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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh I like the afternoon delite drink NM= and CONGRATULATIONS but I knew u'd do it--wow all those letter chit the only letters I have are right in my name.

    SusyQ I lubs the dream u had for our Goldie and Lori it will be tru cuz we all praying like mad and now that there is a dram about it, it has to be true. And Sue u' Van I going right??? Good.

    My test was nothing, I mean I didn't feel anything but my legs were in those stirups and after my RESPECT song I did tell the Dr. my legs haven't been in that position for anyone in years. True too. I think she said she took a biopsy, but u know how my mind wanders but she did say that nothing looked crazy, well obviously she wasn't looking at my brain, altho many have said my brain is in that area.

    We're storming here, my cat is hiding.

    Oh the surprise party is for a double reason my sister just turned 75 and my BIL is turning 80 soon and those 2 have been calling me every day, if it's not one it's the other--I can't stand talking to them now. Or they both get on different phones and talk to me cuz they want me to settle an argument--they are both goofy and calling me way to much right now. And Jodie my DD1 is supposed to have a party Sat. for her BD this week--48--supposedly a surprise but my stupid, yes stupid SIL (her husband) just decided and know damn well Jodie will drink and be up all nite and cancel on my sisters and it's hard for me to do 2 days in a row partying and he writes to me and say oh sorry u won't make it. Damn I'm going just long enough to aggrevate him--and Jodie is going to have a fit cuz it'll cost them $$$$ and he loves to spend hers, she's the bigger (much) money maker--his presents to her are like speakers for the TV-for him or a larger TV (for him) all the toys he likes. Can u tell he's not so popular in our WHOLE family--Oh well she has to live with him--That was my vent. See I usually talk to my sister about these things, but this time I can't cuz it will include Sunday. LOL

    OK enough from me---

    Oh BTW once u go to Catholic school u don't forget anything that was taught to u cuz everything ended with or u'll go to hell. And NM the nuns scared all of us all the time, they were vicious sometimes and scary, and when they gave u a certain look u figured even confession won't help this time.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls, home from my day, it was busy. Took pooches for a 45 minute walk, went to work and had 6 clients then home to meet DH and got to 1st PS appt at 1:30, then we went out to lunch and met 2nd PS at 4... phew! So the 2 PS's were very different which is what the BS said. Both told me they agreed that BMX was absolutely necessary. Both thought implants were my best option but said I may have trouble with healing d/t the radiation. The 1st one had a much better bedside manner and listened more to what I said. My next question will be... can I keep the expanders in longer and wait to have the radiation and allow more time for healing? Seems reasonable to me... we'll see what they say. Anyway, so that was my day, i'm beat! My DH took Emma to the library for kids to read to her. 

     I went to Catholic school thru 8th grade, back when the nuns wore the full ghostly looking habits. They used to carry these big wooden "clickers" and use them to get your attention. click click-genuflect, click click-kneel, click click-sit, click click- stand, click click-,sit, click click genuflect, click click....well you get the idea....those ladies were scary!. Of course the worse thing I ever did was sneak onto the boys only playground during recess, oh and once they called my mom cause I was having a rubber band fight in the church (it was empty)... sacrilegious demon child that I was. Now they bring guns to school so maybe there was something to being terrified of yer teachers.

    NM.. I love your new title, very important sounding.Congrats on passing your test, not that I had any doubt that you would. We just had a big ole thunderstorm move through, gave everything a good watering. And I never complain about the heat, just snow and cold.

    Erin, I had to have a pelvic ultrasound during my metastatic workup, Hopefully you'll get some answers. Hope you get yer new computer soon.

    Sue, you have yer pity party anytime you want, dats what wese all here fur. But I know you and you dont have em too much. Hope you sell yer van.

    Lori, My BS doesn't want me to go more than 5 wks after chemo for surgery. I'm hoping to get it scheduled for July 31. I jst want to get this chit over with and get it behind me. I hate this damn FURB! And yes I've been a hairdresser for 40 years. I work in a retirement home now and all my clients are between 75-104. It's kinda like geriatric nursing and cosmetology all in one.

    Lala, hope you like your hair, and I hope yer feeling better.

    Cami, hope yer keepin the secret, good luck with that medical team, and those tests. Hope you get all good reports.

    gotta go pack my lunch for tomorrow, got a busy day. Good night and sweet dreams to all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    congratulations nm

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    wooo hoooo, NM, congrats to you! and yes, we all knew you would pass de test. You a smart cookie, spayshally for a dwunk hehe. 

     Hi Juliet, good to see yer face, here is a hug for ya ((((Julie))))

    Sue, you crack me up with the talk about de chit head sales people. They are a pain in de arse. oops, that was NM. my bad. I will kick mese own ewwa I will. k?

