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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    they did a root canal feel like someone punched me in the face today I'm miserable

    I'm on pencillian and tylenol with codeine

    Can your right I hate my mouth hurting 

    Rest today and scary movies

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Oh my Gosh!  So much going on for everyone!  We need a new phase of the moon to start of something to change up this run of luck!

    Bad tooth, Peeoscopy, Puking Grandkids, Horrible weather, Feeling Puny, Etc...Etc.... and me, well they just towed my truck away.  The transmission blew yesterday.  Ugh!

    I'm having coffee and then dropping the 10 and 12 year old at camp.  Don't pick them up until Friday!!!!!

    Hoping everyone has a mundane kind of weekend!  Feel better girls!


    Princess, that could be tea in that cup?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!A glorious morning shaping
    up here, expecting to get some yard work done and get a small garden
    going.Decided to make this summer the
    summer I plan out what I want to do with the yard and gardens, and start
    working toward the plan.Trying to get
    everything done in the spring just doesn't work for me.Lovin' the sunshine and the rainbows the
    crystals are throwing all over.And
    yesterday I saw a complete, horizon to horizon rainbow!I was on the interstate with no good place to
    pull over to grab a pic, though.

    Cammy--Glad you like
    the DOTD!

    Mema--oh, my, poor
    baby!And your DH is definitely a

    Genny--steroids are
    fun drugs, aren't they?Yup, I am off
    this weekend, working next weekend.Can't wait to see the pics of the self watering container garden!Sounds complicated!

    ORLA--I remember
    that punched in the face feeling.Take
    lots of codeine, rest up and enjoy the movies.I had a root canal done once, was in the chair for 5 hours, dentist kept
    going off to do other people, novacaine really didn't work, was miserable for a
    week after.A year or so later the tooth
    broke apart and has to be taken out anyway.I was NOT happy. . . .

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Root Canal

    2 oz Beer

    1/4 oz Peppermint

    Dr. Pepper


    Combine peppermint
    and root beer schnapps in a hurricane glass with ice. Fill with dr pepper, or
    root beer, and stir. Garnish with a cherry, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    I love the way Maxine says it like it is! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Ha, good one Juliet!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    4... I will to inspect that muccch more closely I think!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    I get to meet Aly in 1 1/2 hours!!!! I am so fercited! 

    Joey, thanks again for the advice. I'm going to take a bathing suite and I am having a medication vacation as well.

    Cami, sorry about the back spasms. Hope that settles out soon.

    Genny, I go to Cleveland all the time - head office is there. Maybe we can do dinner one time?

    Lara, now a root canal? Oh my goodness girl! All this has to be over soon, I hope.

    Julie - too funny. I love Maxine!

    Hugs to SueB, Erin, NM, 4, Princess and everyone else. 

    I am so fercited I can't think straight right now. lol. Of course, not thinking straight seems to be a habit at this time in my life. lol

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    I'd love that Red! Let me know when you are coming this way next time.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Happy Saturday!

    Just poopin in for a gopher beer and to sey howdy to Genny, Red, Princess, NM, Juliet (LOL at Depends!), 4sewwhat, Lara, SuZQT (hope u no have de flu!), Cami, Erin in Kansas, Alyson, GoldieLocks, and all de HTL Hotties in de woyld.

    My fam is having a big get-togeethur so I been wif dem and having a lovely time cept it is dang hot and have not been able to be here.

    Hope everyone is doin great and we can ketch up in a few dayzzzzzzz.

    Sending big love and hugs to everyone. Love you all so much and you are always in my thoughts and prayers!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Currently taking a bit of a
    break, getting a bite to eat, replenishing some fluids.Got a chunk more of the yard tamed, got the
    garden tilled, not going to enlarge it this season, found the circuit that got
    tripped and got power back on to the basement and TV (the week without TV
    hasn't been bad at all, still haven't turned it on!), went out and got 12
    hostas, 4 clematis, 5 calla lilies, 4 beefsteak tomatos, sweet basil, cinnamon
    basil, purple basil, seeds for carrots, radishes, peas, sweet peas, filled the
    gas can so I can get the push mower going again.If I time things right I can get the plants
    and seeds into the ground and mother nature will water them for me!

    4--woops, bumped
    into you, great excuse for a splash in the pool!

    RedRH--by now you
    and Aly are having fun together, can't wait to see pics!

    Beanie!!Enjoy the fam, never know when things will
    change, and we'll always be here.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Ok, the promised pics.


