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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2014

    know LDB, I wuz sooooo essited that posting pics from the puter worked. I had tried it in the past, and it was a no go. Oh boy, you are right about having to use the bafroom when camping! How'd things go with your follow up? I love de pic of you and da Beans, I saved it!

    Cami, what a doll you are, telling NM to relax and sleep in and you will get the DOTD. And Julie is a sweetheart, isn't she. And Joey is so right, not only about her being a special nurse, but yeah, why does everyong have to live so far away. Too funny about you cussing during your scan and skeering ebberyone. I'll be in either Phoenix or Laughlin, both of which are hotter than where I live. So I won't be outside much! Your DD will love the Wacked One! So nice to read your long post.

    Wacko, you DID NOT mention your dad falling, what was the cause of that? Glad he is ok. We miss you when you are gone. I would love to see the letters if you can send them in email (not here, of course). You are cracking me up this moring, Erin 1 and Erin 2.

    Aly, have you gotten facetime with Red yet? Looking forward to pictures.

    Cami seriously? You are on the list of people that are not allowed to get on a plane?

    Lala, what can I say, other than uh oh. Maybe it's just too dry to come out right now? Yikes! Hope you have a good day at work.

    NM, a freeze last night? We actually just got our first tomato! Enjoy your 3 days! One of my weekends out to Phoenix is doctor appointments, so nothing fun! I have to have tests done, as my markers are up again. I have new insurance now, so I'm hoping they will cover for the PET, also need the nuclear bone scan.

    Taking off later this ayem, not taking a computer, so I prolly won't be checking in until Sunday morn. So, y'all have a great weekend!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh NM it must be time now----YYYAAAYYY I hope u liked what I picked for the DOTD I could hardly read it but it sounded goo to me, but anything with juice sounds good to me. I know what Dork likes to drink, but I want to see if I can get her on something else too. I'm so devious. Oh I hope she's not board here, I'm worried about that so much.

    Julie I can't explain how delicious the chocolate was--it was something I've never had before--I ate almost everything but the biscotti and the coffee--that's for Sunday-I remember when my mom made them all the time, we almost always had a jar of them, I guess they wre easy to make, but I never did, now I'm sorry but we always called them dunking cookies and when anyone dropped over there was always a plate with coffee and other things she made. She baked so muc and was so little, chit she made me mad, my sister too and ate when and whatever they wanted and liked--well my mom did more moderation but not my sister, my cousin too and thse people never gained a pound, God I hated that I'd eat my apple while they had ice cream, Now any more of course.

    I'm washing clothes right now and I was cleaning the litter box and I was falling slowly over and I thought chit I'll never get up, And my back totally went into spasm all of a sudden Joey was there and he somehow got me up and finished my job and got upset cuz I didn't tell him to do it. The pain was pretty bad and I finally took my pain meds--so I'm rambling now and I notice when I'm in pain my breathing is more shallow (I think that's the word) cuz when I breath regular it hurts more. Wow I've become such a baby over the last couple of yrs. I never took anything but occasional aspirin now I'm so wimpy. U know how I hate when the Drs. nurse asks the nuber the pain is--cuz it zooms all over and of course it can be over 10 cuz it can always be worse and if it's one or 2 tht's not pain it's annoying crap. S I told her again Remember that shower scene in Psycho well figure the yayaya of the knife and you have it--and she said so it's a 10 and I said no there are much worse than 10 pain is pain hurt is hurt and annoying is annoying. I'm such a bitch when they ask me that, I don't know why either.

    Oh Erin I wish I could take u to some beautiful places here, but I can hardly go when others go, but if anything is going on around here we'll go. Damn u'e going to miss one party the weekend bfore, but usually on the weekend my other DD has things going on--we can just be polite to her husband I'll never let u be alone with him really.One thing he's wonderful to Joey and thinks he's amazing so I give him some credit. I'm going to look in the Ill thread and see if beside Adey if there is someone else we can meet, cuz so many are so nice, but not everyone can just pick up and go. If I have any Dr. stuff we can go together and laugh or asses off like I usually do. And u have to meet my sister, she works FT but somehow we'll work it in, and don't u dare tll her she looks younger and more beautiful than me. LOL--Oh u can.

