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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Boy, it is amazing how much
    paperwork 2 visits can create!Oh ,well,
    one must keep the Medicare people happy and they are happiest with more

    ORLA--Normal is not
    all it's made out to be!

    RedRH--Sadie had a
    grand time running around the office while I was doing paperwork, that's for
    sure.And I'm giving her a left ear
    scratch right now!Enjoy Italy, take
    lots of pics, and post when you get home.

    Genny--I have to
    admit I stole the marshmallow shots from a friend's post on Facebook.Thought it would be appreciated here.Upside down tomato cages, hmmmm?I've never had much luck with tomato cages,
    so this year I did a trellis for them, seems to be working well so far, but
    they're still pretty small.We'll see
    how it goes!

    Cammy--I'm wanting
    to try the drinky, too, maybe some pm when I've got marshmallows in the
    house!I'm with you, aging does NOT
    equal declining health and functionality! " So, Mr. Doctor, how old are
    you and how do you expect to feel when you are 10 years older?According to your theory you will be all but
    bedbound, right?No?Then why do you expect me to be? "

    Homey--I always
    shook my head when people getting chemo, who need the best nutrition they can
    get, are told to avoid those very foods that we are supposed to eat for
    health.Really?I understand the rationale, but really, how
    does someone prohibited from raw or unpeeled foods get fresh fruits and
    veggies?Canned just doesn't seem the
    same to me.Your MIL is a trip!

    ORLA--Yuck about the
    yeast infection coming back.Not

    Goldie--I thought
    EVERYONE alive today had seen at least one of the Friday the 13th movies!I really wasn't impressed with any of them,
    really, not sure what the popular appeal is, but there it is.Nice Italian cocktail, what is prosecco?Sounds yummy!

    Well, gotta hit the
    road, just got another visit added to the list for today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    I'm jumping in here cuz I been bad.  Well actually, a widdle flu buggy.  Tired as hell, nauseated, I spent all most all day Fri and Sat in the bed.  Took some Compazine yesterday and it did help.  Woke today to more nausea, but hoping it passes soon.  Got 1st estimate on the van, $2300.  The only thing damaged was front bumper thingy and something underneath, but it doesn't affect the running/driving of the veh.  The flake that was supposed to buy the RV...yep...flaked out again.  No biggie tho.

    Claritin - that was it to help with pain from Neulasta shots...but I took of and for 2 days there after.  One time I forgot, and was horrible pain. 

    NM - What a clever DOTD.   I do love Kahlua!!  So cool you can take Sadie with you on some of your visits.  Bet she puts a smile of some faces.

    Julie - glad you passed your annual, but yeah...let us kno what the e prescribing is all about ifin you can't write a script. 

    Lara - still saying prayers for you...u jes going thru tooo much!

    Er-Wacko - dangitit bout the puter.  I hate using the tablets too, but I hate my phone more.  Texting is hard for me, so if I have to say to much, I call.  What's the news on ur puka?

    Lowwweee - Hope they got ALL da nasty from your DH head.  That is serious bidness too.  Glad trip to/from Phx was not all appts and that you got to do some shopping.  Tomorrow is my MRI (brain)...Oh oh and did I tail you goils...I made appt for after my MRI to see a Medial Marijuana clinic that will (hopefully) sign off on my application.  Woohoo!!  I'll keep ya posted!!

    Genny, Homie, Prn - I'll get back to you in a bit, I'm on the wrong page dangit!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    I'm back!

    Red - oh soo envious.  Hope you have a fabulous fab time in Italy.  My DS and SIL have been at least 3 times.  She wants to live in Tuscany for 6 mos after she retires.  And no, they won't let you ship, but seems to me they were able to bring some wine home, but a limited amount.  The accident was one of those fricken semi's changing lanes right in front of us at 75 mph and shredding his tire.  Huge pieces hit the front of our 2012 van, the windshield, etc.  Yes thankful no one hurt and the damage could have been worse.  Took about an hour off the side of the road to exchange info with trucker.  Thank goodness for the DVD in the van, both kids were totally unaware.

