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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Oh gosh, I have to be quick. Only got to read a little. DH has doctor appointment this afternoon, having trouble with his foot, so I have to do all of the orders, and because it's a holiday weekend everyone wants their orders yesterday.

    NM, great splanation about the nurses and hospice care. Glad to know about the past patient, who passed. Not that he passed, but I think I would always wonder. LOL @ Sadie.............sorry, not really funny.

    Wacked, Jacked and on Crack!!!! You know who you are!

    4, glad all went well. You cracked me up with telling your thighs they are moving up!

    Gots to git...............HUGGLES!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    4 - LOL that is eggZackery what I was singing...'moving on up' too funny.  And while I was itty bitty.  I got sum of da other goils to heft me up and I kinda jes hung from da docs pocket and watched and ya kno...dat doc knows what he doing.  He jes slice here and der and sed, now git on up der to dat new 'hi-rise' and dey jes jumped on up der.   You sound soooo good and I can jes picture dat puurdy crotchless girdle u wearing to keep da new thinner thighs in shape.  Awww and da pic of da baby doves....sooo wonderful.  You rest as much as you can, K?

    Genny - please take advantage of all the research that 4 is offering you.  She is really thorough, I don't kno how she finds the time with all she has going on either.  And she gets it from VERY reliable sources, not jes some write up on the internet, but from places like Sloan Kittering n such.  In the meantime, again I kno how the brain jes gets in overload and you sed it seems so far off, but start the research now so the brain does not go into overload and hopefully you'll be more comfortable with the decision you do make.  (((G)))

    Lara - so much going on with you, MIL, ur job, ur pain, ur abused girlfriend and NOW ur husband gonna quit his job...WTF!!!  I wanna reach thru da internet and shake him fer crissake, what is he thinking.  But I admire you that you support him, after all you kno him better than we do.  And the other girls tell you correct, Julie about getting paperwork too.  She can make the CALL to the Domestic Hotline to get help and find resources, she may be surprised how much info she can get that will make things easier for her and her kids to get the HAIL out of there.  Like NM said, we too have 'secret safe homes'.  It's really good that you 2 have a 'safe' code, but Please encourage her to call the hotline too.  Gonna say lots of prayers for you that your world starts smiling on you've had enough (((Lara)))

    NM - thanks for splaining the Lyme maturation.  I had no idea it good last that long and all that.  When I saw she snagged and ate all da beef I thot, 'well she can't be too sick, LOL'.  And we alllll kno you will continue to share your bed and pillow with her!  I hate when I don't kno what day it is much less what week it is...glad u got it figured out. 

    ErWacko - Good to see you again....u been gone too long.  And I like Joey advice...but, just how long has it been since u've emailed each other?  Think I wud take that into consideration.  So....did u go to Kimmel Center or watch TV with ur Dad last night?    No, they have not revoked my DL, but in the beginning the risk of seizure was high.  With each passing day and week, the risk minimizes because the swelling in mese brain is reducing.  They just advise against driving the freeways til we get a clear scan.

    Julie - hoping you can get some sound exhausted. 

    Cami - I agree wif da other goils...we kno u wudn't let Joeys tender eyes see all written here and that u'd jes 'tell' him our questions.  You sound jes tooo bizy wif da phone.  And tank ewe so much for ur kind words...we jes do da best we can and you inspire me too to keep smiling...lubs u!

    I'm missing Beanius and Cyndielouwhowho...come poop into da lounge and habs some dwinkies soon please!

    Hellooo's to Aly and Red...Where's Undie, hope she doing OK too. 

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya all to infinity and beyond!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning

    NM that DOTD sounds interesting and I'm still LOLing about Sadie and the meat--to funny ours is like that too.

    Goldie u'r really busy, I hope u'r DH's foot thing is nothing much. And u still crack me up/

    OK I'm not understanding something here--as usual---Lara u'r safe word is 911--that sounds like a tell word to me.I'm just saying--when I was young we used to talk numbers when we could talk or didn't want to say something--And 21 was always the number for I can't talk now---Just my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right as everyone knows.

    Sue u sound pretty good today--Im glad.

    Julie I hope u'r not over doing, but u know u'r limits I'm sure.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    For the record, I do not do crack. BUT I will be making fun of my wacky self so do not worry when I talk about being a crack head. the werd just cracks me up. 

