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how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    image CHEERS!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day! Humidity
    moving back in, sigh.At least it isn't
    cold and snowy!

    Erin--I know it
    hurts to see what the disease is doing to your Mom.Such a cruel disease.If she has another UTI that's probably the
    cause of the change in her behavior.Sounds like your guests were either ignorant or just plain
    thoughtless.I take it they knew your
    Dad is diabetic?Is there any way you can
    let said guests know what Dad's blood sugar was, so they can see the
    consequences of what they did?So not
    right for them to be risking your Dad's health and not at least telling you
    that they are doing that.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Umbrella Man Special

    6 cl Vodka

    6 cl Coffee Liqueur

    6 cl Drambuie

    6 cl Grand Marnier

    6 cl Irish Cream


    Mix all ingredients
    in a shaker. Serve with straw and ice cubes, put a cocktail umbrella beside the
    straw in the glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Genny, you are so right about going crazy trying to figure out what caused cancer. And then there are those out there that have the cures!!

    Wacko, I am so very sorry to hear about both of your parents. I can see if you startled your mom and her trying to bite you, but  you said she is biting herself too. So so sad (((((WACKO)))). I like your splanataion of oopsie daisy the best, drunken flower. Your next birfday you gitten the big 5-0 eh? LMAO telling Genny not to climb trees. And you go girl, in your bikini.

    4, personal fitness and health needed to graduate? And good for you for cracking down on the kids, and letting them know you mean bidness. Fire is out and my mom is the same, she will never get better, just slowly declines, thanks for asking. Glad you will insist on scans. My plan was to see my onc every 6 months until I reached 10 years. And any of you girls on anti hormonals, don't complain iffen you have a doc that wants you on them for 10 years or longer.

    Little Lala, you got disability? YAY FOR YOU! I thinkin that I mighten be elegible for for that too, and might check into it. I hear you can iffen you stage IV. What are you painting?

    Cami, you can take a break from here, it's totally allowed. Although you are missed terribly, just like when any of the girls don't pop in for awhile, or quit all together.

    Genny don't know if I or someone else already mentioned, get your things in the kitchen down low. Your own plates, favorite foods, doggie treats, anything that is up high that you use alot. I think some had some sort of stool to sit on in the shower? Oops, see you have bench and hand held shower, make sure that is always down for you to use.

    NM, my mom is not on any blood thinners, lots of other stuff tho, and I mean LOTS! She does have her AC in the bedroom, and she does sleep alot, so maybe that's it. Erin had mentioned that her mom seemed to get a lot of UTI's. Poor dear, I do hope she is not in pain.

    Yep, I wuz right. Hello again Wacko! Did you get your new floaty for the pewl? OMG your dad's sugar! Do you have insulin for him? Oh ya, back to work Monkey Dey.....oy vey!

    Unde, I saw you sneak in on that bike with that hottie!

    Sprinkled on and off all day yesterday while riding, but we still had a nice time. Found some places to ride as well. My kitchen looks like a tornado went through it. I have not cleaned it since I did my canning on Saturday. Mostly just all the big pots I used. But I gots lots of yummy beans! And....we planted a second crop! Got 15 pints from half of the beans (that's all that would fit in my canner) and froze the rest. So I will have to determine which I like the best!


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Erin..... So sorry about your mom and dad.  Hard days. Sad and hard to watch. UTI is super tough on older folks. Did you go back to work?

    Lara... Yay for disability and your dad being a peach!

    NM.. I was in Ogunquit yesterday!  Smoking hot and humid. Ate ate the Oarweed. Fish chowder and steamers. Thought of you!

    Goldie... The beans look great!  You sound good. Just a blip in the road. Women are so strong. So impressed by your stamina and attitude. 

    4... Looking for those sexy boys. How's your toe?  My guy is in sexy shape. He told me I could show you so I will later. 

    Cami.... Rest. Enjoy Joey. We miss your stories but we will be here later. 

    As for me... Feeling great. On the train to NYC now. My first train ride. Just past new London, Connecticut. I flew on Fourth of July and it was a great flight.  Nice few days in Boston. Saw a Red Sox game, they lost but still fun. Had two beers and a hotdog. Ran with my husband near Boston University. So nice and great to do that with him. Have walked and trained and run everyday so far. 

    We arrive in NYC at Penn Station and then will have 5-6 hours to walk about. Seeing what we can. 

    Miss you girls but so enjoying my time away for work and with my husband!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning my luscious, laborious, longed for Ladies.

    I hope u had a wonderful weekend---

    Princess I love u'r post u sound like u are exactly where u want to be and so happy, u are really busy.
    And it's great.

