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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Good morning ladies, beautiful and sunny here, gonna be almost 80! DH golfing, I'm on dog duty today, he's been doing it all week. He completely transformed our little patio area yesterday, I'm so excited. I was out there till after 11 last night. We bought this little rock fountain and he even got that hooked up. Now he wants to do a little landscaping down by the woods line but that will happen over the summer. Having mom-in-law aver for BBQ ribs today and I'm gonna cut her hair. DH doing the cooking, I got the house cleaned yesterday so I'm just going to sit and be a bum. I'm posting pics.

    NM I hope it's an easy work weekend and you get beautiful weather next weekend.

    Cami, have fun with your relatives and may the D stay away.

    Where's Erin?

    And 4, hope you're having a great time with all your 16 year olds.

    Well Happy Memorial Weekend to you all, hope you're having a wonderful time with whatever you're all doing.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014



    Good morning ladies, beautiful and sunny here, gonna be almost 80! DH golfing, I'm on dog duty today, he's been doing it all week. He completely transformed our little patio area yesterday, I'm so excited. I was out there till after 11 last night. We bought this little rock fountain and he even got that hooked up. Now he wants to do a little landscaping down by the woods line but that will happen over the summer. Having mom-in-law aver for BBQ ribs today and I'm gonna cut her hair. DH doing the cooking, I got the house cleaned yesterday so I'm just going to sit and be a bum. I'm posting pics.

    NM I hope it's an easy work weekend and you get beautiful weather next weekend.

    Cami, have fun with your relatives and may the D stay away.

    Where's Erin?

    And 4, hope you're having a great time with all your 16 year olds.

    Well Happy Memorial Weekend to you all, hope you're having a wonderful time with whatever you're all doing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Genny I love how comfy u'r patio looks.

    I too hope everyone is feeling up to some fun today and it's warmer were u are genny I think not much but a little,

    NM That drink sounds so yummy and I do hope u can lay low somewhat today.

    Today everyone is ringing food and what they like to drink, we decided that along time ago--most of everyone actually drinks beer but everyone drinks all different kinds now a days, years ago it didn't matter now we have picky people about beer of all things.

    So I'm looking forward to a nice day and hoping everone has a nice day.

    I lubs u all and wish we could all have a face to face party for days. U'r all so special.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Sue, foliculitis from the pool, who would have thunked! Maybe smear some vaseline on you head and then a head cover to keep you noggin from getting burnt. Jes kidding, but knowz you will have fun wif da kids.

    Yay for the new puter NM, finally! Windows 8, be gone! Whenever the weekend girl gets back, I hope she doesn't have any more trouble with that rotater cuff, never would have imagined that it would take so long to heal. REALLY hoping you get that nice weather for you 3 day hiatis.

    Lala, how are things with your DH, is he still going to quit his job? And how about your friend?

    Oh dat Beach Sunday sounds wonderful, especially to be drinking it on the beach.

    Genny, my brother has that same fire pit. He bought red glass to replace the rocks, looks awesome! This might be an older photo, as it looks red and white. I'll share some other photos after I post. He does a great job with his patio, but I have dubbed it the "Partio". Your little area looks gorgeous and so relaxing.

    Cami, is your party today? Hey, if you like frozen drinks, I get these for my DH, he loves them. The alcohol is already in them, which isn't much. You freeze them, mush them up in their container with your hands and pour. He likes the Blue Hawaii and Bahama Mama (not shown here).


    Same today as yesterday for me, then off tomorrow to ride.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Sorry to page hog with the pics, but I don't think BCO is limited to pages!!!



    Here's his kitchen. Seriously,  his home could be in a magazine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Goldie such pretty pics. and the kitchen is beautiful. I love the "planted" lites, that looks like what I would do too. How relaxing that looks to me for the evening especially. BTW as far as I'm concerned there can't be to many pics--I love them all.

