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  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Lori, the big jack and coke was calling me name so I came. Go ahead and visit your Mom but no reason to stay with her the entire time. your widow friend could sure use your company, me sure. 

    Genny, I feel your pain. I am paying 50 a month on a bill for 6800 or something. I think it will take me until the year 2042 to pay it off. and that is for the hosptal that gave me the wicked infukction. I am sorry. I would tell you jest keep fighting. I had that happen once and I fought it and fought it and it did go away. I forget the amount, it was not several thousand but it was over a grand. I was told it was out of network. I told the collection people that the president of the US has a better chance of getting pregnant than they have of getting that money from me. that is a lot of likker. It kills me that I am on payment plans with four hospital bills and it adds up to over 500 a month. Chit that could be a new car for me. thanks cancer, FURB, you jest keep taking and taking. FURB again. Glad you are being productive. Can you come wash mese windows? I got new ones instead of washing dem hehe. I dont do windows. I used to hire people but too poor. 

    Hi to everyone else. I am in the rabbit hole a bit between work and my dear child. SHe and her bf are fighting like cats and dogs. Mind you, I just got them a house in my name and am counting on his income to pay the phucking rent. And my DD is making me nuts. SHe is outta here on aug 1, I cant wait. Yet I will miss her pouty face. Tings jest crazy in my life and I am depressed. I rarely admit that but it is twue. ALl de jack in de world not helping. I think I am crashing from the five week course of abilify I took and now I just cant afford it. 500 a month WITH insurance. My chit head insurance blows.

    Thinking of Lara eberyday. It is so painful to tink of losing the implants. I HAD two beautiful sets of implants that I had to surrender. Now I have a mess of a pair of boobs with one droooped so much that my trainer bra cuts across it. This is how I live, a bra to work, take it off on the way home. It is very noticable, looks like my right boob is MIA since it so saggy and teeny tiny too. I hate em. but I hated de old saggy ones more cuz they tried to keel me. de fluckers.

    NM, love your Sadie updates. And would love if my little bella would cuddle with me. IN de summer, she likes it under the bed on the cooler floor. I tink mese body puts out too much heat. Hang tight, your crops will be ready for harvest soon. and I want pics. Just loved Loris crop pics. And they remind me of a game I play called bet the farm. Her crops would pay out some great chips hehe. 

    Cam, sorry you are working round the clock. Just not fair. I tink you need to assert yourself and tail de boss you are a monday through friday goil. That is chit you working all weekend.

    Hi Unde' Cover, good to see your face. Sorry bout your tootsies. 

    Hello to new goil. Keep coming back. I cant live without mese goils. Me nessappeared for awhile and look at me now, I am a mess. 

    Well mese swimming pool is under construction. Yesterday was horrid. hot and no pool. I do not know how people live without dem. i will try to post some pics of the construction. Cant wait to see the after pic, for now it is only in mese brain. that will be a de pick mese up foah sure. 

    Allison, love the way you speak here, you my kinda goil. Keep dwinking and keep the boys around to pleasure your ebery need.

    Heard from my goil Allison from KY yesterday, what a treat. Just loves that goil. I did not respond to her yet cuz i wuz in de hole but will ty to crawl out and write back to her. 

    Sue sill away I guess? hope she having fun.

    WHere is Julie? Still away? burried in chocolate? I miss each and every one of you. Hopen I did not miss anyone but if so, I send you a check for one million dollars as an apologeeze, k? I love you all. 

    gotta fly, jest woke de hail up at almost tree pee em, ugh. sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so I sleep. lubs you all. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    ps Mom is doing better now that the UTI is gone. she is on a waiting list for the physch hospital eval. We are hopeful that she can stay where she is as we really love it there and the staff is great. Dad is doing great, sugars are better tank God. sorry forgot to answer it. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Erin good news for u.r parents I hope it stays that way.

