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how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Waking up to a gorgeous,
    cool, dry ayem!It's cooler outside than
    in my bedroom with the AC running!Hope
    this will hold for a while, really need to get some yard and garden work done
    and it's been too hot and humid for me to do that lately.

    Undy--I'm not a beer
    fan, either, but those look tasty!I
    wonder if anyone around here is selling them.

    Cammy--Says a lot
    about things today when someone exercising her right to communicate peacefully
    with the government is tagged as unbalanced and dangerous.But, you are getting results, so that is a
    good thing!

    Genny--Good Lord,
    what an insensitive thing for SIL to say, especially one who is a nurse!And to put that kind of thought in your
    minds, really.Unforgivable!Pretty entertaining dreams you had last
    night!I'm not off until Saturday, so
    only today and tomorrow to go.

    Goldie--LOL at Ms.
    Marley!Beautiful dog, too.Nothing wrong with hiding the bathroom during
    a thunderstorm.I've been known to hide
    there during really severe lightning storms.My, she is a good sized doggy, isn't she?

    Undy--thankss for
    the LARA update, but boy what bad news.She just can't seem to catch a break.That PS better not charge her for removing the dead skin or anything
    else since it's his fault it's happening.

    Cammy--Yikes, sounds
    like you've had a rough time!It can be
    hard being alone in a place with unfamiliar noises and pets acting oddly.I bet you are looking forward to seeing Joey
    again!I'm sure you'll sleep better

    4--Great prayer!

    Undy--bunion surgery
    sounds horrific!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Alligator Bite

    1/2 shot Midori
    Melon Liqueur

    splashes 151 Proof

    1/2 shot

    1/2 shots Raspberry

    1/2 shot Sweet and
    Sour Sauce


    Sweet and Sour Sauce
    and Midori Melon Liqueur mix and poured into glass add Raspberry Liqueur
    (Chambord) add Jagermeister and top off with splash of 151 Proof Rum

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies.

    Undie bunion surgeries are awful, it's our whole walking system--I hope they healed well. My DD1 had one a few yrs. back, but it still bothers her lately, not like before but still something.

    It's Friday eve already Jeez this week went by fast nd Joey and I had a great evening last nite with him, so I was happy. He missed his friends so he played with them all day but came in about 7"30pm. He asked about all of u to see how u were, he acts like he knows u.

    Oh it's getting lite out  so it will be coffee time soon. Yes-----

    OK I'll be back later and hope everyone wakes up feeling good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Oh dear Shannon, that is just HORRIBLE news about Lara. We knew it didn't sound right when she said her skin was just falling off. I am in shock!

    Lara, sending lots of prayers and healing energy your way girl. Between you and the Dorky one, I just can't believe what you have to endure.

    Yacko, I would love to read some of the letters you have written to the politicians! Especailly the ones that have gotten you into trouble! And when you are home alone, you can let some of us know privately. But that is not something I put on FB EVER. I think here is ok, the only one who knows were I live is Lil Doyty Butt. We have best friends steal from us, and someone could come over here and wipe us out and no one would know about it. Glad everyone is home and you are feeling more safe and comfy and you have Joey back.

    Amen 4!

    Oh my Shan, you must have become the expert on crutches. BC surgeries a tropical vacation? Was the foot more painful, or just the inconvenience of it? Hope those tootsies are feeling better.

    NM, Marley always makes me think of you, cuz I think of Snookie. I hope you make it out to the garden this weekend. I think I might have enough tomatoes to do something small. That's about the only kind of Alligator Bite I want!

