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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    I'm here life has been nutty

    Today are my tats nervous Its so perm

    I'm sorry I was away 

    Ill fill u all in later

    I have to read bk


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Good morning loungettes. Well, looks like Arthur and Ned stood me up Sad. Got the call yesterday from my onc, biopsy positive, which is what I figured. 80% ER, 0% PR, breast cancer in the bone (right hip). Very small and no pain, so he doesn't think I need any radiation. Xgeva shot once a month and hormonal therapy (which I have to decide which one). Aromasin, daily pill or Foslodex, once a month shot. Any inputs out there? My other dilema is, do I tell my family? I posed the question to my UPS driver, he about the same age as my kids, and he said he would want to know if it were his mom. As for my mom, I really don't want her to know and worry. Plus she will hound me constantly, how are you feeling, when is your next shot, how is your hip, when do you go back to the doctor, how are the hot flashes, etc. Doc says I can live for a long time with this, even 10 years! Stop treatment and still live another few years.

    Genny, glad you got another entire day with Nora and her giggles and smiles. And I don't think she looks like she has a baby mullet! My second chemo cocktail was Taxol and it took every bit of hair I had left, which was eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, nose...well, you get the picture!

    Julie, you are getting ready for the wedding...wooo hoooo! Good luck on your blood work. You and Cami are the best smellin goils around!

    Cami, I saw on the news this moring, looks like you had some wicked weather?

    Wacko, bummer you missed out on the US, darn kids just had to go to da pewl! Are you gearing up for going back to work? Is you DD showing her baby bump? How is she feeling? And you can't go to any other bar, I've been told you are banned. 4 TENDERS???

    4, looks as tho you have some things that need checking out. I hope all is ok and will be praying for you as well. LOL at your payment for consult from the nurses. Looks like you are paying before you get any consults! Is that a bribe? Your kids are adorable, you know how we like pictures.

    NM, we're all up for a party, ANYTIME! Cigarette smell in the loaner? Any rental we've ever had always said NO SMOKING. Hoping you don't get any surprises wif your car. Good idea to have Genny keep a lock of Nora's hair. LMAO, an herb...yes it's an herb!!! Tequilla Rose, YUMMMMM!

    I hope everthing is ok Lala, good luck on the tats little one.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OH Lori FURB dammit----I feel so bad I was praying so hard. I know this doesn't help but my sister gets that shot every month and she's doing well, actually she just changed to every 8 weeks. It better work that way with you too. And I don't blame u for not telling u'r mom she's not close enough to help u, but personally I think anyone else u choose to tell--tell. I think u'r kids should know but I know u feel certain ways about things. My sister also takes Famara, but I'm sure that just what her Onc. might use--she likes that combination for it. She's been getting that shot  for 6 yrs now and when she talks to  her nurse the nurse said  they have very good luck with that. Well she started with  adripthe first couple of years, but then the shot was used and she sys she feels beter on the shot than the IV--I know the nurses know much more but that's what I know about this--(((LORI)))  and so many (((HUGS))) I wish I could do that in person. I love u and will still be praying.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Morning Girls!!

    Trying to poop at least once a day!  Oops, I mean poop into the lounge that is!!

    Good Luck with the tatts today LaLa!!

    Lori, I am crushed for you.  Great positive attitude though.  Like I told Sue, NO expiration dates!  Only Best-If-Used-By dates!!  ILC is such a sneaky FURB.  I am so sorry you have to deal with this again.

    NM, I love thunderstorms!!  at graft was from thighs to small fin so the stem cells and newly establishing blood supply will get to work turning the rad damage around so I can eventually get another TE and implant.  The Staph was back in February when my incision split 6 weeks post op after implant swap.  Because of the stupid ice storm I could not drive to hospital and got the infection so implant removal resulting in small fin problem.  Staph culture was negative within 10 days of removal.  Skin is just still moddled looking and gets darker later in the day.  And sometimes it itches like crazy!!!

    The rest of you girls have a great day.  My parents are here so I gotta run.

    Did someone say swimming????


