how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    yea we r inI the pool


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Yippee!! Cannonball!!!!! (of course I can't actually do one-lol)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    where r u cam

    Red yeeee got splashed

    Who else is joking us for drinks and fun in the sun

    We r floating on our rafts

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    Hello all...

    NM  I did have clear margins but only a lumpectomy so that is why the rads. But I will remember to ask about the boost.  thank you

    Red..thinking of you and yours.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Woke this morning without the feeling the top of my head was gonna blow off.  Woohoo!

    My bad for not posting yest....jes got sidetracked with stuff that was piling up.

    ErWacko - tank ewe fer da prayers, I feel da lub.  Don't hab a clue bout da medicade donut hole.  But jeeezz that is a big jump in cost.  Such a sweet story about dad and LaLa.  Can't believe it's been a year already.  You such a good daughter!

    Cami - yep...and even bettah n buttah today.  Did u git ur nails done yesterday?  Snow...holycow.  Supposed to be 100 here today.  Ugh!!  But take it over da snow.  What no nails done...well ain't it u spashall day tamary???  And tamary should be all about YOU!!  It's your party and u can do what u wanna...there a song in der sumwhere.  I'll be back tamary wif mese sherbet dwinky that NM posted many days ago and will share wif you on u B-Day K?

    Julie - yum on lindt chocolate.  DD put several in my Easter Basket, gone now tho...heehee.  Had to LOL on da fisherman and his wife.  Had a similar conversation years ago with my dh about the size of a tv screen...we had a good laugh.

    Red - mese heart aching for Gage, and his family.  I'm will say xtra prayers today that He makes up his mind.  (((Red)))  And tanks for being here for me and bisiting da chapel for me too.  It does and always will count.  WooHoo on face time with Aly in a few weeks.  It's always so exciting for me to meet a bwestie.  Mayb sumday I can travel up your way...that wud b nice. 

    NM - that is jes nuckin futz about those facilities.  Am glad I don't have a loved one in that situation.  I'd be doing a tap dance in spiked heels on someone's head.  Greedy bastardos!

    4 - LMAO!  about the reason to has been for me on more than one occassion.  Wish I had a carwash like that one around here.  I'd b buying all mese friends and neighbors a wash...heehee.

    Prn - When will you get the results of the MUGA?  Still praying for you girl!  Oh I see the tech said it looked good...woo hoo.  Every 3 weeks on herceptin?...what hormone tx...I was on aromasin.  Stopped it when I started this T-DM1.  Night sweats/hot flashes a biotch, but apparently all of em cause em.  (((P)))

    Lowee - I do feel pretty good.  Hearing and sight still jacked, think I have a bit of a headcold, feel like I'm in a fog, but my pain level is lessening every day.  Glad you got ur truck back...I assume no troubles on the way back and it's running a smooth as before?  Next weekend a camp trip....woohoo!   Booked rest of monies on our ClearLake, CA trip for August.  Now need to work on finding hotel in Seattle for my July road trip with my gf's.    OOO Laaa da Dinner Party from Hell Cami has to decide what she want to IS all about her ya kno!!

    Genny, so glad you pooped in and that you had good time with Nora.  Sending you Big HugZ...this chit is so nasty, but it does end.  The decisions we make about surgery were harder for me.  Hope you feel mese lubbing arms around you as you research and weigh your options.

    OK mese lubblies....gotta git mese EWWA in gear.  I git to hab a dwinky today.  Will save da sherbet one for our CAMI sailabration tamari.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh yes Julie, u r such I lady, I almost believe dat. hahaha

    D-Erin I loved u'r daddy story, it was downright beautiful and lara how wonderful it should make u feel--That is by far one of the sweetest stories.

    Sue-Sue u sound OK but mese thinks u don't feel really to well. Please rest and take care of u'r self.

    Genny Glad to see u and enjoy Nora every chance u get--wait r u still working--now wonder u'r extra tired-- OMG my GF reminded me when I wored on chemo I was a dynamo for a couple of days then I just withered and was useless hahaha so I don't know how u do it everyday--I took days off for sure--so I give u so much credit but rest whenever u can and drink lots of water, I mean lots with vitamins or somptin. The first time I had chemo almost everyone drank and the nurses would just say could u wait at least 24 hrs before u start drinking--I was told no one did--they actually did very well on chemo.I understood that as it's OK to drink but who knows hahaha. I'm glad u stopped by on a low battery.

    Princess are they giving u the decision to make?  Well then we all have to help u when i's time, but don't let us make up u'r mind we'll just help support any decision u make for sure.

