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  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    Good morning girls, happy sundey fundey! 

    TIme to slam down some Harvey Wallbangers, yippee! NM, I love seeing you do picture posts again. Goils, back in the day our own NM did this EVERY day. Thanks for that.

    Cam, sending up prayers for your SIL. Please let us know once you hear something. 

    Genny, sorry the last one kicked yer arse, it will get better.  I will not tell you that a bmx is an easy thing but can say that the time leading up to it was worse than the procedure itself. It is scary. I remember oh so well the feeling of dread. Hang in there dear lady. 

    Elizabeth! Were you be hiding these days? NIce to see your face. I love seeing all my goils here. Waiting for Lara, 4, Mema and who else is missing for the sundey fundey partay? Loved loved the story of dwinking underage, we would have gotten along well as teens. I waz using my sister's DL at age 15 to buy likker and dwink in bars. Loved being a rebel, tink I still am a wee bit rebelish. 

    Beanie, loved your nighty night post, have always loved your posts. I forget that you were also in the lounge before me. The only other person that I can think of that joined here before me is our GoldyLox.  I miss the good ole days when wese was widdle kids and posted here. Heck I was in my 40's still back in de dey hehe.

    NM, glad your car is not as bad as you thought it could be. Mese pea brain forget about what you thought it might be, something in de engine, wooo hooo better than expected. I say again how much I enjoyed again seeing your posts with pictures to match the post. I can't believe you did that every day along with making dwinks for us dwunks. YOu are da bomb! 

    Julie, hope you get better and git rid of that itus you have, yikes. Were are you, why working, thought you were away? chit must be bixed up with another loungette. I cant possibly keep up.

    Well I say hi to everyone else, still struggling with this tiny keyboard and it makes me nuts. I also really miss my PF keys and my numeric keyboard. The new laptop runs Chrome, I am still unsure if I like it. I have to decide before buying a larger laptop. 

    I am going to refresh to see if any word from Camille. Talk later goils. CheerS! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!  I can't find my post from yesterday...what the hoohoo.  damn gremlin!!

    But I'm loving all the pic post on loving each other, puts a big smile on mese face.!

    4sew - I lol'd on da 'find da right spot' lmao.  I've only had 3 and all da time they did 'found da spot' heehee....sawee if I confused da issue.   Danggitit goil, another brokie dis time u toe, and walkin in, gonna git u a private Tender to help u walk da line goil! Like one of dem in da water.  Tank ewe fer woikin on #s fer me.  Muah!

    Julie - Not fair you hav cosachondritis too...hope da meds woik.  And gaining 5lbs ok, ya kno already dat muscle heavier den fat.  Don't gib up. k?  LOL on da teacher n cookies.

    Cami - each day I feel less and less nausea n headache, so sure it is se of tx.  No worrying bout me K?  SOOO FREAKIN happy ur tests showed no RB.  Hope it didn't rain and dat u got to kick ur legs in da pool, n Joey too.   Dat watermelon thingy...I saw dat on a morning show.  Only they had the top off and removed a widdle of the melon and den poured wodka in and let it it is mmm mmm good!

    Lara - kinda confooosed....ur next surgery u gonna have ur ovaries removed but not a hysterectomy?  Hoping you got the call for your pain meds (((Lara)))

    ED - soooo nice to c u again!!  And I'm with you on just lookin at 4's and Julie's men, drinking and dreamin.  I'll join you in da Wallbanger...woohoo!!

    ErWacko - that is truly a touching story and one that we all should heed.  Thanks for sharing.  Reminded of a song...'I hope you dance' or sumpin like that. 

    JeanBeanie - LOL u don't wanna kno bout the insert thingy!  But if u must, it's the wand inserted down south der, so doc can do ultra sound on Wacko's pelvic reason, find out why she is bleeding a widdle.  YAY, about mese twip to Seattle, we will b staying on Pike Street at Hilton's Homewood Suites.  So fercited to get into cooler weather.  U back at Nanu now?  Cool...den when I git back from da goils twip, we'll figure out a good time for me to come bisit u at Nanu.  I wanna c some wabbits to.

    Genny, how sweet a surprise on your last chemo.  I love those edible arrangements.  And super WOW that the nurse gave you another MO name.  I'd seriously look into that one.  I was 31 when I had my partial hysterectomy.  Left my ovaries too, but they came out in 09.  I thought I was a new person after the uterus gone.  Didn't regret it for a second.  But I had my kids and wasn't gonna have any more.  I think Lara is still wanting kids.  NORA looks adorable...what a cutie patootie.