    Oh I'm rambling the pain meds are starting to work a little I sowwy I whine so much about mese but I don't do it at home or to other people.

    OK I LUBS LUBS LUBS U ALL SO MUCH I WISH I COULD MEET EBERYONE, but erin will give u the 411 how I really am.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    Cami - Tank ewe for da nice woids bout mese n JeanBeanius pic.  Had to LOL about your DD warning you about peeps you meet on da internet.  You can tail her ErWacko is the neatest, friendliest, coolest, most wonderful WACKO on da internet and ya'll can feel poifeckly safe with her around.  I do think dat test for bladder is thru da u kno what in both men and women, like a catheter?  Mayb da nurses can splain bettah.  But I'm hoping no pain for you.  Congrats on your DB's engagement...soo sweet at 78!  Enjoy your nappy--poo!! 

    Wacko - YAY for you attorney getting on dis sitsheation with exciting that you are going for it girl.  Tank ewe fer da nice woids too on mese pic wif da Bean.  Am hoping to drive up and see her in the next few months.   Dat is a funny ting u wear a hat and tennies when cleaning.  Did u find da Cat Hat?  ICK a tick....ya need to set a bug bomb off in ur 'office' telling what is lurking there.  DH gets a 3 pack from ACE, puts one under the house every 3 or 4 months. 

    Cycle babe - u don't fool me a bit!!!

    Julie - tanks ewe.  U r da sweet one for sending sweets to our Cami.  Sounds like she enjoyed dem muchly.  Good luck at the MO's today...hope it good news.  Sad he's retiring tho, have you met his replacement or do you have to go somewhere else?

    Hi Aly...Windsor Castle...WOW....hope u hab loads of fun and lots of dwinkies.

    Lara - Tanks for da nice woids on da pic too.  About dat tampon, don't wait too long if you can't get to it, go to ER.  I kno things have changed over the years but that cannot be a good thing.

    NM - YAY YAHOO WHOOT WHOOT!!  You sooo deserve this weekend off and I'm praying to da mother nature to gibs you GR8 weather so you can get your gardening done.  Kudos to Ms Townsend too...I mean really!!

    Lowee - follow up went well.  He doesn't need to see me for 3 mos, end of August.  He will b in close contact with my MO as she will be ordering the MRI's, tests, etc.  He told me to ask her for a signed release saying that 'I am not at risk for seizures' to carry in my car.  So, see her on Monday, hope I can get it, but something tells me she won't until my MRI, which I hope will b scheduled in mid June.  He also cut my Decadron down from 1-4mg per day to 1/2 per day.  But told me if headaches come back step it up again.   Then last night I go thru mail...find 1st EOB (explanation of benefits) from ins regarding this RO doc and the rad center in St George.  Insurance denying claim for using non-PPO and my out of pocket deductable for non-ppo is $10K....YIKES.  Thing is, we remember someone telling us we were covered, but it was such a f'n SCARY time that we aren't sure who said what.  Gotta get on the phone today and find out...UGH!   Hope you get your scans approved.  Have a GR8 time...stay safe!!  Muah!!

    lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all of you...muah muah muah and webk's too!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2014


    Big Girl's Panties resting before going to find her pre dinner cocktail.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014

    we all need a pair aly,love the photos

    lori-thinking of you,,  

    insurance woes  sucks!

    mo -all good ,go back in 6 months, you could ask for a transfer to one of the other partners or be asigned to the  new md starting after he retires, so i'm going with the new doc, she's currently at the mayo clinic

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Julie can u get a better MO from Mayo??? I'd go with her too. Oh if u don't understand me my mouth is full of deeelicious chocolate caramel cookies Whoa are these good.

    Sue it's sounds good for you, now just keep it going.

    Well using the name Wacko around here when speaking of Erin doesn't help maters hahaha.a/k/a whatever.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    Hi girls!

    Very quick poop in, waiting for mese partay guests to arrive. 

