how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Goodliest Morning Girls!

    As you can see I have time to kill cuz I am waiting for something to come out of the oven before it gets too hot today for the oven.  Yes, I said too hot.  88 last few days, but beautiful.  So I'm sending 8 degrees north to my friends.  That way it's 80 here and 8 degrees warmer for you guys!!

    So apparently all I had to do was close my store front and have surgery once a month this calendar year for me to get busy with work!  I am cooking a mexican buffet for a middle school to feed 100 tomorrow.  So sick of taco smell I can't stand it, but really good profit margin and super easy delivery, so I suggest this one a lot.  It's the most popular with the teachers and easy for me.

    Two-fer Toosday!!  I hope dat don't mean twice the trouble as Monday.   Yesterday wuz out of sorts.  Got a text from my SIL, the one that the asshat walked out on and she not so stable in de head to start wif.  Well I gotz a text that sounded like a good-bye iffin you git my drift.  So I tracked her down and hauled her azz back to meese place.  I wuz good though, I didn't throttle her like meese wanted to!  I git that it's bad right now, but us ladies in de lounge can tail a thing or 2 about bad, can't we.  So pull on them big girlz and git on wif it!  And for most of us when I saiz Big Girlz, I mean panties and not real girlz, but that works too!!!

    Gotta git my EWWA moving and go make corn and black bean salsa.  Also got 100 aprons to cut out and sew fir the art club teacher.  I'm trading services so my girl child can go to art camps this summer.  

    Genny and Princess chime in so we knows you ok, ok??

    Hope you all have a vunnerful day.  We neeed a Partay soonliest so maybe dis weekend when de innocent one back and Whacky can take a break from literal partaying for some virtual partaying!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    4 Of course that's why I take my showers I get such a good back wash hahaha..U know I'm on now just a couple of threads and I've been announcing my shower for a while (I really don't know why) and now more and more people do--they want to smell nice---but as u can see I will smell the nicest.

    Oh I am so furcited NM let me do the DOTD of the day today--looks like a lot of work tho, but it sure sounds good.


    NM another bladder infection that;s why I;m going to a urologis to many and they're getting worse and now with blood and other foreign things in there--U know how easy it is to get past the border, but my body has.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Cami, I LOVE jello shooters!!  Make them in all different flavors!  But have you tried pudding shots.  Make them with Kahlua or Baileys, YUM!  They would be perfect what wif you smelling all like Vanilla Pudding already!!

    UTIs just suck!  I has a friend that had to have surgery and now has to has more surgery because hers won't go away.  They have diagnosed her after a bunch of tests as having sumptin called "Sumptin, Sumptin, Diverticulae (?)"  One of our nurses could interpret I hope.  But basically it is a form of Diverticulitis, but of the urinary tract where there are this dumb little pocket like things where the tiny infection buggers hide out and the AuntiB's don't reach them.  They wait it out in hiding and then when you stop wif the AuntiB's they come back out to visit and make friends and you start all over again.  At least that's how I unnerstud it??  Like I said, we need a nurse splaination.

    I hope you the git the bestliest luck wif your new GIST from HARVARD!!  And they get you bixed up!  At least that part of you!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    yea yea yea Lynne, dat was it...'best if used by date' tank u tank u.  U got me laughing and laughing....u sew bizy bizy...makin me wanna nap.  Well all of you have me laughing and laughing...da Beans n da Seuss poem, da Dorky, da Cami, da Julie wif da men, yum, da Lara, well everytingy on dese here pages.  I needs me laughter too. It da bestest medicine, plus all da lubs I feeling from mese bweasties.

    Here is my new tx, moderators have sumpin bout it. I don't kno how long (forgot to ask), but it supposed to be DA BOMB, so I'm going for it. I  had some new areas of lymph node mets pop up in this last next week my MO is starting me on TDM1 - also known as KADCYLA every 3 weeks.  It targets the HER2 gene and supposedly leaves the good ones alone.  From the info they gave me the se's don't look bad at all...woohooo!!!  