    Yes I'm going today and getting ready soon, but I might not stay overnite, it just depends on how it's going, but Joey will stay--sometimes at the end of a long day with a lot of crazy people I want to come home so I can really unwind. They use me as a source of amusement, how many times I'll fall, or how loud my stomach will make noises and the best one is how long can I stay underwater when I've fallen backwards, cuz I sink like a rock they claim they are strengthening my lungs--well they don't let it get to far. Believe me it's turned into a huge game--no wonder they all say u'd better show up cuz I miss you and can't wait to see you.--They don't fool me

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    good afternoon all, got back from tiara shopping at epcot today, the things i do for my nieceHappy

    cammi=have a wonderful party

    lori-miss innocentNerdy

    genny=congrats on your dog being a therapy dog , fergus is the favourite visitor where i work he's a irish wolf hound

    genny,sue and prn hope your having a good weekend and free from bad side effects, but i wish you plenty of good ones!!!!!!!!!

    now i need to tackle the pile of laundry, so have a good night ladies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Hi goils, Happy holiday weekend! 

    I loved all de pics goils, thanks for sharing. and OMG, just love dat fire pit. Lori and Genny, your pics are awesome, love yer brothers place Lori and love love love that patio and woods scenery Genny. I know it WILL make recovering much easier. I had my BMX in August and spend so much time outdoors at my pool. It was so much better than being in bed for a week. I rested and had others pamper me. 

    So big news! I just emailed Camille --we gonna have facetime finally! I jest booked a flight to Chicago. And another to Mytle Beach. Mese gonna be living it up before going back to work the end of June. Wooop woop!

    Will be back later, mese is entertaining! cheers and lots a lub to all! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014



    COMES TO CHICAGO to meet and hug Dr. Camille and Joey too !! Turdsdey 6/12 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Loving the new computer, currently working on getting
    Office installed, but I bought it so long ago I'm not sure but I'll
    have to buy another key. Oh, well, such is life.

    patio is GORGEOUS! The rock fountain looks beautiful, bet it sounds
    wonderfully relaxing. If I had a place like that I'd practically
    live there!

    was a very quiet day for me, and no calls last night,either. 49 more
    minutes of call then I'm off until 5:00 pm. I even got to take Sadie
    to the dog park for a while yesterday. She had a great time and ran
    herself into exhaustion, and is STILL sleeping this morning. Hope
    you had a great party!

    Goldie—My old
    'puter had XP, which isn't being supported anymore, so I really am
    behind the times, not that I really care. I haven't heard much of
    anything good about Windows 8 so I will avoid it as long as possible.
    I've tried some of those frozen drinks, really like the frozen
    sangria. WOW! Lovely deck, great kitchen, I think I'm jealous!

    Cammy—so you're
    the entertainment, huh? Well, as long as you have fun and they don't
    let you drown I guess it's ok!

    shopping? What fun! Have fun ketchuping on laundry!

    Face time with Cammy! Good for you!

    Happy Memorial
    Day to all our Veterans and currently serving men and women. I
    watched the national Memorial Day Concert on PBS last night, with
    Gary Sinese and Joe Montanga hosting, lots of vets and currently
    serving men and women, it was so moving and emotional.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Chocolate Soldier

    1 ½ oz gin

    ¾ oz dubonnet

    ½ oz lime juice

    all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's Second DOTD is the American Flag

    ¼ oz blur

    ¼ oz crème de

    ¼ oz grenadine

    properly prepared this shot will look red, white and blue. First poor
    in 1/3 grenadine. Then the White Cream de cacao should be poured in
    over a bar spoon. Finally the Blue curacao can be poured in the same

    image height="247" width="401">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Cami, I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday and PAAAA-LEEEEEZE tell me you are kidding about falling in the pool, and they wait to rescue you.  But I too would want you there, I'll bet you are the life of the party.

    Julie, you are a good Auntie, but it's cuz you luv your neices so.

    OMG, how exciting Wacko! I'm SOOOO jealous. Is your dad going to Myrtle beach with you? And do you get to Cami's on the 12th? And how long do you git to stay? Woooo Hooooooo! Your WACKO pic didn't post, so I'm gonna try.


    NM, for some reason I thought you had Windows 8. Maybe it was just all of our talk telling you how horrible it is! Anyways, glad you got your puter and your DB is staying put? Sounds like the on call weekend has been pretty quiet. My brothers condo is AWESOME, they really did a fantastic job decorating and you should see it at Halloween and Christmas.

