how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Morning ladies, just poppin in to say hi..DH out golfing, I'm on dog duty and they are wound up a ready to go...geeeshh a girl can't sleep in around here. I'm doing great this weekend, I always feel good the week before I gotta go through the chemo chit again. I go back on Friday for more cocktail so I gotta make the most of this week. And I think it was Orange that asked, I do have to do surgery yet than 6 weeks of rads, not till July though.

    Princess, so sorry to hear it's so bad, that is a tough choice, guess you need to weigh the odds against the risk of permanent SE's. Glad to hear it's not in your nodes. I'm sure you'll come up with an answer you're comfortable with. Hope you feel better soon.

    Erin, glad to hear you got your dad that insulin on time, and glad you got your JD in time. Have a good time tonight.

    Lala, nice to go walking, any luck on the job front? Sorry your DH was bein' a butthole the other day, hope it's working out better for ya now.

    memasue, prayin' for ya, sorry you have to go thru more chitty tx's...agghhh hope you get thru it with no SE's.

    Cami sounds like Joey's been raised right, gonna be a heck of a catch for some lucky girl some day.

    Beanies, love the pics

    4sew, thanks for sharing, the drinks were great

    And everybody else have a great Sunday, beautiful here in Ohio, hoping to go golfing today , DH cooking for me and his mom. Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there and the dog moms too cuss that counts....lubs to all,,,, gotta get the brats out, they're running around here like crazy right now, they rule this house. Bye for now.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Princess, I hear ya about wanting to quit with the chemo, and can't blame you one bit. You just have to make sure that YOU are ok with that, no matter what might happen in the future. And QOL (quality of life) is so important. Have you discussed it with your onc? The SE's suck for sure, and some are not reversible.

    Baby Girl,  you are always stepping up to the plate. And what a great DOTD, Bubble Gum! What a fun drink. Oh my, how funny that you have Joey looking for drinks. You can't get in trouble for that, can you. contributing to a minor? Oh my, he is so wise! R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Singing along with Aretha! I hope you got that dessert made and can make it out today. Again, Joey is such a little sweetie, rubbing your back and telling you to relax.

    La La, I think you put the job hunt on hold? How are those nipsk doing? And like Dort say, you are sounding better. Food fest by the water sounds fun. Who'd ya go with?

    Wack-a-doo-doo, I do hope that shot helps your hip. Like you need something else to deal with, you poor thing you. Are you all happy with mom's new place and is your dad allowed there? Has he stopped that nonsense about your mom having sex with others? Why on earth would you blame yourself for your dad's high sugar?

    Sue, praying beery hard that the new chemo is kind to you. But also so beery happy that all your baycashuns are gonna work out.

    Hey Jazzy, welcome! I hope you didn't come to drag Cami outta here, we'd have to fight ya on that one! Pull up a bar stool....what'll ya have?

    4, you're sharing with only 2 drinks? LOL! They are might purdy dough!

    Oh Beans, a brown recluse? Really? I am not a fan of spiders! Iss beary windy here today, worse than yesterday! No rain tho.

    It was me that axed about surgery and rads Genny. Are you having a lumpectomy? Rads for me was much easier than chemo, and I loved my week of feeling good, so yes, do take advantage of it and try not to think about getting the yuckies, it takes away from the feel good.

    Winds here at 35 mph today and gusts up to 50! Argh....hate this! Wishing the best group of friends I know, a Happy Mother's Day!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Mother's Day to all
    the Moms in the Lounge.

    Worked yesterday,
    not too bad but a tad annoying in a couple of instances.If were a family paying $4000 a month for my
    loved one with advanced dementia to be in a specialty assisted living settingfor people with dementia and the staff let
    him sit in urine for 2 days because "we're not allowed to do anything if
    the person says 'No"" I would be very, very, very pissed.At least they FINALLY called hospice, so I
    could go out at 9 pm and get the person into bed, undressed and cleaned up for
    the first time in 2 days.And that poor
    man's roommate, having to smell that for the last 2 days.I mean, really.If I were going to pay that much for dementia
    specialty care I would expect the staff to have SOME training in dealing with
    people who have dementia.Arrgghh..OK, enough venting.Oh, yeah, kid brother didn't show up with my
    new 'puter yesterday, either.Maybe
    today. . . .

