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how about drinking?



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Hey There! Happy...uh...wud day is it???????????? Oh who cares, hope U R all having an awesome day!!!!!

    NM – Yay to getting more of the yard under control and bixing de circuit det was messed up. And yay to no TV, I really neber watch it NEmore, like reading n writing better.Yay to de garden too, sounds lovely but bestofall, yay to we’ll always be here, that is beautiful!!! Thank you! And LOVE LOVE LOVE the Pain Pain Go Away DOTD – poyfectamundo as always!!

    Dear Red – Good gracious what a lovely, wonderful, awesome, beautisssimus group of most loveliest ladies, you are so gorgeous and soooo awesome you got to meet the beautiful Lady Aly!!! How fun to poop in and see dis, really put a big smile on my face. Such a fun time it lookes like. Thank you for posting!!!

    Princess – So sawwy bout the nails, hang in and I promise it will get better!

    Hi Adey – great to see you too!

    Kansas Girl (Erin Soo) – How awesesome you will see de Camillegal so soon! And tanks for talking up de chairs!! So nice of you and me DH says tank u tank u! I am so glad to read U been feeling good too that is so awesome!

    MemaSuZQT – It is so hard to go from sunny Cali to doze kinda winters, like I had in Hoth, but now I can’t ski in and outta my house, so that is a bummer. Takes some getting used to for us sunny Cal girls for sure. I did have a gweat bisit wif fam, an dnow am half way thru Oregon going to western Hoth for an unknown quanitity of UFO time. It has been so dang hot on this trip so Hoth sounds like a relief!

    (((Lara))) root canal, uk!

    NM – your garden sounds wunnerful too! WOW! Love the Genesis Chapter 9 bout de beautiful rainbow. Thank you for that, very much appreciate! BTW, winter in the Cali central valley can bring on all dese winter blues too cuz of de fog. Hava a nice nap. Me go sweep soon too, goota drive anudder 5 or 6 hours in de ayem.

    Juliet – Love de guardian angel!! Big smile!!

    HomeMom – Nice to meetcha. I like vino too. Hope you will come back and getta know all of us. We are all nice, well all of them are nice anyway, J/K, I do hope you will find some freedom here to decide what works for you. These are the most wonderful, awesome ladies on the planet! Yay to July 11th being the last A/C tweetment. Are you also getting Taxol? I had CMF with cytoxan being pill form. 6 cycles. Finished tweetment of surgeries, chemo and rads at end of 2010 and have been enjoying the friggin heck outta hormonal therapy since. Yippeeeeeee! BTW I twavel amongst de western states from Hoth (which is in eastern Washington State when it snows in the winter and is a frozen ice planet) to Nanu (which is a desert ranch/oasis and casino planet in southern Nevada), to Western Hoth which is coastal beach-like Washington planet southwest of Seattle which is a nice cool relief from Cali (uh, California) planet heat this time of year. Tee Hee! This is my vehicle...


    Just kidding...big smile...hope you will come back!!!

    Genny – Oh your garden looks so lovely too! Tank U for posting!! Maybe some day I will be able to have a garden, but not now. I will be twaveling and woykin too much. So glad to hear your last chemo is on the 27th, YAY, that will be so good to get in de past! Hope you enjoy de party! And hope Willie helps. Dat is not something det ever woyked for me but I’m so glad it is available for doze who it duz help.

    NM – wow, lotta water and grrrr oh yay a Garden Fresh, delightful DOTD, tank U!

    Cami – What a sweet story bout Joey not counting the money, just glad everyone was there. Hope you get all rested from the party. Sure hope your tests come out good. Yes, stopped in Cali to see fam and now going north to Washington. It will be nice to get back there as it is so cool!

    SueZQT – yesterday wifout hurls, oh hurray! Hope you are feeling better and better and yes, I will say prayers for the 2 shot by a nut. So awful!

    GoldBug – wow, didn’t realize Red was meetin Genny to, how kewl!

