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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Thanks for all the kind woids to mese Police Families.  And yes NM - that we won't have to house/feed/etc them and relive the whole thing thru trials. 

    Homie - I did the Neulasta, kept my white count up, but it KILLED my legs...bone/muscle aching big time.  Will have to go back thru my journal to see what I took, if anything, to calm it down.  I just remember being in lots of pain.  I also remember having an occassional cocktail while in chemo, NOTHING tasted good, but I'd drink it jes for spite mostly...LOL.  Just do what makes you feel good.

    JeanBeanie - I bet Hoth will be a relief from the heat.  I already biotchin all the time cuz of the heat.  I kno I shudn't when so many of mese bwesties have had long long dreadful bad.  Can't wait for my road trip to Portland, then Seattle, then down the coast to Otis, OR.  I leave for Reno on July 2, then we drive and drive.  So fercited!  How you have good times in WA.  When you coming back to NaNu?  Thank you soo much for the spashall prayers and posting the beautiful gift from the Almighty.  Truly amazing!  I will join you later for a gopher beer...well, gopher dwinkie anyway!

    Lowee - What??  That is nutz about not being able to see your onco especially since you have to travel.  I get really po'd and insist they schedule me with in a 2-3 day period for my tests and my onco appt.  Do ya want me to come with and do a widdle tap dance in mese stilletos on der toopid heads?  Regarding my house of PUKE.  I am the only one that did not get it.  Maddy was Weds thru Thurs late evening.  Had good time with them on Friday until about 4p, then AM started.  Then later Fri night DH started and they both continued thru Sat.  By Sunday all were good.  I'm still fighting the fatigue of nursing, laundry, etc.  Glad it's over!

    Lara - Dang girl...can you catch a break with the teeth?

    Julie - as usual, loving the eye-candy!

    Prn - WOW, gr8 weight loss.  And ur running, biking, and strenth training.  I'm so envious.  But then again, lazy too.  My hard body long long long gone.  But I try to do something as often as I can.  Good advice to Erin....keep insisting cuz she a hardhead!  And congrats for being done wiht the TC.  I was on Herceptin for every 3 weeks for 3 years, well still on it, but in the T-DM1 smart bomb form.  So I see you decided to do the radiation too.  Will say some prayers that they be gentle on you.

    Cami - BooHoo that Er-Wacko couldn't meet up wif you.  Sounds like she is having some major issues again tho.  Hope you let your sil handle that idiot customer.  What did the doc say?

    4sew - New car and new mortgage...woo hoo.  We are going to trade in our '12 Van.  Taking kids back to LV on Monday got in wreck...dis car bad karma mese tinks.  No one hurt but scared me so much I started crying for a min.  How'd things go with the PS yesterday...all good I'm hoping!

    Er-Wacko - Thanks for da prayers.  Please tail me you have been to da doctor about the bleeding and your puka....puleezze!!  And now poison ivy?  Jes git to da doc already!  Hope the truck arrives soon and that all the precious cargo is still in tack.  I lubs ur question for Joey...heehee.

    Red - thanks, senseless is right.  Now you jes quit worrying, pack ur bathing suit and git your arse to prolly won't need one...least that is da 'tude you talk uself into K?

    4sew and Julie - I'm tellin ya....da eye-candy gonna make me cwazy all da way to mese toy box!!

    OK, hoping to sell our RV today.  Buyer been acting like a flake, but he say he gonna have cash and meet us at the bank in a bit.  Hope we can get it finalized. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone--Jeez this job is keeping me busier lately, and I sometimes have to use my brain which is not a good feeling.

    NM I'm always glad when  u have time off--I always think of Sadie tho cuz she's so much happier when u'r around..Good DOTD again.

    Sue u always sound so happy--(((HUGS)) for u.

    And I think our Lori is gone for a few days, I think.