    Hey, I'm game for a 2016 gathering....who wants to organize.  I can do alot cuz I don't let me know if ya'll are serious. 

    Lubslubs!  still have more to post!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014

    OK, JeanBeanie...LOL...tank u fer da complement...we is all mostly from hot flashes, but hey, hot is hot right!?  And u jes had to add a 'quack' pic....LMAO!!

    NM - Can u git me one a those Golden Caddies?...not da dwink, da real ting...j/k.  Lubslubs all the picposts. 

    Cami - praying DD calls soon can dat SIL is A-OK.   And you are not insane...poop in and rant or vent anytime ya hear! pump and no pain...SUPER WOMAN!!

    Genny - ya kno it's cumulative so don't be so hard on yourself K?  U'll be up to speed in a few days.  You should definitely be resting more, hope DH does most of the entertaining with your guests.  (((G)))

    Lowee - I wondered about your water supply.  And even tho the fire still far away, being prepared cudnt hurt.  Fire fighters, would they bring a big tanker of water up there if it threatened you and your neighbors?  Any hydrants?  I'm skeered for u!  LOL about running in the rain, cuz u right...u wud b a muddy mess girlfriend...LOL!

    4 - declutter I like!  We are clutter people, dh and I.  I have to declutter every 2 weeks b4 cleaning crew comes in...LOL.  Did go thru my hope chest and jewelry box.  Separated what will go to whom etc.  Big load off my mind.  And wow, the room I have now is amazing LOL.

    OK....mese tinks me got to eberone...if not pweeese forgibs me.  Gotta get to more laundry and packing.  Tomorrow it's local hosp for blood draw, then drive to LV for Bone Scan and CAT/CT starting at 11am, w/bone scan at 2p.  They gotta inject me at 11 so it has at least 3 hours to penetrate da bones.  Then back to LV.   Then Tues about 3pm we head Back to LV for med maryjane docs, then Weds ayem on de plane to Reno .wooohoooo!

    lublubslubslubslublubslublubs all ya'll!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014


    Stole this from ErWacko.....I still can't stop laughing!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Just poopin in again--OK My SIL is feeling better but has to stay in for sure to see a gastrologist tomoree Leslie feels so bad she's staying the night silly girl, but those rooms actually are made for someone to stay overnight with their own TV on the other side with u'r own bed--they're huge--he's not as dopey as he was and called Joey to reassure him he was much better, he wasn't slurring so that's good. LOL What a crazy day and his mom just calls to see how he's doing, she's sitting around the pool relaxing and lives lik 20 min. away so my DD is thinking just take a ride it's u'r son. I told u Les can be a bitch. Oh well.

    I hope Sunday is treating everyone well and safe from all this weather chit.

    I'm sorry I'm a little quiet, I'm just so tired so Joey and I are going to relax and watch TV. Lara I am watching a scary movie now, but when it's over, that's it


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2014

    cammi-hope your sil is ok, does this mean joey is in charge tonight?

    genny-nora is one beautiful little girl, hooray for chemo being over and how wonderful to have such nice gift

    nm-heres to car repairs  and the hope the car keeps runninng a long time

    hello to beanis,sue,wacko,lori,4 and ed ,wwho did i miss?

    last day to work tomorrow then 2 weeks offHappy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited June 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another Triple H day---Hazy,
    Hot and Humid!I got a lot done
    yesterday, though, got the bedroom and bathroom cleaned up and presentable,
    tried to fix the dishwasher, but wasn't successful.Now that I've got some momentum going I'm
    hoping it will carry me through the rest of the house. We'll see.

    Cammy--Still praying
    for SIL and that you hear from DD soon.

    Genny--I remember
    the eye leaking time.Just let it
    happen.I know the scared feeling, too.
    Fear of the unknown, fear of major change, fear for our very lives, it's a
    wonder we get over the fear, but mostly we do, given enough time. Sorry you
    will lose some of your clients, never easy.It's hard to have to walk on eggshells around someone, but sometimes you
    just need to avoid the drama.Hopefully
    it will be a very short visit.Do they
    stay with you or in a hotel?And yes, I
    am being careful not to wear myself into heat exhaustion again, and Sadie is
    certainly tiring our quicker than usual!

