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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Nice pic goldie

    I am just popping in

    MRI and ultrasound today 45 min in MRI the tunnel on my stomach not happy

    Then the ultra sound

    hugs all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    No One missed me Bawling

    oh big sis a trip to cammmmmm I am so happy for u two


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    Waaawaaawaaa...I wanna b able to post pics again.  Driving me nutz!!  Looowwweeee...I love dat pic of u on ur quad, the other goes w/out saying...sad sad sad.  What did we used to call Wednesdays in da HTL?  Anything, like Sa-turd-day, TwoferTwosday, sumpin like that...anyway...I like da WACKY WEDS!!  Safe travels and hab lots of fun finding ur toy hauler.  You'll b glad mese tinks...u gittin too old for roughing it in offense, jes saying...heehee.

    Cami - toooo much work last night....don't like to hear da stress in your post.  Dat not goot for you.  Hope all goes well at doc...((Cami)).

    NM - YAY on being off call tonite so you can have a drink or two!!  Yeah, guess I'm going to have to learn PDF.  DS always telling me, create it in PDF...well I don't kno how...I have it, pay for it, but don't kno how to 'create' docs in it.  UGH. 

    ErWacko - hope the storm is over and no damage done.  Smart of you to turn your electronics off.  I am jes soooo fercited for you and da goils dat will get together next month.  Gonna b a PaRtaY for sure.

    Prn - congrats that you are 5 weeks out and feeling better.  My bones/muscles continued to ache for sometime when I finished.  What is triple H?  On the green smoothie cleanse, did you eat anything solid with the smoothie?  Wudn't it be gr8 if you could meet with the other bwesties...hope it can be arranged.  ((P))

    Adey - Good to see you again.  Hope you get to meet up with da Wacko and Cami and the others too. 

    Missing JeanBeanius, Cyn, 4sew, Unde, Lara and prolly others.  But ya kno what I say


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    I missed you Lara -- I don't like the MRI on the tummy thing either so sending you BIG HUGZ that it's not too uncomfortable for you!  Muah!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    I left in the middle could not do it to much pain'ultra sound the doc was brought in scared me she said she can not see anything that would cause pain

    but she was a cancer doc not a breast doc she will have to do what with shes got I was in there for about 15 minutes they r going to have to shoot me uop with morphine if they want me back in there

    so ill see what the breast doc can see the other doc was not even my doc I have no idea why she was brought in

    yea so I cryed I just couldnt take it was pushing right on my bone

    what ever is I want it fixed could just be from multiple surgeries and going a long time with no boobs but there is something wrong shan has seen pics its just awful

    going to work tomm

    Thanks mema

    I need to play ketchup


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    NM....okay here is the poo on the smoothie diet.....I did the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. Book by JJ Smith. 

    She is a nutritionist that developed mercury poisoning from her dental fillings. She came up with this and it is a detox. As I had just finished chemo I wanted that poison out of my body. I am a marathon runner and not used to my body in this shape. Weak and unresponsive.

    If you follow it well, it detoxes you from dairy, gluten and starches, caffeine and sugar. And I don't know about you but all I wanted on chemo was sugar!! As a nurse, when I looked the program it was all greens and fruits and you add protein powder or eggs and nuts, peanut butter for protein, so I could not find fault with that. 

    Also, I was extremely swollen as I finished chemo and I wanted that water off. I felt so bad. There were girls at work that had done it and I watched how they did. What I noticed was the one girl, her skin was glowing. After chemo mine was tight and dry and drawn. Now it glows too. I have had several people comment on how great I look! LOL,  So next week about 8 ladies in my office are doing it together. There is a full version and a modified too.

    What I can say is that I am less tired. My skin looks wonderful. I am sleeping better though not like I did before my diagnosis. I feel more even through out the day, no sugar spikes from lots of bad carbs.

    I still seem to have legs muscle weakness and aching. I am not sure how much is due to the Taxotere or to the Herceptin. 

    Mema..triple H is a triple dose of Herceptin.  I go once every three weeks now, not weekly. On the smoothie cleanse I ate almonds, celery and apples with peanut butter and hard boiled eggs.

