how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    I tink you should check into dem docs in Charleston at that fancy Breast surgery only place.  All they do is boobs and mostly DIEP and bix udder PS Phuck Ups.  I come to Charleston and stay with you while ye are there. NOLA (New Orleans) would be another really good place to look into.  Screw Dr P Rick

    Dis what we do to Dr P Rick while we transport him to de Swamp or I can fire up my Bone Asher in me garage


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    4, if only I had de financial resources to do that, I would. tanks for de suggestions. maybe when me hit de lottery. geez, yep, todey is offically four weeks sincen me got a paycheck, crud. but guess what, who gibs a fluck, not I, not todey. I dwink. and I dwink more. whatcha dwinking? hiCCup~

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    You don't need no resources to do dat to de doc, you got bweasties and peeps!

    Oh, you mean the Charleston thing!  When I was checking them out my insurance would cover it.  I know that doesn't take in travel or lodging though.  I got a tent for the back of my pick em up truck!

    Seriously though.  I think they do phone consults.  It might just be worth checking out.  You never no it might be more doable than you tink?

    I sending you a drink and Cyn a Wench!  I'm still working on the 43, dark and handsome!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    For your next mani/pedi!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Just poppin' in to say im takin a vacation from cancer and chemo tonight. dwank a beer whilst golfin' with Dh then 2 glasses of wine at dinner, now 2 more at home...damn it feels good.... I'll get back on der wagon tomorrow... sweet dreams ladies...lubs..lubs

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    awww, Genny, good for you girl! you deserve a vacation, a permanent vacation from the chit that the rat basturd gives. cheers to you!

    4, actually, I had a thought, my parents home in SC is only about an hour from Charleston. It could be doable. I recover there. hmmm. lubs de JD and de fingernails, I want them!

    I took my Dad to the grocery store at 9:30, just got back. I had to git my hard likker by 10pee emm because of "blue laws" in dis state. I wuz gitting nervous cuz we was still in a long line at 9:55p. a manager came up and pulled me to the courtesy desk to check out, whew was I skeered I would be outta likker. I took it to de car then finished our shopping. I now have food in mese new fridge and freezer too. wooo hoooo to frozen waffles and pizza, they are gotta have items. tehehe. 

    well I guess me here partaying all alone but dat okay. mese got de tenders here and dey will do enyting I ask, oh baby. off I go for an hour massage! ahhhh, life bese good. 

    cheers mi' ladies and wishing you all happiness and health, n lots of lubs. nighty night. I go now and bese a good goils for a change and git sleep. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Your not alone Erin!  I wuz soakin in the jacuzzi. For reals!

    Glad you got your likker in time!   You really should check out charleston. Nothin to loose with a phone call!

    Genny, glad did wine felt good!  Have some food rest

    For the rest of you Loungettes I hope your mothers day weekend is of I a off to a good start!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Gosh Cami, ya make me feel so spayshul, good thing I stopped in this morning, as I wasn't going to, we have to head to town early since we didn't go yesterday. And I jes love dat little Joey man.

    Dort, my mom would say the say thing about the word hate, word for word! Dayem, can you go to a different PS? Does it HAVE to be de Prick doctor?

    Hey Genny, I hope that fall off the wagon didn't hurt too bad!! Good to hear you went out for some enjoyment and some embibing.

    I think you should take up 4's suggestion, like she said, it's worth a phone call, that doesn't cost anything.

    I gots to time to find a DOTD. Cami, you're in charge again, unless NM pops in. Cheers my lovlies!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    LOL cam yes I am ok I need to pay these bills

    Happy sat

    love the nails 4

    I went for a walk this mormning felt good

    tomm ill c my mom got here a big card like 2 feet tall

    poop in later

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    good morning ladies.  

    I'm ok. Just super swollen and had a weird back pain thing yesterday. I could barely walk. Peed every hour last night. That was restful. Lol

    Also my NP gave me some cream from custom dosing pharmacy. We will sed if I get some relief. 

