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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    hi Girls! I really enjoyed reading. Love seeing pics of the beautiful Nora. OMG, I was at Cracker Barrel for dinner tonight wiht my Dad and after eating, we looked around the store. I found the sweetest baby outfits including the sweetest widdle pair of pink furry boots for an infant. So cute. I told my DD that WE are lucky that WE do not know the sex of the baby yet as WE would be broke.

    Sorry to be distant, I am currently in Myrtle Beach SC. We had a perfect flight and it was only 33.00 per person. Spirit Airlines out of Atlantic City NJ has the best deals. And in one week from Turdsdey, I will be in the loving arms of our own Dr. Cammy Lewinski hehe, I made that last name up after Monica. Oh Cam, reminid me to do my Clinton impressions k? 

    NM, oh no, more work? 

    Forgive me if I do not finish this. I am sitting outside at a picnic table, I only get wifi outdoors. And I mighten be stealing it from a dumb neighbor whose account is not password portected. 

    Lala, baby, how are you? Is that wicked wick still inside yer lady parts? 

    Innocent one, loved your pics, so berry purdy. I have to try to get some of my updated flower garden pics up here. I know you told me how to do it annoymously but cant bremember at dis momrny. fsy beuase mse dads naybor Ray got me dwunk on rown royal starting in de early pee em until now, 11 pee emish. And mese so tired, up all night last night. did have a five hour nap when we arrived. oh mese oh mise, I see a UFO. BRB. gotta chit mese pants. cheeRs!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    NM – Oh so sorry to hear you were sick and have extra work! Sigh. Good idea to look at de mower as good exercise. I do dat when I clean house and it’s a lotta work, well that’s my work out for the day! I sure do hope you are feeling better! Hope Sadie is doing great too! Ooooo, love the Westwood Ice Tea, so nice, thank you!

    Juliet – lol bout de a/c in fl! Love de morning jo!

    Goldie – I can’t believe the jackrabbits and cottontails this year, bet they had a great time in your garden! Yes, I’m glad he made me go, and so glad you did go when you did! I loved the pic of you on the quad too. You just look so great! Temps not too bad here 85ish but was windy, today near perfect.

    Cami – Hope you are not working too much!

    Genny – Nora is beautiful!! Thanks for the pic! So sorry to read bout a bad hedake and fever, I hate that! Hope you are feeling better. Aliens eat my brains every day.

    Memasue – hoping to hear from you soooooooooooooooon!! Hope you are doing okay.

    Lara- Hope your MRI results are good, when will you have results? Tanks 4 de hugs!

    PRN - have a nice smoothie.

    Howdy Erin – Soo goot too see ya in de lounge. Hope your twip to SC and bein wif your dad is good.

    Hi to everyone!!

    Sending love and hugs to all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Hi Lovely Loungettes!!


    I have been MIA lately and I just wanted to poop in and say hello!!  I have been crazy busy and am like 4 pages behind.  I keep up with you all through email alerts!  And I miss getting a chance to poop in more often right now.  I wuz so furcited when I saw Beans and Addy poop in!!  And I loved all the stories about how everybody met their somebodys!  

    And all de Bootiful pictures!!

    And I saw cleaning going on.  cleaning and mowing here too!


    I' m gonna go crash now, it's late here and been a long day and tomorrows another early alarm clock :0(  

    But I wanted to stop in with hugs and prayers and luv !!!

    And Genny! I have not forgotten!  I will get you an email in the next couple of days!!


    And this kinda sums it up......


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Cami, I've been crazy busy with the phone too, so I understand. And yes, the garden did very well last year. I have to get and learn how to use a pressure canner, as I want to put up some beans. I have never done beans before, but they are sooooo good. Still loving your comments on the goodie tower from Julie, and what you are eating today.

    Glad you didn't the sympathy one Are you still hitting the gym?

