how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014




    have a wonderful day my friend and enjoy your party

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    You found the best cake goldie for cam love it

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMI!!!

    Cami - Sounds like DD's did right by you for your B-day and now you can relax on your spashal day.  But later we will be sampling da sherbet dwinks woohoo.  Did you ask Joey about ER-Wacko's idea on the Q&A?  He is a very wise and speshall young man.  I wanna gib him a big WEBK...that wud prolly gross him jes a big kiss on da forehead like Erin sed. 

    ErWacko - u been back n forth and up and down wif u xdh2 for so long.  I understand the attraction and heaven knows we all cud use some lovin now and then, but ur choice...and ya can't separate the 2...i.e. his moods swings, 'tude, etc.  Take one u take em all.  I jes lubs the stories about you dad too and am soooo glad you got the med sitciation taken care of.  But listen to NM and put the list in his wallet.  And knowing you mom in a better place puts a Big Grin on mese face.  I never was comfortable about all her UTI's and stuff.  Since you dad is better on these new meds, he IS allowed to see mom in her new place right?

    4 - I hab ur boob-renew on mese calendar...we will git da UFO ready and the shrink raygun ready so's wese can b de wif ya.  You sound soo bizy bizy, but soo thrilled you find da time to send us all da booT-ful men to play wif.  And dat ice-cream sandwich cake...yum yum! 

    Julie - I whisper too but when I scream...well...laundry time.

    Frostecat - Yello and welcome to da HTL...we never hab a dull day around here and everyone is welcome.  Hang out for awhile and ifin u like what u see, u can tail us a widdle bit bout yourself.  Da langwitch is hard to grab sumtimes, but u'll catch on.  We tinks laughter promotes healing...and well...sum dwunkiness too.

    NM - sounds like a GR8 day...cuddling with Sadie and watching movies.  Good advice to PRN.  In fact...I didn't kno that.  Good idea about taking an extra day after working a long weekend.  It can't be anything but GOOD for you and Sadie too.

    Lowee - eekks, wanted da wind to go, but to da north not ur way.  LOL on da boats and da damage we could/would inflict.  LMAO!  I sometimes think it's a cold and then I go a day with no symtems, then the fog and earaches are back, so been using the vicks on mese chest and in mese snout...see if I can't loosen it up.  But reading on da other threads, it does sounds like se's from the rads and or tdm1.  But it is completely tolerable.  I do hope it warms up by next weekend...that is when u were going right?

    DAT CAKE is PAYFECT for our Camille...good job.  And aren't we all jes lookin sooo good in da pewl!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous SundayFunday!!  I'll be back later.  LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL YA'LL

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014


    Happy Birthday Cami!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    happy birthday Cami!!! B

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    Happy SUndey FUndey goils! Where is our guest of honor? 
    Camille, yelloooooo? 

    I gotta fly but had to stop in for a quick dwinky. Titty's up, if ya got em! Otherwise, bottoms up! 

    chEErs! bbl.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Download IMG_20140518_153940_700.jpg (620.6 KB)

    Happy Birthday Cami - this is the 'Friday Freeze' that I waited until your spashall day to mix up...So Bottoms up Lady for you and one for me.  MUAH!! 

    Girls I have a whole pitcher full of this tasty dwinkie...lets PARtaY!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Gad Dern come it won't showed it up there before I hit submit...what da hail!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014


    trying one more time...if it doesn't work u all jes habs to believe me.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    I gib up.  Heavy sigh!!  I'll yak at ya all tamary.  Hope you had a fabulous day Cami!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Happy Birthday Cami. {{{huggles}}}} Love you girl!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi Goils, I just catchin up but fir I want to THANK YOU ALL FOR SUCH WARM AND HOT!!!! WISHES---I actually had a grat BD and laughed so much and yes we were peeing LOLing like crazy, times we couldn't talk at all as soon as one of us would say one word we start all over again---Let me just tell u how it start cuz well I guess u would have to be there but this was the start--every morning on the train Jodie My DD1 plays some word game with one of her cousins and a couple of other people--S the other morning she starts and see a new name --and she knows her cousin (male) changes his name all the time but this time she saw Stu and right away she thought now who is Stu a new person or Kirk (cousin) so she reads the last name Pidasshole---she didn't get it right away til she said it fast Stu Pidasshole   from then on all we did was laugh-so much fun---Oh and I didn't ask Joey yet but knowing his love of women he would love it.