    Goldie--the duvet,
    sheets and pillow cases do smell wonderful, I really do enjoy that part of
    clean sheets on the bed, just not the process of making the bed, although it's
    not nearly so bad now that I don't need to wrestle the comforter into the

    Beanie--Sadie is
    doing just fine, she slows down in the heat and humidity.I['m hoping to get my car back this week so I
    can start taking her to the lake in the p-ems, so she can swim.That always perks her up, and me too!So funny the mental pics I have of you
    chasing baby lizards!And yup, God is
    taking care of me and go-buggy, for which I am thankful.

    4--sounds like you
    know the FlyLady!Yep, getting some nice
    weather, finally, and I am loving it!I
    am so happy to not have to have a car payment again, trying very hard to avoid
    that.A couple thousand $ a year in work
    is about $166 a month, and I'll never find a car for that, used or
    otherwise.Several women on the Arimidex
    threat have used various creams and ointments down there for the dryness, with
    varying degrees of success.If the bc
    was ER+ and/or PR+ some caution is advised, since some of the hormone will
    absorb into the general system, but probably not enough to make any difference
    in long term prognosis.Something to
    discuss in detail with the MO.

    Erin--I used to do
    the pics all the time, but then the HTL got busy and I didn't have the time
    every ayem.Will do it sometimes if I
    have the time and energy.It is fun, but
    time consuming.

    Mema--Look out
    ladies, the post eating gremlin is back and got a bite of Mema!I can get you a Golden Cadillac dwinky, but
    not the auto, too much $$$$ for me!

    Cammy--Hooray for
    SIL feeling better.And for being able
    to talk to Joes.His mom didn't call him
    or go to the hospital?What's her issue,

    Julie--Here's to an
    easy last day of work before vacay!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Stoli Fruitini

    1/2 oz Lemon Vodka

    1/2 oz Orange Vodka

    1/2 oz Raspberry

    1/2 oz Strawberry

    oz (squeezed wedge)

    oz Cranberry Juice

    oz Orange Juice

    oz Pine Apple Juice


    In shaker add
    vodka's and splashes of each juice over ice. Cover and shake until outside of
    shaker is frosted over.

    Strain into chilled
    martini glass and squeeze piece of lime into glass.

    Serve shaken and

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Great and funny pictures Beans, I like the WW pills! Welcome back home, I hope you got rested up.

    NM, hope you got tons done this weekend....NOT ME! We keep going somewhere and I get hardly nothing done! And Sadie slept in?? LOL. Triple H does NOT sound enjoyable, but I'd take it over winter any day! Do you have AC? At least for sleeping?

    Awwww Cami, how come you didn't go to your DD's? I hope your SIL is ok, and glad that Joey wasn't there to see it. Please let us know. And I think most of us have effed up brains. I can hear everyone laffing at your emails, as you are a very funny lady and I jes love you to pieces! Ahhhhhh, you have Joey to babysit you? I know he will do a good job. So nice that your DD can stay at the hospital with her husband AND have her own bed and tv!

    Genny, what you are feeling is totally normal. I couldn't imagine going through all of this and NOT go down that rabbit hole. Just don't stay down there too long. You have a lot that you have been through and a lot coming up. As for the company, (gosh) can't you tell them that you really aren't up to guests and could they at least stay somewhere else? As for your clients, maybe you will feel up to just going for a couple of visits? Getting sick on the Harvey Wallbanger's.....I did the same thing, but with Slow Gin Fizz's. ECH!!!

    Beans, those lizards are quick, aren't they? Never had any in the house, but have a ton of them out in the yard and garden. Got to talk to my DD, I was able to keep my composure, however she was not. I could tell she was crying and trying to hide it. Broke my heart.

    4, it would be nice if it were just as easy to declutter our bods and it is a house! Bisit from your folks? Don't you have some misunderstandings wif your mom? LOL @ taking the ovaries out from your behind. Nice to have a doc you can joke with. Hope those biopsies all come back good. Yep, doze are our fireman for sure. They been around for a LONG time!

    Julie, when are you leaving and how long will you be gone? Heck, you mighten even be gone already! Ok, last day of woyk today, then off for 2 weeks. GIRL ENJOY!

    Wacko, NM been here awhile too. I think that is it tho, for those being here before ye graced us wif your presents.

    LDB, I have no idea what they would do with a fire out here. No fire  hydrants, would have to be done from the air, I guess. We did have a lightning strike many years ago (mese was the one that found it) and they came out with a small water tank, small enough to be pulled by some sort of ATV. It was only one tree, was not windy, so it remained at the one tree. DH and I went couple days later and it was still smoking in the ground, the roots. WOWSA, you gots a bizzy few days wif all of those scans and blood draws. Guess I got that to look forward to as well. Monthly blood and scans every 3 months. But I know you will have an awesome time with your friends. LOL at the khakis!

