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how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2014

    You have to try this,Vine Smoothie berry flavor.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2014

    imagePic doesn't want to post,sorry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Yea Undie dropped in and beans too. Not a lot of wrds but we got the thought.

    And Julie so true. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Spent the day alternating
    with convincing the mower to run and lounging in the sunshine.Need to get some laundry and housework done,
    too, but going to concentrate on the lawn today, got some starter stuff to put
    in the lawn mower's gas, so hopefully today it will run longer than a few
    minutes.We'll see what happens.Sadie loves the games of fetch we play in
    between my sessions with the mower.

    Cammy--sweet of you
    to say I don't need to study, but I do for some parts of the test!Believe me the numbers thing for pain annoys

    ORLA--I hope that
    aide or whatever who was telling you just to breathe through it when you were
    shaking with pain has someone telling him the same thing after he has one of
    his testicles removed.We can dream, at

    Genny--that is a
    great story!Don't know why DH doesn’t
    like you to tell it!

    Adey--I remember the
    shiny fax paper!

    PRN--lots of people
    seem to be meeting future spouses online these days!

    Cammy--goofy stories
    are good, too!

    Beanie--gotta watch
    out for those aliens!

    Julie--vodka helps
    LOTS of things go down!

    Undy!Long time, no see!I will look for that when I go shopping next,
    which will probably be later today or tomorrow on the way home from work.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Casino Coffee

    1/2 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1/2 oz Dark Creme de

    1 tsp Sugar

    5 oz (hot) Coffee

    1 1/2 oz Whipping


    Pour coffee and
    liquors into an irish coffee cup and sweeten to taste. Float the cream on top,
    sprinkle with grated chocolate, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh NM I realize u can't totally rest cuz u have so much to take cre of around the house, but I'm waiting for the weekend when u say U have nothing to do except play and cuddle with Sadie. Nice DOTD of the ay again.

    I wish everyone a good happy feeling decent Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Cami, Joey SOOOO looks out for you! Did he actually break your fall? And then to finish your laundry. You best keep an eye on him when Wacko is there, she just might try to take him home with her. I hope your back is feeling better.

    LDB, I can certainly relate to insurances declining to pay, and those high deductables! Looks like you and I will be getting scans about the same time! Hoping they ALL come out clean. And a trip north to see da Beans, woooooo hooooooo! Hope you get the ok to drive.

    Love the BGP's Alyson. Looks like signatures on them? How many?

    Julie, all is good, that is awesome! I hope you like the new doc.

    OMG Wacko, tampon stuck for months? You are lucky you didn't get something like endometriosis! I assume the party is foy you daddy? Birfday cake and poop...lovely! The cake is a classic, glad he enjoyed his party. And now that you are sharing pictures, you can take some pretty ones of ye beautiful yard. 4 years....A BiG CONGRATS FOY YOU! Jes wish you weren't still having issues! Oh, and glad things are going well wif Hannah being dere. Good job on posting the pic! Now I wanna see more!

    Oh iss da Beans, hello dahlink. I hope dat gopher hole is not de same as the wabbit hole? An you jes been bizzy. I could gopher a beer wif you.

    Genny, I met my husband on the internet too, right about the same time as you!

    NM, wondering if you got that grass mowed! Hmmmmm, I hope the stuff you bought for the gas helps. Non the less, certainly you are enjoying the 3 days off.

    Lala, did you make it to the doctors? Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you and DH are getting along better? What did he end up doing with his job and how is your step mom doing?

    PRN, you too? Hubby on the internet! But you are married and in different states? Who is making the move? For us, it was me. I transferred from Michigan to Arizona.

    Julie, I have vodka and vitamin V, wanna come over? LOL!

    Hey Sha-nay-nay. We miss you girl, wassup wif you?

    We went to an RV show in Phoenix, no camping. Was looking at toy haulers. Next weekend is Laughlin, leaving Thursday afternoon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    lori ,yes,   wanna build a snowman

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    ErWacko - 4 years today?  I didn't realize it had been that long.  But you still Rock the positive girl.  And you deserve your own pat on da back as well as pats from all of us.  You should be pwoud of yourself...WE are.  I jes lubs listening to your songs too!  Sounds like your family partay was maubelous...wish I cudda been der too.

