how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone

    Oh Sue I'm sorry u headaches are so so so bad. that's horrible-

    Lori I think u and I LOL at each other the most just with a few words.

    NM I like the DOTD today, I think, now I can't member

    Lara we put the a/c on yesterday and I was freezing I here, we don't have it on today and I'm freezing in here, so far I wear a blanket around me all the time.

    Erin good for u for non-smoker I give u lots of credit, cuz I still smoke--When my Onc told me a few months ago why bother quitting now, Instead of me saying OMG why do u say that--I said Oh OK. I know I'm bad, I've always lived on the wild side as u all have seen.

    I've been so busy working lately, it's crimping my style for getting on here. but it season change time so A/C's are going big time and people moving so inspections are being done. I didn't know I'd actually have to work with this job. The really bad thing is I can't read my own handwriting people talk so fast and I only ask once sometimes twice for repeat, plus so many accents- They're finishing their whole spiel and I am saying OK now will u spell u'r first name-OK MIKE that's how bad it is. Boy will I be fired soonlyest.

    Lubs u all  BBL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    hey girls, happy twosdey night! it is a beautiful night here, currently 55 degrees, de birds are singing dere songs. I am hoping to have a fire a little later. There is nothing more I love than having a fire in my yard next to the opened pool with flood lights. I stole some lights from my Christmas tree and put them around a small patio area. I been biddy biddy with planting, STILL. I went craaaaazy at de garden market. well enough about me now.

    Sue, dahling, so so sorry ye having these nasty head aches. I jest went inside mese church in mese office, dat is jest a photo of mese church, nontheless I close my eyes and put meseself dere virtually and jest pray. I pray that you feel better at dis moment or before cuz you aint no deserve to have to suffer. FURB, I hate de RB. It jest not fair that bad tings happen to good people. YOu keep on fighting goil, you gonna whip de RB and toss him to de curb, k? Hugs to ya ((((SUEbHoney))))). 

    4, sorry about the ankle, why chit chit chit! hope it feeling better todey. 

    Camille, dahling, you stop putting yerself down, I jest know you do a wonderful job for your hot employer/nephew (?) and that he has to really appreciate your passion for the job. You are not jest a messenger, you are part of his team and I betcha that his clients are happier with his services sincen you came along to help. So shut up, you do great, I jest know dis to be twu. Why, cuz mese knows most tings lol, who am me kidding? And for de record, I also struggle with my own writing. I used to have pretty nice penmanship but that changed with my current job. I have always been in such a hurry that I write very fast and now I struggle to write neatly. It is annoying as I have issues with writing and signing greeting cards, I can't write pretty if I try! It does not make us bad people so you jest chut up and stop putting yerself down. You need to gibs yerself more credit goil. lecture over, mese apologeeze if me sound rude in any form. You know mese, Wacko Erin W for white cuz I am dis week,  jest lubs de hail outta ya ((((Camille))))! 

    bdw, I luv being Chinese. and more, Erin W luved that NM translated. Here is a message for you NM, it is poysonal, k? 

    我非常感激,我們是朋友。我愛你是你所得到的肥皂盒。乾杯. which bdw again, I am fluent in turdteen langwitches. lol. I crack my darn self up! 

    Lala, those pics are a widdle disturbing to mese, are dem animals having sex? Yikes lol. Come out and partay with me sis! I miss ya. I wuz jest about to ask you Who is China doll but I tink I fingered it out. me, Erin Soo, (again, SOo is pernounced SUE like Mema Sue or sue de doctor). 

    to my goils in treatment, Mema, PRN and Genny, me praying so much for you ladies, I ask God to keep you all comfy and to get you all through this quicklee and painlessly as possible. BarMEN, err dat means Amen here at de lounge.

    speaking of SOO and SUE and Sue, mese feeling optimistic about mese attorney visit todey. Court will be in de year 2018 if I git dere. dis guy ain't gonna settle! I shant say too much on de subject, is that correct Cammy Legal Esq? lol. 