    ORLA--sometimes I
    think I get road rage 'cuz that's acceptable, getting patient rage isn't.Shirt on backwards, huh?Well, at least you were dressed!Great swamp land info! Didn't know you were
    a botanist, too!Baby Prince George is
    adorable, hope he grows up a bit smarter than Bubba Gump!

    Cammy--Yup, but I'm
    off duty now, have been for 13 minutes according to 3 different clocks, so I
    really am off duty now!Yeah!Got really warm here yesterday, wouldn't be
    surprised if a little thunder bumper came up if it stays this warm all day

    Goldie--Glad you
    hada good trip, have fun getting
    ketchuped at work, enjoy the party!

    Cammy--I thought I
    was creature of habit, sounds like you have me beat!

    Erin--Hooray for the
    good news about the puka being nearly gone!Not so hooray for the foob fix up work.I can see why the new PS is concerned about doing surgery, but you can NOT
    go back to Dr. Prick.Have you
    considered getting a consult with the docs in New Orleans?The get women from all over the world for
    recon and repair of recons and were the pioneers of the DIEP in the US.I had a consult there, it wasgreat experience to be treated like a VIP for
    a few days, didn't cost way too much, and I got a nice weekend in New Orleans
    as a bonus.If anyone can do something
    for you I would think it would be those guys.Oops, I see 4 already mentioned the NOLA group, and another one, too.So maybe get consults at both?Couldn't hurt.The NOLA outfit will help with discounts on
    hotels, free limo to and from the airport and appointment.I did my whole consult trip for about

    4--Neat nail art!

    Genny--Good for you
    for taking a break and having a human day!Bet it was fun!

    Erin--I thought they
    were called Blue Laws only in Maine!I
    can remember when just about EVERYTHING was closed on Sunday, or if open only
    for a few hours in the afternoon after church.If you didn't have somethingyou
    went without it until Monday!

    4--I so miss having
    a hot tub. Need to think about putting some money aside for one again.

    PRN--How much
    benefit, statistically, does chemo give women with your pathology?With ER+PR+ hormonal therapy is usually more
    effective than chemo, and there is herceptin for Her+ part.Is the potential benefit worth the risk of
    permanent neuropathy?Seems logical to
    me to skip cycles 5 & 6 and go on to the targeted therapies.

    Cammy--sorry I
    wasn't on yesterday, got an early call out and decided to just keep going and
    finish the day, then grabbed a nap in the pee-em 'cuz I expected to get called
    out again in the evening.Just didn't
    want to fight with the balking, dying computer.Was hoping to have the new one.

    Wow, Great DOTD,
    Cammy!Many thanks to talented

    Erin--Amazing what a
    woman can do with youtube, google and a few tools!Hooray for having the fridge back!Now I've got to get to work and find out why
    my dishwasher isn't washing.Hopefully
    it will be something simple to fix.I
    really depend on my dishwasher, HATE doing dishes by hand!Enjoy your drive with your Dad.

    Mema--what fun to
    have a couple of trips to look forward to!Glad the docs are keeping a close eye on your heart, this stuff is all
    pretty heart toxic.

    Joey is so precious
    and so innocent, I pray he stays that way a long, long time!

    Erin--your poor Dad,
    so good you were able to catch the missed insulin!Does your Dad have some kind of routine he
    follows that you can attach his insulin to, that will help him remember to take
    his insulin?I've had families who put
    Dad's morning insulin dose in his juice glass or coffee cup, 'cuz he always has
    juice or coffee with breakfast,or on a
    plate on top of the toaster 'cuz mom always makes toast for breakfast, that
    sort of thing.Sometimes you have to get

    Cammy--good for you
    for sticking up for that customer!You
    are awesome!


    to the HTL!What's your fav adult

    Beanie--have you had
    the spidey bite looked at?I hear Brown
    Recluse bites can make people pretty sick.

    Genny--Amazing how
    effective dogs can be at getting us up out of bed, isn't it?No sleeping in unless the Dog wants to sleep

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Mother Cocktail


    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Gin

    1 oz Grenadine

    1 oz Sweet and Sour


    Mix gin, vodka,
    grenadine and sour mix together in a shaker. Pour into a collins glass with
    ice, filling from half to three-quarters full. Top with beer, to taste, and

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    hI genny keep going it will b done soon

    Hi goldie I might correct tests it will drive me crazy but its work

    Nice drinks 4

    Yea things r better on the homefront hes stressed over work and hes mom is dead hard day for him

    I mowed my moms lawn I think I have gone crazy do not see pain doc till friday I will have to go a couple days with out pills ill b ok

    Hi Princes

    NM laying in pis wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Erin lol love the new name u r from china now

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014


    Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful Moms out there.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    I want a Momm'y's Martin.  Tenders, fetch those ASAPLIEST!!!

