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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    For the ladies wif de tornadoes!  Ok I am really out the door this time.  Don't know how I got distracted!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning all, wow, I've missed a lot in the last few days. I wasn't really down da wabbit hole too far, I worked yesterday and not feeling so hot so I came home and laid around, didn't even feel like getting on the computer. Just the dang fatigue, and heartburn and a little back pain from the Neulasta but at least this time I know I don't have to do it again. I'm off today so I can just take it easy. DH out with the brats now but it's 85 degrees already so they won't last long.  Guests only gonna be here 2 nights, and now they're saying Wed and Thur which are my work days so I won't see that much of them. The plan is that the triplets will stay at my MIL but I don't see that lasting more that a night. My DH will cook dinner 1 night and we are going out the other and then they'll be leaving so it should be quick and painless.

    PRN, hope the storms blew past quickly, we have been lucky here. I live about 2 miles from Lake Erie and it seems the tornadoes are always  a bit south of us. When do you start your vacation? Hope you have a great time.

    Cam, hope the storms miss you too, we're supposed to get some later on today then it's going to cool into the 70's for the weekend so that'll be nice. Hope they get some answers about your SIL. I'm sure he does get skirred with the family hx of the gastro problems. Hope your phones are quieter today. Your Joey cracks me up, wonder where life will take him when he grows up? A therapist maybe, a comedian? Some line of work that makes people feel good. 

    Erin, so sorry about your mom, hopefully the new place will work out great and she'll be happier there. The facility that I work in is independent to assisted living and every now and then they have to tell family members that it's time for someone to have to move and it's so hard for the families, but usually if I talk to them again they tell me mom or dad settled in just fine. It does sound very stressful though, sorry you and your dad have to go thru that. And good advice from NM. What's the word on the ultrasound, did I miss something? Sorry you have to go back to work, hope it's not too bad, how's the resume coming?

    NM You are right, not much to do about the eye leaking thing except let it happen. We've had our air conditioning running nonstop all week. I took Emma around the block when I got home from work yesterday, next thing I knew her water bowl was empty and she had upchucked it all over the floor, just too hot. It was in the 90's and so humid. We would have to keep the air on for them even if we didn't need it. They seem to realize it tho cause they barely even ask too go outside. Did you get your lawn mowed over the weekend, and you got your car back?

    Lori, I know the way I feel is normal, just tired of being tired. I'm alright now, looking forward to my vacation. So sorry you have to drive so far for your treatments, that really sucks... 4 hours each way? How often will you have to do that? And for how long? Did you discover the mets from a routine MRI or were you having symptoms? I wish you didn't have to go thru this, I'm thinking of you every day. I see you told your DD, hope it went ok, think I missed something about that. Is the fire still burning? I thought you said something like 30 miles away, boy that seems awful close to me. Hope you stay safe.

    Sue, yes it is cumulative, at least I know this time when I start feeling a little better I don't have to do it again. Good luck with your scans and treatments, wish you didn't have to go thru this either. FURB just sucks. I really would like to do the 2016 thing, gonna have to work on coming up with a location maybe and go from there.

    4, thanks for the advice about the LE specialist, I will look into that. Hope your ankle is feeling better. Are your parents still there, have fun with the decluttering, I hate that job but it always feels so good when it's done.

    Beans, I think I'd like some Kendall Jackson chardonnay on the spaceship. A couple a bottles please, and some really awesome imported cheese. Sounds perfect. Glad you'll all be in the doctors' pockets, that makes me feel lots better.

    Juliet, have fun. 

    Lala, hope yer doing ok. 

    Hi Ally and Chevyboy and Red and whoever else I'm missing, my bff just got here and we're gonna go get some lunch then I'm gonna do her hair. Trying to decide if I'm up for a little golf, might push myself into it. Hope you all have a good day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls, Doing another quick poop in. 

    NM, thanks so much for your words of wisdom and tank you to eberybody saying nice tings about mese parental units. It jest so sad sometimes that it hurts. I could not even witness mese Dad royally failing that test yesturdey.  I tail ye goils, NM just DE best with great words of wisdom. NOt to discount our own Dr. CAmiLLe , PHD (which bdw, stands for Pretty Heavey Dwinka hehe)!    

    I had de most grand day. My niece Kelly and her friend Nicole came swimming with Nicole's ten month old baby boy. OMG, wuz he eber so cutliest. I practiced rocking a baby in mese new rocking chair and it was awesome. It is close to 90 here but no humidity and a spendid breeze going. De only prowlem is that mese tired and it time to make dinner for mese Papa. 

    and de most firciting news is that I went back to ebay, outta despairation, and looked up floaties for mese pool with headrest, armrest and cuppie holder for mese JD. Well well well, didn't I find and order two for only freaking 13.00 each! oh mese Gawd, me so fircited cuz I been missing mese raft that I like. I was going to order one at 128.00 which is insane but I liked it cuz it had what mese need. But found dis! lets sailabrate!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    sawry not to talk to ye all, it hard sincen mese bin dwinking alcamahol since around noon. Ya see, I moved de little hand of de clock to 5....mese brilliant!!! 

    so I hear that photo can nowt be posted here - a  narative to follow.....when Nicole was preggers, she and my family went to a Phillies game, uh I mean Kansas City ROYALS game (hehe) and mese Daddy announced that HE was the baby Daddy. Well the baby has the most beautiful blue eyes despite the Mom having brown eyes. So mese Dad wuz so happy today to meet his baby of ten months old!!  


