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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies, laying in bed being lazy, DH golfing, SIL, putz and 1 triplet sleeping, other 2 a gramma's. They are leaving today but I don't know when. We actually had an OK night, went to a Japanese steak house for dinner, then came home and sat in our driveway and watched the local fireworks. The girls actually almost smiled and talked a little, 13 yrs old...arrgghh... what an age. (triplets are 2 girls and a boy). I'm ready for them all to be on their way now, leaving today but I don't know when.

     My cat escaped last night, he hasn't been out in over a year and had adjusted nicely to being an indoor cat since we moved into the condo, now I'm afraid he may be ruined. He is having a fit going door to door yelling. I'm going to have to light some firecrackers outside or something and try to re-convince him that it's scary out there. What a pain he's being, our screen was open on our sliding door and I think he was out all night. Guess I'm gonna have to get the spray bottle before he wakes up the whole house. He's an 18 lb cat and I'm afraid if I start letting him out eventually he'll piss off some neighbor somewhere doing what cats do, killing a bird or something...anyway enough of that. Woke up with a sore throat, hope I'm not getting something since it's day 7 after chemo when my immune system is probably at it's lowest. 

    NM so sorry about your 4th of July weather, at it looks like you're only gonna get the tail end of the storm from what I could see on the news. We on the other hand are having the most ideal weather, 70's and sunny with no humidity. Just poyfect out. I might have to get in a little golf this afternoon. Hope you don't get tied up in traffic and can get your 1 call done and over with and enjoy yer 4th of July with Sadie. R u off for the weekend? love the looks of the red, white, and blue drink. Sounds too sweet for me but it sure is purdy. I liked the poem very much, might have to print that one off. My 2 dogs don't seemed bothered by noises at all, they went out and watched the fireworks with us and were unphased by the booms. We've had some in the past that we had to drug on the 4th and during thunderstorms.

    Erin, I hope they can get yer mom's meds adjusted and she kin stay where she is, I'm so glad the facility is working with you on that. I was thinking about some of my past clients with dementia and remembered this 1, her name was Helen. Anyways, she was supposed to get her hair and nails done every other week but she was very cantankerous and would tell me that she had done her own hair and nails all her life and why was she here. So i told her that her daughter wanted me to do it and she'd say "well who does she think she is telling me what to do, I am not going to stand for that!" and sometimes she'd refuse. So 1 day I told her that her daughter called me and wanted to surprise her with a special day in the salon and offered to pay to have her mom pampered by having her hair and nails done and wasn't that so nice and she must have done a good job raising such a wonderful daughter. And she just bubbled over with pride and let me do her and since she never remembered, I repeated that every time she came and from then on I could get her done. Her daughter just cracked up when I told her, said she was always bullheaded and that sounded typical of her. Anyway, have a nice weekend away from work, hope your new boos is da best 1 yet.

    Lala, so sorry about yer pain, how long does costochronditis last? Lobster and burgers, wow! What a 4th of July feast, is it just you and yer DH or ya having company?

    Lori, got plans for the weekend? glad yer shots were no big deal except for the drive. Hope you can get them closer but still over an hour, huh? You must really be in da middle of nowhere! Great fer everyday life, but not so good ifin you get sick. Anyway have a great weekend, hope you have some fun.

    Cami, hope those nasty storms stay away dis weekend, sorry day skeer you so much. The kids did survive going to grammas but I think the one wanted to stay here last night cause of the wi-fi ting. They really are pretty nice kids the girls are just at that sullen age where it might not look cool if they actually appear to be having fun. The boy is more the braniack type and still more of a kid. Hope Joey always stays sweet and misses that grunting and grumbling stage when he's a teen. My son went thru it and I can remember when I couldn't wait to here him talk in complete sentences again. Anywaythis has nothing to do with anything guess I'm just in a talkative mood dis morning. Are you having any cookouts today? Have fun whatever you dao

    Guess I better quit now and git the dogs out for their run...Prn, Red, Ally, 4,beans and whoever else I'm furgetting...Have a fabulous 4th!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Wacko, indeed I bees a stage IV, jes like Chrissy, Lil Doyty Butt and de ebber so smart and phunny Baby Girl Cami. I sure don't understand why it takes training to know you need to enter your mom's room slowly and softly with a subtle announcement and try not to be startling. Still pisses me off! I hope you and Belly weathered that storm ok. What about Lana, isn't she there too? Forgive me.....I was reading where you were telling Lara that you were sorry about her skin issues and that it was only the tats. Then I see you mention lip liner and getting tats, and I immediatly thought you were gonna say you wanted to try tats on your lips (they do that too) and then mentioning your lips falling off!!!!!

    Hmmmm Lala, burgers, dogs and LOBSTAH? Those websites that want you to pay for pictures, you can't post them, some how they are protected. I'll have some lobstah please!