    Lori..I used a Nutribullet to make mine.  First thing in the morning I make the recipe for the day and if was enough for all thress shakes for the day.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    NM.. The smoothie thing is easy.  Need a blender or a bullet thing.  Daily recipes and a weekly shopping list.  I find it easy now that I have been doing it.  I boil eggs and take them.  I bag some raw almonds. I take and apple and some celery and peanut butter.  The organic type made from peanuts only.  

    It is kind of cool to say that only natural things have been in my body this past 2 weeks, nothing with a label. LOL

    Lori..they are all spinach, spring greens, Kale and fruits...bananas, mixed berries, mango, pineapple, blueberries, apples and strawberries.  Plus you add Stevia for sugar and I add ground flax seeds

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    Oh gee I forgot the most important thing!   I was not hungry!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Missing so much lately, I hate that. Lori u look beautiful on that thingy. But OMG the damage it looks so sad.

    Lara I'm sorry this test as so difficult for you, I know they are no fun, and if u feel like something is wrong please don't let it go--sometimes the right Dr. has to come in and find it. And I know how sad it is to feel pain and all they do is search---

    I love Wacko Wednesdays--My first laugh today Lori Thank you.

    Been so busy I need that old fashion phone where I have the hold button, Everyone wants there work done yesterday.

    I went to the urologist what a waste of time--I have to have another test--why couldn't they have the test and then see me--I was there 2 hours mostly waiting for her to tell me she has to do a test, And I know she won't find cancer really. They have to make sure tho.

    I so LUBS LUBS LUBS u all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!There is this very odd thing
    going on here.The sky is a very funny
    color.It's usually gray or dark, this
    morning I swear it is BLUE!And there is
    this bright ball in the eastern sky, hard to look at, when I turned my back to
    it I saw my shadow on the deck, it's so bright!Is it the end of the world??????

    Cammy--what time did
    the phones start?I'd have let them go
    to voicemail long before 9 pm, but then I start pretty early.I never have figured out call waiting, I just
    let the second call go to voice mail.How's the new doc?

    Goldie--Yup, you can
    if you know how to look.On one of the
    scenic turnouts overlooking the area is a plaque with the info and a map, once
    you know to look for the different shades of green it's actually kind of obvious,
    although getting less so, especially at the edges.And I am SO looking forward to 8 am tomorrow,
    OFF DUTY TIME!!!!!!

    Yes, I see the pic,
    pretty desolate.

    Looks like a fun

    ORLA--I missed
    you!When do you get the scan results?

    Mema--I don't know
    about creating documents in PDF, but seems like it shouldn't be too
    complicated, as commonly used as it is.I know there are programs that will convert Word docs to PDF files.Have you tried clicking on "help"
    and searching "how to create a document in PDF" and see if you get

    ORLA--It continues
    to amaze me how we expect people being examined due to pain to go through
    scanning and testing that is going to cause more pain without offering any
    analgesia.I mean, really.What ever happened to common sense?Nothing wrong with crying, my experience is
    that if I'm not crying no one believes I am hurting.

    PRN--Thanks for all
    the info, I'll have to look into that.Sounds almost magical! Ah, I was just about to ask if you were hungry at
    all, glad to see you weren't!

    Cammy--it is
    annoying to go see someone just to find out that they can't do anything without
    a particular test.Seems like they
    should be able to tell you that up front!Yeesh.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Bush Wacky

    2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz Dark Creme de

    4 oz Milk

    4 oz Coconut Cream


    Combine ingredients
    with two cups of ice in a blender. Blend until smooth, and serve up in two 12
    oz cups.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning ladies. Got to see my little sweetie Tuesday and took my furbabies to my friend's house and they ran and swam and ran some more. They were so hungover yesterday they only needed two 20 min walks. Waking up this morning to their normal selves running around like crazy….ahhh well, it was nice while it lasted. Today is doggy daycare day, so I pick them up after work and they eat and pass out. DH outta town this week so I've had to juggle them and work.