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    I could not get a photo of both of them smiling at the same time. So in this shot, baby Hunter is smiling. Ain't they cutliest????


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    and one more... he shows his five teeth!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Erin, your niece's friend's baby is so cute! Love the teeth. Glad yer dad enjoyed him so much. enjoy yer alcamohol.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Genny, thanks. I really enjoyed the baby, he is such a happy boy. oh, me had to stop dwinking at dinner. Matter o fact, made a cup of coffee. De sun is exhausting when dwinking de alcamahol.  I was fwied by tree pee em. 

    oh, nothing on mese ultra sound. me tink no news is good news? or do I want a hysterectommy to git out of work again? hmmmmmm. nah, would rather take de time of to git mese leaky bladder bixed up. 

    I hitting de sack, I am ready as I get, even have mese jewelry laid out. It gonna be super hot tomorrow and stormy. I hope I do not killl anyone cuz I sometimes hate people when at work. tank ye tank ye for hearing me! me and willie and jack calling it a day.

    Hope a good dey for all ye goils! cheerS! sweet dreams! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everything this early
    ayem? Had to run the AC in the bedroom last night for poor Sadie, she was just
    panting and panting after going out and running around the yard like a crazy
    thing.Around here it usually drops 10
    degrees or so at night, but not last night.And apparently not tonite, either.As to sleeping with the AC, I'd rather just use the fans, but sometimes
    they just aren't enough.


    Cammy--send some of
    that thunder and lightning my way, still haven't had a thunderstorm here, love
    watching them.

    Thunderstorms: 5 Tips to Calm Your Dog

    4--good luck with
    the appointments.


    Genny--sounds like
    the visit will be over quickly and not cause you too much upset.I hope they at least asked before planning to
    stay with you.I did get some yard work
    done, gonna need to find someone who can do some bushogging for me for the
    parts that have gotten out of control, though.Got the car back Monday, and so happy to have it back!No car is as comfortable as your own
    car.I only have AC in the bedroom, use
    so little that it's the most reasonable thing to do, so I can sleep.Sadie has the run of the house and yard, and
    there are places under the deck and in the yard that stay cool, and she has a
    spot that she digs down into the cooler dirt to lie in, and a kiddy pool full of water, so she does well during
    the day, then shares the AC in the bedroom at night when it's like this.She will drink and then throw up at times,
    too.Messy, huh?


    Erin--rocking a baby
    is wonderful no matter what the weather is!Sounds like a nice pool day for you all.Great floatie, I can see why you like it so much!ADORABLE baby! Have a good day at work.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles DOTD:


    300 oz Beer

    1 shot Peppermint

    1 shot Tequila

    20 drops Tabasco


    Put the tabasco
    sauce in a shot glass. This is the firestarter. The tequila shot is the
    propellant which spreads the fire. The peppermint schnapps shot brings the fire
    under control, and finally, the beer puts out the last of the flames.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Morning girls, Emma woke me up early, having my coffee, going to be another hot one today but then storms moving in tonight are going to give us a beautiful weekend in the 70's. Rick's sister did offer to stay at a friend's house but it is over an hour away and they are bringing the triplets to see their grandma, it just was easier for them to stay here. They are not the type that I feel the need to clean for and entertain, she makes me look like Martha Stewart and I am so NOT. She is nice enough, her husband has zero personality but it's only 2 days. I am working today, DH will do all the cooking and if I want I'll go shut myself in the bedroom and blame it on the chemo. Pulling the cancer card can be useful. I did end up golfing with my bff yesterday, it was fun! Then we went to lunch and I cut and colored her hair and after that I was whooped. Just sat on the couch watching dumb shows and vegging till bedtime. Feeling a bit better, eyes watering like crazy but the hip pain is gone this ayem. I keep reminding myself that I am done with this part and that feels really good. 

    NM, was that actually Sadie in the pool? Very cute! My little Junior has a pool, and he loves to bite at the automatic sprinklers in the neighborhood. Love the pics above, very cute.

    Erin, good luck with your first day back at work, try not to kill anybody and just remember you kin come home to Jack. 

    4 hope the biopsy is good news.

    Lori and Sue, in yer pocket.

    Cami, hope the phones r quiet.