    My app't no big deal, just low on some things, she sent a few new scripts--and after I finish with my urologist she wants to ask my Onc to order some type of cancer stuff??? She asks Q's, I answer and she laughs, I honestly don't know why??? But she did say if she gave away suckers she would give me one, cuz I'm one of her favs. I think she says that so I say something equally stupid--But she is sweet

    OK gotta get back to work

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Hello ladies, sorry to be so absent lately, Went Mon to my bf's, spent the night, drove home next day (90 minutes) got home by 11 am then crawled into bed. Wasn't really worth a chit after that, then I spent the afternoon writing out my questions for the surgeon. So I worked Wed and after my bff drove here to go to appt with me. Then we went to dinner, I had 2 glasses of wine and she spent the night and got really toasted . Then today worked all day, now I'm pooped. So here's the scoop. Tuesday night I spent 2 hrs researching more about lumpectomy vs mastectomy, comprised all my questions with pros and cons to each. (4 lumpectomy pros, 10 mastectomy pros). So my surgeon walks in and says "so tell me what you think you want to do?" So I tell her I'm leaning heavily toward BMX, and she breaths a sigh of relief and says "oh good, I was afraid I was going to have to talk you into it." She then proceeded to tell me doing the chemo first was never intended so that I could have a lumpectomy. She did that because of the extra nodal extension and she felt waiting until after surgery was too risky. Then she talked about the chemo having the swiss chess affect on ILC which i had already read all about and how my cancer was not detected on the mammogram and barely seen on the U/S and really only picked up on the MRI and that she really has no idea how involved it is till she removes it. Long and short of it, she covered every single thing on my notes and answered every single question before I ever had a chance to ask it. Then she held my hand and said "I just need to say one are beautiful and I want to commend you on doing such a wonderful job of being your own advocate and doing all the research and getting the facts." I thought that was so nice, I really like her, my MO always comes in the room like she has no real idea who I am and looking thru my chart as I'm asking questions. The BS knew everything without even looking. So I'm having BMX with implants but she doesn't think I can keep my nipples, she feels she would have to leave too much tissue to keep them viable. She wants me to meet 2 plastic surgeons that she recommended and pick 1. I will be having it either the last week of July or 1st week of August. I feel relieved just to not have to wonder about it anymore. Now I guess I have to start reading up on what to expect after surgery and I'll be asking all of you along the way.

    Haven't seen Nora in a few weeks but I'm going Tuesday to babysit come hell or high-water.

    Ok, now I'll try and read back and catch up a bit.

    Erin, have you called the PCP? How'e the puka, didn't look too bad to me in the pics but I'm worried about the bleeding. Did you get the furniture delivery? So sorry you didn't get to meet Cami. Hope the poison ivy is drying up.

    Nm, glad u got some time off, garden all planted and grass all mowed? Too bad the garden can't grow faster and the grass slower, isn't it? DOTD sounds good.

    Lori,  Praying for your bone scan to go well and negative results yer gonna get will give you lots of piece of mind.

    Cami, sorry yer having to work so hard, I hope Joey had the best birthday ever. How's he liking the trampoline? Hope everything keeps going ok with the ologist appointments and everthin comes fact with a big fat negative

    Red, How's the garden coming? I told my DH tonight that we have to start having salad every night. My lettuces are coming in faster than I can eat them. I do have to get some kind of pest dust tho cause something is eating holes in some of the leaves. when do u go to Italy?

    PRN, so glad to hear life is getting back to normal for you, hope you have a great time with your DH… is it this weekend? Do u have any fun summer plans with your kids?

    4sew, can you say Calvin Klein??? Holey moley!!! How's the little fin coming along? Healing up ok?

    Homie, I've done the Neulasta with each Chemo, I take Claritan everyday and I have had very little bone pain. I don't know if that's the reason or not. My white blood count has been near normal all along so it has worked, and I work in a retirement home and have managed not to catch any bugs…knock on wood, got another month to go. The hardest part for me is the fatigue, but I'm getting more used to it. I hope you have the most minimal of SE's. How many kids do you have?

    Memasue, hope you sold the RV. So sorry about the shooting, so sad, seems we hear about another one each and every day anymore. It's just crazy, I hate watching the news. Hope you've been feeling ok.

    Juliet, I'm with sues, wow on the eye candy!

    Lala, hope yer tooth is all better. Did ya get yer pain pills?

    Well, have a good evening everyone, and hi to anyone I missed. Gotta get ready for bed, I'm such a wimp anymore. Nighty-night... 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Why am I getting an
    "unable to establish a connection" notice when I try to log in?I can get onto any other web site I usually
    use in the ayems.Aha, here we go!