    HomeMom – LOL at not liking the name and “distressed at the time” how I ever came up with Beanius I will never know. I say, my name is Jean but I’m not a Jeanius, I’m a Beanius. So dumb. Anyway, nice to meet you, Denise. I really could not drink for a long time esp during chemo, just dint work at all. I do enjoy some vino and gopher beer now.

    Cami – LOL at de kitty pic!

    Lara – yeah! Here’s to virtual dwinking when we need it, Cheers!!! I virtually dwank gallons of wodka every day during tweetment to get me thru!!! Hope you do feel better and kick de inf to de curb!

    This is no joke: I was on my front deck at Nanu saying prayers to the Almighty and I looked up and saw some bright lights twinkling and it looked like a faint 4th of July cascade of fireworks. I took it as a wink from the Almighty which made me smile ear to ear, but it could probably be explained "rationally" as a small meteor shower. Anyway, I said prayers for all of you and me and it was a special moment. This is an eve pic of my view at Nanu.


    So hoping you will all join me for a dog beer or a gopher beer this eve by the pool. The hammocks are soooooo comfortable and it's nice and cool!

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, hope you are doing great and will join me at the beach tomorrow for kite flying and body surfing - weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Cheers Ma Dears!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Apparently the temps
    actually touched 90 in a couple places in Maine yesterday, gonna be cooler,
    with showers today.20 degrees cooler,
    the weather guesser is saying.The sun
    sure was hot yesterday!Yeah!No more frost and freezes for a while!

    HomeMom--It's only
    been the last few weeks that we've gotten above freezing on a regular basis
    here!It has been a very long, cold,
    dreary winter, I've been running the heater in the car in the mornings as
    recently as last week.Did turn on the
    AC in the car yesterday for the first time.I would die in Florida!

    Cammy--Joey is such
    a treasure!So wise for one so
    young.Glad his party was a
    success.Don't blame you for skipping
    the ER trip this time.Good luck with
    the tests and prayers for good reports.

    Goldie--I have
    thought about container gardening, but the only good place for containers is
    the back deck, and that's part of Sadie's yard.Sadie gets excited and running aroundand ignores minor things like furniture, walls, stairs, people etc.Anything not up against the house is
    regularly knocked off the deck in her excited shenanigans.Unless you mean putting containers in the
    yard?That is something worth thinking
    about.Thanks for the idea!Garden is mostly in, got some seeds to plant,
    maybe this evening now that it's cooler.Just too hot yesterday to play in the sun.Have fun answering e-mails!

    Mema--I saw that
    shooting incident on the news, how horrible.All they were doing was eating a meal. At least they had enough
    consideration for the rest of us to kill each other and spare us the cost of a
    trial and housing them for the rest of their lives.

    drinking is a big thing here in the Lounge, too, so you can still

    ORLA--Hot is good,
    humid is deadly for me, so glad that hot here usually is dry!Praying the infection is getting better and
    the new Auntie B works better.

    Beanie--I can see
    where fog could trigger SAD, too!Nothing like not seeing the sun for days and days and days and days . .
    . I live the idea of the Almighty winking at you with a shower of meteors!How special!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Foggy Afternoon

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Apricot

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 tsp Creme de

    1 tsp Lemon Juice


    Pour all ingredients
    into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a
    cocktail glass, and garnish with a maraschino cherry.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    I am doing the Taxol after the A/C. I hear that is an easier road. I will go every 3 weeks for that one - four treatments. Then I have radiation and hormone blockers.

    Right now I am staying mostly away from wine etc, until I'm finished. Sometimes it doesn't taste right and I don't want to "hate" it. 

    I'll be back!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    LDB, that is a tragic story. Glad you are feeling better, and no hurls. I know you had so much fun with the kids, just a bummer that y'all were sick. Did AM get it too? We have doc appts. on Thursday and I get all mese scans. Won't be seeing my onc as they said I would be radioactive! I said, he's always seen me right after my nuclear bone scan. Oh well.