    Gotta run, gotta git showered and mese mop of hair washed and dried then to mese shrink at 2:turdy pee em. I tink I gonna make an appt for mese Bella again too. i so worried bout her big lump, it jest growing so fast. I do have a feeling she has breast cancer. ugh, please pray for mese doggy! I jest loves her. 

    here she is! + VIDEO REMOVED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF DE US OF AYE, oh hail yah! tehehe, burp, pull mese finger! 

    not sure if this will work but here is a short video I toook of her. You can see her booby lump at about 14 seconds in. I will take it down in a day or so cuz it shows a name of a goil named dorthy. I wish I could change that but I cant.  it should say erin soooooooo who is a crack wack! hehe!   Cheers goils!

    LINK REMOVED by the MODS (hehe, I made the mod part up)... IF YOU READ THIS SENTENCE< call me on it and you win ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! yep, I had a photobucket link but showed mese real name. and peeps could find me in Kansas by mese berry unique name so mese removed. So dere. EDIT OBER, mese ober and out! 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2014

    Hello Loungettes, Happy Thirstday!!  

    Howz it going ?  I tried to read some but to be quite honest if I read everything I would never get in to Im just going to jump in if thats ok?  I did however skim a bit and see that naughty Sadie ate the question where its at!  You would think that would make her sick..eating all that raw meat.  

    Red, I am sorry to hear about your nephew and I am sending prayers to you and your family.  I spoke to Goldie on the phone who told me what was kind of going on with everyone.  I spoke to SuZQ also not too long ago who also clued me on some of the goings on in everyone's lives.  

    I still have a crowd here..although, they say they all have a plan and they will be leaving...all I know is I  have to leave and Im looking and when I do find something I dont want any extra baggage..if ya know what I mean.  Well, Reese can come with me.

    2 weeks until Jodi's visit and about 3 until we go to TX..time just goes by way fast.  

    In the words of our wise GoldieLox


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    yippee, Cyndie Lou who is de lounge, hip hip horr hiccup ay! So all the boys are moving somewhere else aye? That sounds good as I know that is what you had in mind when you found the place you are in.  Have you heard back on that little place you were talking about? I keep thinking about our time together and whenever the sun goes down here on drum circle days, I think of you. Well I tink of you most days anyway. Glad to see you here goil, don't be a stranger Lucy! Give Reese a kiss and tell him that when I come back, I will wear his favorite slippers and he can chase me again. I miss the little wipper snapper I do. 

    So who is dwinking tonight with me? I just made a JD and diet, I know I know shocking! Do any of you American goils have big plans for Memorial Day? And Aly, if ye reading, I had to look up Victoria dey. I have seen it on de calendar but neber knew what it wuz til yesturday. I found out that in French, it is called Fête de la Reine. Am I cool or what? hehe! 

    I am going to have a gathering either on Sundey or Mondey, looks like Monkey dey is the better weather day here but the entire weekend looks good, yipppee skippee. I hope it is good weather for all mese goils. 

    I hope you girls in treatment are having a good day. My heart aches for ye goils. Keep yer chins up and the tits up too. 

    oh, bdw, I foygot to mention that I lol'ed at Lala's comment about the old tits trying to kill us and the new ones are innocent, sorta like that Lori, ya know, de innocent one . (under mese breath, I saying "YEAH RIGHT< innocent, ok, tell me anudder") hiccup~ cheeRs dears. 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2014

    Miss youse too Erin B and so does Reese..he would give anything to swipe your slippers..his fav thing to do along with socks...underwear..pj's ..dust string..dryer sheets...mmmm...just about anything.  

    Idk about the little place I want..I wont know for some time as the owner is in China and comes back the day before I leave for Texas.  I am hopeful and will send him a text from Austin.  I hate not knowing what I'll be doing in a couple of months.

    Whatcha mean..our Goldielox is innocent....lolololololol...big belly laugh!!  

    Work is almost over..yippie skippie....its Natty time!!!!

    Esspectin a phone call from my Jodi lynn..she had he wisdom teeth removed today.. :( .. oh...her lumpectomy is scheduled for July.

    Latah tatahs..


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    aww, Cyn, hugs to you and to your Jodi Lynn. Too much for such a young goil to have to endure. I said another prayer for your sweetie. And fyi, mese name is no longer Erin B, it is Erin Sooooo pronounced SUE. Mese bese Chinese now ya know? Ain't I purdy? tehehehe. Please poop in more often goil, you made mese day! 