    Lara, I had a dumb tampon stuck in me while in high school. It was there for many months before I knew what was going on. It was terrible as I had a nasty discharge and ignored it until going to the gyn. She found it and got it out. It must have been up there through at least four/five cycles. I lived through it but I was really scared before knowing what it was. I know, TMI, gross etc. But chit happens. If I were you, I would sit on the hopper, spread my legs and go on a mission to find that bad arse trouble maker tingy. (((((Lara))))

    Aly, wow wow wow, I hope you take lots of pics of the castle if they let you. Nice to see you. 

    Julie, horray for good results. 

    Sue, hiya baby, I knew I would not fool you and neither can that other Erin, she a devil I tink. Ooops, I hope she not read dis, she might get mad. tehehe. 

    Geez, more to say but gotta git dressed. I sitting here in a tank n shorts but it is cooling down nicely. It is a picture perfect day but a chilly evening. Gonna light up mese back yard, I not stressing which is amazing. 

    NM, hope you enjoying your day and hope the weather cooperated. 

    To the rest of you, love ye all. Oh, Cam, bdw, I will NOT be bored. I am bringing mese computer hopefully if I can get my mini up and running. Otherwise I borrow mese dad;s ipad. I just cant play my game on that. I will love meeting your sister but will not tail her she is younger looking that you. well maybe, tehehehe.

    Love you goils, will try to poop in later. Speaking of, remind me to tail you about de birthday cake and de word POOP !!!! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Oh Erin leave it to you to use birthday cake and poop in the same sentence,--Have fun tonite.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    I hope u'r relaxing this weekend Julie, u've been one busy lady u sweet lady. (((HUGS))) Oh Chocolate covered peanuts----maaavelus

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014



    Just came outta de gopher hole to say hayloooooooooooooo n hope eberybuddy is doing great on dis lovely Friday eve of de still spwing and gunna be summer in a lil while. I been woykin me tail off all de days and I miss you lovely ladies a lot. I could say a lotta woydz but lets face it, 2 nite is Fwied-day and it is time to rock de nite away so let's party!


    MuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Babes!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Cami and Wacko, I got a story for you. In 1997 when I was 40 and my son was 16, I bought us our first computer. That was in the day when you went to take a shower while your page slowly downloaded. Anyway I had been divorced for 12 years and I was playing around on my new computer and an ad popped up for FREE membership. I thought what the hell so I popped it open and started filling out a questionnaire about what I liked to do, what I was looking for etc.. It was long and very specific but gave away nothing personal as far as name or address so filled it out thinking it might be kinda fun. Well it turns out that once you're done men can write to you and you could read what they wrote but not see their pictures unless you paid. Well this was too much to take and it was only about $30.00 for 3 months and I thought what the hell, I'd spend that in a bar in 1 night, so I paid. Well, I talked to lots of people via the computer and gave away nothing that would allow anyone to locate me. I finally agreed to meet 1 at a public place, Fridays I think. Anyway he was about 12 years older than me and nice enough but no sparks and that was that. So then I kinda had gotten my nerve up so a few months later I met another one, nice enough but talked nonstop…about himself. A few months later I met this cute 28 yr old tender....very cute… went to an Indians game, went out again bowling, he was lots of fun, but too young. Anyway, then I started chatting with this guy, Rick, and we typed back and forth for a few months and finally one day I asked for his phone #, called him and talked for like an hour when I realized it was long distance and I gave him my # and told him to call me back. So we made arrangements to meet at Applebee's. so 1 date led to another and another. I had a trip to Key West planned with 2 of my girlfriends and we were flying out of Cleveland Airport early in the morning so Rick lived close to Cleveland and said why don't you stay at my place and I'll drive you to the airport and pick you up and you won't have to pay for parking. We all lived about an an hour and a half from the airport. So my friends agree and on the way my friend Lezlie starts getting kinda freaked out about it and says" this guy could be a serial killer for all you know, you met him on the internet and we're going to stay at his house?" So we get there and he pours us a glass of wine and we all sit around and chit chat and Rick gets up to go to the bathroom and Lezlie leans over and says to me" i think you should marry him… I love him" And a few years later I did.. that was 16 years ago. Anyway, just wanted to share, you 2 girls will have a great time, you already know each other.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Erin, too funny, sitting on the toilet going on a mission...kwacked me up..Have fun at d birday pardy.

