how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hi girls, Happy Thirstdey! 

    Camille, that Joey is such a dear. And you do not talk about him too much, he is a big part of your life and speaking for all of us, we just love to hear Joey stories. Iffin I was not so old, I would marry that boy! He is just a doll. I sure hope you get to feeling better. Hate the chills more than anything, it is miserable as it gets. 

    Princess, OMG, you poor sweetheart, it sounds like the cocktails are whipping de chit outta of your entire body. I have to agree with your decision, especially since NM agrees, she sometimes lends me her brain tehehe. but really, I said a special prayer for you and hope those terrible se's go away soonliest. You need to get back to drinking, not hurting. Your poor little fingers, I feel your pain ((((({Princess))))))). 

    4, how is your twisted fin today? You cracked me up stating that Dr. PRick mighta abducted mese to shut me de hail up. You funny....I love the tenders you put up, oh hail yes baby!! 

    Lara, your story sorta creeped me out yet I tink it is berry cool. I do believe in the spirits and have not yet gotten to experience a visit. I say no more cause it haunts me to tink about it. I hope someting good happens to you. And NM is right about chit eating dogs. I have had four of the same breed in mese life time and only one was a chit eater, it is nasty but did not make me stop loving my chit eater! I think a dog would be great for you. Well I tink eberyone needs a special pet, I could not live without a doggie. nope, not for a day. I say no more. 

    NM, I tink the entire US is having chitty weather. We are under flood watch for friedey, uh. We do not need the rain, wish we could sent it to dry areas that need it. If only it wuz that easy! I know you will make the best of a rainy weekend. A weekend off with rain is better than a weekend on call anydey, right? 

    Speaking of, sooooo, mese went to see mese Dr yesterday, wuz supposed to git released to work on friday. Well he tink I need to be out another six weeks. It is bitter sweet....I do not want to go back, ever but I need to start bringing home a full salary to make ends meet. And finally, my disability was approved yesterday, oh tank God. I wuz soooo nervous. I been living off my savings and mese liquid assets about gone. I was planning on letting mese mortgage overdraw onto my credit card so that I can keep at least a few thousand in the bank. Tankfully, my paycheck should hit before the mortgage payment hits, I just paid online yesturday. I have never been late in all mese years of home ownership but wuz getting so nervous, coming up on six weeks without paycheck.  If anyone wants details of mese disability, feel free to PM me. Same goes for the Dr. Prick suit.  I aint never sued anyone in mese life and I do not like it, makes me feel like a gold digger. But so much pressure from mese family. I hope I do not regret this. 

    So who did I miss? Julie, where you bese hiding? You in the chocolate drawer and git yer head stuck there tehehe? I miss my goils when they do not report. I missing Lowri but happy she gitting her ride back!! Wooop wooop! Speaking of.....if anyone here remember when I was rear ended back in august 2012 and the dude begged me not to call de police? Well I got a letter from my insurance company yesterday that they are still trying to collect mese deductable. So I thought, hmmm, I gonna call this guys dad's house cuz I know he skeered of his dad. I call and left a message stating if he does not contact me by end of business friday, I will  be filing a police report. Dude owes me only 250.00 but get this..... when I googled his name for the phone number, oh boy, I found a string of crimes and arrest records. And I thought he was a sweet gay man. oh boy, I learned though. De next time a goil rear ended the DorKy, she called de police. Ebery ting was on the up and up with that young goil but lesson learned about not calling police. Ya see goils who wuz not here back then, I had three accidents in three months which NONE where my fault. The third one, a butt head in a Hummer backed into me at a light. He went over the line and did not see me behind him, 6k in damage. He begged me not to call police then tried to lie and say I hit him. Well tank God for little black boxes in de cars cuz I could have easliy proven who hit who. He did fess up. But goils, let it be a lesson, if ANYONE Hits you and it is dere fault, do CALL the police. NO more Miss nice Erin, nooooo waay. Lesson for todey is over. tehehehe. 

    Ok, I gotta go. Mese has lots of home work for project SPRICK meaning sue P Rick. From here on out be known by that name. I gotta let reports, dr notes, phone logs, pathology reports from two hospitals and so on. Lots to do to keep mese ewwa busy and out of trouble for de next six weeks whilst mese recover.  