    PRN, I think I'm gonna try a version of that, I have a vitamix and used to do the smoothie thing but got away from it. I've gained so much weight since this chit began. I never ran a marathon, but I did a half marathon year before last, I've done a 10 mile, lots 10k's and 5k's. Last year I did a 6 mile obstacle run and I loved that. I was looking forward to doing it again this year but that's not gonna happen. I tried a little 5k fun run with my dog a few days after my 3rd round of chemo and it knocked the snot outta me for 2 days. That's when I knew I was done. Now I just try to conserve my energy enough to do what I absolutely need to do. It really sucks, I hate this. And when I get done with chemo I'm still looking at surgery and rads so it feels like it's never goon be over. Anyway, I'm thinking I'm going to do a high protein, low fat, vegetarian thing for a few weeks and see how I feel. I will eat eggs and avocados but otherwise the foods you mentioned. Certainly can't hurt, maybe I'll have a little more energy and lose a few pounds before I get done with chemo. My last tx is June 27, then I get to have all of July off before my surgery.

    NM, almost done…whoop…whoop!!!…. 3 days!!

    Cami, not so much from you lately, missing your Joey stories. I know what you mean about the testing. My MO says she wants me to see the surgeon between my last 2 chemos and I'll have an MRI to see how the chemo did. So i set up the appt with the surgeon and ask if I can get the MRI first and they say no. So I'll go to her and she'll have to order the test and then I'll have to go back. Hope all your bladder stuff turns out to be nothing.

    Lala, so sorry about your pain and you couldn't finish the MRI. Hope you get your answers soon. I hope your DH is being supportive.

    Memasue, I hate computer stuff, I am pretty computer illiterate, I have to call my son to talk me thru when I have problems. Hope you get it figured out.

    Goldie love the pics, looks like yer having fun.

    Well, I have to get ready for work, 4, erin, red, and everyone else, have a fabulous Thursday, talk to ya all later.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    Lala, of course we missed you! 45 minutes on your tummy, I would have taken a nap! When do you get results? Oh shoot, just saw where you had to stop, due to the pain. You poor thing, I sure hope they can figure something out for you.

    Pfft! Who you callin old lil Doyty Butt?? I have a very comfy blow up bed to sleep on. You can save anything to a PDF, for us it's in our "print". You go to print the document and choose PDF, and it saves it as a PDF. You do have to buy it. I only remember Wednesday being Hump day, or Hunk day.
    Prn, the smoothies sound pretty good. I do have a blender, but no bullets, at least not the kind to make smoothies!!! All of those ingredients you mentioned, you put all of that in one smoothie? Do you add water? Glad it made you feel better.

    Cami, I hear ya on going to the docs only for them to say you have to have a test! Is it due to all of the UTI's? When is Joey done with school?

    NM, did you take a picture of the weird sky and bright ball? I wonder what it was? I hope it lasts A LONG TIME! Ok, your 3 day weekend is right around the corner. Do you have any plans? Great drinkie for the day....a Bush Wacky!

    Sue, I just clicked on the "insert imagine" there where all the little icons are at the top of the box where we type, clicked on "browse", found the pic I wanted from my computer and then clicked "insert". I love it!

    Glad I refreshed Genny, or I certainly would have knocked you in the pool. I know June 27th can't get here soon enough for you, and I agree, it seems like it is never going to end, but it will. When do you see your doc to discuss rads? What is your job? Not sure I know, or mese foygot.

    Wacky, where are ya? Beans and Cyn too?

    Phoenix is going to be HOT HOT HOT, pushing 110 on Saturday....ICK~! Looks like we are going to be gone every weekend for the next 3-4 weeks!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!


    OMG OMG OMG.....LOWEEEE it woiked.  This is me and da JeanBeanius...woohooooooo!  Thanks Loweee.  It's gonna b blazing here too....But Phx is always hotter.  I don't envy you.  And NO...blow up beds are NOT comfy for this 'ol bod anymore buy if it works for you den go fer it.  The other thing I hated as I got older and roughing it like that is the middle of the night p.  DH could jes point and shoot outta the tent or wherever...but no...I hadda git dressed, shoes, flashlight...then I'm wide awake.  Talked about portapotty but never got one.  So mese lubs mese trailer. 

    Lara - that is sooo awful.  Can't believe they don't listen to the pt fer crissake!!  Hope they got enuf to continue with your recon plans.  (((Lara)))

    Cami - 2 hours is tooo long and for nuttin honey.  Praying tho that when u get the test it's a big fat negative! 

