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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    oh yikes, Julie, hope that is not something that will not heal quickly, sending healing hugs to ya.

    I saw this on facebook, have seen it before but thought worth passing. Gave me goosie bumps. Enjoy the rain

    A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.

    It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout.. We all stood there, under the awning, just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.
    We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day.

    I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

    Her little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, 'Mom let's run through the rain,'
    She said.
    'What?' Mom asked.

    'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated.

    'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied.

    This young child waited a minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's run through the rain..'

    'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said.

    'No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.

    'This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?'

    'Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ' If God can get us through this, He can get us through anything! ' '

    The entire crowd stopped dead silent.. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain.. We all stood silently. No one left. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.

    Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

    'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just need washing,' Mom said.

    Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They got soaked.

    They were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

    Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories every day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    AWWWWW Erin Happy

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Cami – Tanks for de welcome bak. Glad u like de UFO champagne bar…I tink it is in Dusseldorf where I have neber been but wud like to go.

    Juliet – Love de dint have excuses pic n de auntie acid! Hope de gym was fun!

    NM – Just finished 18 hours on de road, today was only sprinkles but I was truly skeert yesterday. Love de UFO DOTD, dat is two thumbs up yummy!!

    Goldie – Okay, I missed sumptin bout 2036 but I will be 79 then and also bout the Wacko insert thingy and Quackulator…sounds fun can I do it too?…Will have to go back and read bout that….Good news the shots can be got local. You are right about de rail, dat is de place we partied B4, now it is a rental so I was dere woykin on it. It is really nice and people seem to like it. It’s just a short walk to de sandy beach. Sawwy bout fire in AZ. It is always a worry in NV too. De electrical storm season is near so I always worry. Hope it stays very far from your home and doesn’t hurt anyone or their homes. Love de pic, it is so beautiful and just hope the fire is stopped soon.

    Genny – GONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR LAST CHEMO!!! THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!! Hope the ice cream and dinner is awesome!!

    SueBHoney – Is Wacko using an insert thingy or a wand or a Quackulator? I gotta know!! I gotta know now!!! And, where do I sign up for training? But seriously, yes, praying for good news!!! I wish I could meetcha in Seattle, it is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful there. How neet you will be there. Dat is where I got my chemo and found some great restaurants and also the Pike's Market place. So much fun shopping. I back at Nanu now. Me UFO twip was 18 hours but here I am, Poof! In my time machine.. I jest get in and set de direction and den after a long long long time I am somewhere else. Nanu is so nice, so glad to be back and see all my wabbits here. So maybe I can ketch you before you hed north.

    4sewwhat – Oh, that kinda wand. Yep, I have familiarity with that scene. Awkward as heck to find de right spot! So sawwy bout de pinky toe and hope it gets better soon.

    Lara – Hope you are doing okay. Are you staying still and is the bleeding slowing?

    Chevyboy – Hey, so great to hear from you!!! These ladies are a blast even when chit is chitty. So glad you stopped by, how are you doing?

    Erin – Hope de grilling is great! I been gittin doze ultrasoundez for ovarian screening too. Hope all is good news!!!!!

    Julie – Love de teddy and de lions!

    Erin – I love de rain story!!! I’m dere.

    I am so tired so will say hello to everyone and den I am hittin de Nanu hay. I had a beautiful drive in my UFO/time machine all the way across Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Nevada. I went from Portland east along de Columbia River to Pendleton and then south. I will say that this is some amazingly beautiful country and it was a joy to be able to see it. I wanted to snap pictures of every sight to share. Then I got to my landing pad at Nanu and started to see my old friends the Jack Rabbits darting around. It is good to be home. Every day is a blessing and I’m so glad you are in my life to share it.

    Hope everyone has a great night and let’s get the party started again tomorrow. After all it’s gunna be Saturday night!!!
    Love you all so much!!! Cheers Ma Dears! Happy Friday from de Nanu Nanu Oasis Ranch and Casino and Wabbit / Gopher Hole and Quackulator manufacturer and DOTD dwinker....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2014

    Morning goils!  Thanks Beans!  I just always laugh when I read you guys!   I'm doing great!  Trying to convince my Xbroken hip that is is part of my body, but other than that everything is good! 

    Erin-soo, that was beautiful!  Those of us with Daughters, and if we are lucky enough to still have them close, just makes us remember what it was like when they were LITTLE girls.... I sent it to my two little kiddles, and my friends!

    I'll BBL!  For shore, fer sure!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Oh Beans I like when u'r around to post, we miss u lots u unposter sometimes.