    I'm really unsure about doing cycles 5and 6. I had a small tumor 1.0 had lumpectomy and will have rads. Chemo was a call do to her2+. No nodes either. I am so swollen and already hands bothering me and have some mild LE with only 3 nodes out. I'm not sure I want more long term SE.  I will of course continue the herceptin. What do you think?  

    Happy Mother's Day to you all!!

    Oh and Erin, make the call please 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good morning everyone--

    Lori I'm glad u stopped by now where's NM u guys are screwing me up. LOL U'r still busy tho so do what u have to and we all understand.

    Oh Princess I don't have a clue what to say--that's a big decision, I'm sure others with knowledge can help u-like I said I just did what they told me for a couple of years (chit I still do) but I know more is known now--I'm sorry this has been so difficult for u, but I do think u know much more than I do, whatever decision u make--u'll see it will be the right one.

    OK I have a job to do look for the DOTD of the day--Now if NM comes in and has one, I won't post it--I don't know how they find hem so easily. But I'll try. BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Ok See how fast I did that?????????????/ Well actually Joey did it for me--I know I teach him how to look up things that are strange but boy did I get it done fast and he picked the drink/    DOTD of the day sounds Yummy to me Enjoy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    morning goils! yep, mese up at de crack of dawn todey. went to bed early.

    Princess, I tink you should ask yer onc to go over the statistical odds of a recurrence with and without the continued treatment then make yer decision. If it only bumps your odds a few percent, then I'd say eff it. but what do I know, NM will chime in for sure. She is de expert mese tinks. I hope you are feeling better, sorry for lack of prolonged sleep (((((((Princess))))))

    Cammy, well that Joey is something else. YOu are too funny admitting he did it for you. What kink of memaw are you having the kid look up likker? haha, jest kidding, nothing wrong with it at'll, just wanted to bust yer chops cuz i lubs ya. 

    Lori, certainly, another doc can bix mese foob, reallly like what if Dr. Prick where to mysteriously die or fall in the swampland by Julie? Someone would have to pick up his pieces, that piece of chit man who treated me like i was chit under his toe nails. hate him. he caused dis nasty hole in my belly for so long by ignoring my pleas for help when I knew I was berry infected. curse on him! Have a nice day in town and come back when you can. So glad to see ya.

    Lala, morning little sis. GLad you took a walk, good therapy. I wish I could but mese trick hip is acting up again . Hoping to get a cortazone shot this week on wed. It has worked in the past and also not worked. I will pray for relief cuz it hurts like hell. If I stand for more than 15 seconds, it flares up so bad. I had to take a seat on de floor at mom's new place when dere wuz not an extra chair for mese. You sound good, hope you feeling as good. 

    4, sorry I crashed out on ya last night, did not even open mese new bottle of likker that I jest had to get. I just freak when I has no likker. well I has wodka and Mema's fav, Jose, but gotta has de Jack or I has a jack attack which is almost bad as a fart attack tehehehe. 

    I am going to a graduation partay tonight down the shore for mese nephew, should be fun. I get to have mese dad as a passenger for over an hour, Lord help me. He is de best back seat driver ever! "are you going to stop at the light", "are you going to stop here" "arent you speeding" goes on and on and on. but i jest lubs him so much and so happy to see him happy that I could just burst at de seams. I go now but will poop in after some house work. jest popped a perc along wtih four advils, hoping to get my sore body moving. I jest now getting my kitchen back together after living outta a cooler and having the new fridge pulled out waiting for the water install which is still not done. Me and mese sis are doing it using youtube but need another part. will finish on monkeydey when she comes back cuz she libs over an hour away. She is Mrs> Fixit, can do anyting using youtube and google! 