    Everbody else, have a good day, gotta get ready for work, got the lady coming tomorrow that's gonna work while I'm gone, hope my ladies like her. Wish me luck tonight with the SIL and the putz. Later....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Oh Dorothy, I sure hope your mom is not being mistreated. Maybe you could ask that same person if she knows who got bit and if perhaps that person might be the problem,and not your mom. As for your bag, was that when they went through your stuff at work and tossed it? And BTW, I like hearing about YOU! LOVE the PHD on Cami! I like the rafts too, and what a bargain!

    Alyson, it seems so odd to me, that when we have summer, others have winter. Stay warm! Love the little piggy!

    Beans, we have 3 different lizzards here (I think) My favorite are the collard lizards, they are SOOO PRETTY. Here is one that let me take his picture last year. Sorry, he has his lunch.


    NM, I thought you had a room AC. When I lived in MI, we did not. But I never got THAT hot, a fan was fine. I would die now! I had worked with the elderly for many years, and totally agree with you and Erin's mommy. It's such an easy thing to fix, that is why it makes me so angry. Sadie can go outside when you are gone, go swimming and then come back in the house? Oh, and I don't remember if I told you this or not about the Morning Glory's. They re-seed, so you should get many more plants to come up next year.

    Cami, Joey wants to go live on You Tube? That is so cute, but being that is something that depending on what settings are used, everyone in the world can see. And people love to be mean. I don't care who you are or what you are doing, people WILL be mean.

    4, good luck with all you got going on. I can't either, for the life of me, figure why you would get distracted!!!!

    Genny, if things get to uncomfortable with your guests, perhaps you could just excuse yourself and say you are not feeling well!!! But I am sorry you don't feel well. And rads are going to do the same thing with the fatigue. Glad you are resting when you feel that coming on. You are being a good girl. I know you know this is normal, but it still SUCKS. So hang in there, and you know we are here for ya. And the girls here that had MX's need to start telling you the things you need to do to prepare for when you get home. I remember them saying to put things are arms reach, especially like in the kitchen. Sewing pockets in things for your drains. I think something in the shower, a chair or something. Do you have a recliner you can sleep in? Back in Dec. my tumor markers were up, my insurance wouldn't cover anything other than a nuclear bone scan, which MO said was fine. Then in June office called and said my blood work was good, tumor markers up a little but doctor not concerned. I said, well they were up back in Dec. So he ended up ordering scans. I have new insurance now (thanks to Obamacare) and they covered all of the scans, Nuclear Bone, PET and CT. Not sure which one it showed up on. But NO, I did not have any symptoms, never have, not ever. Not even in the beginning. I do remember about a year or so ago, the tech that was doing my nuclear bone, asking me about my hip, if it hurt or anythng. So I think I have had it since then! I hope you got some golf in. The fire IS still burning and I see NM has a drink for it!

    Ok, I see you got your "cancer Card" Genny! And got to go golfing.

    That is some WILD drink NM! Holy the Cow!

    Sue/Julie, have an awesome time girls.

    Got all of my shots, all three were a breeze. One in that flabby area of the upper arm, you know the part that waves!!! Then one on each side of mese behind, up on the top in the hip area. Not bad at all and no pain for driving home. I will be contacting our doctor up here, the one that has come over to our house to visit, and see if he will do them in his office, which is an hour and 15 minute drive, one way! Nothing is close to me! I have to have another in 2, then again in 2 weeks, then monthly. It will be for the rest of my life Gennny, unless the cancer spreads elsewhere or progesses and we have to do something else. I think that's the way it goes when you get to stage IV. Forever treatment, unless you opt out.

    I am late today, haven't been sleeping well! Wacko, work today? Wild Fire and Huggles around!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    NM I love Sadie in the pool, looks so cute, and the DOTD sounds like one that should be guarded while making. I'm glad u'r weather is bearable for you tho--and it did get cooler today, so I have a sweater on.

    Genny u have this whole thing figured out so I'm glad about that and hope u'r feeling really on top soon.

    Oh I wonder how Erin is doing today, I hope it goes OK for her--I'm still busy with my chit.

    Oh Lori I'm so glad nothing hurt you and I'm sure u'r Dr. can do this shot. It seems crazy to drive all that why for you and I'm glad u'r feeling OK too. I pray so hard for you, I honestly think u'll do OK with this routine and fight that FURB so hard u'll knock the chit out of it. And I think bone and liver u have to always have something and the shot I thought was relatively newer than the IV and iit will work for u Lori, I just feel it.

    OK my phones are going DRAT foiled again

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    Its been so long I dont even know what the hail to say essept Hello again.  

    Nice to see all your lovely avatars and see some new people as well. is Jess???  How far along is she now?  Did she move out with her guy or are they all still with you?  How about your dad? Whats going on with your mom??  Are you having problems with the new place?

    SuzQT and sweet Lorilou..I hope you two are well...tried to call you Goldielox while I was in TX...when is a goot time?  Im sorry we didnt hook up that day Suz when we had a phone date...can we resched?  