    It looks like rain and it better not cuz I want to go swimming--well walking--in de pool, u really know how I feel about going--damn I wish I could like her husband--he's so unlikable none of u would like him. Thank God my cousin Nick will be ther, it's his BD tomorree he'll be 53 I think. So he's so fun so it helps a lot and of course Joey and I sleep together so I enjoy talking with him before we go to sleep.

    Marty and I were up most of the nite he has bursitis and it was really bad and I have my chit so we were talking a lot last nite, he just made coffee but I got an email from my boss and he said he was coming by this morning with coffee for me and he'd better----Cuz he brings me Starbucks and I have to try to get some sleep still.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend less pain and less worry.

    I think Julie is gone now right??? All u gals come and go so much--Oh my mind went so disgusting at this moment but I won't say anything.

    OK I might be back later, I'm not sure what time we're going----


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    image looks interesting

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Good morning ladies, Boy I missed a lot in a few days, you goils have been busy. Trying to read back and catch up but you know how that is. DH out with the dogs, they were super wound up he said he was taking them back to 0 (if energy was 0-10). They sure do get re-enegized at night. I did get my last chem which was kinda touch and go for a little while. Apparently my RBC's were clumped? And it on showed I had 8 and they knew that wasn't right so after 3 extra sticks they used the container with the anticoagulant and it brought it up to over 300 so it was a go. Thank goodness! We never did go for the ice cream cause we ate luck at the cancer center then stopped by Costco for the crab legs and grazed on the samples. Then we weren't home 5 minutes when I got an Edible Arrangements delivery from my DD & DIL. What a nice surprise! So we had our fabulous dinner last night and even cracked open the expensive bottle of wine my MIL bought my DH for father's day. I don't normally drink on chemo week but what the hell. I think Monday I want to start working on the detox thing like Princess did and get this Chit outta my body. Went to the pool for a nice swim yesterday, today I'm hoping to go for a bike ride. Take my last steroid tonight, my last Neulasta shot today then I'm hoping to get the chemo chit behind my and take a month vacation from FURB. I did talk to the nurse doing my chemo and she gave me the name of an MO, said if it was her mom that's who she'd send her to. It happens to be the same one my administrator goes to and he's in the same building. So I'm going to the 1st one for my follow up in August since she does have my hx up to this point, then I'll switch after rads.

    So Beans, long tome no see, love your pics, especially the alien bar. Glad to have you back.

    Lala, I had a hysterectomy when I was 39 and it was the best thing I ever did! No more bleeding, no more cramps, no more crazy ass mood swings. Truly... I felt so much better in my 40's than all that chit I went thru in my 30's. They did leave my ovaries, but now I may be looking at having them yanked. Hope you get feeling better soon, and give those tats some time before you decide how you feel.

    NM hope you have a nice day for driving. so glad we have you for all your nurse explanations. Hope you get some good Sadie time too.

    Lori, thinking of you everyday. So glad you not in da wabbit hole. You got a lot of living to do and a long time before that best used by date. Good luck with telling the fam, you doing that this weekend? And I'm glad you're getting you tx figured out.

    4sew, so sorry about your toe...ahhgg, what next? How're your fins? Hope your having lots of fun with your kids this summer in spite of it.

    Erin, how's your DD, was it just dehydration? Glad she didn't get hurt. When do you get the U/S results? Hope your dinner was yummy last night. I liked your story about the girl in the rain, thanks for sharing.

    Red, loved the pics, thanks for sharing, glad you got to go to Italy and get that vacay from FURB. Thinking of you and your scans. Do you get the results next week?

    Where's PRN?

    Juliet, sorry to hear about the costachondritis, I had to look it up . Do you think it's related to the FURB? Thanks for the bear hugs.

    Cami, have a nice weekend, sounds like it might be a quiet one after all your partying last weekend. Hope you get some swimming... uh.. floating in. 

    Sue, yah I felt like tap dancing in my spiked heels on my MO's head. After I left the more I though about it the madder I got. It occured to me that she never even smiled at me, or congratulated me on finishing my chemo or anything. I mean just a little kudos thrown my way woulda been nice. Then I asked her if she though some of this weight would just naturally come off as this stuff gets out of my system and she just blandly said "no you'll have to work at it" It was like she was bored or something....jeesh.. Anyway you have a good weekend too.

    Chevyboy, welcome... great buncha ladies here. Pull up a chair by the pool and have a dwink, and enjoy the tenders.