    Genny - now that is an MO worth keeping.  Glad you made a decision to go for BMX, and had I opted for it, they wudn't have been able to safe anything for my nips either.  I talk to the Man upstairs all the time about giving us bwesties a break fer heavens sake, and sometimes I think He hears me, other times, not so much.  I remember my eyes watering and twitching too, it will pass.  MIL a funny gal...please don't take her too seriously.  You are struggling with enough and stress about our changing bodies is not helpful.  You are keeping a good regime going and once all is said and done, you body will respond quickly to get you back where you feel most comfy.  The mater cages...sounds like something I would do...LOL. 

    Homie - I didn't have same tx you are going thru, and PS told me only 1 glass wine a day.  MO said moderation.  Bet my moderation is diff than hers...heehee.  I don't understand the veggie thing tho.  Did you also read that on some se literature regarding your tx??  Never heard of such a thing.  They recommended no soy, flax seed, etc, or very little of anything that has hormonal qualties.  Anyway, you will make it to Italy in the near future...I see it in mese crystal ball. ((Homie))

    Cami - Good for you!!  Who is to say right.  Like my 90yoa Auntie (dads side) says...we're tough ol broads.  We have plenty of fight left and dang docs shudn't b raining on our parade and telling us age slowing us down...Yeah...LET THEM EAT CAKE.  Love it!!

    Tis Fathers Day and I must prepare for the day.  Supposed to take DH out to dinner...sure hope I feel better as the day wears on.  Plus, I kno is phone will be blowing up shortly with phone calls from the kids.  Hope everyone has a super SUNDAYFUNDAY!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Long day yesterday, late to
    bed, early up for work, gonna be looking for a nap this pm!

    Mema--glad you are
    getting over the buggy, that's not fun.So the flake flaked out again?I
    bet that was his last chance at the RV!Yikes re: the tire shredding!Damage is bad enough, glad no one got hurt.

    Princess Glitter's
    DOTD--add your favorite alcamahol to your ayem coffee, drink, repeat!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Awwww heck NM, I have to look up Prosecco, as I haven't a clue, just wanted an Italian cocktail. Ok, it's an Italian sparkling white wine. Bummer you have so much paperwork to do for your visits, can you do it at home, or do you have to do it at the office?

    LDB, you got sick anyways? That bug moosta been hiding on ya. Hugs for you and glad you are feeling better. Have you listed the RV on the internet anywhere? Amazing how much "a little" damage can cost to fix. Wow, all from a shredding tire? DH head, they got it all on the first dig! Good luck on your MRI today, I hope all dey see is dat big bwain of ye's. Do you have to "wait" for results too?

    Worked outside all day yesterday, was very enjoyable! Back to the grind stone Monday!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls,

    Holy guacamole is right, Lori, dis place went almost 24 hrs without a post. Musta been cuz it wuz fathers dey, eberybody biddy with that. I am still having the most difficult time typing on this tiny keyboard. 

    Sue, gosh, sorry bout the tire, whew gkad no one is hurt, but geez that is crazy. I hope you are feeling better today.  And mese dere with ya for de scan. gotzta make shore the people get it right. so hoping and praying that things look excellant for ya. Hugs to ya.

    NM, sorry for all of that paperwork. I tail ya, I have a new respect for nurses sincen knowing you. I had no idea the amount of time on paper work was more than time spent with patients, that is horrible. I wish there was an easier way. I feel your pain, specially when talking about dealing with medicare or anything government. Huggers fir ya! 

    Cam, how you doing today? I hope it was quiet for you yesterday with the phone. Gosh, you need to take a faycation from that job. Tail the boss I said you deserve two weeks off with paym k? Else I sick mese people on dems. How is Joey? Did he see he is being summoned with inquiries? He need to git biddy hehe. Hugs to you too. 