    Lori, 2 drinks, really??  Didn't you see the brandy spankin new bottles behind the glasses!!!

    OK, I unfortunately am working and DH is mowing cuz he leaving town again tomorrow, so I gonna have to ketchup later. 

    Just wanted to tell everyone to have a Happy Happy Day.  Sunday Funday!!

    Erin...  Make the call...................... I'll drive over and meet you if you make an appointment!!!

    Toll-Free: 1.866.374.2627

    Dr. Richard M. Kline, Jr.

    imageHome: James Island

    Education: M.D., Medical University of South Carolina; B.S., Furman University

    Residencies: The Cleveland Clinic, Louisiana State University Medical Center

    Specialties: Perforator flap breast reconstruction

    Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery

    Personal: Married with two children

    Dr. Kline trained in microsurgery with Dr. Robert Allen, who was pioneering the DIEP, SIEA, and GAP flaps at LSU while Dr. Kline was a plastic surgery resident. "We knew that he (Dr. Allen) was on to something very exciting," remembers Dr. Kline, "but I doubt anyone back then foresaw just how sought-after those procedures would become."

    After completing his training, Dr. Kline spent several years in full-time academic surgical practice, first at LSU in New Orleans, then at the Medical University of South Carolina, during which time he performed the first successful DIEP flap in the southeastern United States. He entered private practice in 2000, and the practice rapidly became a regional referral center for complex microsurgical reconstruction. The practice has since evolved to focus almost exclusively on microsurgical breast reconstruction. "Our passion" says Dr. Kline "is restoring women's body image after mastectomy using only their own natural tissue. We and our entire staff feel very privileged to be able to use our skills to help so many people in this way."

    A Charleston native, Dr. Kline lives near his childhood home and his parents. His wife, Elizabeth, is a thoracic surgeon, and the two met in the operating room. They have two children, daughter Bellamy and son Mahlon.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    HaHa, I think this Tender had too much drinky!  And is his right foot fliiping a bird???


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    How to pop and implant in one easy step.............


    OK, back to work for me!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    So I called my mom an hour ago.  Dad kept talking.  Finally says "I would let you talk to your mom but she isn't speaking to anyone."  WTF  I didn't call before her "silent deadline" so apparently I don't care about her hypersensitive bi-Polar ass.

    Then I went in search of DH out mowing only to twist my bum ankle and fall flat on my tiny fin and LE arm.

    Now I am going to pour drinks....................

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    happy mothers day ladies


    cammi-joey is such a treasure, he's growing into a fine young man

    lara-glad your doing better

    erin-go for the 2nd opinion and take notes! but here's the nurses voice,if you are going to do anymore micro vascular surgery you MUST give up smoking to give it the best chance of working

    jazzy-hi and you have to share cammi

    nm enjoy your day off, last day of mini vacation just chilling in room with a cider, went to animal kingdom today

    have a good evening everybody

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Hi girls, back again, had a nice day, took dogs for a long walk around a pond, then came home and got my veggies all done and planted in the earth boxes. Then DH made a fabulous linner or dunch whatever you call it, then I went in for a 2 hour nap. Now I'm up and he's sleeping and so are the dogs.

    Goldie, I still don't know whether I'm having lumpectomy or mastectomy. I have ILC which doesn't always show up on the assorted scans from what I've read, MO first said lumpectomy then last time was first she ever mentioned mastectomy. I guess ultimately it's up to me and i still have no idea what to do. I will see the surgeon in June and have an MRI so I'll try and figure it out then. I do know if they cut off one I'll have them cut off both. No point in reconstructing an almost A cup. I have at least 2 involved lymph nodes, so I'll be having a complete axillary dissection and rads for sure. Trying to read up and learn as much as I can before then. 