    NM, glad you are able to calm Sadie during those storms. I wonder what it is that scares dogs, with fireworks, thunder and gun shots? I hope you can get home fairly early today, then are you off until Monday? I love lupines, had them in MI. Tried to grow them here a few times, no go, so I gave up. Another favorite of mine is delphiniums, especially the blue ones. Perfect shot glass for us!


    Genny, I think 13 is hard on EVERYONE! Even the 13 year old. Sounds like you are feeding your cat well! Wish I could borrow him for a bit, the birds are getting my tomatoes, as soon as they start to turn. I've put out that shiny tape for birds, hung red Xmas bulbs to try and fool them, nothing is working. I see your fur babies are not bothered by the loud bangs. Sweet story of "Helen". Yes, I am in the middle of no where, MemaSue can vouch for that. That is why we only go to town once a week, it's a 2 hour round trip drive. I went to Tulsa OK for my treatments! Much further! Hoping to can some beans, and maybe take the quad out Sunday. It's pretty crowded up here on the weekends, and especially holiday weekends.

    LDB, hope you are have a GREAT time. Well, I know you are!

    Beans n Lucy, hope to see more of you lovlies. 4 and Aly, and ED.....come on goils!

    Ok, mese needs to get moving. Can you believe I have been washing my floor for almost a week??? I'm hoping to finally get it done today, and things put back where they belong!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning u wonderful, whopping, wacky, women.

    I see everyone is furcited about the 4th. I exciting news is I doin' nothing cuz the cat will hide and the dog will bark and have to calm him down.

    Lara and WACKO I never heard of anyone having the problems u do--it's awful, just awful and skin WTF is that?? I don't even underatand what they're doing, let alone why u have to go thru all of that--it's absurd to have all this pain and so many operations for accomplished plastic surgeons, did they all go to school in Guatamala??? OK no offense to Guatamala but they are not known for schools beyond belief.

    Goldie I'm sorry I'm sill so upset about u, it isn't fair after 5 yrs. this FURB disgusts me and like I said I have made up my own stages and there is a stage V in my book and as long as it's there it makes me feel better. I've never been clear why I'm IV only because the Surgeon said IV the Onc said it should have been 3 and hen my nodes were taken from areas that went into IV and I didn't ask about the rest and it was from the beginning which mentally made it bettr for me and my sister too, she never had chemo or rads just what u'r getting from the start so I don't really understand any of this, that's why I don't think much of it anymore cuz we've both been handling the SE's (well my bitch sister better than me) OK--But being older I sometimes think what's a SE from anything? Her too. I just pray and pray that u'll be like my sister (except not the bitch) u have her personality so I really believe u will be and u'r attitude (which I was told by my Docs help 90%) so u'r a trooper but u don't have to be every day.

    Oh I really don't think my sister is a bitch--u all know how much I love her. Another thing she has never stopped drinking every day, she has forever so this wasn't going to stop her. She's just like my dad.

    All of u gals mean so much to me and I don't like it at all when things are happening that are bad u are all such gentle and nice women it stinks. Oh I'm such a wordsmith.

    NM I like the choices u gave us this morning,  --enjoy Sadie today.

    And I certainly hope everyone has a decent day and all say a prayer for all our veterans, they need them And if u don't pray send good vibes out to the universe for them.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    As I type this they are driving away...aaahhhhh........that's better.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Good morning girls and happy Fourth of July!

    NM, the weather people keep telling lies about Arthur, said he'd bring in the rain over night and clear up. Woke up to dry and grey skies. He is peesing me off. I hope your visit is easy and fast so that you and Lady Sadie can get together for some holiday fun and games. And dwinking of course! Tank you for the dwink, hiccup. I was actually dreaming I was out to dinner with my ex in laws and they kept getting me shots. I got so sloshed but woke up sober. I was humbarrased by mese actions in me dream, I was flirting with every man that came near me. Oh dreams are so weird. 

    Lara, chit, I hope that disease heals. What does your primary care doc or the doc that diagnosed your condition? I looked it up and it is horrible. 

    Well gonna run, nap time for me then hopefully having company over for cookout. The storm system is nearly out of here sending up to visit NM. Stay safe, and stay cool or in Ally's case, stay warm!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    uggg nothing I can do women who have BMx under 40 get this and are more likely to have chronic pain I was 38 when BMx was done

    Here's some lobstah Goldie 

    Genny lol bye bye

    Big sis we need to write a book

    Cam I know all this is crazy yes Goldie they wanted me to pay a dollar for a pic? Any who got lobstah shots for everyone today

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2014

    Happy 4th Ladies!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014



    Having a great time doing absolutely nothing, just made myself a cosmopolitan and thought of all of you. Happy 4th from me!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Happy July de Fort Loungettes!!!



