missed, try to poop in and finish up. lubs n peace to all mese spayshall goils, muah! 

    Titz up if ya got em, cheerz!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014



    Erin Dollink!! Your class reunion looks so fun and you are gorgeous! No wonder all de dudes want yer bod! So kewl you were de one to find Ramone’s wallet. He was dang lucky. So glad your Daddy doing better, dat is so sweeet! I cannot believe it wuz a year ago de Vegas twip was on and it would be lovely to see a pic of dat. Sure do miss Wahiney!! Miss de Mrs V and Cyn mucho too. I love all all all de goils and so glad we can be here to party and fill more UFO’s with likker and fly all twu de sky and de universe and help each other twu all de good tymes and de crapola chit cwap. Love YOU Erin baby!

    Aly – you can pop in or poop in any time!! Glad to know Chrissy is okay too. Hope she will pop in too. I am so sawwy bout your friend and bad news. That is so hard. Chit disease is right. (((Aly)))

    NM – Yay! Anudder awesome dwink of de day! Russe Cocktail. Love It! Tank U! How is you weather doin ober dere??

    4sewwhat – Great pics, tank U!!! 10 reasons is gweat!! And free lap dances for nurses, LOL! Yes I goota meet de lovely SuZQT in person which was awesome beyond words. So sweet too your woyds bout no expiration, just best by date!!! Love it!!

    Cami – That is kewl to find out no one likes your “replacement.” (vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord). Who wants a Hitler, I am so into waiving the little stuff, 7 minutes, etc. I dint like being a boss neither.

    Juliet – Happy Nurses Week! Fun pics!!! De dude is right, you are a brilliant nurses here. And Love de puppy not normal yet.

    Goldie – Will miss you so much as I’m jest ketchin up! Have a gweat twip. I will post de bedroom set pic I meant to for so long, gotta take a pic. Wheres de camera? Wheres de batteries… wheres de bwain??? We tot bout markets and decided against it for logistical reasons. So we are online an pooooping slowly. I’m still at Nanu but may go to Hoth soon. Love de grown up ladies pic, so funny!!!

    Lara – Sawwy you feel sick today and hope you feel btr tamari. Love de DOTD pic!!

    MemaSue – so glad you checked in and pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese go rest up and den tell us wud up wif tx and so glad it sounds good. Love you so much!!!

    Got to de store for lotta fresh fwuits n veggies – yum!!! It was super windy and cloudy today so I hope it’s sunny tomorrow but looks like rain. Oh well we do need de rain. I am so so so blessed.


    Love you all so much!!

    Beaaaaaaaaanie Baby





  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Yea beans lubs all de pics. Oh Oh--oh I just forgot--sorry

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Ooooh, this is like unwrapping a Birthday Present....


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014



    have a good night ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Watch us make Strawberry Margarita Jello Shots:

    1 Cup Water
    Box of Strawberries...
    Packet of Strawberry Jello
    3/4 Cup Tequila
    1/4 Cup Triple Sec

    #jelloshots #margarita #tequila #drinkporn #cincodemayo See More

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good almost morning--I didn't know I I could post that or not and it copied--looked so good and I like jello shots, and this was a little different to me so viola--This sleeping at night is not always easy, bt then it changes to sleeping during the day--Well at least I took my shower and of course I smell like fresh flowers in the field so one thing is done, took all my pills and put all my creams on--so u see I did accomplish something nd I'll do my job today, a little busy yesterday and then do nothing as usual. Love that part

    OK anyone who did (and we know who u are) did face to face check in with pictures, I love to see pics as soon as u can, when u see each other/ WOOT WOOT

    It's supposed to be nicer today I think of NM cuz u usually get the nicer after we do, but I think u'r getting it before this time.--Just in the 60's with maybe rain, then I think of Sadie getting all muddy hahhaha

    No Lori this morning (sob)

    I hope everyone is feeling decent and perfect today. I'm still on pain meds but it's no big deal. Cuz when I see my new GIST Dr. the other ones are flying in the dust as I told them--she's a Harvard graduate o I'm spextin' some good things. right. She's probably like30  and gorgeous and will be looking in the mirror to make sure her makeup is all right for the next patient who will be some gorgeous person with good abs. Oh I'm thinking about what I want to see. Oh well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Yesterday turned out not so
    bad as I was expecting, the sun came out in between showers, was actually
    pretty nice.Supposed to be the same
    today, which would be really nice.

    4444--wow, that's
    some morning coffee!Got my eyes open,
    that's for sure!

    Cammy--I think you
    are right about the ingrained Monday is different feeling!I know that discipline and dependability are
    important in the work setting, as well as punctuality, but I never did
    understand the bosses who wrote people up for being a few minutes late, unless
    the person was habitually late and it was causing a workload issue.Everyone runs into a problem on the way to
    work once in a while, an accident, a closed road, a flat tire, lost keys,
    escaped dog, sick child. . .If the
    person is generally on time, is willing to make up for the missed time if
    necessary, why get all bent out of shape about a few minutes late one day?Oh, well, I suppose it's a power thing.I don't mind responsibility at work, as long
    as I have the authority I need to get it done.That's a big part of what I like about my current employer.As long as I get the job done within the set
    parameters I'm left alone to do it the way I want.Nice to be trusted!

    Julie--Right back at
    ya, you are a great nurse!

    LOL, 4!

    Yes, Julie, Monday is gone now, you can open
    your eyes!

    Goldie--wow, what a
    busy schedule for the next few days!Hope you have a good time anyway.I'll take you up on that dwinky every half hour, have Pants store them
    for me in the cooler until I get there after work today!And I so want to be one of those old drunk
    ladies in the nursing home!

    4444--things at work
    are a little slow right now, no huge issues, just the usual crazy family
    dynamics we deal with all the time.We're opening up a new territory for us soon, so we will be hopping
    again before much longer.So I'm just
    enjoying the shorter work days and leisurely pace.Yup, new computer, this one is quite old, I
    got it second hand(and very
    inexpensively) to get me by for a couple of years, had it twice that long.It's got some real glitches and irritating
    run time problems that I am getting tired of dealing with.

    infection?Where this time?We need to develop an antibiotic that doesn't
    interact with alcamahol, then we'd be happy all the time!

    Julie--eat bacon,


    Mema--glad to hear
    you got good news, drop in with the details when you feel up to it!

    Erin--I'll try to
    get a pic of muddy Sadie to post.Shouldn't be too hard!

    Beanie--2 days in a
    row!Hooray!Weather is finally getting to be
    "seasonal" meaning NO SNOW!Great pics!

    margarita jello shots, sounds wonderful!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle doesn't have a DOTD, she is too busy with the Strawberry Margarita Jello

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi Ladies

    I am going to apply this place for waitress later today

    Feeling better

    Nice pics

    I showered today as well cam lol

    4 love the pics

    hope all is well

     hi mema

    NM getting a new site more work?

    Juliet NM happy nurses day

    Hi big sis hope u have a good day

    who else


    love u all I read then forget

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    funny pictures

    Kentucky derby winner habded at 100s as he was leaving HI I am over here

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    damn computer handed out


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    I see what the attraction to go take a shower is now..................... No wonder Cami spends so much time there, just close your eyes and see......................


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    lori miss you

    nm have a good day

    genny and tobey hope today is a good day

    lara-good luck

    cammi you smell nice


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014