    Lori, tank goodness for you and NM, keep this place up and running. Seems people are dwinking less dese days. Or dey dwinkinbg without us tehehe. Praying for you to get the good word soonliest. And glad yer DH all set. I keep tailing mese Dad that he should use sun block on his bald spot, but he no listen. 

    Where is Lara? Hoping she feeling better, alot of chit happening for her, chit on crud, hope it stops. who else I missing here??? Beanie baby, where are ya? 

    Hoping Red having a great visit to Italy, mese jailous. Hello to all goils, hoping you treatment goils are doing well. Hugs to all mese goils and spayshall gentle hugs to Princess, Homie, Sue and Genny. Come in goils, wese missing ye. I try not to be a stranger too (strange I am but a stranger no). I dwink now. bye bye.....till then, 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    mese back, trying to finda somebuddy to dwink with, where de hail are mese goils? Julie? Sue? Sumbody annybuddy lets partay. ok, mese gonna wander over to de pool. I see hot boys dere waiting to save me when mese portend me dwowning hehe! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OMG I can't believe I wasn't here yesterday, I tink I slept all day it was one of those days. I could not wake up for nothin'.

    Lori I really thought u said u'd be gone a couple of days ??? well mese thoughts are all goofed up I guess--I'm glad u had a good day outside. How is u'r DH doing? and let us know word for word about u'r scans.

    Sue I'm sorry u got the flu, that's all u need to be sick for something stupid like u don't have enough problems. (((HUGS))) for u'r MRI.

    Lara u'r yeast infection, is it inside or outside, I just hope it clears up it's a PTA either way. And I don't blame you for not telling about u'r jobs I'm that ways too sometimes.

    Erin How are u my sweetheart? It has been quiet here, why--we can all virtually drink and some of us actually drink so what's the problem.?  I had to stop for a while here my phone yuck. Oh now I have to get into the computer to work--I've been busy today. Monday 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Well I'm here and Ima drinkin! My doc is the best, had scans on Thursday and I guess he tried to call on Friday, but I missed it. He is now on vacation, but his assistant called me today. Lesions at the base of my neck on my spine, he said that could just be arthritis and lesions on my right hip. Doing a needle biopsy on Friday down in Phoenix. If it is indeed the RAT BASTURD, I'll have radiation and be put on Aromasin and Xgeva. So with that being said, gimme a strong one boyZ!!!

    Mese emotions are mixed right now, between trying to be strong and then the cry baby in me. And also trying to keep this from my mom, if I can. I don't want her to know about. So those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, please don't mention any of this. Besides you girls, at this time, no one knows. One of my brothers and my DD knows I had gone for scans, but they don't know the results. And of course my DH knows.

    Cami, Baby Girl, you can sleep a day away it's allowed, but don't be surprised if you wake up with your face all painted or sumptin!


    Will see ya all in da morn, and if not............well, y'all understand!!!

    Huggles and lots of love.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Oh Lori, that just bites, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Arrgghh... more damn waiting. I can understand the mixed emotions, have several drinks! I'll be prayin' for ya.

    Glad to see ya back Erin

    Cami, hope yer feeling rested.

    Sue, hope that bug is gone and stays far, far away.

    NM, I was just a lowly LPN in a county nursing home back in the 90's and everything had to be filled out in triplicate. It was crazy! No time for the residents, if you didn't write it down, it meant you didn't do it. A big part of the reason I never got my RN and decided to go back to doing hair. I feel for ya.

    Lala, hope yer feeling better.