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014








  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning all.

    4444 Those were so cute and the lower half so good--I hope u had a good one.

    I hope everyone had a good day yesterday, the weather here was pretty good so there was lots of noise starting around 6PM--I love the fireworks but hate all that chit that people in the neighborhood do. I sound like an old bitty--haha I am one .

    Anyway I have nothing new to report well I could tell a story, I have loads of them but they're mostly boring.

    OK here's something I had a tiny scratch on my hand u couldn't even see it actually, it is now the size of a nickel all open. So I've been using Neosporin and we shall see where this exciting story goes, it will heal.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, Arthur is going by,
    got almost 2 inches of rain overnight.Still blowing and raining, but cooler and less humid, AMEN for that
    part!Going to take advantage of the
    break in the weather to get caught up on some housework.The garden is certainly happily slurping up

    image height="414" width="387">

    Genny--13 years old,
    that's quite a handful and an age!Glad
    the girls 'almost' smiled and talked to you!Also glad they are leaving, actually by now have left.My neighbors did their own fireworks show
    last night, too, with the wind blowing as much as it was I was a bit concerned
    about sparks getting away, but no fires, so all is well.Your poor kitty.Yup, it's wet here, but that's OK, rain held
    off most of yesterday, so most parades and such got in.Lots of fireworks have been rescheduled,
    though, due to the wind.I am off the
    rest of the weekend.Only has 2 visits
    yesterday, an admission and a check in visit.Both went well, no calls at all, got to eat out for lunch.Sounds like you know how to work with a
    person with dementia.Sometimes it's
    best to join into their world and work with their reality.


    Sadie doesn't need much calming, not like some dogs I've known.I sometimes wonder how she does when she's
    home alone during a thunderstorm, but she's always find when I get home after
    one, so she's coping somehow.Lupines
    are funny, they can be a bit of challenge to get going, but once going they go
    like weeds!I had given up on the ones I
    planted a few years ago, was very surprised to see them pop up this year!Delphiniums are very pretty, too, I see them
    in lots of colors around here, some are fantastic!


    Cammy--Sadie and I
    had a good time yesterday pm, I settled in the bedroom with the AC to do the
    admission paperwork, took a way lot longer than usual since Sadie decided that
    I needed a break every 5 or 10 minutes that she made sure I took by making me rub
    her belly or tickle her ears or give her a rump roast.She would wiggle around on the bed and nudge
    the lap top off my lap then crawl into my lap and look at me with her tail
    wagging.So hard to resist!


    Erin--Yeah, Arthur
    is leaving a lasting effect here, too.He has cleared out the humidity, though!The rain we can use, though, so I'm not so unhappy.Too bad it's the holiday weekend, lots of
    other people won't be happy.


    mastectomy pain is so not fair, and so pisses me off!

    image height="296" width="387">

    CynCyn--Happy July


    Genny--nice eye


    4--nice fireworks,


    Princess Glitter
    sizzle's DOTD:

    July Passion

    1 oz Strawberry

    1 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 oz Passion fruit

    1 oz Lemonade


    Shake and strain
    into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add
    lemonade, garnish with a sugar-dipped strawberry, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, I like the stage V idea, good one! And yes it sucks, and it's been 6 years. My doctor had told me that I would be ok to come in once a year. Glad I chose to stay on my 6 month check ups. I have a feeling it's been there for about a year. Drinking or not, I don't think it matters, altho my DH disagrees and does NOT want me to at all! I know people that drink and don't drink, that have had the RB come back. So, I'm not buying it. Just like I know people who never smoked but got lung cancer and people that smoke like a chimney and don't get it.

    Wacko, with all the good looking guys to flirt with, I wouldn't want to wake up!

    Thanks for the lobstah Lala, lots of butter too, yummmmmmm.

    Good job on the spread 4!

    Cami, your stories are NEVER boring. Be careful with that sore, so it doesn't get an infekshun.

    Sadie loves you so much NM. Cute pic of the doggie in bed on the laptop. Nice healthy DOTD!

    I guess everyone is still passed out drunk from the holiday festivities!




    Gots to get my EWWA outside and pick beans, canning today! Never done beans before or used a pressure canner. I can't wait to taste them!
    Question for you nurses. My mom has lately been having bloody noses. Bleeding pretty good and large clots. Any ideas why?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good afternoon girls, hope you all had  fabulous 4th. My DH made a kickass dinner for his mom and me, I sat on my back patio all day and did some online shopping. Bought some PJ's that button down the front and 2 tops that do the same for after my surgery. Found a new king size bedspread at Blair for $30 too! It probably won't be much but since the pets all think it belongs to them I don't like to get expensive stuff and then have to worry about it. Just finished 18 holes of golf with my DH and I am whooped for da rest of da day. Might be habbin to make me a wittle cocktail here soon, den take a nap.