    Mema--YIKES about
    the wreck, glad you didn't get hurt, am thinking a little crying at the time is
    a normal reaction!Sounds like you have
    a great trip planned, hope you have a grand time.Good luck with the RV sale!

    Cammy--Sadie and I
    had a great day off, didn't accomplish one single thing except lots of cuddle
    and nap while it's raining time!

    Genny--Hooray for
    having a plan in place and one major decision made!And for having a great surgeon.There is nothing that helps as much as having
    docs you can trust and who listen to and talk with you.Too bad about not having the option to keep
    your nipples, though. There are good recon options for nipples, too.I bet you can't wait to see Nora!Got more work to do on both the garden and
    the yard, taking it a bit at a time.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Jason Voorhees

    1.5 oz Single Malt

    .5 oz Cream Sherry

    1 oz Ginger Simple

    .75 Homemade

    Garnish with slice
    of Ginger dipped in Grenadine

    Hockey Mask

    Shake scotch, sherry
    and simple syrup with ice and strain into iced Collins glass. Slowly pour
    grenadine to bottom of the glass. Garnish with a slice of ginger dipped in
    homemade grenadine.

    *1 part sugar, 1
    part water, 1 sliced up ginger root. Bring to a boil and stir until a syrup is


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    Genny, I took Claritin the day of my shot and took it for just two days with no bone pain. I did feel a little something in my sternum but it only lasted a day. I have three boys, the youngest just turned 20 and the other two are out of the house, one is married. I'm glad for that anyway! 

    Today is round two and I'm hoping for the same "mild" SE's I had the first round!

    I did have a glass of Pino Grigio at Bonefish the other night, and it was delish!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Wacko, I'm just getting on since I missed yesterday, I do hope that dude shows up, I remember you mentioning him. Gosh, bleeding, more trouble with puka No. 2! Oh dear, you haven't checked in with an update, naughty goil. You know what dat means!!!! SPANKING! Who's ye pleasure?

    NM, you will take Sadie to work with you this weekend? That would make her a therapy dog, just like Genny's! Would love to see your garden, but you would want to wait a bit until things get a little bigger. I'll take more of mine soon. I've caught my 4th squirrel, boy can they do some damage! Interesting story about measles/cancer. Maybe it will at least help in finding that "cure". Hmmmm, I no know Jason Voorheese

    Genny, I forget your GS doggies name, is it Emma? Yay for making your decision AND feeling GOOD about it. You should have asked BS, which PS she would choose if it were her! Good job on resting when you need it.

    LDB, I too was sorry to hear of the shooting, did you know those people? Your vay-cay will be here befoy you know it. How is ya feeling? You sound GrrrrrrrrEAT!

    image(saying that in my Tony the Tiger voice).

    No need to get your stilletto's out yet, I think they are just going to call me, and if there's a problem, then I will go in and see him. I told them to bill the phone call like an office visit if they wanted to! YOU GOT IN A WRECK?? Wuh happened? Glad all is ok tho, whew! Goot luck on the RV selling.

    Cami, LOLing at using your brain for work, at least you have one! I can see why you would be one of the docs favorites, as you are one of ours!

    Homey, wishing you mile SE's again on this round. Did you say you go every 2 weeks?

    Ok, scans the waiting game! Just not going to think about it. DH has an early appointment tomorrow morning, they are gonna dig out the rest of the skin cancer on the top of his head, then we will do our shopping. So I won't be around again. Windy today and tomorrow.....ugh!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls,

    So I fried my only remaining laptop, needed to buy a mini for travel. Should have bought a larger one first, the keyboard is very difficult to get used to. I have to watch my fingers to type. I also hate not having the numeric keypad, pf buttons and ddelete key. uhh, this has teken me five minutes to type. I want windiws 7 so have to get that ordered.  I might just speak to text and wrute cuz this driving me nuts. It is 1pee em and i need a druink.

    I am going to have to go and buy a laptop, this mini sucks. I have lots ti tell you all and lots to say to Genny, so proud of ya girl n so happy yiur sergeon is so awesome.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    imageOh my Lord I read everything and I don't know who got into an accident, as long as u'r all right but chit, I'm sorry.

    And Lori how in the hell did I miss u were getting scanned, u know I' praying agin for reslts good for you. I don't like all these tests.