    Lubslubslubslubs all ya'll to da moon and back!!! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    OOOOPPPPSSSSS   HAPPY NURSES Week to all our fabulous nurses!!!  YOU ROCK!!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Oohh!  Look at the cute fur baby taking a nap in the fresh air................I bet Sadie has dreams about getting muddy this way!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Ah Sue this better kill al them bugggrs right out of u'r system. Damn cancer. And I'm praying it's easy on u too--u've been thru enough already/ Just tell them stop all this now.

    4444 Yes I have heard of Sumptin, Sumptin, The Wikapedia is loaded with all this info and I see u'r right on top of it too.

    Sueszy Q MUAH

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Taking a break from working
    up a presentation on dealing with difficult patients and families, got a head
    full of ideas and thoughts and no organization to it yet.So, break time, let thing simmer and get back
    to it a bit later.Sadie has loved
    having me home all afternoon, even if I only go play fetch for 10 minutes every

    ORLA--Thanks for the
    Nurses Day wishes!Another waitressing
    job?Hope the boss there is more human
    and humane!Work is going to expand into
    a town that is 70 miles from our office, we usually only go 50 to 60 miles.
    BUT, this town is a dying mill town, dying economically as well as
    demographically, and only one other hospice goes into that area and they only
    go once or twice a week due to the travel.Docs, families and the hospital have been asking us to provide services
    in that area for a couple of years.Now
    we have enough staff that live close enough to make it feasible, so we're
    making the move.We're expecting an
    explosion of referrals and admissions once the word gets out.I figure that nurse will have a full caseload
    (12 to 15 patients) in just a couple of months, if that long.Of course, being on call with all that
    territory will suck, but something will get worked out eventually.

    Hmm, I think I need
    another shower. . . .

    4--8 degrees warmer
    will put us in the 70's!Woot,
    Woot!Nope, Twofer Tuesday refers ONLY
    to drinking! Sounds like you are busy today.

    Cammy--someone needs
    to sit your body down and give it a good talking to.It's just going nuts!

    4--Urinary Bladder
    Diverticulum?It is just like
    diverticulosis, except in the urinary bladder rather than the intestine.More common in men due to prostate problems
    since they can be caused by overfilling of the bladder.Unlike intestinal diverticulosis where there
    is a whole lot of small out pouches, the bladder tends to develop just one or a
    very few, but bigger out pouches.The
    opening in the bladder muscle that lets the bladder lining pouch out can be
    very small, so the urine in the pouch tends to sit there, and if it gets
    bacterial contamination the bacteria can hide in there, like you said.The pouches can be taken off and the hole
    sewn shut (a big surgery usually done by going through the belly) or the holes
    can be enlarged so that urine drains better and antibiotics can get into the
    pouch better to cut down on the number of UTIs.This is a smaller surgery that can be done from inside the bladder, much
    like prostate surgery is done.Much,
    much not fun, it sounds like.

    I LOVE Maxine!

    Mema--I had to look
    that one up, sounds pretty interesting!Here's to few or no side effects!

    4--Sadie does get
    used as a pillow fairly regularly, since she takes over ALL the pillows, I need
    something to lay my head on!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    I scheduled my MRI so we will see I think it's the 26 idk

    Just went looking for work nothing

    So my pyscho he says make sure u get out of the house blah blah

    Wow NM that's interesting


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    I'm ok. Noticing neuropathy in my hands.  Finger tips already have Reynauds.  Just feel better a bit today. That's a long time out from cycle. 

    Happy nurse's day to my fellow girls. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    imageHappy Nurses week to all you wonderful nurses out there!

    I tried to quickly scroll back and catch up.

     PRN, did you ever get to the ballet? Too funny, sounds like something I'd do. Sorry about the neuropathy and Raynauds...did u have it before the chemo? I've been holding frozen peas with my Taxotere, so far so good, don't know if that's why or not. My DH puts them on my feet and wraps em in ace bandages. Battling the folliculitis again, but not as bad.