    Cami - OOO I too remember that 'It's too late now', thought it was about me too.  It actually gave me the courage to leave mese arsehole DH.  Took my 24 mo old DD and 10 mos DS with what I could carry, got on a plane and never looked back.  Funny how some songs affect us.  Cwack mese up about the lines and rolled up bills...heeheehehhaaaa!

    Genny - truly a love story.   One of gf from MT, widowed, found her current DH on line.  I used to warn her too...but so happy she found love.  Love da poop story...I won't tell him you shared with us.  Lubs the '3 Moods'  LOL!

    NM - Yikes, a 'push mower'?  My DH uses one but we have very little yard, I imagine yours as huge.  I hope u got the gas mower going.  Thanks for advice on the insurance.  I am pretty good about names, dates, times etc.  I'll keep at it.

    Lara - did u go see the doc?  I kno those things aren't as toxic as they used to be, but ya still need to get it checked.  And happy anni---glad u got spoiled for a few days!

    Adey - WOW....ur story sounds cool too.  Reminds me of 'Sleepless in Seattle' heehee. 

    Prn - How long have you been married and living so far apart? 

    Beanius - waaaa happened...must b cuz u libs hi up on Nanu and r closer to da aliens and dat y dey stealing ur posts. 

    Julie - Good to see you too...and I'll take more than a spoonful of da wodka please!

    Unde Shanaynay - good to see you again.  Yes da posting of pics ain't as easy as it used to be.  But ya got the bottle up there...sounds good too.  How have you been feeling?

    Lowee - Did any 'hauler's' trip your trigger?   So you did get approved then for the scans?  I hope so!  Heading to LV today, Doc tomorrow.  Hoping she will schedule my scan. to pack up.  Prolly won't be able to post tomorrow, but will by Tues! 


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    mema.... Married August 3, 2013. Found out I had bc December 24, 2013!  Crap ass that's what that is!! Poor guy, never been married and no kids. I was married first time 18 years. 

    Lori.... I think we will move to z new place all together. Another state. We rented his home in Boston. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    I luv how everyone seems to double screen or u have a memory like a computer--so I end up forgetting everything.

    Lara I hope I said Happy Anniversary to you and Dork for milestones of a different nature but still need an announcement.

    Oh Julie I'm drinking my Wolfgang Puck coffe this morning and it is good. It's very smooth tasting. Thank you gain.

    Lori OK I'm already going to miss u next week, but the following week D-oops erin will be here, my DD might ask u for references about Erin after all I get confused with her name. LOL And yes Joey takes care of me like u can't imagine. My kids went to one of Marty's cousins house yesterday afternoon and when they came home Joey tells me about everything and he was the only kids there and he said to me, he is so glad I always say when u'r with me act like a 30 yr old, (I can't help it) he said so he had many conversations and everyone included him instead of thinking oh he's a kid go play. And he said it was so easy and he had a good time. He's a nut tho.

    Well there should be no phone calls today--I had them yesterday so I can put the phone aside more.

    I hope everyone has a Funday Sunday or at least relaxes or whatever u do make it fun.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014



    I have a prayer:

    God, as you gave us the sun to lighten our days, so you have given us your Word to lighten our minds and our souls. I pray that you will pour out on me your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart and mind may be opened to your Word, and that I may learn and accept your will for my life.

    Shine within my heart, loving God, the pure light of your divine knowledge; open the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to receive your Word, this day and always,


    And now, I would like to invite everyone to the Nanu Nanu Desert Oasis Ranch and Casino for June 1 Sunday Brunch! Yippee!!!


    Oooooooooooooo! What a spread!!


    Eggs Benedict!


    Now the best part...dessert...and....





    Geeawwwd, I'm so hungry and thirsty!!!

    Happy Sunday Morning and Happy June 1!

    Juliet – LOL at de spoonful of vodka…I like de part det sez “ship my pants” too. Is dat de big girl pants det Alyson posted? Love de new pic too!! So funny!!

    Alyson – love love love de BIG GIRL PANTS!!

    Unde – tank u for stoppin’ by…I was here too…look like we bof had a lilt rubble. Have not tried de berry smoothie so will look for dat. Tank U for sharing.

    Cami -  I love your sweet stories about Joey!

