how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Princess!  I'm sending you some HOT tea to help you feel better and settle your tummy!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Goodmorning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem? I've got fun
    rainbows all over my living room from the crystals hanging in my windows.So pretty, so much fun to look at!

    woodpeckers can be pretty load, can't they?I practically jump out of my skin when they start in on the

    He can bring my
    coffee any morning!

    ORLA--I do have to
    work at not getting irritated with the people who buy scratch off lottery
    cartsAND scratch off AND buy more with
    the winnings as one long transaction at the checkoutof the convenience store I have run into to
    grab a quick drink!Then there was the
    time I was behind a little old lady that was paying her grocery bill with coins
    takingoutonecoinatatimeandcountingitandputtingitonthecounter.Felt like it took forever!

    Mema--Hope you had a
    great Hump Day!

    Red RH--LOL!!!

    4--I'd say he got
    what he deserved!

    Erin--was the big
    word "microvascular" ?It
    means very small, as in microscopic (micro) blood vessel (vascular).As in microvascular surgery--an operation
    involving microscopic or very small blood vessels getting sewn together, like
    they do in a DIEP recon.

    I'm just beside
    myself dealing with MESE my daughter now. I joked that she does not write MISE
    do something and it bwakes MESE fart.

    Pull MESE Fingar!
    Big FARTZ! And may God bless all MESE Wen Ye.

    I'm just beside
    myself dealing with MESE my daughter now. I joked that she does not write MISE
    do something and it bwakes MESE fart.

    Pull MESE Fingar!
    Big FARTZ! And may God bless all MESE Wen Ye.

    I'm just beside myself dealing with MESE my daughter
    now.I joke that she does not wrine MISE
    do something and it bwakes MESE fart.Pull MESE finger!Big FARTZ!And may God bless all MESE

    How'd I do?

    PRN--I'm thinking
    that having the blood vessels clamped down in your hands will help minimize the
    exposure of the nerves in your hands to the nasty chemo drugs and help minimize
    the neuropathy?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Chinese Mary

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    1 dash Lemon Juice

    3 drops Tabasco

    1 Pineapple

    1/2 tsp
    Worcestershire Sauce

    3 drops Soy Sauce

    3 oz Sweet and Sour


    Make like a Bloody
    Mary, improvising with ingredients until you find your preferred taste and
    texture. Try adding extra vodka to thin out the sauce a little. When heated,
    this also makes a great sauce for food.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    DH and I in big fight I just put him in the swamp

    I ran into a old friend from ten years ago we exchanged numbers I am so excited she lives right around the corner she has a DH and two kids

    4 naughty pics that cat scratches that it will hurt

    good to see you poop in Red

    Cam any good movies on

    I have a pain day all in my back and the sides I am resting today

    Hair color looks like crap just trying to do the grey roots it a brown idk mybe ill go fix it we have a place here they help u mix up color and toner  the hairdresser get their color there and the people that work there are hairdresser I think it needs a toner

    might go away this weekend get outta here for a bit not sure yet

    I had two beers he comes home I am not coming home to a drunk wife then he told me not to talk to him and stay away from him 2 beers not drunk fuck head hes abusive I think I hate him hesd in the swamp for sure I wanted to not stay here tonight I am 40 fking years old I can drink a million wines and beer he does not own me


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    Sorry he being a jerk. 


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Lara - git da louieville slugger, whack him good, den go habs a few more beers...  Hoping he comes to his senses...dangitit, jes not right!!  (((Lara)))

    Ms Soo - LMAO - and I sooo need it.  Farting chair and da Mom's Place II...can't wait to hear about it.  u ask me to tail u how iz feeling...o tay den.  I feelz lots lots bettah baby!!!  And dh and discovered sumpin that can only b attributed to da rads to mese p-brain. NIGHT SWEATS almost nil.  Weelly sware sware sware.....u used ta set a clock by dem every 2 hours.  They wud start in mese chest, like pressure and then swoosh out thru da veins in mese arms....tingle tingle almost pain.  Then da sweats.  I can't recall when I last had one like that.  I still have little hot flashes, but nuttin like before.  See....a GOOD se from da am NOT complaining.  Da fatigue hit Tues but not too bad...jes dat I am not a nap taker, but I have been da last 2 days.  So all GOOD on dis end  whoop whoop!!