    I vote for meeting in 2016 while we're all young enough to enjoy it. Genetics in my family not good. Mom was 74 and she was the oldest so far though I do have a brother that's 64 and other than the triple bypass when he was my age he's doing great. My goal is to watch Nora graduate HS which brings us to 2032, I'll be 74 anything after that is bonus. So we need to start working on a time and a place. Maybe we can have one of the spaceships pick us all up and avoid all that annoying security and parking at the airport.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    image Baby mullet gone, wish I had taken a before. What a head of hair though, not even 6 months old. I did half of it while she was sleeping on her stomach, then we tried to role her over and she woke up. What a wiggle worm but it came out cute.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014



    Our celebration dinner and my Edible Arrangement from my DH and DIL. Yummy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    genny    ThumbsUp wow is right.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is every one this
    ayem?I found out yesterday that there
    was no damage to the engine valves on the car, just need a couple things to be
    able to get an inspectionsticker and it
    should be good to go for a while.Hoping
    to get it back next week sometime.

    Julie--wow, a
    hospital system that is work people friendly?That's really different!Bet it
    works really well, too.

    Goldie--In my family
    we either live long or die of cancer.I'm hoping for the former!Sadie
    did not sleep on the floor, but I have got to wash the duvet cover today.30 miles still seems close when I see the
    smoke like that. . . .

    Genny--king crab and
    ice cream, sounds like a great dinner!

    Mema--It's getting a
    little too hot to take Sadie in the car unless I know I won't be stopping
    (drive through shopping, only!), unless we are going to the lake so she can

    4--you and your poor
    foot and ankle.Maybe it's time to
    replace it with a sturdier prosthetic one!

    Cammy--Hooray for
    good results!

    ORLA--Sadie cuddles
    coming your way!


    Erin--I'm with you,
    praying for thefirefighters.And GREAT story!

    Beanie--Glad you
    liked the dwinky!

    Genny--It was nice
    driving yesterday, a good thing since I drove 155 miles.Getting lots of Sadie time this weekend.Awww, so pretty with her new hair cut!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    2 oz Vodka

    4 wedges Lime

    1 oz Simple Syrup

    1 handful
    Blueberries Fruit


    Muddle the lime and
    blueberries in a rocks glass and add simple syrup. Fill the glass with crushed
    Ice and add Karlsson's Gold Potato Vodka. Garnish with fresh bracing

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    NM...super glad Sadie got to sleep on the bed and that the car in repairable.  Just Thursday, I came out from work and my car battery was dead.  AAA came but could not get battery undone so I had to go after work on Friday and pray that my car would start in the mean time. I did travel with jumper cables but still PIA.

    Julie..yep, you gotta guard those cookies.  Sorry about the weight gain.  Water weight? New muscle weight?  I am so, so salt sensitive that I gain like that with a really salty meal.  Sorry about the costrochondritis, oh man, I have had that and it hurts.  Hope you are feeling tip top soon and enjoy the trip. Julie we are in Orlando July 10-14.  Let me know.  WE are staying with DH grandma.  She is 91 and has lung ca, dx 1-14.  She had brain and bone mets.  But she had rads and shrunk the brain tumor, takes and oral chemo and has some hair thinning but otherwise is good and has an  IV one a month for the bone lesions which are healing!  Just amazing.  She is back to driving, volunteering, water exercise, and playing bridge.  I hope I am that lucky at 91!

    Genny.. Such a nice looking dinner!  Sigh. Well I could have enjoyed the fruit I guess!  Okay, i am 9 weeks PFC.  I feel great. I am down 25#.  I used that detox 3 times.  I have much more energy and less pain.  I do notive that the week after my Herceptin I am sore in the low back area 4-5 days.  I am working out the pattern.  I have started in earnest to train again.  I biked 8-12 miles mon and tuesday, we had rain.  I ran 5K wed and thursday.  Legs were sore friday so I took it off.  Today I ran 4.  I also noticed that since I got sick and was in bed so long I am really tight muscle wise and so I am stretching a bit each night 10-15 minutes and notice that has helped.  Right now I am about 10 less than when I started the BC chit.  I am at my marathon weight but according to the studies, moderately overweight is a significant risk factor for BC, so I am on my way to my ideal weight.  Last time I was there I ws 19!  LOl.  I have about 8-9 more pounds to go.  I am really focused.  Please PM me if you want to know more about the detox thing.  I started about 4 weeks after my last chemo.  And Nora is just the cutest pumpkin ever!  

    Red...what great pictures from Italy!  Looks like you and your DH had a great time. I am very jealous.  I think mema has is right rent a home for 15-20 in 2016 and have a group vacation!  IN 2036, I will be 60, I can make that one too!

