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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning ladies--everyone sounds OK, so I like that.

    NM there is always room for jello--like that DOTD--I hope u do get a nice day off.

    I started my day with a phone call and my D--so I'm pooped LOL already

    I just wanted to send my LUBS LUBS LUBS

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2014

    OK, really quickly, Aly is coming to Canada to visit family. I arranged a southwestern ontario get together so that people on the Canadian site can meet her or just see her again. Several of the girls there have met her before. So. If you are fairly close to the border, or even far away but would come to meet Aly, feel free to PM me. It's time all of you saw my lovely country anyway. Lol.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    red..nice that you will all be getting together! And always prayers for peace for Gage

    lara..such a drag and so hard on older folks.  healthcare moves at snail pace sometimes.

    cami...I think an ask Joey forum is a MUST! LOL

    NM...I am seeing a new, well younger, rad onc guy.  I will ask him earnestly about the rad tx.  Thank you for the information. sound so good, I am glad.  I know each day can just be a challenge yet you always seem to make the best of it.  thank you for being an inspiration.  

    Erin, Juliet, Genny and Goldie....happy to ya!

    4... I gotta say you outdid your self on those seriously lovely man flesh!  

    I am doin' okay!  I have one pinkie that is still swollen and nail bed is purple.  It is painful yet but the others are improved.  Still a bit of numbness.  I am still swollen in my legs.  I wonder if any of you have had this and how long was it before it improved? MO said 3-6 more weeks to really start feeling better.

    I started a 10 day green smoothie cleanse.  All fruits and veges, no dairy, meats, sugar or breads.  I am on day 5 and feel good. I want that chit out of my system. I seemed to only want sugar on chemo and just felt crappy because of it.  I did yoga yesterday and biked this am.  The biking was harder, I had to stop, too winded.  I go my MUGA results, 69.8 to 65.2.  A drop but still at the top end of the normal range.  I will keep exercising as I can.  I hope to get back to running and to take my body back!  That is what I feel like, like my body has been taken from me and I want it back damn it!  LOL

    I find myself thinking of you girls often, of our different lives and trials.  You are all so terrific, so generous of your care and concern..thank you!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    Mema...I have a question.  Did you have problems and or SE with the Herceptin every 3 weeks? Anyone else can pipe up too... I am having some back pain, not usual for me.  I just wondered.  thanks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone----The lounge is quiet tonite. We had lots of stormy things going on here tonite--Don't like that/

    Princess I'm so glad u stopped in--and I have heard f SE from Herceptin in the last couple of years--besides our hearts.

    Red I know Aly has been to Canada before so this time u get to meet her.

    I hope everyone's OK.

    OK Joey and I had our alone time, and of course he's taking this "column" Ask Joey very seriously hahaha after the first question he wanted to now know if it will be on here as a reg. like newspaper thing. He wants to help all of you to have happy lives and he actually thinks he can. LOL And he said next month he'll be in double digits, so he thinks he's equipped to do this. WTF does he think being 10 will do. Oh well it was Wacko's idea----see I'm LOLing with that name right now. Lori for some reason everytime I see it or say it I crack up. Still.

    Oh I did have more of my D today, u'd think I'd be skinny as a bean

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2014

    Tis Wednesday here in Prague. Ise traveling with myse siblinks who donts dwink. Wese come for wedding on Friday. It was avery long trip 30 hours and I was shattered and my time still all over the place. I tink ise need a drink. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Aly u'r pic is gorgeous and yes---- it's always time for a drink. Enjoy u wedding and all the fun u'll have,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Took Sadie in to be checked for heartworm
    yesterday, she tested negative for that but tested positive for Lyme.According to the vet, a positive Lyme test
    means that she's been exposed, but since she's not showing any symptoms we just
    keep an eye on her, and in the fall catch some of her pee (fun job that should
    be!) and check her kidney function.Many
    dogs have healthy immune systems and will fight off the Lyme bug , but that
    makes them test positive.Just full of
    surprises, my Silly Sadie is!

    Goldie--Sunday is
    "on call" but there will probably be a few scheduled visits,
    too.And then there is the facility
    where the poor man sat in his wet depends for 2 days, they call every weekend
    for something or other, and there is one family that calls every single day and
    needs something or other checked out, usually because the sisters are having
    another fight.So I'll have some visits
    to make one way or the other.