    NM whoa that drink will knock u out, well me anyway.

    Loori u are a busy little beautiful bee, u really work hard with u'r beans. U do so many things that most of us don't do anymore how wonderful and u'r planting more beans.

    Julie is still gone I think, she better have some pics for us.

    Erin I feel bad for u'r family now and 585 is really high oohhh and u'r poor mom, I never knew that uti's were painful and u get fevers and all kinds of chit til this last year. I remember being younger and all they did ws burn and took meds right away and that was it. This must be some new type of things going on. And now u'r back at work so u must be tired quickly.

    Undie u pooped in long enough to bring us a goody. Thanks

    My phones already started so they were quiet for a couple of days so I have to get into the groove again with this job. How easy it is to forget about it. well for me anyway.

    I hope everyone has a good day--I'm waving, now I just blew a kiss cuz I love u guys.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    ?  I saw this other post.  Does tamoxifen make you not want to have sex?  I'm 48 my husband just turned 40. I want to have relations!!  Lol. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    above are all really creepy stories u know cam and I are horror freaks

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Hey Princess I have been taking it and have NO problems what so ever!!!  I really don't even have SEs from it.  You sound like you are getting some much earned R & R

    Goldie, the Beans are Gorgeous!!  I used to can a lot of different stuff with my mom.  She and Madolyn just made applesauce last week.  So Glad you are feeling good and keeping that positive outlook!

    Cami, you sound tired but always in good spirits and don't you  never ever stop with the stories.

    LaLa, I will have to check out that stuff.  I love to read all kinds of stuff.  Hope you are starting the week off pain free or at least better.

    NM, Sounds like you had a nice weekend.  Hope the humidity calms down for you.  I used to not be an A/C fan but I've been down here long enuf I can't live without it.  Still like to ride with the windows in the car open though!  I bet Sadie would have her head and tongue sticking out!!

    Undie, Pretty refreshments and Nice Ride!!  The bike is OK too :0) How are your feet?  All better after de soygery?

    Suzi Cutie and Julie, Hope you are both having the nicest vacays!  You both deserve that and much more!

    Aly and Beans it was nice to see you!

    Cyn, I hope tings get better quickliest and settle down for you.  I stopped by Erin's inflate-a-chapel and said some prayers for you  and de rest of the girls!  It's nice to see you poop in here!

    Genny, are you going any place before your surgery or just taking the week off?  Lots of good suggestions from de loungettes!

    Erin, you always has your hands full.  Hope your daddy got settled once you got his blood sugar down.  That was super high.  And bless your mom.  I'm sure she is just skeered and confused so she acts out.  I am glad they are helping you figure things out with her.  UTIs suck aespecially when she might not even understand what is happening and why/how she doesn't feel right.  I am so jailous of you wif de pool.  I would do just about anything to have a pool in meese side yard.  We don't even have one in the neighborhood.  Guess I just have to hang out more at the one in the lounge more often wif de tenders.  Oh and I know you tink so about your mutilated body, but you is a bootiful person all over on de inside and out.  Jes member dat, K?  I'm just happy you feeling better even if you don't look super model good yet.  I be you rocked dat bikini!  Like Cami say too, might as well rock de lawn boy iffin he ain't wedded!!

    I'm still waiting on biopsy results.  I don't expect anything to come of it but the waiting still sucks.  Plus no matter what I have to do something whether a week of progesterone to kick start a period and if that doesn't work a D & C, or if the results are not favorable I will be headed for soygery number 6 since de New Year started.  This is the bad side of the chemo stopping the periods and the tamoxifen causing that build up.

    The BS did say that the lump i found on my implant, non-cancer side is just a sub cutaneous cyst and they would recheck in 3 months.  It seems to be getting smaller and going away though.  Plus they did US on both sides and even both arm pits to make sure they didn't see anything.  I guess that's sumptin!  I asked about teh red skin too NM.  He said pretty much what you did about the trauma and blood pooling, etc...  He also said there was a small chance it could be residual cellulitis from the infection and surgeries.  He gave me a script for an AntiB for a week and said if I felt I wanted to try it, it wouldn't hurt anything.

    And it's been over a week and I haven't broken anything!!  My fin is getting softer and the skin is getting lighter where the fat grafting was done too, so that's good news.  I will be doing it all again in August.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone.  Have a good evening ladies!!  What's flowing in de fountain tonight???

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies.  Up early, it's my day off. I slept like the dead last night. Took a Xanax and a benedryl and almost didn't notice the hot flashes. Going to take the pups as soon as I finish my coffee and give my DH a break. Then I have to take my car in cause it's making a funny noise. DH thinks it's rear calipers, whatever that is... must be something with this thread, seems there have been a lot of car issues here. Got nothing planned  today which is kinda nice. Still really in a fog since my last round of chemo, this one zapped my energy big time. got lots of little things around the house I like to get done.