    Maybe u'r DD is having hormones invading her body along with a baby, tht'll cause all kinds of problems, so maybe she's just going thru that crap. But see u have to watch it and live with it so it bothers u more than if u didn't know. Hold her hand and look in her eyes and tell her so pleasantly u hope this baby is just like her, then kiss her forehead and say that's my prayer for u. Actually that's every Mother's prayer but make it sound hers alone. And now u'r working and u'r so busy, u've got to get used to this-- then u'r parents are on u'r mind so it's understand able u feel down, but things will straighten out soon--u'll see.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Waking up to a blustery, wet
    ayem today.Would rather be lounging
    around the house today than going to work, having a very lazy fit lately.Ah, well, it will get better once the coffee
    starts working.

    Goldie--I don't
    think there is anything wrong with spending a night with your newly widowed
    friend while you are in MI.Yikes,
    that's a lot of rain!And quite a
    washout, it sounds like."Only" 6 pints of beans?That sounds like a good start to me!

    YIKES!Man boob alert!

    Cammy--Don't blame
    you for avoiding the shower, that is just scary!I go to sleep listening toaudiobooks or the radio, so I know what you
    are saying when you talk about the TV at night.Does make power outages problematic at times.

    Erin--you are so
    right about the rat ba$tard that keeps taking and taking and taking.FURB indeed.Sorry to hear about DD and her BF. Sounds like lots of stress and strain
    for everyone involved.Talk to your
    doc's office, the pharm company probably has a program to help with the cost of
    the Abilify, coming off that stuff can be pretty hard, I've heard.Sadie hits the bedroom floor a lot in the
    summer, too.Must be cooler down
    there.Last night I got up to go pee,
    and came back to find her hogging ALL the pillows!Had to play tug with her to get one for
    myself!Then I woke up to the ninja paw
    maneuver a bit later on.Some nites I
    just can't win!Hard tobe without the pool right now, I bet.But you should have it back soon, right?Glad to hear your Mom and Dad are doing
    better.Praying it stays that way.

    Cammy--good words
    for Erin!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    White Rabbit

    3 oz Seagram's
    Vanilla Vodka

    3 oz Vanilla Liqueur

    1 part Ice

    1 oz Milk


    Fill a glass with
    ice, add in the vodka, vanilla liqueur, and milk. Shake and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, I do go see my friends, but they are local and it doesn't interfere with me seeing my mom every day, if just for a few hours. For instance if I go spend the night with my GF, I can see her in the morning before I leave and then the next day when I get home. But I could do that if I headed out your way too. I just wish she could go, so I could get her out of the house. I don't know if she has been out of the house 6 times in the last year. WOW! I can do no wrong??? That made me spit mese coffee out! Bummer about losing power, but glad it didn't last too long. LMAO, I'm not sure you will ever look at taking a shower in the way.....EVER! We sleep with the tv on too. It is so hard for me to go to sleep at my brothers, no tv in the bedroom, so I listen to Pandora on my iPhone.

    Wacko, glad I could lure you in. Oh this damn wabbit hole, I just hate it. I am goona get those dispensers and bwing dem down dere and dwink wif you. Glad to hear things are going good with your folks, but your DD...OH MY! This is NOT GOOD. If they are fighting like this now, I can't imagine how things will be in the future. Do you think it's just cuz her hormones are raging? And then there's the house, in your name? What a mess girl. Can you get out of the lease, make the BF leave and let DD stay with you. BF can go out and get a place and when he does, your DD can move in with him iffen she wants. I'm really sorry you have this to deal with, it shouldn't be YOUR problem. A young couple expecting a baby, should not be fighting like that, they should be in Heaven! And then your stressful job on top of it all. I hope ye new pool will help you feel better.

    Thanks for the chuckle NM, but do does one have a lazy fit??? He he, I know what you mean, it's just sounded phunny. Canning is a lot of work, so only being able to do 6 pints, when I could do 15. But I didn't have enough beans to do that many. Same with my tomatoes. I didn't have many to work with, but you gots to do what you can with what you have. Can't just throw em away! LOL @ Sadie and her Ninja Paw.

    Lara, check in girl. We are thinking of you, and praying for you.
    Unde, you too. Love seeing you around.