    Lori I was having the discussion with the putz the morning he left about what causes cancer. He is really into the idea of taking all these supplements and not eating all the crap that they put in the food now and while I don't disagree with him I was just saying it's so hard to be organic all the time in everyday life.  Then I was saying I go back and forth about the drinking thing and the wanting certain bad foods thing. Cause you could live like a saint and die young anyway and then look at how you've lived yer life missin' all the stuff that makes you happy? I told him my gramma never drank or smoked and her 2 daughters never did either, plus they got BC long before all the chit was in our foods... and they died early from da RB. Den dere's my MIL who takes everything to the extreme She had da RB 15 years ago, She has high cholesterol and atrial fib. She allows herself 2 eggs a week, pizza twice a month, (the list goes on and on) and almost never has a cocktail when she gets together with her neighbors and whines about how she can't have these things and can't have fun because of her medications and her diagnosis. In the mean time she's 86 in pretty good health, can still drive and get around,no problems walking, and her life of abstinence has passed her by. She has more $$ than she'll ever spend and she won't go anywhere or do anything cause she has to "stay healthy", and worry about "what if". So for me I think a bit of moderation is a good thing but I could be hit by a bus tomorrow and I'd like to think I had some fun before it happened. Sorry, didn't mean to get on a soapbox but sometimes I think these doctors take it too far.

    NM, love all the pics, hope you and Sadie gets lots of relaxation and maybe even a little sunshine.

    Cami, I have never known you to tell a boring story. Hope the spot on yer hand heels up, and u just bitch about da people in da neighborhood all ya want. probly just a buncha dumb dwunks....

    4, hope you had fun with the kids, your 4th of July feast was delicious, I'm still full and the fireworks were great and the eyecandy for dessert stupendous!

    Erin, hope u had fun with yer family and I hope you get some sunshine today too.

    Lala, sorry you're having all the pain and about the chunk of skin. Is it healing up yet? When do you go back to the PS? Can you get disability to stay off work for a year. I know when my brother applied they turned him down twice and a lawyer said they always do that hoping people will give up, but on the 3rd app he got it plus backpay, by then he was wheelchair dependent and unable to do much. I couldn't believe the hoops he had to jump thru. Anyway hope you have a relatively pain-free day and some happy pills and some alkamahol.

    Sue...where r u?? Hope you're having a good holiday weekend without SE too.

    And everyone else I didn't mention.

    Anyway, gonna go make myself a's 5 o'clock somewhere... lub, lubs to all...bye fo now

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    HI genny you are going to need all buton up shirts they gave me a shirt with snaps and it holds the drains u will b in that shirt for 2 weeks

    after get the button ups no pull over shirts u will not b able to pull anything over u

    I was thking about making comfortable clothes when u r in this period especially when u sit around u feel like crapo something that is vey light material not the drain shirt and something for after I save the drain shirt sand the 2 tops I was in and out of I cut a lot of my t-shirts to f

    where the arms go in Whenis the date?


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Lala, so funny you said all that, I spent the evening altering an old t-shirt and a tank top and I'm gonna stick a couple of pockets in them for the drains. I cut the sides so I can pull them over my head and I have a pair of pj's that are ultra light cotton and button down the front. Surgery isn't until July 31 but I'm taking a week vacation before that and I want to be ready before then. And I'm working for the next 2 weeks so I'm trying to figure out what I need now.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Erin, did you put soap in the fountains again jus so de Tenders wud hafta clean dem up again???


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    YOu go Ginny. glad ye a seamstress. i had no talent and was not porpared.

    NM, the storm was a quick one. Glad you had an easy work day and glad your crops are happy. I nearly lost a dozen of my new perennials, I just could not give them enough water in the high heat. It cleared here beautifully last night but the wind was still ripping. We sat outside in the cold with blankets waiting for fireworks. I can usually see several displays from my yard. BUt oddly, only heard a lot of booms and saw nothing. Makes me wonder if the colorful fireworks are less safe in the wind than the boomers. um NM, sadly, got an offical DX on mese Dad. He has vascular dimensia and likely from the diabetes. It gonna progress I know. I hate it. Did I tail ye all my Mom a mess? She called me a son of a bitch yesturdey and she never even cursed. she biting herself now and tried to grab my hands and bite em. but me porvoked it maybe cuz she felt cold and me was trying to tuck a blanket under her body and I skeered her. sucks nearly or as much as the FNRB. FURB and FU AD. and all dimensia. which by de way, I tink I DEMENTED Todey, been trowing tings like a maniac. ooops.