    Lori, your beans are beautiful! I have never canned but always wanted to, we have such good peaches here in the fall and I always though it would be fun to can them but I never seem to find the time. Glad you are feeling so good and I so admire your attitude.

    4sew, sounds like your little fin is getting better, so it will be a big fin in August if all goes well? I hope you don't change your avitar it just suits you somehow. Are they talking hysterectomy if the d&c doesn't do it? It'll be a walk in the park after all you've been thru. Mine was an 8 week paid vacation, I had so much fun (of course I was single and in my 30's). So anyway, keep up the good work on not breaking anything... maybe you could get thru the rest of summer.

    I'll be back to finish, gotta take the pups.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    PRN, glad you had a little time to check in and let us know what a mahvelous time you are having. As for the lack o labido, I think everyone is different. I did Arimidex and had/have no desire for intimacy what so ever. Not even after I was done with the drug. And then there is dryness too. Ooooooh, and we get to see what your hunky hubby looks like?

    Cami, the canning is hard work and usually takes me all day, but I so love that I have all of this good fresh stuff from the garden. And Julie has shared some pictures on FB. Go to her page. She looks stunning and has a drink!

    4, glad to hear you don't have issues being on the Tammy Train. Is your DD interested in learning how to can? Now my pee bwain doesn't bremember all that you just had done. Surgery to allow you to have the expanders put back in? Waiting on the expanders? Gosh, I really should read everything before I start typing! "Do it all over again in August". Does that mean more grafting?

    Genny, I have some peaches here that our doctor's wife gave us, just haven't cracked them open yet. Enjoy your walk. I need to get me some of that Xanax and try it! But you took that AND Benedryl??? Benedryl alone knocks me out!

    Have a bunch of strawberries and blueberries that I need to freeze today! Store bought, but they were on sale, and they make such great smoothies!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Ok, I'm backed, dogs are fed, panting and pooped out.

    Erin, I'm so sorry for what you are going thru, hopefully once they get rid of the UTI she'll return to her non-biting self. I have seen so many elderly people go totally off the wall with UTI's then return to their old selves after. I sure hope that's the case with your mom. Have they done blood work and checked her electrolytes do you know? And your dad, are his blood sugars back to normal? And now you're back to work, sounds like you really have your hands full. Please remember to take care of yourself and ask your family for help.

    NM, thanks for the advice, I did go to the goodwill store yesterday and bought 2 oversized, soft button-down shirts and I have 1 pair of very lightweight XL pj's and I took an old t-shirt and tank top and made 2 drain holders. I also bought a reacher/grabber thing. And all the other stuff I should have time to do when I get back from vacation.  Hope you have a good day at work and get plenty of Sadie time when you get home.

    Cami, hope your phones are quiet today and u get to spend some time with yer boy. I'm missing My Nora, her mom is on vacation this week so they don't need me to babysit. I've requested getting her overnight on Sunday but haven't heard yet. I'll be glad when she gets to the age where they are happy to have someone take her. They still aren't ready to give her up.

    PRN, so glad you are having such a great time with your DH. How's your energy level?... coming back? Anyway, enjoy every minute, you deserve it.

    Lala, hope you have a good day and get to watch some scary movies and paint. What kind of painting do you like to do? I am trying to prepare mentally, one minute I'm fine, the next I'm not so sure. It's still 3 wks away, I go for my pre-surgery testing on my last day of work next week, I think then it will really start to sink in. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Where's Sue? Well, time to take my car in Hi to everyone, hope you all have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Oops, need a DOTD!


    1 1/2 oz Linie Aquavit
    3/4 oz Cristinalda Brandymel Honey Liqueur
    3/4 oz Lemon Juice1 1/2 oz Linie Aquavit
    3/4 oz Cristinalda Brandymel Honey Liqueur
    3/4 oz Lemon Juice


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014


    My sweetie is 6 months old!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies

    Genny I love her eyes, beautiful baby

    Lori I have no idea what those things are in the DOTD except lemon juice--U'r gettin' fancy girl. I do know how much cuz in winter u still have all the goodies, but I also know how hard it is to do and very time consuming. How are u feeling??? (((HUGS)))

    Lara u and I might be the only ones appreciating that hahaha

    Prn I know nothing about Tammi but talk to u'r Dr. about that, I think most give those SE's but there might be something for it.??