    Peace goils and lots of love to each of you. It took me a half hour to read from where I left off and me just smiled so many times, stopped and bowed mese head in prayer, and laughed too. YOu goils are de bwestest fwends a goil could have. I tank each of you for being here and being mese fwend. Amen, barMen, hicccup!! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning all--- I hope everyone has some kind of decent day today.

    Altho everyone seems to have so much going on and not so good either.

    Lara u know I think like u--that was a good dream BTW, it was a good feeling I don't feel haunted by stories or things people say they see or feel--it's very interesting to me. I actually took a course in this stuff years ago--haha I think it   was called See how crazy u are--and I passed with flying colors.

    NM it's raining here too and damp --not fresh spring rain but more like winter rain--Ilike u DOTD oday and I'm always glad u have a weekend off.

    Princess especially with all u'r going thru I of course agree with NM--that's just to much.

    Oh I just took a phone call, so I have to get back to work---but I don't feel so good today so it might be the weather too????

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    LOL i knew you woul dlike that story cam

    erin yes creepy but it was so real I felt someone kissing my cheek

    of course i call everyone in th efamily they think im nutty whatever

    tomm is pain doc day sweating I am so scared I wonr get my pills 100 plus because I test bad but I told her about that not drking a lot of water i see her at 9 cross fingers

    soo ill mail u some if I could I would I think they would arreest me

    I know your weening off not me I need them hopefully MRI an dultrasound will tell what needs to b done seem sth eimplant shifted chit IDK idf I can handle being under again

    Im walking getting strong because if thats the case ill b down for a month

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    sorry I type fast and do not correct having a beer to well this is my third

    I ran into a old friend of mine we might b starting are ownclening bix did that years ago I am going to file for disability

    I just do not habe a go get it and more I am still doing testing but thats temp

    hugs 4 nic emen excuse me penis sory in la la land


    Once I get results ill call u big sis need uSillyHeartopionion

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    oh and on twitter draculas castle is for sale for the right price erin u better get on that u can b a millonaire for the papers

    I think they will take 50 mil

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    GR8 day for me yesterday.  This morning all good too wooohooo!!

    Thanks 4 - I'm lubbing da hail of da hard arses...heehee.  My's sulfites in wine...xcuse mese misspell, so I don't think they are the same thing.  And I tried to find mag/sulfite...only mag/oxide and mag/citrate.  Will have to check out GNC or sumpin.  It just occurred to me, I have been taking Hyland's PM Leg Cramp pills on and off for several years.  Sold OTC at Walgreen's.  Basically homeopathic made from the chinchona bark.  It relieves the cramping in my feet/calves that comes on at night sometimes.  They have a PM and a regular daytime product.  Maybe we shud both check that out instead of trying the mag or potass supplements speshally ifin ur levels are good.  Hmm, sumpin to tink aboot. 

    Lara - I didn't kno that about the pugs.  But someone at doggie park sed there is a pineapple based doggie treat/pill you can find in pet stores that they say stops them from eating chit.  Mite do some research on it so u can have da poochie u want.  I too believe in da spirits, I kno I have been visited by my mom several times since her passing and I do FEEL her touch me. 

    Lowee - n willie, that will help.  You bese really careful tamary going to Phx and back.  Dat a looonnnngggg day.  But glad dh is getting the truck back.  Muah!

    Prn - Makes sense to me too.  Glad you've made a decision.  Getting to that point can be hard sumtimes but once u decide it's like a weight lifted off your shoulders.  I too am sure you'll be just fine.  Praying for good MUGA results too.  (((P))) 

    Cami - Erwacko is right speaking for all of us...we lubs da Joey stories so please don't stop sharing wif us K?  Gonna git nails done anything else  Hope you git over da horrible chills and get to feeling good so you can have fun fun fun tamary.  ((C))

    NM - went and bought mese sherbet and oj yesterday.  Today is a no alcamahol day, so mayb mix it up on da weekend, will let you kno.