    Hugs and cheers to all mese goils. Now I ask again, WHO IS PARTAYING? Jocks has a big ole stogie for us. Or is it called a blunt dese deys? I here if ya wanna join me by de percotini fountain, in de schmoking willie section dat bese! 

    Ch ch ch ch cha chia chEErs! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It's official, I am
    crazy.I picked up 2 more on call shits
    (Monday night and Tuesday night) so the girls with kids wouldn't be assigned.I did negotiate getting next Friday (the
    30th) off, so I get a 3 day weekend, but with working Sunday and being on call
    Thursday night might just as well be working 24/7 most of the week!I am really hoping that there will be enough
    clear weather to get the yard mowed and the garden started. . . .

    ORLA--Good for you
    for having a safe word!I decided to
    keep Sadie after all.She is just too
    comfortable as a pillow, even if she does snitch meat off the counter.Have fun grading!

    4--Wow!Great pics!

    Goldie--Yes, it is
    funny now, it wasn't so funny that day.Sadie is so silly that It's hard to stay mad at her.

    Mema--there is a lot
    we don't know about Lyme disease, in dogs and humans, I have discovered.And you are right, if she could eat all that
    meat as fast as she did, she can't be sick, especially since one of the thingsI need to watch for is her not eating
    well.The fact that she's gained almost
    10 pounds over the winter should be an indicator that she isn't sick, too!

    Cammy--I think ORLA
    and her friend have a safe word that will tell ORLA to CALL 911, I don't think
    the safe word IS 911, but ORLA will be along soon to tells us for sure.

    Erin--Yeah, I did
    forgive Sadie.And the stew wasn't
    totally beefless, I hadn't cut up the other half of the meat, so I have a stew
    with lots of fiddleheads, but very little meat, but it still tastes pretty

    CynCyn--Glad to see
    you jumping in!Sadie did not get sick
    from the meat, silly dog that she is.It's probably natural for dogs to eat raw meats, they certainly seem to
    like it well enough! Good luck with the looking and leaving the extra baggage

    Erin--if you're
    getting good weather for the holiday weekend I am jealous!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is The "Mello" Drama Drink

    3 parts Cinnamon

    3 cubes Ice

    1 wedge Lemon

    5 parts Cranapple

    2 dashes Soda Water


    ***This drink should
    be made with Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. You can however user Cinnamon liqueur
    if you don't have it****

    Pour the 3 parts
    Cinnamon whiskey into your glass with the 3 ice cubes. Then add 5 parts
    Cranapple juice. Squeeze the lemon wedge well into the glass and drop it in.
    Finally add 2 dashes of soda water and stir.

    A great drink for

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    IM so tired from yesterday going again to work my damn body is fking sore all day every day

    Thanks for the concern

    The safe word is her childs name

    My brother and I were latch key kids so are safe word was mom are you moke spagggettti tonight?

    I had some scary things happen when we were little weird stuff sex calls to the house some man would call and breath then there wa some guy going around when I had to walk to the middle school he stopped us he had hes you know what on the steering wheel tryued to grab my friend but we ran then I saw him again and he just looked at me the police were involved so my friends mom walked us every day after that then there was this kidnapping no one solved karen wilson and a man called my mom saying he knew her through karen wilson and my mom looked like her weird crappo

    NM ok u can keep sadie

    mema I know wtf...............................

    4 whens surgery Im pking now

    Hi big sis love u 53  is not old damn its the new 40s

    I was just saying because goldie said it is a big age difference but not really.I hate this guy

    ok well gotta go to work


    oh cyn hi stranger good to see you. You are moving to china wow



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Good morning ladies! I love the mornings, I feel like my old self till about noon everyday, I'm hoping to take myself out golfing this morning before the fatigue sets in. Between the weather and the tiredness I've only gotten to go once this year. DH out with dogs, then he's off to Case western for a 3 hour orientation about this dog therapy stuff he's getting into. Don't know if I've told you all but our GSD which we just adopted last August has been flying through all the therapy dog testing like she was born to do it. She is approved with Therapy Dogs International, and University/Hospital/Case Western. Last weekend she went and visited 12 patients and my DH said she just lays her head on the bed while they talk to her and pet her. The only problem is, everyone wants her and my DH works alot and likes to golf and only has a limited amount of time, but I'm thinking this will be his calling in his retirement years. He's got her signed up for a reading program at our local library in the fall. He even bought a bunch of little stuffed GSD's with scarfs that say Emma. And to think last year at this time she was in a kill shelter and her 30 days were up and she was scheduled to be put down. That was when a rescue group found her and put her in foster care and then my husband found her on the internet. She didn't even know how to walk on a leash when we got her, so I told my Dh we needed to get her trained quick if I was going to be able to walk her. The trainer worked with her twice and said she should be a therapy dog, and now she is probably the brightest thing in my DH's life. Funny how some things work out. He took her to a church 1 night with a bunch of handicapped kids and this boy with cerebral palsy just grabbed her by the neck and kind of tackled her and she just laid there and took it. 