    I'm waving LUBS EBERBODY

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Woke up with a nasty
    headache this ayem, spent the time I usually spend on the computer waiting for
    some tylenol to kick in and trying to relax the spasming neck muscles.Not sure what brought that on unless it's a
    sodium deficiency from all the water and other fluids I've been drinking during
    the heat wave.Thank God for tylenol and
    the like!

    Goldie--AC is a big
    cause of nosebleeds, especially this time of year.Dries out the air and that dries out the
    inside of the nose.With the drying
    effect, then the blood vessels inside the lining of the nose dilating when you
    go out of the AC and into the warmer air you get a set up for nosebleeds.Nice stock of green beans you've got

    PRN--Aha, you got to
    see some of God's gift to America!And I
    bet the Chowdah and steamahs were great!Now I've got a hankering. . . .Keep enjoying your trip!

    Cammy--I'm going for
    efficiency--one drink, one drunk Loungette!

    ORLA--Yowza!Now that is a scary ghost story!

    4--Sadie pokes her
    nose out the window of the car, but generally doesn't stick her whole had
    out.Of course, I don’t' open the window
    enough for that for fear she'll jump out!I swear her tongue has grown 6inches the last couple of weeks.

    DOTD!Thanks for covering for me!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    NM I thought something was going on cuz u'r the first one on and I figured u might be running late, but I'm sorry u didn't feel good--I hope that headache is totally gone. And being home now u'r feeling good.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    NM-Missed your DOTD.    GOLDIE-I was sneaking in so I wouldn't have to share my new toy. And the bike too;)  Love the canning idea,always wanted to do that.    CAMI-You still giving those politicians trouble?    4SEW-I'm dealing with the feet the best I can. Long way til better. How have you been? Mema Cyn,Dork,Red and any girls I missed have a great week.      

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I'm up again, it's muggy
    again, even Sadie is dragging now that we're out of the air conditioned bed
    room.Glad the weather guesser is saying
    the humidity will break tonight or tomorrow.

    Cammy--yup, headache
    was all gone by the time I left for work.But it took some work to get rid of it.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Green Headache

    2 oz Peppermint

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Mix in a cocktail
    glass, and slam it! Be prepared for a five-alarm headache if you do too many of

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    This is my new fav beer,not that I'm a big beer fan but I like this. Has a pineapple taste imo. Big wave is the one.image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies--

    NM I like that DOTD of the day sounds yummy. Hope u have a good day

    Undi==I've heard of that drink and it looked good to me, I kind of like beer but lately they're mixing it up with other things and it's pretty good.--Yes I'm still writing to the Pres, and Gov. Well the Pres put a hold on my taxes until they look into it so they won't (for now) take any more money out--u see it's not that they like me-it's the PITA that gets to them--of course I'm on some list as unbalanced and shouldn't fly--cuz they did call my DD--Oh well I've been called worse.

    I think it's going to be OK weatherwise today, My DD1 is supposed to come over today to do some stuff for me, she said early--I never know what early means to any one else.

    I hope everyone slept all right last nite, I slept OK


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning girls, only have a few cause it's a work day. DH had to leave at 5 to drive to Cincinnatti which is 4 hrs away and then back home tonight. Dogs are sleeping! They never do that, I got my coffee and Emma never even woke up. Some GSD watchdog she is today. Anyway they are going to doggie daycare today, that way they'll be good and tired when I pick them up after work. I forgot to tell you all something. When my SIL was here visiting... and by the way she has her masters in nursing.. she asked my husband (who has not been sleeping well anyway)... anyway, she said " what will you do if Mary doesn't make it through surgery?" WTF!!! He told her the thought had never crossed his mind! I want to thank her for putting it there. I mean we all know surgery carries it's risks but it's not like I'm going in for triple bypass! Jeesh...the stupid chit people say.

    I had crazy ass dreams last night, at one point I was starring in a comedy with Rob Lowe and he came out in a funny costume and I couldn't stop laughing, and then I was lost in a hotel and I walked through Yoko Ono's suite and she gave me directions. Honestly, I had nothing but a few glasses of wine last night...wierd..

    NM, I'm so glad you're feeling better, nothing worse than a bad h/a, glad you got rid of it.  And you are off today?

    Cami, have a good day with yer DD.

    Erin, hope work doesn't suck too much.

    Undercover, pineapple beer sounds interesting, might have to try one.

    Lore, lala , 4 and everyone else have a good day... gotta run

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    I just love that you share Nora with us Genny. We get to watch her grow up! And she is the cutest thing!