    Sue...e-gads about the insurance!! Hope you get that straightened out and don't have to pay that!

    NM.. you and Sadie enjoy your 3 days...relax...

    Hi Beanius, glad to see you outta your gopher hole

    Goldie, have a fun weekend, camping? I think? have fun

    Cycle babe, no need to be shy here, you're incognito.... grab a virtual barstool and belly on up for a virtual drink.

    Lala, hope you're feeling better.

    Hi Juliet, prn, Cami,ally , juliet , 4 and whoever else I'm missing...time for sleep now, just finishing my wine, sweet dreams...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    anudder quick poop in! 

    Beanie!!! wooop wooop, Erin been missing ye. Glad ye crawled outta de gopher hole, yippee. I jest love your posts, you so funny and so sweet too. 

    Genny, glad you laugh at mese, I'ze here to entertain. and i jest lub yer story of meeting your DH, dat so sweet. awwwww, me toasting ya now! Hang tough lady, you through de worse of it, k? ((((Genny)))

    Cam, dis for you. And I tank Lori for teaching me new way to post without given away Erin's identity.

    I hope it works. I betcha it will since Lori say, she a clever goil for a dwunk tehehe! Ok, Cam, here ya go: I tailed mese Dad that the store made a boo boo and mese bought dis cake on clearance. Ya see, Dad/Pop hates when wese spend money on him so told him dis was on sale for ten dollar and two cent. And I glad I took a pic when it came home cuz mese wuz too dwunk at partay to take pics. I mighten post a sweet pic of mese Daddy though. He had such fun, he jest loves his birthday. I cant believe he 79, seems like yesturdey he was my current age. at a raw 53 years young (Lala, 53 IS young hehe). 

    ok, drum is de cake! I had it done in red white and blue sincen Dad was born on de official Memorial Day USA. I jest lubs him so much, it hurts yet feels so good. hard to essplain. ok, here it bese: 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited May 2014

    one more ting goils, mese sooo pwoud of Erin cuz dis again wuz her first time entertaining her family. she so happy cuz her yard looked bootiful. I had my six wrought iron tiki torches going, two rose gardens that had spot lites on dem and two other gardens along with a total of six hanging baskets with flowers and four potted flower baskets at each corner of mese pool. And mese soooo furcited that mese pool gonna undergo a hexpensive renovation in less den two weeks. Mighten even happy whilst mese away (sorta hoping so cuz mese skeered of de big arse hole in de ground). 

    Does any other goils has issues with height where yer legs turn to jelly/jello chots when ye get close to anything that is high up? I has major issues with just walking up and down three stories at work where de side of de stair case is glass. And where mese used to work had glass elevator. I would do four floors using steps to avoid de "allegator" as my DD used to call an elevator. Yep, when we went to the dentist when she was about six, she asked if she could push de button for de allegator when we git dere. I say "WtF"? Well not really, I said WHAT?? she said I want to push de button to go upstairs on de allegator. Oh gads, mese fart just full of lubs tinking about my widdle goil and now she gonna pop a baby. And dey has been living here for the past week, so far so good. My DD "Hannah", dat be her code name, well she being berry berry sweet and wuz so helpful to me. And get dis, her BF/baby Daddy turned over his paycheck to me! And bremember when I said he was a pizza delievery boy? Well get dis, he also tailed me in the winter that he does construction. Well I thought of my exDH2 who claimed to do construction whilst driving de limo during the evenings. Well his construction gig lasted all of a week or two. But dis future son-in-law of mines, he has a real construction job that pays quite well. He doing a lot of work at de Jersey shore with rebuilding after Super Storm Sandy. Oops, that was in Kansas I mean. hehe. Well mese talking a lot about me, not nice. But mese too dwunk to talk about yese. and mese so full of mese darn self righten now. Cuz I did soooo good in organzing a partay for 22 people and it was jest perfect. I am a grown up now, jest like mese seesters. And I mighten not have de big mansions like dem but mese only haveth one income. I berry proud of mese self. Now to get mese EWWA back to work. 