    Sue , good luck with the new tx, hope it kicks butt.

    NM, sounds like you're gonna be busy, glad spring is finally coming your way, dogs do make the best pillows.

    Lala, what happened to the waitress job? Hope you find a new one.

    4sew and Juliet, great pics!..4sew, I have to do 6 chemo tx's, 3 down..

    Cami, sorry youre still havin the bladder issue, hope you get it resolved soon, big hugs to Joey.

    Erin, loved the pics, glad you having fun with yer cousin.

    Goldie and everbody else, hope yer all good.



    As for me, I got to watch my baby again today, putting 2 pics on cause I couldn't decide which 1. I had about 8 kinda rough days but lots better now. Nothing real bad just major fatigue, taking 2 hour naps this weekend, so unlike me, just tired...tired...tired. I'll get 10 days of feeling good now. I made some earth boxes and I want to get my veggies planted in them this weekend. And I still haven't golfed so I wanna do that to before my next chemo and my energy taking a shit again.Later ladies...As sue would say..lubs..lubs..lubs

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Genny, She is just TOO STINKIIN' CUTE

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014



    Erin - Sawwy I bumped inta ya yest! I tink I din't see U or I was all ready passt out n U din't see me...are you back by de pool now??? Let's start de party!!!

    Cami – Oooooooooooo de Strawberry Margarita Jello shots recipe looks yum. I hear ya bout sleepin and some days I just hafta sleep for a while.  I miss Goldie too! Yu smell nice. I tin you smell de niceliest – vanilla pudding???? Awesome! UTI’s SUCK!

    4SewWhat – I will take de 8 degrees today, but not for long as it’ll be getting hot here soon I espect. But I am grateful for it today! Good luck wif de tacos. Did not know bout de sumpin sumpin bladder diverticulomisosisism. Geeaaawwwd.

    Juliet – Yay to de great nurses!! God knows we need yas!! Love de Maxine!

    NM – Glad U got some sun. Today it got cloudy and windy then rain, hail and snow, and colder. I just spring cleaned my wood stove so not going to use it. It’s not dat cold, but colder again. I’m makin sweet taters in de oven so dats enuf heat. I couldn’t agree wif you more on de few minutes late policy. Yay to de awesome great nurses!!!

    Lara – Glad U feelin better. Me takin a nice bath 2 nite too, always feels so goooo! Great pic of de Derby winner handing out dough. Dat’s so kewl of him!

    SueZQT – Been prayin' BIG time, so glad you got a good tweetment plan and no too bada SE’s. You rock, babydoll! Cami is right better kill dem buggers right out!

    NM- Reading bout yer pwesentation. Dat soundez like a heedful! Could take alifetimes to get all dat together but I sure know you will git it all de organizized and de poyfected. It’s pouring rain here in de desert now!!! And lil flakes of snow!! Bootiful!

    Princess – I sawwy bout de neuropathy. Dat sux.

    Genny – Love de Happy Nurses Week! We have de greatestest here! Awwwwwww, tanks for posting the baby pics, soooooo beautiful! Glad we got to see both pics.

    Well today I did more searching for de right insurance which has been a beiotch and a half. Den I gotta lady comin to look at me cabin dis weekend, so will make it look bootiful and hafta figure out howto make it smell great. Like maybe cook brownies? Den also lookin for good cleaning people dat I can pay what dey need to do de job right. Been bizzzy. Also got a new Jane Fonda work out CD (well new to me) and I did dat which wuz fun. Now I go take bath and crawl into de bed.

    Hi to everyone!! Miss Goldie for sure, hope your twip is good!!

    Luv you all MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO!!!