    Cami...I hope the rain stays away.  It is very overcast here this am but maybe no rain.  Enjoy the party and pool with dear Joey. And yes, it is very encouraging to her that your sister has done so well, thank you for sharing with us.

    Erin..hope your DD is feeling better. That is scary stuff when a little is involved.  Glad you had your US done.  Yeah, that wand thing is a real treat isn't it?!  LOL  As for getting together in NYC... we are there only 2.5 days.  I can let you know our schedule as we get closer.  What is the drive to Coney Island like is that further or closer?  I think we are spending some time there.  I am excited to run the Brooklyn Bridge and in Central Park too.

    Goldie..I am still jut PO'd at your dx.  I was praying and thinking it would just be okay.  I am glad that you are so positive and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  At least we all know, early and small detection leads us to early intervention and hopefully halting of the progress.  We are all in your pockets, every day!I think you are right, let you mom just think  things are ok, because they are. You are taking care of what needs to be done, that is all she needs to know.  Thanks for the wishes on the vacation.  I am scheduled for 30 rads I think.  I am working hard to get to better than my baseline going into rads so that I hopefully don't feel the fatigue as badly.  We will see if all my efforts pay off. oh man, I gotta tell you, I am having some hot flashes but holy crap, those boys are effen hot!  whew...thank you!  Sorry you are not healing so well.  I can that i still have a hardened area in my breast that is a healing seroma.  I am 5 months out from surgery.  The skin is darker too.  I think sometimes the trauma takes time.  We don't just have a procedure we also have radiation and chemotherapy that effects are healing too.  I also always think that itching it a sign of nerve healing and such.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2014

    I posted the giant post cuz I was afeared it might disappear. 

    Lara..hope the tats heal.  It does take probably a good ten days to scab and sluff off.  Try to be patient and I hope you are not in too much pain.


    Beans...nice to see you pop in too.  Hope you are well!

    I applied for a grant here in my state for women with bc.  I got it!  So I get to have a massage today! Woo hoo. Hope you all have a great day and good weekend!

    If I forgot someone...sorry!  Happy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2014

    I figure if I spend enough time reading who you gals all are, I can say something semi-intelligent!  I remember some time ago, I could NOT figure out what your "tenders" were, and since I found out, I just get excited, and what good does it DO me?

    So I'll just hang around your lounge, looking at 4444444's men, and drinkin' and dreamin'...... at the same time! 

    This is my favorite drink....  A Harvey Wallbanger....


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


    So nice to be home! Gittin back to me exermacizes and stuff.

    Chevyboy – So awesome to know you and your hip are doing
    okay! Love the Harvey Wallbanger DOTD, so kewl, I have not had one before, so
    tank U bery mush!

    Cami - Did you get to go swimming or did de rain wash you out? So sawwy no one likes her husband…sounds
    hard but so glad your cousin will be there and be fun. Love de wodka in de melon pic!! Tank U so much for de refreshment!

    Genny - So glad you got the last chemo and the RBC was okay for it. Super nice of your DD and DIL to send
    an Edible Arrangment and awesome to have a nice bottle of wine!!! Thanks for
    sharing the pics, looks fantastic!! I couldn’t stand the thought of any wine during chemo but I was told I could have one or
    two glasses or wine or beer, just didn’t feel like it, so that is great that
    you enjoyed some expensive wine! Great idea to get all of that chemo out now! Lotta watta and good fruits and sheesh I don't wanna tell you wudda do, sawwy!
    Best of luck going forward, so glad the chemo chapter is behind!! Yay!!!
    Congrats again!!! Beautiful baby pic, thanks for sharing! And lol dat de baby
    mullet is gone!

    Hi NM – Great news that no damage to engine valves. I need to get tranny work and a paint job. I will be gittin quotes, so nice to get de work done on de beloved transport vessels, varoom varooom. Love today’s DOTD, Buberry Caiprisonndknsskka! Yummy!! Love de wodka!! Tank U!!!!

    Prncess – I hate de hot flashes! Woo Hoo to getting the
    grant for women with bc. So awesome to have great people working on this. Hope
    the massage was wonderful.

    Juliet – hope you are having fun!!

    Hope dat Goldie and Erin and Sue and all de lovelies are
    doing great. I say ehllo to everyone and hope I din't miss no one. I am so beat from traveling and a full day so will be quiet and
    just say good night. I love you all so much and wish you a most wonderful
    Saturday Night!!