    Well, it's not going to be as warm as they said originally, but we are still gonna go out riding. If it's too cold, we can just come home, although it's about an hour and a half drive to get there!



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    My bad for missing yesterday...but see mese car got dwunk on Sat.  But I had a weeeely good time.   Am rushing today, habs to go to hosp to get my blood work done.  DH gonna drop me off den take mese van for an LOF.  Hope I'm not left hanging at hosp too long.

    Wacko - woo hooooo.....that is so cool u going to Chicago for Cami and Joey HUGZ.  I am green wif envy.

    Cami - gotta tail us how much fun you had yesterday.  Are you feeling OK today?

    NM - Hooray, forgot to mention YAY on da new and faster 'puter.  And glad brother not moving so far away.  DH and I spent almost all of yesterday watching old war movies and then some special tributes to our Service men and women.  Am glad some stations really get behind the whole rememberance of them.  LOVE the DOTD's.  Specially #2

    Hey Julie - You are a wonder Auntie.  Will we get to see pics of the princess wif her tiara on?  Ugh...laundry.  That's on my agenda, but not today, maybe tomorrow.  My DS is coming around noon my day booked. 

    Lori - I member some of those pics of yours brothers fancysmancy place.  U posted one or two of you on his patio...u booTful!!!  Hope not too cold today on your ride.  Stay safe!



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2014

    Haven't been on for days because I was in Prague for my nephew's wedding.

    Having a quiet afternoon sorting out photos. Have posted a few of Prague and the wedding on BGP thread.

    Will be having a drink with my friend soon we drank a whole bottle last night and have one ready for tonight.

    Hugs to all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Tanks Lori for posting the wacko pic. I had a better one that I had trouble posting, it would show when previewed but nessapear when I posted. chit, that ruins the surplise for Cammi. 

    NM, I watched some of that last night too. It was too much for me cuz mese started tearing up and that messes up mese contact lenses. 

    Mema, yippee for yer car gitting dwunk again, it had been tooo long hehe! 

    Cam, where are you? I not sure if you know the date of mese arrival yet cuz you no respondo to wacko's email. I hope you dont chit yer pants when you read it! tehe, I could not resist, you know I jest lubs ya. 

    Hi to Orla, Julie, Cyncyn, Gen, PRN and all other goils I mighta missed and dat becuz mese dwunk already on dis Memorial Day USA! Have a Happy Happy one. And I also give tanks for those that have served our country both past and present, I salute you.....CHeerS! 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2014

    Hiya Ladies!

    Pooping in to wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day!

    I am waaaay behind and gonna sit on my EWWA and play ketchup today. 

    I have been chaperoning 8-10 kids around a 3 day Anime convention downtown. It was lots of fun, but not a great activity 2 days out of surgery!  Some of the kids it was their first time on a train cuz we took the public transpo!  Costumes at the expo were cray cray and elaborate!  Nice too because the "Nerds" as my group refers to themselves behave really well too.  Over all it was a great weekend.

    Today I don't want to move from this chair though!

    I hope everyone is well!  I'm gonna read and Ketchup with everyone!

    Cheers and LUBS for all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Goldie, your brothers house looks so nice, I love the kitchen! I sat out on my new patio on and off all weekend. I like the glass in the fire pit, maybe we will think about doing that, and I like the lights in the plants. Hope you had fun riding and stayed plenty warm. It was in the 80's here.

    Erin, I know youz gonna have so much fun in chicago and getting' yer FaceTime with Cami, make sure we git lots a pics. Hope you had lots of fun with yer company.

    NM glad you got thru with your work and got to take Sadie to the dog park. I took mine for an hour yesterday and today and wore there butts out!  And you have to get thru only a few days and you get 3 off? Hopefully you and Sadie will get extra pillow time next weekend. Glad you like your new computer.

    Cami, I hope the reason we're not hearing from you is that you're just having too much fun being the entertainment.

    4- glad you had fun with the kids now get some rest!

    Lala, Red, Sue, Alyson, princess and everyone else, hope you all got lotsa good dwinking over da holiday weekend. 