    PRN - thanks for the info on the smoothie cleanse.  All last summer I did a spinach/kale, fruits, carrots, etc almost every morning.  Felt really good too.  Even froze them and my grandkids ate em up.  Of course if they had seen what I put in, they'd run screaming. LOL That is not a lot of food to eat.  But I understand u have 3 smoothies a day.  That might help feel full.   Ahhh....That's what they did with me after chemo I went to every 3 weeks on Herceptin.  I hadn't heard it was a triple tho. 

    NM - LMAO on the phenomenom (sp) at your place.  But sooo glad too as it has been a long time in coming.  I was told I can find 'how-to' video's on the internet for just about anything.  So that is my intent when I get back to re-vamping DS's books.  Thanks for the advice.  Have just the bestest, most glorious, 3 days off!!!

    Genny - you and Prn are sooo athletic I am very impressed that you are both still trying to do these things.  Took me at least 6 months AFTER I finished before I started a routine.  You both ROCK!

    OK....gotta run....s'cuse me for those I am missing, but I must get EWWA in gear.  Today follow up with RO in St George.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Sue Twinkling eyes and 2 beautiful smiles and faces--I love to see u guys-U learn quickly. I don't have a clue about all that I just do what I can and I'm happy I can do that.

    NM Good drink and yes I do know what odd thing is in the sky--I saw it too not long ago and tomorree sleep in for sure and I'll find the DOTD of the day u relax. and enjoy u'r coffe and Sadie and leisurely come on the site. You've earned it bit time.

    Where is Julie?? I forgot--But Julie my sweet thank u for the sweets OMG they are so good and Joey and I loved the tower--he waited for me to get home and helped me unwrap it and said what a wonderful nurse she must be--why does everyone have to live so far. I agreed actually.

    Lara I still feel so bad for u, maybe they can read something off of what they got??? I have no idea, but I do know one time when I was getting a scan I flipped out myself--I don't knw why--I swore like those were the only words I knew and when they got me out I was very pleasant to them but they were skeerd of me. LOL So sometimes enough is enough.

    NM my calls start about 7am and finish all rs, of the nite, but like u said I have to use voicemail, cuz now I'm trying to to get the guys scheduled better--they make too many app'ts and are screwing themselves, the bad thing is I rally don't know what I'm doing and they know less. He needs to hire more men so either this business is going big or out.

    Lori it's so hot where u are--where are u going every week-end? Will it be cooler. Oh that's way to hot for me--well anything over 85 is.

    Joey is so excited about Wacko coming, of course he' out of school so he's really thinking he's part of this whole thing, he'll find other stuff too. I have to tell u this--My DD that I live with said--Mom, u know u hear stories about people over the internet and then there is trouble, I said Wacko is wonderful WACKO that's what u call her, I said lovingly well then Joey chimed in and said well her name is erin but actually it 's ______ we don't say. And she;s freakin out--I'm LOLing so hard--Where is Wack-a-doodle??? And I don't remember the dates she's be here either,

    I talked to my sister last nite around 9PM she was yelling at me, cuz she called and I fell asleep and let the phone go Wow she was really mad. Cuz I didn't call her the minute I came home from the Drs. but there was nothing to say really--she's like our Dr. she wants to know and diagnose everything and she does not like the answers that I'm getting g for all the pain I'm having. I told her maybe it's mental and she started yelling again she said I've known u all u'r life and u are mental but not with pain and I know what they are looking for and I don't have bladder cancer I know it so I think my Primary wants to know so she can just give me my anti's without thinking that something underling this. That's all. I was thinking when men have this test do they have to go thru their penis??? Oh that sounds like it hurts for them anyway. How do u put a camera there. OUCH.

    Oh I'm going on and on about nothing.  I told u my brother got engaged right? It was on FB not from him or our family, but his fiancé's family that's how we found out--He's so private and I know hat bothers him cuz he would want to tell us. I don't know why they just don't live together at his age, they are both 78 and he's sold both of his home for 2 new ones he's blindly in love believe me--oh she's nice -but u know when u' in love no matter what the story is u are blind. But I also know men need to be married and he lost his wife about 2 1/2 yrs ago so as long as he's really happy. That's all we want.

    Well I got some quiet time that's why I was so furcited to talk to all of u.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Hi Goils,

    Sorry I have been MIA. Not sure if I telled you all but my Dad has had two falls in the past week and I am busy running him around to hospitals and doctors. He is ok, thank God. 