    SueZQT - are you gunna come bisit? I'm furcited to see you again!!! It was way too short fault, dint realize how long it wud take me and me being so dang slow any more. Sheesh! But it would be great to see you again. Just love you so much sweet Sue!!!

    NM – I saw det U saw Celtic music…det is one of me favs!! We found dis great band called Molly’s Revenge and bot all dere CD’s. We saw dem live at a Celtic Festival in Reno. Dey are an acoustic trio. Very, very fun and talented!! Good luck with your mower! LOL at Sadie inbetween struggles with the mower. I’m doing housework today too. Kinda boring but I sure love a clean house. Love de Casino Coffee – tank U!

    Hiya Goldie – I posted sum of wud I been doing yest and den din’t like it. So NEway, I’m actually feeling really good. I have crept up above my BMI again but not by too much and I’m nearly back down again. I’m very happy I got a new bathroom scale. I am so dum dum some times. For the longest time I’ve been thinking the doctor’s scale was ‘toopit cuz it always weighed too high. I conbinced meselves det it was just cuz I always have clothes and shoes on when dey weigh me. Guess de denial bubble had to pop sometime. I have had my suspcisions bout me old scale and now confirmed with a shiiney new one det I gotta loose a few lbs. So I’m doin that and it feels really good. Just a few more to be in normal range again. Whew. Then DH and I are renting our places and have so many bookings. I’ve been managing all dat and it’s a lotta woyk, plus shipping chairs out. Going in 10 different directions at once. But overall sleeping better and de hot flashes are calming down some. I get really tired and have to sleep a lot, but at least I feel good mosta de time. We’ve been tinkin of putting de chairs on Amazon but haven’t right now due to so bizzy with the vacationers. That will calm down by end of summer. Hope you are doing great! Sounds like you will be gone for a week or so, so hope you have a great twip!

    Genny – I loved your story bout how you met your DH. (and de poop story we will neber tell NE1) I met mine the old fashioned way…in a bar. No, J/K!!! I was working full time and he was going to college and doing landscaping to pay the school bills. I had just bought my first own house and was trying to decide whether to buy a lawn mower or hire help. One day there was a door hanger and it looked very professional so I called and got an estimate. The man had a nice voice and sounded very professional and the price was good so I hired him over the phone, never met him. He was working there for about 3 months when a girlfriend of mine was at my house and she met him and said, wow! He’s so good-looking. I said I hadn’t met him so didn’t know. Anyway, one day I was home for the Memorial Day holiday and he happened to be working there that day. It was the first time we met face to face and it was truly one of those love at first sight situations. We just hit it off and he was so nice and friendly and he is a very hard worker and does such beautiful work to this day. We started chatting and have never stopped. Our first date was 4th of July that year. Our 19th wedding anniversary is this fall. He is such an amazing person. He did save my life, when I found the rat ba$tard lump he insisted I get it biopsied right away. It was B9 according to mammogram, ultrasound and two clinical exams. The doctors said I could wait 6 months and have it re-checked. I was going to wait but my DH was sure I needed to have it biopsied right away. He is psychic. It was stage 2 IDC already in my lymph nodes. He drove me all over the place for treatments. We have been through so much and I am so grateful to him for everything.

    Erin – I loved de cake pic for your Daddy! Also meese very proud of U too about the entertaining and de pool! Bout de jello chots legs. Yes mam! De femara make me dizzy, unbalanced and no good at de hights. When we did some photos of the chairs in the air, I had to get on a ladder and just could hardly do it, feeling so out of balance. My joints are just not with it for climbing stairs, I have to be so careful cuz my office is upstairs so going up and down I just go slow and hold de rail, spatully now in flip-flops. I can’t jog anymore which has had me big girl knickers in a huge twist. I LOVE JOGGING! Talked to de doc and I guess that’s part of the fun of getting older and being on femara. I been doing Jane Fonda low impact (geriatric) CD. It’s very good and she talks about how you start to lose your balance as you get older, but you can develop it, so I been doin her balance exercises, plus some “push-ups” where I lean against de counter (they are way easier even than big girl push-ups) and a few jumping jacks (but my tits flop up and hit me in the face too much –J/k). And some crunches. LOL at de alligator. How neet det Hanna is gunna hava baby! And wow, de papa gived you his check? So neeet! Life must be great in Kansas. I am so glad to hear you sound so good, sweet Erin!!! Congrats on de 4 years too! Hurray!!! You have been through soooooo much so I’m sending you a huge congratulations!!! Lub your songs you wrote too, you are sooooo talented!