    Going to be a busy one for us today. The rain has made a mess here, DH is going to try and get orders packed and take them to our other warehouse and have UPS pick them up there, so he doesn't have to try and get here in the mud. They don't have 4 wheel drive, and it just gets too dangerous. We are heading out Thursday, will be going to Laughlin and Lake Havasu, friends there are helping to fix something on our excavator. So we will stay in Laughlin, just cuz it's either cheap or free and then drive out to their house. Here is a visual on the White Rabbit! Sounds yummy!



    Wacko, I gots you your own poysonal White Rabbit of a different kind. Comes from a different bunny.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning

    Lori that the king of rabbit hole tt sounds good. Whoa u have a busy week ahead of u. I hope u get some fun out of it. U look like a lot of canning and stuff to me. Lots of work.

    NM Sadie cracks me up so typical in bed. LOL I don't blame u for being tired on Monday, at least u have a reason, I still don't like Mondays==it must be a leftover from many years.

    Lara I hope u post today.

    Undie it's always nice to see u post.

    Genny has Nora , I think.

    And Erin is so busy, but I always want everything to be good too

    Julie must still be gone, but be home soon and her pics were lovely on FB.

    And Cyn looks like she's still having a great time. She only has a couple of weeks to move tho.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Just a short note to say
    good ayem, was out late last night attending a death, so slept in a bit and
    just have a few minutes.

    Hope everyone has a
    good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    I have to be quick too. I'm having trouble getting my medicine shipped up here to my doctor, and I may have to head back down to Phoenix this morning for my next injections. Just spoke with pharmacy yesterday, late afternoon, and they are going to try and get it here by 10:30 tomorrow morning, but I have my doubts! I have to call them this morning, but just in case I need to be ready to make that 8 hour drive.

    Looks as tho there are plenty of White Rabbits still left...SINCE NO ONE COMES HERE ANYMORE!

    NM, sorry for the loss of one of your patients, but I guess it's expected. Sending my prayers out to the family.

    Cami, you really need to take a shower luv!!! Of course I'm just kidding, but trying to guilt others into coming in!

    I mean, come on girls, 3 posts in 24 hours???

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    hi everyone I've been sleeping can't stay awake

    Seeing dip chit ps today hopefully she gets me out of this ace bandage and the culture results are back I guess she sent anything she could think of to the lab of why my skin fell off dork a poo saw pics

    I called the other breast surgeron told her she was like omg! Not sure how I'm healing and if these are staying in I itch that's a good thing I peeked looks interesting

    I'm just so tired this surgery kicked my butt to many surgeries I'm going to see what she says stay quite and my mom will b there

    I didnt wake up good I was swearing I only remember bits and piracies jeezzz I just woke up I can't b held responsible for my words in recovery ! I wasn't prepared for this and ps had a long speech before surgery kept saying this will not b painful I guess I awoke in a lot of pain have no memory just what she told dh and my dad

    I'm going to ask for ultram norco is to short acting I need something that last longer for the pain I hate her every surgery not painful oh yea that's why I was on dilaudid for the last two I do feel better now the wounds are closed my dad wants to sue something went very wrong and she was not prepared.

    If I'm ok ill ck in and let u know what she says today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Morning Ladies--

    Sorry NM for the bad night, I don't know how u get to rest, but I hope u do.

    Lori I'me so upset 8 hrs cuz they couldn't get u't meds--They had plenty of time, I hope it all gets straightened out right away so u know what's going on.

    Lara u poor thing, how about the patch or is that one to much for u. I know it's rough, and never feel bad about what u say anytime u'r in a hospital the've heard it all and I always announce don't hold it against me whatever I say or hold it against me to make me feel better. So there are again no rules for anything u say. I just hope u get relief and everything goes well. I'm glad u posted and if u can check in later and tell us how it's going.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    image data-sz="f" unselectable="on">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014



    2 ozs Pinnacle Cotton Candy Vodka

    1 oz Pineapple juice

    Splash Grenadine

    Shake well with ice and strain to pour in a martini glass and garnish with a cherry.