    Lori, omg, so glad that you had the insight to continue to see your onc semi annually. YOu prolly bought yourself another thirty years. God BLess ya girl, you sound so good. I tink I feel worster for you than you feel for you. Still having hard time comprehending that the evil mother focking RB creeped back atcha after five years. No flucking fair. lubed the pics of all de passed out loungettes, dat funnnknee! tehehehe~ hic. so yeah, me been dwinking sincen about two turdy in de pee m. yikes. my bartender been making em a weeee bit too strwong. ooopsie daisies. what de hail dat mean anyway Lori, can you tail me? I mean really, how queer, woopsie daisy, dafok is a woopsie daisy? sound like a dwunken flower ya tink? well hail ye goil, lubs ya! and proud of ya too Lori. and seriousliest proud k? muah.

    Genny, you are so funny...."the girls almost smiled". And I love your rant as I love NM's, Cammie's and purdy much eberybody's rants. We all got em and need to express them. That is what this place is all about, sharing n caring. Tehehe, sounds like sumting Barney de dinosaur would say. You sound good, glad you got to golf too. And I am totally with you all about life style. I think that yellow food coloring gave me BC, ya see, mese addicted to Kraft Mac n CHeese, in any form. I do not eat horribly and not healthy healthy either. Organic ? WHo has time for dat, not me! love you and tanks for helping with understanding mese mom condition.

    Lucy, was so nice to see you pop in. and OMG goils, she had quite de skeer with her puppy Reece who went missing after being skeered by fireworkks. Cyn posted on FB that he went missing. Ya see, he and I are good buddies and mese fart jest broke into pieces. SO i call her and after tinking hard, tailed her tings to do. WAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS to help search. Put treats up and down the steps, immedicately make posters for the hood. I den said a prayer inside mese photo chapel. Den walaa, a few hours later, baby puppy Reese is found, freaking out upstairs in her loft when I do not think he has ever climed up there. SO me tanked God and sailabrated. I miss my Cyn Cyn here. I mighten stop talking to her til she cometh back to de lounge as a regulartar loungette like GOlide and NM. THOSE TWO GOILS are so super depends able and I jest love em both. well geez, I lubs ye all.

    Where bese SUe, still away I tink?

    and 4, too biddy for us. ooops, nah, she got de kiddies but still poops in to share the hotties with us goils. Speaking of, I got a crush on my lawn boy. no chit. How do me find out if he married? no ring but really really cute. maybe too young? late 30's I'd guess? but I know he has widdle kiddie. ughhh, why mese has to be so old? dern it. den the FNRB, dern dern dern, life not flaire. I should be turning 34 at mese next boyfdey stead of uh five fo. chit. ok, off mese soap box.

    Sista sista la la la, good suggestions for Genny. And me might add a few.

    So Genny, listen up. and forgive me if this is upsetting OR redundunce. For bathing with drains (and dis took me four times with drains to be told this one), when you shower, take a bathrobe belt, tie is around your neck LOOSELY then safety pin the drains to it. That way you have use of your arms and do not have the risk of the drains dropping and pulling on your body. Dat hurts. AND BUY a grabber ting as you will have difficultly raising your arms. AND for your meds, get without safety caps. Dey about impossible to open after bmx. If you have doors with the non knobs, ya know, the twisty ting, be berry careful not to catch yer drains on dem. And if ye eber need to remove them yer dern self, talk to me first. I am an expert at removing them but oops, took em out mese darn self too soon last night. but dat cuz me got funcused from all de morphine I was on. and finally, do not climb trees. take it from me. and no dipping yer toes in the pool whilst on pain pills and alcamahol. Really though, the BMX hurts most the first day and ebery day gits a widdle better. As long as you take yer narcotics and perhaps someting like valium too, you have a good chance of actually sleeping six hours at a time. Dat all I can tink of. And again, sorry to bring it up but trying to help. and remember, THE MISERY and anticipation is actually way worse that the surgery itself. Oh boy, have I eber been on a soap box before? If I am too much, jest say. ugh, sumtimes I am a wee todd.

    back to Lara, ye did not say how ya feel and dat peeices me off. cuz I care and need to know. are de nips gitting better? And de bone ting that swells? Hope you have good drugs. It is a must in your situcapation.

    well well well, I having a fantasy of mese lawn guy. I gotta jump in de pool and cool de hail off.

    titties up, if ya got em! Love you all. chEErS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    ps if me was not dwinking or me had a limo or sumting.....i feel like going to a bar and picking up some strange. mese feeling ornery. shhhh our secret, k? uh, I jest dwink anudder and maybe pop some vitamin v )dat valium.

    and ps, i proudly wore bikini todey and felt a widdle sexy for an old bitch! mabe not as hot as I felt though, likker does wonders for de ego tehe. so whose partaying? 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Erin, the new term for how you feeling tonight is "thirsty".  I am told by the male high school crowd that "Thirsty" is the new "horney"!!!  "Salty" is the new term for ticked off or grumpy!!  And, you never too old to be sexy in a bikini!!