    From left to right we are 208Sandy, Susan, Lassie, Curlylocks, Aly, hrf, RedReading, Barbe and Mumito


    And Aly brought the big girl bloomers, which we all signed.


    Barbe and Aly. 

    One of the downfalls of being the one that takes the pictures is that I didn't manage to get any photos of Aly and myself. Waaaa

    We had a great time.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Red...such a great picture!  And what a nice group of you.  Also, I think you should indeed follow Joey's sage advice! And, enjoy your fabulous trip.

    NM.... I miss my garden.  Maybe next year for me.

    Mema...former peds nurse here, he who cleans it up gets it next!  I hope that did not hold true for you and I hope your pumpkins are feeling better. nice to have such a great time with your dad.  I hope you and Cami have a great visit.  About the time you all will be hanging out I will be picking my DH up from the airport.

    Lara...bummer about the tooth.  Gah I hate tooth things, truly.

    GEnny..Your getting near the end..hand in there sugar...  I am super glad for you to be done.

    Everyone else..howdy!

    I have 4 nails that are lifting/ completely loosened Uck...well, what can I do?!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I now have tomatoes and
    basil planted, got some more plants to play with today, but first I need to be
    able to straighten up!The back is
    rather stiff and ouchy just at the moment.Ah, well, it will work out in a bit.

    GREAT PICS!!!!!

    PRN--sorry to hear
    about the nails.And praying for you and
    your garden next year.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Pain, Pain, Go Away

    6 pints Irish

    5 splashes Irish

    2 tbsp Tabasco Sauce

    4 oz Ginger Ale


    Pour tabasco sauce
    into a large container, add whiskey, cream, and mix well. Pour into appropriate
    glasses, drink and chase with ginger ale and lemon peel. (Drink the mixture,
    take a swig of ginger ale, and bite the lemon peel.)

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2014

    What fun!  Great to see you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls! 

    Oh have I missed you all. I had choppy wifi in Myrtle Beach. We got in around midnight last night and I have been playing in my yard since early aye em. I jest made a dwink if ennyone was wondering. 

    I skimmed the posts. Will try to return tonight and talk all yer ears off but for now, gotta get back to work soonliest whist de sun is out. De time goes way quick.

    Ally and Red, love loved loved seeing the group pics of you two along with some other bootiful bwesties. Isn't face time just the most wonderful thing since sliced bread? Or sliced pickels? Or cut cheese hehehehe! 

    Cam, I be there in jest fo mo deys, hippie yippie skippie, wooo hooooo, I will toast to dat, chEErs!

    Beanie, a friend of mine asked for the web site for yer furniture. can you PM that to me again? You mighen have a few clients - I wuz talking you and yer DH up while in SC. 

    Did I tell ye all that we had my Aunt's Memorial service last weekend? It was very moving and graet to see so many family members. Sadly, my Dad and my Aunt Nancy are the only two surviving siblings out of 9! 

    We had a really nice and very productive trip. Me can't say enough how good I have been feeling. DE BEST in FO years boils, no chit. I wish ye all could feel as good as I do. Please know you are all in my thoughts and my prayers despite me being MIA. I miss de hail outta my goils. 

    PRN, was it you or Genny who asked about SC. I do live in "Kansas" as I call it. My parents lived in Myrtle Beach for the past 20plus years. But a year ago Jan, we pulled my mom out of a hospital in SC and did a drop by at the ER here in Kansas so that we could get help placing her into assisted lving. I think ye know she has alzheimers. She barely knows any of us any more, so berry sad. Mese Dad still has a property for sale down there but is refusing to lower the price as his heart is not into selling the place. It really is a paradise of sorts, such a different and easy going life style. I love it. 

    Well mese gonna fly but try hard to come bak and partay with ye all dis night. Prayers, hugs and lottsa lub to ALL OF MESE WONDERFOIL muah! and WEBK for Mema Sue.  

    chEErs! *clink*

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Good Sunday Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Red - Isn't Joey jes the sweetest.  Pretty darn smart   Just like Julie said too, there are docs in Italy.  When are you going?  I'm playing ketchup so bare with me.  How is the aching back?  How did the FaceTime with Aly go?  Get any pics?  OOPPPs...if I read far enough I find it....GREAT PICS.  Just love those  BGP's.

    Er-Wacko - LMAO at ur nephew finding your dad a spayshall bday geico...LOL.  Yes, Lori calls me LDB all the time now.  Has to do when I was bisiting Shady Lady and da kinda doit dey got.  It's likes mese rear.  LOL.  I am sooo thrilled you have been having some feel good days and so deserve them and hope they continue.  Glad you putting off more soigery for a time.  Tank ewe sooo muchly fer da WEBK...backatcha!!