    Erwacko - good lesson on da police report on every accident.  Can't trust anyone to do the right thing anymore.  So sad.  WooHoo da disability kicking in...sigh of relief for sure.  U are not a Gold Digger...and I kno it can b stressful, but I do believe it is the right thing.  You MORE than deserve compensation for all da hail you've been put thru by dat diq PS.  Once you get all the documentation together and organized you can relax some and let it run it's course.  Praying for ya every day!!!

    Missing Cyndielouwho, JeanBeanius, Julie, Red, Aly...hmmm sumone else...but mese brain is fried. 

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs ya all!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    oh chit, forgot mese Mema Sue, how could I? We has de same name, well her first name is mese last name, jest spelled difflently. How is mese Mema Sue doing? I hope and pray your still feeling better and no headache, no bad se's, hate em for you and for all goils. 

    a question for de nurses or whomever may know de answer - went to pick up an rx for mese Dad and find out it is 260.00 vs the usual 48.00. Found out from de pharmacy that mese Dad is in a medicade donut hole. Does anyone know how much it takes to git out of dis hole? I checked medicade website and it gives examples of how the amt due is quackulated but does not talk about how much needs to be spent to exit this dumb donut hole. Go figure. GOtta luv our government, like WDF? Ugh. ok, dat is mese vent du jour. or de jour. da jar?? you know what I mean. 

    paging Lara, paging LALA< please call back, wese wuz disconnected. calling 911, dere a fire on de dance floor ladedadadadada! Let's dance, or at least portend. Dance partay tonight? Anyone??? 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi gals,

    Oh Erin_Soo, yes I noticed the little line--WHY???? Oh our wackadoodle just can't stop. Wow u've got a lot of paperwork ahead of u but u can do that type of thing with ease--u'r so smart and know about forms and what u will need. And I don't know anything about a hole in that damn government donut. Well we do know it's another way for someone else to make money.

    Sue u sound good today--YEA

    Lara get whatever u can so u don't have pain.

    We changed our day for our nails ---good ---we'll go tomorrow that should be better for me, I hope.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Cam, that little line is called and underscore. I tink I had to use it because BCO will not allow spaces in the user name. I could be wrong. You no like? It is wackadoodle-roney style foah shoah! I sure hope you feel better tomorree for yer nail appointments. ((((Camille)))) a hug for ya. 

    So I guess mese dancing all alone dis night. I dance all night for dem dere hot tenders ~hiccup~. It Lara's fault, she made me partay with her in de middle of de afternoon, me quite buzzzz-ded. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    good evening all, did have some lindt choccy!!!!!!!!!!! so tired coming back from orlando and then working

    erin-soory no idea on the medicare question,take  all my questions  to the case manager!

    sue-so glad your feeling better

    lara-hope your appt goes well


    cammi-still want joey for my cousins girl!

    nm-hope your week is going well, 

    back in work tomorrow

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Hello everyone. Good news before I respond. Gage is still with us although severely brain damaged and blind. God, we need some help here. Either take him up with you or heal him. Please.

    Ok so...

    Jazzi, hi girl, you and I have a date on the golf course the Tenders built for me for Christmas. It's only 9 holes, but really, the 8th hole is a b itch. Hugs.

    MemaSue, {gentle hugs} so glad your headache got better. I hope they get the rest straightened out soonest! I'm so glad to read your positive posts. Its got to be hard to stay happy and cheerful - although, you do have the nice weather etc. lol.  If it counts, I'm here for you. I'll be in the chapel.

    Beans, ok girl, I know a man who was bitten by a brown recluse - they are really bad news. Please seek medical attention soonest. And if you need proof I will pm you some photos of his hand and the way they had to sew it into his body to regrow the skin. Ewwwwwwwww. Please see a doc. Please?!

    Julie, I am still not beyond Joey and parsley. My Gson has constipation problems and I suggest to my DD..... She said, 'not a chance in hell'. lol. Glad you got a mini vacay. Animal Kingdom eh? I assume that is a zoo??

    Aly, 3 weeks and 2 days until I get facetime with Aly!!!!! I'm just waiting on a few more responses to the invite before I make the reservation. For the rest of you, we are having a luncheon date with Aly, who is flying for 22 hours to see us. (well she says it's to see her children, but we know how much she loves us, so I think its all about us). If you want to drive and join us, PM me. lol

    4, you said you were reading a book series. Which one? Sorry about your ankle. What do you do for a living that keeps you on your feet at 2 in the morning?