    I am biddy, biddy, but never too busy for the girls in de Lounge.  I get email notifications and try my best to keep up wif tings.  But yes, keeping on top of a couple of the kids right now is rough.  See I put the two older ones in Summer school for personal fitness and health because they need that to graduate and there is never time in their schedules at school for it.  So me, trying to be nice mom, paid a fortune to do it over the summer so they could take something they want during school.

    One is doing great at it.  That would be the oldest that is taking 8 AP classes next year and was already accepted into college as a HS Jr.  He will be doing his classes at the HS though because taking them at the college would actually bring his GPA down and he is currently the highest in his class and on track to be the valedictorian which of course he coule care less about.

    The other one, who is equally as smart and then some, well he keeps lying to me and I caught him red handed tonight.  I feel bad because I have never felt the need to go into his email or check up on him and his computer, but for the umpteenth time tonight he told me he did something so I went in and verified he lied, AGAIN.  Well is safe to say his life is offishally over when he gets home tomorrow.  He can get his learner's permit on 7/30, his 15th bday, but he just kissed that goodbye!  My kids have basically no big chores to speak of and have never been with out anything they needed or usually anything they wanted, although those things they have to earn.  We feel like school is their full time job and as long as they put their best effort into that, then ok.

    But................this lying to me and treating me like I'm stupid and showing no respect, well like I sed, his life is taking a drastic turn tomorrow.  I gave his brother a message for him tonight.  I says "tell your brother I am not as effing stoopid as he gives me credit for"  E says do you want me to use the colorful language?  I say, of course, that way he will know the message is really from me!

    Genny, I had a really comfy dress with side pockets.  I wore it inside out so I could slip the drains into the pockets!! Then I used a safety pin to hold the pocket closed.  It worked really good.  Of course I didn't figure this out until I had drains for the 4th time!!  I don't know if  I mentioned or not either, but you can ask about areaola sparing.  Nipple is breast tissue so they want that gone.  Areola is just darker skin so you can keep it.  I actually went to hospital pre-op with a diagram of where I wanted him to cut and where he wanted to cut.  We reached an agreement and he pulled out his marker and drew the dotted line!!!

    LaLa, I so hope you get to feeling better soon.  Your cookout sounded yummy!

    NM, Sadie is sure a character!!!  I hope you all had a great relaxing day today.  Love all de pics.  Guess the new computer is working out swell!

    Cyn!  Good to see you!  Saying a prayer for your daughter and bummer about the insulin.  But a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do, right?

    Julie, Princess and Sue, I hope ye all are habbing good vacays!!

    Cami, how you smelling?  Hope you are having a good weekend.  Can't wait to see Joey on YouTube!

    Lori, Sounds like you are busy, busy too!  Glad your shots went well and hoping no SEs caught up with you.  I am like Cami and so upset you have to deal with this.  I am making a big list of questions for my onc now and going to insist on scans this time even though my numbers are low.  My mammos where "clean" too, you hear what I'm sayin'?  How are the fires??  Is your mom doing better?

    Red, Undie, and Beans and Crissy B and all the rest of the goils!  Hope all is well in Nanu and Canada and down under and on the rest of the planets!

    OK, back to work for me.  Gotta have me basement kitchen finished up soon cuz back to school orders are starting soon.  May settle for coffee with sum likker on my screen deck though tonight and start work again in de morning.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Gooten Sundey funDEY! 

    imagine dis, a quicky from mese......I wood bese sooo honnorred if ye would check out de funniest ting ever...not only de people from Walmart but a video! Mese niece tailed me to share with yese. enjoy and dwink, k? night night goils.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Hey there lounge lizards, I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow morning, we are gonna head out and go riding!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    that's good genny make sure everything is in reach at your level people have different expierence with BMx mine was tough

    Not trying to scare u but u need to b mentally strong for this I went off the walk before BMx 

    I am the same nothing's going to change with me I did apply got disability I have never done this because if pride I worked through no boobs and expanders my dad traveled with me if it was not for him I would of never worked but from doing all that plus complications and exercising when I was numb messed me up

    My doc doesn't think I should work for a year so we will see mentally and physically I'm exhausted I'm very strong but all these surgeries kicked my ass I'm not the same I never will b but I will b damn to let this kick me

    The past surgeries are a blur u just do it and big sis knows this u r in survivor mode when it calms u r like wtf happened at least for me it's been a year and half with seven surgeries so I need to rest now takes a body to heal at least a year after all the chit I went through big sis u know what I'm talking about I'm being good though I'm not drking etc I'm painting that calms me and I have school I can b very self destructive I can admit that it's not a weakness but a strength I need to take from 

    Hugs all sorry for the heavy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning all

    I've been a little ditracted lately and I's so apologetic, I read but not posting as much cuz u know I luvs u all.