    Oh Lori I would like the tenders to make all the food everyone likes and all the drinks everyone likes. That's a party hahaha Well I have one more yr in my 60's jeeze I remember so well when I thought OMG that's so old, well it kinda is but I'll take it.

    NM I think u should take one day off during the week just for u and Sadie and enjoy u'r yard work--It'll make u feel better mentally.

    Well I'm getting ready to go to my DD1 for my BIG party haha--she's making everything I want and my cake too--she the really good cook--and Joey of course will spend the night with me there. but he has a lot of fun with my DD1 bonus DD so he really enjoys himself--so I smell really Purdy for everyone. Leslie and Marty won't spend the nite, but they'll pick us up in the morning cuz  tomorrow is Lilac day in the town--It's kind of cold but people go and enjoy themselves. I guess. I don't dare say I don' feel well so I'll put my feel good face on and hope no one talks to me--yea right. They enjoy doing these things so I'm glad for them anyway. But no matter how I feel I'll eat that's for sure. So I'll be fine. BTW our nails will be done Monday now-she's as bad as me.

    OK Have a huge party right into the morning then we can all rest tomorrow--It's Sunday yea no phone calls.

    Remember I LUBS everyone u are all so special and my prayers are still going for Gage-so precious.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Hiya goils! 

    So dere a big arse partay in de lounge tomorree in honor of our dear goil Camille? Yippee skippie, love a birthdey partay! Here is to more birthdays!! I lift mese glass and go *clink*. Cheers! 

    as for Joey, you gibbed me an idea uh, I foyget who did. NM? How about we start a Q&A forum called "Ask Joey"? That would be for when we need advise for lifes chit.. but has to add disclaimer that de queeries have to be age appropriate for the young lad. I jest lubs that boy so much. Why I wanna jest pinch his sweet cheek and give him a big smack of a kiss on his forehead and tank him for eberyting he do for our Camille! So hmm, what can I ask Joey todey? How bout dis? Tail him about mese XDH#2. He is a pain in mese anatomy and makes me nervous when he is around cuz me does not know what he is going to do or say. He does whateber he wants in my yard, my home which used to be his home too. But mese tossed him to de curb a year or so ago. but wese still kissing friends and I still attracked to him. So do I send him to the curb and foyget about him or keep him around? He is helpful to me when I need a person with muscles such as putting de A/C unit in mese bedroom for when  de hot flashes wake me de hail up from mese sleep despite having central A/C in mese house? Nah, that is too big of a question for de young lad. But I tink of anudder if HE is willing to be like a HTL Dear Abby type a guy. Ask him Cam! I jest lub de tings he comes up with and I tink he could give great advise.  Or not? Jest a thought. 

    So I took mese Dad to his phyciatrist todey and had him write the RX for abilify in 10 mg and we will cut dem in half. Not sure how legal dis is but it will take the cost from 240.00 a month down to 120.00 a month and for each of us, 30.00 instead of 60.00. we also considered ordering from Canada, aye? Even de doctor say it is safe although online says using out of country RX not safe. Well of course our gobernment will say dat, dey idiots! so tings are so good here, I just can't believe it. Ok, enough about mese, lets talk about what YE ALL tink of mese hahahahaha, dat a berry old joke, jest kidding! 

    Genny, so glad ye stopped in but sorry bout leaving yer charger behind, ooops. And yes, we can all offer our opinions on MX vs Lumpectomy if you ask. and it true that we will support whateber decision you make. We is here for you goil, true and true, wese here! I could not have done with all without de goils here. I hopein your treatment goes well and is easy on you. 

    And same goes for you Ms. Pretty Pretty Princess (oh can I call you PPP)? I so feel your pain. I hate that you, Genny and Sue are going through this crud right now. But as de rest of the goils said, This too Shall Pass and before you know it, you will all feel good as new or maybe eben better. I always sez that after being down so low, for me it was the last surgery when mese belly blew open, I did not have to endure TX cept hormanal). But NE-ways, I felt jest so so horrible for a good four months and once I healed and git mese energy back, I feel oh so good and so will ye all when it all ober and TX is done. I pray for all of ye goils daily but add spayshall prayers for those in active treatment. 

    Tank ye all for loving mese Daddy story. and guess what? I tail mese Daddy dis story about what I tailed ye all and it made him smile to hear what ye all saying about him. He really is a sweet old man cept for when his blood sugar gits high and he bese mean. And seriously, I wanted to kiss his psychiatrists' feet for putting him on the abilify and dumping the FN risperdal, or however dat chit spelled. That drug has changed all of our lives for the better. 