    I jest lubs ye goils. I feeling good. Well gottsta git back to my planting. tonights plan is to actually take the four rhodos I planted out front, pull one out of there then spread the other three wider AND pull dem about 6" more away from mese house. I am a gardening guru but a dumb guru too hehe.

    chEErs ladies. big eARS and hiccup~~ PEACE OUT!  


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OMG Erin Soo (as in Sue-ZQ's) I din't know u spoke Chinese--Wow isn't that Mandarin tho? (Tho as in Wacko)

    And u'r right don't speak about anything that u talk to u'r lawyer bout unless u'r in a well lit room and make sure there are no wires anywhere and watch out for the tiny little cameras that are put in Buddha bellys too. Not even in Chinese.

    Sue I hope u feel better with those headaches, u've been thru to much, I hate that for u.

    Princess and genny--u'r more than 1/2 way thru right? I hope?

    I've been so busy with the phone the last couple of days so I don't get here to much and I end up tired from talking and trying to hear these crazy people. It's the season change, that's why.

    I LUBS u all-----


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Hey hey hey....fat SuzQt is baaaack.  And no headache...yahooooooooooooo!  Now ask me if mese has had some alcamahol...yeppers!! But really....bout 1p it eased up...took pooches to doggie park...walked 2 laps around da park.  Not much but sumpin.  Now been reading and reading and LOL!  You bwesties are da bestest at improving my mood...alcamahol or not..tis fib.

    Hey a newby - welcome to da HTL Jazzy!  Hope ya pull up a bar stool and hang out for awhile.  ya already kno Cami loves it here, so lemme git da tenders to soive ya ur fav beverage...uh...what is it anyway?

    Cami dahhhlink, I feel ya hugging me..twuly I do.  Homemade red wine...and no kinda wine.  My DD told me USA puts sulfides in wine which gibs da headache, but not so in mayb dis is Y wif homemade? idk.  And listen up Lady C - u go thru a ton a chit too and still make time for us and always so upbeat...quit wif da self-degradement ya hear.  You make mese smile/lol every single day and I lubslubslubslubs you cuz of everything you are.  MUAH!!

    JeanBeanius - UGH - no show and den a jerk arse dude..oye vey is right..hate dat chit!!  Ya really tink it was a brown recluse pidey bite?  Dat was some time ago and u still hab a red spot?  Is it open?  Or is it healing now?  U makin me askeerd goilfriend.  Our weather nutzo lately too.  It da wind dat make me cwazy.  But den agin mese 'tude been weird mese is short fused and wanna biatch slap peeps around me, tell em to 'piss off' like ur post.  Not mese fwends, jes other peeps gittin on mese last noive...ugh.  So anything new on Hoth? 

    Lowwweeee - uh huh...we fight to da def to keep our Cami...but mese don't tink she leave us for all da tea in china.  Wind here too and ya kno how mese hates it.  How is da fight wif ur allergies?  Gotta say dat Moms Day Martooni sounds yum yum.  LMAO about Marley, but u didn't say...did u ever stop and gib her sumpin?

    NM - Kno this is old but - WTF on both the teen accident and the dementia pt!!!  Jes makes me shake my head at how peeps can be about things.  Glad u are there for the latter and hope he gets moved to better care.  Mayb I missed it, but did u git ur new puter yet?

    Julie - sounds like u had a wonderful mini-vacay.  Thanks for the warm thoughts and prayers too.

    Lara - glad u got some work and that things better on home front.  Wish u didn't have to suffer pain da rest of da week tho.  Alcamahol!!  Yea yea...dat da ticket, well ifin ya don't hab da any willie?  ((Lara))

    4 - I saw all dem bottles too and dey made mese berry berry thirsty.  Lubbed da 'toe birdie', but liked his arse (all da arses u post) da bestest.  Well den I see da video of da 'implant pop'....even dh stole a peek at dat one...we both lol.   Sad to hear bout ur, but u did reach out..jes u da bigger person.  Not happy u fall down on ur fin and twisting da bad ankle...hope youse muchly better now. 