    ORLA--If I were you
    I would call the hospital's patient representative and ask for an explanation
    of why nothing was done before your Mom was discharged.Something is wrong there, very wrong.

    Cammy-- I actually
    took yesterday afternoon off since there was nothing to do.Tried to mow the lawn, getting the riding
    mower started is a bit of a job first thing in the season, so I didn't get any
    mowing done, but next chance I getit
    should work!

    RedRH--Great get
    together plans!Good for you!That reminds me, I better get my passport
    renewed, or I might get into Canada and not get back into the US sometime.

    PRN--I hear you
    about wantingyour body back, keep
    working at it and it will come!Just
    don't push yourself too hard too fast, it will take time.Especially during and for a month or so after
    rads.Yoga is great, be sure to keep
    that up!

    Cammy--Joey is such
    a darling, you are so lucky to have him in your life, and us Loungettes are so
    lucky to have you share him with us!

    Aly--ditch the
    siblinks and have a dwinky, then a nap and you'll be all set!Enjoy the trip and the wedding!Great pic!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Gin Lime Rickey

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 splash Lime Juice

    (Fill to Top) Tonic

    2 Lemon Wedge


    Mix the gin and
    tonic in a highball glass over ice and pour the lime juice. Drop two lemon
    wedges into the glass and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Good morning strangers, got my power cord back and I'm up and running. I don't have a lot of time to catch up now cause I have to work today but I'm hoping to read back some and see what you've all been up to when I get home tonight. Cami was asking me about my work last time, and I'm working just 3 days/wk, about 6-7 hrs each. Chemo is kicking my ass for sure, I have to pick and choose my activities for each day. I will get to see Nora again next week. 

    NM I sure need to do some more reading on the rads cause they want 61/2 weeks of it with me, haven't gotten too much into it because it still seems so far in the future. I notice when I open up the page there is breaking news about whether an axillary dissection is necessary for early stage BC so I want to read up on that too. 

    Anyway enough of that, I read back only this one page so I hope you're all doing great…I love the ask Joey idea, sounds perfect.

    Love the bubble bath birthday cake.

    Cami…Happy…happy Birthday!!!! I hope it's as fabulous as you are! Love and hugs, meet ya all in the pool tonight!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hi princess you biked I am so proud of u kick kick its ass do not let it kick yours

    I did avocado, broccoli kale smoothie every day felt amazing I would still,but my blender is on the fritz.

    Wacko lets get the question for Joey he wants to do the article

    NM sadie has lyme oh know

    They said this summer is going to very hot sticky with lots of ticks

    I saw my friend I have not seen in over ten years after talking it was 16 she married this ole man 53 very controlling over her. He knew we were playing ketch up and the idiot is sitting there then says a horrific thing to my friend I said is that normal this abuse she said yes I want out of the marriage etc. He controls everything she does and puts her down so we left walked to a bar and he is calling my phone over 20 times I finally answer and he is screaming obsentity to me I  gave my two sense and he shows up on his bike and starts yelling at her she is a doctor he is a low class loser. IDK I try not to judge but this is his first time meeting me and hes screaming at me she is cleaning houses becaus of him he made her quit andhave no friends this is not my friend I am really concerned.I know they got in a big fight last night so now I am nervous.

    Now I can not remember whos thinking masectomy or lumpecty my mother had it twice in both different boobs I would do the masectomy then u r safe it will never happen again its tough well I had a hard time but I say do it the fake ones will not hurt you the real ones will


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    You didn't fail waitress school Lala, you had an idiot for a boss! Good luck on your job hunts. Why doesn't your friend leave her controlling husband. What an age difference!

    LDB, I didn't know you were not allowed to drive. Glad the bar is close!

    Red, if I were in MI, I would head across river. Oh wait, I don't have a passport. I forgot they changed that. We used to go over to Canada all the time.

    PRN, you are doing all you can do. I did not have the problems that you are having, so I can't offer any advice. I think in time, you will get your body back, but it prolly won't ever be the same as it was. I hope I'm wrong!

    Cami, I wish Joey could help you! I'll have to see if I can come up with some questions for him.