    Lori, no prob on your typo, I wuz jest messing with you bout dat goil named DoR ----KY hehe. I do not want you to feel bad. Mese in great incognitoville or at least mese tink I is. I so furcited that you and DH going camping, mese wants to come. 

    Lala, so glad ye got yer pills goil. I know you needs dem and I right dere with you. I been pumping a lot of advil down mese belly de last few weeks as trying to work on getting off of de percocet. dey make me stewpid. and mese PCP sez dey not good with valium and alcamahol, spayshally de valium. He worry more bout mixing dat with likker dan de percos. but ennyway, I feel for you. I saw that big bone swell up over night on yer chest and despite yer tatas being quite purdy, dey look sore (((Lil Sis))))). I lub ye goil! 

    Red, saying more prayers for Gage. Life can be so damn unfair for some and I have a hard time comprehending why such bad tings can happen to such good people, especially our children, that is jest sooooo wrong. I know our NM has asked GOd over and over for that answer and it is one I want to hear too. But de point here is not the why, it is the outpouring of love for that poor child and his amazing family. To endure what they are dealing with is just soooo sooo unfair and sooooo wrong. It makes me want to scream de ef word at de top of mese lungs and direct it at God. but I dare not. Hugs to you and yours. And you take good care of yer dern self too. I hope de naughty ticker is being good now. 

    NM, well dern about de rain. I hope it lets up at some point. We got hit berry hard de last few days. dere a lot of signs that say "Road Closed due to Flooding". But I know that Sadie is getting lots n lots of lub and she happy it raining cuz she like de mud. For yer SIlly Sadie, de doytier, de better, eh? And did I tank ye for your comments on de donut hole? I read it to mese Dad and mese sister also infestigated and said de same ting as you as far as about 3-4k to exit the hole. ugh. our gobernment sux eh? And ya know, did I ebber comment on how horrible it can be for our elderly who are stuck in bad nursing homes? I kid you not, I was just bashing where mese Mom was for about 18 months todey to mese dad's shrink. De one were mese Mom wuz at is supposed to be amunst be berry best in dis county and dey suck. We had no idea that there was better. And mese and mese sista feel berry bad for de friends we left behind dere. Poor Florence, she prolly saying right now "Help me help me" and all she want is a cup of tea or her diaper changed. It takes dem at least an hour at dat place to change the residents. The new place, dey answer de call nurse button in LESS DEN ONE MINUTE ebery time. We are SOOOOO impressed with the new place. I tank ye and all of mese goils for the love and concern for both of my parents. It has been a berry difficult few years for us and right now, things could not be better. 

    Well chit, looks like mese written a novel and mese gotta go and start dinner. But I come back later to finish up talking to all ye goils, k? Me making mese Dad "aba-getti" as mese DD used to call it when she was widdle! I jest lubs mese "Jessica'isms". ♥ dey melt mese fart. 

    so for now, I bid ye all a doo dooo doo and a da daaa daaa, dats all mese wants to says to ye, a doo dooo dooooo......... well ye get it right? I go now. Peace, lub and happy birthdeys, oh hail yeah!!! 


    PEEE ESSS..... I jest lubs all mese goils and tank ye for being here to talk too. Peace out, goil scouts! bbl!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Let's git dis parTAY started! 

    BALLOONS! EBERY Partay NEEDS balloons! 


    Purdy Flowers jest for you Cammy! 


    and cake!  


    a ParTAY, wooooo hooooo! 


    we need some HOT dancing boys. 4, can you help us out here? ok,  found a hot one but I tink 4 can do betta! 


    and the song....

    I thought this was really cute!

    Can't have enough parTAY! 

    Birthday Cheers, come on LETS GIT DIS PARTAY GOING!!! 



    WHO LOVES YA, Cam? WESE DOES!!  ♥♥♥♥

    and now, mese version of "de song" ....enjoy! (and tank God mese not really singing cuz mese sing bad bad badLIEST. I LOVE YOU CAM! yep, LUBS ye to pieces   !!!  I hope you have the BEST BIRTHDEY EBER!!!!! 

    ehh emmmmmm ~clearing throat~


    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to you H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y  T O Y O U 

    H A P P Y    B I R T H D A Y dear CAMMY................

    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to YOU !!!


    ~~~Wishing you many many more birthdays !! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    red-theres no words for gage and his family all i can say is i  will hold them in my prayers

    sue-woo hoo to feeling a little better

    genny and prn - hope your having a good weekend  and are relatively side effect free weekend. as the other s have said  this too shall pass

    erin- glad yourdad is doing better and your mum is settled in her new home

    lara-hope your pain free ,hows the new job project coming along?

    nm-  sister sent me a pic of a lab rolling in mud ,all i could think off was sadie!  hope your both enjoying the weekend

    cammi-enjoy your party 

    have a good sunday ladies 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    happy birthday cammi

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Sorry I have been MIA today girls,  I was interviewing entertainment for da partay!!