    I did find the thing in my drawer still in the plastic warp a couple of weeks ago00it was from the hospital for me to wear with the drains. I'm on the ball, and I wish I knew all of u then cuz I was told no showers or baths and I had them 3 months--see why I get so furcited about smelling good. I knew nothing t all now I'm learning. Oh well

    Loved u'r pics NM and that DOTD really sounded good too.

    Erin I'm so sorry about u'r mom and now dad--Oh that's is so difficult to deal with. It's a sad time to see u'r parents not be like u'r parents.

    Lori I totally agree with u and FURB I always said there are no rules. And after being on BCO I think so more--Many women have toally ate well did contant exercise and really ook care of themselves but they still ended up here. And so many people who do nothing right (my Dad) for one die at 96 with heart failure. I honestly don't think cancer cells know much difference if they open up in u'r body that's it. Like my sister totally in tune with healthy living and my niece---both got it. but my sister always drank 1 or2 glases of wine every day and she of course still does. But red wine is supposed to be good for u. So whatever. But Lori u sound good and canning OMG here we go again. LOL

    BTW Erin u are so not to old for the pool guy, if u said he was in his 20's as long as he was old enough to dink it's exceptable now--so why not.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning girls, just popping in quick, took the furbabies to the woods and their gooses r cooked, lostsa squirrels needed chasing and they took care of every one. Not one left on the ground when we left, every single one in da tree where they belong.

    Thanks Lala and everyone else for all the advice. There r so many things I'm sure you don't think of until u can't do it. And Erin tank u 2,  I'm going to go get a reacher thing today, I've figured out where we'll put my chair and gonna make a list of what I want around me.

    .Luckily when we moved in here we remodeled the bathroom and put in a
    shower with a bench and a handheld shower head. We were thinking down
    the road, who knew I'd need it so soon.

    4. when I went to meet the 2 PS, the second one (the 1 I didn't pick) talked to me about removing the nipple and leaving the areolas but they both told me that the radiation would probably shrink one so they might not end up even, so I don't know.?? Guess I'll talk to my PS the day of surgery and ask him about it. Sounds like yer 15 yr old is really in for it when he gets home, it's amazing how stupid they think we are. Glad you only have 1 giving you problems, the other one sounds like a dream child. I used to read my son's computer stuff and so did my DH with his. I used to tell him as long as I paid the bills there was no such thing as privacy. Anyway, good luck when he comes home. I once saw a wall plaque that read " I wish all of life's problems would have come when I was a teenager and had all the answers." Amen sistah,ain't it the truth!

    Erin, so sorry about your parents, I know this must be such a hard time for u. That's why I get so frustrated with my MIL. She is so lucky and all she does is sit around and worry about .....everything!.... How old are your parents? I hope you can get them both the care they need and that you have lots of help from family. We don't want to see you gettin yourself sick worrying about them and exhausting yourself. You gotta take care of you too while you help them.. ok??

    Anyhow, that's it for me now, gotta go run errands...I'll try and poop in later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,855
    edited July 2014

    OK,  I thought I posted this earlier, so lets try again and see if it goes this time: 

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Arthur has blown through,
    sun is shining, breeze is blowing, got to get some laundry done and some other
    stuff done around the house.Didn't do
    diddlyyesterday, was chilly so I curled
    up with Sadie and a book.So got to make
    up for it today.

    Goldie--I'm with
    you, if something weak, compared to chemo, can cause bc or a recurrence, then
    chemo should completely eradicate the ca cells in the body.Since they can't explain why it doesn't work
    that way, they can't expect us to believe that they know what they are talking
    about in regards to alcamahol.Sadie
    definitely helps me keep a balance in life!Can you tell us a bit more about your Mom?Does she taking any blood thinning drugs like
    aspirin or coumadin (Warfarin) or similar?Is she in AC a lot, with very dry air?There are lots of reasons for nose bleeds, most are trivial.

    Genny--Another thing
    you may want to check out is the local Good Will or clothing resale place.I got a bunch of camm'is and larger than my
    usual size button front blouses there, along with a couple of hospital gowns I
    found there.Washed them up in hot water
    and little bleach, then tossed them after I was done with them and didn't have
    to worry about the stains that got on them.Also think about getting some men's swim trunks, the loose fit and big
    pockets work great for managing the swelling and the drains when you come
    home.The trick for managing the drains
    in the shower is to get a length of ribbon, or yarn or something like that that
    you can loop the drains on, then tie in a circle and hang on the shower head or
    shower door knob or around your neck. I found ribbon was easiest to work
    with.You may want to borrow a shower
    chair or put a plastic lawn chair in the shower for the first few times so you
    can sit down if you need to.Moderation
    is definitely the key in all things, IMHO!