    Genny It's so good to have u'r plan in place, it mentally helps this whole thing and I think it's a good one.

    NM I know that name somehow but don't know who or what it is.

    have we heard from Lara?????

    Sue are u all right???

    Erin Wacky those small ones are so annoying we have one and if I type on it my fingers get 2 keys at a time and I can't see a thing. It's abomidable (sp) like the snowman.

    Lara it's scary movie weekend., my phone isn't to bad today hope it stay that way.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Jumping in

    genny do the bmx please just get rid of boobs that can kill u,also u will have a great rack not dents in your boob like my mom she had cancer twice in both breasts

    erin puke I almost threw up to cam go to the doc

    hot pics of some smexy men

    ok well you know it can never b normal with me I went to ER got put on amox-trx 875,zofran for nausea and diflucan for yeast infection th eantibiotic caues triple fking fecta on top of that I had zero pain pills

    today yeast still there,pain pills filled and my mouth is still swollen wtf

    I wish I could drink so Ill prob call gyno to get something else for yeast gotta c her ant way

    Not changing the antibiotic I will just get another strong one id by monday my face on the jawline is still swollen ill go somewhere

    soo bleeding not good go to doc

    poop inlatah

    HI to everyone


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    hello ladies

    genny-glad you got a doc you like

    lara-feel better soon

    wacko,what did the doc say?

    nm-have fun this weekend,so glad i'm not working tonight!!!!!!!!

    lori-enjoy your shopping! when do you get your results?

    sue-so glad you weren't hurt

    prn-i'm impressed at your work out,did my legs with the personel trainer yesterday so now walking like spot the dog

    hello homey

    did my annual incompentency today, so qualified for another only got to do the e prescribing course, which as i can;t legally prescribe,means i guess there teaching us how to fix the docs entries

    any suggestions cammi?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!So far only 2 visits to make
    today, one lady wants an afternoon visit, so I get a leisurely start to the day
    as long as there are no calls.Drippy
    and rainy, so I don't mind working so much.

    seems to help with lots of treatment induced pains!I remember when neulasta was new, the
    protocol was to put people on a fentanyl patch , one patch for 3 days, to cover
    the bone pain the neulasta causes.As I
    recall it didn't work very well.Not
    surprising since narcotics don't work on bone pain.

    Goldie--Yes, I plan
    on taking Sadie to work with me today and tomorrow, if it's not too hot
    tomorrow.I enjoy having her with me,
    and once in a while a patient will ask me to bring her in for a minute.Not much to see in the garden just yet,
    hoping for some good results in a little bit.Nothing like waiting for test results, is there?

    Erin--yikes on
    frying the laptop.The smallerkeyboards are hard to get used to, aren't
    they?I know most laptops have speech to
    text capability, do the mini's have it too?I tried that for a while with one of my laptops, but I wasn't patient
    enough, could type faster than the software could translate my speech.I love watching people using it, though, it
    looks so cool!

    Jason Voorhees is
    the name of the Jason character in the Friday the 13th movies, the guy who
    wears the hockey mask as he runs around killing people.

    Cammy--c'mon, you're
    the scary movie lady, I expected you would get the reference!That's OK, I suppose it was kinda

    ORLA--does the
    zofran work for you for the nausea?I
    know docs love to prescribe it but the research shows that it works poorly for
    people not getting chemo, that compazine works better.Of course, every individual reacts
    differently to every med.So not fair to
    get the triple f'n ecta.Just not fair.

    Julie--Glad I wasn't
    working overnight, but it was pretty tame, anyway.Only one call and it was just an update, the
    triage nurse left a message on report line but didn't call the on call.I'm hoping that will carry through the
    weekend.Don't you love the annual
    training on stuff we can't even legally do?Makes so much sense!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD: 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    I TRIED to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Good morning lovely ladies.

    NM, I love the DOTD. I am so going to try that when I get back from Italy. Glad you have a slower day today and that you will be able to take Sadie with you. Give her a scritch behind the left ear from me. I don't think I'll be volunteering to get the measles to rid myself of bc.

    Homemom, glad the Claritin is working for you. It always amazes me to find what some people are doing to manage their symptoms. I never even though of Claritin.