    Seriously though, I have been working my EWWA off.  Wish it actually worked that way!  Up until 4:30 in de morning and back up and at work at 8:30.  I do promise, I have been reading and keeping up with the notification emails!  Just haven't had time to write. This is going to be short.  Sorry but I got cake I gotta finish decoring!

    NM, sorry about the rain,  but made for good Sadie time indoors I hope.

    Princess, Hope you feeling better soonliest!  Good News bout no more chemo!

    Genny give us a full update and more Nora pics when you get your charger back!!

    Lori, Camping sounds like such fun.  I think when we drop the 2 younger kids at camp we are going to take the tent for the bed of my truck and see if we can get into trouble!

    SuziQT, Glad the top of your head didn't blow off.  That a icky mess to clean up!!  Fun travel plans!!

    Red, Hope all is well.  I completely understand the take him or fix him!  It is coming up on 2 years since we lost my nephew a couple months short of his 6th bday.  In his case it was a blessing though.  Cord prolapse, born about dead, APGAR 1, faint heart beat.  They revived him and he never could even blink or eat or hear or get the picture, so just know I really understand and pray your family finds strength to deal with this.

    LaLa, Nice kiss on the cheek!  Hope you are feeling good.

    Erin, so happy your parents are doing well.  Good luck with Operation S.P.R.I.C.K.!!    Operation Rebuild-A-Boob starts here on Wednesday.  If I live that long with everything I need to get done before then!!

    Cyn, Aly, Undie, and all the rest of youse guys...............hope the weekend is going dandy.

    And last but not least Miss Camille Gal!!  Happy Birthday!  I am throwing confetti on you!!!!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014









  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014





  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    More Tea to settle Princesses Stomach!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    OK, Gotta get back to work so I don't know if I rounded up enough for everyone.  Some of you might have to share, or trade!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    happy birthday

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


    cammi your smelling good

  • Frostecat
    Frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2014

    I think I need to jump on this board you gals look like you have too much fun!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Hi FrosteCat!

    Stick around and have a drink!  You can never have TOO much FUN!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    OOOOHHHH NNOOO, The tub over flowed and the Tenders are trying to clean up the bubbles..................


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    birthday cake candles photo: birthday cake photo3.jpg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Cam Happy B day I baked your cake all night esp for u

    Hope you have a great day


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the pouring rain has
    stopped, I'm hoping the sun will come out for a little bit.It was so chilly yesterday that I did next to
    nothing, just cuddled up with Sadie and watched a bunch of American Horror
    Story-Asylum episodes.Amazing how warm
    60 degrees can seem outside on a sunny day and how cold 60 degrees feels in the
    living room on a rainy day!

    Glad the lounge pool
    is heated, had a lovely swim with Goldie and ORLA and Red RH!

    PRN--the reason I
    ask about the rads is that it is only local treatment, and chemo/hormonal
    therapy is systemic.Rads has no
    statistical effect on distant recurrence or length of life after bc diagnosis,
    it only affects recurrence in the same breast when there is no systemic therapy
    given.There has been no research I can
    find that shows that post lumpectomy radiation is beneficial when systemic
    therapy is also being used.If your Rad
    Onc has research that is less than 20 years old I'd love to get info so I can
    find the reports.I should also tell you
    that I'm one of the people that had problems with rads, had my first mastectomy
    because of rad damage, have lung damage and probably heart damage, and probably
    got no benefit from that particular hellacious treatment, so I am very biased
    against rads.

    Mema--tap dancing on
    someone's head in spiked heels?Wow,
    what a mental picture that gives me!About what should be done, too.

    Julie--sometimes I
    scream in my panties, too!

    Cammy--I'm thinking
    that I’m going to start taking a day off during the week when I've worked the
    24 hour Friday night to Sunday morning shift.It's been 3 months since the weekend nurse went out on medical leave, still
    not sure when she's coming back.Especially being slow like it is right now.Hmm, other nurses are taking some Fridays off
    and taking long weekends, no reason I can't take a few off myself, is
    there?Good idea, Cammy!