    NM I don't even set my alarm anymore, our GSD wakes up every morning at 5:30, lets us sleep maybe till 6 tops. Then once they get breakfast it's constant pacing and whining until they get out for their 1 hour walk…... every morning…… we have created monsters. If it's raining they go to doggie daycare…I can't believe it myself. Ah, but I luv em'. I also have a very vocal 18 lb cat that is sure he's a GSD, and he starts howling every morning at the first sign of life from the dogs….nope, no sleeping in around here. Enjoy your time off.

    Hi Jazzy, welcome.

    4sew, ouch hope your little fin is ok…have another drink.

    I started this post about 2 hours ago, oh and talked to my son and Nora rolled over today, then started rolling all over the living room, I'll get to see for myself on Tuesday. She's 4 months now.

    Lala, Juliet, Erin, Cammy, Princess..Sue, beanies…did I miss anybody?…cheers and have a good night.

    Gotta go cut my DH's hair now….later...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Genny u sound good and a rollover, that seems early to me but I do't remember that much anymore. Tuesday will be here before u know it.

    4 I hope u'r doing better and that was so nice giving Erin (as Lara put it) from China all that info.

    NM I'm glad u had some down time after that horrendous start for that poor  patient, OMG I'd be sick u are so perfect for what u do.

    Julie u had another good time this weekend????

    Goldie u've been having goofy weather for AZ now, watch those winds u'r so beautifully thin they'll blow u over--just be careful. Our weather til this afternoon was great but this crazy scary storm came in and wow it was not so good, now they're saying more later.

    Erin NM gave u some great tips for u'r dad--BTW can they possibly put a pump on him? Doesn't that automatically give u insulin or is that way out there. Our resident nurses will know

    Lara how are u doing all this stuff? I know u'r not feeling that well.

    OK LADIES I drank a glass of HOMEMADE red wine today but had to put ice in it, it's really strong, but it was so good and no headache from it. It's funny cuz who did I think of while drinking it--U GALS and I said Oh I can't wait to tell the girls on BCO this---No one understands any of this--why I would have to announce it.

    OK I don't want to miss anyone, but I did I know --Sue for one and I hope u had a decent evening--See I'm forgetting what I read now--my mind just went-I'm surprised I had it this long.

    But I LUBS U ALL U'R SUCH A WARM AND WONDERFUL GROUP AND OH OH BEANS, I'M NOT USED TO HAVING U HERE=OK maybe the wine did affect me--but I don't think so--BTW NM that DOTD sounds interesting, I like the taste of beer so I would mix different things just to see-remember the diet Dr. Pepper and beer--so good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!

    OK, item on the
    news.2 teenagers in a car crash, one
    dies.Now the 16 year old survivor, who
    apparently was the driver, is being tried formanslaughter and aggravated driving to endanger.The victim's name cannot be mentioned in the
    High School, some students have been given detention for that and wearing pink
    in her honor, or mentioning her on social media.Totally crazy.

    ORLA--yeah, that was
    one disgusting diaper to take off!

    4--great info for


    4--your mom has a
    "silent deadline"?Good

    Julie--I did enjoy
    my day off, got lots of little things done around the house, may not look like
    I did much but I feel good about what I did do!

    Genny--Amazing how
    well our furbabies can train us!I love
    GSD, the dog I had before Sadie was a GSD, Snookie, as was Brandy before
    Snooks.Just kinda worked out that way.Nothing wrong with a Lab, though!I got the giggles thinking about Nora rolling
    all over the living room!Independent
    mobility, now the fun begins!

    Cammy--I did gag
    when I was cleaning that man up, I rarely do that with just pee and poop.The ammonia smell was horrendous.Gotta talk to the team about getting him
    moved to a higher level of care, I think.

    About insulin
    pumps--my brother has one, has for several years now.Not for someone with dementia, too much to
    remember and manage.Brother has to
    remember when he filled the pump reservoir, keep track of how much insulin he
    gives himself with meals (he counts carbs to calculate how much insulin to
    take) and his base rate so he knows when to fill the pump again.The pumps do not yet automatically adjust to
    blood sugar levels, he has to check his blood sugars himself.He also has to change the needle site every
    48 or 72 hours, I forget which.He has
    to be able to recognize low blood sugar signs so he can turn the pump off
    temporarily so his blood sugar level can come back up (he's never had this
    happen but has to be able to manage it if it does).It takes months of logging blood sugar tests
    up to 10 times a day, including setting alarm for every few hours while
    sleeping.Lots of insurance paperwork
    and hoops to jump through.Assuming
    Erin's Dad is over 65 and on Medicare, he would have to pay out of pocket as
    Medicare does not cover insulin pumps.The whole process would cost $10K, plus the supplies every months would
    be a couple thousand dollars.Not
    workable out of pocket.