    How sweet of Joey to ask about us. Tell him I said hello and give him a big ole hug from me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Lori truly my SISTER got me in a sate of paranoia about putting in anywhere, not because of people I know but if someone gets in the computer, which never crossed my mind. So that's why I was so vague, I told u gals my sister is nuts in a different way than me. LOL--I'm sure my letters could be found but I have no Idea where they are in my computer, but I know I did say things like u should be ashamed of u'r self, and u'r mother would hang her head in sorrow if she knew what u were doing behind the doors. And If they can loose things in the IRS why am I taking grief some people that can't even do their job right, unless they are doing what they were told. And I think I called the Gov. some kind of traitor with the people of this State, cuz they have budgets that are not used all the way, what do they do with that money then? I have not been kind, but I do end it with Have a good day. hahaha--every letter. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    pooping in surgery is tomm

    the ink caused my skin to fall off ran and got a second opionion today

    Not sure about saving th eimplants

    but im very upset because I called PS office 4 x and they would not let me send pics or see me until I put my bitch on

    PS freaked never saw this happen

    they apologized whoppe doo

    waiting on surgery time

    shan will post for me I will b out for a bit.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    so much going on here and at home. Lara, omg girl. seending prayers. will try to catch up. my work is consuming my time, already overloaded with over 30 jumbo fn loans. hate em. I hate people. except mese goils. cheers! and lub lub lub.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Lara I can't believe this OMG just take care of u'rself and tell those Drs. all of u'r friends, is very upset with them, this should not have happened.--So this better be perfect. (((HUGS))) little one.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    Hi all,Lara hopefully will keep the implants. The other PS can't guarantee it but thinks she will. He says the ink was old or the pink color contained metals. She's going in at 6 a.m. her time and will text me when it's done,about an hr. I'll update you all as soon as I can.    NM-You're in such a small town and I don't think this beer is sold many places. Hope you can find it,very good.    CAMI-Oh good,I have pain to look forward to a few yrs later. I did this to get rid of pain,well it's always a trade off.      LORI-Apparently her PS thought it was perfectly normal to shed your skin,not just skin but many layers of it. It looks bad but she'll recover like she always does,she's tough. My time on crutches was a living hell. The pain was minor,the discomfort was extreme. From bad,late night leg aches for 2 weeks to the unbelievable pain/discomfort of lugging that dead weight around. It's ridiculous how much a limb can hurt when it's doing absolutely nothing. I'd take a few steps with the crutches and the lazy leg was hurting so badly. Actually more of the groin/hip area became so sore,so quickly. And you're very winded from taking 5 steps to brush your teeth. Any little task was horrible,absolutely horrible. On top of it I stayed w/ a friend in her small house where I'd have to fold myself up like origami to get thru some areas. Finally after 2 months I could stand a bit,then try walking. That was a whole other hell. Imagine hot pins/needles stabbing your foot and the feeling of a weight on it. NM can clear up why,but I suspect with no blood circulating as it normally would it effected the foot when standing/walking. That went on for several months,even now a bit after 9 months. That is why the recon surgeries were fun in retrospect. Well,enough about me. Let's hope Lara keeps her implants and gets rid of that wretched infection. Will check in late morning to update you all. Cheers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungetttes!Another beautiful day
    shaping up today, looking forward to enjoying the sunshine while I'm driving
    around today.So nice to sleep without
    the AC last night, too.Even Sadie is
    peppier since the humidity broke.

    Cammy--sounds like
    you and Joey had a wonderful evening, and so sweet of him to ask after us. Tell
    him "hi" for me!

    Goldie--I plan to
    get into the garden tomorrow, it's been neglected and needs attention.I see some tomatoes set on, need to check on
    the basil and peas.And do some serious

    Cammy--Doesn't sound
    to me like you said anything threatening in your letters. Saying someone should
    be ashamed, or that their Mom would be ashamed of their behavior is simple
    fact.And so is pointing out the double
    standard.Also nothing wrong with ending
    theletter with a wish for a good
    day!I would love to see some of your
    letters, I bet they are wonderful!

    ORLA--I am so sorry
    this is happening to you.PS better not
    be charging for this surgery since it was his botch up in the first place, made
    worse when they didn't respond to you in a timely manner.Apology, big deal.Praying for you.

    Erin--hang in there
    and work hard, it will clear up eventually!

    Undy--There is a lot
    of swelling involved with foot surgery and that causes a lot of issues--pain,
    heaviness, tingling, etc.And bone takes
    a long time to heal and has a slow blood circulation system, so it takes a long
    time for things to feel normal.From
    what I've seen of people going through bunion surgery it's one procedure I'll
    avoid if at all possible!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Operation Recoverer

    1 oz Lemon Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Mandarin Juice

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Shake and strain
    into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with
    in-season fruit, and serve with a short straw.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Heading out to town again early this morning. Monsoon season is here and we need to get there and back before the rain hits. Too dangerous driving in the mud around here.