    Frost Welcome I hope u read more and enjoy everyone these are a great group Of women and we have fabulous nurses on this thread, so hope u come baack.

    Erin things sound good for u'r mom and dad finally settling down and u sound better and smart thinking about the meds.

    NM it's chilly here too but that drink sounds Yummy and I glad u'r going to start taking some time for u and Sadie--U need that.

    Lori u'r weather is really crappy for AZ. Who would have thunk.?

    I want to talk to everyone, but I'm really exhausted now--little busy today too--shopping and phones (some work too) But I have to say how much I Lub u gals and enjoy all the pics and conversation, I'm just sorry some of u are in pain and not feeling well like we all want. And prayers are always going for u gals and little Gage.

    Well I made it another year Woop Woop and I plan on making it for moreLOLing is great for all of us. U probably can tell I'm on my pain meds haha But again Thank you MUAH to all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2014

    ohhh Camille !!! I could not be more happy in reading de above aforementioned post, geeeeez louise, ye sound SOOOOOO gOOOOOOOOd. and guess what goil? U deserve ebery widdle bit of attention for todey and we all abSOlutely understand that it impossible for ye to expRESS yer feelings over de posts from de goils re YOUR spayshall dey. It jest melts mese fart at how much lubs lubs lubs all ours goils has for ye cuz YE deserve ebery widdle bit and den SOME mo too. ((((Boyf-dey goil Cammy ♥ fart heart)))))) 

    i hope Joey will consent to being in de role of de synodocated nationally renouned column called "ASK jOWEEEEEE aka Ask Joey, yippeee! mese so furcited, and mese cant bremember who put de idea in mese head but whomever ye are, YE SO AWESOME. cuz dat boy, being such a young and innocent lad, it waaaaaaaay smarta den his years on dis earf (burp~ooops sawREEEEEEE). so as mese wuz sezing.... oh mese oh mise, mese ah-foy-GIT what mese saying... 

    cept welcome to new goils, yep, CamilleLegAL sez it all when she sez "new goil, hear hear hear and hear me lounds n queers, ooops mese means to sez louds n cLEEErz....... dere is lubs lubs lubs in de air tonight, i tink as dis dude called Peter "Dick" gaBErielle woould sez " dere sumting in de air tonight, come on.... hold on.... errrr......weLL,, sumTING like dat. ye git mese dwift now goils? 

    I go now, hiccccccup~ oh sawry but mese had one hundwed and turdteen dwinkis dis night to sailabrate anudder boyfDEY for Camilllegal whom mese lubs lubs lubsm aubt beeb dus befirem u nea kybs kybs aubt bi east fir eber nirem u neaab kybs kybs dibt come eeeeezzzeeeeeeeeeee, give n take n take n give til I say....

    I SAY! cheerS! and peaves err pEACe n lubs n happBIness to ALL ye goils, in de USA, in de Canada aye, and in mese americas and mese stooopid politishions. I go now. see ya lubs ye byeeee!! ak sylvv!!! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Monday, it's Monday.It's raining.It's going to rain all week, apparently.Sigh.

    Goldie--OK, I'm
    going to look and see what weekends I am totally off and see if I can get some
    days off attached to them.You've talked
    me into it!I had to turn the furnace on
    yesterday, just too cold to take a shower before watching Call the Midwife
    without some heat.And this is MAY!!!!!

    Mema--Cuddling with
    Sadie makes ANYTHING good, even a cold wet weekend!Glad the head symptoms are not unbearable,
    but I wish you didn't have them at all.

    Cammy--Sounds like
    you got happily exhausted out with friends,good for you!Happy new

    Erin--Sounds like
    you are having a great weekend, girlie!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Friday Freeze (is this the one Mema?)

    4 scoops orange sherbet

    1 cup orange juice

    1/2 cup vodka

    1/4 cup rum

    Blend all ingredents
    in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi -
    thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but
    not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add
    equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    LOL Lil Doyty Butt, when you scream it's time for laundry. Can we say SHART? I too was wondering if those weren't SE's you were experiencing. How long are you on this new "chemo"? I too am glad it's tolerable, but like NM, wish you didn't have them at all.

    NM, if you take that extra day off, make sure the weather is going to be nice! Another crazy spring this year for sure. We actually got in to the mid 80's this weekend.

    Wacko, when do you see the turney again? And how are you doing these days, pain wise? And your DD, how is she?

    I guess we all spent the day partying with da birfday goil! Cam, sounds like you had an awesome day, I'm so glad, since you have so many bad ones. Did you have any cocktails? And what did ya have to eat? Aren't I the nosie one?