    Awww Genny, sawry bout da h/a, but you made me laff with da pain scale. How many more chemos after you get this one done with? I have been gardening for probably 25 years, but here in AZ only about 3 years. Back when I lived in MI it was easy, here it's tough. Yes, I met my DH on the internet, however I was not looking! I think we need more Nora pictures.

    Glad you didn't pass out Lala, anything over 75 is too hot for me! And I hope you get your results soon.

    Ohhhhhh, there's that sweet little thing. She is so darn cute Genny. I love watching her grow.

    PRN, a little vodka in that lemon water should be pretty yummy! I hope you don't lose your nails completely, I did not have that problem. Are you going to be able to hook up with Wacko and Cami?

    ErWacko, have a wunnerful time in SC wif your daddy. As for the pictures, you can now get them right from your computer, it doesn't have to be from photobucket or facebook, or some other site. One week and 2 days....woo hoooo. I so essited and jealous, you and Baby Girl will get facetime. Are ya's hooking up with anyone else?

    Beans, da wabbits can only get in if I leave the gate open. Before we put the fence all the way around the garden, it was next to impossible to grow anything. We only had chicken wire around it, and the deer and the wabbits, and all de udder critters just luved mese fwowers. Now I only have the squirrels, chipmunks, mice and rats to deal with! Oh, and the birds, they like my maters.

    4, I often feel the same way about cleaning, like I'm gonna have to do it again in a week!!! But we are SOOO dusty here. Luv the prayer hugs. How are then new girls, or is is just one? And the donor sites?

    Rut Roh, where is NM this ayem? I know she's not out mowing the grass.

    Thanks all for the comments on my mese garden, we've actually had 3 tomatoes already! Onc's office called yesterday, I am having PET, CT and Nuclear Bone scans done. Can we say SCANXIETY?

    DOTD, Berry Smoothies with Raspberry Vodka.



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Prn - WOW - less than a year and all you are going through.  What other state are you two considering?  Do you have a time frame on when you're hoping to find your new place?  3 boys??  I bet they keep you busy busy.  I'm sad your nails are lifting....mine never grew back right, so have been doing acrylics for about a year now.  My eyelashes never grew back either.  I used to have some GR8 eyelashes too.  Now I get lash extensions.  It helps my vanity especially since I'm bald again.   Saw my DD on Sunday, we talked about smoothies again.  She gave me a few hints on things to add that might help with my horrible muscles spasms.  She mentioned coconut water.  Never heard of it, but apparently is a gr8 re-hydrater, so will try and find it. 

    Er-Wacko - Wondered where you were.  That is a fantastic price, and in 1 week from tamary u b wif Cami....I jes kno how much fun u two gonna hab too.  Can't wait to see pics and video!!

    4Sew - Good to see you post.  I thot I was only a day behind too, funny how our days get away from us.  I lubslubslubs the 'hug with my prayers'...muah muah muah!!

    Cami - Yes, I have to split screen.  Somedays I am totally brain dead.  Dat such a sweet story bout Joey and all the adults treating him like the 'old soul' he is.  You r a very lucky mamaw!

    JeanBeanieBaby - Waaaa....I hate when I miss your posts!!  BeeUteeFul prayer and chapel is so serene and comforting.  Tank you!  And yes...I intend to take a drive to see you.  Talked to Allen, she won't gib me 'driving' release until after my Brain MRI, which is scheduled for da 16th, den I see her on da 23rd again.  So I will know by then ifin I can drive, then we'll make da plans.  And I missed da fabulouso buffet at Nanu Nanu Desert  Jes looking at it makes me hungry.   I bought a new scale too.  Just got it yesterday.  It supposedly measures BMI and Water weight.  Don't kno how, but dh and I got it set up and it gibs some numbers.  Technology today...too cool!   WOW WOW WOW, the bedroom furniture is just gorgeous.  Your man is truly talented.  And I like the bedspread too!

    Lara - Am glad you are going to your gyno.  Again, it's nothing to mess with and you have enuf on your plate.  You don't have a/c in your house?  I'd b passing out too.  Good luck on results of your MRI...still praying they got enough.