    Homie, that wind will taste good and go down just fine in time. Oh, you can change your name. Those are the "cocktails" I did for treatments, 4 of each, all 3 weeks apart. Taxol is easier, during the A and C I did not lose my eye lashes or eyebrows, Taxol took care of that! I did have more bone pain withe Taxol and my Nuelasta shots. Do you get those?

    Lala, glad to know that thing was neber ebber dere, but sorry bout the influckshun. Tooth aches are never fun.

    Beansie Weansie, mese tinks you telling a fib, that you are enjoying the frigging heck out of hormonal treatment!!!! And I love your ride, will you take me for a spin. Are you traveling alone, or is DH wif you? Dribe/fly safe. The sunset is beautiful. Love the "wink from the Almighty".

    NM, that is crazy about using your heater last week, crazy I say! I don't think I could handle FL either. It was rather chilly when I was there. I think summer would kill me. Containers ya, I guess you could put them where ever, just not in Sadies territory.

    Yesterday was a crazy day for me. Still not totally caught up, should make it today. I also have some unfortunate news to share......Cami and Wacko are not going to get that face time. And both girls are beery sad about this. So lets all get together and have a part here, k? Lots and lots of drinks, willie for those that want and massages and pedi/mani's.......what else?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    oh my jeez... That's very lovely to have with my tea!  I might need two cups!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Yea it's true its just not going to happen right now, I feel so sad cuz I was so furcited about meeting ERIN, but maybe some other time, I hope.

    NM as usual the DOTD sounds yummy.

    Julie always puts a smile on my face.

    Oh Little Lara teeth hurting is awful, but the Auntie B should calm it down. There's not much else that can stop that hurt, those nerves must be the worst in our bodies.

    Lori xoxoxoxox

    Homie when I started too I couldn't think of any clever name so I ended up with an original stupid one., but u can change it if u want--I'm just to lazy

    I hope all of u on chemo few SE's and not worrying, rest and plenty of water.

    I just had a call from a man complaining about the cost of the work done--but here's the catch-He talked about 10 minutes and I understood about 10 words, I wanted to cry not cuz I felt bad, but he was so annoying and I wanted to charge him just for putting me thru what he did. Then I looked things up and found out what a horrible customer he was, but I know he will call back and they gave him a deal cuz he was so mean--so I'm glad I'll be at the Dr/ I let it go to voicemail and then call back when I get home.

    Oh I lubs lubs lubs u guys, I know I missed special peeps cuz u are all so special to me a wonderful group of women that I have laughed with, worried with, prayed for and just my pleasure to be a part of, u have no idea how u al make me feel.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    HELLO Loungettes!!

    Pooping in to say Hi!  Been busy getting a new car and a new mortgage.  Hopefully saved enuf on one to pay for the other!  I go see my PS tomorrow for my 3 week fin check up.  It seems like it has been months, not 3 weeks!  If he is happy we get to do it again in August then hopefully get an expander back in and go from there.  Long process but it's a work in progress so I am happy.  Hope he is!!

    NM, the garden sounds like it is coming along nicely!

    Mema, fun with the kiddos and now you get to return them and rest!!

    LaLa, ouch!  Tooth pain can be the worst!  Hope you are feeling better.

    Beans, thank you for the spacial prayer and what a bootiful sky in Nanu

    Homie!  Welcome.  OKAY girls!  We need a "Welcome to de Lounge" Partay soonlies!  Julie and I will bring the guys!!

    WhackErin, Lori, Julie, Cyn, Cami, Red, Ady, Genny, Princess, Aly!  I hope you are all doing well.  Wonderful pics lately too!

    Sorry I have not had time to post much.  Please know I follow through email to keep up with what's going on with you all.  You are all close in meese Fart even when I don't get to post much.  I LUBS you ladies!

    I don't know why this made me think of you all...............


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    Thanks for all the welcomes! I think the Chemo brain is kicking in. I can't think of certain words sometimes. 

    Do I have to take that damn neulasta shot with Taxol too?? ugh.. 