    Julie, one glass a day. Hmmm, gonna have to start drinking my beer out of a glass now. Of course, I think I'll be doing wine for the next week. lol. Why do they make you and NM do annual tests on things you aren't allowed to do? Up here in Canada, our nurses can and do prescribe medication, but if you can't, why the test?

    Cami, I'm with you and totally missed the Jason Voorhees reference. Of course when NM explained, I had an aha moment - yes, yes, that's who he is. Hope you are feeling better.

    Joey, bathing suit, check, medication vacation, check, passports good to go, luggage packed. Did you like the trampoline you got for your birthday? We thought about getting one a few years ago, but didn't like the idea of all the trips to emerg we would be making. My kids are pretty accident prone.

    Lala, you poor baby. All three? Good gracious girl. Well, I hope the new antib's will help. And teeth problems too. I guess you will be taking it easy for the next few days, right? That wasn't really a question, so much as an order. lol

    Genny, I have time for a quick round of golf before I leave, are you up to some virtual golfing? I already teed off on 1, went about 160 yards straight down the middle, caught the slope of the hill, rolled about 15 more yards down and settled in a nice flat spot. Your turn. Glad you like your doctor, I had one of each - one I liked, one I didn't - and it is so comforting when you can like and trust what they have to say. Also happy for you that a decision has been made regarding treatment and that your doc is 100% behind it. That is always a relief. My garden is just slowly chugging along. We are having cold nights here, and they are slowing the growth. How's yours?

    Lori, hope you have a great trip to Phoenix. Sorry you are once again playing the waiting game on results from your scans. That is always so stressful. And what is this about your DH having cancer on the top of his head? How did I miss that? Is he going to be feeling up to shopping after having it removed? Good man!

    SueB,  glad that the House of Puke has resumed it's normal operations as simply a home. One of the girls mentioned an accident, but I didn't see that. I thought you just got scared and nervous driving your gkids home in a rattle trap car. If it was an accident, how is everybody - I hope it was just a fender bender. (((hugs))) When and where are you going on vacation, I missed that one too. Sorry.

    Erin, sorry about the fried computer. I've tried that talk to text too, but it turns out I use too much slang and invented words, so I just drove the program nuts. Did that guy show up with the furniture yet? Is your dad still anxiously awaiting it? I hope it comes soon, wasn't there some kind of deadline on it? Like, 'I'll be there on Saturday' or something? DID YOU CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR YET???!!! Do not just ignore the advice of the nurses on the board girl. Hoping it will go away doesn't work!

    4, finally!!!! A boy pic that I like - it leaves a little to the imagination. I don't care for the ones that have the man's bits showing out the side of the coffee cup or whatever. Makes me go eww. lol Now I know that other ladies are going to disagree with me here, but I don't care. I like a little mystery with my man. For instance, in that picture, does he have a pair of socks rolled up in his undies, or is that all him. Hmm.

    Princess, I like your attitude about exercising. I have been promoting this on the Tamoxifen forum. We post our exercise on the Let's Post our Exercise forum. Maybe I'll see you there. Wasn't it nice of Cami to find that missing 17 lbs for you? Rads are ok for most people. If I had any advice about them I would say, do not start lotions or creams until you are told you can (up here it's about 2 weeks in) and take a ton of Epsom Salt baths. Toward the end I was climbing in the tub a couple times a day. I didn't even let the water out after the first tub, I'd just warm it up for number 2.

    Well off to Italy today, so I won't be posting for a while. I will try to get online at least once during our trip and post a picture or two. Planning on drinking lots of wine, eating Italian cuisine and looking at architecture. Have a wonderful week everyone.





  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Morning ladies, it's 8:45 and I just woke up! DH took dogs to the woods and let them run, it's 55 degrees out windows open, house was quiet, room was dark and I was sleeping like the dead. On my second cup of coffee now and wishing I could feel like this all day. We're going to go golfing in a little while before my energy takes a chit. Having trouble with my eyes now, thought I was gonna escape that side effect but they are dry and burning and watering at the same time. And my eyelids just twitch and twitch. Ah well this too shall pass. I got appointments to see both plastic surgeons on Wed. Hopefully I will like 1 and I can get my date scheduled. My garden is growing like crazy and my DH had to tie up my tomatoes and very nicely pointed out that I put the tomato cages on upside down.....ahhhh, ...blonde?....chemo brain?...I take after my mother?....pick 1. Anyway, it's too late to fix it now so I'll just have to tie it as it grows. Going to make a big salad today cause the lettuce needs to be picked.