    Lowee - I had a good appointment.  Got my MRI scheduled for the 16th.  Ya see no driving til results in.  BooHoo.  I hate the waiting too.  So DH has to drive all alone all the way into LV today to pick up Maddy and AM and bring them here.  We will take them back on the 9th.  Am looking forward to having them for a few days.  Your garden is sooo beautiful.  My poor dh tried for 5 years to get some veggie garden going to no avail.  Even loads of poo and lots of nutrient enriched soils and the like...still nuttin.  Mese tinks the way our yard is situated it gets too hot.  YAHOO on getting approval for da scans...and yes...I can say SCANXIETY...but I'm saying right here and right now that they will all be negative!  What date are the scans?  I'm sending positive energy every day K?  (((Lowee))) gonna be fine, can't have it any other way.  Have fun in Laughlin and Havasu. 

    RED - good to see you again, but OMG....that sleepwalking story is jes tooooo f'n scary.  Glad you didn't get injured worse and your poor hubby had to scared outta his wits.  I wish there was an EXACT science to what dreams mean...I've always wondered.  Thanks for update on dear Gage...still praying too.

    NM - Glad you missed all the drama at woik.  Hope you are feeling better tho, mayb a bit of heat stroke from mowing prolly.  But I wud def have to do the same thing...mow, rest, mow, rest even if it wasn't hot outside.

    Julie - thanks for da eye candy..woohoo!

    Genny - haven't heard anything more about the insurance.  However, my MO's nurse said that if the RAD place got a denial from my insurance and didn't tell me (which they didn't) then they'll have to eat it.  We will see.  what is h/a?  How many more chemo's do you have again?  Awww....Nora is jes too precious!!

    Gotta get mese house gk proofed...will try and check in everyday, but if not you all kno


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh I'm so late in getting here. I'm sorry

    Well I did read just got interrupted to reply-Damn

    Lara I'm glad u'r getting all this looked at--this is been going on so long--u've got to get relief.

    Genny u'r baby is absolutely beautiful-but u still have to take care of u'r self so u can get to enjoy Nora.

    OK for all of u--how do u all do so much??? U never stop-either working or traveling and I thinks it wonderful, but I don't know how u keep it all together. I'm having a hell of a time--u do whatever u need to do and u don't feel well and I don't. Right now I'm having a DRINK--yes alcomohol it's noon here I feel so stressed out, Wait I'm not trying to complain, cuz I'm thankful for all I have and I'm still going with no cancer bothering me, but my body and brain is so screwed up, And I not at all worried that they'll find cancer in my bladder, cuz I know they won't but I just feel so stressed in my brain. and I'm usually not, I guess it just a phase.

    Red u actually had a very good dream altho scary sounding. It means much more life for u in dreamtalk-so it was good.

    Julie I've shared everything and the dunking cookies _that's what I call them, since I was little) The pretzels were so yummy, we've never had such good ones too.

    OK I'll be back later when my head is on right.

    LUBS LUBS LUBS u all

    And Did I mis NM I didn't see anything from her.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    hi Girls! Great reading again. sorry I cant write uch, mese at de picinik table in de dark again. hard to type. i hs to lean de screen down to see mese keyboard. 

    big tings happening here. well sorta. met a guy named Paw, seriously pronounced Paul but spelled PAW. He is from Kansas like mese, Erin. So he gonna load some stuff in a truck and bring to mese and mese Dad. we having a good time. 

    i reas with a heavy heart. I hope NM alright. I pray for Dr. Cam Lewinski. I pray for Mema, PRN and ginny and all mese goils for dat matter. 

    so I spilled a dwink on mese laptop jest now, only hit de right side where numbearical keypad number pad bese. but stilll. chit. me take battery out now, bye cheers n lub to all. t ryy to finish on mese phone k> more chEErs! 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Hi Girls!

    I am so pooped I had a post and just didn't hit submit!!

    Hope everyone is feeling better especially NM, LaLa and Cami!