    Love Always,




  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014


    Nite nite lovely ladies!! Cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    its 0520 and i'm getting ready for work so thanks for the smiles beanie.see you all later

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another hot, humid, sunny
    day in store today.Gotta get some yard
    work and house work done before it gets too hot to move again today.Poor Sadie is wiped right out from all the
    running around chasing me and supervising the neighborhood, she slept in while
    I got up!


    PRN--Dead battery is
    a PIA. Very PIA.I did find out that I
    will have to get 2 new tires, but that's
    still better than 4!Your DH Grandma
    sounds like a heck of a lady, glad her treatment is going so well.Enjoy the massage!


    Chevy--When you feel
    up to it go check out the HTL pool, and casino (it has an ATM that spits out
    money whenever a Loungette walks past), and even a doggy park for the fur


    Beanie--Yeah, I'm
    glad the damage was confined to the water pump and belt thingy.Expensive enough as it is!Hoping to keep this car going until I can get
    at least one loan paid off. Really working on getting out of debt, but it's an
    uphill struggle.


    Julie--have a good


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Harvey Wallbanger

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Galliano

    4 oz Orange Juice

    Best served in a
    Collins Glass.

    This is a lot like a
    Golden Cadillac, and I love those!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Julue u'r working today? But u'll be off soon right?

    Beans it's so nice to see u post, u've been missed and I love all the pics. Makes us all smile.

    Well I didn't go to my DD's as u know, so I'm home which is fine except my DD just took my SIL to ER his stomach was super bad waking up this morning, I get so upset when this happens (as anyone would) but I'm glad Joey isn't home or he'd be hysterical believe me. He has all different types of problems with his stomach in fact with his whole body, poor guy and his dad did too ending with colon cancer and died at 54--so I'm sure this spooks him and my DD, so now I wait she'll call as soon as they know something. He's 50 now.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,854
    edited June 2014

    for the SIL.I'm sure everyone is

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    NM I missed u'r whole post just read it now and TY for the care. Love dos pics. And I missed genny's post for u'r baby----what a beautiful head of hair, I'm jealous.

    Did I tell you my boos (that stinker) finally showed up at 1PM, brat that he is and as soon as he says hello I want to love him, his arm is all bandaged with stiches (he was washing dishes and cut it up--broken glass) I told him don't tell people that's what happened---say it was from bungee jumping or skydiving not washing a glass..too boring. Then that brat read some of my emails to my kids cuz he said they laugh all day with them, my kids were laughing but honestly I didn't think I said anything funny I was just reporting in and I don't understand why they were laughing. God my brain is realyl effed up.

    Chit I'm a wreck I know I won't hear from my DD for a while, but I want to know what's going on and that he's basically all right. Damn. So if I'm poopin in with insanity u know why.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Good morning ladies. DH out doing the usual Sunday morning golfing so I'm on pooch duty here in a little while. So far they are being quiet and letting me ease in to my morning. I'm kinda having a bit of trouble staying out of da wabbit hole dis weekend. Friday I felt so good knowing it was my last chemo, then yesterday woke up feeling like chit. Just so damn fatigued, went for a swim but then came home and slept, eyes constantly watering and then facing the BMX end of the month. I'm getting scared. I am looking forward to my vacation on the 18th while we house sit at my friend's in the country. And I am going to see my brothers and nieces and nephews who I haven't seen since Xmas. Trying to get the lady who will be taking over for me at the salon all up to speed, the idea of being away from work for 2 1/2 months is a bit overwhelming for me too. I'm sure I'll lose of few of my customers while I'm off being they are all so far up in years. I won't be going back after my vacation until this is all done. Anyway, that's my little tale of woe this morning, nothing serious, I'll probably feel better after I get out with the dogs. My DH's sister, husband and 13 year old triplets are showing up for a visit Monday or Tuesday. Not really looking forward to that but I think they will only be here 1 or 2 nights. She can kinda twist things you say into something you didn't so I tend to walk on eggshells around her. And her husband is a putz... but that's a whole other story.

    NM, so glad your getting the car situation straightened out, mine is making a funny noise too but my DH seems to know what it is. It'll probably have to go in the shop this week, staying out of debt is always an uphill struggle. It's hot and humid here too, doesn't take nearly as long to wear the furbabies out. Don't get too overheated mowing that yard like when you wore yourself out last time ...course I don't need to tell you that.

    Beans, thank for all the fun cartoons! The day I get my chemo I always feel good, I think I get so jacked up on the steroids, but normally wouldn't drink cause I figure my liver is already working hard enough...but I was celebrating and it did taste good. Yesterday and for the next week you couldn't pay me to drink, does not sound remotely appealing. I did finally have my big ice cream cone last night though. Glad yer home and getting back in your routine.