    Orange – congrats on your 5 year anniversary!

    Adey – Love your story bout how you met!

    Princess –But that so sux to get dx right after you got married.

    Hi to everyone, I hope I dint miss anyone at de bar while I was sneaking anudder mimosa and casino coffee.

    Sorry to ramble so long, but I'm avoiding housework. Thanks for helping me goof around and thanks for having brunch and Sunday service with me! Now I have to get back to work.



    Love and hugs and big cheers,



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    hello beansHappy

    genny what a wonderful story 

    prn-quite a commute!  

    cammi -glad your enjoying every mouthfulHappydo we need to provide references for wacko

    nm- hows the lawn mowing going today ? hope you got plenty of sadie and me time in. hate the pain scale too! with some of out 10/10 people we are doign the flacc scale too

    have a good sunday ladies, its about to start storming here

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    IM so full from the buffett thank u

    yes hes fine with work a stage and my step mom no results yet

    sunning is nice NM sounds like u had a great day

    princess wow thats a story about your dh when do u see each other? R u moving?

    Genny genny jow wow a cheer for u on silly pills

    they r trying to eat my post the gremlins




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    I did nt go to doc my friend said I would know but the curse stopped so idk whats going on going to make gyno apt. I need a bunch of tests anyway pap, ultra sound etc

    I ppe a lot to was on the computer and my shorts were wet with water that came out didnt even know my body is not acting right enough of that I get scared work tomm testing all day yuck



  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Julie and Lara...  We see each other about once a month now.  He comes in next for our local Relay for Life to walk with me and hang drapes..LOL,  We are hoping he comes here and then we move together to a warmer area.  I have kidlettes...

    Booo..some of my nails are lifting.  GRRR

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    LMAO Julie, building a snowman! What other kinds of vitamins do you have???

    LDB, I don't know yet if I'm approved for my scans. I'll call later in the week to check. Good luck on your appointment today and I'm hoping you get your scans and the ok to dwive. I hate this waiting shit!

    PRN, hoping you and your DH can get things all set to move together. I guess you both have jobs that allow for that, nursing of course. Any places in particular that you both are thinking of? Kidlettes? Children that are still at home, younger than teenagers?

    Baby Girl, that was some gift you got from Julie, I have enjoyed how you mention something about it everyday! I'll be happy to give some references for Wacko! And OMG, telling Joey to act like he's 30. How can such a youngin be so grown......and smart! What does he want to do when he grows up? What the hey, you have to work on Saturday's? I hope not on Sunday's.

    Glad you made it back Beanie Babe. Bootiful prayer (Amen), and what a beautiful church. The brunch is most awesome! And I hope when you and Sue (Lil Doyty Butt) get together, you get MORE facetime this time. Just going to be gone for the next 2 weekends. Leaving this Thursday for Laughlin, will prolly bisit with our waitress friend and maybe head to Lake Havasu to visit some freinds there for an afternoon, Merle Haggard Saturday night and home Sunday. Then doctor appointments the following weekend, which might just be a turn and burn trip, providing I can get my scans in early. So you have renters for your properties in Hoth? That is great! Sounds like it's for vacation rental, and not full time? Hooray for selling the chairs. Selling on Amazon for something like that, I would just sell on Amazon, but you ship. Sending them to Amazon to ship is going to cost you to send them there, and they usually have you send to 3 locations, and they you have to pay like "rent". For space that they take up in their warehouses. Yay for hot flashes "cooling off"! My BMI is within normal, but I would still like to lose about 10.

    Julie, how we gonna build a snowman iffin it's stormin?

    Lala, no doc? Ize funcused. I thought you had a tampon that you couldn't get out? No?

    Wacko, you all partied out fwom da weekend?

    NM, you moosta had such a great weekend that you did not have time to poop in dis morning! I hope you got that grass mowed. Our is so little, that DH just uses a weed wacker to cut ours!

    Bison Grass Mojito's for ebberyone!