    Erin it's Alkamahal Aboose to spill yur dwink on yur pooter!

    OK, I'm hittin the rack for a couple hours!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the rain came back
    yesterday.Guess it's gonna rain for a
    while now.I was hoping for some more
    dry days to keep working on the lawn.Thinking of giving up on the garden this year.Sigh.

    4--housework, and
    yard work, is insanity, for sure!

    smoothies with Raspberry Vodka, so yummy!

    Mema--missing the
    drama at work is a good thing!HA, h/a =
    medical abbreviation for head ache.

    I just realized that
    the post I left yesterday isn't showing up!That gremlin must have gotten to it.

    Erin--Hope your
    laptop enjoyed it's dwinky!

    4--Yes, I am better,
    it was a few hours thing. I do it to myself every summer and know how to handle
    it, it just makes me very tired the next day or 2.I wonder if I didn't hit "submit"
    when I posted yesterday.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD the Raspberry Sex

    2/3 oz Raspberry

    1 splash 7 Up

    1/4 oz Cranberry


    Combine vodka and
    cranberry juice over ice in a shaker. Shake well and strain into a shot glass.
    Top with a splash of 7-Up and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Looks like this one posted ok.  Take that Gremlin! 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    LDB, have fun with the grands, I hope they don't wear you out. Also hoping to see pics, wink wink. When did your DH start to garden, what time of the year? I think for you, just like in Phoenix, you would start around December I think, not in the spring when most people do. So right now, it would be near the end of your gardening season.

    Cami, I've been feeling stressed too, but I know mine is WORK! Maybe it's the same for you? Do you still have to go for tests yet?

    Wacko, load what kind of stuff and bring it to and your dad? Stuff from your dad's house and take it to Kansas? I hope your puter is ok. Yikes!

    Valium will be wonderful 4, thank a ewe.

    NM, bummer you might have to give up on the garden this year. Wish I could share with you. The Raspberry Sex sounds quite yummy, but I like anything with vodka in it!

    Off to Laughlin later this morning, will check in iffin I can. Lots of love and cheers to mese breasties!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2014

    Morning al

    I lost y'all but  I finds youse again. Not sure why or where's you went.

    Tired today. Has been helping DD shift. They've next week but we are getting lots of rings over now. Has been some good wine each night. 

    Big big hugs 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Hi again. Got off work a bit early today so I is lazing in the backyard listening to the birds squabble. 

    Lost more of our old willows in the storm on Monday night. Sucks. They were old proud girls that marched across the back of the property. With all the ice storms this winter and the windstorms this (spring?) they lost many of their branches. The latest was 18" around and managed to miss everything on its way down, thank goodness.

     Erin, good luck with Dr Pr. That's a tough row to hoe, medicos tend to stick up for each other. I wish u well. Glad your dad is feeling better. How's your mom doing? You went away? You're right $33 is too good to pass up. And you get to see Cami and Joey next week. Yay to face time.

    Speaking of Joey, I have a couple questions for him. One is kinda girly, the other is opinion only. Joey, I'm headed for Italy next week. My tour doesn't say anything about us staying near water but there is one optional that is a lagoon cruise and lunch. So my first question is, do I take a bathing suit or leave it home and have more room in my suitcase for other stuff.

    My second question is kind of for everyone. My treatment isn't working the way it should. Tons of SE's that are dragging me down. Anyway, my MO offered me a medication vacation while in Italy. She said then when I got back we would start all over. But I'm scared of this cuz what if I get sick or was in pain or something on my best vacation ever.

    I know Joey and most of you ladies aren't medical people, so I'm just looking for opinions on this one. If our nurses wanted to chime in too that would be great.

    Genny, Nora is the cutest little bit, isn't she!? I love her to pieces! Hope you're feeling better.

    Princess, so sorry you've been so sick. I hope it fades for you. And how are you raising 3 boys when your husband is in a different state? Wonder Woman!!!