    Tomorrow I'm taking my dogs with me to babysit my little sweetie, then we're all going to my Bff's house, she lives on 7 acres so the dogs can just run and swim in the pond while i visit and watch my Nora. Sure I'll be pooped when I get home but it'll be fun. Talk to all you goils later, sweet dreams.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    HI Ladies---I/s so furcited about meeting D-Erin in a few weeks, I can't stand it and we have to houses we can stay at so it will be great---Face to Face time Woot WWoot.

    444 u'r better slow down some and I'm glad u'r resting today.

    Oh all u'r pics--Love them, I'm such  a pucture person so I get all furcited seeing them


    Yess Lori ot's true--For some reason the water takes my legs under and I go backwords so when  they see my hands moving all over, the countdown start--I'm sure )I hope( no one would just leave me there but yes but this year my cousin was there and after she realized this was not a game for my sake she stopped them all--Now here the funny thing she's been (now back) fro Afghanastan and she as my body guard soley on my body. So I was honored--She's all done with her work there now--I;m so relieved. She is wonderful.

    But I had a drink==yes it was a ??? fussion with vodka and blood orange and champagne and ixe--Yummy

    NM I'm glad u got more time with Sadie than u thought u would--and u too Sadie and genny getting some great time with Nora.

    Of course Monday I could not move or think, so right now I'm all meded up and feel OK===OH I see th Dr. tomorrow chit, Oh well

    Back to work today for some, ick


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, I got a new version of
    Officeinstalled (got Office 2013 for
    $9.95 through work perks, yeah!)and all
    my files transferred from Carbonite, so very happy now.Did nothing yesterday during my 9 hours off
    except read and play with Sadie.

    Goldie--The weekend
    has been quiet, thank heavens, only an hour anda half and I am off call but working.Actually, my first patient visit will be around 7:30.Got a full day of visits today.Looking forward to 8 am Friday when I will
    be off for a 3 days weekend!Great pics,
    I thought I posted one of the red, white and blue cocktail, but apparently it
    didn't go through.Your pic is better!

    Mema--I hope your
    drunken car had a good time Saturday!OK, I admit to confusion, what is LOF for your Van?Lots of Fluids?Lights On Floor?Litter Off Floor (my car needs that one,
    badly)?Yup, I am glad DB and SIL aren't
    moving away, Glad he got a good full time job, too.

    Aly--A wedding in
    Prague, that sounds wonderfully fun!Hope you had a great time.

    Erin--Those tribute
    shows can be so emotional, can't they?

    4.--I hope you've
    recovered from your chaperoning trip, although that sounds like a lot of fun!
    Why were you doing something like that 2 days after surgery?????

    Genny--Yup, I work
    today, on call overnight tonight, work Tues, on call overnight Tuesday, work
    Wed, work Thurs, on call over night Thursday, then off for 3 days!Then weekend nurse's leaveruns out and we'll find out if she's coming
    back to work or not. Sounds like the BFF's place is wonderful for visiting with
    the babies--human and furry!

    Cammy--You have your
    own personal body guard?Good for
    you!I knew you were way special!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Cherry Tuesday

    1/2 oz Tequila

    1/4 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Cherry Vodka

    1/2 oz Dry Sherry

    4 oz (Cold) Cola


    Pour ingredients
    into an ice-filled collins glass

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    I was hoping that with the new version of One Note that the spaces after the periods would transfer, but I see they still aren't.  Oh, well, part of my posts' "charm" I suppose! 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    LDB, it's about your ve HIC le got a buzz on! But what is a LOF? And you sounding good girl. Praying for all good blood, unless it was loaded wif booze!

    Aly, I'll have to wait to go look at your pictures, when I'm done here. Woo hoo on finishing those bottles!

    Rut Roh, I ruined a surplise Wacko?

    Oh wow 4, I sure hope you didn't over do. That sounds like a LOT, right after surgery girl.

    Genny, my brother is in a condo, so their outside space is small. But let me tail ya, they make the best of it. Hope you and your fur babies have lots of fun at your friends house. You must be on your good days? AND you get to see Nora.