    Cami, your Joey is indeed a treasure. At 16? To hug you and rock you when you are feeling bad? Dear lord, he is the nicest boy ever. And I agree with the rest of the girls, YOU are important. YOU are not getting fired. YOU are LOVED. By your family, your employer and for sure by all of us.

    Genny, I told my DH that I want another dog. I actually want a little dog, like a yorkie or something. He likes big ones, so our last two have been a GS/Wolf cross and a really dumb Blond Lab. You're half way through chemo? Any SE's bothering you? Other than the usual. **grimaces**

    Lara, I was followed by a ghost for over a decade. It started when I was 13 or 14 and didn't end until I had 2 kids and was in my 20's. I totally believe in spirits, even though Charlie (my ghost) chose to stay when we moved for the 4th time. When I was writing my notes to respond with, I wrote life's pain beside your name - not as in life is pain but as in the pain of life. Sweetie, you don't deserve that. I also wrote please see a doc. Please do.

    Lori, what can I say? I just lubs ya. Stay well my dear.

    NM, I know you posted this a while ago, but my dad was in care too. They often let him sit in his own urine and feces, because they knew my mom would be there in a few hours and would clean him up and dress him. She, of course, was appalled by this, but they said they just didn't have the staff to do these functions. She had to pay $15 a day for them to put socks on him in the morning. And this was a full care facility that she already paid $3,205.00 per month for. Sorry about your rainy weekend, but I bet Sadie will be happy in the mud puddles.

    Erin, I don't know what to say to make you feel better. You have waaaayyyy too much going on in your life right now. Is there any way to lighten the load? Your dad, your DD, your job, your insurance, your suit. Dear Lord again, please shine some light.

    PRN, last but not least. Hugs sweetie. You need to do what you must to make your body feel good. If that means stopping chemo then that's what you do, but don't avoid your doc, tell her/him why and they will work with you on a different program. I'm so sorry for your pain. I wish I could just make it all go away. {{huggles}} Oh and absolutely not - I didn't like that man's looks. Now the one by the cave... yummy. Good thing we aren't all the same in our likes and dislikes, eh?

    Ok, as always, Chrissy, Bernie and Wahine, I miss you ladies.

    Sorry if I missed someone, blame it on Tamoxifen brain fog. What's up with that stuff?





  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Gloomy but warm this ayem,

    ORLA--I believe in
    those things, too!A kiss from a
    guardian angelhas got to be a good
    thing. Not scary at all!Startling when
    it happens to you, but not scary!


    PRN--sorry you are
    feeling crappy.Prayers that the muga
    and appointment go well.

    4--we ain't got no
    flowers here yet for the rain to water!

    Erin--Yup, a weekend
    off with rain is better than a weekend on call!Our weekend nurse should be coming back to work in June, I am looking
    forward to that, big time!Hopefully it
    will be rain showers and I can still get some yard work done, it's starting to
    look shaggy out there.Holding Dr.
    Prick accountable for screwing up your recon is NOT gold digging, it's holding
    a professional responsible.Calling the
    police after an accident isn't about being nice or mean, it's about getting the
    fact on file for insurance purposes.And
    if the other guy has a problem with that, it's not MY problem, he should learn
    to drive better or pay up!I've heard
    of people like that asking someone not to file a police report, then they file
    one and make themselves out to be the victim.So we all need to be careful about that stuff.

    Cammy--I blame lots
    of stuff on the weather, don't see why you can't, too!

    ORLA--When you see
    your pain doc ask if there is any way of testing for things that affect pain
    med metabolism.Or ask for blood testing
    rather than urine testing. Blood testing is more expensive but more accurate.

    forward to hearing about the weekend drinks!

    Erin--generally, a
    person comes out of the "donut hole" when they have spent $4K to $5K
    total out of pocket medical expenses for the year.How Medicare keeps track of that is a total
    mystery to me.Generally, it takes a few
    months to get out of the hole.

    Julie--lindt choco
    is sooooooo gooooooood!Yum!