    Unde, that sounds horribly painful and a pain in the arse as well. Will look later for an update on Lara.

    Cami, I agree with NM, doesn' t sound like you said anything too horrible, gheesh!

    Lara, wishing you all the best today sweetie. You know we are there with you. I'm bringing some of those beers that Shannon shared earlier.

    Cheers with lots o beers goils!

  • Deena_Marie
    Deena_Marie Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies! I had a quick question. My boyfriend has been giving me a lot of crap for having a few drinks occasionally while I'm still going through chemo. Is this something anyone else has done & do you know if it interferes with chemo? Thanks in advance. Any advice is appreciated.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Oh girls, I'm just so upset I don't know what to do. I had all my chemo tx's thru The Seidman Cancer Center at University Hospital at a satellite center near my house. When I was finished with my 4th tx and setting up my appt for my 5th tx the receptionist told me they would not have a Dr there that day and could I go to the Seidman Center at the the main campus which is Case Western in downtown Cleveland. So we said that would be fine and I did have my tx there. Well, yesterday I got a bill from UH for $7800.00. Turns out Case Western is not in our network. I called UH and they said I should have the Dr's office file an appeal stating that I hand no choice that day. But what's worrying me is that the hospital close by probably could have done it, though it's not part of the Seidman Cancer Center...but that option was not offered to me. It never occurred to me to check and see if it was in network. As it is we pay $950/month for health ins. and we each have a $5000 deductible. The guy in billing said they'll put a 30 hold on it while we try and appeal. I don't even want to tell my DH.. he's gonna flip out! So I called the Dr office and they gave me the name of a lady I have to talk to and I left a message like 2 hrs ago but she has not called me back. It's all making me a nervous wreck, I don't need this!

    Lara, hope you're doing OK, so sorry to hear what is happening to you, I hope you get to keep your implants, you're in my prayers.  Shan, keep us posted.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    Lara update: She's home and feeling ok,she kept the implants. In 2 weeks she'll know if they need to be removed.  

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    GENNY-I'd think the receptionist is completely responsible for this mess. She does work there and she should have had her facts straight before she told you anything. I would not let them get away with this,good luck.     DEENA-I know very little about chemo but I do know certain chemo drugs don't go with alcohol. Better check with your doctor. Will update you all on Lara if she cannot post,cheers.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    OMG I didn't realie I missed so much WTF???

    I'm glad Lara is doing OK and we're all hoping she an keep the implants--Sweet Luck Lara

    Undie that sounds horrible but hobbling around on crutches to me is impossible--what a nitemare to have.

    Deena I think u'r MO would give u the right answer my thoughts on this will just screw u up. Sorry, but come back and share.

    NM good drink

    Been a little busy but not bad.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    Ise lubs the boys across the road cause they like a dwink. So we DH and me and dem has dwinks and nibbles and laughs. Now Ise must make dindins and I hates to pain Ise have. Nevermind


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Wow, it got so cool last
    night that Sadie came up to cuddle UNDER the sheet!As soon as the grass dries off I'm going to
    get the mower out and do some yardand
    garden work. Yeah!

    Goldie--Be careful
    driving in the rain, hope you get home before it starts.

    to the Lounge!Chemo is toxic to the
    liver, and alcohol can be hard on the liver, so drinking a lot during chemo is
    not recommended.That being said, having
    a drink occasionally during chemo is not going to cause liver failure.Then there is the whole thing about taking
    life saving treatment and not being able to live life, no sense there.