    Genny, so glad things are moving along for you. If I were ye, I would take de PS with the good bedside manner as it will suck with an ahole ps like I had. I pray that you are able to get done without complications. I can feel your pain righten now cuz I remember so well even though four years have passed since my BMX. I tink I had mine on 7/21. The hardest part WAS the wait for me. You will do jest fine. ANd ye get out of work WITH PAY AND get firm new foobies!! wooo hooo, find de bright side always!! can you tail us about your 104 year young client? Can she still communicate? That is really cool. 

    Cam, you crack me up. I hope you can keep your secret on the partays AND attend both of dem. YOu funny talking about de SIL aka DD's DH. Happy birthday to your DD and your sister too. and yes, try to stay off the phone so nutting slips out. 

    omg, so glad i pulled my kid outta Catholic school in second grade! from what I hear, those nuns were jest crazy old chits! wese not Catholic but mese first home town was not de best place to give a kid an edumacation so wese took de private school route for tree years. Me, would neber ever survive nuns, I woulda shot em! or taught them to be dwunks like mese. I used to dwink at lunch time in high school and do it legally. I was 18 in october of sr year and allowed to dwink, wuz a year before they upped the dwinking age here in Kansas hehe! oh, me funny tonight, at least me laugh at mese self, erin crack kline as Mema called me. oh chit, wow, i wanna new car too! hiccup~ oops, gotta chit. brb. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    ~ hiccup


    sawry scuuz me. please. k? i go now. cuz me dwunk waaaay earli in de ebening, oops. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    its me again, Erin Soo from Kansas (Wichita to be precise lol). 

    Well I was crashed out by the pool when KA-BooooooM, a nasty ole thunder storm and bolt of lightening bout knocked me into de pool. GOod ting dis place has round de clock life guards! 

    oh, mi mi mi, la de dah, I tink I see a HUnK at de pool, me portend to dwown now, 



    oHHHH, two? Oh mese, tanks for sending two whomeber ye are. OH BABY! I mean ohhhh babies!!!   My kinda boys, oh hell yeah! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    PS Halloween is jest around de korner.....hiccup~ mese dwunk at six aye em, oopsies! 


    Dis guy showed up for an interview for life guard at de HTL pool. oh mese, chit, help me. can ye all say yay or EWWWWW ?????

    Erin - EWW

    HOT - Nay - GOOSE EGG (sawrie, hiCCup, I twyings hard to make a de sense k? foygive mese dwunken obnoxshuss ewwA! a$$ gegege i mean hehehehe, oh heck, not sure what me means to sez cuz I has NO idea what me talking bout here. speaking of..... where is my goil CHrissY B from OZ? I gotza secret, well near sewet for ye, check in NOW. RUN RUN RUN. goils, see CHrissY B run, run run run. as in arrr      YOU      ennnn, R U N. hehe. lubs mes e goils I do. hey, I am hungrym could go for an eggy or sumeting sweet hmmmm. eggg n sugar pimp daddy o? oh mise. i go. 


    for de recird, goose egg meana zero. or as me fellow Asian friends say, ah-see-roah. Mese fwends r silly too! 

    Photo: Be proud to be different.

    yutptrtd this crazy keyboard maked me dwink. so ok, de above sez it all bout me. speaking of ... mese sese a goil running teheheburpHE!!!! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    me so cwazy, make me stop NOW


    IN DE NAME OF LUB .............

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    b4 ye break me fart 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Gonna be a pretty day
    today.Woke up to Sadie nudges and
    kisses about 15 minutes before the alarm went off.She know right where to stick that cold wet
    nose to get the best results, that's for sure!Thanks everyone for the congrats, now don't let me get a big head!

    you!Glad the test was a nothing thing
    to go through.And that it sounds like
    things were looking good, now it's just waiting for the biopsy results to be
    sure?Sounds like you have an
    interesting family, don't we all?The
    more I hear about Catholic schools the more I'm glad I didn't go to one!Talk about scary!

    Genny--Glad you got
    to meet the PS's and get their opinions.Can I ask why radiation if you have BMX?Radiation only treats the breast tissue, if most of it is going to be
    removed, and has already been treated with chemo, why rads?Just curious.I've heard of clicker training for dogs, didn't know they did it to
    kids, too!And I do think things were
    better in school when children dealt with consequences of their actions and
    choices, rather than being taught to blame their parents or environment or
    genetics or whatever.Thanks for the
    kind words!I know many of my patients
    really look forward to their hairdresser appointments, it can be the highlight
    of their day or even week!