    I write more after I put my begonias in de ground. I has dem arranged, jest gotta git de gloves out and de shovel. Bad mese, I placed dem there without using gloves and I has dirt under mese nails. AND mese gitting mese gray hairs ungreyed tomorree but do not have a mani appt. Dat becuz mese been doing mese own nails to save money. Which by the way goils, for those who have paid for gel mani's, I found an awesome product that I can do myself. It is called Vinylux nail polish. No base coat needed. And I do a wicked french mani, it is the best stuff ever as other products I have used have not kept the white white tips of de french kiss, err I mean mani. I wuz tinking of kisses when Genny saids about dating a hot tender. and omg, so glad you threw the guy that talked about himself and how great he is to de curb. Hmm, I should toss mese dern self to de curb.

    Well tanks all ye goils for listening to me talk about me. I is patting mese own back cuz I has not felt so good both mentally and physically in four years. Which by de way aka BDW, tomorree, June 1st is my four year cancer-versary. Dat is de date of mese official DX. Oh how much I have been through. But oh how good I feel and so proud of mese self for taking dis trip with nothing but dignity and very widdle tears. I a rock star as all of you are too. I jest love all of my warrior seesters here. KK, I stop talking now as I am annoying mese dern conceited self. But I wrote a song for me, here it go....

    I wuz 12 when this came out. Always tried to figure out the lyric "watched yerself gavot"?? wdf is a gavot? 

    I go now. ~hiccup~

    Lubs lubs lubs, hug yer children, yer pets, yer mates and remember that all de world needs is lub sweeeeet lub...lub is ALL ye need and I give ye all ALL OF MESE LUB, another song I jest lubs. Sing with me if you wish. ~yawn~!   G   o    o    d      M  o   r   n   i   n   g    G   O   I   L   S 



    I wrote dis song for Led Z but am dedicating to mese goils. 

    Hey, how bout a game of "post yer favorite song from youtube" and have Joey give us his meaning of the song? Yep, I not done here yet, gotta jest tink of the song I want him to interpret for me. BRB once mese figure dis out. it gonna bese a challeng cuz mese left (lazy) eye is closed. Me gonna plant a widdle more and ting of mese song for Joey. I hope he wants to play mese game. 

    Lubs lubs lubs, all ye need is lub.

    ~ ERiN sOO, ye have reached yer capacity of number of werds aloud on dis thread. If ye say anudder ting, yer computer gonna blow. 

    what? boom! heheehe! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    oh Erin we're all so proud of ye for putting on a perfect party for u'r Dad with a bootiful cake and yum too. It's not easy getting everything ready and I bet u'r dad was so happy too. And everything is so good with u'r DD and that's even better. And u picked one of my favs by Carly Simon and I do remember all those years ago thinking why she used the word gavot all it meant was a dance of some sort but who uses that word ever. It was the only thing about that song that I just didn't get but my other fav was It's to late now--I remember thinking those songs were exactly about my life at that time in my life I was so madly in love with someone and clearly it wasn't going anyplace after a couple of yrs, so somehow she got in my head. LOL

    Genny I loved u'r story and u wrote it so well too. But it sounds like a storybook romance--it is actually--and good thing u had the guts to go on that and see what happened. I love happy endings and that's funny when u'r GF said he could be a serial killer----alot of women think alike--but that just makes me happy for you too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited May 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I went to a Celtic Woman
    concert last night, it was great fun!I
    would love to see Celtic Thunder some day, too.Worked on getting the lawn mower going, managed that, but it kept
    stalling.Gonna work on it again today,
    if it keeps giving me problems I may have to go out and buy a walk behind mower
    and do it all the longer way.I am going
    to get this done this weekend one way or another.

    Goldie-Yup, there
    was frost locally the other night.Actually that's right about on time for us around here.People do plant before Memorial Day, but they
    are taking a chance with the last frost.Hopefully we've turned the corner on the warmer weather now!It is so nice to sleep in after being up late
    last night, too! Have a good trip!