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Lowee - tears a flowing right now.  But also very very happy this was caught Early.  I have been on the Xgeva since dx, every 6 weeks but it should b every 4, but it's been working so ok.  It's a belly shot in case they didn't tail u that.  But that's been OK too.  I took the aromasin since Sept of '11, have been off of it since recurrence and starting this TDM1.  I thought my hot flashes and night sweats went bye-bye when I stopped, but they are back and raging.  I blamed the aromasin, but apparently that was not the cause.  Point is, no se's with aromasin for me, but if you are going to travel somewhere for Xgeva, why not get Folsodex at same time.  Putting my arms around you giving you BIGGEST HUGZ.  Glad Cami chimed in, cuz knowing someone who this tx is working for is always worth a WooHoo!

    Not sure about telling your mom, guess that's gonna b ur decision, but as a mom, even in my condition, I would be very upset if one of my kids kept something like this from me.  Of course, I don't hound them, they actually hound me...naw, j/k, well kinda not.  Sleep on it, you'll make the right choice.

    My MRI showed the lesions have shrunk.  So I am allowed to drive again.  No more steroids either.  This is good news.  Will be having more scans in mid-July, chest, ab, pelvic.  Been super nauseous and sometimes pain right side under rib cage.  Thot liver, but enzymes look good.  May be gall bladder.  Anywho...gotta pick up my anti-nau script today.  Really hate the feeling.  Also now wondering if my headaches are an se of TDM1.  Started Monday night after my treatment, took Fioricet, woke with it yest morning...more fioricet, was sickly most of yesterday.  Today it was minimal, little heat pad and coffee took care of it. 

    4 - wow, sounds like your plate is full too.  Hope our nurses can help ya.  Love the pics, your Maddy is so pretty and your son handsome, what is his name?  And of course...lublublub da nekkid men and LOL'd Lori calling it a bribe.

    Cami - love the story of da party.  Glad everyone was able to keep mouths shut for the surprise.  LOL'd about your cousin eating with her hands.  Your family sounds sooo cool. 

    NM - In this heat, I would welcome thunder boomies with rain rain rain.  Of course our monsoon season starts, late July into Aug.  Thing is, we get wind, thunder, lightning, but rarely much rain.  And of course...fires fires fires!

    Lara - good luck today with your tats.  Hope they turn out POYFECT!!  And don't stay away so long, K?

    Wacko - Damn....ya jes hadta make a p-p huh?  j/k...I get it, and wif ur bladder u not a good candidate for holding too much.  Don't b noivus about dat, u'll do ok wif dis test, jes don't put it off OK?  When in Nov is bump due?  Mayb on mese bday eh? 

    Julie - good been busy.  Am jealous, told myself I was gonna do mese xercise...nope..not yet anyway...ah...who am I kidding, if I don't do right away, ain't gonna happen rest of day.  Am pwoud of you and you smell soooo nice too.

    Genny - yes it is good news, and having Maddy for 9 days will b gr8.  Already told her mom that I can now drive and meet them 1/2 way.  WooHoo.

    Ladies - this time next week I will be in Reno...ya member?  Going on da road twip to Portland, Seattle, etc.  Be gone until 7-13.  I haven't decided on if I'm taking my lap top.  Prob not, just my kindle, will be able to poop in when wifi avail.  Anyway, am really jazzed, jes 3 goils, and Willie Nelson on this trip...Can't wait.  Gotta run, (I wish) Lowee, 4sew, Lara, saying lots of prayers.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    oh good Lord Lori,  I thought it would be negative. BUT sounds like a great prognosis. You are such a trooper and you will continue to be a survivor for many many blue moons with current medicine and a poyfect attitude. ((((( Lori ))))) I love you girl, if you want to talk, I am here all day. oops, gotta git my cell phone off the charger cradle ting but my bedroom. Sending up more prayers for you and hope that you and your medical team can easily come up with a treatment plan. I am relieved for you and glad they got results to you so quickly, not knowing is the WORST! Hang in there girl. And regarding telling your family, might that be a good question for Ask Joey? Camille? I would agree with telling your children but keeping it from your Mom.

    4- woo hoooo, dey some hot hot boys you send. I am not a nurse but loving the pics jest the same. SOrry about your issues, it sucks. FURB! I hope you are feeling better and get your fins in order soonliest. And rounds on your behalf cuz I missed you. I did think of you and wonder where you had gotten to but foygot to post it, sawry. Great pic of your kids, very good looking, thanks for sharing. We do LOVE pictures. Man pics and kiddie pics, all welcome here. Hugs to you. 