    Erin--Thanks, not
    bad for a drunken lush, huh?I went
    through the change in legal drinking age, too.Could drink legally for about 6 months after I turned 18, than had to
    wait until I was was kinda weird,
    I've got to admit.Was able to drink for
    a while in high school, went off to college and couldn’t drink until I was a
    senior!Wow, gotta watch out for that
    lightening!Although worth it to get
    some attention from the Lounge Life Guards! Ah, nay on the Halloweenie Life
    Guard!And I do admit I am crazy, and I
    don't care, in fact I enjoy it!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Hot Nun

    1 1/2 oz Frangelico
    Hazelnut Liqueur

    (Fill to Top) Water

    1 tbsp Honey

    3 Clove

    Lemon Peel


    Pour frangelico into
    a brandy snifter glass. Add honey, lemon peel and cloves and fill snifter with
    hot water.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    LDB, mese lubs you dream and I'll be praying big time dat it's all Arthur's fault. Good luck on the new veHICle, I hope you got to stay home.

    Wacko, going back to work is going to be odd, eh? Glad you went to the docs. When is the US? And I thought you were gonna share pictures of your yard? LOL, I can see you in a Catholic school. OMG, did you really stay up until 6 in the ayem? How did things go looking for a place for your DD? I vote goose eggs on the halloweenie dude too.

    Champagne Celebration indeed NM. We knew you would pass. Congrats to you and all of those letters!!! The only one I know is RN. You have every reason to wear that big head. Sadie nudges gotta be better than any alarm clock.

    Cami, your brain is NOT anywhere near that area. And why would your SIL "assume" you won't make it? I hope you feel good for both parties. Where is the party for your sister?

    Genny, are you seeing both of the PS's again? I hear ya on wanting to get this done and over with. The girls here will have some great advice for you, things to prepare at home and for yourself prior to and after surgery. Wow, 104 years old, amazing. Does she have family that visits her?

    All of the nun stories have been enjoyable, do they still teach in the schools? Did they have to go to college to get a teaching degree?

    Heading out in the morning for my procedure, then prolly a weeks wait for the biopsy results. UGH, I just hate this! Thanks everyone for your support. What would we do without each other???


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Genny - I'm sure you have done extensive research on radiation, but I came across a very interesting site you might want to check out.  It talks about the different radiation techniques that are now avail.  As opposed to radiation beams.  And it does state that it should be done if lymph nodes are involved or if the tumor was greater than 5cm after a bmx.  Here is the link if you're interested.  I think it's so cool that you do hair for the elderly gals, bet you make their day.

    NM - Congratulations!!  Course we knew you'd make it, and no, I don't see your head swelling.  LOL.  My Bella woke me this ayem, pawing at my hand, so I'd rub her belly.  Still a pleasing way to wake up.  That a funny story bout u n ur brother dealing wif the toopid car salesmen.  By dh was so insulted one time by a young cocky guy, he said 'we're leaving'...Mr Cocky's manager came running out to stop us, we didn't, then we get calls at home from her.  Mese tinks Mr Cocky got fired...good I say.

    Lowee - no I didn't have to go yesterday.  DH wants me to research 2 he has his eye on.  And he might get a relief at work early so we can go back and get one or the other today..Oy Vey, don't like it.  Ya kno, I never knew if the nuns were college degree teachers, I kno most of em were jes plain mean.  I'll have to ask my cousin Ginger, she teaches at a Catholic school in Phx, she'd know.  That pic is eggzackery what they looked like in my day.  In the meantime, I will be sending nuttin but positive energy, and lots of prayers wif you tomorrow, but mese is sure all gonna be fine.  And at least ask, if they can call you with the results...they gotta kno that the waiting is extreme stress and you don't need that.  Mayb they'll say yes.  (((Lowee)))

    Er-Wacko - goose eggs on dat last guy...I'll share the other 2 wif you.  You cwacking me up wif all ur posts. Saw one of the old Supreme gals on the Talk the other day and they all sang that Stop in the name of love chorus.  Was too cute.  YES...I am weird and don't give a rats arse...I like meself jes fine!

    Cami - glad the test wasn't too painful.  ya had mese cwackin up tho bout telling doc about your position on da table...LMAO, and no ur brain not down der u silly goil.  I say save your energy for ur sister and bil party.  What does Joey say?  But then I can understand going to DD's jes to aggravate her dh...sounds like a real diq. 

    Julie - where you been, how u doing?

    Missing some other bwesties too...hope all doing ok!!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS and WEBK's out to all today!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    good afternoon all

    believe me, praying that arthur ritis is in the building

    cammi=snorted tea Happy

    nm-sadie kissesHappy

    staying on days, 2 weeks to the wedding now,put on 6lb so hope dress will fit. went to the gym this morning  ,there was guy who was the spitting image of gaston from the beauty and the beast, wearing skin tight lycra leggings and tucked in t shirtShocked and he was flitting from machine to machine,doing about 4 reps them moving on, made me feel better about my work out with the personel trainer.  ok need to do some house work now

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Sue Thanks for the info link and no, I've done very little research on radiation at this point. I've been so caught up in learning about ILC, chemo and mastectomy and breast reconstruction I have not gotten too much into the radiation thing other than 1 visit with the RO. It's next on my to do list. We do know for sure that there are at least 2 lymph nodes involved and tumor  2.5-3 cm. And yep that's xactly what the nuns looked like in my day but without the smile.