    Genny--SO NOT FAIR,
    SO NOT RIGHT!!!!!Do NOT pay that
    bill.You were not informed you were
    being sent out of network, and you had no reason to expect that you would be
    sent out of network.Start a log, keep
    the date, time and name of everyone you talk to about this.Talk to the social worker at the place where
    you are getting chemo, too.Make a stink
    about what happened, the satellite clinic should be taking care of this as it
    is their fault and their problem, not yours.Call the guy in billing back, thank him for the hold and ask him to make
    a notation that you are disputing the bill and will not be paying, as you are
    not responsible for it, they need to bill the satellite clinic for that
    money.Make sure you bring this up every
    time you are in the satellite clinic, and every time you see the Onc.You will need to be a very squeaky wheel for
    a while.You might even want to file a
    complaint with the satellite clinic, that will force them to look at their
    system, since they are required to let patient's know when the billing is going
    to change significantly, and I would say that $7800 is significant!

    Undy--Thanks for the
    ORLA update, glad she got to keep the implants at least this far.Praying hard for the next couple of

    Cammy--A little busy
    is good, makes the time go by!

    Aly--Sounds like
    good neighbors!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Russian Satellite

    1/2 oz Creme de

    3/4 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz White Rum

    1 oz White Creme de

    1 oz Milk

    1 pinch Nutmeg


    Shake and strain all
    but dark rum into a brandy snifter filled with broken ice. Float the dark rum
    on top, sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning loungettes, it's a beautiful day here, sunny, birds chirping, going to be in the 70's. Hoping to go golfing later. Got every window, screen and sill in my house cleaned yesterday. That was a feat, nice to look at this am. Told DH the bad news, he took it like I expected, flipped out for awhile, then settled down. The insurance adviser lady called me back. She is going to email the MO telling her to write a letter explaining why I had to the out of network hospital for my chemo and the letter will be sent to me and then I have to write my own letter and file an appeal. If Med Mutual says no, we are responsible for the $7000. I guess Med Mut is accepted at Case Western, but Med Mutual Supermed is not. She said the staff should have known this because it has never accepted them but that it was ultimately my job to know. Apparently Cleveland Clinic has kept Med Mut from accepting Case Western because the 2 hospitals are in competition. I can't understand why, when I got to Case Western that day, someone didn't look at my card and tell me. Anyway, the whole mess is a nightmare and all I can do now is hope and pray my MO can write a compelling enough letter explaining why I had to go there and Med Mutual will pay it. The whole thing is making me a wreck. I really don't need this now. It just never occurred to me that it could be out of network. I haven't liked the way the MO's office was run since the beginning, another reason to look for a new one. The radiation oncologist is in the same place, now I'm wondering whether to find a different RO. I just don't want to go there anymore.

    So, Lala, glad you are out of the hospital, hope you get to keep your implants and that it looks ok when it heals. Thinking of you.

    Undie, sorry about yer bunions, sounds painful, how long before you can walk on it? And yes it is the receptionist and the CNP's fault but there's not much I can do about it. They're not gonna pay the 7 grand.

    Lori, hope you have a good weekend and by the way I loved the picks of Marley, showed em to my DH, he got a kick out of the one in the tub. He's taking Emma to the hospital to visit the kids today. 

    NM, I think you said yer off this weekend?Hope you get lots of Sadie time and the humidity breaks and you can work outside.

    Cami, glad Joey's back home and you feel safe again. I'm getting Nora overnight on Sunday, haven't seen her in a few weeks, her mom sent me a little video the other day of her crawling for the first time. She wanted to get to a book about 4 feet away and she did it. So cute! I tried to post it but couldn't get it to work. Anyway, have a good day, hope the phone is quiet if yer working.

    Erin, what's going on with yer mom? And yer dad's blood sugars get straightened around? Sorry yer job is so tough, hope you have a nice weekend off.

    Ally, Red, Princess, 4, Sue and everyone else I'm forgetting gotta get started with my day, lubs to all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Just saw this on fb: 

    Genny--you are not responsible for that bill.  The referring satellite clinic is.  Keep complaining and DO NOT PAY.  

    File formal complaints with the clinic and the state insurance board if you need to.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning ladies.

    Well my business phone started at 7am--I'm up but couldn't think of the name of the business??? So I said Good Morning then paused--the man started talking and I said WAIT I have to finish my good morning--Thank God  I heard laughter instead of a click. So he let me finish. This memory of mine can be recockulous.