    Genny - WOW WOW WOW...u hab a dh dat cooks...sharezies!! j/k...sooo glad u had a nice Mom's day.  Ohhh widdle Nora rolling over and over...too cute.  U are smart to go double m if u and ur doc decide that is best course.  Still praying for you as you continue ur tx.  (((G)))

    Princess - mese tinks me spied you on dat other thread I mentioned...anything helpful?  Still praying for you too (((P)))

    Erin Sooo - mese lubs u new langwitch...cwacking mese up.  I want to be around ur fire wif u tanite....I can jes picture da lights around ur patio too...waaaaaa.  Tank u from de bottom of mese fart for sending prayers may way from ur chapel.  It worked cuz I no hab no headache now.  Am weely weely fercited dat u had a bisit wif an atty...and yea, prolly a goot idea u not say much on public forums.  And ifin mese forgot to happy u finally Sue da pants off dat ps diq!!!

    Da RO called back...wants me to take a full Decadron every day until my f/up with him on the 29th.  So I did and in about 3 hours my headache eased and now barely noticeable.  I also wanted to let you all kno that they gave me some Benadryl and a anti-nausea in my T-DM1 drip.  Slow drip for 90 minutes...then they wanted me to stay there for another 90 minutes, but because mese a model pt and mese had NO REACTION...they let me go after 30 min watch.  Did I tail u dis already...mese memory still foggy. one on June 2nd and will only be 30 mins...woohoo!

    OK....dis is past mese bedtime so gonna sign off...wish I cud really dwink dwink dwink...but not a good idea so I really being a good girl.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS all ya'll a TON....MUAH MUAH MUAH and WEBK's going out to each of you!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014


    oh ooopsies, sawry. I trying to read de aforemansioned posts but mese seeing bass ackwards n squinty eyed. hehe, get it? Me Erin SOO, sooo sqinty eyed from dwinking and mese nationalitee too. hehe. ~hiccup~ cheers. ohh ioneda me willikers. burp. oh sorry bout dat, me bin dwinking some. be back in a quick minuto, not to be funcused with a minuet tehehehehe ~hicc~ 



    1. 1.
      past participle of drink.


    1. 1.
      affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior.

      "he was so drunk he lurched from wall to wall"

      synonyms:intoxicated, inebriated, inebriate, impaired, drunken, tipsy, under the influence; More


    1. 1.
      a person who is drunk or who habitually drinks to excess.
      synonyms:drunkard, inebriate, drinker, tippler, imbiber, sot; More
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    me I and meseself, is: 

    inebriate, impaired, drunken, tipsy, wopsided! tehehe~boyp~ burp, oops making typos. ya know why????????? ha, me do too! chEARs! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    My First Good Morning everyone---I've been up washing clothes and smellin' pretty. I have no idea yet what the weather will be like her but right now it's cold, I don't just have my blanket around me, I have a sweater too. We'll see.

    Well as usual Miss Soo I don't know what u'r talking about with nouns, verbs and stuff but then again English, spelling was never on top of my list as we all know. But I'm sure someone will totally understand and appreciate it.

    Sue I hope u'r still without u'r headache and now they're advertising Botox for migraines===hmmm different approach--But if I had them I know I'd try anything--I don't get many but I have noticed when I get them they are really rough, it was never like that, getting older holds on to things.

    Oh I feel like it should be Friday or at least Thursday--Oh well I hope everyone has a great day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?Chilly, supposed to rain again

    Goldie--poor Marley,
    so confused!So good to say on in her
    own driveway, too.I can just picture
    that whole thing!

    ORLA--Hooray fro
    getting the air in the house!Being able
    to breathe is good!Awwww, so cute the
    baby furries growing up friends!