    I am so fircited cuz Erin got a copy of the draft to Dr. Pricks bosss at de University of "Kansas" hospital. De Dr. Prick say doctors in mese state do not know what dey talking about, wait until he sees de letter from de attorney in mese state. I am seeking justice. And money for jack, #truth.

    I have not yet caught up but will. I did skim. Glad mese chemo goils doing well. Hugs to Sue, Princess and Genny. so glad Gen got a bisit with her sweetems, Nora so cutliest! and de pic of Mema and Beanie, why melt mese fart over and over again. Sue, yer smile is soo purdy, dat is de most fav part of yer face sez Erin. You look bootiful and are rocking the bald look. You go goil. and where is Bean? I not coming back til she does. Jest saying! 

    Peace goils, I have to git Papa his dinner, insulin and pain meds but I try to come back and look for Beanie. Hello to all goils. And 4 too, I tink I foygot you when I mentioned names before. Wheneber I foyget a goil, I sent rounds of dwinks to ye, k? I love each of you so berry much. And mese fircited as hail to git my arms around Cammie. I gonna jump up and down and up and down x 35 or so.  kk, see ye all later. CHeeeRs! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    sue and beans -lovely photo Happy

    genny and prn   glad you are both feeling better

    cammi- glad you like your pressie ,(belatedly)     hope you and joey enjoy them

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Julie, nice to see ya. How sweet of you to send Cammy and Joey a choco gift. You have de biggest heart ebber,  I jest lubs you. 

    oh chit, wanted to write lots more, I read back but now on a new page. crud. not dat me wrote too too much to risk losing but chit, me is weally dwunk. ya see, I is habing a cleaning partay, I eben has on mese party hat. 


    True story - starting from when I was a widdle goil, I always wore a hat to clean. My reasoning was to keep de dust outta mese hair. But den it became a sorta fun ritual to find a hat, any hat, depending on my mood. My fav hat dat I has no more was a big yellow floppy hat from when I was in mese oldest sister's wedding, circa 1975. Over the years, I accumulated a lot of difflent hats to use when I clean. Somehow, it makes it easier to clean as the hat helps my cleaning mood. One other ting that is a must when cleaning, I wear my sneakers. I wear either slippers or flip flops while in the house, rarely do I wear shoes of any kind. But the sneaks make me feel like mese moving faster. Dat is mese story. oh, de cat in de hat's hat is what made me tink of dis story. I DO not have one of dese hats but it is on my want list. hmm, I will check ebay and brb. 

    first must say that I loved loved loved de pic of our Goldie on the quad. And I tink I always alweddy sez that I lobed de pic of de patios that ye goils posted. Both were right up mese alley and I wish I could spend time with ye all on yer respective patios (Well at Lori's bro's cuz it not hers, but duh Wacky DorK duh. 

    and I must say that you Cammy, crack me de hail up when you post. I lubs when ye ramble. Well me gotta go and git back to cleaning. and surf for a cat in de hat hat for cleaning. wish me luck. 

    lub ye all, sleep tight as a buuuuuug in a ruuuuuug as goils with EWBA's would say hehe! DONT EVEN GO DERE GOILS WHO FIGURE DIS OUT! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Uhhh ohhh, nurses, I need yer attension. dis just in (jest happened) Shocked

    so, goils/nurse listen up!! mese ear itched and I scratch as any human would. so den I feel someting and it sorta stings. so mese picks off what looked like dried blood. I nearly jest flicked de crud into mese trash but decided to view it with mese glasses sincen mese contacts are all kinds a foggy from dwinking n smoking. SO..... It was a bloody tick on my ear (not littarlee bloody but bloody meaning FN as de goils like our own Julie would say)///// so anyway.... dis Not inside de ear but at the top of the lobe (iffin dat a such place, it is the area where young people and some odder people pierce, it has hard cartilage area which  bese why me skeered to git dat part pierced. But chit, AN FN TICK TRIED TO BITE MESE EAR. I know to look for swirly circles or tings that look like a target for target practise. but anywho, do me need a doctor or just keep an eye on mese ear? and now I think I should wash my hair to make sure my scalp is clean. damn, I must remove my JD cleaning hat, chit chit chit. 