    Made from crushed lime and fresh mint, sugar syrup, vodka and rum topped with apple juice, SO fresh and zingy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Some pictures of my garden. Actually just pulled these off of my camera card.

    This is my beans in the front.


    VVV Tomatoes and some cabbage in between. VVV



    You can see my little spot of grass! Both pictures, above and below.


    VVV To the right is onions, different peppers, basil and lemon thyme.

    The rock on the left is actually a piece of petrified wood. VVV


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Laurie. I have three sons, 17,15 and 9

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone. I'll have to go back and read later, but i had a few minutes so I thought I'd chime in.

    Sue and Beans - you are both beautiful. Love those happy smiles.

    Cammy - did I get it right? Erin, or whoever she is today, is coming to visit you? Yippee!! Hope you have a blast.

    That's all I read sorry.

    I have a story though - Lara, you'll like this - creepy time. So last night I'm sleeping and the next thing I know my DH and I are standing in the bathroom, he's in full panic mode. Are you okay, let me look, are you sure you're ok? So, apparently, I had decided to go sleepwalking. My husband woke up because I was sleep talking too. I piled books on the rocking chair by the window and was trying to climb them saying, I had to get to the man with the light. Before my husband could move I had fallen and crashed into the tea trolley - but I still didn't wake up! I'm scraped and bruised but otherwise okay. My hubby took me back to bed and cuddled me, but he said I still kept talking in my sleep about needing to get to the man with the light. Says he held on to me for dear life and didn't sleep all night. Poor dear.

    There is no change in our dear Gage. He is just hanging on and pretty much non-responsive. Poor baby. I appreciate your prayers.

    Ok i'll read tomorrow and write again.


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Happy Monday!


    Juliet – Hope it dint storm too much. I cleaned out my fireplace again which is a sure sign that temps will drop and I’ll have to light another fire!

    NM – missed you today, hope all is well with you and Sadie.

    Lara – I’m glad you are going to see the gyno.

    Princess – How nice your DH will be there for the relay. I’m so sorry bout your nails.

    Sue - Hope all is goin well wif you! Pweese check in soon.

    Goldie – Love de Bison Grass Mojito’s tank you so much. Yes we got de vaca rentals in western Hoth at the beach so it’s a new adventure. Sounds like you have some nice twips planned. And Merle!! Fantastic. How awesome you will see him. Sure hope your doc apts go well and you get coverage for de scans. Tanks for de congrats on de chairs. I will prolly try Amazon after the rental season as I’m just “booked” tee hee! Yes, we ship so it would not work for us to use their service. I’m so glad your BMI is normal range. I’ve had creeping weight gain from de femara. I don’t feel like exercising so it’s a big vicious cycle. Anyway, with discipline and help from above I will be back to “normal” (ha ha ha ha ha ha) in no time. I love your garden pics too. Just bootiful. We tried a garden last year but started too late and it’s just such a bad climate and soil for a garden at 6500 ft in the UFO. But I so love your pics!!! It is so neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet when we getta see wud up!!

    Okay, speakin of dat, long overdue pics of de mission style bed and dwesser and nite stands me DH made for us. It is reeeeely awesome. I made de bedspwed which is not good and I need to get better fabric next time. I got cheep stuff and it got all pilly. But dis gives you an idea…he made de coat rack too and all de t&g pine wall to de right and the scribe detail, and de door...



    Red – Yay! Sooooo good to see ya poop in! Wow, tanks for filling me in too – dint know Erin and Cami were meetin up. That is cool! What a dream story. So glad you are okay and you were comforted. What did the dream mean to you? I will say prayers for Gage.

    Missin lots of goils tonight so hope you are all okay. Erin, Cami hope you two have fun!

    Today has been awesome. Nice warm weather but windy. I’ve heard from some dear ones and I smile.

    Gotta go sweepy time now.

    Love and big cheers,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungetttes!Sorry to MIA yesterday,
    over did things Sunday and was up half the night sick.Finally got to sleep and then hit the snooze
    button until I had to get up and get ready for work.Another work surprise,one of the nurse turned in her resignation
    last Thursday, then didn't show up for work on Friday.All the drama I missed by not working last

    Goldie--got about a
    third of the grass mowed.Went out and
    got a new push mower.Of course, then I
    am out in the sun and heat on the hottest day of the year so far mowing down badly
    overgrown grass!Had to do the mow a
    section, sit in the shade for a while, mow another section, sit in the shade
    again thing.And I did enjoy the 3 days
    off, even with all the lawn mower drama going on!