    Where is our wacky Wacko?

    Aly, how fun that you are going to get to meet up with some breasties, old and new! Safe travels. Love the new avatar.

    NM, sending prayers your way for Sadie, and that all will be just fine with her and no heartworms! OMG, how in the world does one get urine from a dog???? JOEY??? lOL! I don't understand why a "facility" needs a visiting nurse? Don't they have nurses there? What ever happened to the druggies that you were taking care of?

    Genny, glad you got your cord and can hang with us in the lounge. Good luck on making your decision as well. Keep a notebook handy and write down all questions and concerns for when you go to the docs, so you can get all the answers you are looking for, which will help you make your decision.

    Cami, here's your Friday/Monday Freeze that Mema made for you....enjoy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning ladies--I started a post before- but business calls at 8am,

    Lara I hate when I hear stories like that, cuz I lived it and somehow she should just leave--No one needs to be treated like that ever.

    NM I hope u still have a quiet weekend.

    Last nite I watched the Country Music thiny for the Servicemen----Oh What a Tribute, I felt like crying and for me that's a lot really. There were so many servicepeople preforming too and they were just as good or better than the old timers and adorable--It was great It was to raise funds for the veterans --and don't get me started on that one.

    OK my phone

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    4 - We getting the UFO ready...sum da goils kin still be really noisy ifin when wese shrinked down to widdle widdle but I will try n keep em all quiet so de doc n nurses don't find us in der pockets.  U gonna ROCK dis soigery gurl!!!  See u in da OR...MUAH MUAH MUAH!!

    Lowee - Thank youuuuu for getting the pic to post...woohoo.  I drive around here, cuz everything close.  But will not risk freeway driving til after MRI.  I'll be back driving 'em soon am sure.  And mese bar is close, but ya kno...mese car hasn't been dwunk in soooo long...but that's a good thing.

    Cami - Awww our sweet Joey.  Double digits is a big thing and like we always say, he is wise beyond his years anyway.  Sawee u D is back...dat jes da chits girl.

    Lara - tell her to run, most all places have a 'domestic hotline', she has to call and soon.

    NM - UGH on the Lyme...and wait til Fall to try and catch urine???  Seems too long to wait to me.  But I'm assuming you kno what symptoms to look for if her immune system doesn't fight it off?  Scarey!  And I 2nd Goldie....why a visiting nurse?  Don't think I'd put a loved one of mine in that place.

    Genny - glad you pooped in.  Can't tell you how much good research info on this go for it...and of course getting real life experiences helps too.  (((G)))

    Prn - No se's that I could attribute just to the hercepin.  My back was a big problem, think I talked about it.  But I truly believe my back problems where a culmination of all the tx and the anti-hormonals, and of course the spine is where my 1st mets were found.  If your back continues to be bothersome, please ask for a CT or MRI or something.  I did have some nail issues, but not swelling and only minimal tenderness.  Never leg swelling either, this I don't understand.  But numbness/tingling in my feet and it is still there but tolerable.  (((P)))

    Aly - You look Maaauvelous!  I envy you!! 

    Pooches get a much needed bath off and running.  LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    I know she doesnt want to go to a shelter with her kids

    her moms whacked so she doesnt want to go there

    shes trying to get a plan in place

    Im going on the Obama Care DH has decided hes quitting his job how lovely

    enrollment isnt until Nov but I told them my situation so I meet with someone JUne 2 even if hes going through some stage I am not messing around with my docs that I need they might fire him because hes acting like an idiot

    4 good luck on surgery u got the UFO packed with booze and tenders mema?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi Sue u sound good--clean those furbabies gooood.

    Lara U'r DH is quiting? Oh wow does he have something lined up--altho insurance wouldn't take hold right away. Maybe it's easier find a job where u live. It's awful here.--So much Insurance to worry about. Chit

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Anyone want to adopt a
    yellow lab?Sadie just snitched a pound
    of beef I had cut up for a stew when I turned my back for a minute.I caught her snatching the last couple pieces
    off the counter, and she didn't even look guilty!If she's going to eat $5 worth of meat she
    could at least slow down and look like she enjoyed it.Oh, well, I'll still share my pillow with her
    tonite, I bet.