    Cammy--That was a
    great DOTD!Thanks for doing that for
    me!Yikes about your back!I hear you about the pain scale thingy, it's
    a pain in the anatomy to us, too.All we
    want to do is make people better, but we have to jump through a lot of
    documentation to "prove" that we are doing something so insurance
    will pay for the care. "I hurt" to "now it's better"
    doesn't "prove" that we've done anything according to insurance
    company standards, we have to be able to say how much better.It's a game and it's tiresome.And you are not getting wimpy, having pain
    for a long time actually physically changes the central nervous system and then
    it reacts more strongly to less stimulation.In other words, it lowers the pain threshold and pain tolerance.If it helps, it's generally considered that
    7-10 is severe pain, 4-6 is moderate pain, 1-3 is mild pain.If a patient rates pain at 7 or higher the
    record should show some intervention (pain medication administered,
    non-pharmacological treatment used, whatever). Can you tell I've been studying
    for the board certification exam in Pain Management?

    Mema--so far Mother
    Nature is listening to you, I'm having great weekend weather!About the insurance thing, you can call your
    insurance and be told something is covered, but when it's done the 3rd party
    payor (health insurance can't directly pay docs and hospitals) can deny
    payment.It's a real scam.But if you make enough noise it usually gets
    reversed, so go ahead and start making phone calls, but keep a log of
    dates/times/name of person you spoke with, for EVERY call.Attach a copy to everything you mail in to
    them.If they know you are tracking they
    tend to be more attentive.You can also
    ask for a case managed to have a point person to be in contact with.


    Julie--HOORAY for
    all good!

    morning!What game do you play that's
    not on your Dad's iPad?

    Beanie!!!Gopher beer, the newest Lounge Libation!

    Genny--What a great
    way to meet a future hubby!Goes to show
    that the internet isn't ALL bad!

    cake!Your yard sounds great!Hope I can get mine into some kind of shape
    today.Sounds like future son-in-law is
    a keeper!Good reasons to pat yourself
    on the back, so go for it!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Absinthe Minded Martini

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    3 oz Gin

    Dry Vermouth

    Orange Peel

    1/2 oz Absinthe


    Properly chill 1
    cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe, and stir. In
    your cocktail glass, roll 1/2 oz of dry vermouth and throw away the excess.
    Strain other ingredients into cocktail glass and float 1/2 oz of grand marnier
    over top. Garnish with orange peel.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Good Morning NM--Seriously I can't imagine u having to study for anything, and thank you for the reasoning behind all the questions, cuz my answers are never in numbers all has to do with killing someone with a knife. So I'll be more tolerant of that pain scale, I have never gone higher than a nine tho cuz I don't even want to imagine what a 10 would be and I know it can be worse always. Well I knew u'd keep u'rself busy today and the weather is beautiful here too. I even got out just to walk around. So I'm sure u and Sadie will be out  lot. U'r DOTD sounds good today.

    Joey and I are trying to decide if we should go to my other DD's or just stay home. Well we'll see. I hope everyone has good weather today--we all need it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2014

    that was a great story genny wow I hear how people meet on the net and marry thats a great story

    I am going to see the doc because now im not bleeding searched cant find it ,did research it will come out but mybe it was in my mind idk. I bled for only 2 days very heavy then boom its gone.I get very nervous about these things

    I hate that scale of pain its like listen I am going to poke your eyes out hows that.After bmx I was shaking unreal the guy was telling me breath through this u will b like this for awhile he was a nurse or assistant I stillremember him the worst was getting through the night everyone left they were there for 9 hours but I did I kept buzzing them lol I was jacked up on morphine god knows what I was doing