    NM - Ohhh I love the sun reflection on crystals.  I don't have a single window in my house that isn't shaded so I can't experience that anymore.  Old house in MT tho, not so, had a few, but mese rotti and shepard used to attack the reflections...funnier n hail to watch, but kinda scratched up da hardwood floors and walls.  sniff sniff dey had to go.  Da crystals...not mese pooches...u knew dat tho.

    4 - love it.  How'd all da cookin n stuff go.  No hitches I hope.

    Prin - nearing the end is the hardest, please allow yourself to rest rest will pop up faster if you do...sending you gentle hugs!!!

    Gonna go get some pampering done today...woohoo!  Hope everyone has a wunnerful day and remember always I


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Mornin' mese ladies--OMG this is catchy.

    NM that drink sounds wonderful--at first I thought oh oh then as I was reading and thinking (which takes me so much longer now) it sounded better and then to warm it up too---really different.

    SueZQ, u sound good, I hope that's how u feel, it's so hard for me to think of how u can't rest or sleep wen u'r tired, cuz I just always collapse. And remember when I had my very 1st operation my Doc told me no vacuuming, 2 operations later he again said no vacuuming--I still hadn't from the first one.I asked him do u think I look like I can't wait to vacuum--so to me energy level is like zero most of the time--I love to hear when u guys have energy and then when u work it's even better. So every little lit to me is exciting. (I know I'm so effin lazy)

    Little one I don't like u;r Well DH picking on u for 2 beers especially--was he just in a MOOD I can't give u any advice or I would probly have a husband myself--I never understood the workings of a man's mind --the ones I picked were all stupid, and yet I could talk to them after a divorce. So I can't help, but I agree he's not u'r Dad to tell u what to do, maybe he was worrying about u'r health????

    U gals know I rarely drink but I'm on another antibiodic and told not to drink, and I want now --everytime I'm told not to is when I really want to GRRRR

    Lara I'm going into my bag of recordings for a scary movie, nothing much is on for me, there's just not enough of them for me LOL

    And I had a call, I couldn't understand anything this man was saying there was so much noise in his background, So I sent over in email what I did get--the phone number off of my phone and told my boss to just go with it he needs work. I'm such a prized employee-How did I work most of my life? And not get fired from every single job. Oh well I probably bull chit well.

    work is callin 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    ohhhhh chit, double chit x infinity, i just had a post dat was very long and addrressed all ye goils and poof it went as I was about to sign off. I so mad. I trying to find dat little undo button so opened another window here. I refuse to let it go. It took me an hour. oh chit chit chit, de fn post eating gremlin blows so much. ughhhhhhh!!!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Welcome Erin Soo I really like what chemo did for u'r hair. U'r quite the beauty, It's so nice to have u here, but I hope u'r nice cuz sometimes people come here and make up stories about things and then they say they lost them just to impress us. We're a tough group here, most of us have served time a couple of us still have ankle bracelet time going on--but I'm telling u none of us were guilty--None of us we got a bad break We were framed.

    So spill u'r guts, while u still got em--we don't hold back here'Oh I'm the welcoming committee, Just so u know 





  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    hello ladies.  

    Lara... He's a poop head!

    4.... Thank you!  I am suddenly very interested in tea drinking. 

    Erin...stupid post eater!

    NM... I'm just afraid it will be bad. I might need to start an IV or something. Lol

    Mema.... Great to only one set of Jammies a night!

    Missing the rest of the gals. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    sue, finally a good side effect!

    princess got our nurse day present today , its a salad container or as one of my colleagues , said ,no its a ice cream container because you have all the little compartments  for your toppingsHappywe also got a really good meal off them shrimp and chicken.  .how you feeling today?

    lara to the swamp with him, hope he's in a better mood now

    genny-she's absolutely beautiful

    nm-hope you had a good nurses day

    cammi-you are the star employee of the month

    have a good night ladies off to disney world for the weekend!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    we got a candy bar. Lol. Have a great time. 