    Genny--Hooray for
    getting the power cord back!Yeah!Keeping in mind that I am very biased against
    rads, I recommend you ask the rad onc just what benefit you will get from rads
    that you aren't getting from chemo--how much longer will you live due to
    getting rads, for instance.I truly
    think rads is a treatment that is past it's time and should be done away with,
    but, like I said, I am very biased.Welcome home!

    ORLA--Sadie has been
    exposed to lyme, she is not sick with lyme.Took me a while to wrap my head around that one, too.She's just as happy and active as she always
    has been, so I'll just keep a eye out for any joint problems and get her
    checked out ASAP if I see anything like that.Oh my, your poor friend.I hope
    she can get away from the prick who's abusing her.Can you make sure she has the contact info of
    a women's shelter in her area?At least
    she'll know where she can get help when she's ready to get out.

    Goldie--I can
    remember going back and forth across the border all the time too.Day trips to Campobello, things like
    that.Too, bad, too, there are a lot of
    nice places to visit in Canada.Sadie
    tested negative for heartworms, but positive for Lyme.BUT, she is only exposed, and currently
    healthy, so that's ok.Getting pee from
    a dog?Don’t' know how I'll pull that
    off yet, but I'll figure out something.The druggies were discharged for cause, and we saw his obituary in the
    paper a few weeks later.It said he died
    "unexpectedly" but the only one who wasn't expecting it was his
    wife.As to nurses in facilities,
    nursing homes and assisted living facilities are considered a person's home,
    and Hospice is a home care service, so we can provide services in such
    facilities.Nursing homes do have nurses
    working, at least LPNs, 24 hours a day.Assisted living facilities only need a nurse present a few hours a
    week.The staff in assisted living
    facilities don't have to be CNAs or have any training at all.It's almost scary how little education and
    training these people get sometimes.

    Cammy--I'm hoping
    for a quiet weekend, too!

    Mema--the thing with
    the positive Lyme test is that it doesn't turn positive for a few months after
    exposure.Since this was her first test,
    this starts the clock.Kidney damage
    from Lyme doesn't occur for 6 months or more after infection, hence the testing
    in the fall, which is mostly just to make sure her kidneys are ok, which they
    should be unless she starts showing other signs of infection:intermittent limping, not eating well,
    drinking lots of extra water, not wanting to walk or play.At that point we put her on an antibiotic for
    a month.Quite successful according to
    the vet.He's had some dogs test
    positive for as much as 7 years without ever getting sick with Lyme, so I'm
    praying that Sadie is in the healthy immune system, won't get sick category.Although I did have a bad dream about her
    being sick last night.I'm telling
    everyone that it's no big deal but some part of me isworrying some, I guess.Since she's never been tested before she may
    have been exposed years ago and is now immune.Or she could have been exposed last fall.No way to know.

    ORLA--a women's
    shelter may be able to help her find a safe place to go to with the kids.The local shelter here keeps a few "safe
    houses" where they put women whose partners are dangerous to them,no one knows exactly where they are except
    the shelter workers and the police.A
    shelter is a good place to get information, at least.DH is quitting his job?Really?Without another job lined up?How

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    HI girls! wooo hooo, Wacko is back on the cracko hehe, jk, it rhymes which is de only reason me say I on crack.

    Camille, WackoWonder is in de house with a question for Ask Joey. Ok, so my bff from high school, her name is Dorothy aka Dot. Well Dot and I go back and were berry berry close for many years. I have seen her through thick and through thin, I even found her DH for her. Ya see, I dated her DH but dumped him as he was a player. that is another story in itself. The thing I jest found out that is bothering me is this....I have thought for the past four years that she was living in Wildwood Crest NJ which is a long long way from me here in Kansas. lol. But really, I found out at our mini reunion that another duplex that she and her DH own close by that they were renting out in the past, is where they have been spending the work weeks for the last three years. I was like WTF? I was so very ill and she would only write and ask how I was doing after I wrote to her. She never offered to assist me when I was really down last year. Meanwhile, many of mese former coworkers and former high school friends, mainly girls from the band, helped with cleaning my pool to cleaning my bathrooms including the ick that my Dad leaves around the terlet. Soooo, my question for Joey is - do I just forget about the pain I feel knowing that my BFF of many years was less than five miles from me and never offered assistance or do I just let it go? Should I tell her I am hurt? 