    Hi Alyson, Julie, Cammi, Princess...hope everyone is well...Julie..would like to make a trip to CC while Donese is here...what are your thoughts on that??  PM me K?

    NM....I may or may not be heading to ME in the fall....I still dont have anywhere to live come the end of August and am thinking that with the deposits and such i may not be able to afford that trip....I may pospone till the winter time so I can go smelting and it wouldnt hurt for me to get cold again and see snow to appreciate where I am.

    Beanie...I see you have pooped in from time to time...AWESOME to see you too..are you still in Nanu??

    Hi to Crissy B also Orla...wheww...have I missed anyone?? 

    Jodi (DD 18yo) had her lumpectomy today....she says she feels fine....I have a mammo today...wish me luck...had a dr appt this Ayem...was put on insulin...Great.....


    Latah tatah's

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Cyn it's so nice to see u here, We've all missed u so much. Oh but insulin??? Oh I'm sorry. Hope all goes well with the Lump. and u'r check-up is great. BTW I love u'r pics u are great at that and look wonderful.Where are u going to move soon??? Do I already know, cuz I forgot. I think I have a pattern of that. Muah to both of u......

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    hi everyone Iive been busy with those hot tenders

    Saw pain doc yes

    My skin fell off in a chunk pain doc said looks like tissue is about to fall off jump in shower and guess what whole chunk of skin fell off pain doc said stand your ground with ps I'm all swollen and red ps says its normal the chunk of skin that fell off had no tat color it's raw new skin ps nurse says they shave 2 layers down and the tat will appear bullshit

    Idk what I'm going to do pain doc wants me out of work for a year I've just had so much chit going to do short term disability for now it's pride for me

    4 no I'm not in any way getting a hysterectomy my mom just had The ovarectory she's fine 

    Sorry about your mom big sis u loose my number? Pool time

    Hi cam

    Genny glad it's over

    Hi Goldie lock

    I think undie PM U 

    Hi Juliet, mema princess

    Missing people hugs everyone 

    Mm it's so humid here it's disgustingNM sorry tying in my I phone thing wants to make words that do not exist


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls! 

    We are having a wicked thunder storm now, flood watches in effect and so on. BUT the temp has dropped, it was oppressive. And I am so exhausted from work today.  Mortgage rates are at a one year low so wese gitting really biddy. I played most of the day, worked on mese resumer but by noon, mese boss had me fill in for someone who called out and was behind de 8 ball enyway. ughhh, hate talking about de sweat shop. oh but one GOOD ting. They changed the ridiculous commission schedule for the positive. Too many processors were flying the coop since the market is getting better. De bad stock market means t-note value go down den mortgage rates drop. And mese boss's last dey is tomorrow. He is going to work directly for Morgann Stanleey (spelled wrong on poypuss). Cuz me name is Erin, and Erin is gitting dwunk in de storm. 

    So Lori, I funcused. Do you become a stage iv because of the bone mets? Say no please. And mese prayihg berry hard for you too. You gonna kick de rb in de arse.  And yep, the God bag was one of the tings that went MIA when mese office was packed up when me wuz out many surgeries ago. I still pissed. And I mad that HR did not gib me mese bottle of Rum back, it was genuine Jamaican run baby, sucked of dem. I bet dey dwank it for lunch, dose HR SOBese, ugh..

    CYn! WOoo hooo goood to see you hit de lounge. But crud, insulin now? Oh my, I feel yo pain. How many times a day, what kind, long acting, short acting? INquiRING minds (aka noseyFUKS as Lori would say) need to know dis. I said a prayer for Jodi. what a widdle trooper. I still cant believe she is going through this crud at such a tender young age. Hugs to you and your Jodi, she is such a doll, I jest lubs her and wish I met her when I met yer boys. How are de boys ??

    Genny, mese so pwoud of you using that cancer card. I use mine as much as I can and it works. Ya see, I want an early dismissal tomorree for the holiday weekend so mese has a Dr Jack Daniels appt and has to leave de office early! I really hope you start feeling better and get more energy. Remember, dis Too shall Pass and you will feel better dan ever once it is all ober. Hugs to you.

    ALY, hippy yippee ye back. Glad you had a nice getaway and bisits. I too find it hard to comprehend you are into the winter season when it was 95 degrees here todey. Come on back, do not be a stwangjar. 

    Lara Lara Lala, what next for you?oh God I feel yer pain sis. I hope to hail that your PS gets off his high effin horse and steps down to help you and git you healed. why I wanna punch his lights aka his bowling balls OFF and toss dem into a fire or over de cliff of a mountain! I put a curse on your PS and I can. His dicky-doo-dah  gonna fall off.