    Genny forgot to say how beatious Nora is!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Julie I didn't know u were going again--Woot Woot have a great time.

    And our nurses our wonderful here, u'r a special kind of people.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oh geeeze, louissssse, PRN, a fn candy bar?? wdfluck???? no wondar ye left nursing. 

    wtg Julie, wooop woooop! so pwoud of ye. 

    oh mese oh mise, me so peeeesed off dat de post gremblin stealed mese post of earlar todey. cuz mese wrote from mese fart, aka heart ♥. I so mad mad mad dat I had to dwink a litter of JD dis night, chit chit n mo chit. 

    me pissed to de max ober mese stttooopid employer, mese doctor and so on.. really piissed at mese dr cuz dey office was recently taken over by a big arse fn corp. and for mese disability, da company want notes from de date aprol turd to presnet. and ye see, mese doctor uses an outsource fn company for notes. all mese std folks want is a page of notes. outsourcing blows, de  S O BEEEZE! ughhh. 

    so Cam, wreally, tanks for de werm welcome. 

    mese write more when mese not so dwunkliest of de monfh and sekond dwunkliest of dis whole entire hole year ~~  hicccup! oh geeze, meeeze in twouble. yep, mese naybor cum to mese house again dis week. did I tail ye she pissed cuz mese kicked mese daddys car outta mese dwiveway and into de street in fwont of mese pain in de ewwa naybor? welllll chit chit n more chit. and me sorry mese jest vents but soooo peeeeeesed off at de post stealing mo fo's whom took mese post and WIPED IT DE FLUCK OUT! LOOOOOOOOOSeRS! 

    well cheers anywho! ~~~~~~~~~~~bb

    burp, tanks for letting me expel dat nasty burp, hicccUP< ooops, sawry. lub lub lub. all ye need is lub. lub is all I gots. odder dan dat, mese a loser with a capital phucking L on mese forehead

    cheerz ir tears :( 

    lub dis song dough. n really, mese jest kidding bout de loser stuff. dere is a story to dis song n de foyst time mese hurd it. yep was paining a bafroom with mese cuz in about de year 1994 when dis song played on de radio at ... oh abouts 4 ayeeee fn emmmmm! ` burp, ooopsies.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    and me used to tink dat de lyrics said ...............

    OHHHHHH from head to toe, meses a loser baby, why dont cha jest keel me lmao at mese dwunkliestnest. tehehe. ok, me sleep now. well maybe. uh, life so dey say, it butta game if ye let it sleep away... and mese did let it slip, dern dern deern as herman munster wood sey tehehehe behahahha, mese cwacking mese dern salf de HAIL up! 

    For Cam, 


    hey Beanius, did ye know me wrote a poem for ye about Beans, fn beans de begitable. tehehehe. mese laffing too hard write now. oh gawd, do mese lubs lubs lubs ye all. prayers to mese dahlings goils whom going true de FNRB chit chit chit. FURB, oh hail yeah! I mighten bese back. sawry in addvance! chEERs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014


    me going cwaaaazy dwunk 

    ~~ herrcuppppp ~~~ 

    (lmao, tanks for allowing dat goils, muAH! ) ..

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    gawsh, Erin SOO, pornounced SUE, like our own Mema...

    uh, as mese wuz saying, dat Erin Soo (SUE) is jest so purdey. do ye all lubs Erin huh huh huh? 

    LMFAORODG! gawds, me lubs ye all goils. ye keep me SANE despite being on de berge of INsaNe. ch ch ch cha chia PET, oops mean Ch Ch CHeerZ. and titttttys up as mese lub Chrissy B from OZ wood sez. i go now, for real. sigh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oops, misled ye all. mean mese Name is Erin Soo, pornounced Sue. mese chinese n bootfiulest and me lubs lubs lubs mese new hair style. oh goils, foygive mese for beeing a braggar. 

    i miss de innocent one,, dat dere goldie goil. yep, mese not coming back til shese posts. k. well ooops, mese own mema sUE an hexplanation eh? tomorree, is jest a new dey tank ye Gods n Spirits of de Earfh burp. 

    and   bye de waaaay, ...........