    NM, sorry you got sick too. Lordy, there must be something going around. Maybe a computer virus? Lol. OK sorry, not funny. Glad you recognized it and took the steps needed to shorten it. No garden this year? Awwww. I'm not growing veggies this year, don't have the time, but I do have flowers thanks to my DH.

    SueB, too bad about the driving. Only 2 weeks now till the 16th. Yay. You got face time with Beans? Great picture. I'm jealous - I want to meet both of you. How are you feeling tho? Headaches any better?

    Julie, hi there, I forget which funny you posted now, but it made me laugh out loud. Did I read you were headed in another vacation or is that my memory betraying me yet again.

    Lala, glad you got that internal problem sorted out. And that you and your DH seem to be getting along better. Mid life crisis?

    Lori your garden looked fabulous. it was great. Glad you got all that scan stuff sorted out! Like Sue said, they will come back negative. We wouldn't have it any other way!!!!! You went camping. I love camping. I do it in the backyard all the time. Closer to my barbecue, flush toilets, showers, fridge and clothes. Lol

    4, sounds like you are in the midst of a very busy time. Hope you are taking care of you.

    Aly, 2 days till facetime!!! I am so excited. I love the pics!!! Yay facetime, yay!

    Shannon, hey you. Long time no heard from. {{{{big hugs}}}}

    Cyn? Hello? Am I right in thinking you and Sue are getting more facetime soon too? Hope you have a blast.

    Cami, you look after yourself. It sounds like you are working too hard. It's really important to look after yourself when you are under stress the way you are. (((Cami)))

    Anyone I missed - i'm sorry, I hope you are all well and having fun with life.


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Wait no, it wasn't Cyn, it was Beans. Who I also didn't say hi to. O dear. Hi Cyn, hi Beans. OK there. I feel better. Got the right person. I think. I hope. O dear...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone---just thought I'd poop in oops oh year poop is a used word now. I hope everyone is doing OK, some of u are going thru Chen and I know that's not easy.

    Who's going to Italy, I already forgot--OMG this brain of mine is lousy--Oh when Joey comes in I'll tell him u have a question, he gets so excited to answer one. But mu opinion on the break for all this chit sounds like a vacation in itself, I know being in another country it's like what should I do, but usually when u take a break u do feel better.

    Remember Lori I'm getting the peeoscopy (not real name) when they put a teeny weeny camera inside my bladder and of course I expect nothing but the best so I insisted on a director and, of course the right lighting and I want to hear Action, take 1 and only 1. cuz I'm not going too make a career out of this--and the good thing is I don't have to be put under (always my fear) So being awake I can instruct the crew, The Dr. is new to me and she doesn't really know the stuff that's going to come out of my mouth, I tend to laugh and say freaky things. She'll take a biopsy and look around, OMG I'd better not be stashing my drugs like I usually do. I'm just not feeling well-the pain comes and goes and sometimes stays long that invited- OK I'm complaining again, but I did drink a BEER in the daytime yesterday, thought I'd clean my bladder, maybe it'll work.

    OK I'll close for now, Joey's home now,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi Red it's Joey pleasure isn't it? So for your first question I think you should bring a bathing suit because you never know if you're going to wanna  swim or not so bring it just in case


    For the second question I think you shouldn't worry your pretty little self about that because if a doctor says it's ok  then heck with it DO IT! Hope you have fun in Italy

    image unselectable="on">

    ~ Joey

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Joey. I will definitely be taking my bathing suit then!!! Who knows I might get the chance to swim in the lagoon!

    As for the other, thanks for your advice/opinion. I appreciate it. My little head worries about stuff like that all the time. I am full of 'what ifs'. But I like your thinking on it.

    Oh and what goes in the empty box at the bottom of your post? Just curious.

    Cami, did I tell you how much I love that boy? He is a treasure. He made me smile!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    red, go and enjoy yourself, they have docs in italy too!   just in case you need one, and in  tourist areas, there is usually bi lingual staff, and the travel company rep is uusally up to date on stuff. mother was admitted while in the canary islands  , medical care was excellent   and the doc always had a translator with her

    hi joey

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    image unselectable="on" data-sz="f"> Here it is

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Red it was a pic of Italy but it wouldn't print???????????