    NM, mese family members embraced your wisdom and we are going to do as you say in finding mese Mom another facility. It sux but we were told that where she is does not have the staff to treat her and the naughty behaviors. Ya know, it took us months to figure out that we could not startle or approach Mom quickly. I feel sooo soo bad for her. And mese Dad too, just fart-breaking no matter how ye look at it. BUt I often tail me Dad that he found love and had it for over 60 years, not many people get that in a lifetime. It seems to help him. He has been such a big man with surrendering his DL. I am so so proud of him. 

    4, hows the fin and de toe? 

    Cammy, your Joey is so funny. He gonna be a youtube star. make sure the site is monitored as Lori is right, people are mean! I put some videos of me playing piano and flute on youtube years ago and was told over and over that I sucked. Well guess what, I did it for me so fluck them. But yer baby is ... well, jest a baby at 10 years young. Give him a kiss. And goil, I hope ye feel better.

    well crud, who me missing? i too high n dwunk to bremember or finger it all out. me brain is in de rain clouds at de moment, hmmm, maybe it will make a re appierance tomorree hehe!

    I go now, need to eat or else. Usually only have one stiff ONE (git yer minds outta de gutter) before eating but todey exception. I skeered cuz I gonna git slammed at work. de good news is dat I can possibly look into buying real food vs eating 7 bananas a day (ya see Target has dem for .25 and I jest eat dem har har har. I is shrivling down to nutting..well at least I wish that was de case! 

    I go now, need anudder strong shot of sum alcamaholic alcamaHOL!

    CHeers. and pee ess, foygive me if I missed y

    ou. I pay you one billion dollars if mese foyget ya. and dat bcuz me lubs all ye goils of mines. cheers again and tittys up if ya gottem! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Just poopin' in to say goodnight, I did pull da cancer card, tired gotta work tomorrow..yada..yada, ceptin it's da truth.., I'm beat Erin, may I just say agin, cwack me up, you glad yer boss is leavin'..right?

    triplets went to stay with grandma, 13 yrs old and gwamma has no wi-fi, I can't imagine how they gonna survive it. Plus dere mom got po'd at 2 of em' and took dere phones.  SIL and da putz in da living room with my DH.  I'm dwinkin' my wine an goin nighty night...sweet dreams all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a lovely thunderstorm
    yesterday, complete with a couple of shake the house boomers!It was fun to watch.Might get some more today, but the big news
    is Hurricane Arthur, what's left of him will visit Maine over the 4th and the
    weekend, apparently.Guess I don't need
    to water the garden for the next couple of days.

    Genny--that's not
    actually Sadie, but so much like her it's uncanny.I'll try to get a video of her spinning
    around in the pool like a silly thing.Hope the visit from the fam is a good one, and don't be shy about using
    the cancer/chemo card!Might as well get
    something good out of it, right?

    Goldie--Is that
    lizard lunching on another lizard?Another kind of lizard, maybe?He
    is pretty, that's for sure!Yeah, Sadie
    can go out and get in the kiddie pool, then come back in.That's why my kitchen floor is mud colored
    all summer long.She's really good about
    going straight to her crate until she dries off, and I have the doors to the
    sewing room, bedroom and guest room shut so she doesn't track stuff in.Good to know the morning glory reseed, I've
    got a bunch that have come up, not very big yet, but hoping they will climb a
    section of the chain link fence and look pretty.Glad the shots went well, and didn't
    hurt.Monthly will be annoying but
    become routine fairly quickly, I imagine.Long drive, though.

    Cammy--Hmm, do we
    need to get you a phone jammer so you can have some peace once in a while?

    CynCyn!!!!!Good to see you!!Hope you get to Maine sometime, but finding a
    new place to live is kinda important.Praying for quick recovery for Jodi and a clear mammo for you.On insulin, huh?Bummer, but I suppose necessary.

    ORLA--the way the
    phone (and the Kindle, sometimes) changes words is annoying, isn't it?The humidity is getting problematic
    here.Yesterday I was having a bit of
    trouble breathing while walking across a long hot muggy parking lot, had to
    slow way down. Felt fine as soon as I got into some AC, so I know it was the
    humidity, plus the super high pine tree pollen and mold spore levels.Air quality just yucky the last couple of
    days.Who did your tatt?Was it the PS?I haven't had tatts, but I never heard of
    shaving a layer of skin off for them, that just sounds odd.My brother has a lot of tatts, some of them
    big, and he's never had chunks of skin fall off.Something doesn't seem right here.

    Erin--I'm going to
    claim cancer brain and ask for a reminder, is it a good thing the boss is
    leaving or a bad thing?Did you have a
    fun t-storm to watch?I do enjoy that,
    even stay outside until the rain gets too hard to deal with comfortably!Taking care of someone with dementia takes
    special training and lots of patience, it sounds like the current facility
    staff doesn't have that training, so your Mom may better off in a place where
    the staff have the training.Not
    startling people with dementia is so important, and so easy to do, that it
    should, IMNSHO, be routine.Knocking on
    the door before entering the room, for instance.Speaking to someone before touching
    them.Good luck with the search!And cudos to your Dad for giving up his DL
    with grace.