    ORLA--Good advice
    for Genny!I would add that things that
    pull up work ok, too, that's how I managed the cammi's for a while.It was so hot when I was recovering that I
    often when topless with a shirt I could throw on if anyone came to visit.

    Erin--Glad the storm
    was quick.Around here they cancel
    fireworks if the wind is above a certain speed due to the risk of embers
    blowing onto structures and the ground and starting fires.The ground based ones can still go on, but
    usually they wait and do the whole thing together at alater date.So your Dad has vascular dementia.Well, it will progress but more unpredictably than Alzheimer's
    dementia.There often are long periods
    of no change, then a big change when someone gets sick or has something happen,
    with some recovery afterwards.Does your
    Mom have Alzheimer's?And does she have
    any arthritis or any condition that can be causing pain?People with dementia who start having this
    kind of behavior change often have uncontrolled pain.Try to keep in mind that it's the disease
    talking, not your Mom.

    4--kids are such a
    handful sometimes, it seems!Sounds like
    one young man is about to get a rude awakening.Yes, the new computer is working great, thanks!

    People of
    Walmart--so funny!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Purple People Eater

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Blackberry

    1 oz Citrus Vodka

    2 oz Raspberry

    1 oz Cherry Brandy

    1 splash Grapefruit

    1 splash Orange

    1 splash Pineapple

    Best served in a
    Mason Jar.


    Pour ingredients
    over ice and shake vigorously.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    good morning, oops make that afternoon! 

    NM, my mom has full blown alzheimers. she has also had two knee replacements and a partial hip replacement. I might suggest that they try giving her advil or tynelol just because she is not able to say if she is in pain. I really hope it is the UTI making her act out so much. Thanks for reminding me that Mom does not mean to act out. She really was a class act in life. She did a lot of volunteer work, was very active in the PTA and was our towns Welfare Director for many many years. It hurts to see her and witness her behaviours. 

    Genny, I tink you asked my parents ages. My Dad is 79 and Mom is 77. Her alzheimers started when she was at the raw age of 72, Much too young. And speaking of comfy clothes, I lived in sleeveless tops and wore them inside out as the seams hurt. As Lara said, it was a lot harder for us since we have both had multiple surgeries. I believe I have had 18. If you read my bio, I actually updated it. I do have a missing surgery date somewhere there as the chronilogy does not make sense at one point, been meaning to bix that. 

    Lil sista, dahling, I sure hope you are done with recon. And remember, your results are beautiful as compared to my mutilated body. Stay strong and good job keeping yer chin up. 

    Lori, miss your longer post today.  

    WHere is Julie, still away? Oh hail, I cant keep up.

    Nice to see you Cam, I worry when you are quiet. and I still crack up at the fact that when I first asked you about your self, you stated over and over that you are boring. what an fn joker you are! 

    Well I am gonna park my asss in raft, make a dwinkie for the cuppie holder, turn on my itunes and float for an hour or so. I has to be careful with my virgin belly skin. I should get sunblock but can only find #4 in the house. And I am very allergic to the chit. I use moderation, have not burnt myself up for a wong time. 

    Love you all, hope you having a great sundey fundey!  cheErS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    NM, me again. While visiting Mom today, I asked her nurse to try giving her some tynenol to see if it will help her. The nurse thanked me for my suggestion, I just hope they will try it. Really, what could it hurt and if it makes her better, that would be awesome. She was a little more settled today but she spit at me. ughhh, so hard. and now back to work tomorrow, my IBS is in full swing and mese EWWAH is sore. TMI?

    well hell with all the crud, me gonna dwink. I did not start early sincen I had to drive mese Dad to visit Mommy.

    one more ting, can I ask for prayers for our own Cyndie? She is having it quite rough with her boys. I feel so bad for her. She deserves peace in her life and I know she cant wait to move to her own quiet place. I say no more, hoping she do not mind me saying. 

    Time to feed Mr. Miserable aka my Dad whose blood sugar is now at 585. He gits mean when it gits that high. and it not mese fault, apparently, my guests were giving him ice cream and cake without my knowledge. Ugh. I sometimes really hate people. Well not really but jest get peesed off when they do bad tings without tinking of de conseequences. Alcamahol and me, perfect together. It is gonna be DorKy time in the next hour where mese job is done until tomorree. and shit, still gotta do laundry and get mese work stinking clothese ready for de week. Ugh, not loving life right now. but I know de likker will help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ahhhhh, dat bettter. jest took a shot of some Jose C. Suzie goil taught me about Jose, he a good fwend when needed. Love you all, I've gotta fly