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    I like the box tho. It's like the swamp. I'm going to put all the stuff that bugs me or hurts me or angers me into that box and close the lid.

    Today into the box goes my aching back!

    Thanks Julie. I appreciate the advice. I'm just a nervous Nellie. Lol

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hey girls! I am really missing you all. I have very limited internet access sincen mese gotta hack onto sumbuddy else's net. 

    Tings crazy here but mostly good. I tail ya, de South has some skeeery critters. I had what I thought was the biggest cock roach in my bedroom, turned out to be a palmetto bug. He and a widdle tree frog were stalking my door and as soon as I opened it, both were in here. De frog freaked me out as he jumps leaps n bounds. I got him out. Sadly I had to mush the bug, hate doing that. I used my big ass bottle of Crown Royal to kick his ass to the floor. Dont tail but mese left his corpse, it fell behind a wardrobe closet. oops, sorry but mese would likely vomit in trying to pick his dead ass up. ick. I am getting used to the gekos, the Geico geko gives me courage to face them eye to eye. Oh, mese Dad is adamant that those geckos on TV need a penis. So mese nephew got him a spayshall bday gift and it was the geico geak with a penis hehehehe. 

    so tings really hectic, cant hesplain. 

    Cam, you crack me de hail up goil. Talking bout your peeoscpey, ye make me laugh jest like Lori make ye laff at wacko me. And guess what woman? Me is coming to Italy too. Well make dat Italy in IL with mese goil Cammy. Dis time next week I be dwinking, pooping pills and laughing de night away. and if ye sleep, I lipstick yer face but otherwise will not bug ya cuz me know you need to rest.  I gonna have a good night, Ive got a feeling, its gonna be a good good good great dwunken poppin pill kind of night. Den wese have other days to catch up and portend to be sober here and there. 

    Heyya Lori, Mema Sue oh-fishshally LDB for lil dirty butt? mese must a missed dat, so furshamed cuz I do read ebery word here. Uh, i tink de issue is comprehenshion.

    Red, have an uber fab time in Italy and relax sister. Aint nobody got time for stress, spayshally whilst on faycation. It is great to see you reporting back here. I tried to do a google translate to tail ye in Italian "hey  lady, relax and let go mi bella. 

    I am going to hit sent so that I can pick up where I left off but who nows how that will go tetehe! Tjamslf =pr a;; pf upi fpr imderstanding 

    omg, anudder wiked FN storm coming though, jest got the windows opened and chlling in mesee room at mese Dads plafe. To glrdd jim snf have a very ahppy dey. fjEErs to uipi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; me sleep hIccup pj spffu, pldzzsd foggiv Ll oc md zhof ominvz Nx lonv  ominvz goo hdhd. djrrtd girls and prayers fo rall yeah, becuase mese caresa gout jpww of yu girls. dso tjere, haha, gotchaeedos@ bb ten miniutes goil. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Oh Erin a big bug and a frog-that' s good luck especially when u slammed the bug with u'r bottle. good going u bug slammer. But u should have kissed the frog, that was u'r only mistake,

    I'm up super early which I don't like actually, years ago when I worked I got up a lot at this ime and took my time getting redy and I was fine all day---Now I'sleep on and off all day like the lazy one that I am--but I am washing clothes now at least.

    Oh yesterday my back spasmed just starting to do that and I can't for  a few minutes (seems  lot longer) can not move it hurts so bad my eyeballs hurt and my Katie-Kat was trying to nudge me up and meowing at me, I started laughin and made it worse but I didn't say anything cuz my goofy DD would have me in the ER--she's an ER Groupy. But it happened twice yesterday, I'me doing my exercise and walking some but when it comes I'm yelling stop that I did what I'm supposed to do==it just doesn't listen to me. It's kinda spooky tho cuz I can't move my legs and I don't like that-OH well another day another dollar about.