    Red RH--Poor
    Gage!May I ask what happened to
    him?I second the prayer!What on earth is all that care facility money
    going to if not care of the resident?????No excuse, In my book.I
    understand that patient's can't be forced to things, but sometimes you do have
    to step across that line a bit.I was
    appalled at the facility staffthat
    wouldn't clean up that man, but was upset with me 'cuz I didn't put a pair of
    pants on over the depends "for dignity".So it's dignified to sit in waste as long as
    you are dressed?Crazy.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Sagatiba Bikini Martini

    1 1/2 oz Cachaca

    1/2 oz Limoncello

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    1 oz Passion fruit

    1/2 oz Simple Syrup


    Shake all
    ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and serve in a martini glass. Garnish
    with a passion fruit disc floating on top of drink.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    NM, Gage has MD, which is hard enough, but then he had a seizure and ended up being flown in to the children's hospital. They diagnosed Leukodystrophy as well. Docs were 99% sure it was terminal and they pulled the plug but Gage decided to stick around for a while, I guess. We really don't know what's going on now.    :-(

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    I'm back now Cami, it was just a run down to Phoenix, a turn and burn if you will, so we could get our truck. You must of had a terrible fever, Joey takes good care of you. I hope you are better now, and got your nails done.

    PRN, I find it so odd how we are all affected differently with the SE's of our treatments. Unfortunately, you are one that gets them all! I hope you are feeling better soon, and the swelling subsides and you didn't get permanent nerve damage. Good luck on the muga.

    La La, I thought you were going to tell us you found someting in one of the books. The guardian angel nice! Good luck today at the docs.

    4, since you are a caterer, what's your best thing to cook? How's that ankle doing?

    NM, I hope it doesn't rain the entire weekend, so you can get outside.

    Dorothy, NO WAY should you feel badly about the law suit, and I'm glad your family was pressuring you about it. That's a long time to have wait to see if anything will be done, I hope you get it BIG. The disability pay, will they pay for all the time you've been off, what is that....retroactive? I hope that idiot that hit you pays up, but I'm worried as a report was not made, that you can't MAKE him pay you.

    LDB, you sounding really good, like nuttin going on. I hope you really do feel dat goot!

    Julie, we have a wife for Joey??? Cute. Hope you are all rested up.

    Red, I'm so glad you popped in with news on Gage, although it really is so sad and I hope that sweet little angel is not suffering, but I know your family is. I agree, take him or heal him. Where are you and Aly meeting? Was it Italy? Awwww, I lubs you too. And that is terrible about the care your dad had, and paying all that money, wow!
    Heading to town later this afternoon, unless we get busy, which is a good thing. If that's the case, we will just go tomorrow. Providing it's not too windy, we will take off next weekend and go camping and riding! Woot Woot!

    OH, and I lub you all btw, not jes Red......tee hee!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Red I PM u I'm freaked out now about what u wrote next to my name

    And the ghost to that's so interesting

    Just hot bk from docs got my pills

    China girl I fell asleep ill text u later

    Hi Goldie glad your back

    Hi Juliet

    So far NM it's hot no rain they say it will but nothing yet

    Hi mema

    Hi 4

    Hi genny

    Hi cam

    Hi john boy


    Hi princess

    I'm missing hi 


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    I saw MO yesterday. Done with TC. 4 cycles. He was fine. I will continue herceptin. Rads then hormone tx. Muga looked good according to tech. I'm hopeful!!

    Thank you ladies for all your help and support!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning everyone.

    Well Julie I love the idea about chocolate, now if my body would get that message I'd b fine.--I hope u'r getting rest this week-end.

    NM again good drink and guess what --we got snow today I thought it was rain, but it's not sticking here but it is in someplaces--Holy chit it doen't want to stop. And I;m glad the weekend nurse is coming back u can do more relaxing then.

    LORI u'r back--I'm glad all went well and u'r here safely with us.

    Lara are u doing all right?

    And again that nursing home is unfortunately like so many--My BIL used to go every morning and was a PITA to them but he always brought them goodies and then drop in at any time of the most ddays and I have to say my dad was well taken care of--but that was cuz we were all hanging out there--I think.

    Oh our little Gage--my prayers are everyday and I hope they do the right thin  y Gage. This is so horrible for the family too.