    Genny--have a good
    sleep, and poor triplets, they might have to actually look at the person they
    are talking to!Horrors!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Thunder Peel

    2 shots Citrus Vodka

    2 parts Peach

    1 part Mountain Dew

    1 part Strawberry
    Daiquiri Mix


    Shake it all chill
    and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Good morning - its my fwiedey!

    Genny and NM, I not sure if it good or bad about my boss leaving. As long as I do not get that bitoch boss Cathy again, I will be ok. The only issue I had with my boss is that he once asked me to schedule my doctor appts after work hours. well duh and wtf, oncs, ps's and such do not work beyond my work hours. That left a sour taste in my mouth. Otherwise, he was good to work for. I am skeered of who I will get. I have had a dozen bosses over the past turdteen years and only had an issue with two. 

    Genny, hope you feel better. and glad the triplets went elsewhere! wooo hoooo for you!

    NM, we got hit bad last night. SO much in fact that mese fell asleep in mese shack cuz it was raining so hard. Glad you enjoyed your storms. I am not a fan.

    Hope everyone has a good day, I gotta fly.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Morning ladies, didn't sleep worth a darn last night, don't know what that was all about. Best I can figure is I think I'm worried about getting all my ducks in a row at work before I leave for 2 months. I've never gone that long without working except when I had my hysterectomy and I was a nurse then so it was a glorious 8 wk paid vacation. DH  out with pups and I'm about to get ready for work My replacement will be doing my Thursday standings today while I work on the others. Those weekly ladies tend to make their hair the front and foremost important things in their lives. We had 1 one time that had fallen and they loaded her up i the ambulance and she refused to go and got out cause she had a hair appt. No chit that's a true story.  Anyway, we're all going out to dinner tonight then tomorrow kids, SIL and putz leaving. Then we're looking at a beautiful weekend, hoping to git a little golf in.

    Erin, I have worked with a lot of people with dementia over the years. We have some where I am now which is only limited assisted living. The ones that stay have the money to hire private round the clock care ($8000/month on top of the rent). Anyway, my personal feeling is that they'd do better in a facility better suited to their needs. I think the alzheimer's residents should be permitted to wander at 3am if that's what they want to do,  and in your mom's case with the right placement hopefully you will have staff with special training that will learn exactly how to approach and comfort her. I know it's hard finding that place. We had one guy when I worked in the nursing home that would flip out every now and then and start throwing things and threaten us. Well he had previoulsy been a drinker so we had a physician's order that said we could give him a beer in those situations. We kept a 6 pack in our med fridge just for him. And it always calmed him down.Hopefully a facility with less employee turnover so they can really get to know your mom and how to handle her. Maybe talk to some of the station charge nurses and see how long they've been there. Anyway, good luck, I know this is a stressful time for you and your dad.

    Well, I don't have time for anymore, gotta jump in the shower and git to work...lubs to all, hope ya have a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---Oh shock.

    I'm not used to seeing ERIN in the morning like this. oh Erin that's always a problem who's the next boss, I hope it's a good one.

    NM don't the storms bother u.??? OMG they're brutal  and I'm  scared a lot with them, over the last couple of yrs. I never saw al the damage the cause so now I'm like Oh chit another storm and when those warnings come on TV-I'm freakin out. I would think Sadie wouldn't be a big fan either. I like the DOTD today--we gave my cousin a bottle of Vanilla cupcake Vodka for his BD last week--He really likes it--so many flavors now, it bet it's fooling how much u can drink.

    OK I'll be back cuz I want to see how Lori feels today;

    And Genny use that card as much as u want, boy I would--Oh punishing kids with no wifi is a disaster now.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, besides being so funny, you are so sweet, thank you. Pattern of forgetting!! I think we ALL have that. Cyndie's lease will be up and she wants to move.

    Oh Lucy, it's good to see you! No worries about the phone call, pleas enjoy your company!!! I'm so sorry to hear you have to now do insulin, that sucks! But I'm glad there is a drug to help you, ya know? I'm glad your DD feels good. This just can't happen to her, not at 18, it just can't! Please let us know as soon as you find out the results, on her and you. Praying very hard for you both. Oh ya, did all the boys move out?

    Lara, I'm reading what you are writing, and mouth is just haning open! Chunk of skin falls off and this is normal? WTF? And yes, I've been talking to Unde. File for that disability girl, that's what it's there for.

    Wacko, you made the first day of work, woo hoo! Yes, bone mets make me a stage IV. Treatment for the remainder of mese life! Now you KNOW dey dwank your rum. LOL @ the nosey fuks.....yep, das what my mom says! But she is head nosey fuk, I am nosey fuk's daughter! Damn, I coulda used a million dollars, but ye addressed me! Oh, and mese tinks dat when da boss leaves, you should be de new boss.