    NM I know you are not a fan of radiation. I have a lot to learn. I'm told I need it to the chest because of risk of recurrence to the incisional line and the chest wall. I'm not sure I'm convinced that the benefits outweigh the risk so I've got a lot of reading to do. If you have any links for me or articles I'd love to read them. I don't argue with the need to radiate the axillary but I'm not convinced about the chest.

    Lori, no I'm not seeing both PS's again. I ruled 1 out pretty quickly, not only did he not have much in the way of bedside manner but he kept looking at my husband when talking instead of me and he was from India and kinda hard to understand. I called my BS today and told her which one I wanted and my preferred surgery date which is July 31. They are going to call the PS scheduler and get back with me. I'm hoping to know by tomorrow.

    Erin funny posts, I like your lifeguard, I think we should all go swimmin n dwinkin at yer pool.

    My 104 yr old lady has a better memory than me, She was a teacher and is very intelligent, is an avid reader and belongs to the book club. And she tells it like it is. She walked with just a cane until she was 100, now she is transported via wheelchair but can walk short distances with assistance. She'll be 105 in October. She had 1 daughter that died the other lives close by and comes all the time. She has a private duty aid with her every day but is alone at night. I think about half of my clients are over 90 and a lot are completely independent, some of them still drive. It's a high end place and expensive. Most of them are quite well off. I do like it, I rent my chair so I'm self-employed. So no Erin I don't get any pay when I'm off. Been there about 8 yrs now.

    Hi Cami, and Juliet and everbody else gotta go pour myself a glass of wine and do my radiation research, tomorrow I go to the dentist. Haven't seen Nora in 3 weeks! My son and wife r bringin her to me on Sunday, can't wait!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Lounettes!TGIF, Circ de Soliel this
    evening, lovely weekend coming up, life is good!They are predicting snow on top of Mt.
    Katahdin tonite.Some places in the 40's
    this ayem.Welcome to summer in Maine!

    Goldie--Sadie nudges
    are definitely better than alarm clocks, any day! Hope the procedure went
    smoothly, praying for quick, and B9 results!

    Mema--it is nice to
    wake and immediately make a furbaby happy, isn't it?I's say it would be good if Mr Cocky's
    manager fired his lil cocky!

    Julie--sounds like
    nice eye candy at the gym, that always helps!

    Genny--I'm glad to
    hear you are doing your research on rads.I'll see if I still have the article I was reading way back when I was
    doing my research.I see lots of people
    in their 80's and 90's that are still quite independent and certainly clear of
    mind!Fascinating people to talk

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Adrenaline Juice

    1/2 fifth Vodka

    1 pint Everclear

    1 pint Watermelon

    1 liter Sprite

    pinch (Add To Taste)

    1 can Red Bull


    -Made by the gallon

    -after all
    ingredients added then add a 5 hour energy shot

    -slowly stir for
    foaming effect

    -place in freezer to
    keep cool

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---my thingy on top still says this board is still under recon or something. Whatever.

    I totally missed yesterday I slept so so much, only answered the phone for work and I think I made some mistakes but they don't dare tell me, haha after I said I was going thru this horrendous prodecure without being put out so I would be able to take calls as soon as I got home. MEN such silly species.

    Genny did we go to the same school, my nuns had those clickers and each click meant something and the boys had one side of the playground and we had the other side.And there was an imaginary line u couldn't cross, yea right and if we got caught it was a big deal that we talked to boys because it could lead to something and none of us had any idea what. And I remember asking Jesus was a boy and all the girls talked to him,
     And we were not allowed to talk to a priest alone in public --NOW I KNOW WHY, or let them hold our hand- NOW I KNOW WHY LOL My nuns were the Sisters of Notre Dame and if u gals did go to Catholic school u understand how scary they were and guilt was a subject we were taught. I think that's why I refuse guilt today to waste my emotions, to many other things to be happy about. Oh they did have college degrees and some were also nurses that went into teaching of course the church paid for all their education and some went on to get higher degrees and they taught all subjects.

    NM I  like those DOTD--and I love the way dogs wake u up, cats are more difficult mine tosses things off my end table to make noise, brat

    Julie 2 weeks away--holy chit already. Pics Julie, I'm always yelling about them and I never post any. LOL U women are so beautifully wonderful I just like to see u and I feel good about even getting to know you better and better and loving you.

    Lori my love we are all waiting with u and praying we want nothing to be wrong with u but Arthur and it's a good chance it is.