    ps I am shocked that i am NOT freaking out. Must be de likker n de visit from Meester Willee Nelson. chit, I do not want nor need more drama. I just want to clean and come and talk more chit with mese goils. 

    k, lub ye all. sleep peacefully and soundliest sleep of de week. CheeRs! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    ps Camille, you cracked me up about yer DD tinking I am a serial killer. Because mese own seester thunk that I was crazy for having Chrissy B fly in from Oz and stay with me until she met Chrissy. Mese seester was in love at first sight, same as mese parents jest lubed Mema Sue and mese Dad luved our own Lala. 

    bdw, where is Lala? did I miss her post? oh chit, now gotta read again. den wash hair, den maybe clean after two more (or so) dwinks. 

    k, I did not post fer days but makin up for it now. 

    • ps one more time, i mean ting. ok so get this..... Erin berry fircited yet emo todey. Cuz mese got a copy of a letter dat mese atty write to de main person in charge of infuckshous disease at Univ of "Kansas" hosptial. De doctor dat said that doctors here in mese state are stoopid, well he gonna chit his pants when he sees what he has done. yep, Erin Soo is taking dat Prick down, waaaay down. I gonna own his porsches, his mercedes and his lamborghini too. and maybe his gay partner who is prolly a rich doctor too. I taking him down. too much work to report him to the KS Board of Medicine as our dahling NM stated I do. na na na na nah nah, take that Dr. P. Rick! hahaha, dat SOB gonna be homeless soon. 
    • one more one more ting, sawry. i miss ye goils. sawry mese been biddy or dwunk. 
    • last one more ting....dis bullet chit happen by axardent (dat a Jessicaism de word for accident as is ahportend for pretend, cant wait for more baby 'isms with the English langwitch. 
    • Good night goils. 
    • Have a great and feel good kinda friedey!
    • HEY, it, FRIDEY, is HERE! wooo hoo
    • chEErs! mese outta here for reals. 
    • dis is the hate I am wearing, for real. I got it in SC, came free with a big a$$ bottle of JD, sweet eh? image
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014



    (Cam, date of arrival is 6/12 late evening, departure 6/17, early AM. And I rented a car for Willie time!! 

    ps I still did not wash my hair OR clean. I was reading the TE Trouble thread. Oh boy can I ever relate.

    More cheers, peace, love AND happiness to all mese goils! 

    TGIF to de mon-friedey goils!!!! I go now.....

  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2014

    Hi drinkers.

    I am new to this thread. I am shy until I drink. Tonight I drank so I am making my first post here. I am glad to be here but hate that all oyou are here.

    Erin S, my name is Erin too. You are wacky, is that true? I think I know you from the exercise thread. I am a cyclist and runner. I

    ve read that Princess RN runs too. God Bless you Princess. But do not overdue it, ok?

    Camille, you do not know me but I know you. As does Stella. Speaking of, where has she been? I hope she is alive and well.

    Love, Cycle Babe aka Erin II

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2014

    hi all

    Sitting in bed - now in London. Going to go to Windsor Castle today. Don't think I will see the Queen though. 

    Has lubley dwink last night and have free cocktail tonight so will tell goils about it later. 

    Will post more photos tonight and yes I made the Big Girls Panties. Might take th for a dwink tonight for fun. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    image unselectable="on" data-sz="f">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good morning too k forever to get a DOTD Of the day, kind of hard to read but just squint. sounds good too. I told NM to just relax today she needs to rest.

    Hmmmm /cycle babe interesting u know me, but I don't know u, clever disguise, will u give me  hint at least.  Well welcome please post drunk or sober we don't care. Hmm again u know Stella oh boy we might have our hands full. But it's fine.

    Wacko u'r poor dad is having a time of it, but u take good care of him all the time. U'r a good DD.

    Lori I think most days should be Wacko days, but I think today is Fried day and that's good I have to schedule my up my peewhole with a camera today for next week, u know I forgot the name, I'll just get it over with she's not going to find anything all of my insides are all over and all screwed up and she'll find the same thing, but at least I'll get my antibiotics again. so that's that.

    I think it will be busy today the weather is getting hotter so people will be calling. My cousin say I should get a 900 number and use charge cards and I can make real money as long as no  one see me what's the difference what I say on the phone.