    PRN boy you sound commited! Where will you be doing your marathon? I can't wait to get this weight off but I don't know how much I'll be able to commit to it between now and the surgery. I have gotten my Vitamix back out and started making my smoothies again, so I'm gonna go with that for a few weeks, I'd like to drop at least 6 or 7 before the surgery. I've never weighed this much except when I was pregnant. I hate it! And no real energy to do anything about it. Congrats on getting back to your marathon weight and good luck getting off the rest.

    Chevyboy, when I was in high school back in the 70's, me and some of my friends sent away to Las Vegas for fake ID's. So we get them and went to this bar and I was drinking Harvey Wallbangers. They tasted so good going down. I think I was all of 16, and boy did I get sick as a dog. Don't think I've ever had 1 since, but you brought back a funny memory for me! Glad you've come to join us here, I'm kinda a newbie here too and you'll catch on quickly. The tenders don't do me much good either, but oh so nice to look at!

    Lori, Sue, Red, Cami, 4, Erin, Lala and anyone else I'm forgetting, furbabies are now getting restless, try and stop by later, hope you all have a great Sunday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    LDB honest, we are totally safe. We do have hose, but limited water. Only what is stored up in our tanks. Not sure how fast the pump would work to get more up there if needed in an emergency situation like that.

    4, a broken toe? Like you need that, eh? I hope you can find something worth walking cirlces around!

    Cami, hearing "no cancer" and not listening to anything else.....ain't nuttin wrong wif dat!

    Lara, I hope that bleeding has let up and you got your pills.

    Julie, didn' realize you too were in so much pain. I'll have to look up that costachondritis.

    Elizabeth Dahling....what a joy to see you. I hope you had a cocktail! Yep, I see you had a Wall Banger. And if you didn't know what a Tender was, you shoulda asked!

    Wacko, IF we ever get rain, I'll consider running in it. However, I will not get washed off, as I will be full of mud!

    Glad you back home all safe and sound wif you little critters Beans. 18 hours on the road is a long haul. But as beautiful as it was, I bet you didn't mind. I love driving to places.

    Yacko, I hope you didn't get rained out and got to go swimming.

    Genny, all done with the chemo......HOORAY!!!! And you may have found another doc, good for you! I still have my DD to tell, hoping that happens today. This is the worst part I tell ya. They left my ovaries too when I had my hyst. Nora looks like a little doll! And I LOVE the color of her hair.

    NM, glad the valve do not need replacing on your car. And just think how good the duvet will smell! Praying you live LONG too!

    Wow PRN, your DH grandmother is amazing. Going through all of that at 91 and still carrying on! Remind us again when you leave for your vay cay, and good luck with the rads. They are pretty easy, it's just the fatigue that sucks. Massage through a grant, go you!

    LDB, I think you have left the building?

    I didn't have time to post yesterday, was chatting with a fellow former loungette, and this morning I am not all caught up either, and have to scoot as we are heading over to our hygienist's house for breakfast. Never been invited to breakfast by anyone before! Soooooo, I shall see y'all tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    genny le me pop in here again--u sound like u have some good plans before surgery just enjoy them--I also had chemo before and after mine and the surgery itself was like nothing--no pain oh some movement problems but no pain didn't have to take anything I was shocked, my sister and my cousin said the same thing, didn't even need the pump in the hospital, I hope that puts u'r mind at ease a little.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2014

    Oh Cami, thanks so much, I needed to hear that. I would love to think that I'm through the worst of it. You've made me feel a lot better.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited June 2014

    Happy Sunday Beautiful Ladies! (And any Gents stopping by)


    Erin - Tanks agin for de rain story and for helpin us all to master de dance! Hope you are doing great and will poop in soon.

    Sue - You too, wud up? Hope all is great wif you!

    Juliet – Have a great day! Sux you have to work...also read you are in pain, I didn't know so I hope you are doing okay.

    NM – Aw, poor Sadie! Hope she catches up on her rest and hope you don’t work too hard in the yard and (yuk) housework. I hada do a lil housework yesterday…I foygot to tell ‘bout when I got up in the ayem yesterday to go potty…well that’s not the interesting part, but what was was that I caught a glimpse of something scurrying across one of the logs next to de potty and me got skeert, then I realized it was a baby lizard! I’m not sure how it got in. Right before I left in early June I found one of these cute baby lizards in my living room and it was a real trick to catch it and get it outside. So I started to get the one out of the bathroom using a broom to gently brush him and a bucket to contain de lil ting. I went to open the sliding glass door in the living room and holy moley there was another baby lizard in the living room. So I tried to catch him and he went under my sofa. Had to move it around and try to “herd” 'im out the door. Finally managed to get him out. Then got the other one in my bucket with a broom and put it out! Now about the housework…well the lizards leave poops, kinda could be mistaken for mouse poops but it is different looking…enough scatology. So I really hada get that cleaned up. I will have to figure out how they are getting in and I’m so glad the big ones and mice don’t get it!!!