    Oh dear Cami, I can't believe they watch you on the bottom of the pool, flailing your arms. I'm surprise Joey puts up with it. But you have your poysonal body guard now, so dat is goot! I think you would like those frozen drinks I posted. Oh, and I can't wait until you get to see our Wacked, Jacked and On Crack Erin! 2 houses to stay at? Your 2 DD's?

    NM, your 9 hours of doing NOThING sounds absolutely devine. And I'm sure SS (silly Sadie) didn't mind either. Picture showing while we are posting but then disappearing when you submit is a pain in the anatomy! Ise jes try to hailp iffen I can. I so hope you have some WUNNERFUL weather for your 3 day weekend coming up. I had never noticed that you didn't have spaces at the ends of your sentences. Most computers come with Notepad, that is what I use.

    Riding was fun yesterday. It was a bit cool, but we were dressed for it. I live at 5000' and we were at 9000'. Back to where that huge wild fire was back in 2011. When you are riding and driving, the area that burned is SOOOOO huge, beyond being so sad, you just can't imagine the vast area that was burned. 841 square miles! Most of which was National Forest. I did take a few pics, but no time right now to post. Plus I haven't even looked at them. I guess we are heading to Phoenix this coming weekend. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and my thanks to ALL that do and did, serve to give me my freedom!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Alyson, Prague is beautiful. As are you and your family. Now I know what BGP is! (Big Girl Panties). Did you make those???

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    NM - ooopps...didn't mean to confuse, but I do like some of your definitions for LOF, but it's lube/oil/ boring right.  Wonderful that you had a nice quiet day yesterday with Sadie.  I never notice the nonspaces in your posts either.  LOL.  DS was here yesterday and we worked at getting his QuickBooks updated to the 2014 version I have.  Then we find out I use Microsoft Works and he doesn't so all his files I have on disc he can't read from his computer.  He resaves them but it's pretty much a jumbled mess.  We both have PDF, so thinking I may try and work more with that....opps...rambling. 

    Aly - sounds like a wonderful time and lotsa glad u pooped in.

    4- really...I have to echo de other goils...that is a lot to take on so soon after soigery.  But I see/feel that big ol heart of yours and how much it means to the kids to have you.  Glad you got some rest tho!

    Genny - I think I'd like the glass in the fire pit as well.  Now I jes need to get   7 acres wif dogs and fun.

    Lowee - LOL on u spelling of ve HIC le...gonna try member dat.  So sad about all the burned out area.  I was wondering if you were getting any of the smoke haze from the Slide fire or which ever one around Flagstaff?  Glad you had a nice ride in spite of it all. 

    Cami - sounds like u had a mauvelous time....but I'm not happy about u sinking and flailing either.  And yeah...what does Joey think about it?  Who was saving you before your cousin came back eh? 

    I kno I'm missing some my bwesties...but my mind...ahhh da mind...what was I saying again...oh yeah my bwesties...


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    evening goils! I want to be quick as I want to shut down mese computer, wese having wicked storms.

    I jest wanted to tell you all dat word on de streets is that me and Cam might get to meet our breast friend Adey, wooo hooo.

    Do any other goils lib close to de Chicago area? Genny? How far is Cleveland? And I think the other might be PRN in IN, I know that close to Chicago. I hope to meet ebery breast friend in my life time. There are only a handful of you that I have not yet met. Yippeee, chit chit chit, me furcited. Gotta fly, jumping out of my skin with lightening and thunder. chEErs!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2014

    Yay!  We got butt loads of girls here in the Chicago area.  (c:  Check the Illinois girls thread.  Nite.  Storms here too.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    I am feeling better. I am almost 5 weeks out from last treatment. I did a 10 day green smoothie cleanse and it helped. I lost 12#. I was really retaining fluids, my lower thighs were firm. And I still have some ankle edema but it is mostly resolved. My skin looks better and I have more energy. I am sleeping still poorly but it has improved some. My eye watering is almost resolved. My pinkie finger though is still swollen and painful from the neuropathy. I had my first triple H and seem to be okay. My muscles still seem to ache and I am not sure if that is residual from the chemo or from the Herceptin. I was able to exercise yesterday and today.

    I see the RO on Friday to see what is proposed.