    Oh there will be about 50 people at my nieces home for the party for my sister and BIL, but she's been blessed with a lot ot money and her house is huge, Joey calls it the castle and it very homey and comfortable we have Christmas there every year and she's also had cancer big time but never complains, like her mom. But she never got recon, which now I'm glad actually. She married her HS sweetheart and he is absolutely wonderful and is a great dad and nephew to me. And I talked to my cousin last nite and she's all excited too and hasn't spoken to my sister on purpose or kept the conversation short--we both big mouths--and I really think my sister doesn't know a thing aand she goes to her kids a lot just for lunch or dinner cuz they all live just a couple of blocks from each other so that should help.

    OH I've been blabbing like crazy but it quick shower day, yes I have different kinds of showers but always smell wonderful and my DD went to Bath place and bought me Forever sunshine body lotion s I'm using it today. smelin'good.

    genny I bet u can't stand not seeing Nora for ll this time, it's to long.

    I LUBS u all and really mean it



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Lowee - ya kno we are all pulling fer ya. Know ya won't get the results right away, but I still say ask em to call.  Hope you feel all our loving arms around ya today...(((BIG HUGZ LOWEE)))

    Cami - that reconstruction is just for the 'Search' feature, so we are safe unless we go lurking for someone LOL.  Your niece and her dg sound like wonderful peeps.  My moms eldest sister (of 6) was the most well-off and her house is still, after over 50 years, used for Thanksgiving, Christmas, NewYears, SuperBowl and Easter.  I remember thinking as a kid how humongous it was.  Pool, tennis court, lots of their land bathed in cotton and watermelon fields.  Uncle even had his own plane.  Used to fly my cousins to Vegas.  Stayed at the Sands or Stardust, can't remember.  He was a high roller so they stayed in a (chit can't member what they called it) but was one of several little houses out back.  But loved it when they came to Vegas, I'd have sleep overs, do the pool, shopped too.  They bought cuz I was a poor lass.  I agree with the 'guilt' thing and I too have given that up, too much energy that could be used on positive things.  Ok, sweet smelling Forever Sunshine, hope you have a fun weekend at da parties.

    Genny - Glad you will do some more research.  Mayb if you have to, you can shorten the rads to chest wall and concentrate on acillary?  Just a thot.  If I had gone with the bmx, they would have had to rad my chest wall b4 recon too.  But at my dx we knew it was in the spine and ribs, so I get that.  Hoping you get your surg date you want.  I think my gd, Maddy, was missing mema and papa after we got her back home.   2 nights ago I get strange text from my DIL, asking us to please reconsider moving back to Vegas so we can be closer and see more of the gk's.   NOT gonna happen...much as I love em, we kno we wudn't survive as peacefully there.  And peace and NO stress are huge on my list.  We just have to convince their parents to 'meet us 1/2 way' when it comes to visiting.  I'm rambling, but glad you are close enuf to see Nora just about any time.

    NM - now that is a DOTD I could get into!!  Well I say that, but I can't drink like I used to.  And I remember even in my day, everclear was an arse kicker, so I'd have to tea-tote this dotd.  Yay spring finally arrived in Maine, I wudn't mind 40o mornings as long as it was dry!  Hey, really, you are going out to see circ or is it something on tv?  Sounds like you have a mauvelous weekend, you so deserve so enjoy enjoy!

    Morning Julie wherever u b!

    Where is the rest of our crew??  ErWacko from Kansas, JeanBean from NanuNanu, is Red in Italy yet?  Where's Cyn, 4Sew, Lara too?

    Well where ever ya'll are...ya kno what I sez all the time.....LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS to da MOON!!


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    10 nails lifted and one with pus. Eww. Started antibiotics. Just poopy farts!

    Glad everyone is well. Lori and Genny praying for you. NM have fun. Cami enjoy the party. Lara??  Erin enjoy the last few days off!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    hI everyone life is busy Im pooping in

    all clear of everything yes NM they gave me three diflucan pills I have zero zip nothing even done with the tooth thing

    I helped my friend clen yesterday three houses one house had 8 bathrooms I am sorry but really? Even if I had the money no way would i have eight bathrooms. The master bath was huge then to the right another bathroom wtf??? How the other half live interesting

    anywho never doing that againI am in pain dumb to do but got 100 bucks for the day

    MRI did not show anything but I was there only for 15 minutes. My bone swells up so someone needs to do somthing I have follow up apt

    wed my tats are being done aeroles. Scared about this because if I hate them I will go freako I feel like the nips are not even and one is on the scar line one is not so mybe it will trick the eye making me look normal all this makes u weak mentally I have been out of my normal life because its hard to deal and all the surgeries,but I am trying to keep going here

    Congrtas NM

    Juliet lyrica and gym I scanned u most b looking sexy hot

    Hi Goldie

    Genny bad nuns they would hit u with rulers right>

    Hi princess

    erin soo let us kno wwhat happens with the doc apt

    Cam  u missed a day no big deal

    love to all


    Hi mema

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Just trying to wake up here---My kids went out last nite, and they always stay over t their friends so Joey and I have our alone nite. He said remember the old days when we did this every weekend? The old days that goofy kid is 10--he rubs my back all the time when he gets done he says Now that's sugar baby girl. Oh well.