    Erin--Good for you
    for seeing a lawyer about Dr Prick.SOMETHING should be done about him.Hope the lawyer and you hit it off and he takes the case.Those tablets are glucose tablets, they come
    in various forms, flavors and colors, I think the orange is most common.It also comes in a gel in a tube, sort of
    like toothpaste, even easier to swallow when the brain is cloudy from low
    glucose levels.The big thing to
    remember is that the insulin effect lasts longer than the sugar effect, if you
    are treating someone with low blood sugar you need to keep an eye on them for a
    couple of hours, and may need to keep giving sugar to keep the level from
    dropping again.We used to teach people
    to use sugar to get the blood sugar up, and when the person was able to eat and
    drink without danger of choking to give them a snack with carbs and protein, so
    the sugar level would stay up and not roller coaster so much.I have reported that incident over the
    weekend to the powers that be in my organization, who are talking with
    management at the Assisted Living Facility. Can't really report them to state
    licensing, since they were following their own rules to not touch a person who
    says "no" to care.State
    sanctioned neglect is what I call it, but no one is asking me.It is finally warming up here, and Sadie is
    happy to be able to go in and out during the day while I'm working. She's
    supervising the entire neighborhood, and is one tired pup by bed time!

    Mema--OUCH!Hope you get the 'riods dose back up

    Cammy--I can imagine
    how challenging some of the accents can be!I often let someone spiel along, and then go back over things and take
    notes the second time around.After they
    get the stuff out once they often calm down and can slow down so I can
    understand them.But that's emotionally
    upset people, may not help with accents.

    Erin--I'm glad
    someone loves it when I get up on my soapbox!I know I feel better after a soapbox session.(Google translate is soo cool!)

    Mema--Sulfides are
    used to sterilize wine making equipment (including the bottles) and is
    sometimes added to wine to stabilize it for commercial use.There should be notation of sulfite use
    somewhere on the label, but it is just easier to get imported wine.ALTHOUGH, there is some natural sulfite in
    somered wines no matter where they are
    from, and sulfites can trigger migraines and other kinds of headaches. Homemade
    wines are best, you will know exactly what's been used to make it, and it
    tastes GREAT!I love making wine.No new 'puter yet, brother wasn't feeling
    good so didn't drive up last weekend, maybe this coming weekend, we'll
    see.Just a matter of time, and for the
    price I can be patient!And HOORAY for
    no reactions to the drip!Good for you!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Sugar Kick

    1 tbsp Triple Sec

    1 splash Sprite

    2 oz Cranberry Juice

    2 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 tbsp Grenadine

    1 oz Sweet and Sour


    Combine in a glass.
    Add ice, shake well, and serve with a cherry, a lemon (dipped in sugar), and a

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    soo I like that then sue k? You are seeing a lawyer I tred with dick more no one would take it hard to prove bullshit I had my records and everything that clearly state what happened but can they prove the pain after the overfill then going 4 months no boobs the over fill was his fault the nurse who did it I never saw againthis gut built a million dollar home here and was brough up on chargeres for giving injections that were not approved yet. I hate PS they think their work is never wrong your ok and a revision god no. they are perfect fking doctors lets keep them swamped. Do not trust any docs chit I get shaky sitting in front of one because they all lie oh this procedure is simple u will b back to work tomm wtf no ass I will not b like for them to go throughthis chit as

    k done rantine

    mema I got pill smy big refill is friday so I am good

    sorry about your head heres a head massage sending a tender

    Hi NM its going to rain here all weekend

    Cam yup ove the air on I get so red from the heat and my arm swells hate it I love joey he is just so sweet to you an angel

    I might get a dog still deciding

    Hi to everyone I read quick then forget bbl



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    funny pictures

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Morning Girls!


    I like turtles, but dat one kinda ugly!!'

    Wonder what this dude will catch??


    ok, going to reread and ketchup quick!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Cute cub pics Lala, and they are not having sex Wacko, they are babies, they are playing. Get your mind outta de gutter!

    An attorney? I can't wait to hear.

    LDB, I sure hope you get something for that damned headache...SOB! (((((Sue))))) Oh yippee skippee, it's gone! Now for it to stay away! Glad you got to the park with Bella and Bax.

    Baby Girl, I NEVER laf at you, I laf WITH you. And no, we don't need to say too much. I love you like crazy! Oh I hear ya wif the accents and fast talkers. I tell them whoa whoa whoa, slow down. And the accents, I tell them it's a little hard to understand them with that beautiful accent they have. And some of them are just a southern accent. But they are so strong.