    More Friday Freezes, oh goodie. But maybe we should call it the Monday Freeze now? Email me the pic LDB if you can't get it and I'll try.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    glad u had a good b day cam

    my step mom had a mini stroke last night,shes still in the hospital waiting for results from tests

    hope everything is ok

    Dh is bringing her food he works there

    shes fine though sitting up working on her cell phone she works a lot very healthy mybe its stress IDK

    4 I think I got poubes in my coffee from the strip teaseSillyHeart

    I know that was groos


    poop later

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    lara- a mini stroke or tia  can cause stroke symptoms  but they usaully last minutes to hours but it is classed as a warning sign that there is a problem with the brain and neck vascular system. not somehting to be ignored. hope she is out soon

    hope everybody is having a good day, had another personel  training session so now going to have a nap

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OMG One hundred and thirdenn drinks hahahaha have more today Erin so u get an even number like 180.

    Lori Wacko is getting wackier.

    Sue I hope u'r having a good day.

    Oh wackiness Joey will be glad to answer all and every question hahaha so now everyone's life will be all straightened out.

    Oh NM like that drink, we've got plenty of WWodka in de house.

    Lara I hope everything turns out good.

    Hey Julie, as usual u put a grin on mese face.

    BTW I didn't take a shower today-yucky maybe later or tomorree.

    I can't believe how busy I've been with this phone, I thnk I'll ask for a raise---10 cents an hr--like I usd to get when I was a kid--makes me feel young again.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Cami I am having a good day....Am jes po'd that the pic of two stemmed glasses wif Orange slices on the sides and full of da Friday Freeze dwinkie didn't post.   Anyway I could just picture you and the goils laughing n pp'n.   So glad Joey agreed to b our 'go to' guy.  So 1st question....should a gal shave her head with a manly man razor or a girly girl razor?

    NN -  yes that is the drink I made.   Doubled the recipe so still have some in the freezer.  Shall I expect company soon...I'll share y'all kno that!

    Lowee - I suspect it will be for as long as I can tolerate it.  There are some on the TDM1 thread that have been on for couple years.   AND that is GR8 news!!!

    Oops....a/c man here....yak later.   Lubslubs Lubslubs Lubslubs u all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    thanks Juliet she's out and the freaking hospital did not run the tests today I'm so mad this happened before to her unless she's just not wanting to tell me I guess my dad did like 90 to the hospital she goes does my face look weird and my dad goes lets go! 

    So she's home she has seized all travel thank god and I guess she's going to another hospital idk

    Cam u have been so busy 

    Kk I'm like rah from all the stress

    Love u all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Lara I hope she gets all the tests, now u take care of u'rself to. Try to unwind anyway u can and relax.

    Sue That sounds good the couple of years, it's really sounds crappy but it's a good sign. Oh u all know what I mean.

    Joey says==Absolutely a girlie one, it will be so much gentler.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    Cami I'm so happy that your birthday went so well. Makes mese fart sing!

    Lara, my mom had a couple tia's as well. They figured it was because of too low a salt intake. Stange eh? Hope your mom is getting better and that she gets the treatment she needs.

    Welcome to our new goil, Frosty or sumtink, sowwy, it's on the last page and you can't switch back or you lose your post. Anyway. This is a nice group of ladies and you are more than welcome here.

    Mema, I lubs ya. Hope the head feels better soon. And I vote for girly girl razors! Lol

    Thank you to everyone who is including our little Gage in their prayers. Thanks also for your support. You saw me through a couple of dark nights there.

    So, I had the most perfect Victoria Day! Lovely morning with my DH, great visit with my mom this afternoon, then I cooked dinner for 19, then the most fabulous fireworks display we have ever put on thanks to some neighbours and my kids all pitching in the fireworks. It was super. Last load of dishes is in the dishwasher and I'm headed for a bath and bed.

    Hi Erin, NM, Julie, Lori, Genny, Princess and... darn I am totally forgetting people. But you know I lubs you all. Nite nite.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another drippy ayem here,
    but supposed to rain less today than yesterday. Which only means it won't be
    pouring all day.Next non-rainy day
    predicted:Sunday.Next weekend day I'm working:Sunday.Sigh.Did someone say life isn't

    Goldie--Yeah, I'm
    trying to figure out how to get a day off that's dry enoughto mow the lawn and till the garden.Gonna be a bit of a challenge, but such is
    life, I suppose.