    This sounded cute but didn't print

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    OMG no one has been here all day, including me--hanging my head--now one of my fav. shows is on,,,NCIS-LA.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies, sorry about being a no show last few days. Had Nora overnight Sunday and boy does she take every minute of my time! She is scooting/crawling whatever you want to call it. She loves electrical plugs and whatever other dangerous thing she can get to, so there is no leaving her even to go to the bathroom. I got her the jumping- bouncing seat and a garage sale and she had us laughing so hard. She took right to it, legs were too short so I put a big book under her feet and boy did she catch on quick. Her feet just a going, jumping all over. Anyway, it was fun, I took her home yesterday then stayed at my friend's house in the country. We had a girls pond party yesterday and it was fun, I'm feeling less tired every day. Then I came home today back to the real world of figuring out how to fight this insurance nightmare. It's going to be an exhausting job and it makes me really pissed off. Then my PS office called to tell me that he has to go out of town the week that I was supposed to have my surgery so they are bumping me to the next week. I was so mentally geared toward July 31, now I'm not getting it till Aug 6. I would've worked an extra week after my vacation but it's too late to change it now. And it will cut a week off of my recovery time because the lady filling in for me can only work till the end of September. Anyway... it's just been kind of an upsetting day, I just want to get this chit over with.  Anyway, I have to go to sleep soon, I'm really tired, but I just wanted to pop in and catch up a bit.

    Lori, I'm so sorry about all you're going through, I hope and pray the worst of it is over for you, and you get to keep your implants. 

    Erin, I'm trying hard not to met you in the wabbit hole so why don't you come out and see me instead? So sorry you're having a hard time.... this f-ing FURB!!! I hate it!!

    And Laurie, loved your harvest, you got so much! My little condo garden gives us about 2 salads a week but it's been kinda fun. Glad you ended up getting your meds and didn't have to make the long drive. 

    NM, sorry about your patient. Hope you get a good nights sleep and don't let Sadie hog the bed tonight. 

    Cami, hope you keep your power on and don't have anymore scary nights for awhile. Boy, you sure have had some storms lately! Enjoy you TV shows.

    I did read back on everything while I was gone but I'm just gonna have to do a group hi to everyone else.. time for bed. Night all, sweet dreams!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I think I got caught up on
    some sleep last night.Definitely feel
    peppier this ayem.Was parked on the bed
    (the bedroom is where the AC is) yesterday afternoon doing some paperwork,
    Sadie kept interrupting, would push the computer aside, or put her paw on the
    papers, once she got upand then laid
    down on top of the stuff on my lap, then looked at me with a grin and wagging
    tail, just saying "rub my belly".So funny.It took me forever to
    get my work done, but I didn't seem to care, for some reason.

    Goldie--hope the med
    got to the local site on schedule.What's the issue with the shipping schedule?It always makes me wonder when a med can't be
    shipped in time for a planned appointment.In an emergency, maybe I can see the problem, but even then there are
    ways to manage.Thanks for the kind
    words about my patient.She died
    peacefully and comfortably, the family is coping as well as can be
    expected.I'm going to miss going to see
    her and her family.

    ORLA--sleeping is
    good!Most of the body's healing happens
    during sleep.They know they are going
    to give you med that will make you forget stuff, why do they even bother to tell
    you stuff then?Why can't they have a
    meeting and tell you all this stuff when you can remember it?Oh, yeah, that costs money and cuts into the
    profitmargin.No one takes what a patient says personally
    in recovery.Lots of people say really
    odd things, particularly if they are in pain. Looking forward to hearing good
    news after the visit.

    Cammy--I had a light
    day yesterday and finished early, and went to bed early.Well, I laid down to read. Sadie had other
    ideas, like scratch my ears, rub my belly, talk to me, play with me.We had a great time, and the magazine is
    still there waiting to be read.

    GREAT DOTD!Thanks for covering for me!