    Even dogs do it!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    NM, I understand the need to take a few minutes here and there to relax your brain. Thinking is hard work, specially when ye brain gits all over loaded with info and can't process in an orderly fashion. I am glad you and Sadie had a great day and you found time for pets n love for her. Gibs her a kiss from her AUnt DorKothy. errr, I mean Auntie Erin.

    I will have to go any minute when my cousin arrives, tonight is her last night. She has been in town for a week but has to return to work on Thursday. She had a nasty fight with her DH last night. Men can be so insensitive. Her DH is biotching that he has to take care of their home, the dogs and two girls who are 16 and 19. She got so mad when he made a comment that she should be home caring for her own family, he said "your mom has been dead for a week" or something to that effect. A man can't live without the woman doing every little thing while his wife helps her Dad through his first week as a widower? WTF, men, dey suck! She was so upset til I's got her dwunk n high. We will repeat that tonight. I ccan't wait to get back to my bed tomorrow night, another ahhhhhhhhhh~ sigh!

    Camille, oh dat recipe looks yummmmmy. Let's git to de pool and have the boys whip up a few dozen pitshurs, yummm! and I jest lubs when you announce that you smell good. And I told you before that I am now doing the same ting and I tink of you when I do. Yep, I brag to the world that I showered. Speaking of....

    I did not get my shower tonight until just now. I happened to sleep with my contact lenses in which is a no no due to infucktion. BUT it wuz a good ting I was too dwunk to take em out cuz I saw de text messages coming in fast n furiously in de morning. We got word early yesterday that there were four nursing homes we could chose to place Mom. Well todey, I got word that Mom was being discharged from the hospital so we had to super speed up our infestigation. Long story short, we chose a lovely nursing home one town over and I did not get home from there until 9:30 pee em. Oh mese oh mise, how I NEED dis here dwink! Mom was restless with trying to get her feet out of bed but she did better dan expected for being in a new place. I tail ye all more about it when mese has more time but I must say that I have a warm n fuzzy feeling about de place and de staff. And it smells much nicer than where she came from.

    Sue, FNRB ain't gonna stop you girl. I too hope that the treatment plan is not too harsh to get through. And mese knows that you will jest keep on puttin one foot in front of de over. Glad to hear that things are looking up. Mese jest lubs de hail outta ya goil (((((GOIL )))))).

    Julie, I litterally laff mese ewwa off at "I'm on drugs???? You're the one talking to a dog"! I love the funnies you goils find. I needed the laugh and tank ye much. Is it nurses week for reals? I tink ebery week should be apporsheation week for de nurses of de world. Matter of fact, mese tails de nurse todey that I could neber do that job and that I respect de hail outta all that do.

    Lynn, crud about the diverticulosis/itus. I hope the divertiGist can bix your friend up. I was diagnosed with the -osis version which is not as serious as the -itus version, great splenation from NM too. I had not realized there was an -ticulum. and tanks for sending yer 10 degrees, that made for an 80 degree day here too. Can you send me someone to help mese wash mese back? I prefer about 4 3 years young and hot n sexy, dark hair and blue eyes baby, oh hail yeah. I can dream eh?

    Lori, will miss ya goil, hope ye can check in from de road.

    Lala, how'd ya do todey? I is hoping good tings happen to ye. Ye deserve some great luck to come yer way. Hugs to ya lil sis. I miss ya did you know that? Actually mese miss all of mese friends when I can't git in here as much as I'd like to.

    I is having mese dwinking using ice cubies from mese new freezer, wooop wooooop! so furciting as I have had to make mese own ice sincen moving out of mese parents home when mese was jest in mese 20's. Dat a lot of cube making goils, a hail of a lot. And dis bese mese first brand spanking new fridge. wooo hooo, let's sailabrate. ROunds for all ye goils.

    Aly, saying prayers for your friend, FURB FURB FURB, wish it could hit de CURB. Hugs to you too (((((ALYSON)))). oh, tanks for the 411 on Chrissy. I want to know more. COME ON IN CHRISSY, wese been paging ye. ok ok, do not run, jest come when ye can. Muah to both ye goils.