    Genny I can't imagine all the rigamarow u'r going thru with this bill-I do hope it gets figured out with u being the winner. Oh and Nora's coming and crawling oh that's so cute. She will relax you and u'r DH.

    NM another winner for the DOTD today and it really got cool by you. Our day today is rain and Storms, just hope they are not really bad. But enjoy your day in the yard.

    Erin u must be so busy now that u'r back to work with all the stuff going on. I hope u rest this weekend sometime.

    Geeze Lori I don't remember that u get such crazy weather in the summer. Just be careful.

    I'm waving to everyone for real.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Deena, I think NM (Native Mainer) answered your question well. And she is a nurse as well. As for me, I don't really remember if I drank or not. I'm going to say I did (some) as I never really got that sick.

    Oh gosh Genny, that is just horrible, I can NOT believe it. The cancer center I went to for treatment and the one I currently go to, both always checked with my insurance for everything, to make sure I was covered. I think they are responsible. Wishing you the best of luck on this! And NO, you DO NOT need this.....(((((Genny)))))
    Sha-nay-nay, thanks for the update on our little one. Are your tootsies all better now?

    Lara, praying those implants stay put. Isn't this your second set as it is?

    Cami, I have a visual of you on crutches.....not good. Funny, but not good! My mom said yesterday that she didn't think she could make the trip to Chi Town, so if she can't, I have to decide if I want to take two days out and come visit you. I have to think long and hard about that one. Do I put myself first and do what I would like to do, or do I stay so I can spend it sitting with my mom. I can't hardly get her out of the house to even go shopping. I mean, I don't know how long I will have her, but this point in my life, I don't know how long I have! P.S......not a question for Joey!

    Aly, is doze boyz across da road cute? Glad you habing some drinks too!

    NM, that is awesome news/advice for Genny. Too cute about it getting cool and Sadie had to cuddle "under" the sheets. Have fun in the yard today, I will be out there too. Beans and maters are waiting for me, and I thin a few small zucchini's.

    Genny, that just makes me livid what they are putting you through. IF you do have to pay it, I would send them $5.00 a month. BASTARDS! And if you get out to golf, everytime you hit that ball, think of those idiots that are trying to charge you!

    Good morning Baby Girl....waving backatcha! Your boss is a slave driver, what are your days off? Ya, we get crazy monsoon weather here in AZ. Possible rains every afternoon, but sometimes it just pours, and that just creates a mess, as the water just runs and makes ruts and washouts. The ground here is so hard and dry. Last evening we had a nice little drizzle, so that was ok.

    Missing Sue and PRN, but know they are away having some goot fun!

    This oughta bring da Wacko one around....



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Oh Lori I'm glad so far the weather is not brutal for you. And as much as I would love spending time with you and Joey wanting to meet u U probably should stay with u'r mom at this point, and don't ever say the last part of the sentence again, cuz u'll be around a long time---I just know it. so please don't talk like that and this stuff I never talk to Joey about--He totally understand cancer well, as much as u can and he's already attached to u girls--which is odd to me, but he is odd. BTW knowing that u are blond pushes even more and he has seen u'r pic. hahaha---

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    Quick update:Lara is not feeling great but she's doing ok. She'll be back posting soon.  LORI- My feet are fine to walk on as long as you don't mind hot pins/needles and occasional welts that itch. I'll get thru it like I did before,takes a long time.  GENNY-I'd fight them on that charge,they cannot blame you as they are the ones that provided you the wrong info. I wonder how willing they'd be to fight w/a cancer patient in court,in front of 12 jurors. I'd certainly consult an attorney if they refuse to give in. If nothing else try small claims court. It's a pain but I'd imagine paying $7000 is more painful. Have to go wake DH for his new shift,cheers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a lovely sleep in.Even Sadie is having a lazy ayem.Of course, the neighbors were up at midnight
    setting off fireworks.Too many trees to
    see them well, but could certainly hear them!

    Cammy--What a way to
    start the morning!Glad the guy had a
    sense of humor about it.Had a great day
    yesterday, shaping up to be another nice day today. Love the sleeping weather

    Goldie--I saw your
    harvest pic on Fb yesterday, what a haul!My maters are doing good, but not ready to harvest yet.I'm going to have a bigger garden next year,
    working my way up slowly.