    They guy pics aren't too shabby either Loopy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Welcome Homie! I like that name.  Did you ever see the old In Living Color episodes with Homey the Clown? Very funny stuff. See, your name is not so boring after all. 

    Sorry girls, I have been so busy. The trailer load of things from Myrtle Beach has been delayed due to rain storms. I am glad in a way as I have been so sleep deprived. As I always say, my life begins when my Dad goes to bed at night lol.

    I am very disappointed that I can not make it to see Camille but you betcher EWWA's that I will git dere another time. I was able to cancel my flight and car and get full refunds. I buy insurance when I travel, tank God, for once it paid for itself over and over again!

    Hey, isn't todey Joey's birthday? And did I hear somebody say partay? HOnestly, I have not read up to date but me tinking it a Joey bday partay day. Lemme refresh and see what is happening. Until then, cheers! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    mema sue, prayers sent to the families and to your community over the ridiculous events there. I just shake mese head. I hope ye feeling good.

    4, I hope you have a great fin check lol, dat funny dat ye call dem fins. 

    Lara, how's the tooth? And dat other tingy? Speaking of other tingy's, 

    Nurses, may i have yer attension please: 

    so this morning I woke up to some vaginal spotting. I wear a mini pad around the clock due to my leaky old bladder. I was shocked to see what looked like the beginnning of a period since I am supposed to be officially post menapausal. My cancer was ER+ and I still have all of my goily parts. Nurses, should I be concerned? Me tinking it mightin be bcuz I have not been getting sufficient sleep? 

    Cam, how ye feeling today? Oh, ye feeling de boys above hehe?!! I just lob you.

    Lori tanks for being dere for us. One ting I lubs about ye goils, ye always here when I need you.Goils,  I had to utilize Lori yesterday but thought it would be a good problem for Ask Joey. Well de issue is resolved with a vunderful outcome cuz no farts are bwoken, all farts are smiling bcuz wese all here and alive. and almost dwunk, yippee skippee. 

    Hi Julie and NM. Great eye candy eh? oh baby.

    Hello to all other goils. Sue, Homey, Princess and Genny, hope ye all doing alright with the treatments, you all in my daily prayers. and iffen I missed someone in active treatment, I sawry. I jest love all of you.

    where's Aly, still out of de country? 

    ok, I tink it time for a Joey bday partay, lets git de partay started! woooooo hooooooo! ten years old! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014


    no likker goils, he is a miner. hehe!

    To dear Joey, I hope this next decade brings you all the hope, blessings and joy that you have ever wished for. And may all of yer birpdey dreams come true. We, de goils of de lounge, jest lubs ye so much.


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    O Erin how sweet. I lubs Joey too. Such good advice, and when he told me not to worry my pretty little self, well, he had me at hello.

    Joey, my DH is also going to take a swimsuit. Like you said, you never know.

    Lala, hope your tooth is better today. Hugs.

    Genny, I like your garden and I'm going to copy it. I already have romaine lettuce, parsley, chives, raspberries and basil, but if I container garden it, I can also have Oregano, garlic and a couple tomato plants too.

    MemaSue, so sorry to hear about those idiots down your way. What a senseless crime. Glad they took themselves out too, but I guess there would be a lack of closure for the families. Glad you are getting better by the day. Poor kids, DH and you.

    NM, you did plant a garden after all. Yay! Excellent. I'm sorry your weather has been so poopy. I absolutely agree with you about fog being able to cause SAD. 

    Erin. I don't get it. Why you no go see Cami? And Joey? Did I miss someting?

    Princess/Julie, thanks for the advice. You're both right. Italy probably does have doctors. Although I'd rather not need one. Lol.

    Hi Homie, welcome to the lounge. Do you golf? Genny and I take full advantage of the course the tenders built back in November. It's only a 9 hole but the 7th is a b*tch! Then if course, we laze by the pool, being served real or virtual drinks. Oh and jello shooters. We like them!!!

    Beans, I love your ride!!!! You've definitely got your traveling panties on, don't you? Pick me up and we'll party between appointments.