    I will be sitting at my office this time next week, ick. I plan on working on my resume. I found a job today for Freedom Mortgage right here in town but I cant get my new Chrome lap top to hook to my printer, apparently need another computer with the printer installed to transfer the program since this does not have a disk drive. I do plan on buying one if I get busy at work and need to work from home but for now, this will suffice. I will use my employers systems in getting my resume together. I have worked on it but have to get it finalized and cant do so without printing first. TOo hard to try to remember everything. I have side by side screens at the office to use.  I am getting used to this keyboard, I bet I have to readjust when I get to de office.  ok, enough babble about that crud chit job. ugh. it is time though.

    Lala, best wishes for natural and beautiful tats. And no peaking until the dressings are ready to come off. THey will look odd until they heal so please do not frett when you first see dems, k? HEre is a hug and I will be there with you, oops hope I am not too late. UFO, tenders, come on, make the rounds and lets to visit Lara. woah that was quick.

    Hello to eberybody else, gotta run, de UFO is here! cool beans!

    oh tanks boys, two is better than one, the other can go on de other side of the world and pick up the non US goils. see you all soon! yippeee skipppppy!~~~~~ cheeRs~!image

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    ooh mese oh mise, looks like some friendly aliens already looking after Lara. wooo, got here jest in time.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    HIya ladies,

    Sue, I bumped ya hon. Sorry! I am so happy you allowed to drive again, woooo hooooo foah shoah! 

    I had a major scare today. I got a call from my DD's cell phone but a stranger told me that my DD passed out at the Chipalte Restaurant at the local mall. I zipped over dere in mese car and they had her in the ambulance. I followed her to the hospital. All checked out well, thinking the cause was a combination of the heat and her not eating all day. She was in line for food and the woman said she started wiggling, did not know what was happening. The nice stranger caught her and kept her from hitting the floor, scary times indeed. So I need a dwink after that ~ sigh~

    Lara, I hope everything went poyfectly for you today. 

    Ultra sound tomorree. I guess there is no way to cheat and not dwink all dat nasty H2O. Gawsh, wish it was likker I had to dwink and hold, dat be ez breezy! 

    Where is Cam today? ANyone PartAYing with mese? Pleeeeeeze??? 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls, sitting here havin a glass of wine on my back porch, beautiful out, don't know if I told ya all but my shop is in a concrete room in da basement with no windows so when I get out I just want sunshine and fresh air. Lotsa rain last couple a days everything is wet wet wet. DH down in the basement working out then we're going out to dinner. Went to my MO today, decided when I get done with this chit I need to find a new one. 3 visits with her and I don't think she has a clue who I am. Not to mention she has the personality of a lamp post. And to top it off, I get there and they have no record of my appt today, of which I took a half day off work and they didn't have me down for my chemo on Friday! And it's my last one! So they did eventually get me in but I had to sit for 40 minutes. I watched Nora all day yesterday and I did cut off the baby mullet. Oh she's just so damn dat baby!

    So enough about me now..Erin you just wait till you get that grandbaby in you arm...nothing like it. Good luck wit goin back to work, hope it's not too stressful for ya. Good luck with the new job prospect. And I hope u kin git dat bladder filt up an git yer U/S. How's da puka lookin?

    Lala, glad your ok, we missed you, hope your tats are bootiful!

    NM Enjoy those storms, we've had our share lately, my son's 2 dogs were stuck to me like velcro yesterday when I was watching Nora, It was thundering and I had 1 at each knee all day. Hope works being kind to u this week.

    4, sorry to hear about your big fin, hope it all heals up soon. I know they're kinda telling me to expect complications with my recon cause of the rads. Your pics were gr8, the kids are cute and I liked tender on the beach! I think my catholic school nuns needed a little of what those other nuns were gettin'... maybe they woulda bin a little nicer.

    Cami, Hope your getting plenty of rest and are clean and smellin' purdy.

    Red, are you having jet lag? Can't believe you're back already, it went so fast. Would love to see more pics when you get time.

    Juliet, I know what you mean about the flesh and the spirit, my mind wants to work out again, just can't convince my body. 

    Sue, have a great time in Reno, you deserve it. poop in on your kindle and have fun with Willie, may have to have him come here for a visit this weekend. 