    Thank you for the Harvey Wallbanger DOTD! And the Golden Cadillac! Love love love that! Great pics, thank you and also for reminding bout the HTL casino. I wanted to tell everyone ‘bout when I drove through Jackpot, Nevada, how all the slots were calling my name. I was so happy to tink I cud win so much money using my HTL casino membership and all while driving 75 MPH heading south!

    Debt sux and everything is so expensive any more. Glad you only need two tires and can keep de car going!!!

    Cami – I so hope your SIL is okay, sending prayers. How awful bout your boss’ arm from broken glass, LOL that you told him to say it was from a wild adventure. Such nice woyds to Genny bout surgery too.

    Genny – The steroids made me feel so up for the first day or so too. I think it was the third day after that I would crash and just feel wiped out. Then slowly start crawling out of the fatigue. Such an ordeal and now surgery ahead. We will get the UFO ready and fill it with likker so we can all be with you for that. We’ll just get real small and all of us will be hiding in the doctor’s pocket to make sure dey do everything perfect for you!!! Would you like us to put wine, dog beer, wodka and ice cream on board for you? Wud else would you like? Eriin and I will get those tenders bizzy right away to get all of de booze you need ready and on hand!

    Goldilocks – Sweet Goldie, I send prayers that your talk with your DD goes well. I have been hoping you are doing okay. So nice you have a fun breakfast to go to. Hope you have a great time.

    Hi to de gals who are away and to everyone and hope you all have a blessed day!




  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Happy Sunday Funday Loungettes!!

    Trying to play ketchup again!  Sounds like everyone is having a good weekend though, at least I hope I didn't miss anything big.

    My parents are here and DH just got home from business trip late Friday so it's been a busy weekend.  I am digging through EVERYTHING and have 3 piles.  Keep, Toss, Sell!  I mean going through every cabinet, every drawer, etc...  Last year I decluttered the body this year decluttering the house and hopefully that will declutter the mind some!

    Genny!  So happy for you that chemo is behind you.  That is a huge check on the to do list!  I, like Cami didn't have any pain with my MX and didn't really have any range of motion problems either even though on the right they removed 32 flippin nodes.  I did MX one at a time though because of that pesky, messed up ankle.  Plus I just wanted to get the bad one out of there and get onto chemo since I did surgery first.  It is scary, but you will do great!!  Since you are having nodes removed for sure make sure you get a referral to a LE certified therapist straight away!  I think I saw mine a week or 10 days from surgery just to get started and get baseline measurements, etc...

    Princess, Happy to help with the hot flashes!  Glad you are feeling better and better and a vacay sounds great!

    NM, Thanks for the info on the reddish fin!  Do I owe more on my consult fee??  I am taking the itching as a good sign of healing going on under there!  Same with my ankle.   I figure if it is still tingling in there it means those nerves are not dead.  My foot doc agrees.  The problem with it is that the nerves were still healing from the original injury and then I did Taxotere chemo and it set them off again, worse even though I iced it.  My ortho foot guy told me 2 years to know if permanent and I am not yet quite at a year.  So I wait, limp and hope!!  Bummer on your car.  My truck needed about another $2500 work which included tires. So we traded it in on the Armada.  It's a 2010 and has a new transmission so it has a warranty, but because of a front fender bender and that it was affordable!  We haven't had a car payment in over 5 years so it's going to be an adjustment!  My 6'2" teenagers and their friends had outgrown the truck anyhow.  This seats 8 and has storage in the back.  Mileage is the same so budget is used to that.  Have fun with Sadie today!  Sounds like you finally have that nice weather :-)

    Julie, Hope you are feeling better.  I'm jealous of all your exercise.  I am on the go ALL day, but need to do the "formal" exercise.  Glad you are still on days too!  Thanks for all the cute pics and stuff!

    Cami, sorry you missed swimming and I hope all is going well for your SIL.  I think it is extra scary when you start getting close to the age you lost a parent at.  Mine are both still breathing but I know my grandpa had MS and died when my mom was 12 I think.  So when she started getting near the age that he was when he died, well lets just say she was happy when she moved past that number!  Joey, as always is a sweetheart.  My daughter is turning 10 in a couple of weeks.  We could just arrange something now??