    Everyone else, I'm tired, gotta get some sleep, off tomorrow, I'll poop in for a mimosa in the morning.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    lori praying for athritis,

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Lori...GD, JMJ and SOB!  I"m thinking of you and praying all will be well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Lori u'r big time in my PRAYERS now I don't want anything else wrong with u, hoping it's stupid bone stuff, even tho that's not fun, but u know what I mean. But they have to make sure. So drink away and cry if u want but I'm praying it will be fine. (((HUGS))) big time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sunny and hot today,
    thunderstorms tomorrow, the morning glory seeds have sprouted, a few peas have
    sprouted, tomatoes going good, life is good!

    white wine, sounds good!I can do
    paperwork at home, don't like to but sometimes it just works out that way.It is nice to finish up the paperwork with a
    glass of wine or such at my side, though.

    Erin--Yup more time
    on documentation than direct care.Gotta
    get all those boxes checked off, and numbers filled in all the different places
    so the company will get paid, or perhaps more accuately, so the insurance company
    doesn't have an excuse not to pay.There
    is an easier way, get rid of the insurance industry and go back to the patient
    paying the person providing care directly, no middle man.I'm guessing half the cost of health care is
    the cost associated with using specific forms and software programs required by
    Medicare and other insurance companies and 3rd party payors.Ah, don’t get me going on that again!Thanks for the hugs!

    always are busy days!

    Goldie--praying it's
    just arthritis they're seeing.I can
    imagine the mixed feelings and wanting to keep things quiet until you know for
    sure one way or the other.Still praying
    for arthritis.

    Genny--No such thing
    as a "lowly" LPN.When I first
    started out as an RN I learned more from the LPNs I worked with than the
    RNs.I know many LPNs working in nursing
    homes that are more attentive and observant than the RNs.There's a place for all of us in taking care
    of people.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Sloppy Joe's Cocktail No. 2

    3/4 oz Brandy

    1/4 tsp Triple Sec

    3/4 oz Port

    3/4 oz Pineapple

    1/4 tsp Grenadine


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Up very early this morning, sleep was not good. Imagine that!

    Genny, I have Mimosa's ready for you. So you are a beautician?

    PRN, I think I got the GD and SOB, but I'm lost on the JMJ!

    NM, I have some Morning Glory's coming up, but I have to keep a close eye on them and where they are, so they don't grow up and wrap around something I would rather have instead of them, such as a tomato plant! But they are sooo pretty. Doing paperwork while sipping on a glass of wine soundslike the way to go! Sloppy Joe cocktail....interesting!

    One of my Morning Glory's

    Thanks all for your support, so glad I have you all. I too am hoping it's just arthritis!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Hi Goldie prayers what are the leisons,I love those flowers

    feeling better still on the dreaded anti B

    the yeast seems to have gone away on-call called in three diflucan every other day

    Erin soo did you go to the doc?

    Hi genny hope u r feeling good my dh loves golf I tryed but cant get it down I told him in sending him to golf camp I need my space lol he said great

    RN can be very burnt out,Ive met caring and un caring ones high stress job

    HI cam how r u doing? not many scary movies on

    Im finally getting my hair done today I can not wait to feel good again it makes me feel better

    still have heard nothing about MRI the nurse was away then the doc was supposed to call nothing yet

    I am so off on my days feel like its friday

    my dad went to the mets game for fathers day my sis who lives in brooklyn bought him tickets he had fun

    hugs all bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning all u lovely ladies. I hope today brings wonderful things to all of you.

    Lara it's always good to get u'r hair done when someone else is doing it. It's very relaxing.

    Good DOTD NM, I always wish I had a full bar to make some of these. I'm still going to try the marshmellow drink sometime this summer.

    Lori I wish this wait wasn't so long and we all pray it arthritic crap, that no one wants but it's a good to have now.

    I talked to my BIL yesterday and my sister last nite and ALMOST said something about the surprise party Sunday, I told my neice I can not talk to them this week really and my stupid sister insists I call her when this silly test os over and tell her what it's like (wont have any answers) and I just want to say I can't wait til Sunday to see her. No one should have told me about this til Friday--we just talk to much together.

    Oh we have a tornado warning thingy for a few hrs this morning. WTF I never heard of so many crazy weather thing in all my life--I hope it misses everyone and just blows away.