    PRN have a great vacation and hang in there I know you'll get that last marathon in.

    Lori... oh girl I'm so sorry, I told my DH tonight, in a short time you all kinda feel like family to me and I feel so bad for you.  I was so hoping for arthur. So the spots on the spine are arthur??? Just the small one one the hip, right? I think you should definitely tell your kids, they are grown they should know. Don't know about your mom. How's your DH? Anyway, you are right, you've got a lotta years ahead of you, you'll figure out the right choice for your tx....lubs lubs as Sue would say... thinkin' of ya.......

    So glad I have the bunch of ya....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone---I was stupid busy today, and everyone wanted today for things being done.--I couldn't tell them my boss's arm was in some sort of casty thing (didn't get hurt on the job) cuz people get nervous so I was doing as much on my side as I could. But the phone is now on voicemail--chit I'm done.

    Erin so exactly what happened to u'r DD--why did she pass out and hw nice they were to call u right away. Is it a pregnant type of thing? Damn I'm sure u were scared chitless but u seem to be calmer now---Oh u'r MRI thingy is tomorrow --I get so confused--to many tests around here.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Bubble Bath anyone???


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014
    1. imageLMAO 4, oh HAIL YES, shame shame shame on clothing is right! Genny, you will be alright dear. So happy that you were chilling outdoors, mese kinda goil indEEd! mese lubs de great outdoors more den anyting. It is so tranquil isnt it? I cant wait to see a pic of de Nora with her new haircut, Oh mese God, soooo furciting!  I jest smile when I read about her cuz I can see her sweet widdle face in mese mind and she CUTLIEST! 

    NM, it gonna be MUDDDDDDY here in de aye em, it finally raining. been cwaaaazy hot here. BUT I lubs lubs lubs de summer time so muchliest, hate hate hate HATE de winter. I always sez mese understand wise goils move south in DE WINTER cuz when wese git older, de farking winter time farking STINGS like a bumble bee oooop oooooop OOOOOCH! 

    oops, picSHAR came out on top, dern, cant bix it cuz mese dwunk. brb, k? OH KAYE me said. so then ........

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Cammy dahling, mese Jessica jest passed out in de line, one of doooz lines for food where ye gotta wind around de hoops and git yer food. well de food was jest too far away and de baby kinda jest trumped mese DD and sed sumting like " mese momma did not eat so mese gonna eat and take from her, and dat bcuz mese a baby and I can"... yep, de baby Logan is a widdle wippper snapper he bese! 

    oh hail, yep, dat de boy name so far. so FIRCITING! 

    lawrie, mese also told mese people about ye and de mets and dey mad at de RB too. FURB baby FURB hiccUP furb! i love ya goil. 

    oh mese oh mise, me kent see mese key board-OH cuz mese waaaaay dwunkLIEST dwunk as ken bese. like a bumble flucking bee ya know? 

    I try again


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    mese an FN penguin,ya know??????????????? HICCCFCupppp~


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014


    ~burp ooopsies 

    m3ese admire ye for going to de gym. reminds me of a joke about cookies. tail me or uhhhh remind me to tail ye de cookie yoke, it sooooo punnnnnny! ~hiccccup 

    burp OOpsIES!HICCCUP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    i go now. sleep? k 

    eh sleep is for wimps SOB mo fo hehhehehehehehehehE! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Erin....she a berry berry BAD goil. 

    dont ax dont tail. k now. bye. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014


    me SO furcited cuz me gott two a new page. 

    i go now, for realzies dis time. 

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mese gotzta git mese booty rest cuz mese booty bese TIRE ED .... or Jack.....   or Tom DICK or HAIRY!! tehehehehe! 

    lubs lubs lubs mese goils, dat a tank ye fur putting yup wif mese sawry sawry SARRRY SAD ass ~ hicccup~ ok, passing out for REALS dis time. rosemary and thyme hehehehheeee. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    attention loungers, me not trying to hog face dis page so I go. nighty night moon n stars. i go. kk, dont foyger to tank God dis night for all ye goils. BarMEN 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    (((((( Innocent goil )))))

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    Lori prayers here's a big hug

    Trying to play kech e up

    In a lot of pain showered looked at it today almost passes out I hate them

    It's like a consistent stinging and aching I have a lot feeling my ps said I feel a lot so that's good