    All of the pictures were so lovely!  Really, they made me wish I had such lovely spots to relax in. Hope you are all doing well.  

    Erin and Cami..I think you said June 12.  I will be coming in to pick my husband up at Midway and would love to meet with you if we can squeeze me in!

    And Cami..not nice those folks letting you flounder...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I am so looking forward to 5
    peeyem today, when I can have a dwinky!No calls last night, so an easy $75.Off call tonight, back on tomorrow night, then my LONG WEEKEND!!!

    Goldie--I started
    using OneNote for my BC posts to try it out, love the way I can set up
    notebooks and pages and label them myself, just love it!Guess I'm just a techie at heart.Glad the lack of spaces after the period
    doesn't bother anyone else as much as it bothers me!I live near Acadia National Park, on Mount
    Desert Island, which had a huge fire in 1947. When you are up on the mountains
    you can still see where the fire burned by the difference in types of trees, if
    you know what to look for.Still some
    ruined buildings around, too.Have fun
    in Phoenix!

    Mema--aha!Lube/oil/filter makes sense!Never heard it referred to that way.Transferring files between Microsoft programs
    is surprisingly problematic at times, isn't it?PDF files are fun to work with, though.

    Erin--stay safe in
    the storms!

    Adey--send the
    storms my way, if I have to have rain, at least a little thunder and lightning
    makes for less boredom!

    PRN--so glad you are
    feeling better!How hard is it to do a
    Green Smoothie cleanse?I've looked at
    some cleansing protocols and they looked very complicated for someone who works.I know I could benefit from something like

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Camel Hump

    3/4 shot
    Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot Irish Cream


    Pour Butterscotch
    Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with
    Bailey's Irish Cream.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    OMG all the talk of computers and I'm all lost but u gals are so together with it. And NM of course that drink sounds good to me. And I'm so glad u have a 3 day week'end, but let's face it u really earned it. So enjoy.

    Lori I can't imagine seeing all of the ruins when u went in the mountains, that's like such a sad place to be, it has to break u'r heart. AAAA but u'r going to Phoenix this week-end sounds good to me.

    Princess I'm glad u'r feeling better now, and cleansing wow u have some will power.

    I was so busy yesterday, I could barely leave my phone until almost 9PM, This was the busies I've ever been with a lot of confusion and I never use call waiting and I was using it--It was like a real office--I was so tired and miserable finally I let the phones go after 9PM voicemail time.

    I just wanted to pop in this morning and say hi to everyone and hope everyone is doing OK--I see a new Dr. today--So I can't wait to get this over with. I shouldn't be to busy today so I'll BBL


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    LDB, we do get a little bit of smoke, every now and then. But nothing too bad. Well, I like NM's def's of LOF too! I tried and tried to figure dat one out and no way.

    Wacko, I so fercited for you too. I can see all the excitment in you. How fun to be meeting so many more.

    Whoa....hey Adey! How be you? Where you been?

    Prn, glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better. Not sure any of us ever get to 100%. So for 10 days, all you had was green smoothies? Do you have to have a juicer do to that? What do you put in them? Oh, I hope you get to meet up with the girls.

    NM wow, even after almost 70 years, you can still see where that fire was? LOL at you telling Adey to send the rain your way. Aren't you muddy enough? Hooray for the easp peasy $75. Looking forward to having 3 glorius days off.

    Cami, the burnt areas ARE devestating, but what gets me is the vast area it burned. Like I said, 841 square miles. THAT IS HUGE! Good luck at docs today. What kind of doc this time?

    Hmmmm, trying to see if the "browse" button allows me to add a pic from my computer. It's showing in my preview, but we all know that means nuttin!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    OMG.....I do believe it woyked! I can see it, can you all?

    Anyways, we are heading to Phoenix to attend an RV show. DH is looking at toy haulers. We can load up the quad in it, and you can camp in it. AFTER he spent HUNDREDS of dollars on other camping equipment when tenting it! I tried to tell him he was going over board at the time, and he just said, I want it so I'm getting it.

    ErWacko, how is Bella? And your DD?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014


    Out riding! This is awesome to be able to pull pictures from the computer!