    I not yet talking about mese PS appt yesturdey, mese not happy and i mighten add a bit depressed. But I tail ye anudder time cuz I aint got time for dat, oh hail no, not tonight. no more crying for mese, it happy HOURS all night long.

    PRN, happy Nurse's week/dey to you too! I know ye not practicing righten now but still great to have you in dis here world. Sorry about de neuropathy, hope it gits right better right fastliest.

    Genny, oh mese gawd, dat widdle Nora jest sooooo cutliEST! Tank ye for posting two pics on twosdey. Here are two dwinks back atcha! I hopen you are able to get golfing and git yer garden boxes done too.

    Beanie bean, ye gotta come back in, please don't llet me down. I jest lubs yer humor and how you make a theme of tings like de phunny phucking spiders yesturdey you did, dat made mese laff so hard. I jest lubs ye goil n hope you keep coming back for yer dwinkies and to also hailp mese load de UFO. oh, oh ohhhhh, I see ya now, mese here to partay yippee!

    okey, sure hope I aint a missin ennyone but if so, drinks for life for ya! Cuz came an hour ago but was on her phone outside in her van, I hope all is okey for her. She in mese room gitting changed and ready to burn outside, yippee! cheerS to all mese lubs. and prayers n lots of lubs too, alWAYS!

    will twy to poop in again tonight and finish some thoughts, until den, sweet not sweat dreams goils!

    ♥Erin W _ _ _ _

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    ohhh weird. I wrote this time in an email den copied here, look at dat craaazzzy blue words, I dinn't do dat. me must be dwunk~ hiccup~. speaking of, remind me to tail ye all about de farting chair at Mom's new place, it berry phunny tehehehe, I go now. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Nothing like a sunny morning
    to make getting out of bed easier!I
    actually got up BEFORE Sadie this ayem!Must have tuckered her out yesterday.

    ORLA--Day one of job
    hunting done, no results, well, not many people find a good job the first day
    out!I'm praying something will come
    your way soon.

    PRN--I hear the
    nerve damage from chemo is cumulative, maybe it's just getting to the toxic
    level for your hands?Crazy stuff to put
    up with.

    Genny--thanks for
    the Wine PO PRN Rx!Yes, dogs do make
    great pillows!Adorable little girl!
    Thanks for posting both pics!

    Beanie--ooooh,how Sadie would LOVE to get in that
    bath!Yeah, I bit off a big subject for
    the presentation, only supposed to be 15 to 20 minutes, so got to do some
    serious focusing, but I think I've got it worked out in my head, almost.Hey, when did you get a pic of Sadie taking a

    Erin--I will be sure
    to give Sadie a kiss for you, any excuse to give her some lovin!Your poor cousin, her hubby is so, so like a
    man, I guess.Bet it would be different
    if it were HIS Mom that died a week ago. . .How a nursing home smells is one good indicator of how things are
    run.Glad you found a one you are comfy
    with.Working ice cubies maker,
    Hooray!Very good thing!Lets see,you copy from an e-mail and get blue words with lines.I copy from OneNote and get no spaces after
    the periods, even though I put 2 or 3 in.Must be one of the post gremlins at work!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles's DOTD is the Headhunter

    4 oz Beer

    3 shots Vodka

    4 shots Spiced Rum

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    1 oz Lime Juice

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Papaya Juice

    3 oz Coconut Milk


    Mix liquors (except
    beer) in a tall tumbler. Stir in the juices, and shake with ice. Slowly add the
    beer and stir to blend. Serve in a tall glass or a 1/2 coconut shell with the
    meat intact.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning

    NM what a DITD that sounds like--different but yummy--I think today is Wednesday but not sure yet, I have to check but I just love u'r time with Sadie--it's so sweet.

    Genny Nora is ADORABLE those eyes and hair--Wow

    Lara my DD2 is looking for a job too, she can just look at Beauty Shops that what she's most comfortable with.