    Mema-- yup, a push
    mower.I keep telling myself I need he
    exercise anyway.My yard really isn't
    that big, and if I do it in sections it's not too bad.I did it with a push mower for years when I
    first bought the place.And I think I
    know what the riding mower needs to get up and running, so I'll have that again
    soon.But I need something to get things
    under control until then.And I've
    always needed a push mower to get around the edges and some places the riding
    mower can't reach.

    Cammy--Joey is a
    real treasure!Glad he had a good time
    at the cousin's place.

    Julie--I'm in, too!

    Beanie--Amen, and
    bring on the buffet!Thanks for the
    link, I'll check it out for sure.What a
    way to meet your DH!And he sounds
    wonderful for you.

    ORLA--watch out for
    them gremlins!

    Goldie--That Bison
    Grass looks GREAT!Great garden!

    Red RH--What a scary
    night you had!Hope you slept
    betterlast night.

    Beanie--how does the
    clock know if I'm in bed or at work? Nice bedroom furniture, and pretty
    bedroom!DH is talented!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Westwood Ice Tea

    2 oz Seagram's
    Vanilla Vodka

    3 splashes Vodka

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Goldschlager

    1 oz Light Rum

    1 oz Gin


    In a beer mug full
    of ice, pour in the tequila, gin, light rum and stir. Stir in the cinnamon
    schnapps, then stir in the vanilla vodka. Splash the high proof rum on top.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    PRN, you have your hands full! I'd be willing to bet that they wouldn't be too happy about moving?

    Red, glad you are ok after that fall, good grief woman! Do you remember any of it, the dream that is. That poor sweet little Gage, continued prayers for him and your family.

    Ha ha Beans, true dat about closing your eyes for 5 minutes. Gardening here is a struggle too, as our weather can drop all the way through May, and our soil has absolutely NO nutrients in it all, we have done alot of amending to it. Lots of cow! And of course, then there are de critters. I had a wabbit get in there last night, gate was open for a bit. Well he had quite the feast, before getting caught in my live trap. The furniture is gorgeous, he does such good work. Your doors look like mine.

    NM, I kind of figured you were worn out, but not to the point of being sick...sheesh! On the nurse that quit, does that mean MORE work for you now? I do hope you are feeling better. Ahhh, and you did have to break down and get a mower, but a push one. Well, look at it as extra excercise. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Ohhhhh, lub dem little tushies Julie, dey are so coot!

    I had to go back and re-read your post Beans about meeting your DH, I missed that part when I read. But I saw the rest of your post, cuz I looked at the link you provided for the band. Cute story though, and I'm so glad he made you go. When mine was found, mine was let go for year! Oy vey, don't even like tinking about dat.

    Been pretty toasty here, temps close to 100, and now it's suppose to get windy again for the next few days. Gonna go see if I can find ebberyone, mese tinks some of ye are hiding in da bushes wif a Tender!!! Peek a boo!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi Ladies--oops I'm sorry I hven't been here much--to work busy and to tired and just stuff---

    NM I thought that right away like Goldie do u have more work? Oh like u don't work enough and now u'r not feeling well. JJust keep well      and worry about u'r self too.

    Julie chocolate springled almonds oh so good.

    Lori Julie sent me a tower of different things so I'm working my way thru it. LOL u'r garden looks absolutely perfect. U did well with it last year right? cuz it looks like it will grow beautifuly this year.

    And Beans u'r DH did  wonderful work on u'r bedroom set.