    OK got get my act together today, I know I don't go on the road with it, but I do have organization believe it or not. Everything has to be in place for me, then my cat comes and moves everything and decides she wants to cuddle. She does it on purpose, I know.


    PS Lara u didn't tell us if u'r yeast infection was inside or outside?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Morning ladies, poopin' in for that mimosa. Dogs at the groomers DH in Columbus, house is quiet. Got a million things to do around the house. Not going to babysit today after all which is just as well cause it's 90 and humid and they don't have air conditioning so she went to her normal sitter's. So that said gonna get to my chores, hope you all have a good day. Hang in there Lori, you're in my thoughts.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    Lori....JMJ....Jesus Mary and Joseph!  Lots of years of catholic school. Lol

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls,

    It was nice to wake up to a ton of posts, always good to see all of mese goils here.

    Lori, I jest know this is arthritis cuz that is a SOB too.  I must say I was shocked to read that there is even a question. Glad you getting biopsied so quickly, I like how your doctors roll. Will you get results right away? Geez girl, I am praying for you. Can I come with you on Friday? All of us can come. I gotta get the Bean outta travel mode or find someone else to pack de bus and de UFO. I be here for ya (((((Lori))))). And oops, sorry forgot to tail ye all that yes, the traillor load of stuff came and is all unpacked. It been keeping mese biddy. well oops, have not refreshed since dis aye em, just wanted to say hi and tail Lori I praying hard.  God speed goils!!! and CHeerS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Erin u must be busy, where are u putting all these things, I forgot if u told us. of course.

    Princess we used to hand in all paperwork with the head JMJ in school--it was automatic then .I haven't heard that in so long.

    (((LORI))) we're here and waiting too. MUAH

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014


    Jes 1 dwink n look how it messes wif mese mind.  But I'm still reeling from Lowee's news.  I kno, as u kno, mese head was in a fog for days when I got my brain n other mets call.  Jes no way to splain when u been feeling sooo freakin good, NED for several years, and BAM BAM BAM...ya git da damn wind knocked outta ur sails and ya hit da ground so hard it knocks ya OUT and it takes days to recover!!!  Lowee my love, ya kno I'm here for you...we all are.  Ya call whenever ya feel the need K?  (((Lowee)))

    Lara - Yea...ya need more n one diflucan if it is yeast, glad they upped it. Glad you feeling a bit better, and to get ur hair done...that shud help yer spirits!

    Prn - JMJ...LOL, jes like many others...many years in the Catholic school prisons.  Some may not like, but that what they was to me.  And I wasn't even a rebel...LOL.  Da sisters were jes mean mean mean!!

    Genny - ya jes reminded me I was 'sposed to do laundry today...oops!  LOL, enjoy your quiet time.

    Er-Wacko - yea  where u putting all dad's stuff??  AND more importantly...what r u doing bout your issues girlfriend???  yes yes yes...lets git da UFO outta da hangar and ready to take us to Lowee...I'll see if I can git hold of da pilot, Ms JeanBean, but if she still on da road, den we'll jes git 'Shirley UJest'.  U kno da one.  Jes don't call mese Shirley K?

    Cami - gotta smile bout the JMJ eh...too funny!  Wese can git da UFO to ur test too...cuz mese don't tink it gonna b fun for u either.  Hope dem damn tornados stay da hail away from you.  I seen dat twin sister twister on da news...dat be hail fer sure.

    Goils, gotta git dinner a going and...laundry too.  Will check in tamary!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    image Just thought I'd share my medical team for tomorrow looking in my uretha , little older but more experienced. They've chosen the camera that will work best for me.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    hahahaha...cami, you crack me up! I hope they find what they're looking for! A big bunch of nothing! Good luck with these storms, looks like they'r missin' us for the most part but we did finally get some much needed rain last night. Hasn't rained here in like 2 weeks till last night. I think I hear a little booming off in the distance so maybe were're gonna get a little more. We've been having to water every day. Hope you can keep your mouth shut about Sunday, does Joey know? I think cats do everything on purpose, it's all carefully planned out.