    NM, marshmallow shots? What a great idea! I'm am going to make those over the bonfire when we take that vacation in July! Glad to hear you're not to crazy busy this weekend and you get to take Sadie with you. Emma went to the hospital to visit yesterday. My DH ordered these little stuffed GSD's with a scarf that says Emma, he gave them to 2 little girls and as he was leaving 1 was being wheeled somewhere for testing and she was clutching the toy. It made him feel really good. I think he has found his calling for his retirement years when he gets there. 

    Lala, how are you? So sorry to hear about your trouble on both ends. That sucks!

    Erin, did you see a doc yet? Or get an appt? Sorry to hear about your computer, hope you get your new one soon and can rejoin us, I miss your posts.

    Lori, when do you get your results? Oh the waiting is the hardest part of everything, isn't it? 

    juliet glad you passed your test, good luck with the other one, I'm sure you'll ace it.

    Sue, so glad you didn't get the bug and so sorry about the accident. Are you OK? Are you achy from the crash? Hope not, I still say that when you get cancer and especially when yer going thru tx there should be a rule or law or something that says nothing else bad should should be allowed to happen for a certain # of years. Who can we talk to about that?

    Homey, hope yer doin OK and your SE are minimal.

    Hi 4, PRN and anyone else I missed.

    Well have a good weekend all, I gotta go jump in the shower and get ready to go golfing. Beautiful sunny day here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning and Deb muah safe travels and have a great time;

    O wow what a trip I had a chance to go to Italy once and Greece once but was to afraid to fly, how stupid I was.

    Jule I don't understand why u have to learn what u can't do, but well maybe second guess the Dr. probably, they are not always right.

    Oh Jason I knew I knew that name I thought it was someone political, it might as well be, they baicall do a lot o the same things just don't wear a mask. Oh NM I love the DOTD of the day, I saw that the other day and couldn't copy it for us cuz u had to have a visual on it and that is a perfect bonfire drink. I hope u and Sadie have a quiet weekend.

    Lara u sound a little better I really hope so. Just take whatever u have to feel better, as u gals know I don't martyr myself anymore I just take things as soon as I need it.

    Erin How are u doing, I don't think I like the way u'r puka looks, is it supposed to look like that, I mean it actually looks better, but OMG it is not good. And u do do a lot of stuff, maybe u shouldn't?

    Lori is gone now I think, I never know that woman is like a fly she's all over the place. I praying her scan is good.

    You know I'm taking a different attitude about all this---everytime some Dr. says well u'r getting older--bull chit, when my mom, aunts, dad, uncles etc were in their mid 80's they slowed down, my dad worked pt til he went blind 85 and never missed a day and even when my dad went blind didn't miss anything as long as he was driven, he went everywhere and always physically felt good, my mom and aunts started that dizziness in their mid 80's, the men never got it. My dad started those crazy times in his 90's where the drs. gave him 24 hrs to live sometimes and he'd always wake up the day after and ask for coffee with annizette--we always gave it to him.We said good bye to him so many times not everyone showed up and just said tell him I said goodbye. He was fine. So this age thing isn't going well with me anymore and I'm not saying it, it's every bit of crap that been given to me that has aged my body and played with my mind--so I'm taking a stand from now on with all these Drs. Let them eat cake. My mom used to say that when she'd get mad, she was such a gentle woman, obviously I didn't take after her. OK that's my rant.

    genny how are u doing and princess u too?

    Sue u'r going thru so much I hate that for you. (((HUGS))) all the time

    I already started my calls today so we'll se how the day goes, and Joey is on the lawnmower driving it. His parents are nuts. Joey, Katie and  fell asleep all cuddled up, with Katie laying on both of us, til Joey started moving so I sent him to bed.

    OK I'll be back later and I don't mean to forget anyone and I think I did I'm sorry if I did--wait there is someone new Hello!!!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Suitcases are in the car and we are ready to go to Italy. OMG - Rome, Venice, Florence. I am soooo fercited.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    have a fabulous time red

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Oh I'm so furcited for you Red, it's my dream vacation, I've always wanted to go to Italy, sit on a balcony and eat bread and cheese and drink wine. Have a wonderful time and takes lots of pictures!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2014

    I am planning a trip to Italy when all this is finished. I would love to go to Tuscany and drink wine. My mom went a few years ago and said they have a lot of little wineries but they can't ship to the states. I'm Italian, so I've always wanted to go. 