    Can we see your flowers ErWacko? Atty not going to settle and it may take until 2018, is dat all we get? Regardless, I'm so glad you went! Are you not allowed to talk about it? How often will you see him. Is he cute? I'm thinking there are other docs besides de diq that shood be sued, as it seems you had several. And you my friend are not dumb. You tell Cami not to bust on herself.

    Sue, I went over to Marley's house after I left the other neighbors house, but I did not have anything for her at that time, cept some nice rubs and telling her what a sweet girl she is. My allergies are nil and gone for the season. So, looks like you had your first chemo? Well, of this kind! That benedryl always knocked me out, glad you got to leave early. How many of these do you get total. And they no makka you sick, right?

    NM, glad you could see my story unfolding as it happened with Marley. It really was cute. I will let my son know that he needs to keep an eye on her for a couple of hours if this happens again. They are not in a shortage of sweets over there! So I don't think there is a need for glucose tablets! But I will tell her about those as well. Ize foygot you were a wine conasuer. Have you made any lately? That's def. a sugar kick drink, think I'll put some wodka in mine.

    LMAO, love that "ass" joke/cartoon Cam. Really LOL!

    La la, a puppy? What kind do you think you will look for?

    Nice tooshy there 4, I'd go fishin wif him! Yep, da booze isle it is!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    LMAO 4!!

    ErWacko - (love it Lori) you was dwunken last nite..heehee.  Did u git a fire going too?  Ya didn't fall out and land in da pit did ya? 

    Cami - I've heard about the botox for migraines.  Wonder if it is cheaper if prescribed by a doc for headaches and not cosmetically?  I think it shud b end of week too, seems like it a long one.  LMAO wif da ass thinkin he a camel..too funny!

    NM - well I hope brother gets to feeling better and can bring ur new puter up this weekend.  Yea yea, that is the splanation my kids gave me about the sulfides.  They are huge wine drinkers.  Me, between the acid reflux and the headaches, I rarely embibe.  But I have other choices...woohoo.  But I'm being a good girl and limiting myself to moderate.  Took my 'roid about 5 this ayem...then layed on heat pad for about an hour...woohoo no headache.

    Lara - OK good, least u have sumpin to help da pain.  Thank u soo much for da tender, he gibs good head...rubs.  A new pooch...yay.  I can't imagine not having a pooch...brings me so much joy.  Dat a big turtle...OMG.

    4 - mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm   He can catch me anyday!!!  LOL on the booze aisle.  How is your ankle and fin today?

    Lowee - yay da allergies gone for the season.  Worried bout you with all the winds lately.  I figured u gib Marley some attention...she sounds so precious.  I don't kno how many treatments, but at least til 1st PET re-scan in August.  And there are some se's like nausea, bone/muscle aches, increased liver enzymes, decreased platelet, red & white blood cells, fatigue.  But will be doing labs every week to keep eye on liver and platelets.  But all in all - se's nothing like TCH I had in '11.   Also found out I've been taking the wrong kind of magnesium.  I've been taking mag/citrate and still suffering from muscle spasms...supposed to mag/sulfate.  So will be getting some of that and mayb some potassium too.

    OK...must get mese ewwa in gear.  Errands to run today.  Hope everyone has a GR8 HUMP Day!Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll to da moon and back!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    For the Fabulous and always lush smelling Miss Cami!!

    Sometimes I amaze myself, other times I can't remember what day it is.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    Glad the treatment is going pretty good!  I will try to keep you all laughing and keep the eye candy coming!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Thats the snapper turtle

    nice first pic 4 yea booze is always something I can remember

    I want a pug they are so cute, but DH says they eat their own poop gross

    Mema now we have ton sof tenders

    hugs everyone

    hi goldie u have allergies?

    Yes I want to know abouWinkingt the lawyer erin soo

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Gib me sum drinks...will pass on any hot men for now. Maybe some day I'll get that feeling back, but I won't hold mese breath.