    I do have chronditis so this is not helping the situation

    Feels like bad scrapes so I'm not looking at them my brain is saying wtf this is not u hard to cope with that for me

    Cammie busy is good no lifting it bending for 4 days on keflex and gauze for 14 days 2 x a day so I'm trying to b a good patient but it's hard dh was telling at me a lot if blood to gross so I'm going to just sit and watch TV scary movies 

    Hi big sis

    Nmrained here thunderstorms I love though

    4 feel better

    Hi genny 


    Hi mema

    Juliet hi 

    I'm missing people k poop in later

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Almost an inch of rain last
    night, still raining this ayem.Sadie
    looked at the rain, then looked at me as if to say "Do I have to go out
    there, Mom?"Poor spoiled

    Goldie--My heart
    just fell to my shoes reading the scan results.So not fair.At least it's small,
    and can be managed for a long time.Long
    enough for a cure to be found, maybe.About telling your family, that's a hard question.Sounds like your Mom would drive you nuts,
    maybe holding off on telling her would be a good idea.As to your kids, not so sure what to
    say.Maybe you could think about it for
    a few days?The loaner is from the
    dealership, isn't a rental, and I don’t' mind spraying it all over with
    Febreeze to have a car to use without paying for it!

    Cammy--I second the
    FURB dammit comment!

    4--The skin color
    and itching is probably not a problem.The blood supply to the skin gets interrupted during implant placement
    or removal, that can give a dusky color.It gets darker as the the day goes by due to gravity, it's harder to
    move the old blood uphill from the breast skin back to the regular circulation
    so some of it sits in the skin.Same
    thing as ankles or feed swelling when you are up all day, then go down
    overnight when the feet are up.The
    itching is probably the nerves in that area working on regenerating.Keep an eye out for redness, heat, the usual
    signs of infection.

    Mema--Hooray for the
    good MRI results!Hooray for being able
    to drive again!Yikes about the fires
    during monsoon season, not a good combination is lightning, wind, fire, no rain.And have a great time on your trip!

    Erin--Before you go
    to all the trouble of hooking up a second computer do a google search for the
    printer driver.Most of the time you can
    find drivers online and download directly to your computer.Go to the web site of the company that made
    the printer and start there.See you
    on the UFO! Scary 'bout DD, glad it was nothing serious, although fainting is
    serious enough!

    Genny--No record of
    your appointment?No appointment for
    last chemo?Sounds scary to me.Good thing You keep track.

    Cammy--I'm with you,
    so many tests it's hard to keep track.I'm thinking of starting a calendar for this thread just to keep myself

    Erin--yup, muddy
    here, too.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:FURB

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Jack Daniels

    1 oz Wild Turkey

    1 oz Goldschlager

    1 oz Rum

    1 oz Blueberry schnapps

    Mixing instructions:

    Mix each ingredient
    in a glass. Tilt glass 180 degrees and slam it!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    NM I love it slam it that's the only way to drink that one. We're getting rain too, so far just rain fine with me.

    Lara, u'r having a hell of a time, chit

    Erin I hope u slept good.

    Lori how are u doing this morning? I know physically u'r no doubt the same , but I mean how do u feel emotionally mor so.

    Sue u are wonderful, u have a wonderful attitude about everything. and now u can Drive----Watch out roads.

    OK I'll BBL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Cami, you say your sister gets that shot, which one? The Xgeva or Feslodex?

    4, I'll take the "best if used by" date. And that date is August 2nd, 2036! And I think NM answered your questions/concerns SPOT ON!

    LDB, no need to cry for me, I gonna be tuff jes like ewe! I think I'm leaning towards the Foslodex, as Aromasin causes bone damage, and I already did 5 years of the Arimidex, which also causes bone damage, and since the mets are in the bones......well, just makes sense to me. As for not telling my mom, her health is not all that great, in fact I'm surprised she is even still with us. Of course I'm ecstatic that she is. I will see what my brothers and my kids think about it. I'm thinking of telling them this weekend. She was asking me yesterday about my hot flashes! YAY for being able to drive and shrunken lesions....let's drink to that! Have an awesome time on your trip lady!