    Cami, it looks like the ingredients repeated themselves several times in that drink! I think there are actually only 2 items in it. a honey liquer and lemon juice. I'm doing ok, still have my moments. I'm going to MI on Sept. 6, and going to see if I can take my mom and head out your way. I just don't know tho, as she has to have oxygen and sleep thing, c-pac? Are you really on that list of people that can't fly?

    NM, thanks for the nose bleed info, I'll pass it on to my mom. Sorry about the headache, and glad to cover anytime. Here is a picture of my neighbors dog, she hides in the bathroom, in the tub during storms! This is Ms Marley. I thought you and Genny would appreciate. She is such a sweet dog....and she is HUGE.

    Sorry their so big! I don't know how to change that! But at least you don't have to squint to see them!

    Hmmmm....peppermint schnapps and OJ. Def. sounds like a headache!

    Unde, you're not sharing??? Did you have something done to both feet? How do you get around? Like the beer choices and the bottles are nice looking too.

    OMG Genny, I can't believe your SIL said that. My mouth just fell open!

    Wacko, you bizzy at work now, so you don't have time foy us???? Git your EWWA in here girl! I gots some Gentleman and Coke foy ye.

    LDB (MemaSue) is still away (WA and OR) and having a great time. She won't be home for about another week.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    Ok,not so great news-Lara's been having chunks of skin falling off of her nips after the tattooing. PS said it's normal,she showed me pics and it's pretty bad. She insisted on seeing PS today and it's an infection. She goes in Friday to fix the bad skin and the nips will be taken off,what's left of them. Depending on how bad the infection is she may have the implants removed at the same time. Let's hope that doesn't happen. PS says she's never seen anything like this. Lara is going to sleep since she didn't all nite. I'll update you all if she can't. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Undie thanks for the update, but that's horrible. I've never heard of all these things that happen to u gals. That's got to really get infected, how could it not and it has to be painful.

    I'm so glad SusyQ is having a good time, she's a winner.

    Well Lori it was suggested about the no flying only I think because some of my emails were not exactly friendly depending on my mood the day I wrote them. It's been going on a long time as u know--I think they think just stay put so we can find you right way if they need to. hahaha Oh Lori (((HUGS)))

    My sister made me paranoid this week, now I can tell u why, my kids will be home anytime now. My computer is well placed in my room and I only have gone in it  to basically do work. The kids went to WI for the week and my sister said don't put it on any thing on the computer cuz u never know who can get in and read these things. (I don't know why my typing is like this) So all week I've been mostly in the other room cuz my bedroom is at the end of the house and then the dog wouldn't let my cat cuddle with me, they didn't fight but he was actually howling t us--I never heard him do that---well my cat had no fear but I was like please Katie I have to give equal attention and they haven't left my side, Of course when the kids come home he'll forget all about me and I hope Katie forgives me and Joey wasn't home at all. And I don't like staying in a house at nite by myself--I lived in a condo-- so all the noises I heard--I didn't sleep well, had my D a couple of times and that dog has to go out a lot, love to roam the yard. And I wouldn't leave any windows open at nite--we have no street lites here at all, I'm glad it got dark late. But honestly I never thought much about it til my SISTER got involved calling me a few times a day and Jodie came a couple of time and actually our nice neighbor came a couple of times.--so that's why I wasn't on here much--I'll be so happy when they're home, plus I really missed Joey--they called everyday and he had to talk to me, but it's not the same. So now I can get in my comfy room and stay to myself, but I know everyone is home. LOL

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Thanks for letting us know Undie.  I feel so bad that Lara has to go through more chit.  Let's head to the chapel for prayers and then get the UFO ready to go.

    LaLa, praying hard that they can sort this out for you with minimal impact and you get to keep your implants.  Having lost one of mine I know what it is like starting over again and it sucks.  Sending REALLY BIG HUGS your way.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    I can't say this as well as NM or Beans can, but this kind of summed up what I was thinking about for the Loungettes and their families that are in need lately............

    LUBS to you all........................ G'Nite


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    CAM-The squeaky wheel gets flagged in America. You're supposed to shut up and accept whatever the gov't does. Didn't you read the manual? Try Bud lime,that's the other one I really like. It's a refreshing summer beer.    GENNY-It's subtle pineapple imo,you'll have to try it and see what you think.    GOLDIE-Poor dog,my little terrier was trying to wear my skin the week of the 4th. I couldn't shake her,100 degrees and she's in my lap. Should have given her DH's earplugs-or a Xanax. I had a bunionectomy on both feet but months apart. You can't walk for 2 months on your foot,not one little toe can touch the floor. Second one I could walk right away but very limited. BC surgeries were like a tropical vacation compared to these (shuddering).    Everyone else have a good week,enjoy the summer. Cheers.