    Lori we're all thinking about you and praying my best for u. I love u girl.

    Sue I think sometime it's best for a little distance, I know I feel that way about my DD1, I never did til she got married and she does have a bonus DD but I tried to get close but she's nice to me but it's not the best and unfortunately my DD's husband is an a$$hole, I would love it if my DDs hubands liked each other but not one like hm so my dear SIL goes along with things for my sake. My sister has 4 girls and all their DHs get long so well and they are all sweethearts too they go on vacation together and do so much together and they all married men with money so they all live comfortable--And on top of it they are wonderful Dgts and moms and nieces. I always remind my sister how blessed she is knowing how they are and she knows it too. Oh well.

    Lara how in the hell did u do all that cleaning??? 8 bathrooms alone is like a days work. U have to be sore, I get sore thinking about it--just relax today if u can.

    I'm on early and just let the dog out he's happy outside sometimes so he stays there for a while.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend--I'm not sure about going to my DD's house today so many people there and I'll barely see her I know how this goes, Leslie wants to go just to ruin his day so her and Joey might go--Joy doesn't even like those people cuz his aunt acts so differently. Oh I keep on going back to this--I'll stop now promise.

    OK maybe I'll be back later so I LUBS u all so much. U pull out the sanity in me. MUAH 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, yesterday was quite
    the day.Car broke down, not sure what's
    wrong with it.Got a loaner for the
    moment.So I've got to go out and make a
    couple of visits this morning to make up for lost time yesterday.But I did go to a dinner and show last night,
    saw Circ de Soliel (sp?), it was GREAT!Met
    some nice people to chat with.Front row
    center seats.Amazing show!So a rather rough day ended wonderfully.

    Cammy--Oh oh, I
    think your cats have been talking with Sadie!If I don’t respond to the nudges, cold wet nose to the neck or a bark,
    she knocks something off the bedside stand!Amazing how they know just what will get our attention, isn't it? Boys
    and girls had to stay separate on the playground in Catholic school?Were brothers and sisters allowed to live in
    the same home after school? I've got to admit I don’t understand a lot of that
    stuff, but I'm sure there is some logic to it!BTW--Baptists do the guilt thing pretty well, too!Your nice sounds like a wonderful woman and
    well blessed, too!

    Mema--yes, I went
    out to see the show.There is a new
    auditorium/conference center, this is the first time I've been in it, and it is
    beautiful!I keep drifting off into
    daydreams about the show this ayem.

    PRN--Yuck!Poopy farts, indeed, so not fair.Are you working during treatment?If so, please be very careful to keep
    yourself safe and not pick up anything.

    ORLA--Hooray for all
    clear!Praying that the tatts come out

    Cammy--family drama
    is so crazy, sometimes!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    The 'mello' Drama

    3 parts Cinnamon

    3 cubes Ice

    1 wedge Lemon

    5 parts Cranapple

    2 dashes Soda Water


    ***This drink should
    be made with Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. You can however user Cinnamon liqueur
    if you don't have it****

    Pour the 3 parts
    Cinnamon whiskey into your glass with the 3 ice cubes. Then add 5 parts
    Cranapple juice. Squeeze the lemon wedge well into the glass and drop it in.
    Finally add 2 dashes of soda water and stir.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Hi ladies. Just fed the furbabies, letting DH sleep in. I gave him 1 of my Xanax last night and put him to bed, he hasn't been sleeping so well, I think it did the trick. It's been raining here for 2 days, we really needed it but time to stop now. Feeling good these days, last chemo next Friday, wish I didn't have to do it but at least it's the last one. Seems like that pic I posted with all my drinking buds at the restaurant before I started was another lifetime ago.

    Cami, seems every family's got to have 1 a$$hole doesn't it? Your sister is very lucky. We did have one of those in my family once but fortunately I divorced him. Maybe you and Joey can just make an appearance have some food ruin the a$$hole's day and leave. At least you'll get dinner out of it, and ruining his day might be time well spent. I just love your Joey what a sweetie he is. My nuns were Ursula nuns and the other catholic school had the Notre Dame nuns and we were jealous of that school cause they got to have cheer leaders at the football games but the Ursulan nuns thought they were indecent. And we used to have to go outside for recess for at least 30 minutes every day (in Ohio!) we were allowed to wear pants on the playground but not put them on or take them off in the school.... yep, that's right.. so we'd huddle around each other and slide our pants on, then when the bell was about to ring we'd huddle around and take our pants off. Those women were crazy!