    Anyway it's sunny and 60 here and going to be a beautiful Memorial Weekend and I don't work again till Wednesday, Nora on Tuesday, DH off till Tuesday also.

    4 sew, thank you for the offer of info on ILC, I would love it, I will PM my email to you. I'm going to get a legal pad and draw a line down the middle and put lumpectomy on one side and BMX on the other and see what I can come up with. Then I'll take that with me to the MO and surgeon and have it all written down for my DH and maybe we can figure it all out. I love the doves, how fun to get to watch them grow up. I have hummingbird feeders and for the first time have Baltimore orioles eating out of them. I guess they like jelly and oranges so I'm gonna put them out this weekend, they are vibrant orange and so pretty. How's the thighboob coming, I hope you're not having much pain

    Lala, so sorry about your friend, sounds like you've done all you can do, just be there for her. He sounds like a real SOB, my first marriage was a verbally abusive one, but I got out when I was 28. It's no way to live, her self esteem is probably very low, hopefully she'll get the courage to leave the prick. Good luck grading papers, and I hope your Dh makes the right decision, whatever that may be.

    Goldie, sorry to hear about your DH's foot. I know you 2 seem to be on the go a lot, hope it gets better soon. We do have similar dx, did you have it in your lymph nodes? Did you have to have the axillary dissection? Radiation?

    Sue, glad to hear the brain swelling is down and the tx is working. Sounds like you've been thru so much, I hope you have a great summer and get feeling really good. You're always so upbeat, an inspiration to me.

    Erin, I'm so glad your parents are doing well, I watched the video and little Bella is the cutest thing ever. Can't they biopsy that lump? I had a dog years ago that I inherited from my brother when he died. Anyways she got this fatty tumor on her side but she was about 14 so I didn't do anything about it. Well she lived till she was about 17 and the thing ended up looking like a football on her side, but it didn't bother her at all, she would run thru the woods and just sleep on the other side. She died from old age. Hopefully Bella's is just a benign growth.  And I hope you don't let your HS bf bring you  too much grief. I know you're hurt, but it sounds like she might not be someone who really needs to be in your life now anyway. I would concentrate more one the friends that have been there for you than wasting energy on her. Just my opinion.

    NM, I love reading your posts, you are so smart and knowledgeable. I still have a lot of research to do on the rads thing but right now I have to concentrate on the surgery thing. I do know my MO and RO said it would improve my odds of it not coming back in 5 yrs by 30%, and from the research I've found on the bcorg site that is what it says. I'm not opposed to having rads to the axillary, I'm just not sure I believe it's necessary to have it to my chest if I have a BMX. I might say no to that. I'm glad Sadie is fine, she sounds like lots of fun, nothing like dogs, I feel sorry for those that aren't "dog people", I just can't imagine not having them.

    Julie, you go girl, glad you got your trainer, my DH says he'll pay for me to have a personal trainer when all this is over if I want. I'd like to get back to running again when all this is over but I'm gonna be so out of shape it's going to be hard. 

    PRN, Hope you're feeling better everyday. Is the swelling going down, and how's the neuropathy? I started on a high protein, lower carb eating yesterday, which is the way I always used to eat till I got my dx. Then I found myself saying  i have cancer, screw it, I'll have mac-n-cheese, and potato chips and ice cream and all the things I have avoided for years. Well anyway, with my energy level in the toilet I thought maybe getting back to healthy eating might help. So how's the Smoothie cleanse going? Are you feeling anymore like your old self?

    Cami, enjoy your weekend with your boy, I love hearing the stories about him and I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    And Red and all you ladies and everyone else I didn't mention I hope you have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend and that your weather is picture perfect. DH walked dogs for an hour and I was typing when he left and still at it so I gotta go. Catch you all later.. bye for now..lubs,lubs


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Ok, time to ketchup.