    My sister just texted me that she has two tickets for tonight at the Kimmel Center here in KS. I texted her back and asked her what show is there as I can not find anything online. Hmmm, I was supposed to watch the finale of American Idol with mese Dad. 

    4 is having surgery, what? Where is Jeanie Beanie, I need help packing and stocking the HTL UFO so that we can pick up all goils to attend dis very important event. Is it exchange surgery again or replacement of TE's. that is more likely I tink. Sorry to not know this, mese a bad bwestie, I furshamed. 

    Mema, did de dr revoke your DL or is that jest you staying off the highways? Shucks, I hate that you do not feel comfy enough to drive that fancy schmancy vehicle of yers. I pray that you are back to being Sue very soon and that means Sue with NO RESTRICKTIONS. Ye need to keep dwinking. Tank God you can walk to de bar. And I tink yer van is prolly said that it has not gotten dwunk lately. Hugs to you. And as someone else said, thanks for being such a warrior, I is impressed as hail with yer attitude. I just lubs lubs lubs you goil. Here is a Dorky Wacko hug for ya (((((MEMA))))). 

    So I gonna hit submit and try to come back. So much more to say. oh, NM, I WILL TAKE THAT LAB. chit, bad bad goil for stealing yer meat. But I tink if I wuz a dog, I would do de same. She is so cuteliest. I said a prayer for her that the lymes virus stays far far away from her highness. she is soooo sweet, foygive her, k? 

    KK, will try to come back soon. sooo much more to say, you know me, I cant stop typing but have to leave for a few. BBL, tay? I have missed you goils and it took me 45 miutes to ketchup reading. And I miss our Bernie and Kat lately too. Too darn bad they are not here, I pray they come back. 

    kk, for reals this time, chEErs n chuckels from Wacko McDorky! I AM A DORK. 

    Peace goils, n lots of lubs 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Hi girls!

    I'm home lounging on meese screen porch wif a dwinkie. Ice tea but might have to spike it!

    So Operation TaTaBoob (Thin a Thigh and Build on one Boob) went really well.  I'm only afraid he didn't take enough thigh to see a difference. Can't tell right now because I have on the sexy crotchless girdle to slapped on me in the OR.

    I had the nicest, bestest gas man.  And by that Erin, I mean the anesthesiologist!!  An my PS is very happy with how things went.  He tell me today that he has read ALL the studies and articles I brought to him and it is all cutting edge and fascinating.  He is the first doc and I am the first patient they have done this with at my hospital, and it's a BIG hospital.

    So please cross your fingers and say a prayer this works for me.  Not for my sake, but if it works for me, my doc will be able to help SO many girls what have rad issues that cause recon problems.

    So while I was in the waiting room I had a conversation with my thighs and explained to them that I was relocating some of them.  They were getting out of the ghetto and moving on up to a high rise!  So now they better behave themselves!

     Sorry I haven't posted much lately.  Been just so busy gettin ready for today and it was the kids last day of school. WooHoot!  I been keeping up just no time to write.  Sorry

    Genny, glad you are back with power!

    Princess, I really hope you are starting to feel better.  I'll keep looking for new kinds of tea to send!

    NM, I hope,this turns out to be nothing you and Sadie need to worry about.

    LaLa, is it your MIL what's having troubles?  Hope it all smooths out and she is ok. DH quitting, ugh!

    MeMa, so glad you sound so good and thanks for looking out for me!

    Lori, glad your mom is ok too.  Whirlwind trip you had but oh got your truck back.,  I can't live without mine. 

    Julie, as always nurse's advice for everyone!  I love Disney and Epcot.  Animal Kingdom is so cool!  I have a windchime from there on my back deck I am listening to right now!

    Red, that is awesome what you are planning with Aly! Mounds like so much fun, Eh?

    Aly, love the chapeau!  Have safe travels! Cant wait to see the pics!

    Erin!  I don't know where to start!  Hope you feeling good.  Give us an the Puka all closed up?

    Undie, I hope you are healing up quick with your foot!  Drop,us a line!