    On the other hand,
    there is a long acting form of insulin, called Lantus, that is given once a
    day, does not have a peak so less trouble with low blood sugars, is good for
    people who tend to run high.Usually
    have to use other insulin at meal times, but it can help take the altitude off
    the peaks.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Bloody Monkey

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz DeKuyper Sour
    Apple Pucker

    8 oz 7 Up

    1 oz Grenadine

    1 dash Ginger Ale


    Half-fill a highball
    glass with ice. Pour the grenadine around the inside of the glass and on top of
    the ice to give that bloody look to it. Next, add the vodka (more if you
    prefer), then the sour apple pucker. Add the ginger ale, and then fill with
    7-up. Garnish as desired, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning all.

    NM I had no idea it was that much or that complicated, I thought it dispensed when needed. U really need to be on top of that and I thought differently, I'm glad u explained it to me Thank you. I hope u have a quiet day at work today.. Good DOTD today.

    Did everyone sleep well? I hope so--I was wound up, but once I fell asleep I was really sleeping.

    OK Katie is wanting to walk all over the computer, means she's hungry so I'd better check her bowl.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning Loungettes!!  Dropping by with coffee............


    Gotta get cookin' this ayem!  unfortunately I mean literally!!  But wanted to drop in and say hey to everyone!  

    Especially Princess!  I hope you are getting some relief.  It is a tought decision only you can make about the chemo.  That being said, my two cents, which isn't worth a damn!  If you are that torn up physically and it isn't going to make that much of a difference, only a couple of percent, then I wouldn't do it.  I had decided with my oncotype what number in my head meant I would be ok doing chemo.  Unfortunately I turned up with some node problems :-)  After I started chemo I offered to do 6 instead of 4, more than once and my doc pulled out the comp and showed me all the doctory studies that showed nothing yet proved 2 more was going to do anymore good than the first 4. So go talk to them and sleep on it, then decide!

    Erin, I am not a doctor or a nurse, but I play one on Google!    Listen to Julie and STOP de damn SMOKING!!!

    Ok, I will ketchup wif everyone else poysonally really soon, promise!  DH just left for airport and I have the Double Doody again, plus too much woyke to do.  Ugh!

    In the meantime................


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    NM, that is very sad about your patient sitting in his own urine for 2 days. The poor man. Glad you were there to get him cleaned up. I hope you get your new puter soon, and can say good bye to Windows 8.

    La La, I miss having grass to mow. Correcting tests might be boring, but at least its a job.

    Dofey Wacko, my momm pulled a sugar stunt as well, but hers was terribly low, and what does she do....takes a shot of insulin! Thank God my son was there, she was able to call for him, she was able to get the word "sugar" out, and he got her some pop and candy. She could barely talk, and her eyes were rolling back in her head.

    LOL 4, I did see the bottles, but had to razz ya! Love that doctors last name! Toe flipping bird, funny. Sorry your mom won't talk to you, I remmember you mentioning that before. At least you tried, and it sounds like things are ok with your dad? And where was that Tender when you fell, he needs to be fired. He shouldhave been there to catch you. I sure hope you didn't make things worse.

    Julie, glad you could take time out of  your mini vay cay to pop in with a cider and a hello. Animal Kingdom, is that like a zoo?

    Genny, my diagnosis is pretty similar to yours. I had lumpectomy, but not really by choice. The surgeon came in and asked me (right before being wheeled into the OR) if I wanted lumpectomy or MX. It was after that that I went to Tulsa for all of my treatments. But anyways, I was scared thinking perhaps they should have done a MX, and they told me that chemo and radiation was as good as having the MX. NOt sure if I buy that, but hey, that's what they told me. I am 6 years clean. Little Nora is growing up. Before you know it, she'll be walking. Enjoy her tomorrow and give her lotsa kisses from us.

    Terrible story about the teens NM, an accident is just that, an accident. I just hope she wasn't texting or something.

    I'm trying to figure out what GSD is, but no luck. I googled it, German Shepard Dog. Ginny, I thought you had Maltese? Do you have both? And no NM, nothing wrong with a lab, especially Silly Sadie.