    Cami, how you doing sweetie? Any better? {{{{Cami}}}} One day I hope to meet you too. Would gladly travel your way. It's only, what, 9 hours by car. 

    I know I'm forgetting people. Sorry, but you know I lubs ya all. 



  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    4... I need ice water not tea. Whoooo he's a hottie!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Genny... I'm down 17# near good running weight again. I ran 2.5 Sunday. Biked Saturday and trained a strength tape Skim in 6 Monday. I feel 1000% better!  

    Soon for you too!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Erin... I feel strongly that post menopausal  bleeding should be addressed. I doubt highly it is related to fatigue.  

    You can wait for NM And Julie to comment. But I believe they will agree. 

    And sorry that I don't get to meet you and Cam. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi Red, Hi Princess! Nice to see you ladies. 

    PRN, I had a feeling that the bleeding might be a problem. It is gone now and was only spotting but quite a bit of spotting over night, it covered my mini pad. ugh, now I am skeered as I should be. I will call my primary care tomorrow. I do not have an OB/GYN, mine was promoted to director of OB/GYN at a huge hospital system and it takes forever to get an appointment. I should find a new one but my Primary Care does my annual check ups and can refer me if needed. Thanks for saying. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Ok.. me skeered now. 

    When To Contact Your Doctor or Health Care Professional:

    The following symptoms require medical attention. Contact your health care provider within 24 hours of noticing any of the following:

    • Vaginal bleeding (similar to a period)
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    I have poison Ivy, ugh. It grew through my fence as my neighbor has a wood pile along their fence. We pulled down all this Ivy and unbeknownst to mese, a bit of it was poison. ughhhh. itchy me. ok rant over, love you all for listening while I talk about me. sawry! I tired.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014


    and this is a pic of my puka today. looking good eh? I am seeing what I think is a few abscessed areas, one new area opened up at my naval. I just cant win. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh Erin don't ever be sorry, call u'r Dr. today, get this straighten out now, Oh this FURB screws everything up in our bodies. Now don't worry, cuz I have heard of this, but it's still the best to call to make sure. Just do it. At your age I still had my reg. period, so who knows. OK when I'm awake I'll be back, I had a little kechup to do, alittle??? loads and I'm not done--but I'm tired and I hear my SIL getting up now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sunny today, after cloudy
    yesterday.Back into the 80's.And I'm stuck all morning in meetings.Sigh.

    Homey--Wise of you
    to pass on the vino until the damage to your taste buds is reversed.

    Goldie--Had to use
    the heater a little yesterday am, too.Will be needing the AC in the car today, though!I tend to think of container gardening as a
    deck thing, but I saw some containers in a yard yesterday, and realized they
    can go anywhere!Duh!

    Julie--there's a rug
    I'd love to walk on!

    PRN--whatcha putting
    in the tea?Hee hee!

    Cammy--some people
    are just never happy.They are annoying
    to the rest of us!

    4--new car and new
    mortgage?Must be nice to have

    Erin-with history of
    bc, any vaginal bleeding after menopause probably should be at least discussed
    with your PCP or gyno.

    Red RH--Yeah, I'm
    happy with the garden and fence edging so far.Now to keep up the weeding and mowing!

    Erin--A good wash
    with soap and water will get a lot of the poison ivy stuff off your skin before
    it has a chance to start much of a reaction.I've heard that alcholol (rubbing, not drinking, kind) will neutralize it,
    too.I've never had a poison ivy
    reaction, my grandfather never reacted to it, I think I may have inherited his
    immunity.I can't believe I never came
    in contact with it.

    Erin--PUKA looks
    good!Might be a couple of pockets left,
    those can usually be handled pretty easily.Are you considering plastic surgery to make the area look better when
    all healed up?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Poison Ivy

    1/2 shot Coffee

    1/2 shot Cinnamon


    Pour chilled
    ingredients into a shot glass, either layered in order, or mixed together.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    WOWSA WOWSA, look at all of those hunky men! They sure take your mind off of your troubles!