    You 2 Beans,  Thanks for the use of e UFO today.  I could hear the girls giggling the whole time!

    Cami!  Hope you are all tested up after your BDay! Sur eJoey is taking care of you.  If it doesn't work out with Julie's Neice I have a daughter about to turn 10!  Bummer about the D.  Did we scare your friend away from the lounge?

    Ok I don't mean to be furgittin annybunny, so it's not personal if meese did dat.

    Ok, me thinks that all meese anesthesia brain can member right now.  I LUBS YOU ALL BERRY MUCHLY!

    Going to lay me head back and listen to the wind rustle the leaves and watch the baby doves that hatched today in my flower pot.

    later taters!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    aww, 4, glad to see you. and oops, yer surgery was todey, my bad. I hope your thighs are happy up on de penthouse suite! you are funneeee! 

    Lara, wtf, why is yer DH quitting his job? Dey ain't easy to fiind as you very well know. And like yer Mom, mese sister who was first dx with bc also went through the lumpectomy, then single mx and then had a recurrence years later which is why I chose the BMX right from the beginning. and the goils are right, you DID NOT fail waitressing, that jack arse biotch failed YOU. Hugs to ya. 

    Aly, have a super good time with yer breasties, I wish I could join ya and visit yer bootiful country too! cheers! oh, I lubs yer avatar, ye look like a royal. 

    Saying prayers for Mema, PRN and GenGen. I know you goils are having a hard time, here is a gentall hug for each of you (((((EACH OF YOU))))). 

    chit now, I did not page backwards, wanted to address all mese goils. will try to pop back in again in jest a bit. in de meantime, dwink up, it really IS humpdey dis time, wese not dwunk! well mese is but dat anudder story too! cheerS!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    lara-can your gf start copying importent papers  in prep to leave, passports,bank papers etc and if she can hide the kids birth certificates to tak e with her when she leaves ,is there somewhere she can phone in peace or have a cell phone he doe not know about so she can call the hotline in safety.  he will be most dangerous when she leaves  or if he thinks she getting ready to leave. take care,

    working 3 in a row so tired!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Hi this is Joey Erin, I think you should express yourself to your BFF and tell her how it hurt you. She might've not known that you were terribly sick. I personally think you should a 2nd chance. Hope you take my advice <3<3 ~ Love Joey


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Well Ladies, it's 10:00 and I'm just getting on here and I'm so tired I don't even know what I'm doing so I don't have time or energy to catch up. Read a couple a posts, wacko, I think you should leave well enough alone and not contact her unless she makes the first move. Then if you find yourself getting close again you could bring it up... but we best see what advice Joey has. He's the smart one.

    4 glad to hear it went well and I hope your thighboob heals beautifully.

    PRN I hope those nasty SE go away real soon, glad yer done and gettin' to try and start getting into shape again.

    NM, Yer givin me a lot to think about, I have so much more research to do. My DH is kinda just a do what the DR says kinda mindset, I can't really talk to hime about any of it without all my facts in order. I sure hope Sadie doesn't show any symptoms, and I hope she enjoyed yer dinner. Hope you both get some great pillow time.

    Goldie, Lala, Cami, Red, Orange and everbody else, I gotta go back and see what yer up to but i'm going to sleep now, Xanax kickin in... nighty night and sweet dreams

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014


    I have a cubic Chit ton of research on ILC as well as lists of pre op questions I made my dr.'s answer before they drew the dotted line!  I would be happy to share if you would like me to email links and my word docs to you. Always happy to talk too!

    MeMa!  I know you were humming "The Jefferson's" theme song with me when we were texting from my pre op!  Sing it with me.........."We're movin' on a high rise ......".

    Ok girls I finish ketching up in de ayem.  It's been a longish day!  But tomorrow I'd a NO ALARM CLOCK day!!  So I'm calling it a night!

    LUBS N Smoochies to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Just poopin in to let u know Joey did not read our post, I read that one part to him and set it where it should be--I won't and he doesn't want to let him read anything we write so please don't think a kid is reading any of this.HUGS--I have to ketchup too.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    aww, Joey, you melt my heart. Tell him that Camille ♥. I love him too. And thank him from me. I will wait until we chat again and bring it up as I know Joey's advise is sound advise. 