    Mema yes make nouse about insurance they try to double bill to

    well yesterday was my 5 year anniversary dh catered to me for 2 days

    ill poop in later


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Ok so I have just 1 more story about meeting my DH then I'll quit. I was living in a 1000 sq foot home with a 16 yr old and 3 dogs ( I think maybe some men didn't find that all that appealing). Anyway I had finally let Rick come to my house and we decided to take the dogs for a walk. So we do that and get back to my house and one of my dogs had poop stuck to his butt and Rick just nonchalantly walked in the house and grabbed a paper towel and cleaned him up. That was when I knew... this was the guy for me. Shhh don't tell him, he hates when I tell that story.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday, especially you NM, hope you have wonderful weather, you've certainly earned it. It's 75 and sunny here, I think me and my DH are gonna go golfing. Lubs to all you goils!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2014

    genny-  A keeper for sure!  I met mine on the computer and phone way back when there was telex and the fax machines had that shiny slick paper.  How old am I!  He was in Chicago and I was in Seattle.  He is the best nurse ever.  (c:

    Happy Saturday all.  Oh and Erin, I get what I call the butt tingle instead of the jelly legs.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2014

    I met my husband online. Through running. He lives in Boston. I'm in Chicago. Haven't moved yet lol. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014

    Wow princess, that's quite a commute, sounds like the makings of a perfect marriage!

    Cami, you crack me up!

    Well I was up and moving for 2 hrs, already pooped. Went back to my old town last night to see Nora and then met 6 other couples for drinks and dinner, was fun but wiped me out I guess, damn I hate this. Maybe a little golf after a nap.. I hope.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2014

    Genny that's so cute about the butt. U know he's good when he does that.

    Boy all u girls do lines--well not with rolled up dollar bills on a mirror but u really caught some good luck with that. See if they had that in my day I might have had better luck, cuz choosing myself did me no good at any time. I always had good sense except with picking men LOL And as I've said before most of my Onc visits we never talked cancer cuz I didn't want or need to so we talked about life and one time she said I can't understand it, u'r an intelligent woman and yet u really had 2 bad marriages. Well first of all Intelligent--she was being kind and second of all if u fall in love there is no common sense or intelligence involved in my case. Oh well I have no sweet stories, mine are always goofy ones.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Genny - love your story! how sweet you met that way, sounds like you were so careful too so that is very smart. LOL at the long download time in those days, well, to tell the truth, my satellite Internet is still a lot like that. Like yesterday I was going to write more and had other pics but it was getting late and just taking forever so I sorta just went to bed. I'm not sure where U are in your tx...tot I'd share a self portrait of when I was doin the chemo-rad-thing. Also gives me a chance to show off some of de pwetty gifts my goilie fwiends sended me. Dere's a pink flying saucer det holds pills so I don't foyget wud day is it. De nice pink slippies wif big pink pom-pom ties and of course de fan for de hot flashez.



    Erin - Love de cake!!! It is sooooo cute! So nice you have him to enjoy and love!! Dez Mother's Day Father's Day Memorial Day Flag day and me Daddy's BD all get me soooooooooooooooooooo emotional. I been goin nuts today. Foyst we have been renting our places out like crazy and it's been scary screening people to get good tenants who won't be problems. So far so good. Knock on de wood in me hed. Well dis old gent called 2day and he just sounded so much like my Daddy. Super sweet and sez he will take good care of de place. Just dwives me cwazy. De bittersweet. Nuttin to do about it dough cept I lookd at some pics of us, he was a WWII vet too.

    I will say hi to everyone...Cycle Babe (Erin II), Alyson, Cami, Orange, Juliet, NM, GoldBug, SuZQT, Adey, Princess and hope I din't miss NE1 cuz you are all de spatiulest ladies on de planet earth. I'm still at the NanuNanu Desert Oasis Ranch and Casino but goin to Cali soon for me sissses BD. Den I might go to Hoth or maybe come back to Nanu. I will be riding the Millenium Falconess. She has over 3 million trillion miles and needs paint. Needs tires too. Needs various other parts too. But her solid 22RE is flawless.

    Me DH has been lookin at "new" cars...I'll send U pics for shore...

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited May 2014

    Time warp again...missed a whole page. Must be anuther alien abduction.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls,hope everyone is doing well. And I hope my pic will post,having trouble lately.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2014

    image width="175" height="240" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; margin-top: 86px;">This is so good.