    Genny, I'm lol'ing at da "putz". 13 year olds don't NEED to have wi-fi and phones. It's just so sad to see kids now a days, they are all stuck in their phones or on tv with video games. Too funny about your client that wouldn't get in the ambulance!

    I hope Arthur (the storm), and I don't mean Arthur Ritis, is not too bad on you NM, or Wacko. Yes, that is another lizard for lunch. I thought they only ate bugs! Check your Morning Glory's on occasion, cuz if they "fall", they will just wrap around their self, get them going up the fence. Glad Sadie doesn't have run of the house after her swims, that would be one heck of a mess to be cleaning up all the time. And what a gal, to go to her crate and dry off. Thanks for the Thunder Peel, we could use some rain here, das for sure.

    LDB, I hope you are having the time of your life girl!

    Ha ha! Cami, seeing Erin in the morning, it's probably her still in her evening. Meaning she just hasn't gone to bed yet! And I'm feeling just fine. I read one of the SE's is a memory thing, oh joy!!! I was going to ask NM and the other nurses something, but for the life of me I can't remember and need to ask my DH if he does. It's like being drunk without drinking!!!!

    I may be back...with my question. But do have to work today............ChEeRz

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    I know it I am

    PS stands for pretty stupid

    well I am fine thunder here bg sis

    yes goldie we r worried but sounds like u r doing good

    heres a round of JD, heres another vodka and a fuckit all pill

    NM thats scry with the breathing the humidity is awful

    cammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh I have a creepy story to post


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi lordies ~hiccup! 

    Camy dahling, it wuz nice seeing you in de aye em too. and todey while eating lunch, me was on facebook and saw yer crazy post. I jest lubs you silly silly goil. HOpe todey is a good day. And I hear ya about de fear of lightening and tunder. And I not talking bout mese tunder thighs hehe. 

    Lori, oh my, I had no clue you are considered stage IV. I got chiills up mese spine and still have them. But seems that so many goils can live full lives even in that condition. Look at our own Chrissy, she amazes me as she got around better than mese did when she was with me. I used to tink something else, gla d I know de trufesth now. !hiccup, oops me been dwinking since exzackary 5:turdy pee em today. Jest had a wicked wicked storm, nearly chit mese pants. which bdw, I had a chit axardent in mese sleep de night bfore last. Ya see, I suffer from IBS but it has been quiet lately. De nerves were gitting de best of me. Den i dwank and it all okeydoKEY!!!! Huggers to ya! 

    Genny, tank you too for all of your suggestions and thoughts on my mom's condition. While we really love the place she is now, they just said they are not trained enough. We have a chance to send her temporarily to another facility where they can analzye her foyther and make suggestions on how to properly treat her and also look into her meds. IF they can get her more stable, meaning not acting out violently, she can go back to where she is. It is a long shot. Tankfully, the home where she is is doing all of the legwork. We just get to tour facilities once they find options for us. One ting that i am tankful for is that they will not jest boot her. And honestly, it took our family some time to figure out that she startles so easily and to greet her very slowly and softly. 

    NM, I tink it was you that said that the surrounding sounds could be problematic, that is def an issue with mese Mommy. Her prior room mate was only there for rehab and she had the TV so loud, we always knew MOm had great hearing and has been bothered by loud noises often. We try to remind the staff of that which is why they moved her with this really really old gal named Susan. Susan talks berry quietly to her darnself all dey long but otherwise does not make a peep. She even sleeps quietly. And this facility is over 300.00 a day, tankfully being subsidized by medicare. I hope you are spared from that freaking hurricane. It is about 400 miles south of us and may hit the coast here. And due to RIP currents, there are already restrictions in place for swimming at the Jersey shore. THey are allowing up to the knee swimming but by tomorree, the beach might be closed. A shame since it is a holiday weekend and a lot of revenue could be lost.  Hey, give Sadie a pat on the head and a kiss and a high five from me and mese Belly. Whom bdw, she skeered of de storm and shaking on mese lap. Annoying yet sad. 

    GOodness, I write alot. GOnna hit send then maybe come back n finish up. lights jest went out, mese on candle. oh joy. jest so de ice cubes stay cold for mese dwink, I be alrighty dighty!!! 

    Cheers until after de storm! try to come back cuz me not done.   HIccUp

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Lala darhling widdle seester of mines, so sawry bout the skin issue, sounds horrid. And that was tats only? Well chit, I was considering somedey doing the 3D tats but skeered now. I might jest keep to using lip liner to make nipples for when I want to portend dis chit neber happend and look at mese self in low light. I can make some nice nips with two colors. I bet me wold git infuckted. I always feel your pain, your RB story is close to my own. I tink I will neber be fully done with recon, neber eber. I hate my saggy left titty. I have tried to tape it up but does not stay. Do you tink superglue would do de job without to much addo? I sure hope you knocking down some likker and some strong pain pills and feeling good. dat is de only way mese could stay happy. and I am happy now, only likker todey plus a huge dose of RX advil. I twying not to take narcotics whilst working cuz dey ef with mese brain and mese need both brains cells that I have left. Ya see, I have two and those two brain cell freaking argue with each other hehe, sounds like sumting Camille would say. 