    I had my second treatment yesterday with not any major SE's but I do feel like I did last time. Slept a bit today. My MO told me no raw anything that can't be peeled. This means my fav of salad greens, tomotoes/cucs with balsamic vinegar and olive oil! That and ZERO wine, even once a week with a meal. UGH. 

    Hair starting to shed, that is going to be the worst for me.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

     Red my virtual tee off, about 140, left side of the fairway, rolled 10 ft. Is this golf course in Italy?

    I have to tell you all a funny (well sort of) story. My darling mother-in-law knows how much I hate this chemo/steroid weight. We had a rough winter and I put on 10 lbs. Then dx with the BC in Feb, depression eating, steroids/chemo, now 20 lbs over my normal weight. My MIL on the other hand is 85 and has gone from 135 to 112.I used to be a size 6, her a size 10. So she calls me yesterday to ask if I want her "big pants" Since I have nothing that fits I go and get and get them, 10 pair of capris only 2 fit, the others will be fine when I lose a few lbs. Very depressing... So today she calls me to say she bought me strawberries and could I come pick them up. So I get there and she says, "oh, I have 1 more thing for you" And she brings me a book that she checked out at the library. The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Weight! Isn't that so sweet of her......... to think of me.................

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    genny hahahahaha I love it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Red have a great time my mom loved Italy

    Hi genny same thing happened to me when I gained weight its like people please

    goldies away she will b baack soon

    cam still working taking calls good

    feel a bit better just called on call gyn this yeast infection is not going away I took a diflucan yesterday my anti-Bs not done till thursday I couldnt take it, went shopping yesterday took mom to lunch thought it cleared then this morning it was back so ill take those pills again he gav em ethree I had only took one so IDK

    I gotta alot going with pending work situations im super sitious so I am keeping my mouth closed for now

    NM yummy marsh mellow shotsn lol syn on words

    Hi Juliet

    sue hugs



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    image gremlins

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Wacko, did your puter get too dwunk? I do not like the net books either. Cami, I can't type on them either. Yes I had scans on Friday, yesterday DH had the skin cancer removed from the top of his noggin. Julie, I'm hoping to hear something this week on my scans. Congrats on passing your annuals.

    Lala, sounds like you are a hot mess girl. I hope you can feel better real soon. Yeast infections are a PITA!

    NM, the waiting is sucky for sure. I hope you and Sadie have a wonderful work weekend. Ahhhhh, Friday the 13th. I don't think I've seen that, can you believe it?

    Red, DH was fine after his little surgery. We did all kinds of shopping afterwards. We have some planting to do today, but he can't bend over, so I will be doing it all. ENJOY your trip girl! How is little Gage, and his family?

    Genny, the fresh picked salad sounds delish. I can't do lettuce, it just gets too hot here. LOL, what a sweet MIL indeed! I'm sure she means well.

    Cami, I'm here dahling. Just went into town yesterday. I don't think we have any plans for the near future, thank goodness. I really do enjoy being home. And you can rant away at those docs. Age my ass! You aren't even old for Pete's sake. And who is Pete anyway? Does Joey know?

    Homey, no salad? Wussup wif that? Not sure if I would abide by that rule for that one. Perhaps peeling of fruits, but salad? The loss of hair was the worst for me, especially when I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes. My ickies always hit on day 3 after treatment.

    Well, I need  to get outside. What are we drinking today?
    Bittersweet Negroni - IT'S ITALIAN!

    The Negroni: A bittersweet Italian cocktail with gin, sweet vermouth, and campari.  Garnished with sliced kumquats

    2 tbsp gin

    2 tbsp sweet vermouth

    2 tbsp Campari

    A splash of prosecco (optional)

    Sliced Kumquats for garnish (optional)

    Ice cubes

    Fill an old-fashioned glass with ice, then top with gin, vermouth, and campari.  Stir to mix, and if you like, top off with a splash of prosecco and garnish with sliced kumquats skewered on an appetizer fork or toothpick.  Serve immediately.