    Cami, I think your name is clever and definately NOT stupid. And you stay off of that trampoline, ya hear? I saw where your DD called Joey "Sauce", is that his nick name?

    4, your going in steps for your surgery? Since there was talk of a "donor" site, I thought you just recently had the foob/s done on this last surgery. But I see you mentioning expanders next.

    Homey, I guess it will be up to your docs as to whether or not you have to have the nuelasta shot. Damn thing made my legs feel like jello.

    Red, when do you leave for Italy? And make sure your DH has his passport!!!

    Prn, 17 pounds? Wow! That's awesome, good for you.

    Good gravy Wacko. Vaginal bleeding, and now poison ivy? OMG, that is your tummy and that is suppose to be your belly button? OMG girl, you can't catch a break is right. Why don't you heal???

    NM, bummer you are stuck in meetings on a nice day. Did you say you were taking a day off this week, Thursday maybe? And ya, containers anywhere. Would love to see a pic of your garden. Plastic surgery for Erin? That scares the crap outta me! Poison Ivy cocktail sounds yummy. I use a cinnamon creamer on occasion.

    Heading out early tomorrow morning for Phoenix. Feeling a bit anxious. Will be glad when it's done.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Erin... Yes. See PCP.  Puka looks a bit irritated. I always liked oatmeal soap for poison ivy treatment. 

    4... I need a new car too!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Good morning girls! 

    I will call the doctor about the bleeding but waiting until tomorree. That is because we are expecting delivery of a huge shipment from SC today. Dude was supposed to be here an hour ago. When I call his cell phone, it goes right to voice mail. My Dad and my sisters are nervous that the guy is going to take off with our belongings. The most precious item on the truck is dad's grandmother clock. There is also a hand made glass enclosed conestoga wagon set that is worth a lot. It was hand carved by an inmate at the NJ State Prison. It is really priceless. So  ..... me must wait. Had a little more bleeding last night.  I do not get it. I was pre-men before BC and took tamoxifen for over two years which threw me into menopause. I was totally shocked to see blood. Oh my nerves. 

    NM, thanks for the tips on the poison. I too thought I was immune. All my years of camping, I could touch it and never break out. It is not horrible, only on my arms. I used the rubbing alcamahol and that helped.  Thanks for saying the puka looks good. I was told to look out for abscesses, they are not out of the ordinary.I am not sure if I want to get my belly bixed up. That would open up another donor site and that would def get infected. My body finds bacteria/infucktions, ugh.  I think a lot of  the absessed areas are from sutures that never dissipated. Glad to hear that you are having a bootiful weather day. Sorry you have to be in meetings all day. I hope you get home in time to enjoy some time in the yard with yer Silly Sadie. Give her a kiss from me, I jest love that puppy!

    Lori, lol at Red not forgetting her DH's passport. OMG, poor Red, i remember that. I hope your trip to Phoenix is easy breezy.

    PRN, awesome job on the weight loss, mese berry proud of ya. Is your treatment done? I sure hope so. You go girl, so happy to hear you feel soooo much better. this BC chit is for the birds. and bdw, why do people say "for the birds"? Camille, can you ask Joey? 

    Where is Genny? And Lara is MIA as well. hmmm, hope eberyting is well with them. 

    NM, did you hear about the person who was given the measles virus and it kicked the cancer to de curb? That might be a new breakthrough. 

    Cammy, my bootiful friend, I hope you had a good rest. It was cool chatting with you at 4am. I thought about calling you but not sure if the number I have will ring throughout your house. I don't wanna wake up the troops, I tink they would not like that lol. I hope and pray that today is a feel good dwunken fundey for you. I jest love you so much. Email me when you are free, I am usually close to my email. Once that truck comes I will be biddy for awhile,

    Gotta fly, time to get prepared for mese Daddy's lunch. We are getting nervous over our cargo too. yikes, say a prayer that it arrives. tank ye all. 

    Peace, love and happiness and a cup or two of cheers! which bdw again, I loved the DOTD NM. Always apprecicated.