    Erin I'm so glad u found a good place for u'r mom and quickly too. It's all good. And I might add I am extremely proud  of the fact u have been making ice cubes on u'r own all these years--It's amazing how independent we can become when we need to be. Oh don't get ME started about what u'r cousin's undearH said-They should look in his house for the abominable snowman cuz he's like ape-thinking

    Oh I hear our woodpecker going to town. I don't understand that's all they do all day and nite--what is the purpose, I mean they are not making paper or anything. It's so fast, almost as fast as we slug them down.

    Sue I hope u are having a good day today.

    Julie u'r always cheery and princess I hope u have some good days now too.

    I'm missing peeps I know but mese brain is like Erin's and I too smell good now, really good. Wait, no one's brain is like Erin go Wacko

    I miss Lori

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Coffee is ready!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone

    why is it when I want to do something quick the person in line is chatting or buying a million lotto tickets wtfffffffffffffffff very fercited today

    Love the pics

    glad u found a place for your mom big sis

    genny to cute I love her

    4 whats new? kids done with school?

    Any one traveling soon?

    I need a trip mybe ill go to the sirport today and hop on a plane to paradise lol I wish

    well day 2 of job search ill get out there soon and look

    doing my own hair today we will c how it turns out

    my class started today a lot of work

    Hi NM and JUliet


    cam u feeling better I pee a lot I always have to pee hate it


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    4 - dat is jes like u....go git dat gal n make her put on her BGP.  U a tru fwend.  And da divertic...I had it in colon.  Big surgery in '09...had to resect bowel and remove some colon.  But it didn't git mese bladder...NM splain real good doesn't she.

    NM - yes....Zero to few se's.  I can do it!!

    Prn - neuropathy hit mese big 'ol feets.  Still with me, but markedly worse on the left.  So strange mese tinks.  But I still do everyting, it's mostly jes annoying is all.  I looked up that Reynauds....ewww...are they giving you any of the drugs to minimize it?   ((P))

    Genny - awwwe, Nora is jes da cutest...I can see how u cudn't decide...just sooo precious!!  I hope you find the energy to git da veggies going and go enjoy some time on da golf course.  ((G))

    LMAO JeanBeanius - mud bath, but I hear it goot fer da skin...heehee.   Yea....brownies...oh I love the fact I have some and jes might gonna make mese a batch...then eat wif ice-cream and coolwhip.  Yummmm!  Hope tings go goot wif da insurance lady...Muah!  I jes lubs da pic of doggie in bathtub...he looks like he really likes

    OMG -Erin - he needs to hauled off to da SWAMP, selfish idiot.  Am so glad she was wif u and willie and I hoped she not cry but laugh her ewwa off all night.  U such a good cousin and fwend.  What happened to 'moms place'?  She can't go back der any more?  Well, jes glad you found another place that all can be comfy with.  (((mom)))  I unnerstand bout not wanting to talk bout ur PS...but u kno u gonna habs to tail us soon, but at ur own pace girlfwend.  u kno we always bese here for you  ((D))

    Lara - good luck on da search.  When u say 'doing' your own hair, does dat mean cutting it or jes stylin it?  I admire peeps who can cut their own hair. 

    Julie - between you and 4-sew...dem  nekkid mens is creating a few sensations,  hmmmm!  Jes wish I had a real live one in mese closet...if only...hey, a girl can dream!

    I miss Lori, Aly, ChrissyB, Undie, Reddddd toooo.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll....have a GR8 HumpDay!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Okay, way too much to catch up on right now, so I'll come back later too.  

    Nora is toooo cute.

    Cami this is for you, just in case you know. Lol.


    Tee hee
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Erin, he say he need a shower!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Yes, men can be stupidliest fo shoah!!!  Dis video proves it!!  I gives a warning though, it kinda nawty, but nuttin hangin' out!  But aren't the kitties cute!






  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hi goils! 