    I'd like to write more but mese soooo tired and has a big dey tomorrow, well for me it a big one. and no, not to be funcused with Mr. BIG one. 

    Hi Julie, good advise for Lala fwend, such a sad ting. I said a prayer for her. 

    Cam, thanks for de disclaimer on Joey but duh, why of course we know you wouldnit let him read our posts. we jest lubs him and cant wait til he old enough to really join us as a lubed on of a survivor and lubed one of all goils in de lounge. He is jest nine, wow, so profound for such a young en, he has an old soul, no doubt. 

    well like GenGen, mese meds kicking in too, not taking much vitamin V but todey is DE dey for it. I foyget what has been taking mese time cuz mese dwunken dis night. but I know someting gone on around mese world. 

    Well wishing you all love and peace in yer farts. And mema, Shark pwoudly goil! Nutting to be shamed of, oh contrare, be a proud mother n sharter! 

    git those titties up and toast with me, cHEERs. and sweet dreams n hot tenders to all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Julie u must be tired and it's so true what u told Lara, I don't think about the possibilities that could happen. And I think we hear more stories in the last 10 yrs, so she really should take all the precautions.

    444--U really sound so good, I would think u'd be in pain more or u just take pain well.

    And Sue I second what ERIN said u r amazing, with such a great attitude.

    Chit I can't remember anything tonite I just got 2 more calls and like the idiot that I am I answered both of them--WTF was I thinking like people really answer phones at that time for a business. My meds are kicking in  hahaha

    It's so easy to lubs u all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Cam, I know what ya mean about being so ez to love us goils, mese feel eggzachary de same way. kk, night night goils, for real dis time. muah!! 

    gnight johnboy, gnight elizabeth de ho, good night mama good night papa. until tomorreee, peace, lub and dwunkeness ♥♥♥ ChERries! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?I'm sitting here trying to think
    what day of the week today is. I think it 's Thursday, but there's a note at
    the top of my page that says it's Wednesday.Hmm, it also says March 26, so I think that is the date I opened this
    note page, not today's date.So it must
    be Thursday, after all.I hope.I need coffee.

    Erin--I forgave
    Sadie almost immediately.If she's
    healthy enough to snatch raw meat off the counter she's not sick with
    Lyme.And it's not like I don't know
    enough not to leave temptation out like that.I still loves here, even if she does hog the pillows at night!

    4--So glad the
    surgery went well, can't wait to see how it turns out.Sometimes being the first to have something
    done is a good thing.A doc that reads
    the research you sent him?That's
    amazing!Now rest and recover.Awww, baby doves in the flower pot?How fascinating!

    Julie--good advice
    for LARA for her friend!Hang in there
    with the work stretch.

    Joey--good advice

    Genny--It's sad you
    can't talk with your DH about this stuff.Glad you found us here, we all understand and will listen any time!And Sadie must have enjoyed her dinner, she
    was specially cuddly last night.She had
    great pillow time, I did manage to keep a corner of one for my own use. . .

    Cammy--I never
    thought that Joey was reading the posts here, I assumed you were relaying the
    question and then you were transcribing his answers.He's too sweet to be corrupted by all the
    stuff that gets talked about on here, and you are too good to let him be
    exposed to that kind of stuff.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical
    Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola


    Empty half a can of
    cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid.
    Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    well they called me in for two days tomm and friday to grade tests hope I can get through the day its money

    we have a safe word she says she says it I call 911

    4 good luck with surgery good to have a thigh talk we will get the UFO packed

    cam joey about reading the thread lol I dont know about or chat thing with him he is so lovely joey give him a hug for me

    NM I will adopt sadie

    DH is going through some chit IDK if hees going to quit but im getting my own insurance I support him on what ever decsion but we need money coming in im not going back wo work full time for awhile

    Im doing the best I can for money

    mybe hes having a midlife crisis who nows

    Im not going to worry about it I have other things to do

    Hi big sis did u watch american idol? Hows your pain?

    Hi genny and princess

    Juliet yes thats good advice r u still working out?

    Hi goldie yea shes 41 hes 53

    If I missed someone sorry im half asleep gotta get ready soon



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014