    Ch ch chia cheers! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OMG I just saw that pic of u'r puka Erin, OMG I wanted to thro up==u poor thing. WTF why won't it heal? I know I've seen it worse but I thought it would be so much better by now, oooooo and poison Ivy. Im glad NM has help for u, remember not the drinking alomohol oh and my phone is on the other side of the house no on can hear it.

    Lori I don't even know what she was talking about, it must be something between her and Joey,

    Princess 17 lbs oh wow, good for you. oops I think I found them.

    I fell back to sleep and slept til 9"30 OMG I can't stay up.

    NM u'r doing alot in u'r yard, u have to take pics for us. and the DOTD sounds good t me.

    Lara how are u feeling--it should be better by now, I hope.

    OH I just got a shiver thinking of wacko's puka.

    OK my eyes are closing, so I'll BBL


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Erin... Hope that truck gets it ya!  I'm done with TC bug Herceptin until March 2015. Rads for 6 weeks start July 21. Boo

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I am enjoying a lovely
    leisurely ayem.Took today off since I'm
    working the weekend.Lot of stops to pet
    Sadie, who seems to be happy with that!Currently sipping cup of coffee #2.Love leisurely ayems!

    thinking about those hunky men while you are going to Pheonix!I'll get some pics of the garden pretty soon
    and post them.Too cloudy today to get
    good pics.

    PRN--I never heard
    of oatmeal soap for poison ivy, sounds better than washing with alcohol!

    Erin--Another thing
    to consider is that you are no longer in menopause.After 5 years of lupron to shut down my
    ovaries I should have been in menopause.Now, a year or more after finishing all that, no period since 2007, I am
    having hot flashes again.NOW the blood
    shows I am going into natural menopause!Will the fun never end?People
    do develop allergic reactions to things they are repeatedly exposed to, so you
    could have been immune and now aren't.I
    did get out of the office in time to enjoy some sunshine yesterday.Sadie says "thank you" for the
    extra kiss and cuddle!I have not heard
    about the person who got the measles and cured cancer.I'll have to look that one up.Hmm, only 2 people, neither had ever had
    measles or the vaccine before.One
    patient had multiple myeloma, a cancer known to spontaneously go into remission
    at times.The injection was a massive
    dose (or overdose) of a genetically modified strain of measles virus.


    As part of an
    experimental, early-stage clinical trial, the researchers injected both
    patients with around 100 billion units of the measles virus – enough to
    vaccinate 10 million people if it had been a regular vaccine virus – over the
    course of an hour. Then they waited to see what would happen.

    What were the results?

    Almost straight
    away, the patients became feverish and unwell as their immune systems kicked
    into action against the massive virus load. They soon got better, and over the
    next few months the researchers watched as the levels of cancer cells in the
    patients’ bodies started to fall and their tumours shrank. For Stacy this was
    particularly noticeable as she had a large tumour on her forehead, which melted
    away as the virus got to work.

    Although the initial
    responses were impressive, the two women had very different outcomes. Stacy’s
    cancer seemed to completely disappear, although according to Dr Russell in this video,
    her forehead tumour apparently came back after around 9 months but is now being
    controlled with radiotherapy.

    However, the other
    woman was less lucky and after just two months her cancer had come back worse
    than before, although at the time of writing she is still alive. The
    researchers also managed to use the iodine-shuttling protein to see where the
    virus infection had taken hold in her body. It revealed that the virus had
    indeed infected all her tumours, even though it hadn’t managed to eradicate


    So the miracle
    "cure" lasted 9 months.Not
    how I define "cure."I wish
    reporter were more careful in their use of language.

    Cammy--I want to get
    a bit more done, and have a sunny day before taking pics, but I will soon, I


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Lazy Daze

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/4 oz Creme de

    1 oz Melon Liqueur

    2 oz Lemonade

    1 1/4 oz Whipping


    Shake and strain
    into an ice-filled highball glass. Add lemonade and float cream on top. Garnish
    with a cherry and mint sprig, and serve.