    Erin--I think an
    "Ask Joey" forum would be a great idea!Lots of people and docs do the ordering a
    bigger dose pill and cutting it in half to save money, the big problem to be
    careful about is if your Dad goes to the hospital for anything, his doc's
    office med list may be different from what he is really taking, and the
    hospital staff may put him on the bigger dose and label him as
    "non-compliant" with his meds, so be sure he keeps a written drug
    list in his wallet, with a note that he takes 5mg but Rx is for 10 mg to save
    money.There is nothing wrong or illegal
    with getting meds in Canada, here in Maine there is a business of running bus
    trips to Canada to visit a pharmacy to fill prescriptions.Some people go every 3 months.The trick is to find a doc that can write
    prescriptions in both the US and Canada, and many docs in the border states do
    that.Also, there are docs on the
    Canadian side who see US patients and write Canadian prescriptions for
    them.It's actually perfectly safe, but
    the pharmaceutical companies do not make as much $$ 'cuz the Canadian
    government negotiates drug costs, no different rates for different insurance
    companies/prescription plans.I've come
    to the conclusion that one can pay a lot of $$ and have a loved one in a very
    pretty, fancy facility where they will not get much care, or jump through the
    Medicare and Medicaid hoops and have a loved one in an older building, not so
    fancy and get decent care.Not a case of
    you get what you pay for in this area.I
    am so sad seeing all these people from very wealthy families privately paying
    for pretty buildings and not getting even basic care and too proud to consider
    going to a regular nursing home 'cuz it's not prestigious enough.Sigh.


    Julie--LOL!I like to say Sadie enjoys turning herself
    into a Chocolate Lab!

    4--I've got to admit
    I enjoy snuggling with Sadie and watching videos on a rainy day.Don’t get much else done, but I guess that's
    ok.Praying for operation

    to the Lounge!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Birthday Cake Cocktail for Cammy, of course!

    1 1/2 oz Three
    Olives Cake Vodka*

    1 oz French Vanilla

    1 oz heavy cream

    lightly sweetened
    whipped cream

    rainbow sprinkles,
    for garnish

    In a chilled martini
    glass, combine cake-flavored vodka, Kahlua and cream. Stir gently with a spoon
    to combine. Top with lightly sweetened whipped cream and garnish with rainbow

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    LDB, what'd you do, send that wind my way? Sometimes I think I would rather have the rain in the spring than the wind! You say you feel like a head cold, meaning that is how this treatment is making you feel? Not that you are coming down wif someting? Glad you are getting things ready and taken care of for your trips, I just hope you are feeling awesome too. You and I wif our big boats could do some damage tap dancing wif da spiked heels! Love, hugs and lots of prayers coming your way chica. Truck is fine, but camping might have to go on the back burner, as it looks like the night time temps are gonna be in the 40's, a little too cold for sleeping outside for my liking! But we'll see.

    Ha ha ha, pantie whispers!

    Oh my, "Ask Joey". How cute is that! As for your Ex my darling ErWacko, I didn't know you were seeing him in that way, but I think you should jes keep it that way. You seem MUCH happier, when you can send him home. No drama! As for getting drugs for you daddy in Canada, I say go for it. We used to get them in Mexico, never had a problem. Glad the good doc wrote the script for double the mg. So glad that you like the place your mom is at. Is your dad allowed in there? You get me singing, a Dooo Dooooo Doooo and a Daaa Daaa Daaa!

    4, such a sad story too about your nephew. Before I moved to AZ I worked with children like that. They have school for them, if you can believe that. Fortunately, I was able to work with some of the "more better off" (if that makes sense) children, and did not have to work with those little ones very often, and then when I was placed in a classroom, well most of my kids could walk and feed themselves. Most were not toilet trained, nor could most of them talk. But they were such a joy! Please remind of us your surgery on Wednesday. Perhaps we will get the Tenders to start packing up the Party Bus and UFO after weeze done wif Cammi's party.

    LOVE THE STRIP TEASE FOR CAMMI! And I'm up for sharing.

    Chello and welcome Froste. Pull up a bar stool and imbibe!

    NM, I hear ya on the same temps indoors and out not feeling the same. Wus up wif dat? Fun day in the pool too with everyone. Please do take some of those Friday's off, or Monday. I hardly ever took time off from work, and when I quit to move to AZ, I lost SO MUCH vacation time, and might I add, PAID vacation time. But I always felt so guilty if I did that, I felt like I was leaving my kids (students).

    Cammi, I wuz a good girl, as you can see, and didn't ask for pictures. But you know I want them! I hope you had a wonderful time at your party and had lots of good food. Did you have a cocktail? Sue has your sherbert one for today. Happy Birthday girl! I LUBS YOU SO BEERY MUCH!


    Is this cake poyfect or what?



    Are we having a good time, or what???



    CHEERS, to a most beautiful friend!