    Lala, make sure the pooch pics you, not visa versa. Eating its own poop, I think I would pass on that one too. I'm partial to Malteese, Shepherds and Chows.

    Sue, you got it goin on girl. You up on ebberyting you are going tru. Ize admire ye foy dat! Praying for ALL GOOD BLOOD WORK for you and NO NAUSEA. But you hab Willie Nelson to hailp you wif dat.

    We hab to leave at 4 in the morning, meaning I have to git my EWWA up at 3, so ize ready. WE ARE GETTING OUR TRUCK BACK...FINALLY! So need to drive to Phoenix and back, 8 hours round trip, then pack and get orders out when we get home. SOOOOO, I will NOT be here in the morning, and I will see all of you dwunks Fried Day Morn. So drink on.....

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014 trip.

    Sue..glad you are hanging in.

    Erin...keep pushing on the attorney and don't forget that phone call to the MD.

    4..thank you so much for the lovely eye newly minted husband is lean and lovey like that..I a lucky girl..

    NM..thanks for your opinion. And hope you get you "dumputer" soon.  Also, I am late to chime in but that was complete and total neglect. So absolutely unacceptable for "care". Shame on them.

    Genny..thinking of you and hoping Miss Nora is making you smile.  she makes me smile.

    Juliet...happy to ya, as my niece used to say!

    Cami..that Joey is just the best.  

    Lara..I think pugs are cute too I really like puggles and french bulldogs. Congrats on the new job too.

    Ok..I have decided.  I am done with Taxotere and Carboplatin.  My legs are swollen to the lower thighs and I am taking a diuretic every other day.  May fingers tips are numb and some are even swollen from the nerve inflammation.  They hurt to the second knuckle still. If this is my base after 20 days between cycles I would have very severe damage to my hands I fear.  I will continue with Tamoxifen or whatever they give me and the Herceptin.  I will plan on the 6 weeks for rads too.  Thank you all for the words of support and comfort.  I am hoping this will do for me to remain healthy.

    hugs to you all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    Not that it means a damn, but I would do the same thing.  When the risks outweigh the bennies, it's time to move on.  That's why I didn't do the red devil because it was such a small difference in the "predicted" outcome.  You are gonna be just fine!!  Hopefully rads will be easier on you.  I didn't find them bad at all and the techs and I always found something to laugh about so even the drive everyday was worth it!  Tammy isn't bad either!

    Ok ladies, I have put off the dishes long enough.  Must get to work if I want my kitchen to sparkle.  Or at leas not grow anything that will kill anyone!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OMG I missed a whole day----- I was working and then I felt so sick and ice cold so I covered myself with 4 covers and slept--good thing my phone was quiet the rest of the day--but I would have picked up emails--then my Joey cam home and saw me and He held me in his arms to warm me up (like I'm the baby) and got me another cover and made sure I was totally covered, I couldn't stop shivering so he rubbed my back --I know I talk about him to much but he just takes care of so much for me- I know I still have my infection so I blame everything on that, then I feel bad cuz others have so more  going on than me I should be fine with whatever, but I come here to complain---only a few people (like u gals) know what a big baby I am.

    Lori u leaving again??? Damn--be safe

    Sue I hope u'r headaches are done with u. Wow u'r going thru so much. (((HUGS)))

    OK I slept a lot of the day so who knows how my night will go? I hope there's good TV --Oh I'm going with my GF for our nails tomorrow = I hope they can make them look 1/2 normal, we'll see.

    OK I'll check back later


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is every one this dreary
    ayem?Gonna be showery all weekend, I
    guess.Of course it is, I finally get a
    whole weekend off and it's gonna rain!

    ORLA--you're gonna
    get the rain all weekend, too?Such
    fun.WOW!BIG turtle!

    4--catch and

    Goldie--haven't made
    any wine recently, got a jug ready for bottling, trying to decide what to make

    Mema--Moderate is
    better than the alternative, either direction, IMHO!Having choices is good, too.