    ORLA--praying for
    your Mom.Hope she takes the hint and
    slows down a bit!

    Julie--I like not
    needing glasses!A nap after a personal
    training session sounds wonderful!

    Cammy--Did you get
    your raise?Everyone can afford 10 cents
    an hour!

    Mema--I'll be along
    after work!Can't wait to taste that
    Friday/Monday Freeze!

    ORLA--Why didn't the
    hospital do the tests on your Mom?She
    really should not ignore what happened, it can be a warning of worse to come if
    not attended to.At least she is staying
    home for now.

    Red RH--Sounds like
    you had a great day, good for you!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Lava Lamp

    Change Servings

    1 (3 ounce) package red or blue colored
    instant Jell-O® mix

    1 cup boiling water

    1 cup vodka

    1 (750 milliliter) bottle champagne


    In a medium bowl, stir together the gelatin
    mix and boiling water until completely dissolved, about 2 minutes. Stir in
    vodka. Pour the liquid into small paper cups or portion cups. Chill until set,
    at least 2 hours.

    Pour champagne into glasses. Break up the
    gelatin with a fork, and pour into a glass of champagne. A little stir gives it
    some 'lava' action. Drink with caution, these will sneak up on you.

    Lava Lamps Recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Lara, sorry about your stepmom and I hope they can get it figured out. Like Julie said, not to be ignored. And YeS, that was gross! Not even going to repeat what!

    Julie, I admire you and all the fitness training. Do you have someone to go with, or are you doing it alone?

    Awwww heck Baby Girl, why not ask for a quarter? BTW, did you get the monies situation taken care of, in your house hold? I hope you are getting your meds.

    Lil Doyty Butt, send me the picture of the drink. Love your question for AJ (ask Joey). Well crap, treatment for as long as you can handle it, that just really really sucks. So glad you are feeling good, and I hope that lasts and lasts and lasts.

    Love the answer for Mema, Joey. Like Eren says, you are way wise beyond your years.

    Sounds like a lovely party Red. Cooking for 19 people, wow! What did ya make and I hope others helped out. Still saying prayers for little Gage. Still wondering where you are going, that will get to meet Aly.

    NM, I guess I shouldn't complain about the wind here, I guess I prefer that and the sun over all of that rain. Hoping you get a sunny day soon. You have to work Sunday, is it just the "on call" work? Quite the interesting cocktail!

    Wacko, where art thou?

    Prn, Genny, how are you two ladies holding up?


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    lol being silly goldieNerdy

    Yes thank u everyone I spoke to my father last night told him make sure she goes to the other hospital

    NM I know I am really pissed about the fact they did not do the right steps I guess they took blood did an ultra sound then she waited around all day for the nuerologist it doesnt add up.Then  there were more tests they never gave.

    Prayers for gage

    I did my walk this morning hot and sticky here

    How r u genny and princess

    Wow red thats a big dinner

    Cam its good to be busy I start that testing thing in a couple weeks also meeting with my friend she cleans houses she wants me top help expand and clean I did start one up a long time ago so we are meeting today the best way to market hey its money since I failed waitress school lol that was that awful women she is still swamped

    salt intake ineresting hm well got some work to do




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Yay - foist AJ question and he responds quickly and with such wisdom.  Girly Girl razor it shall be...Thank You Joey!!

    Cami - I do kno what you mean, but heck, I've already been on the every 3 week Herceptin since May '11, so every 3 weeks again jes a diff med.  I just can't wait til I get my brain MRI and that I get released to drive the freeways alone.  Gib Joey kiss for me.

    Lara - so scary bout your stepmom.  Praying she gets the tests and tx she needs.  (((Lara)))  Good luck on ur new cleaning adventure, hope it works out well for you.

    Red - mese lubs u too.  Head feeling much bettah... thank you.  That Victoria Days party sounds fantastic and jes too much fun, but that is a lot to cook for...hoping u did get some help.  Still praying for you, Gage, and family!  I wanna kno where u meetin up with Aly'on girl...spill it!

    NM - door will be open.  Lava Lamp does sound interesting...hmmm.  Naw...champagne, like wine, and I jes don't get along.  But who can resist jello.  Not happy you still having sooo much rain.  Just doesn't seem fair. 

    Lowee - will to ur alt ok.  Had tune-up on puter end of last month, but think this started before that.  idk  LMAO on drunk camel...LOL!


    Prn and Genny hope all going OK for you both...sending Big HugZ!

    Have a wonderful TwoferTuesday ladies!!   LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya all!!