    I can't remember anything now. So BBL

    Oh wait Red I'm confused--did u dream that u were looking for the lite and walk around looking. That's strange. And poor little Gage, still sending prayers. It's awful. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Hi all, haven't been here for a few days. Got to see Nora Friday, she's so darn cute you put her on the floor and she just rolls and rolls, but only to the left. Then went out to dinner with a bunch of friends. Got a bad headache Sunday night and it just wouldn't let go, had it at work yesterday then 3 customers didn't show up or canceled so I moved everybody and came home at 2 and put ice on my head, dark room, quiet, all that. Tylenol did nothing, finally I took 2 Motrin and it helped. Then I got chilled and achy and crawled under my electric blanket and turned it to 7.. took my temp it was 100. Had the h/a all night but now it's almost gone, no fever now, just my normal tired. Canceled babysitting Nora today which I hated to do but I don't want anything to screw up my date with chemo on Friday. I want to get this chit over with! I feel like a 90 year old woman. NM, h/a was an 8, now it's a 1.

    So I tried to catch up a bit. NM you're back to work, I'll bet those days flew by like a rocket. Yard 3/4 mowed?, arrghh, bet that was frustrating, and then sick on top of it? And now a nurse has quit, when do you get your next day off?

    Memasue, whatever happened about the insurance, did you get anywhere with it? Sounds like a big stressor for sure.

    Lala, good luck with the gyno appt, and I think you had a bunch of tests yesterday? Hope you get some answers. Happy belated anniversary.

    Laurie, LOVE the garden, wow what a great job you've done! How many years have you been working on it? And you met your DH on the internet too, I was surprised to hear how many of us met that way,

    Red, wow weird dream, I really think you should stay away from the light…K? Sorry about Gage, so sad.

    Beans, lots of mornings I think the aliens take me for a period of time. I'll be getting ready for work and I have like 45 minutes before I have to leave the house and then what seems like 5 minutes goes by and I look at the clock and I'm late and I say "must be the aliens again". Love the room, from what I could see the bedspread looks very nice!

    Prn, so sorry about your fingernails, sound awful. Can you still work? Does your neuropathy interfere? Will you move all the kids ar are you waiting?

    Erin, hope your dad is still doing ok and your mom too. Any new news with Dr Prick and the potential lawsuit?

    Cami, hope everything is going ok and your phones are nice and quiet. Have fun with Joey.

    Julie and undercover and anybody else I mighta missed… hope you all have a wonderful day

    Gonna go take a nap now…my life...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Hi Goils

    Red wow that is spooky story yes you are right I liked that story

    Thank god your DH held you, and u were both asleep how strange

    The man with the light let me know if it happens again

    Goldie WOW that is a great garden

    Cam u forgot me to

    Oh so MRI was just given to doc not sure of anything yet I work all day but today I did not qualify to score the question was fine but the answers were so detailed og u can take this or no u can not take that answer,so I have a couple days off

    Decided to cook almost passed out in the kitchen no air in there

    crock pot and grilling from now on its like 90 here

    wheres dork? I must of missed something

    Hi genny

    Hi juliet and NM

    Beanius hugs

    k bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    hi people, wow red scary!!!!!   cont inued prayers for gage

    lara the only reason i can live in fl is ac, hope you don't have to wait long for the results of your mri

    lori , what a lovely garden

    beans-beautiful furniture

    aly- keep on enjoying canada-loving the pics

    cammi- are you sharing? glad your enjoying it, when i was ordering i looked at a few, just about to hit the order button when realised i picked the wrong one, the one i had clicked on ,had  in sympathy written all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    genny -nora time is always good time

    prn -hows work going?   3 boys 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014


    Just got this today since I couldn't go, had to share, 5 months now.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Juliet I am off the coffee but could reconsider! stinks and it took me two hours to mow on Saturday.  It will still be there..Lol...sadly.

    Red..crazy dream!  Hope you are ok and prayer for Gage.

    Laurie..the garden is so great.  I wish I had one still.

    Genny... Nora is a real beauty!  So sweet and cute.  I still work everyday.  I took no time off. The neuropathy is better but now some of my nails are lifting off..POO

    Erin..where are you?

    Lara..Cooking is good and a few days off not so bad.

    Mema..hope your feeling ok too.

    Any one I forgot...HI ya and hope you are having a good day.  I am doing the smoothie cleanse again.  I talked people into it at work so I had to do it too..LOL.  This time I am adding protein powder and exercising daily.  I am hoping for 5-7# loss. That will get me about where I was before all this chit. So, my drink of the day is water lemonade... I add sliced lemons to water and squeeze and then a stevia packet and shake..kinda like a lemon shake up at the Fair.  Anyway I am getting my water in..LOL