    Miss Soo don't for one minute feel guilty about sueing a Dr. not with all u've been thru, it's a crime that this has happened maybe he'll pay more attention to others. So it's a long struggle but I hope u can see it thru. This needs to be done.

    Haha My nails still aren't done--maybe going Monday now--we'll get them done.

    4 I hope u can give u'r ankle some rest this weekend,

    And I hope all have a good day too----Hi Sue keep the bad things away, just good stuff,

    I think I'll try to drink this wekend it's my party and now I have to figure out what food I want to eat. it' all about me LOL

    BBL BTW I have been very busy with work so I haven't been on as much.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hi girls, Just checking in to wish everyone an awesome friedey night! wooo hoooo!! 

    Lori, I kissed that 250.00 good bye two years ago, it was a long shot calling that punks house and threatening to go to the police. I do not think there is anything I can do. NM is right, lesson learned for sure. 

    Lala, I want to tail you a really sweet story, it is a short one, not a novel lol. As I started writing to you all, my Dad got dropped off by my sister after going to a movie. He snuck up behind me and skeered me. Anyway, I showed him your avatar pic above and asked him if he remembers you. He said "I sure do, that is the girl that saved my life" and then he proceeds to lean toward the screen and give you a kiss. I then scolded him as he did not have his cane, he left it in the bathroom. I was afraid he would lose his balance trying to kiss your picture. I told him I would tell you he is sending you a kiss lol. I hope you liketh mese short story. And no prob, I figured you had fallen asleep after I put you on hold yesterday so that I could talk to my lawn boy. which btw, he is NOT hot. The boss is hot but he does the front and his helper does the back and that is where I was when you called. Me and mese Dad spend a lot of time outside. He loves outdoors as much as I do. I have had his with me now for a full year, he moved in permanently last May. I am not sure of the date but bet I could find it here. 

    Cam, nice to see your pretty face. and thank you and the other girls for helping with my guilt in filing suit against Prick. Sorry you did not get your nails done. I bet Joey would do them for you if you asked him too. Tell him I said hello and that we all lubs him so much. Hey, what about making him an honorary tender? We will behave when he is present. hehe. I hope you are feeling better, I feel terrible for you. And you are such a good sport about everything. You deserve to vent more lady, please do as it helps a lot. I lubs ya. oh and as Lori said, I luvs all of mese goils. 

    Red, so very sorry about little Gage, how sad. I said a prayer for God to heal or take him, that is a perfect prayer. Hugs to you and yours. And thanks for the sweet words for Erin tehehe. 

    NM, thanks for the info on the medicare donut hole, our lovely government spending too much money on BS then taking it out on our nation's seniors, shame shame shame on them. I will leave it at that. lol. My sisters and I have been scheming to see what we can do. The first thought I had was to have his Dr prescribe 10 ml and cut them in half which will cut the cost in half. And my two sisters agreed to split the cost four ways with Dad paying a quarter. It would be 60 a month each, that is doable. We do anyting for our Daddy cuz we luvs him so much. And he reallly is doing so good on that abilify, no way in hail will we let him go off of it. 

    Julie, loved that chocolate is a veggie cartoon. So glad you had a nice time away but sorry you had to get back to reality so soon after, ugh. I tink when we take vacations, we need one even more upon returning. For me, life has been one long vacation. I will be out of work until late June, wooo hoo cept for mese bank account, it is hurting me but I do not care enough to worry about it. 

    4, how is the finn doing? I hope you are feeling better. Are you working this weekend?  I hope not, work is for the birds hehe! Ain't nobuddy got time for dat lol. 

    Mema Sue, please report in. I hope and pray you are feeling good today. God Bless you goils in treatment, I feel so bad for you all. Remember always, onward and upward, its de ONLY way. hugs ((((Mema))))

    ok, so I am missing someone but have to go and get dinner ready for mese Daddy. I will try to poop back in after dinner and have a few COCK tails with ye all, BIG ones. oh, who posted the thing about the 12" fish, dat was very phunnny!!!!  Peace out goils, God luvs ye all as does me, Erin Soo from Kansas, not to be funcused with Kansas City which is in Missouri Happy. Rounds of hugs for all .... 