    That DOTD sounds very yummy!!!! I think in a blender with some ice, to make it like a slushy, wud do ya think?

    Had a wonderful visit and breakfast yesterday morning with our Hygienist. She has a 10 yo little boy who is just adorable! Got home to about 100 degrees, so didn't get much done! My beans are lookin good, and I think I might be canning my first batch come this weekend.

    Well, it's Monkey day! Back to work! Need to call my MO and get this treatment going. See y'all in da morning!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh NM that drink sounds yummy to me --whoa. So it's hot and humid too--see I don't like this weather either, now I wait for fall--Never happy. Oh how great for Sadie to go swimming, I love it. I hope u do take it easy tho with the humidity. And don't forget u'r meds ever.

    BB phones are going.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2014


    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Gotta make it a quick poop-in.  Bizy day ahead. 

    Lowee - breaks my heart that ur heart broke and you DD was so upset.  That so hard for mommies.  HUGZ!  I was hoping you would tell me there is more than an atv pulled water tank.  That's like spitting or pissing on it.  Now I worry more.  But in meantime I'll say prayers to lightning/fire gods to stay da hail away from you!

    Don't have time to respond to everyone....just to say that I lubslubslubs you all sooo sooo much!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OK got some quiet now--fingers crossed, yea I still type the same way crossed or not.

    Oh Lori u'r poor DD u actually feel worse for them I think---I'm praying for u hard Miss Innocent.  U'r Firepeople bring some sort of tank to a fire???? OMG that sounds like a 3 Stooges adventure. It's like the old bucket brigade. Well nothing better get close to you that's for sure. Oh it's super hot for u too, I know no humidity, well there's no humidity in

    an oven too but I wouldn't want to be in one. OK now today call u'r Drs. set everything up, well I guess they will. I'm sorry.

    Sue now u have a lot of tests this week too. Oh hope for good results of stability with them. (((prayers)))

    Julie, OK I got it now--U'r leaving tomorree---YAY, WOOT, for 2 weeks--It'll be so nice for u.

    genny and princess how are u gals doing. and 444 I'm glad u drop by to give us some eye candy too,

    I don't know WTF is going on LOL but they really can't figure Marty out, never could, I think a lot is stress but that's my own opinion that no one agrees with--he does have gastric problems and stuff like that and that's why I think sometimes stress adding to that is horrible--IDK And money is a big stressor when u'r scraping along. And Joey does take care of me--he's unbelievable in these situations. I guess he got used to them between Marty and me, so he takes a very practical look t it. Oh Oh I forgot to tell u (he wanted me too) now I don't understand this but u comp. gals will he's going to u-tube and starting a thing where it will be called Awe-inspiring Advice from Joey--his terms on Saturday only--he doesn't want to get to involved in peoples lives. Just dabble in lives. I know I'm bias but this kid cracks me up.

    OK I'd better get moving my clothes are done in the dryer, I took a shower now I smell like mixed blossoms, what the hell that is, Les is home for now and she's got to pick up my pills

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    HI girls! 

    Quick pop in, waiting for a man to come and access my Dad; someone reported his condition to the division of motor vehicle. He has to have an evaluation and if he passes that, then a road test. I am afraid for him but know it is best to be safe. 

    We got some bad news, my Mom might be kicked out of the facility she is in. SHe has been biting. SHe bit and broke the skin on one of the aid's breasts. THey are going to coordinate the move to another facility. We are upset over this but still grateful that MOm will be cared for. She has been a behavior problem while dealing with the UTI's. SHe bites and spits when she feels threatened.

    I bumming, one more day to sleep in then to work on wed, ick ick ick. stinky stanky stunky! 

    My apologies to NM, of course you were here when I joined, I wuz dwunk when I posted last night and fogots. No escuse, mese so sawry. 

    Ooops, gotta fly, dude it here early. Cheers and love to all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited June 2014

    woah, were are mese dwunken fwends? !hiccup

    not too happy here, mese Daddy must retire his license to drive :( 

    prolly best but still a sad day. 

    tenders, whip me up a double dotd...oh tank ye ~ hiccup and a  burp

    szuuuuz mese....

    I am taking Dad out to dinner to try to cheer him up. 