    Oh I'm on the list of not flying, beats me, I never fly obviously this little old lady, well big old sickly lady might be a danger to the country. And I actually scare people. LOL  don't  leave my house and yet trouble finds me--but my friends can fly--I hope u  don't say where u are going Erin. LOL OK I have to start my day, by taking  a nap.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    Alyson how lovely why did u not put me in your suitcase again

    Genny u will get the weight off it takes a long time to get your bod back I am still struggling

    cam I think they were scared of me to lol u fell asleep love that

    big sis how cute you wore a hat

    I am out the door for work I feel like I have a tampoon in and can not get it because when I tryed to put one in I felt my mommy says it will come out sorry of thats gross but has this happened to anyone now I am scared

    Love the pic mema that julie beans wow u two r so pretty

    big sis u taking me with u to see cameheres my ticket?

    Wheres 4

    wheres princess

     Hi juliet u still pumping the iron

    Hi NM u work very long shifts

    kk wish me luck at work hope I do not need to go to ER if this thing is in there

    IDK crazy things happen to me

    have a great day everyone



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    good luck lara

    off to the mo today, last visit with him as he's retiringBawling so aly have a wonderful time in windsor,hope nm can chime in on the tick wacko ,now scabies and nits i'm your girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Really a tampon Lara, I thought u were kidding, can u feel the sting? Oh I've done that years ago in my cumsecuam but only once--where do u have it stuck. I thought u didn't get u'r period anymore, I get so confused who gets it and who doesn't. That's what u'r talking about right? Or am I lost again. Well I hope u have a decent day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!48 more minutes and then I
    am off until Monday!Seeing Celtic Woman
    this evening.Hoping the sun stays out
    long enough to get some yard work done, would like to get the garden put in
    this weekend.Last night's freeze and
    frost warnings should be it for this season, I hope!

    Genny--Isn't amazing
    how thoroughly our furbabies can collapse and rest, just as thoroughly as they
    play!Why can't the MO order the MRI
    before the surgeon appointment?I simply
    do not understand why you have to go see the doc just to get the scan
    scheduled, unless it's just to generate a second bill and more $$.If I were you I would start getting snarky
    about this whole docs appointments just to get a scan ordered thing.Waste of time and money, if you ask me.Unless someone can give you a really good
    reason for doing things that way.

    Goldie--I tried to
    get a pic of that strange shiny thing in the sky but the camera objected.Too much light, apparently.Supposed to be pretty good all weekend with
    Sunday the best day.I am so looking
    forward to this time off.Gone every
    weekend for a while, good for you!

    36 minutes and

    PICTURE!Thanks for sharing!

    Cammy--Sounds like
    your guys need someone to manage them and their time!I think women are better than men at
    scheduling things, so maybe you are more help than you think you are! Your
    brother got engaged?How wonderful!Found out from Fb?Seems to be the way things are these

    Erin--Ouch, hope
    your Dad didn't get hurt when he fell.Good for you for pursuing some trouble for Dr. Prick.How's your Mom doing?

    Juile--Good morning!

    Erin--I like the hat
    wearing ritual for cleaning!I often
    where my sneaks when cleaning, too, 'cuz I'm more likely to run up and down the
    steps to take garbage out and such if I do.I wouldn't worry too much about the tick, one has to be attached and
    feeding for 48 hours or more before diseases are transmitted.

    Side note--just saw
    an item on the morning show, about a tennis player, Taylor Townsend.The big tennis organizations are not
    providing her any financial support "for health reasons". Code for
    too heavy.She is quoted as saying
    "my shape is my shape" and not intending to try to conform to an
    idealized image of what a tennis player or woman should look like.GOOD FOR HER!

    5 minutes and

    to the HTL. No need to be shy here, we all get drunk regularly and can't
    remember anything anyway!What's your
    fav libation?

    Aly--Have fun at the
    Castle!Take lots of pics!

    dwinky!I'll have the tenders mix up a
    batch, I'm going to have some after the concert tonight!You are on a No Fly list?Really?I worry about the people in charge of airport security.Really worried.

    2 minutes into my 3
    days weekend!YEAH!

    ORLA--I've heard
    about tampons getting "lost" before.Never had it happen to me, thank the Lord.I'm sure someone with more direct experience
    will be along to help soon!

    I'm off to get
    dressed and see if the lawn mower will start!