    Where on earth are our other regulars? Geez, I better not be stuck here all alone with all these tenders. I can't occupy them ALL myself. Lord have mercy. Merci byea couh or sumting like dat ~ hiccup.

    Back to Ms. Genny, so glad the kids, the man and that awful person hit the high road, wooo hooo. Sorry you had such a bad night, it is misterable not being able to sleep. 

    And Lori, for the record, mese been sleeping lots at night dese past tree days. Last night me felled asleeps at ten pee em, woke up and went to mese bed a few hours later and sleep til six turdey or sumting close. Ya see, I do not remember cuz i started mese day with that wonderfoil DOTD complements of our NM goil. Oh tank ye all goils for dwinks, even Camm, our loyal backup to LOri and NM. 

    Ok, lights back on but flickering. Wind is wipping. Temp dropped from ninedees to sevendees in jest minutes but still humid. Weather goil Soo ober and out.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    Hi big sis any withdraw? I was thking of doing that drawing on myself before the tat was done. They said they tat so deep in the skin and it will push out the color after the sking well the tat slides off they are not understanding a chunk of my sking is off gone.They say its normal they are not getting it would not let me send a pic idk anymore its fine just feels like big cuts and im swollen a bit but thats from the costo chronditis ant truma to my chest blows up.

    I need fun and good news

    cookouts today?

    happy 4 th        


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    cant post picssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    k getting the lobstah and burgers dogs ready for our cook out

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    Good Independence
    Day Morning, Loungettes!Foggy here,
    going to be rainy off and on, some fireworks have already been rescheduled due
    to Mr. Arthur's anticipated visit.Looks
    like I've only got one visit to do today, but it's an hour's drive away
    under normal conditions, not sure how long it will take dodging parades!Could be worse, though, right?


    Erin--Really, the
    boss asked you scheduled appointments for after work hours?Who is your boss's doc and what kind of hours
    does that doc keep?Duh.Good luck with the new boss.Sleeping in the shack to the sound of the
    rain sounds like a lovely way to rest!

    image height="404" width="387">

    Genny--I've known
    some ladies who would go to their hair appointment even if the world was
    ending!Some take their hair very
    seriously!You are so right about the
    wandering of Alzheimer's patients,that's why limited access units are so important and always full.I know it sounds harsh to put someone in a
    locked unit, but if you look it at the other way that locked door creates a
    safe environment where they don't have to be restrained.And patients/residents do better, are calmer, more content when they
    can wander as they will.And learning a
    person's history is so important!That
    is a great example of how important that is.


    Cammy--the storms
    don't bother me if they don’t surprise me.They're also no where near the severity that you get where you are.When I was visiting my uncle in Texas I saw
    some thunderstorms that absolutely terrified me.What was a normal or typical t-storm there is a severe one here.Sadie isn't a fan of thunder and lightning,
    she stick pretty close to me when one is coming, but as long as I tell her it's
    ok and she stays pretty calm as long as she can be touching me or I'm touching
    her.She definitely doesn't like it when
    I sit outside watching the storm roll in, though!


    Goldie--I am keeping
    an eye on the morning glory, to be sure they go up the fence and not around the
    hosta in front of them.The peas are
    really going good now, will be starting up the fence pretty soon, I think.No sign of life from the clematis, yet.Out on 'the hill' as I call it, I had planted some lupine a few
    years ago, then never saw anything from them again.This summer I have 1 in bloom and 2 more up
    that will bloom next year!The purple
    bloomed this year, I hope the yellow will bloom next year, but they could all
    be purple, won't know until they bloom.Yes, Sadie can make a mess of the house, but she's really pretty good
    about that, so I live with the mud she does bring in.She's worth it!


    ORLA--yeah, I was
    not impressed with feeling short of breath like that, made me feel old!Much better now, and the humidity is supposed
    to move out overnight tonight, so the rest of the weekend will be wet but not sticky.


    Erin--Mr. Arthur has
    caused a whole bunch of parade and fireworks cancellations and reschedulings
    all ready.Most of the traditional
    pancake breakfasts are up and running, though, or will be shortly.Glad you got your power back, hope it's
    settled down by now!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    4 oz Champagne

    1/4 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Tangerine


    Pour into a
    champagne flute, garnish with a twist of orange, and serve.


    Red, White and Blue


    1/3 ounce grenadine

    1/3 ounce peach schnapps

    1/3 ounce blue curaçao


    This is a layered
    shot so each ingredient is poured on top of the previous.

    Pour the grenadine into a shot glass.

    Float the peach schnapps on top of the

    Float the blue curaçao on top of the peach

    imagethis is the HTL size shot glass!