    This Saturday (tomorrow) is Joey's little party--we got him a trampoline--we can't afford it but those two clucks payed lay-away and he's wanted on for 2 years. My other DD called me and said this is like 10 accidents happening for sure and she's right why , this kid is so clumsy he trips on his feet,. broken bones just walking-   So since my DD is an ER groupy this summer should be interesting.

    I hope everyone feels good today and can enjoy the day. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Cam hope u feel better

    I have a tooth that needs to b pulled I was up all night the pain is unreal I found keflex started taking it,I took three seems to have helped so it was infected the thing is the tooth is that molar right by your front teeth,I do not want to look like a hillbilly

    I am low on my pills (pain) so if they pull it I am not going to have enough pills and that hurts

    so I am debating to call pain doc I would normally call this wed coming up because I am missing a day from 31 in th emonth and I took a bunch for this tooth and then I had that MRI but they are very weird about these things so I am not sure what to do. My thoart was swollen as well I looked it up web MD I know never look at that but it means its really infected since the keflex the pain had subsided and my thoart is now ok.


    Those are stink bugs erin soo  no?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,

    Goldie--I will do a
    small garden IF I can get it in this weekend.Herbs mostly.I've got some ideas
    for a bulb garden that I may work on and plant in the fall.There are times when I wish I lived with
    someone to share some of this work with. . .

    Aly--don’t work too

    RedRH--YIKES, what a
    way for the willows to get pruned!I say
    go with the treatment vacation while you are in Italy.Take some pain meds with you, or ask your doc
    for a prescription for a dozen pain pills to take with you just in case.Enjoy the vacay, then rethink the treatment
    plan. Do take a bathing suit, it doesn't take up much space, or take a pair of
    shorts and a shirt you can swim in as well as wear regularly.2 outfits in one sort of thing. You may even
    decide to continue the same treatment plan after a break and you realize you
    will feel human again when treatment is over.There is no point in taking treatment to prolong your life if all the
    prolonged time is going to be miserable due to side effects.What I got wasn't a virus, it was the hottest
    day here so far and I overdid the outside work and got into some heat
    exhaustion.I do this every spring at
    least once, so I've learned to recognize it and manage it.I mix a teaspoon of salt into a glass of ice
    tea or gatorade and sip it between vomiting spells until the vomiting stops,
    then alternate sips of salted fluid with unsalted until I've had 32 ounces of
    fluid or fall asleep, whichever comes first.Next day I'll be tired, but otherwise fine.

    Cammy--good luck
    with the peeoscopy, and have fun with Joey!

    Erin--All kinds of
    critters there, huh?I certainly
    wouldn't be crazy about the bugs, but I would worry about snakes, myself.Frogs aren't likely to be poisonous, at
    least!Geiko with a penis, what a hoot!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle DOTD is the Pussywillow Dotty

    1 shot Whiskey

    1 shot Dry Sherry

    4 cubes Ice

    oz (Fill to Top)

    1 splash Grenadine

    2 shots Sweet and
    Sour Mix


    Use any 16-oz.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Lara Oh please, a toothache is horrendous--years ago there was a saying to someone u didn't like--I hope u loose all u'r teeth but one and it gets infected.. That's how bad that is, but are u on anti right cuz that'll probably go first, but sometimes they just pull it and when it's done, it doesn't hurt anymore so maybe it won't be so bad. Cuz they can pull infected teeth now but with all u'r problems they might make u tke antibiotics first,