    Mema, Glad you got the go ahead to drive again and you are going to get Maddy time too!  Have fun on your trip with Willie and the girls!!!  Hope you are feeling good!

    LaLa, Hope you are feeling better and the bleeding has stopped.  Any good movies this weekend?  My PS agreed to leave my areolas behind and just took the nipples (Genny, you might ask about that!)  Now with my rads, infection and removal I don't know what the left fin is going to look like when they expand it back out.  It's kinda caved in there right now :-(  I hope it is still under there but I might have to do the tattoo thing as well.

    ED, I knew you couldn't resist the men/tenders in de lounge for long!!!  It is good to see you!  Your humor fits right into de HTL!  I will post the pics of the flowers you emailed me here!  Ear question for you too!  I am a solid 8 months into Tamoxifen.  About 10 days ago my left ear sounded like it had water in it when I tilted my head.  Shortly after that both ears just felt plugged up, like I was going up and up in an airplane.  They feel like that most of the time and it hasn't gone away.  Sometimes more stuffed up than others, but never feel quite right.  I never have any ear wax and I also don't feel any other sinus or infection issues.  I thought of you and called my MO to ask about this with the Tammy.  I also have some joint stuff going on.  Going to INSIST on some scans now that I am far enuf out from rads so there shouldn't be any hot spots from that on the scans.  So I guess what I am asking is did you have any symptoms or warnings before your ears went titties up on you???

    Erin, scary about your daughter passing out like that!  Glad your US is over.  I got the call monday that my ovaries look good.  They have been watching because of the effing ICL that can met there and my CA-125 was in the 40's.  It dropped to the 30's last time though but we are still watching.  I was going to do the hysterectomy with my implant swap but my docs were not recommending yet at my age and menopause status.  Plus to be honest I just wanted a frigging break!!  Instead now though I get de call, your ovaries look great but.......................the lining of your uterus is way too thick, are you still getting periods?  To be honest I wish I was!  I have terrible issues with yeast, anything and everything sets me off and I also get tears very easily, like from TP just using de potty!  

    So, I am headed Tuesday for an endometrial biopsy, AGAIN!!  I don't think it is anything, but with tamoxifen they want to check it out.  I told my foot doc I thought it was nothing more than a pain in my butt.  he says."technically it is your abdomen, now they could get to it through your butt, but that would be kinda uncomfortable!"  Smart Ass, but I love him so!!!  Any how, I know too much TMI but I knew you would unnerstand!  My gyn did say maybe I could do testosterone cream for the tearing issue.  Anyone here tried that or do the nurses have an opinion?  YOu can put it n my tab and I will keep sending payment!!

    Red, bootiful pics you have put up here.  I hope the scan was just routine and that all turned out good!

    Beans, I love reading your posts and the UFO is Awesome for traveling!  Glad you had  a good trip but are home now!  Maybe we can rent on of your rentals for our 2016 get together!!!

    Lori, I just keep thinking and praying for you!  Good thing not staying in the wabbit hole too long.  Nothing good happens down there!  I try really hard not to go there often.  Telling the family and how much to tell is a tough decision.  I edit what I tell my parents, mostly cuz I don't wan't additional, forceful opinions and advice!  Very passive-aggressive and I don't need that too.  Also my kids are not dummies and know when something is up so it is hard to decide how much to say there too.  and yes it is the icky part, or at least one of them!!  Hope the fires stay clear of you.  I will look for some firemen to come stand guard around your perimeter and keep you safeliest!!

    I don't think I missed anyone??  So not intentional if I did.  Everyone here is still asleep.  We worked hard yesterday and more work and lawn mowing is on the schedule today.  I want everything done my the time school starts on August 4th.  Then while the kids are away I can paint and wallpaper.  We need new floors in some places too.  Things have always been cluttered.  Six people in one house can do that, but it has never been dirty and I feel like its dirty.  So cleaning it from stem to stern then thinking about a smudge stick to make Schleprock move out!!!  Plus if I even open the door to the wabbit hole I think that this is not what I can leave for my family to deal with.  Ok, nuf said, slamming de door shut again!

    I LUBSLUBSLUBS you ladies!  Thank you all for just being you and being here!

    For any of you soccer fans I have this for you................


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited June 2014

    Here you go Goldie!!  They will protect your property while you go enjoy breakfast!

    Firemen in Underwear 03