    Wacko, I totally forgot about your sister having BC. And I see you got a poysonal response from Joey. What was your big day yesterday? As for your friend, I believe you said that she is also a freind on facebook, so she had to know of your situation, right? I think I would have to sort of keep my distance. My gawd, if I could be closer to you, I would still be over there helping you out. I would just leave the relationship where it is and nothing more lost. Funny about calling Lara out at 53 being old! I hadn't thought of it like that, until you pointed it out. I hope your Bella is ok.

    Lara, I'm with everyone else, why quit a job before you have another one (your dh). That's scary that the situation with your friend is bad enough that you have to have a "safe" word. Just saw that the safe word was her childs name. Hmmmmm...what if she just happens to say something about her child and mentions the name, you might call when not needed? Scary situation about your childhood.

    Great advice Julie, for Lala and her friend. I can't imagine being in that sort of situation. 3 in row? 3 shifts in a row?

    Genny, I wouldn't expect any man to help in our situations/decisions! I think after you get all of your questions answered, you'll have a better idea of what you want.

    4, so what you had was like the DIEP, but tissue take from the thighs? I am still amazed that these surgeries are done as out patient! Love all of the birds in the spring, I have a couple purple finch nests, both of which are in my satelite gizzy.

    Cam, DH is fine. But you know how men are when there is something wrong or they are sick! He limps around like his leg is gonna fall off, but I have caught him walking practically normal! That is when he forgets to Anyways, doc thinks it's just Plantar Fasciitis.

    There's my Lucy Lou! It was so nice to talk, thanks for calling. I thought that "crowd" was leaving on Wednesday....this PAST Wednesday! Once Jodi gets there in 2 weeks, that last week won't matter, so really just waiting on 2 weeks to pass. Who's taking Reese? Why are they waiting so long to do a lumpectomy on Jodi? Did they do any kind of biopsy? They must have, if she is having a lumpectomy. I am not remembering....imagine that!

    You goilies cwacking me up......laffing at my innocence!

    NM, I am lafffing at your first sentence in your post and I'm certain it's a typo. But you sayed "It's official, I am crazy.I picked up 2 more on call shits".

    Lara, I think you had too many drugs! 4 had surgery on Wednesday and Cyn is NOT moving to China. The guy who's place she wants to rent is in China for a few weeks.

    Genny, what a grand story about your fur baby. I hope you get to go out and golf. Grab those moments when you can and just know it will all be good for next year. You still have more ahead of you, so just look at this year as one you won't get to do all you want, but next year and here on out you will. Glad you are resting when it's needed. I have Orioles on my hummingbird feeders too, but they are black and bright yellow. I had lumpenctomy, chemo and radiation. And yes in my nodes. Surgeon only took 2 nodes, both were positive. I think rads can interfere with reconstruction, which I believe, was part of the problem 4 had. She can correct me if I'm wrong. OHHHHH, is that your baby girl? Is her name Emma? She is beautiful!

    Ok, been here a LONG time catching up, now to get ready for work................"The Innocent One"

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    WooHoo Cyndielou heard mese paging her.  I didn't kno, or prolly forgot about Jodi and the lumpectomy too?  I am claiming to have da bestest excuse for forgetting tho.  Will put her in my prayers Cyn...she is jes tooo!!  And getting wisdom teeth extracted ain't no picnic either.  U send her BIG HUGZ from mese K? 

    ER-Wacko - I watched da vid of Bella...ohhh I hope it is just a growth...praying hard.  I know that benign growths can be common and they can grow to be gi-normous, but still scary.  Ya gotta keep us posted K?  You so sweet to your daddy, and every time you write about him I smile big big, as I can still picture him in mese mind.  But most of all am glad da abilify is a godsend for you and he.  We're not doing anything special this weekend that I kno enjoy your weekend of fun...I feel your love and hugs and feel sooo blest..MUAH!

    Genny - Good for you for getting more info and weighing all the pro/cons in writing so you can really 'see' it.  And your story about your rescued 'Emma'...jes brought tears to mese eyes.  And she is sooo beautiful!!  What a wonderful thing you and DH are doing with her, I'm still misty eyed.  Now go out and play some golf!!  ((G))

    Loweee - da innocent one...LMAOROTF!!  Love the pic...LOL.  I have had the Plantar Fac for years.  It can be very very painful, but there are simple exercises he can do to relieve much of his pain.  If he doesn't have real orthotics (not Dr Scholls) in his shoes, then he should order some from Spenco.  I have several pair, some short, some full length, to fit in different style shoes.  Dats my 2 cents! 