    Good Morning NM the DOTD sounds kind of good today. YUM.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    DH got the gkids here about 3pm Weds.  They were wired to the max.  Had a great evening...and then....Maddy started throwing up. Ugh.  Thot it was jes excitement and mayb a little over heating, but she continue thru-out the entire night.  I don't think either one of us slept longer than 2 hours a time.   Had low grade fever yest, continued vomit til about noon.  Kept her quiet, calm, and she ate very little.  Fever broke, all good.  NOT.  Had just sent her mama a text that all looked good and about 7pm she hurled like that gal in the Exorcist.  On top of it....I've been feeling like I had the stomach flu, like I had been hit by a mac-truck.  Called parents.  They are vacay Cabo.  This is 1st time I've taken one or both gk's that neither set of parents put insurance/permission to treat info in their packbacks.  So Maddy's dad faxed it to me and being the FD Capt, told me what to make her to drink to keep her tummy calm.  Anyway, last night put the waterproof pad and towels on her bed and she slept w/out any problems. bedding to wash today...hope its all over. 

    And get this girls.  My DH had to work yesterday and he was sooo worried not only about his Maddy but about me too, he took last 1/2 of day off cuz he knew the stress not good for me.  I just might keep him after all...j/k. up but I wanted to check in.  Will play catch up when I can.  LUBSLUBSLUBS AND PRAYERS for all ye goils!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Good morning ladies, I'm sitting here getting my chemo, I do know how to have a good time. Went to see the CNP Wed, told here of my H/A and achy jointsand slight fever which would have made perfect sense 10 days earlier but not so much right before my next round. Kinda thought maybe I had a little bug, then I was working yesterday and about noon just felt so much better. Ended up working till 5 and coming home and fixed dinner. Then it occurred to me, I started back on the steroids again, that with the Motrin fixed me right up. Woke up this morning feeling great, beautiful outside wishing I could blow off the chemo and go golfing instead....aahhhh, but not to be, so here I sit with my poison and my DH. Cytoxan starting right now. 

    So Erin Wacko, I'm confused you are down south with your dad? And then going to see Cami in Illinois? Are you leaving you dad with family and then going off on your own? Guess I missed something. And I never got back with you about where I live and it's at least 5 hrs or more from Chicago. Maybe not so far from PRN, I think she's in Indiana, prolly bout 3 hrs or so. I live about 30 min west of Cleveland. And killing da palmeto with the JD, have you seen any of the what they call down there f**k bugs? I was there one time at I guess mating season and they were flying all over, 1 pointing forward, 1 pointing backward. Very bizarre looking. And the gecko with the penis, tring to visualize that one, maybe have to google it, Im sure they have them? Well have a wonderful time with your pops and a extremely fun filled fantastc time with Cam and Joey. You both crack me up all the time, I can only imagine how much fun it would be to spend an evening dwinkin' wit the likes of u two.

    Cami, I just love the ask Joey part of this forum, I think he gave great advice to Red. Oh and I'm so sorry about your back spasms, sounds awful. Hope they go far away along with the D and the bladder crap. Enough is enough! That Joey of yours, what a sweet little guy, so glad you get to live with him and see him all the times. Sounds like a special bond the 2 of you have. Hope Joey loves the trampoline and doesn't have to get too familiar with the ER. Can't wat to see the pics of you and Erin Wacko

    Memasue, oh my, how nice to have your gkids but Yikes! Puking and fever and you on chemo! Oh I hope you don't get it, how long do you have them? Have fun but please don't get that chit!

    Ok now it's 9 at night, I had only gotten to memasue when they started the Taxotere and I had to ice my hands. Then I came home and went out to run errands and fixed dinner and now I'm pooped!

    NM Hope you get a garden in this weekend. Glad yer feeling better and it wasn't a bug. Now that we're in a condo I made these self watering container gardens from storage containers from Lowe's my garden takes up about a 6x6 area. I'll take a picture tomorrow and post. so far it looks like it might work pretty well. Are you off this weekend?

    Red have a great time in Italy, it sounds like a dream vacation. I agree, take the bathing suit and take a break and have the time of your life!

    Orange....arrggh now a tooth? Sounds like you need to get to a dentist ASAP. I hope things start going your way soon!

    Lori, Have a good weekend wherever you and your DH end up.

     Hi PRN, Hi 4, and Juliet and anyone else I"m missing, I'm tired, it's time for bed...sweet dreams all