    Hmmmm Bloody Monkey......bloody interesting!

    Weather is still wacked (not to be confused with Wacko) across the country, have freezing temps here this morning, and yesterday's wind was awful. But I still managed to get some things done outside and DH and I covered all of our plants. Back to the grindstone Monday!

    Beans, are you going to sell the cabin?

    Glad I refreshed, or I would have bumped 4 and Cami into the pewl! Whew! But I might just push ya in anyways.....tee hee!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi Loveies happy moon day

    well I am going to be scoring test 8th and 10th grade science goes until the end of June

    Having a cold one now its 12 somewhere I am going nutty

    I am low on pills see my doc friday a beer helps somewhat lol

    my back and my ribs are killing me

    welcome to my life pain

    ill b in the perco fountain all day with the tenders bringing me drinks

    whos joining?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    good afternoon all, off to my massage shortly

    well nm finally calmed down enough to comment on the situation with that poor man,  thats neglect pure and simple,he's not making rational decisions,i hate to think how red his skin was,  mind some idiot in the uk a couple of years ago was pushing to ban all psychotropics drugs for the people with dementia,  my solution look after one all night and then decide if drugs are beneficial

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Slo day in the Lounge!!  I'm taking five from working, but getting back to the grind!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    oooo I'm going right behind that rock and waiting before I get my massage and sauna then go right back to the rock with him.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Hi Cami!  You are up late.  I'm still up working :0(  Just sitting down to rest the poor ankle for a few.  Hope you are having a good night!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    4--U'r ankle is going to get worse if u don't really keep it up, just one ankle 4--u don't need 2 in the air. I hope u can really rest now. U need to.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    I'm going to put my ankle in the bed now!!!  Since DH is on one coast and I am on the other at least I only have to keep one leg in the air tonight!!!

    Unfortunately, complements of chemo, it doesn't really matter if I elevate it or not and the hardware in it gives me tendonitis.  That is yet another surgery waiting to happen!!  Taking out the hardware.  But then I have to go back in the sexy air boot for 4-6 weeks.  So that is going to wait for winter!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OK 4---u'd better be sleeping now, u've been working enough. How in the hell do u do it?

    OK Soapbox=====All of u are so damn amazing -u just seem to carry on and work, and care about other people and their needs too. I know some struggle a lot , even mentally and yet u all just go about u'r days and business and take care of what needs to be taken care of like u'r recovering from a bad cold. I don't care how many months, years, or u'r still going thru treatments u'r all strong understanding women--with a wicked sense of humor for the next person to enjoy---U'r all wonderful.

    Even Wacko---Lori everytime u say those words I laugh, every time. LOL

    Lubs u all 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!

    Cammy--yeah, the
    insulin pump is great for flexibility, but needs a lot of work.Someday it will be more technological and be
    able to do more, but carb counting will probably always be part of the deal.

    4--hope the Double
    Doody isn't too bad!

    Goldie--I'm hoping I
    get my new 'puter soon, too, tired of this thing freezing up and dragging it's
    heels!Not sure what the story is with
    the car crash, prosecution is always a possibility when something like that happens.I'm wondering about the school disciplining
    students for mentioning the dead girl's name in the school.WTF is that all about?GSD = German Shepherd Dog when talking about
    dogs, Gun Shot Wound when talking medically.

    ORLA--test scoring,
    sounds like it could be either interesting or tedious work, but at least it's

    Julie--ooh, a
    massage, how wonderful!Psychotropic
    drugs can be overused, but sometimes they are just plain NECESSARY!I'm with you, that guy should take care of a
    person with dementia 24 hours a day for a week.He'll change his tune quickly enough.

    4--nice break

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is "The Two"

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cherry Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Just simply pour
    into a shot glass or any glass of small size will work. Pour the ingredients in
    any order that you wish.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    La La, are you going back for revisions, to try and help with all of that pain?

    Julie, as hard as you work and as hard as you are working out, you DESERVE that massage.

    LOL Cami, telling 4 she doesn't need both ankles in the air! And those words you spoke apply to yourself as well missy. You always bring a smile to my fack or just make me crack de hail up OUT LOUD!