    Erin, what's going on wit you and yer coochee...and yer puka, did you get an appt yet? anymore bleeding? Is yer pool up and running? We have one here at our cond and I never seem to get there, it's been 90 degrees and I don't know why I haven't gone. 

    Memasue, can I just say it's always nice to read your post, you are one of the most cheerful, optimistic people, glad to know ya.

    Lori, will you have to wait till Monday for results? Praying for ya everyday girl. Hope you have something fun to do this weekend to help take your mind off it a bit, though I know how hard that is. 

    Well I'll just say hi to everyone else, don't have time for all, I'm gonna go walk the furbabies and let my DH sleep in, then I gotta go to work for a few hours, then meet with 2 PS's today and hopefully pick one and get this damn surgery scheduled. Lubs, lubs to all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!A thunder bumper with really
    heavy rain come through early this ayem, left 1.05 inches of rain behind!Lawn is well watered!Taking the test to get Board Certified in
    Pain Management Nursing this ayem, am getting just slightly nervous. . .

    Goldie--That is a
    beautiful morning glory!I've got mine
    growing along the base of the chain link fence of Sadie's yard (on the outside,
    of course!)Hopefully they will climb that
    without much encouragement.Hoping they
    will come back every year.

    ORLA--Auntie B's and
    yeast infections are no fun, at all.And
    yes, I have met some seriously burned out nurses, its sad how much damage they
    can do.

    Cammy--it can be so
    hard not to say something about a surprise party or other secret, can't
    it?Tornado warnings?YIKES!I'll take blizzards any day, at least you get some warning of

    Genny--the weather
    guesser is talking about humidity later this week, heat is good, humidity, not
    so much!Still, wasn't that long ago we
    were complaining about the cold.So gotta
    shut up about that.

    PRN--when I was
    small I called Nuns ghosts! They terrified me for the longest time.Needless to say my family is not

    Erin--Hooray for the
    truckload delivery, have fun unpacking!

    Mema--LOL!Gladyou can get us a Pilot!

    Cmmy--OUCH!! Hope
    they use the camera on the right!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:Brain Candy

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 1/2 oz Alize

    1 part Orange Juice

    1 part Pineapple

    1 splash Grenadine

    1 splash Ginger Ale


    Shake alcohols and
    juices. Add to glass with ice. Pour grenadine and ginger ale on top. Garnish
    with cherry and orange wheel.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Cami, I hope you get your act together and I vote you DO take it on the road! I hope you're able to enjoy the party on Sunday, where is it at? Good luck today on your test, we'll be there partying and maybe taking some pictures of our own!

    PRN, thanks for the splanashun on JMJ, and funny that Cami remembers that too.

    Lara, a lesion is an abnormality, in my case, in the bone. You should call about your MRI.

    Wacko, of course you can come on Friday, bring lots of booze! I would be tickled pink if it turns out to be Arthur Ritis. Glad your dads stuff got there.

    Tank ewe Lil Doyty Butt, it shirley does knock ya on yer arse, dat for shure.

    Genny, no plans for the weekend and I'm not sure when I'll get results. Since they are doing a biopsy, it will prolly have to be sent off. So I'm guessing a week or so. Are you wanting to get surgery right away? Or enjoy some of the summer first?

    NM, good luck on your test, I'm sure you will will ACE it, just like Julie did hers. My Morning Glory's come back every year, no problem! And I know what they look like when just coming up, so I can pull them if they are somewhere I don't want them. I would think they would climb the fence with no problem at all. LOL nuns/ghosts.

    Ahhhhh, I could use some Brain Candy!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    I'm wishinimage Beckers a Happy Birthday...maybe she'll poop in and say Hi?