    Undy--thanks for the
    LARA update, please tell her we are praying for her and her implants.Good advice to Genny, too.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Harvest Moon

    2 oz Tequila

    1 oz Triple Sec

    3 oz Orange Juice

    3 oz Pineapple Juice

    2 tsp Grenadine


    Pour first 4
    ingredients over ice into a collins glass, slowly adding grenadine as you stir.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, I don't mean to sound like I'm on the pity pot, I'm being serious. None of us knows how long we have, even people that don't have to live with the RB. I have sat at my mom's house while she slept, so I would just clean. I try to stay over there a few nights while I'm there, but 2 in a row is about all I can stomach and I have to go back to my brothers. I have a friend that I've known for almost 50 years, she recently lost her husband, lives out in the country and I would love to go and spend one night with her. When I'm in MI, I make it a point to make sure I mom every day, even if just for a few hours. So I guess what I'm saying/ it wrong for me to go there and make time for ME and MY friends? I only get to see my mom once a year, so that is what makes me feel bad to leave and go do something for just me, leaving her alone. My mom goes from her bedroom to the kitchen table and back to the bedroom, that's it. I do try to get her a couple of showers while I'm there, but it's a fight.

    Shannon, no I don't mind that you have hot pins/needles and occasional welts that itch, to walk on. Doesn't bother me in the least. Ha ha, sorry couldn't resist! Do you have that in BOTH feet when you walk? And you have had this before? You are the rebel that you say you are girl. I hope it clears up completely at some point. You are an early rises like me, unless you are only up to get your DH up and then heading back to bed! Thanks again for keeping us updated on Lara.

    NM, my brother said they are still setting off fireworks out by him too. Nice that you and Sadie got to sleep in and I hope the fireworks didn't bother Sadie too bad. Gardening is fun and rewarding, but indeed A LOT of work. Yowsa on the Harvest Moon cocktail, wouldn't want to drink too many of those! And we did have that Super Moon.

    It POURED here again yesterday, that's twice now in one week. There is huge wash out the back of my house, and the water was rushing down that like it was a mad river, sounded like a freight train. Our property is not flat, so no flooding. But down the road, at Marley's house (you remember Marley), they are on flat ground. This is their driveway!

    For those that are not on FB, here is my harvest from yesterday. I put up some more beans yesterday, but only 6 pints. Which is better than nothing I guess, right? Today I'll be make a bit of sketti sauce and pepper rings.
    AND WHERE IS EVERY BODY? CAMI....DID YOU FORGET YOUR SHOWER??? Do you need me to send a couple of the boys over there girl?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    CAMI.....OMG, NO WONDER YOU HAVEN'T SHOWERED! I've called for Wacko's people and also had them get Julie's swamp ready. We will have him out of your shower in no time. You poor dear, I do hope you aren't traumatized!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies...

    Good DOTD NM, very few I don't like--and I'm glad Sadie is enjoying the day with u.

    My Darling Lori I really never meant u should absolutely stay with u'r mom al the time, Of course u should see u'r friends-OMG I would never not see them--u have ties to MI and I don't blame u for whatever u want to do. All right I'll be honest U can do no wrong in my eyes so whtever u want to do is always the right choice. And u'r crop is beautiful, I really know that's a lot of work and u know how to do it. Whoa all the rain, so much can't go in the ground, too much.

    What a storm we had last nite too--but there was a bang that was so so loud and sure enough we had no electricity--OMG I'm freaking out then no TV, or computer--that hurts me lot but we got somecandles and flashlights and just sat, I always have my TV on to go to sleep so it was a bad night for me LOL but my cat came out and I had everything off and she wanted a treat--she was in hiding after all--it was totally black in here and she comes up to me and scared the chit out of me. Well as u can see, it came back on this morning.

    OK I shall start my day but now for sure I'm not taking a shower.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Lara we're all here for u when ur ready. Thanks Undie and I'm glad u can at least get around somewhat.