    Well finally, a few minutes to mese darn self, yippppeeeeee! Uh, is dere some hot coffee around here? dat bese spiked with sum bailys which be 200 or more pwoof? Gads, I need a stwong one. 

    RED! Good to see ya honey, been tinking about ye and missing ye. oh, if ye wonder why mese name changed again, cuz mese incognito tehe. Am i purdy as a chinese gal? And for de record, mese last name is pornounced like our own mema, SUE. So SOO sounds like SUE, are ye clear? So annyway, how is that heart of yers doing? I sure hope tings be better. 

    Oh , 4sew, dat is de funniest ting, dose kitty cats playing with de shteeek of de dummas man tehehee, i lmao, tanks, me needed dat.. and de widdle kittens are awfully cute too. lmao at that. Tank ye tank ye.

    Jeanie Beanie, yippee! Me hope ye come n partay dis humpdey eve with mese. cuz I gotta tail ye sumting funnnny dat me foygot at dis moment, darn it. oh and ya know what I tink smells heavenly in a home? And I has used in sailing mese houses in de past? quick n easy is jest toast in de flippiing toaster. Me lubs dat smell and it smell like sumting good is cooking. jest a dumb thought, brought to you by Erin. Erin Soo, pornounced Sue (I say again for those of ye that dwunk or stewped or sumting hehehehehe)....

    Oh NM, ye is jest so good at essplaining tings. For me, when you tailed me that de fashia tingy in meses belly is what separates mese innards from mese outtards, mese compwehending. and ya know, mese PS wuz using a wreally weally big word for the process of transferring mese blood vessels frome mese belly to mese tata's. Might ye know that word? I tail ye why I ask and it has to due with mese nessapointment from mese PS here in uh, Kansas, mese home state. hehe. 

    SueB hONey, oh soooo nice to see ye purdy face in de lounge and early too. wooop woooop. I will tail ye de story and twy to answer ye questions about mese mamma's move out of Mom's place TO Mom's Place II. Tank ye for sezing I can tail at mese own pace. lately dat been sloooooooowER dan molasses. But foyst, ye gotta tail me how ye is feeling, deal? I pray for you ebery single day and course me pray for all mese goils. It has been a wong wong time sinces mese taked de time to pway for ebery one of ye goils separately but I neber foyget to send werd up for those in need and ye be one. well ye all be one cuz ye each a human and a wunderfoil breast friend at that. So dere. 

    Did I tail ye I am fluent in Chinese???? 

    I come back in a widdle bit and I tail ye below how. But ye must translate, k? 

    我只是我自己身旁與MESE我打交道的女兒現在。我開玩笑不MISE能做點兒寫她和它bwakes MESE屁。 


    TRANSLATION Has to due with: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    Did I eber tail ye all about mese stewpid club? yep, me is CEO and founder of de stoopid club. I party sure mese tailed ye all but if not, dere are openings for membarchip. apply within at mese email:



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oops. try to PM instead, not sure if dat email is for real. Erin Soo is soooooooo silly 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oh yes. and remind me to tail ye all about de farting chair at mom;s place II. cheerS!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    4...boy I wish I were able to tolerate coffee theses days!!!  Lol

    Genny... Nora is the bomb. Cutest flower ever!

    Mema... Nothing. I react badly to the cold in my hands. Vessels clamp down. I am sure that not helping any. Hope you are hanging in sweetie!

    Lara.. Third days a charm!

    Well springs over in Indiana. We had about 6 days and now it's 87!  Cripe. AC is on now. Geez

    Red.. Pretty funny. I too will never think of parsley the same way. 

    Erin... Man are twits! JMJ!! Who does and says that crap!  ass!  Glad she had you. Also so glad you're mom and dad are doing better.  

    Cami. How goes the tax man?

    Tomorrow is chemo light, week 12. Few more to go. Beating me down. This is going to be tits up and over the shoulder to muscle through from now on. Lol

    Thinking of you all!!!! Muah