    Wishing you all good health, peace and lots and lots of lub lub lub!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Oh Wacko tht is so hard to do, I know, I mean it's no doubt best but it's a hard thing to take because our dads used to drive way before 16 those days, so that's what they know And Erin it might be better for u'r mom because in different facilities the care is more concentrated than in a reg. one, Of course u guys have to learn how to pop in at any timeso they never know, But personally I think that's most places now, my experience. But also my BIL went every morning to make sure my dad had a good breakfast then usually back at dinner too--he was better than all of us. see why I love him. Anyway u'r mom might do better there, it's hard to face I know but when it happened with us we realized it was best, but he just had to move to another floor.

    I can not believe how many phone calls today OMG I emailed the guys and asked if they had blimps riding around with our phone # on it. The phone has been quiet for over 1/2 hr. now. Who knows th how many jobs they'll get cuz now people get a few written quotes and decide. Yrs ago u'd just go to their house and say it'll cost so much and usually they said OK. That was it.

    Well Marty just got home and he's on just a couple meds for now,  He's feeling pretty good so???????


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    OK I turned my phone to voicemails and my back has spasmed out, and of course I complain --I told then the only pain that I can compare it to were my marriages. I'm off the phone and they just announced severe thunderstorms going on and they are. Well my cat's hiding so I always wait til she comes out then I know they are over. Skeerdy cat.

    MUAH to everyone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2014

    Oh WACKO, sorry you daddy can't drive, but your poor mom. To feel so threatened and scared that she is biting and spitting. Why in the hell would they throw her out because of that??? Good grief!!! That's ridiculous. My heart goes out to her, and if she is reacting like that, the aides and nurses should be aware and try harder to calm her. Pisses me off! Devil

    Cami, there is nothing out here where I live. We are totally self contained. We do have a well, but not anything a fire truck could hook to!

    I won't be around in the moring, they are going to get me in for my injections. So 4 hour drive there and turn around and come home. Hope my arse isn't too sore for that drive back!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2014

    Lori 4 hr drive ? OMG u'll be in the car for so long. wow here my sister thought 20 mins. was to long to drive for a shot.

    Wait til I tell her, well stop whenever u can just to move a little. many (((HUGS)) 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Lori, the home is saying that they are not trained in dealing with such behavioral issues with their patients. We were accepting of that answer until tonight. We stopped by, Dad and I. I asked the aid on duty if she was the one that was bit as I wanted to apologize on Mom's behalf. Her reply was "oh hell no, I know how to handle sweet Jean". So now we are torn. Was an aid mistreating her? I Hate to think that could be but cant help thinking about it knowing it is possible. It is very  painful as we love the entire staff, moms room and the care they are giving. I had to put this one in my God bag meaning to Let GO and Let GOD. which btw, I am still pisseed off about my little God bag that my DD made me years ago for my office. It is something I started years ago where I would have a difficult situation and instead of festering over the situation, I would jot down a note on a scrap of paper and drop in my God bag. The bag can be a shopping bad, a container, a mug or anything. The one my DD gave me was hand made. ANd she wrote on it "mommys Jessica bag"....that is because she knew that God does not beling in the office or at least she was afraid it would create trouble. But we knew it was to drop issues off to God. With that said, I intend on making a new God bag. I need to run to a hallmark store and find a little gift bag and drop all my problems there so that I can let go and let God. THIS IS HOW I STAY SAME. or at least portend quite well. soooo ..... ugh, mese stressing. waiting on results sucks. i know someting wrong just not sure what that is.

    sorry all about me. But I DO LOVE ALL OF YE! lol. but seriously, 

    Dorky going to bed. over and out. cheerS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Lori, I hope the drive and the shot go easy for you (((((Lori)))))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    ps I failed to mention that my God Bag went missing while I was on a medical leave. Ughhhh. curse on whomever took it or disposed of it. prolly the bitch x boss. I HATE HER. I pray that I will not be outside of her office again. ok , me dwunk. sawry. will pass the love around like a hot potato...keep it going my luvs!

    sweet dreams goil fwends/warriors! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies hopes yose all doing fine. I been home over a week but it has taken me that time to get sorted not that Ise like dis cold weather wese having. Tis winter here.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Welcome Home Aly---u've been on a huge trip==u have to tell u with some pics.

    Erin I love the God Bag

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    hello aly

    Erin. Sorry an bout you DM. Hard yo worry for her 

    Lori. Easy ride and shot

    Tornado sirens here. In basement. Waiting for it to pass.  Hope everyone's safe....Cam?

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited July 2014

    Happy Monday!

    Hi Ladies, it has been a hot and bizzy day so must be quick.

    Juliet -  hope U have a gweat twip. Will miss ya!