    NM - I had to chuckle too at the start of your post...but I kno, we kno, u r NOT crazy.  It is who you are and why we love u so much.  Your heart is as big as da universe!  Glad you will get a 3 day weekend even tho it may not turn out to be so.  Hope u can get some yard work done!

    Lara - Scary chit, such freakazoids in dis world and seems to be getting worse.  I had a few incidents like that growing up and this was in the 50's & 60's.  We didn't have or even think about 'safe codes'...makes me wonder how we survived sometimes!  Still praying you find some relief for your pain...((Lara))

    4Sew & Prinrn - how are you 2 doing today??

    Aly and Red - missing you too!

    Gotta a day ahead of me...getting my EWWA in gear...LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL YA'LL!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Cyn  it's nice to read you--Prayers for Jodi-I hate this shit.--but I miss u.

    Yes Goldie the innocent one, I'm holding my LOLing--Like Sue said that Planter thing isn't peanuts u know, it's painful. So I do hope u'r DH takes care of it.

    NM u are so good hearted thinking of who has kids and stuff for others.U r a blessing for u'r patients.

    Lara leave it to me I got the safe word thing all mixed up. But Jez u had it crazy when u were a kid with all  these perverts walking around. And I do feel for u'r GF. And so wish u didn't have so much pain and u'r working too. It's gotta be hard.


    genny what a sweet story and u'r furbaby is beautiful/

    Sue u always sound so good.

    And I hope everyone gas a good weekend --I've got to go to the bathroom at any minute so I have to close

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    It looks like I'm the first one here, but I've been up for a while so u know what that means, I'll be knocked out most of the day. But it's tomorrow I go to my DD1 home, I really thought it was today, so I have clothes  to wash and hoping my D stays away--cuz I want to go in the pool as long  as the sun is out, it's heated so that helps and weather is supposed to be nice, but showers somewhere along the line. I hope they avoid my linealways want everyone to feel better today then yesterday and I hope that's the case for anyone who needs those prayers and whoever can rest over this weekend please do. This is a weekend of thought too, which I'm sure we all do.

    I have so much love for all of u I just want u all to be well and happy and drunk, cuz I'm drinking this weekend --I know I always say that, but I try really.

    NM I know u'r on call with all crazy hours this whole week but next weekend u and Sadie can enjoy better weather than even this weekend.

    Lori and I hope u'r DH is better so u can relax a bit.

    Sue just stay as well as u can and LARA I hope u'r pain lessons.

    Erin Soo a/k/a/??? I like it best when Goldie says it--I hope u'r mom and Dad feel well so u can feel happy.

    And everyone else cuz I love ye all, u'r all very special to me. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Kid brother is stopping by
    today with my new 'puter!Yeah!

    ORLA--WOW, scary
    stuff when you were in middle school.Sounds like you had a run in with a real pervert.Very creepy!

    Genny--How wonderful
    of you to save Emma and then to help her find her calling!I love the therapy dogs that I see in the
    nursing homes, so much variety and so much fun to see the residents' faces
    light up!Hooray for having a lovely
    long holiday weekend!You might want to
    talk to your DH about getting a personal trainer now, rather than later.One of the women I used to see on another
    thread bikedand ran (yes, long
    distances, too) throughout treatment and did really well.The more exercise you can do during treatment
    the better women seem to feelbetter.Beautiful DOG!!!!

    Goldie--Oh, dear, I
    didn't see that typo, but then again, maybe it's not so wrong after all?And last time I was on call did get called
    out to clean up $hit!

    Mema--glad I gave
    youa few moments of enjoyment and
    chuckles with my typo!We're just all
    getting tired out covering both the weekend nurse (out after shoulder surgery)
    and the weeknight call nurse (called home to help care for a sick, possibly
    dying mother).It will all settle out
    again eventually.

    Cammy--the nurses
    with young children are having trouble arranging for child care for when they
    are on call over night, and I don't mind the overnights as much as I do being
    out and making visits during the day, so it makes sense for me to pick up the
    extra, even if I am feeling a bit abused.I managed to finagle this extra into a paid day off on Friday, and a 3
    day weekend to boots, so I think I did ok for myself.And I am so hoping that next weekend is
    better weather wise than this one.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Heartbreaker

    2 parts Vodka

    1 1/2 scoops Ice

    4 oz Sprite

    250 ml Strawberry
    Kool Aid

    4 parts Mango Juice

    1 shot Grenadine

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Add all ingredients
    to glass and emjoy!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Goldie your innocent LMAO r u wacko 2 now

    I know im in the Wacko family

    Ok no china get it,I forgot the other thing already my brain is a fried egg

    Genny I love this dog how amaxing,did you say it has a reading class?