    Wacko, I was pretty sure it was going to be positive. As for asking Joey, I gave that a thought for a moment, but thought he might just be a little too young for that one. I'll take all of the blue moons I can get. Good luck on that resume. OMG, how scary about your DD. Did they actually take her to the hospital? She has to be more careful, she not only has herself to look after. Dwink dat water goil, dwink dat water. HUH? Baby Logan? Wese habs a boy?

    Genny, get that new MO. You do NOT deserve to be treated like that. If you have to think about it just a little, it means you need to do it. They work for you, not visa versa. I have herniated discs in my back, and some Arthur there. The spot on my spine (at the base of my neck) was not biopsied, so I imagine that is cancer as well. They only did my hip. My DH is good. And yes, we all do form a bond, that's for sure!

    Wacko, you going to bed mese arse! You say dat, and den 4 hours later you still posting! You are part vampire, I swear!

    Lara, do be careful and don't over do, you KNOW what kind of problems that causes. Give those nips some time to heal before saying you hate them, DON'T LOOK!

    NM, that rain will be good for the garden for sure. There just ain't nuttin like it. Our rain here is like Sue's, monsoon season. But if it pours, it does no good at all, except for make a mess of things and washes things out. Wowsa, that FURB drink sounds like it should be able to CURE us!

    Cami, mese tude is great. I did my time in the rabbit hole, I'M DONE WITH THAT. I ain't got time foy dat. I feel good, no pain, so why drag myself down, right?

    Heading to town later today, instead of tomorrow and might head to the mountains on Sunday for a ride. Temps here are getting into triple digits. I think I will be telling my family, and I will ask their opinion about keeping it from my mom. Thanks again for all of the love, support and hugs.....but really, many of you are dealing with much worse than I!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Genny - wow what a day.  I would be doing da tap dance in mese spiked heels on dat onco's head.  Glad tho that you got in and ARE you scheduled for last one this Fri?  After dis you go find new onco K?  Mine so kind, she even cries wif me, so they are out there.  What!!! No pic of Nora wif her new haircut...u slippin girlfriend, put em up soon K?

    ErWacko - So do ya kno fer sure bump is a boy.  I'm assuming so since Logan may b the name, but it can also be a goils name too.  So scary about her fainting....hope she carries some power bars or sumpin in da future.  Hope you got enuf sleep and do yer poopin before ya head in fer da US.  Mese be praying hard fer goot news...muah muah muah!!

    4sew - I tail ya...or mayb u wasn't here back den...but dis goil (me) suffer from Negative-O for 2+ years, (can't get none) now I do lub da nekkid boys, but, whew, sure makes me wanna go find a gigilo (sp).  Don't stop postin, jes try and find a few phone numbers too...heehee!

    Lara - so sad to hear about your Chondritis.  What tx are ur docs suggesting?  And please don't worry about your tats, give them time to heal.  They always look bad when 1st done.  Sending you big big big big HUGZ!!

    NM - Damn!!!  Love dat DOTD.  I'd be falling off mese barstool afor I cud finish jes one...woohoo.  Tank goodness I'd have all you goils and da tenders to keep me upright.  LOL about Sadie and the rain.  Even tho we get little, when we do, my Baxter (3yrs) will not, absolutely not, go out.  In fact I have caught him doing his business in the spareroom.  Bella, no problem.  Now we keep all doors shut on rainy days. 

    Loweee - You do sound more upbeat, dat is good.  And 2036 sounds like an XC-lent year for both of us.  Lets plan a vacay for 22 years from now K?  Good that you will tell you brother and kids, and I kno your mom 'best if used by' date is close, so I understand wanting to keep this from her.  She can't do anything for you and perhaps, well I kno, if she hounded you that would only cause you more stress, something you definitely don't need.  I think the shots are best too.  Where would you go, Phx? or could they mayb arrange it so you can get them in Flagstaff?  Praying hard for you girlfriend...muah muah muah!

    Gotta take pooches for their bath soon,  everyone have a GR8 day!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya'll a million/trillion!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    OOO BOOHISS ON ME...shudda said 2036 sounds like a good year for ALL of us and WE ALL shud plan a vacay that year!! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    sounds good shots and pain pills

    im bleeding a lot I better call them

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Happy THirsTdey girls! 