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    which bdw, Lori, you called me Dorothy? Who de hail is that? I do not know any Dorothy's. I tink ye dwinking too much! wtg goil ~hiccup! 

    kk, gotta run dis time for real. mese DD and future SIL and mese grand pupper coming over and staying the night. lucky me and I mean it. We like company! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    OMG that is so sweet tell him here is a kiss back I love him.Your father is the sweet est man that was so scary for me I think of him all th etime

    Yes cam I am ok

    went to pain doc all good had a tire flat got fixed


    gotta get my laundry out

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Sing it with me..............."Workin' at the car wash..."


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Ok, so I have missed days here, just popping in to tell you all that I left my computer charger cord at my son's when I babysat Nora Tuesday so I'm using my computer for only a few minutes at a time. It's almost out of juice. Had a great day with her as usual but so tired, esp at work, I get thru the day and that's all I've got in me. Went to CNP Wed, she says I'm doing well, fatigue is normal, talked more about the mastectomy vs lumpectomy saga...still don't know, I'll figure it out eventually. Had chemo today, came home a made a pot of soup then went to bed for 3 hours...ugh, I hate this. Hope you're doing ok prn and I think you made the right decision. Soon as I get my power cord back I want to read back and catch up with you all. Gotta go and save juice. Back soon, have a lovely weekend all of you.By for now

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good rainy morning,
    Loungettes!I was hoping to get some
    yard work done in between rain showers today.I woke up to steady, heavy rain and high winds.Sigh.Not that there isn't a bunch of stuff to do IN the house.


    Red RH--Poor
    Gage.And even worse for the rest of the
    family.So sad to see another example of
    how medicine wants us to think it knows a lot more than it really does.


    4--good point!

    Goldie--I'm hoping
    tomorrow will be dryer, too.Maybe I'll
    take a day off during the week if I can and putter around the yard.

    ORLA--Hi to you,

    PRN--You've had
    chemo, you're getting herceptin, probably will be getting anti-estrogen
    treatment, are you sure the rads will give you any real benefit?Did you have clear margins?If you did, then skip the "boost"
    protion, that is designed togive
    additional rads to the margins area and was developed back in the day when they
    didn't go back and get clear margins.Glad the muga looks good!

    That is a 4 letter word.It's proven
    that nursing home residents who have frequent family visitors get better care
    than those who don't get much company.Shouldn't be that way, but human nature being what it is. . .

    Erin--What a sweet
    story about your Dad and Lala!I vote
    yes to making Joey an honorary Tender.Or maybe the Lounge Counselor?He
    is so adorable!

    Genny--enjoy your
    Nora time, and the mastectomy vs lumpectomy thing will work itself out in
    time.Sleep when you need to!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is April Rain

    2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Vermouth

    1/2 oz Ice

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    Lime Peel


    Pour Vodka, Vermouth
    and Rose's lime juice into shaker over ice. Shake with care not to bruise.
    Strain into chilled cocktail (martini) glass. Garnish with lime peel (zest).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Glad you got your pills Lil Lala.

    PRN, yay for the good MUGA and no more chemo (not counting Herceptin). Rads aren't too bad, but do cause major fatigue. Good excuse to take a nap, and don't deny yourself that, or you will regret it.

    Wacko, that was so sweet of your dad to say that about Lara. And glad you have someone you can hire to do your yard. When are they gonna start on the pool? Moosta been a typo when I sayed D_rt__y, I no know anyone by dat name.

    I think wese all got doyty cars, and if they aren't, I bet we throw mud on them!

    Genny, you will get through this, just hang in there hon. It's what we have to do.

    NM, hoping you can have a relaxing weekend and are able to get outside.


    Camille's "Dinner Party From Hell" Cocktail Recipe
    •1 part vodkaLisa Drinks Camille's Dinner Party From Hell Cocktail
    •2 parts lemonade
    •Fresh raspberries and blackberries
    •Sprig of lavender

    1.Pour ingredients into a shaker with ice.
    2.Shake and strain into a gigantic martini glass or chilled champagne flutes.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Opps, Goldie, we
    bumped each other into the pool!Love
    the Dinner Part from Hell Cocktail!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    NM, you are my favorite swimming partner! I even refreshed before I posted and you still snook up on me! CHEERS!