    Cam that was funny

    today I am swamped with things if my brain works

    hope everyone has a nice day

    oh4 OMG r u ok? heres some healking powder im seding your way

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014
    Halloween Costume Inspiration: Mask
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Goth gothic

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    LDB, DH does have orthodics, specially made ones from his foot doctor. And doctor we saw the other day gave him some stretching exercises to do. He says he's doing them, but I havn't seen it.

    Yep, Cami's the first one here! Is your DD having a party? I too hope that damned D stays away for you and that you can go in the pool. I imagine Joey is going too. Do I dare ask for more pictures? I hope you have LOTS of pictures of you and Joey, for him to have when he is grown. Well, more grown than he is now!

    NM, it WAS a very appropriate typo. So fitting for you. It gave me a good chuckle. How much longer is the one gal out with her shoulder? And sorry about the other girl and her mom. Is this your 3 day weekend?

    No plans for us this weekend. Might try to go riding Monday, a little too chilly today and tomorrow, and it's a little cooler where we are going. So just some cleaning and maybe a little gardening.

    Glad I refreshed. Lara no, I'm not wacko. I've claimed my innocence for quite some time! That picture was taken in Jan. 2011.


    I'll take a few of those sexy!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Good morning all, DH out with dogs, got my coffee and it's a gorgeous sunny day. We went last night and bought new patio recliners, we live in a condo and have a small backyard overlooking a woods. Anyway, we just move in last summer and we're working on making it ours and I'm hoping to spend a lot of time sitting out their after my surgery so I told my DH I needed to be comfy and I found these chairs, so we went up and bought em' So basically, pulling the BC card again. We have an enclosed area back there and he found this cool bird thing to hang on the wall and I think it's gonna be my little sanctuary this summer and fall. Went up to the little par 3 golf course by my house by myself yesterday morning and golfed 9 holes. Then I came home and took a nap and went back with my DH and golfed 9 more and then we went out to dinner. I'm figuring out how to conserve my energy throughout the day and it's getting much easier to take. My customers (all over 85) say what I'm feeling like is just like getting old, you have to pace yourself. So chemo fatigue is like being 90, you get thu the day just at a slower pace. Oh and we talked a little about the possibility of a BMX and he didn't flip this time, so at least that window is open now, he's starting to understand why I'm considering it. His therapy dog orientation took 3 hours, he even had to take a test. He is set up to take her once each month for 2 hrs to Rainbow Babies and Children part of the hospital. So now Emma is certified with Therapy Dog international and Pet Pals with University Hospitals. 

    So Cami, have a great time at the pool, ours opens this weekend but it'll be quite awhile before it's warm enough here. We aren't really gotten out of the 60's yet although it's supposed to be high 70's on Monday. Enjoy your time with DD1 and do lots of relaxing.

    Goldie I love the pic, you are very pretty, it's nice to put a face to you girls and the avitar is small. I have plantar faciitis as well, have had it for years. Had the cortisone shots to the foot the first year, now I just make sure I always have arch support in all shoes at all times. Footsmart has quite a few choices, orthoheel shoes and sandals work for me and in my running shoes I have orthotics from the podiatrist. It's been about 7 years now and it's more of a nuisance than anything. But initially, wow it was painful, I even had to sleep in a splint for 6 months or so. If you freeze a 2 liter bottle of water and sit and roll your foot on it, it helps with the pain some, and lots of stretching. I hope he feels better soon. 

    NM hope your work weekend is a fairly easy one, enjoy your next weekend off, and have nice pillow time with Sadie.

    Everyone else, have a great holiday weekend, been on computer long enough, DH back with dogs, time to start my day…love to all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    And if you lovely Tenders could get us set up for a party, that would be awesome!





  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Wacko, I see you made your edit.....good girl!

    Genny, you are figuring it out! How important the rest is for you. Wow, 9 holes in the morning, nap, and 9 more! Sounds like your little patio is just adorable. Can see you out there relaxing with Nora and watching the birds. And thank you for the compliment.