    I am dwinking mese water, just got a swallow to go. Then have to hold for an hour. And they better not keep me waiting longer than I have to. Oh I hate ultra sounds, especially the trans-vaginal ones. THey will hand me the scan ting and make me put it inside myself, ewwww and very embarrassing. I could not do that job, ick. So mese "fancy" as my Mom used to call it, is all clean and smelling good. TMI? lol. 

    Lara Lara, we tailed you not to hate on your tats yet, too soon. The tats will look bootiful when all done. I think your foobs are really quite lovely, I am envious of how nice they look. I can only dream. 

    Sue and Lori, you girls are a true inspiration to all.  

    I hope to join you ALL in 2036 for that big bash of a partay! I will be 96 and counting. Yikes, scary to tink about it. oops, nope, my math is off, make that 76? I needs me a quackulator to figar it all out.

    and yes, my Jessica's last ultra sound showed what appeared to be a penis. A dick, a prick hehe. that leads me to believe we are having a boy. The baby Daddy says no, that is the girl giving the middle finger. Time will tell. 

    Genny, that is crap that your onc foygot you. How could he?  I agree that once you done this treatment, find a new doctor. GOod ones are really rare but they are out there. Cant wait to see pics of Nora's haircut, come on get with it goil. JK but really would love a pic or six. She is just beautiful Genny. 

    Lori, I am nocturnal, no doubt about it. I dwink and I fall asleep in mese chair so I do sleep. I went to my bed at 5 aye em and slept there til noon. This will all be changing next week, ick! I am sorta hoping I need a hysterectomy or sumting cuz mese want to git out of work again. Oh de tings I do to escape that hell hole. The company has been very good to me over the years but really time for a change as all the good perks are gone. I skeered to make a change but have to do sumting or go crazy. or craziER! hehe.

    4, I hope you enjoying your children and finding time for YOU. summer vacation is great for the kids, not as great for most parents. oh and tanks for de eye candy, wowza wowza wowza. 

    Camille, you are always so sweet and so sympathetic to everyone yet rarely complain. You are also quite a trooper. I admire you as well as all my brave bwest fwends. We are all super heros, ya know? So give yerself a pat on the back. and give that Joey a kiss from me, just love that little man. 

    NM, poor baby had to go out in de rain, ick. They say a dogs life is the best but I would prefer not to have to pee and chit outdoors, ya know? 

    well anyone I missed, hello. I am done mese water, time to get dressed and try hard to remember not to tinkle before I leave. mese skeered I will foyget cuz mese mind is still a bit saturated with alcamahol. 

    you goils have a wonderful thirstdey and remember to dwink lots o likker! 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good evening,
    Loungettes!The rain is moving off,
    going to be down to occasional showers tomorrow.Sadie is all muddy and I keep trying to get
    her to stay in the house and dry off before bedtime but she keeps sneaking
    outside to supervise the neighborhood goings on.She may end up sleeping on the floor tonite
    if she's not careful!

    Cammy--I think you
    are right about slamming that dwinky!

    Goldie--My garden,
    small as it is, is loving the rain!Good
    idea to talk with your family about telling your mom.August 2036, hmm? I'll be 77 years old in
    2036.I think my "best if used
    by" date will be Feb 2050.Nice
    round number, and I'll get into my 90's, just like my grandmother.Yeah, I think that will work.

    Mema--I's fall off
    my barstool after SMELLING one of those!But I'd sleep well that night!

    OK, I'm in for the
    Loungette vacay of 2036.When we get
    back from that one I'll start planning the Loungette vacay of 2046!

    ORLA--I hope you've
    called them by now!Let us know what you
    find out, ok?

    Erin--ok, you will
    be 76 in '36, so you will be around for the big 2050 trip, too!Yeah!I'll finally get to meet you!Good point about the outdoor potty thing.Although it's not like I haven't done the
    outdoor potty thing. . .

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    Sitting in the hospital waiting room for my next scan. Bored, scared, nervous. 7:20pm is a lousy time for scans. I'm good, but I kinda feel like pissed off. I want to get this over and I've been waiting so long.

    I'm tired. 

    Lori, so sorry. Keep up the good attitude. {{{huggles}}}

    MemaSue glad you got your driving back!!! Yay!

    Cami, love you. You are the ultimate nurturing woman. 

    I'm tired.

    Italy was every superlative word you ever thought of times 5. Following are a couple pictures:



