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  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2014

    I'll be 79 but I don't want to wait that long. What about 2026 or even 2016 for a mass get together? And my best-before-date is 2073!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone----

    Lori I'm so glad u'r tude is good--my sister takes  the X one and takes famara, which she likes more than the other shit--she noticing just lately a little more stiffnes in her bones, but she's also 75 so we don't know. But she is amazing to me she says for the most part she feels pretty good , now she sits at a desk all day and she walks around for no reason but to lossen up her body and she goes on the treadmill every nite before bed--she takes less pain meds than I do and she sleeps with the help of Xanax --she about 20 minutes from her hospital but has a nurse that comes out for the shot, but she thinks they are going to stop that, the nurst also came and gave her the IV at home and that seemed to bother her more than the shots do, so she's glad that that's it. She never misses a Dr.'s app't ment  (she's good, not like me) and really if u saw her u'd never know by the way she walks or anything that anything has been wrong with her. And I'm praying very hard for u that u have all the same results she has had cuz like I said she is planning on retiring at the end of the summer, but she's planned that before and she doesn't so we'll see. And with u they seem like they found it fast which is always good (((HUGS)))

    Erin, believe me I'm no trooper I stay in my room for days sometimes and really Thank God for Joey--I do know that I could still live alone but I'd have to have someone in to clean that's when I get disgusted. My room looks like chit but no one bothers me about it cuz my DD keeps the house clean and straightened all the time. and no visitors come in here, that's fr sure--it's mostly clothes --I honestly think u all are amazing some of u have had so much trouble and everytime I think of u'r puka I feel upset and Sue sounds like she's a teenager just enjoying everything and I love it.

    Lara be patient I'm sure u'r nips will look good but doesn't it take a while for healing? Just take it easy.

    Damn I started this post an hr ago, I've been on the phone all this time. so


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    hello ladies

    ((((lori)))))) can you tell your mo we don't like the result ,can he get you a new one,   glad you got a treatment plan , i think we all know that helps, regards your mum,i only tell mine about doc visits after they happen  and i can give "good news",often censored,i told her mo said see you in 6 months but left out got more scar tissue  than most and the pain will take time to go

    sue -hooray for driving

    wacko hoppe dd is ok now

    4- nm explanation is spot on as usual! hope it helps

    lara, listen to the ladies on your tattoos

    red-love the pics,hope the scan is good

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Hi My Beauties.

    Have been going crazy the past couple days, heavy feeling, then check in and see our GoldBug has a FURB problem and I’m just beyond words.

    Goldie - No way can this happen. Tears flowing. As for telling your family…I was 19 when my Mom was dx and I always wanted to know what was going on, used to go to her doc apts with her and Dad. My Mom and Dad were already gone when I got dx so did not have that dilemma, but I did not tell my MIL, just didn’t want all the wrath and more books about what to eat and stuff like that, like one less hot dog and one more peach would have made a fu@kn difference. I’m in shock and beyond words. I know you though and you will do great with the new tx. I am delighted the docs know what to do. I hope you are doing okay. ((((((Goldie)))))

    Cami – That is great news that your sis does so well on de stuff Goldie may use. Femara is no biggie, I take that but just like to complain about everything.

    4sew – hope all heals up quickly!

    MemaSue – That is a great point that because Lowee takes good care it was caught early. And so glad xgeva has been working okay, that is great news!!! I’m reading and mese eeyes is blurezz, I’m in shock. So glad your lesions have shrunk and you can drive! YAY AND YAHOOOOO!!! That is awesome good news. When can we get together agin? Okay, so maybe after Reno???

    Erin – Love de UFOs! Dey is bootiful…besta luck wif de resume and job prospects. Hey, good idea, let’s get de UFO’s stocked up wif a lotta likker for Goldie and Lara and all de goils!! Wow, Erin, so glad your DD was caught and did not hit de floor, so glad she is okay. Wud wuz wrong?

    Genny – Your MO doesn’t sound too great but the back porch with a glass of wine sure does.

    Lara – I am so sorry you are in so much pain, hope you feel better soon.

    NM – So much rain today! Crazy and I was driving in sheets of it, had to put my UFO in 4-WD for a while. Finally it is clearing, I don’t blame Sadie for not wanting to go out in that. Thank you for the FURB DOTD, I’m just saying FURB FURB FURB all over the place tonight.

    Goldie – You sound great, got your big girl pants I can see. You will be jes fine. Love you Goldie and you are so awesome so thanks for gittin tuff on the Rat Ba$tard. Kick the chit out of it agin to de curb.

    Red – You look so beautiful, tanks for de pic! Sure hope de scans are all good news. I was in Italy before and it was as you say! Ah! David! I did see him.

    Juliet – (((Hi Juliet)))

    Not much new wif me. Vacation rentals and patio chairs have been keeping us bizzy as heck. I am doin okay I guess. We toured Olympia last week and it was beautiful! That is such a lovely city and people are nice! I snappd a few peeks...

    Dis me back yard at de beach and some of me fwiends:


     Dis de Capitol in Washington State (driving by, blurry) (BTW I have toured the inside too and it is beautiful!):


    Dis de Marina (you can see de Capitol in de left distance):


    Anudder Marina Pic:





  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


    Oh, I foygot, dis de shower on my UFO!

    Muah Dollinks!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


    And dis de UFO Champagne Bar!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Beans I'm so glad u stopped by, I like u'r friends and the bar the best. U'd better be using it. the bar I mean.

    Goldie like I said I was talking to my sister for about an hr. and I told her about u and in her opinion (she's pretty good) Well first she did say fuck after 5 yrs she did feel bad but when explaining her routine she told me to tell you when she gets her shot she goes before work and then goes to work she really doesn't feel much different. She has had very little SE's from Femara she gets aches and pains but she also has Arthur Ritis so she doesn't know if that's it or not. But she doesn't feel bad enough not to do things. She goes to most of her grandkids games and their get togethers and out but sometimes she's just to tired and on the week-end she stays in her robe all day and her husband cleans the house anyway most of the time so she does nothing. She gets up every morning around 6am and gets home around 4:30PM and she does all right, but when she's knocked out she doesn't do anything and everyone understands so she wanted me to tell u that, of course we know everyone is different but I told her u'r like her u never complain and work hard and u worry about everyone's app'ts and u'r a PITA when we have them LOL And my prayers for u are teeny teeny discomfort, and everything works like it does for her.--u have to have some so I'll try to go for no pain at all and u never know--I think u know how we all love u and I'm glad they have this in order right away. But tell us how u'r really feeling all the time and what the Dr. are saying. WORD FOR WORD.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Julie ThumbsUp

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Rain is gone, sun is
    shining, lots of driving to do today, at least it will be a nice day for

    Red RH--you're
    getting scans at 7:20 PM?Seriously? How
    did you get an appointment time like that?Every hospital I know stops scheduled testing/scanning at 2:00 pm to be
    sure all the staff can leave by 3:30.I
    agree the waiting is a biotch.I
    remember the "just get this o0ver with" feeling too.Praying for good results.

    GREAT PICS!!!!

    Cammy--Wow, your
    sister is a trooper, and a great example of how good things can be despite the
    Rat Ba$tard.Good for her!

    Julie--I like the
    idea if telling the MO to get a better result for Goldie!

    Beanie--Be careful
    driving in rain like that, Beanie!And I
    don't really blame the Sadie dog for not wanting to go out in it, either.More great pics, too!That shower looks about as big as the one in
    my cabin on my vacay!Oooh, love the UFO
    champagne bar!

    Princess Glitter Sizzles DOTD:  


    1/4 glass Gin

    2/3 glass Bitter


    Pour genever gin
    into a glass, and fill with bitter lemon. Add ice cubes, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    cammi ,you and your sister are troopers  .whats todays fragrance?

    beans-good morning,love the ufo

    nm-the hospital system i work for is getting work people friendly and the pcps and all radiology depts except special procedures have extended hours and open on sats too

    off to the gym  

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    OMG LDB, can you imagine us all on a vay cay in 2036??? I have a mental pic in mese head, I'LL BE 78! Some of the younger gals might want a later year. As for the shots, there is an ocology office in Show Low, I don't mind going just for an injection, or maybe one of our other doctors will do it. The one in Springerville, who we often have lunch with, and we have been to each others home.

    Lala bleeding where???? OMG, hope everything is ok.

    Wacko seriously? They make you insert scan thingy? LMAO at need a QUACKulator (good one)! I was so glad when I got my hysterectomy when I was 40, NO MORE LADY DAYS!!! But you already have that, well other than this bit that's going on now. But it would take away all risks of any cervical, uterine or ovarian cancers.

    NM, if you have longevity in your family, 2050 is a great year for you! We don't have it in mine. LOL falling off the bar stool smelling the DOTD! I hope Sadie din't have to sleep on the floor.

    Red, the pictures are BEAUTIFUL, especilly like the one with you and your most handsome DH. What are you getting scans for? Just routine I hope.

    Wow Yacko, that is so nice they come out to give your sister her shots, just wow! I just don't want to have to drive 8 hours (round trip) once a month for a stupid shot. Well, I guess it's not's stupid, as it may help me live for a long time!! MOI and PITA??? Well, let me live up to that. When do you get the results from YOUR tests and that biopsy YOU had missy?? I promise to tell how I'm feeling.

    Julie, you have me litterally cracking up this morning, thanks I needed that! I'll run that option by my doc! I do tell my mom about my appointments. She knows we both go every 6 months, but every time I tell her we are going to Phoenix she says what for, I say doctor appointment, she says why whats wrong. I say just check ups! Have a productive day at the gym girl.

    My beautiful Bean, it's so good to see you pop in. Like I said, I will tell my siblings and my kids. I will tell my dad's wife, but tell her not to tell my dad. I'm doing much better after coming out of the rabbit hole. Glad things are keeping your busy. I think I recognize that patio rail. Looks like the porch we had a party on one time!! Great shot of the wild life.

    Most of you know we have another fire here in AZ, this one is closer to us than any of the others, but not likely to make it here. Only about 30 miles away.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Good morning loungettes, wow, board have been active, don't have time to read all now, just pooping in before I leave for my last chemo!!. Catch you all this afternoon or evening. We are going for a giant ice cream cone after and tonight I have requested king crab legs for dinner, cooked by my DH. Lubs, lubs...later...

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!!

    ErWacko - I'm appalled that they give you the wand to insert.  You're not trained in that, how in the hell do they expect to get the best pics/readings if they don't do it.  I kno prolly too late, but I'd be giving it right back tell them 'I paying you to take care of me'  then under my breath, add, 'biotch'!  Praying it's all good news tho.  had to lol at baby daddy saying bump is a girl flipping ya off.  too funny.  Hoping it's just diverticulitis, and if it is, when they go in to repair it, have em take your uterus too. Then u get a 2fer.

    Red - what test....better git wif us with the 411 soon.  Bootiful pics too!  You are very pretty and ur hubby handsome man too.  I will be 81 in 2036....Hey, I think it's doable.  And I have no problem with a 2016 vacay.  We can find a vacay house rental that sleeps 15 or so, and woo hoo.  Jes gotta figure out where?

    Cami - you working too hard.  But thanks for sharing your sis's story on the tx.  Think Lori bees encouraged anyway.  And yeah...what's the scoop on your tests?

    Julie - love the jokes and also the way you handle you mil.  I did that jest the other day with my Aunties.  Told em the good news, but not that I'm suffering with the headaches and nausea.   They're in their 80's and not in great health anyway, so why worry them.  Have a good work out.

    JeanBeanie - sooo nice you pooped in.  GR8 pics of WA.  Am gonna be in Seattle soon...woohoo.  And you jes let me kno when you are back at NANU and we'll plan a bisit K?  Have any ideas on when you'll be back?  OMG...I jes lubslubs da UFO Champagne Bar....gotta keep that one for our future trips for sure!  I'll quadruple the FURBFURBFURBFURB!!

    NM - glad you have sunshine if you have to be out driving.  Do you take Sadie sometimes on your errands?  Nice DOTD!

    Lala - what is bleeding??  Your tats?? 

    Lowee - Yeah...I could see us in 20 years LOL.  I'd certainly b in a wheelchair...LOL, but hell, if I'm still breathing I'd join come hell or high water.  Hey, that is cool that you can get you shots even closer.  And it be soooo cool if you doc friend would do it.  Let us kno how that works out.  Tell me you and DH have lots of hoses on your property?  Those fires move sooo freakin fast.  Am worried but you girl!

    Gotta run, LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya all!! 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Hello Ladies!!

    Just to clarify on mine and Erin's behalf!! Cuz we both just had pelvic US, They cover you wif a sheet and pass the wand underneath for you to find de right spot then they take over and do the test.  Kinda like a guy that can't find de right spot and you gotta reach down there and navigate!!!  I know you have all had a date like that!!!!

    I just dislocated and maybe broke my pinky toe on my bum ankle foot.  At least I still only limp on one foot not both.  It always makes me walk in circles though.  WTF is up wif dat??  Like a boat with just one side to row I guess :-)

    OK gotta run so don't have time to do the personal thing so I sorrylest.  Parents are here and I also gotta run and see my foot doc.  Sux having so many docs on speed frickin dial!

    Have a great day ladies.  TGIF!!  LUBS and more LUBS!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


    Is this smoke in the background???


    Working on de fone #s for MeMa!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014


    Is this what it looks like from behind???


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Hi Everyone,

    I didn't realize my post before I only talked to Lori, cuz I had to find out all I could, one more thing her Dr. said anyone can give her the shot as long as they are either taught or know how, (one of her DD's is a nurse too. But since she gets it every 8 weeks now it's not a big deal to her.

    OK Julie those cookies sound like me.

    I have no idea about a wand and a sheet and u have to show them the spot. I mean ok sometimes u do have to show a man but whoever does the test should know, jeeze  we've all had probes in every spot, at this age it can be confusing. Don't understand this test t all.

    Sue u'r still getting sick a lot, can't they help you--u go thru so much all the time--that's a terrible feeling.

    Genny YAY YAY YAY last chemo enjoy ur day and be happy that's done.

    Oh my test showed no cancer, that's all I listen to but she gave me another med but told me since I'm on so many it might have a bad effect then just stop taking it??? so it's no big deal then. And I already stopped taking it I was getting to icky feeling so she was nice enough to just give me a small supply so I didn't have to pay a fortune for another med.

    Lara how are u doing????

    I think we're going to Jodie's tomorrow and Joey and I will sleep over  so it's supposed to rain, I hope not, I want to go swimming, OK OK in the pool I don't know how to actually swim I just hold on to a pool thing and kick my legs. It's Friday already and this week flew by, again.

    Hope everyone has a good week-end.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2014

    I guess I'm doing to much that's why there's so much blood lmao I'm just sitting here they said no movement

    Erin u prob will need one next surgery are my ovaries I will not do hysterectomy

    After BC my mom did it smart to do

    Of course it had to b 90 out called pain doc need a higher dose of pills it's cause my chest to swell no call yet uggg hate waiting

    Cam wtching scary movies resting

    Hi mema Lori thinking of u

    Party I'm in  why that year????

    Hi red any scary stuff?

    Juliet how's the working out going

    Nm I need Sadie to cuddle with

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    well lara gained 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just had to fish out some of my larger clothes to go on my trip but i do feel better, also suspected to have costachondritis   so now on mobic, so see if that works or next stop pain doc for nerve blocks!

    cammi enjoy your swim

    its starting  to storm now

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh Julie I have no idea what that is, I have to look it up, sounds icky.

    Well Lara don't move around and just watch our scary movies, just watched The Manthing??? whatever. Not much man just more thing.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2014

    I just want to jump in here, and tell you guys how much FUN you are to read!  I feel like I know you all... or maybe some of you!  Mostly Cammi and 44444444... and the lovely miss GoldieHawn or whatever... And Juliet and  S'mores!  You all just make me smile!  Just thought I would tell you that.... xoxoxoxo Ed

    I mean Elizabeth DAHling...  Winking

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Hi girls, 

    I just have a minute, cooking dinner on the grill. Nothing better than grilled meat in the summer time!

    Thanks 4 for explaining the vaginal ultra sound. I had one in the past so knew what to expect. It makes sense as we know our own bodies. Sorry about your toe whoa. hey, that rhymes. We might need to git the tenders to put padding on your legs, feet and toes girl. Feel better. 

    Julie, sorry about the extra weight but remember muscle weighs more than fat. Keep your chin up and keeping doing the great service to your lubly body. Hugs to you. 

    Lala, hope you get your pain pills. I will partay with you. Dwink extra, that helps the pain. Hugs to you too. 

    Heck, lubing hugs to all mese goils, Ive gottzta fly now, will try to pop in and dwink later. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    ps prayers for the firefighters in AZ and that the fire goes OUT. Hate the thought of all the wild life that is affected and of course the people. I hate wild fires, we get them in the forest here in NJ too. I mean Kansas, duh me! hehe! Hugs to Lori and Mema. (more hugs) and lots lubs too all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OK Julie is it the muscles between a well like the rib cage that get inflamed?? Something like that right. Oh that sounds like it hurts. ick

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014