    ORLA--lots of dogs
    eat their own poop, it's not a breed specific thing.Keep the poop cleaned up and it's no

    Goldie--have a good
    drive, hooray for getting the truck back, and happy order packing!

    PRN--I think you've
    made a good decision in stopping the Taxotere and Carboplatin, and I pray the
    sweliing and pain reverse for you.

    Cammy--I don't care
    how mild something is compared to someone else, when you are shivering with
    chills and cold it feels MISERABLE!And
    its not being a baby to say so!Sweet Joey,
    takes such good care of you.Hope you
    feel better soon.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Bulldog Cooler

    2 oz Cointreau

    4 oz Gin

    1 1/2 oz Water

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Pour the gin,
    cointreau, orange juice and water into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice
    cubes. Shake well, and strain into a highball glass. Fill with water, and

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Cam joey is a doll ok well you all know cam and I love spooky things and believe in things

    so I had a dream last night someone was kissing me on the cheek I felt it and then a sign that said your life is going to change so I called my italian mom who belives in these things she has really weird things happen to her she said it was my guardian angel kissing me I said is it good or bad she said good because og the kissing it was so real I asked DH if he was doing it I actually felt them, so I went to my dads and they were going through all these old books that were in the barn they smell old to I took a couple that looked interesting I briefly went through some so my scary movies I started thinking mybe the books are connected I should noyt of opened the books my mom said there is no connection

    when my mom was sick her aunt phyllis had died years ago left behind three children weel when she was sick she would see aunt phyllis sitting in this chair where my mom would recover on the couch byth is chair cam knows the italians have stories and stories but every time through chemo anything she sees aunt phyllis. Th eitalians and I am sure other people due but they kkep th ecards given out at the funerals so one day aunt phyllis came to my mom she wasnt ssick she was doing the dishes and felt someone behind her it was her so she thought something ad was going to happen she called her sister it was phyllis b daythat day

    k hope I didnt scare anyone

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    cami. Beautiful soul in that Joey!  Feel better soon. And feeling crappy from anything is still feeling crappy. 

    NM.. Already been raining two days here and in the lie 50's. 

    muga scan and MO appointment. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Princess, Good Luck on the scan and with the MO.

    LaLa, Cool Dream.  Hope you are feeling good!

    Cami, Joey is a doll!  I got one kinda like that too and the girl child!  Sure hope you feel better soon.  Do they need to try a diff antiB??  Chills are awful.  When I got the infection and lost my fin I had one night I just could not get warm in between hot flashes.

    NM, Yup, rainin here too.  Good for the flowers, bad for pressure system headache it brings.  Hopin your brother is feeling better and you get your puter soonliest.

    Lori, Travel safe!  Good news bout the truck.  

    Genny!  How's Little Nora?  How are you doing?  Drop us an update when you can.

    Julie, Glad you had fun on the mini vacay and that back to work hasn't been too rough

    Cyn, you working too hard.  Pop in and say hey.

    Mema, glad for less SEs and for the headaches gone.  I don't like roids either, but you gotta do what a girls gotta do!  Glad that they figured out the muscle spasms.  Wonder if that is why I am getting them everywhere.  I had MO check all my levels and everything was normal, well not me mind, but everything else!  And about the wine...Sulfates....Would that be the same kind of thing in Sulfa drugs???  Just wondering cuz wine and I don't get along and I have trouble with any Sulfa drugs.  Can't have Gin or anything with juniper either.

    ErinWhackaDoodle.....where you be????  Did the tornado out near Kansas get you or did P. Rick send someone to kidnap you to shut you up??  Check in girl!

    Did we already scare off the new girl???  Cami, where did your friend go??

    I think that's everyone, iffin not I'm sorry!  Really tired this week.  I mean really tired.  That's unusual for me, but something is kicking my tail fin.  Gotta get back to work.  Might actually make it to the jacuzzi tonight.  It's just a tub NM, I wish it were a real hot tub!!!

    LUBS LUBS LUBS to all!!!  Have a good day.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    I caught the tender stocking the bar!!