    I believe Red found this guy on the golf course. I forget which hole.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Lowee - u cwacking me up.  Da Tenders sure kno how to get our weekend started.  mmm mmm mmm!!   As Genny said, stretching.  I've been dealing with my foot issues since 1999.  Did PT and everything.  Took about 3 years to get to where I could wear a sandal.  Can't hide an orthotic in those.  Anyway, hope he starts stretching...that is the best thing to help him.  Hope you get out for your ride this weekend.  My DS is in Vegas, he wanted me to come in to show him some of his corporate stuff.  But I tail him I can't drive the freeways yet.  He doesn't have to be back to Cali til Tues, so he said he'd come out here.  Jes don't kno if will b tomorrow or Monday.  He likes to have big parties/bbq's at his place, so guess it'll depend on which day he does that.  I gets the left over of his time so to speak.  LOL

    Genny - Sounds like a beautiful patio.  I want my backyard 'crashed' as in totally redone.  I am seeing myself wanting to be out there in the spring and fall and it's jes too ugly right now.  Has a nice patch of green grass, nice size concrete patio, covered too.  But it is not serene.  And block walls are 4' high, so neighbors can privacy.  Want wall raised to HOA 6' limit.  DH doesn't get it, but I'm still working on him.  Our community pool is open and we get my gd and mayb gs in June.  Pool always good for us, however, I am bald again this year and I kno my folliculitis (in '11) came from this pool.  Even tho we have cleaning service 2x week, not enuf with all the other kids that use the pool...toooo much bacteria, and that was the cause of my awful, painful folliculitis. Can't remember if it was you or Princess that had an issue too.  So wonderful about Emma...jes warms my fart!!

    Cami - I to got up too early...went to bed much later than normal too.  Am already feeling like I could go back to fact just might in a bit.  Was hoping to get out today and have a dwink or two...hope I feel better after mese nap.  Hoping the D stays away so you can enjoy the sunshine and the pool today.  We lubs lubs lubs you so much too Cami and want you to be D free and happy happy too.  Hab a dwink or 2 tamary at your DD1's, relax and enjoy.

    NM - GR8 for the paid time and 3 days off.  I did the on-call stuff as Asst Director of a 911 center for 3 years.  My staff was young (no work ethic) and called off sick just cuz they partied too hard.  At least your other nurses have good cause.  Hoping you and Sadie have a wonderful so deserve it.

    Lara - my brain is a fried egg too.  But a lot could be plain ol old age...ugh.  Love the masks!

    Missing some peeps, but thinking I need to find my bed.  Try to get back later!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS you all to da moon and back!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    OH I will say it which hole will he end up in after the finding in another hole. He looks like she found him at the 9th hole.

    I'm still trying to wake up, so nap's coming soon.

    Goldie yes my DD1 is having a party, with all kinds of cousins. (the really crazy funn ones) well I think so. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    jking goldie

    thanks for the food ill be in the pool


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes! I am now playing on my new computer, which is much
    faster and much smoother working than the old, dying one! Kid
    brother showed me how to transfer all my Firefox bookmarks, Carbonite
    is downloading and restoring all my files, just need to reinstall
    Office and I'll be good as new! Yeah! Also, kid brother and
    sis-in-law decided NOT to move to Nashville, and he has taken a full
    time job where they are at now!. So good day all around for me!


    Goldie—my 3 day
    weekend is NEXT weekend. I am working 8 am Sunday to 8 am Monday,
    then on call 5pm Monday to 8 am Tuesday, so this weekend is pretty
    much blown. So not so sad that it's gray and drizzly. The weekend
    girl's 12 weeks is up the 1st of June, but not many people
    get cleared to go back to work after rotator cuff repair after only
    12 weeks, but we'll see.

    Genny—I hear
    you about the fatigue, at least for us we can look forward to it
    going away, you can't do that when the cause is age. Congrats to
    Emma and DH, good job! And your little sanctuary sounds wonderful.
    Make is as nice as you can, it will be worth it!

    Party favors!

    Mema—I can
    relate to wanting 6' fencing for privacy, makes things quieter, too!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    I gotta start golfing where Red golfs! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Hope everyone is having fun sun food and more fun

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Loving new computer,so fast, no freeze ups, able to
    watch videos, YEAH!

    Happy Sunday!
    I'll be heading out to see a couple patients in about an hour,
    hopefully it will stay low key today. We'll see.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Beach Sunday (wishful thinking on my part! )

    1 oz Raspberry

    2 oz Peach Vodka

    ½ oz Lime Juice

    3 oz Cranberry


    Pour vodka and
    raspberry liqueur over ice. Add cranberry juice, and the freshly
    squeezed lime juice. Stir and serve.