    Cami - sounds like ur back might be sciatic...hope its' better.  Did Joey have a GR8 party?  How did he like da trampoline?

    Lara, good u had come anti-b's...Call the pain doc and ur dentist and get it taken care of.  (((Lara)))  Just saw you got a root canal.  I need one too...they are not fun.  Take it easy girlfriend!!

    Genny -  Got them on Weds.  They are both good today.  My DH is better too but still a bit weak.  Funny how the older we are the harder it is to fight the bug.  Maddy, 5, had abut 36 hours, Andrew who's 8 almost 48 hours.  And like I say DH started same time as Andrew and still weak.  But those kids act now like nothing happened.  I'm OK right now, just tired and a little nausea.  Made a bunch of green smoothies before they got here, have had 1 a day....thinking that may have helped me ward all dis chit off.  We shall see.

    4 - BooHiss on the tranny on ur truck....but Yay on a week without the kids!!

    NM - OOOHHHH a cool.  I am always amazed when I see one, mostly because I don't understand how they come to be, I tend to refer to them as blessing from above.  Think I'll stick with that.  Glad you are finally having some sunshine tho.  My girlfriend from high school was transferred to Boston from California, mind you we were raised in this desert b4 she went to CA.  She spent 2 winters there and came home....she suffered severe depression with all the gray and not much sunshine.  I heard that happens to people quite often.  WOW..that is alot of plants and herbs.  I wish I even knew what the names of things were, and even more that I had a green thumb.  This same gf I mentioned above, she's good at.  She'd give me a common house plant that was hardy and cud survive anything...I'd nearly kill it, she'd take it back and nurse it back to health.  We tried this back and forth a few times, then just gave up...LOL.

    JeanBeanieBaby - boohoo I missed you yesterday.  Hope you had a wunnerful time yesterday wif u fam git-tagether.  Been blasted hot here too. 

    DH jes got back with the gk's...gotta run.   LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL YA'll

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Thought I had left a post
    earlier this pm, but I don’t see it.Oh
    well.So far I've got clematis, hosta,
    calla lilies planted, and seeds put in for peas, morning glory and sweet
    peas.I have sweat through 2 tops and 2
    pairs of shorts.Ready for a nap!

    Afternoon, Ady!

    Erin--Glad you are
    home!Enjoy the yard work, I'm stopping
    until the sun goes down a bit and it cools off some.Hard to see the surviving sibs as the group
    gets smaller and smaller, isn't it?

    Mema--Rainbows ARE a
    gift from God.It's the visible reminder
    of His pledge to never cover the earth in a massive flood again.Genesis, Chapter 9, King James Version:

    11And I will establish my covenant with you; neither
    shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall
    there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

    12And God said, This is the token of the covenant
    which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for
    perpetual generations:

    13I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a
    token of a covenant between me and the earth.

    14And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud
    over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

    15And I will remember my covenant, which is between
    me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more
    become a flood to destroy all flesh.

    16And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look
    upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every
    living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.


    So you see, you are
    totally correct!And SAD, or Seasonal
    Affective Disorder, is a very common problem in the North East, with all the
    gloom and gray and getting up in the dark and going home from work in the dark.Winter blues or Winter Depression my
    grandparents called it.

    I'm going to go take
    a nap, now.Very hot, sweaty and

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    Glad I found this one! I really love wine, corona lights, blue moon beer, and gin/tonics. I haven't drank much though since diagnosed and only once since I started chemo. My MO said that sceintists want to put us all in the same box. If I have a stressful day and feel like a glass of wine, life is too short, have that glass of wine!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014


    Here's my little condo garden. I have tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, snap peas , and assorted types of lettuce, arugula, spinach, basil, cilantro, rosemary, parsley and oregano.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Welcome HomeMom, great group of ladies here and I like your MO. Mine said absolutely NO drinking, I do have a glass of wine every now and then tho. I agree, life is too short. Sorry you have to be here, just finished your 1st chemo? How's it going so far, I started on March 14 and have my last one on the 27th of this month. Can't wait for it to be over, but I still have surgery and rads to go. Good luck, hope it's not too rough for you.

    Red and Aly, loved the pics, looks like you girls had fun.

    Erin, glad you and yer dad had a nice and productive trip in Florida, sounds nice. Glad to hear yer feelng so good, seems we haven't had a lot of that around here lately, I guess whatever yer doin, keep doing it! Can't wait to see the pics of you and Cami. I'll bet you 2 will have lots of fun.

    NM, Sounds like your garden is coming along, don't work too hard, you got a full work week ahead of you?

    Lala, how's the tooth? Hope you're feeling better.

    Memasue, still praying for that bug to stay away from you, hope the green smoothies did the trick.

    Princess, thanks, only 1 more to go, so sorry about your nails. Have you been able to start running again yet?

    4, juliet, Cami, Lori and all the rest, hope yer having a nice weekend.

    Tomorrow I'm taking the dogs and going to my bff's house in the country again. She having a girls only pond party, just had chemo Friday so I can't drink but Willie might show up. I figure I'll lay on a lounge chair and pull the cancer card and let all my friends wait on me. I go see my surgeon on Wednesday, maybe I'll get a better idea of what's ahead of me. I'm leaning heavily toward the BMX, we'll see what she has to say. Well DH is BBQ'ing ribs and theys just about done, have a good night all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Now I'm hearing that
    yesterday was the hottest day of the spring so far, temps in the 80's.And I thought I was so very uncomfortably hot
    becauseI got sunburned!I even went out and lugged buckets of water
    to give the newly planted everything a good drink, and then along comes Mother
    Nature and there was a downpour, a real gully washer, for about 5 minutes in
    the early evening.Has to run out and
    bring in the tiller and lawn mower.Decided since I was so wet anyway to take a shower when I got back
    in.Unreal how much grunge came off

    Julie--I think my
    guardian Angel drinks, too!

    HomeMom--Welcome to
    the Lounge!I like your MO, sounds like
    a person with common sense, very rare in the medical world.

    Genny--Wow, you've
    got a lot of plants in a small space!I'm taking Thursday off as I am working this weekend, will be taking
    next Wednesday off, too.Actually had
    already arranged to have next Wed off, I'm taking the board certification exam
    for Pain Management Nursing.Enjoy
    watching the fur babies at the pond party!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Garden Fresh

    1 oz Gold Rum

    1/2 oz Melon Liqueur

    1 tsp Pear Liqueur

    1 tsp Kiwi Syrup

    1 1/2 oz Grapefruit

    3/4 oz Pineapple


    Shake and strain
    into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    80s and it's "hot"??? LOL It will be in the low 90's all week here, and that is just the start! Ahhhh Florida. 

    Genny - thank you, the first round wasn't pleasant, but it could have been worse so I feel like I can handle 5 days of blah three more times. I really felt like I did the first three months of my pregnancies.  I understand Taxol is not as bad, so July 11th is my last A/C treatment and I am soooo looking forward to it!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies----I'm so bad I'm MIA.

    Joey was so excited about the trampoline and his party and everone gave him money--and it was so cute he read the card out loud and didn't look at the money and got up and kissed whoever it was and someone said hey aren't you counting u'r money, and he said no I'm just happy everyone is here. We were so proud of him cuz we never mentioned anything about cards and money.It wasn't to mny people, but as soon as they left I was knocked out for2 days here. I'm trying to catch up.

    Welcome homemom, this is a wonderful group of people caring and funny and drink. My sister never stopped drinking thruout any of this, she likes her wine,one, 2 glasses LOL, just hope the chemo is kind to you but we're here too. With some great nurses on board.

    genny u garden is beautiful

    Sue I hope your doing OK

    I've got some tests today and another Dr. app't tomorrow, then that procedure next week- And my goofy DD wanted to take me to ER on Joey's BD party, I told her she's an ER groupy and I of curse did not go.

    OK I do have to pick up some voicemailsnow I let a couple go to it yesterday, Jeez it was Sunday. So I'd better get back to them--those crazy people.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Red, I'm hoping you are able to feel well and enjoy your trip to Italy. Is it the Tammy that's giving you problems? By now you have met Alyson and Genny in the future, how awesome. It's just so special when you get to meet up with a breastie. LOVE the photos! I had no idea there was going to be so many gals from BCO, I thought it was just going to be you and Alyson. WOW!!!!

    OMG Cami, Peeoscopy - Take One! You are too funny. But I'm so sorry about your back, DAMN! Like you need more pain??? Glad Joey had such a nice birthday. I missed the bit about a trampoline, did he get one? Also glad you didn't take those calls on Sunday! Good luck today and tomorrow.

    My sweetest Wacko, LDB is my name foy SuzieQT and yes it's Lil Doyty Butt.

    NM, living with someone to share the work load only sounds like a good idea! I hope you can get that garden in. What about container gardening? Wow, you got a lot for your garden!

    Ohhhhh LDB, I so sawry to hear that your little girl was so sick, poor baby. They are prolly gone by now, and hopefully everyone is well! Good for you on the green smoothies.

    Genny, glad  you figured out what was making you sick, and certainly you'll be feeling a bit ill any day now. How many more chemo's for you? Great job on your garden, and it's just what I was talking about, container gardens. Oh I see one chemo left. 1 more and DONE. We'll have a party!!! Good luck on Wed. and I hope you are feeling ok for your girl's weekend.

    Lala, a root canal? So you got to keep the tooth then, right? You will be feeling better soon, if not already. Did you get that thing out of your girly part?

    4, sorry about your truck, and the tranny? An expensive problem to have.

    Sweet Beans, where are you wif da family, Cali? Glad you are having such fun.

    PRN, bummer you will be picking up DH when Wacko gits there. And so sorry about the nails. I did not have that problem, so no advice.

    Wacko, it is SOOOO GOOOT to hear you say how good you feel. I really do hope you feel THAT good, you certainly desoyve it.

    Julie, I think all our Guardian Angels drink!!

    HomeMom, I think I'll call you HOMIE, you don't mind do you? I would feel funny calling you mom! But I'll have a beer wif ya! Welcome and CHEERS! Are you having anymore chemo after the 4 AC's? We have 2 other loungettes here that are in FL. What city are you in?

    Well, I am caught up and need to get moving! LOTS TO DO, over 100 emails to attend to and of course customer problems!!! Then leaving again on Thursday. Hoping we can do a turn and burn and come home.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Well...I made through yesterday without the hurls.  Got up at 7 went right back to bed til 9.  Then another nap from 1-2:30.  DH took over with the kids.  Dog park and pool.  Last evening we took them bowling and then to MickeyD's playland.  So by 8p they were whipped, as was I.  Today my blood draw and then off to LV to return my Andrew.  We will keep Maddy overnight at my ds and return her on Tues. 

    Ladies - please say some prayers for 2 of Las Vegas's finest who were sitting in a local eatery and were shot and killed by a wacko man and woman.  Think they killed another at WalMart before she killed the man shooter then shot herself.  Feel soo bad for the families and praying that my DD was not really close to either of them.  Not that this won't affect her anyway.  My heart so heavy.

    OK, no more bad news.  Hey Homemom - welcome to the HTL, love your MO's attitude.  Hate that you have to be here, but if you gotta be somewhere...I think this is the best spot.  Hope your treatments are kind to you.  Bottoms UP!!

    NM - WOW...thank you for that.  Guess that was buried in my mind somewhere what with 10 yrs catholic school, can't believe I've suppressed so much of it.  SAD - ah ha...a fitting name for it too.  DOTD sounds poyfeck....yum!!!

    Julie - I know my guardian angel dwinks...and so do my aunties...LOL.

    Genny - I think the greenies were a big help...seriously.  I just might become a fanatic about them now j/k.  Hope you have a most relaxing time at your bffs with the dogs and the willie...sounds like my kinda day!  Your little garden is great!!!

    Cami - Ya kno how special a kid is when they actually READ the cards, money or not.  But your Joey ignores the money too...that is spayshall for sure.  Hope tests aren't too bad today, and let us kno what doc says tamary K?

    Lowwweee - Back from her travels.  Hope you had fun.  All 3 of my kids (dh too) had da bug.  It was not fun...but over now, so all goot.  What ya got going on Thurs?  I think u sed but mese p-brain ya kno. turn to get my ewwa in gear.  Will try and get back tomorrow while in LV.


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    Goldie - That is fine, I don't really like the name I chose, I was a bit distressed at the time! My actual name is Denise, I probably should have put that in there. Oh well. I am in Orlando, kind of west of downtown.

    II tried to drink a glass of wine last night and although it tasted great, I felt a burning sensation in my chest area and stomach immediately after swallowing. I couldn't finish it.  :( 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    image MONDAYS

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Home mm virtual drking is great welcome

    cam wackos coming soon

    Hi goldie nope was never there thank goodness

    having a rogh time with the tooth needed a new antibiotic

    Great pics red

    Genny love the garden

    NM yes it is beyond hot and humid today was mild yesterday was awful

    Juliet good one

    pop in later going to lay down this infection is kicking my butt