    NM - Sadie N I have that in common, it is so hot I melted today, Love de DOTD – Tank U!!

    Goldie – de lizards are quick and so dang cute I cannot git mad at them, they have so much poysonality. Gotta find out how dey R gittin in. None today, just outside. I am so glad you were able to tell your DH. I can only imagine how hard that was for you and for her. I can speak from experience and your Dau must be in agony. You are such a beautiful person. Best wishes for you apt in de ayem.

    Erin – OMG, so sawwy bout your Mom, hope she gets moved to a good place soon.

    Alyson – so good to see you poop in.

    Sue - love de kahkis!

    Hi to everyone, it's been a weird day and so hot. So I will be short and say good night. I love you all and wish you a great eve and sweet dreams.

    Cheers ma deers!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another Triple H day
    brewing, but I got my go buggy back yesterday!So nice to have my own car back, even if it is full of junk and stuff
    and in a horrible need of being cleaned out.Hopefully I'll get a chance to start that process today.

    Goldie--I do have a
    room AC in the bed room, almost turned it on last night, but the ceiling fan
    and another fan did the trick last night.Tonight will probably be another story given how sticky it feels this
    ayem.I've seen the water tanks they
    pull with an ATV, used a lot where I grew up. Used to get water where a tanker
    can't go.Gotta watch those burning
    roots, back in 1947 a fire in a dump got into the root system of the nearby
    trees and peat bog, kept popping up, eventually burned a third of Mt. Desert
    Island (Acadia National Part, Bar Harbor, ME).While that one wasn't lightning related, there have been others, just
    not as big.

    forgetting my meds, thanks for the reminder.Taking Sadie swimming is my motivation for getting the junk out of the
    go-buggy.Besides, I love to go
    swimming, too!

    Mema--such cute
    puppehz!Have a good day!

    Cammy--Oh my
    goodness, I will have to look for Joey's You-tube thing!I can just imagine how much fun it's going to
    be.Mixed blossoms is today's Scent of
    the Day?Hmm, I've got Sweet Pea, does
    that count?

    Erin--will you and
    your family be involved in finding a new facility for your Mom?If so, when checking them out, ask about the
    level of education in dealing with patients with dementia, and ask how many
    residents there have dementia.Many
    people with dementia react badly when they feel frightened or threatened, and
    simple things like not coming up behind them, making sure they know you are
    there before touching them, taking a little extra time, learning their daily
    awake/active/tired/sleepy patterns and timing care for the awake/active times
    when possible all go a long way to avoiding behaviors like biting, pinching,
    etc.Also not being in an over
    stimulating environment, and that can be much less than people without dementia
    experience realize.Just having a TV on
    can be too much for somepeople with
    dementia.If the staff know she is
    acting that way 'cuz she feels threatened, then they should be able to figure
    out what they (the staff) are doing to make her feel that way and change their
    (the staff's) behavior.It's all part of
    caring for people with dementia.

    Oh my, I seem to
    have gotten up on my soapbox again.

    Erin--I know you
    never ignore me on purpose, so no problems!Sorry for your Dad, but his safety may have just taken a big jump

    Cammy--glad Marty's
    home, and feeling pretty good! Nothing like having your own personal severe
    weather alert system!

    Goldie--good luck
    with the shots and the drive!

    Erin--love the idea
    of the God bag!I'm going to start one
    for work.

    Aly--Love the good
    use of cocktails!

    PRN--stay safe!

    Beanie--sleep well
    and stay cool!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 shot Hennessy

    1 shot Absinthe

    1 shot Hpnotiq

    2 shot Melon Liqueur

    1 shot Mint Schnapps


    pour all shot into
    mixer and shake with five or six ice cubes and serve chilled as shots

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies----

    NM how can u sleep without A/C on--I like it cold at night at least. And Sadie has her fur on. U guys are good. DOTD different--how many liquors are their---oh so many. NM u know exactly how to help anyone for looking for a facility for the elderly, you are so caring toward everyone and u'r tips to Erin are fabulous. (as usual)

    Princess--OMG it was scary again last nite--there was so much lightening I was expecting to hear someone yelling RISE Frankenstein, rise--way to flashing and crackling here and raining like mad

    Safe trip Lori, I hope u check in when u get home. (((HUGS)))

    OK Hope everyone has a decent day. I'm still tired---what else is new???


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Poopin in for a quick hello!  Hope everyone is having a good day what ever you are dealing with today!

    Off for my Endo Biopsy, LE Therapy and Foob US.  

    LUBS nad HUGZ for all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014