    Lala, sounds like you need a long bath and some rest, wow 8 bathrooms I agree wtf? Unless you've got like 14 people living there. I grew up in a 4 bedroom ranch house with 4 brothers and 1 1/2 baths. 7 of us and 1 shower. I used to go in the 1/2 bath and repeatedly flush the toilet so my brothers would get scalded and get out of the shower. Then I'd run in my bedroom and claim to have nothing to do with it. Hey desperate times called for desperate measures. Anyway, I hope your tats go well and your boobies are beautiful when done.

    NM looks like you had fun at Circ de Soliel, always thought it would be fun to see. Sorry about your car, hope you don't have to work too long today. Hope you get to have some Sadie time this afternoon. And no there was no sense to the nuns, they just made up crazy rules cause they had no idea how the world worked.

    PRN so sorry about your nails that just sucks big time. Ugghhh... sounds awlful. How are you feeling otherwise? Getting your old athletic self back? Have you started rads yet? I'm thinking about doing a 5k on the 4th of July. It's for pediatric brain cancer in memory of a local girl here where I live. I've done it for about 7 yrs and it's only 10 days out from my last chemo so I won't make any kind of time but figured I could at least jog it.

    Sue, I'm thinking I might just dig in my heals and refuse the rads until 6-8 wks after my surgery. I feel the risk to my healing far outweighs the risk of waiting 3 or 4 extra weeks. We'll see how much of a hard time they give me but hey it's ultimately my decision. What a blow that must've been to find out you had the FURB and the mets right off the bat. It just sucks, you and I are the same age, it's just not what we're supposed to be doing now. Well for any of us for that matter, a lot of em' younger than us and it sucks for everybody and now I'm rambling. So I'll change the subject... I miss my Nora so much, I've never gone this long without seeing her. If they don't come to me tomorrow I'm going there. I wish I could just go get her and keep her all night but her mom says not till she's done breast feeding, cause if she gets too many bottles she refuses the boob. Anyway she has said all along 6 months which she will be on July 5th so I hope my DIL sticks to the plan. she's an hour away so it'd be nice to get her and keep her overnight. How far away is your Maddy?

    Erin, hope you get yer new computer soon. Enjoy the rest of your time before you go back to work. Hope all your tests come back ok.

    Lori, thinking about you everyday, hope the biopsy went fine, we're all prayin' for arthur.

    Well this has gotten much longer than I intended so I'l just say hi to everyone else. Hope you all have a great Saturday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Julie, sorry about those 6 lbs, good luck on losing them. Sneaky little boogers. I had to look up Gaston, I don't get to see too many Disney things. Where is the wedding going to be? It's a neice, right?

    Genny, how horrible of that doc to just look at your DH as if you were not there, when this is ALL ABOUT YOU! I wish you all the best in your decisions and the outcome. Wow 3 weeks with no Nora, I'll bet there is a big change in her....ENJOY! Your clients sound adorable. Do you do the men too? Do you ever take Emma there?

    NM, which Cirque did you go see? I love those acts. Wow, front and center? Glad it made up for the day you had, and didn't you have car problems recently? Seems like I remember you having a rental. LOL at brothers and sisters allowed to live in the same home after school.

    Love your num story Cami, I'll bet you have lots more you could tell. And when did the nuns quit teaching? Tomorrow is the party for your sister, and today is DD's party, is that right?

    Sue, I couldn't imagine living in Vegas either, but how sweet that they want you closer.

    PRN, so sorry about your nails, and so long after being done with chemo, AND infucshun on top of it. This IS the disease that is known to keep on giving!

    Lala, I wouldn't want 8 bathrooms either, but if you have somebody else to clean them, what the hell? I didn't know a bone could swell. Good luck with the tats, and congrats on the clean MRI.

    OMG, Joey givin you some sugar Baby Girl. Gosh I love that boy, you are sure blessed to have him, and him you.
    Genny you say your drinking buds pic seems like another life time, to me it seems like it was just yesterday!

    Genny you say your drinking buds pic seems like another life time, to me it seems like it was just yesterday! One more and done! Will time for a celebration party. Too funny about flushing the toilet on your brothers. Ut oh, sounds like no Nora today. SadThumbsDown

    Procedure wasn't too bad, all in all about a 4 (sorry nurses) at worst, anxiety a 10+. Of course I cried several times, and several times once on the table, or maybe it was non stop. The doc was very sweet to me, and I think had the nurse give me extra of whatever it they give you for relaxation, as you do not go to sleep. Walking hurt after I got home, as they had to go through muscle. Not bad this morning at all, but I think I will not over do it. They said results in 3-5 days, which I'm pretty sure doesn't include the weekend. So I should know something by Friday at the latest. A HUGE heartfelt thanks to all of you, for your support, love and prayers.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    hello ladies...

    Cami that Joey is just the best ever! problems stink. I work in the office part of the hospital now.  I am a Behavioral Health case manager.  Not to many jumping bugs.