    Lowee - I had a dream last night that your biopsy came back clean and the whole thing is Arthur Ritis's fault! (lol, love ur name for it)  That I tailed you to start on 3 gluc/MsM tabs a day for 2 weeks den taper down to 1 a day.  They are magic pills for kicking Arthur's butt.  So I share wif you my dream and jes watch it come true..MUAH!!

    Cami - We wif u today...and NO, they not using dem big arse camera's.  I missed a surprise...who is it for?  I pwomise not to tail n e one else.  Hope to hear from you later wif lotsa good news.

    Genny - u cwack me up wif da Wacko coochee...haven't heard that in a long while.  A pleasure to kno u too...u fitting in here poyfeckly.  Thanks for the kudos, but jes so ya kno, sumtimes I do git on a pity-potty, den I jes come here, let it all out...n back to smiling, yeppers, dats how it woiks round here.  Good luck with your PS meetings today, praying one of em makes you feel confident.  (((G)))

    NM - No doubt in my mind that you will pass that test today.  Love the DOTD!  I don't like humidity's like a beast all on it's own.  Good luck'll be brilliant!

    DH wants to go to St Geo today.  After the incident with the shredded tires, he wants to trade in the van.  Frankly, I'm glad.  I told him that when things start to go wrong, it's bad omen.  Got keyed in 1st month we owned it, left electric door is already sticking, and now the tire incident.  That's 3, and that's all I give it.   ER-Wacko, ya hear me....I kno u lubs ur car, but I'd have traded it along time ago Ms KrashKline....LOL...that jes me tho.  Anyway, thing I don't like is the dh really works the sales peeps, all I do is yawn and give dh 'hurry it up' looks.  Hoping he'll go by himself.  Ooops rambling!

    Hope ever one has a gr8 day....kno that I LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS you ALL!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls,

    Happy ANniversary to Red, wooo hooo! 

    Hiya SUe,  I am glad you getting rid of the van. It is bootiful but bad omen, must go. I would have traded in mese wheels iffin I could afford a new car payment but no.

    SO I went to Dr today and he said that I should have a pelvic ultra sound due to that bleeding. He say he tink it not a problem considering how little blood I shedded. ugh, hate bleeding at all, thought that was old news lol. He was considering putting me on premarin or someting like that, I said no lets try not to go dere and he agreed to see what the ultra sound sez.

    I going back to work on Julky 2. I tailed him I work two days then get a paid holiday, wooo hooo for paid holidays. But really Erin radder no work at all. hehe. I guess I gotta do it before I am in de welfare line for food stamps hehe. 

    opps, de time got away, takes me forever and a day to type on dis machine. Going out to look at homes for my DD and her man dis night, gotta be somewhere in turdy minutes. will stop back later to see what hapening and try to ketcjhup. cheers mese lovelies!!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    ps Lowee, mese doctor said ye have arthur ritis too so dere ya go. muah! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Thanks for all the good
    wishes and prayers, I am now a Board Certified Pain Management Nurse!So now I am:

    NativeMainer, MSN-IH, RN-BC, CHPN

    Pretentious looking,
    isn't it?

    Goldie--I thought
    morning glories came back every year, I think I see them on telephone poles
    around here a lot every summer.

    Mema--Sounds like
    someone is sending messages to get rid of the van!I used to take my brother car shopping,
    would listen to all the chatter between him and the salesman, then when the
    salesman asked brother if he was ready to buy brother would look at him and say
    "talk to her, she's the one buying."The looks on their faces would be priceless!BTW, we always said we were looking for a car
    for me, so not fooling them any, they just didn't listen or remember.

    ultrasound isn't a bad test, can give lots of info, too.Good one to go to before drugs, I'm with you
    on that one.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTA(Drink of the Afternoon)

    Celebration Recipe

    1/2 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 cubes Sugar

    Peychaud Bitters


    Add Cointreau,
    Brandy and a sugar cube saturated with Peychaud Bitters to a champagne flute.
    Fill with your favorite champagne. Garnish with an orange twist.