    NM, I wrot eearliesr tgat yer translation was effing SPoT ON, but de fn gremlinds stole from mese. dey shall die fer dese sins. k? kk, no fretting, dey jest dying gwemlins whom steal posts. how rUUUUUUde!!! me happy, cheers to all ye, den I go sleeeeep. ~ yawN. 

    delta dawn, wuts dat flower ye have on (from a song called, mese tink, delta dawn. sing wif mese ) 

        (♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪) delta dawn

    (♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪) wutz dat flower ye has on... 

    kk, i go now for reals. i pass out but mese in mese bed so no bruises, yipPPEEEE piss! lol. kk, for real................................

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oh fluck, wdf? i gotta into mese work email dis night and found de most disturbing update. n mese, Erin SOO, pornouned SUE... is suppoed to report to work next week erin tail ye now, aint happening. see below. WDF fukking fluck?   me done. 



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!TGIF!Except that I'm on Call until 8 am Sunday
    morning.Sigh.On the up side, I'll be getting my new 'puter
    this weekend!Kid brother called last
    night, it's all ready, they're coming up this weekend and he'll bring it

    ORLA--Sounds like
    your DH is right where he belongs!Good
    for you!Sorry for the pain,

    4--good point!

    Mema--I can
    justpicture your doggies chasing the
    rainbows, and scratching up the floor!Fun to watch, isn't it?Too bad
    you don't have one sunny window for crystals, but such is life, isn't it?

    Cammy--Sending the
    phone number when you couldn't hear the man calling, that was BRILLIANT!

    Erin--Sounds like
    time for another gremilin hunt!

    PRN--I cannot
    imagine the difficulty it would be to start anIV with neuropathy in my hands.YIKES!

    Julie--I did have a
    good nurses day, thanks!

    documentation is a business all it's own and a hard one to work with at
    times.It's amazing how much a single
    page of medical notes can cost in time, effort, and money!OK, now I've got that Delta Dawn song in my

    delta dawn


    what's that flower you have on?

    Could it be a faded
    rose from days gone by?

    And did I hear you

    He was meetin' you
    here today

    To take you to his
    mansion in the sky?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Friday Freeze

    1/2 cup Vodka

    1/4 cup Rum

    1 cup Orange Juice

    4 scoops Orange


    Blend all ingredents
    in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi -
    thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but
    not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add
    equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15

    Hmm, better get the
    Tenders working to fill up a freezer full!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Erin sue u r chinese now $%^&&**(()))

    cam yea I had to go to the DVDs

    being home is nice I still get very tired idk mybe I wont work I have this pending surgery then ill go on disability

    like the pics

    Nm yes its hard to not get road rage etc

    I was in the store my shirt was backwards a women told me I laughfed who cares god

    At least I showered lmao

    kk poop in later

    I swamped him to the alligators r in there to

    yes cam I agree I do not need father as a DH

    men always so blah




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    The swamp communities of Illinois are the northernmost remnant  of vast network that once covered much of the southern United States. Many  plant and animal species that occur here are at the northernmost edge of their range.

    The characteristics of this community are the presence of permanent to semipermanent water, and a greater than 30 % areal canopy cover of tall (over 20 feet) woody vegetation.  In many areas, the canopy cover exceeds 80%. The dominant trees include bald cypress, some more than 1,000 years old, with knees up to 10 feet high.  These trees typically occur as scattered individuals, or in small groves.

    The classification code PF06F represents a mixed class and is only used in areas where broad-leaved and needle-leaved deciduous trees cannot be distinguished on aerial photography; for example, where bald cypress and water tupelo trees are growing together in  approximately equal numbers.

    The soils in this community consist of silt and clayey materals. They range in reaction from very strongly acid to neutral.  The major soils include undrained phases of Okaw silt loam, Darwin silty clay, and Jacob clay.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014








  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning

    Holy chit Lara u'r up and going to town with al this work. Are u OK?