    Lara...I lubs me some good bathroom but sheesh..8 is enough!  LOL

    Genny..I am feeling really good. 8 weeks PFC.  Eyes dried up.  I am down 22#. I feel more like I have my body back.  I am exercising about 3-4 times a week, biking or running.  My labs are back to normal but my endurance is not.  My hair is growing and I am taking Biotin and B6 and B12. My nails are just a pain since they are lose it is hard to pick up things.  And you don't realize  how many times you get your hands wet!  I wear gloves as much as I can and use hand sanitizer. I prefer soap but what can I do.

    Lori...Those procedures are so scary and we medical folks try but often can't help take the fear away.  I'm hoping it will all be well.  Take a light day today for sure.

    Mema, 4, beanie, Erin.....  thinking of you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Photo: Happy Friday lovelies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    just saw the above on facebook and had to share for our fur baby loving loungettes.

    Lori, glad to hear from you, keeping the prayers coming. I am glad the biopsies are over, time to relax and get back to life. I love you girl.

    NM, sorry bout your car break down, crud. Glad you are able to get a loaner car, makes it more tolerable. I am envious that you had such great seats at the thing that I can not pronounce or spell, I call it de circus. lol. 

    oops, cant stay as my brother is on his way over for a late fathers day visit. we have been playing phone tag all week and finally hooked up.

    prayers for Princess, Genny and Sue in addition to the usual prayers going out for Lori, Camille and all of my goils. I love you all and hope to catch up later.

    oh Lala, good to see you. Yes eight bathrooms is a bit excessive. I am overwhelmed with cleaning my two lol. LOve you.

    peace girls, and lots of love to all.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Hi Ya'll!!  I just want to say....find the song sung by Michael Bolten...I love his voice.  Name of song is I think, 'Lean on Me'.  I want you all to kno that I could only think of my bwesties when I heard it a little earlier and jes started sobbing cuz it's what I think we all feel for each other.  If I knew how to paste the link from utube, I would,...but it's beyond me. 

    Want you all to feel the lubslubslubslubslubs from da depth of mese fart heart!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Sue I love Michael Bolton's voice, if I could I would put it up for you but I can't but we can always look it up, I know how to do that.

    Princess u sound good and I'm so happy. I know it sucks about u'r nails I hope they straighten out soon, well u know what I mean. U'r really coming along nicely tho. And didn't u work a lot thru this? I don't know how anyone works like u girls do after 4 mos. of chemo I had to stop working but I was lucky for the first 3 months after my first chemo I had a full paycheck cuz I used up all my time, and then I went on dis. boy did I see the difference for 2 more yrs.--I had to retire at least I have some pension and SS but I really wanted to work for a few more years I was making decent money--oh chit I'm moaning about nothing.

    Erin I like the doggie thing.--I never watch Big Bang before ever and now I watch it on TBS but since I've never seen it it's hysterical, I love this show.

    Anyway I've planned what I am wearing tomorrow and my turquoise jewelry will match perfectly, I thought then I saw the flowers on the bottom are purple, yellow and pink now I have to find my puple jewely and I have mine in like 5 different places chit. I could wear pink I know where most of that is, or even yellow but purple is the main color. I hae loads of jewelry and stuff cuz I was a shopper on HSN and QVC for yrs when I worked and I'm glad now I didn't buy fad jewelry, so it's fun to pick it out since I don't wear it every day now. I just enjoyed buying it so much and bought loads for my DDs for presents so now I can wear Leslie's too. This is such a stupid subject can u tell I took my pain meds?????

    Oh I'm praying so hard thru the day for u girls and Lori right now I'm pray a little extra for u--(Sue too) I think I'm nagging more than praying sometimes--I even said a Novena, I haven't done that for years--but they have them on the Catholic thread and I pray on there.

    OK I'm done, I did have some calls this morning so I worked for a few hrs. My BIL called and I didn't answer I know I'd say something so he left a message---his message was Oh now that u'r working again u'r to effin (but he says the word) busy to talk to me? Those are the kind he always eaves for me and yet he doesn't swear in front of any other woman , well my sister of course I don't know why I love him so much. Yes I do, he has always been there for me at 2AM or 4PM if I call him just to talk he has never not talked to me in 55 yrs. U gotta love a man like that. Oh he's not like that to my sister but he really loves me and she says it too. See I'm still writing about nothing Oh mese Oh mice I have to think thrice to stop.

    I LUBS u all so much

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Sue, that is a great song for us. And links are easy to paste, once you bring up the song on youtube, you just highlite then copy the link, then paste it here. 

    Here is your song.\

    Cam, I love your yack yacking stories, never stop, k? 

    ok, just woke up after crashing out at the computer, time for beddy bye! nighty night goils, sweet dreams and prayers going up for all of you great ladies.