    Cheers mi dears! have a super fanfuckingtastic dey! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Princess - I understand why you r asking about that...I don't have the answer, it is something only you can decide.  However, if you have not visited the 'Chemotherapy - Before, During, After' Forum, Topic: Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin'  it might be worth checking out and asking some of them if they stopped short and what they experienced. Hope you have a wonder Mothers Day too! ((P))

    Cami - ooo I am impressed with Joey...and love love love his pick.  Yum!! 

    Genny - good for deserve a break...we all deserve a break.  It feels good least til da next day sumtimes, but what da hay...lightens da load.

    Lara - walk is good...I had bizy Thurs...too bizy...dropped me all day yesterday.  But I'm back now...woohoo!  Have a nice day wif ur mommy tamari.

    4 - lubs lubs all da pics...cwacks mese up. Those JD nails are wicked cool.  And X C Lent advice to our Erin Soo.  Hope you have a wonderful mommy's day!

    Erin - GR8 now make da call next week and at least talk to them about it.  With ultrasound n chit I can't believe another PS can't figure out da artery situation...dat bs.  Glad u got ur weekend supply of da Jack...woohoo.  Now relax and enjoy...don't worry bout next week and da job.  K...chillax and dwink dwink dwink...muah!!

    Lowweee - welcome home!  so glad you got lots of orders to process.  It is a form of chemo and it's every 3 weeks and I still have my port.  This starts as a 90 min IV push and then if I do well, ie no adverse reactions, I think they can speed it up a little.  And, silly me....forgot to ask MO how many.  But this still affects my LVEF (heart valve) as Herceptin did and she is planning another MUGA 3 months, at least that long.  So I git mese calendar and project out...ya kno my road trip in July and my family vacay in Aug...well it all works conflicts...whoohooo!!

    Where's NM dis morning?

    Where's Beans, Red, Aly, Cyndie, who mese missing...well hail...mese missing all ya'll!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS!!!  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY tamari.  Will try to post, but we heading to Vegas at some point. MUAH!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Sue how fun, u can go to Vegas whenever u feel like it. If I did that I'd be living in Erin's refridgerator box for sure.  I sure pray that all this goes really well for u. ***HUGS*** cuz if I was there I would.

    Miss Erin Soo don't worry this weekend at all- Only worry the minute before u need to--that's what I do and it really works.

    Princess I wish I could help with that decision really but it is yours to make.

    OK a Joey story--Well of ourse he watches TV and commercials and there was one on with Ladies mud wrestling and he said to me--Why do women degrade themselv like that" Of course I said wait til u get older then u'll understand, and he said I hope I never get that way women should respect themselves and men should respect them all the time--Well we'll see about that but he was so serious.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Camille, that is such a sweet dern story about Joey, give him a hug from me. And I got one for you too cuz I know you de best memaw eber. 

    Sue, you poor baby, chit, I was hoping you were close to being done. I admire your courage goilfriend, you is a trooper foah shoah! 

    So I took mese Dad out on some errands dis morning, gassed up de car, got a graduation card, got air in mese tires and went back to store for bread, dern dwunken me forget to grab that last night. so we git home and I crash out on mese bed while watching a little game show network. dad eats lunch and I checked his meter for glucose, it was 505, yikes. I then notice that his insulin was preset from this morning so he had no insulin at breakfast nor non at lunch. but ya see, he snuck a pastry into the cart last night and cheated this morning. I tink he got so furcited to have a sweet treat that he forgot despite me writing him a note which I do ebery day.  I let him do it and feel really bad. SO glad I caught it and had him check again. He said his eyes were funny which made mese brain go ding ding ding. Dern can't take a nap through lunch again. I gave him 12 units of insulin, he will be alright but I am concerned as the partay tonight is at an Italian restaurant. Bad food for diabetic with so many carbs in pasta. I guess I just add a little extra insulin to be proactive. He has done very well, I should not complain. I blame my dern self. 