    Oh NM 8AM Sunday oooI'm sorry, I hope it's a quiet weekend, but good about u'r computer and Sherbert??? It sounds great

    Erin I really loose my posts a lot but I don't know what I hit to make them gone. Sounds like things are brewin' at work, and whenever a Company takes over it sucks. Of course u have to be on dis. OMG u can't work like that I'm sure that won't be an issue.

    Wow we had a storm during the night, the Dog was getting nerveous, my cat was hiding it was windy with thunder and pouring. But it's quiet now. Did expect that at all. It's funny it just can't rain, it has to storm.

    Well shower today, boy do I need it I feel it. hahaha Let me ee if I can take care of it now before everyone is up. BBL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    I'm home! Not going to address everyone, as we are still busy catching up with orders. Was a super busy 48 hours, that's for sure.

    4, I don't know what pictures you are talking about, I plead the 5th, 6th and turdeenth, or whatever Wacko Woo Woo calls it. I am innocent!!!!

    Well Sue, nice to see you got a good SE. I would rather see you sweat than have the stupid mets. But hope it helps with sleeping better. I assume this new treatment is a chemo of sorts? How often and for how long? Do you still have your port? I'm thinking so, becuz of the herceptin.

    Beans, you're selling the cabin??? I just buy those plug in air fresheners!

    Wacko Woo Woo, are you really going to quit? And now you hab to tell about the PS. And what's going on wif DD. And your poor cuz, I think she should stay longer, just to piss on, I mean OFF, PISS OFF that UnDH of hers, but I knows you wants your bed back!

    Cami my love, you had me cracking up several times, can't remember what about now, but you always makes me smile.

    My sweet lil La La, what can I say....MEN!!!! Did  you get your hair color bixed?

    Ginny, that sweet little Nora has got to give you strength! You and Princess will be done soon. Are either of you doing rads? or more surgery?

    Red, like da Wacko axed, how be your heart? And how is that sweet little Gage doing? My heart so aches for your family over this.

    NM, I have a crystal in my kitchen window, I love it.

    Julie? Disney again????

    Sawry for anyone I missed. I moosta go now. Need to contact customers, get orders ready that have to go mail, and hopefully get to town later. Party get together at the neighbors tomorrow and my little buddy will be here.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Happy Friday Girls!  What time does the party start?

    This is for LaLa....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    HI goils! Its fweidey night, wooooop wooooop! 

    whose partaying tonight?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    I'll try, but joey wants to watch a movie with me--but he falls asleep early.

    YYYYAAAAYYYY Lori's back in town. It's like this first NM, then Lori then my day start any other way thros me for a loop--I don't like change.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Cam, I am with you on not liking change. Enjoy yer movie. I bese here partaying, yippee!

    I intarupt dis party to answer de Innocent one's inquiries. Lori, Erin is sawry for taking long to answer. and mese promised Mema Sue I'd tail her once she tailed me how she feels, mese apologies. It not all dat essiting, mese jest did not feel like talking about it. So I went to my new plastic surgeon, de one in my state which is not really Kansas, on dis past twosdey. de grate news is..... are ye ready? mese puka is so so so so close to being closed, looks like de debridement tingy was a success, yippeee, de hole got dere after de diep flap which waz flugging august 20-turdteen. so happy to be in the final countdown of days that I have to do my wound care. de not so good news is that this PS does not want to touch mese foobs to bix them and lift de right one dat has drooooped three times now, both with implants and with mese own tissue n fat . he tails me I have to go to Dr. Prick in de big city for dis. I say why why why? I want surgery soon so dat mese can skip outta work again in de near future. and he sez he has no idea where de arteries are connected in mese foobs, de ones that used to be in mese belly. so in mese so berry sad cuz me neber want to see Dr. Prick again in mese life, hate him, would like to see him dead! well not really but I do hate him. )sorry Mommy of mines cuz I know you teached me not to HATE. I can hear ye now saying "Erin, HATE is a berry berry strong word, are ye sure you hate dat person"? and I would say why yes Mommy, mese sorry. 

    ok, let de partay resume, sawry for de inttaruption. cheErs from Erin Woo wooo from Kansas tehehe! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    i dwinking jack daniels bdw. what eberyone else dwinking dis fwiedey night? 

    I go water mese flowers now, relaxing ting for me to do.