    Prefer the dog version of GSD NM, instead of the medical one! I have 2 neighbors down at the corner, they're lots (40 acres) are right next to each other as are the driveways. The ones closest to me has a GSD, her name is Marley and they live here full time. The other one, they are weekenders and that is where I go see my little buddy. Well Marley's master messes with huge piles of compost, so I take all of my stuff down there, and any bone/meat scraps for Marley. Well, last week, I wanted to go to my lil buddy's house to see what all  his mom was making and bought for the party she was having, with all neighbors invited. I was then going to Marley's house to drop off some compost stuff and see what they were bringing. As I approached their property, but I was actually going to the other neighbors first, Marley come strutting down the driveway to greet me. Well, I kept going. She stopped and looked at me, like what? You passed me, you went too far. Then as I got out to open neighbors gate, she started to head further down the driveway. I got back in my ride to go up their driveway, she stopped at the end of her driveway and again was like. What are you doing, you are in the wrong driveway, I'm over here. It was so cute, and she just look so confused.

    Yep, quiet night in the lounge. Where is everyone. Hiding behind that rock? A lovely 29 degrees here this morning. We have the strangest weather in the mountains! I think I'll grab a Tender or Two and Two of The Two!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    4 you hurt your ankle that sucks

    keep posting the hotties

    yes goldie have not had MRI yet it i sthe day before the scoring project that I am going to do for work its temp but its money and gets me out of the house

    Hi Juliet

    wheres are china doll

    it was so hot fking hot yesterday I could not take it DH put the air in thank god

    poop in later


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    funny pictures

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hey girls, I wrote the below yesterday but did not hit submit. I will check in later, I have a consult with an attorney over Dr. Pricks behavior. I am not sure if the attorney will take the case, but I will at least have done my part in trying.  

    La La, congrats on yer new job, yippee! I admire how you go out and find these jobs in this difficult environment. Hope you get hooked up soonliest for more pain pills. My doc is weaning me down, chit.

    Lori, how scary for yer momma and her sugar plummeting. Low sugar is more dangerous than high. So glad your bro was there to help. I wish I knew the name of the tablets my Dad got for a quick bump of sugar when it drops like that. They are large orange chewable candy type things. Maybe NM or Julie know what I mean. Sorry bout yer crazy weather. We had a most glorious day yesterday and another today although a wee bit hot, we are at 86 and my AC is on.

    4, sorry about your Mom, I wish you could have a better relationship with her. But you did the right thing in trying to connect to her, you bese de bigger person. Tanks for the hot boys, yummmmmmy!

    Julie,glad you had a great time and got away for a bit. And tanks for de advise. but it is a secret that Erin smokes, shhhh. She is a serial quitter and currently quit.

    Princess, I am glad you are taking your time in weighing out your options with both treatment and decision on what to do to yer naughty bwest(s). I am praying for ya hun and hope you can get through everything without much pain and suffering. FURB! Going through treatment is de total pits and I hope and pray you all get through it without suffering. And don't foyget to dwink when ya can. Cheers!

    Genny, I also pray extra for you, I feel so bad for you goils. And mese Mema Sue, where she bese todey? Hopefully resting or dwinking or both!

    NM, how tragic that accident was. Life is so unpredicatable, makes me apporciate being alive when I hear stories like that. and OMG, are you able to report that neglect with the person sitting in their own pee n poo for days? That is just horrible. HOw's the mud? Are things drying out and warming up there? Give Sadie a pat on de head from Erin.

    Beanie, sounds like yer really biddy, try to stop n smell de wodka now and then goil. I lubs seeing you in de lounge! and yer posts are always so fun to read, you find de best pix to go with de post. HOpe de weather nice for ya.

    Cam, ~gasp, Lori was gonna push ya in de pool for giggles? Shame on her. I know you, you don't git mad, you get even. How ya feeling doll? Me hope you were able to go out and have fun with yer goils and leave the dern D at home. I lubs ya, did ye know that?

    I hope you all had a great mother's day! I did, we worked hard in the yard and then relaxed by de pool last night. Dis truly mese faborite time of year. .Have a wunderfoil day! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mommy's Day!  I am suffering from MAJOR headache.  Has been getting worse this last week as I have been decreasing my Decadron.  Complained in Vegas yesterday, they think it's cuz too soon too much reduction in the roids.  So just called the RO in St George, waiting for a call back, but need to go get on the heat pad.  I will catch up when I git this headache under control.

    Lubslubslubs you all!!