    I tink NM prolly had an early aye em call, dern, wuz hoping she could sleep in. She on call all weekend, poor dear. I miss her too. Well gotta fly, gonna take Pop to bisit mese Momma. Talk later loungettes! CheerS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    ooops, forgot to send rounds of hugs to all. and lottsa lub too! happy days!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    soooooo Erin have at the shore

    Went to a food festival, band jewlery by the water had fun ate a lot

    Sorry princess here's a hug

    Where's genny

    Hi cam u busy working 

    It's so humid yuck

    Hi everyone hugs to all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OMG Erin I would have been so freaked out, boy did u handle it well, oh and u'r right Italian food is not so good but there has to be something good he can eat --I don't even know all the foods, I mean we all think of just sweets but so many things make sugar in u'r system  or something like that-Chit that's awful. I hope u can enjoy u'rself tonite.

    Lara believe it or not I was so busy for about an hr and a 1/2 just trying to help a couple of people out for today they were emergencies so I took it upon myself to be a real bitchy person to my bosses who I dearly love and I think they were like OK we'll get it done today hahaha---I get to emotional with people with small kids and it's like maybe it's dangerous, of course they do know, but I don't==they are such good guys and when I was done and everything was getting taken care of I did get a call from the customer and he said thank u to me--but I was just doing my job only over enthusiastic but Joey kept on checking on me and whn I was done rubbed my back and told me to relax now I did a good job. LOL I must have sounded like a cazy woman cuz I was on the phone too and I never use the phone Chit. Then I got my D so I wonder if this connects to stress? And I'd better get rid of it cuz I'm planning on going out tomorrow--I'm even making a dessert--yes making. It's super simple, but I'm doing it myself. LOL Maybe.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    I just made refreshments and I'm sharing!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,967
    edited May 2014

    Cami- hi! Surfing around tonight and found you here! Smile

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi Jazzy, I'm a woman with many faces, or is that like Syble with many personalities, either way none of them can spll. But we all spill---4 makes the drinks way to strong so I watch her. Jazzy this group is great.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


    Hayloooooooooooo my fwiends,

    Been a weird weeeeeek. So tonight is Saturday and I'm beat. De peeps did a no show on viewing de cabin. Den anudder guy was so deeeeficult. Oye vey. I am just so tired so I won't sez much. I just wanna say det you ladies are AWESOME and I LOVE YOU MUCHO.

    mE GO BEDDY now cuz I'm a tired lil kiddy.


    BTW. I am almost positive now det de pidey was a brown recluse. I founded anudder one yest when cleaning. It was small and they are not aggressive but can get caught up in de clothes and git scareded by big humans and jest bite. NEway I no hate spideys but jest don't want em in me clothes. I tink dat why I got so sicky and have de red spot still. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Geeaawed  I am a delicate ting.

    Weeshing de bestest for my loungette fwiends.!!

    Love you always,


    Oh yeah, and de weather been dis way and dat. Gray den sunny den huge winds, now rain... sheeeeesh! Al;;s;,e;,le kejest slek;it ; ;pwe;ke tm  ppk;s;pk   okay I will top rambling....Love Love Love you gals and hope you have wunnerful nitey.

    Even de pidey is tired!


    Hope you have a gweat westa de weekend!!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Beans even tired u'r so shiney and bright--Have a nice sleep

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014




    Muah, muah, muah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014

    Tank U Cami - Love U!!!! Sweet Dweems!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    aww, you goils are so cute. and Cam, how sweet that you helped de people, you rock on girlfriend. you are good people. wtg. but no mo stress, tomorrow gonna bese a NON D DEY, ya hear me?? Hugs.

    Hi Lala. 

    HI Beanius, prrrrrrrrrrr. hehe.

    Hi 4, tanks for de dwink, ahh needed that ~burp, oops, scoooooze me. 

    welcome here Jazzy nice to have you. 

    it was a long ride home in de dern rain, mese gonna retire too goils. nighty night all, sweet dreams! tomorrow we partay again, k? I having a night cap, only had two since me had to drive. see ya all on sundey fundey! yippeee!  cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014