    Genny--having Nora
    isalways a good excuse for not visiting
    the Lounge!I can imagine you chasing
    her all over the place now.Don't you just
    love the way they can call up and totally upset all the plans that have been
    made.And they don't even apologize,
    most of the time.I mean, really.As if we could tailor our recovery time to
    the availability of work coverage.Sigh.Oh, yeah, Sadie tried to
    hog the bed.And the pillows.We had a discussion about that around 2 am
    when I got up to pee, came back to her stretched across all the pillows.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Garden Fresh

    1 oz Gold Rum

    1/2 oz Melon Liqueur

    1 tsp Pear Liqueur

    1 tsp Kiwi Syrup

    1 1/2 oz Grapefruit

    3/4 oz Pineapple


    Shake and strain
    into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    NM I love how u and Sadie are together, that is the way to love a furbaby. And I'm glad u got some rest too. Good DOTD today. Sounds yummy.

    Genny that's the best reason to have to stay away and after be tired. Babies are so fun learning new things and smiling all the way--I'm so glad u had Nora overnight, lot of work but it all pays off.

    Lara I hope u'r healing better today.

    Goldie I hope u got u'r med, I don't remember reading that u got it--but that was yesterday too???

    Hi everyone else, hope to see u posting today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    good afternoon all, got back yesterday, so need to catch up. the wedding was beautiful

    this was the cake my niece made for her sister,first ever wedding cake


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    sorry I have been MIA. been in the rabbit hole looking for Ginny. I am just popping in from the office as I work through my lunch.  I wanted to tail eberyone that I love and miss you all. I've been working from home at night too, same chit, different day. Speaking of chit, I have to go and hate not being home. I will carry this crap inside mese intestines til I get home, ugh. TMI? lol

    And yes, I saw pics of Lara's foobs and OMG, she had quite a puka. It looked horrible. I am glad ye talking to an attorney.

    Sorry but I have got to fly like a bird and get back to sweating at the sweat shop. Love n hugs to all! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    lara feel better soon,hope they have your pain under control, 

    lori-hope your med got there in time, is your mothers oxygen humidified? as o2 dries the nose out too, but adding water vapour helps?  something to moisturise the nose helps too ,not any petroleum tho as its flammible,we have used ky jelly in workHappy,your garden is spectactular

    dorty-are your parents are doing better?  

    bbl ladies, jet lag kicking my butt right now

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Woot Woot Julies back and I love thos pic. such a beautiful bride and the dresses are such a pretty color and that doesn't look like a first time cake--it's perfect. I hpe u enjoyed everday Julie cuz u deserve to.

    Erin I', sorry u have so much work, it's so extra hard after u've been home so long.

    Lori must have had to go the 8 hr. drive today, that's a shame.

    Lara I didn't know u had a big puka too, OMG take all u'r meds and take it so easy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Oh is that true.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls, just pooping in for a quick hi. Worked all day, real busy and pretty pooped. Tomorrow is my last day till after surgery. We start oru vacation on Friday, then on Sunday having my whole family over to the house we'll be vacationing in. Haven't seen most of them since Xmas so it'll be nice. Should be about 20 of us. I'm looking forward to it.

    Lori, sorry on my earlier post I thought I had read that you got the meds on did you have to drive all that way again, oh, I sure hope not. I hope you're just out having fun somewhere.

    NM, I did my 104 year old's hair today, next time I see her in October she'll be turning 105. I wonder if I'll see her again, it was bothering me today, I've been doing her hair for 8 years. Hope you don't lose any for awhile, sure do get close to some of them, don't we? 

    Lala, thinking of you...hope you're not having pain.

    Cami, hi hope those phones are quiet. Like the kitties.

    Erin, glad you popped out of the wabbit hole, sorry your work sucks. I'm lucky at work, got my own potty room all to myself. 

    Juliet, beautiful pics, beautiful bride. Glad to have you back and glad you enjoyed it.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    Hi all youse Loungettes

     Those naughty boys over the road invited us to help dem finish some leftovers yea left ovber food which was great and left over wine which was better den we had some single malt which was ace dat means not bad at all. Its bery cold here had big storm over weekend and now the cold has come. We dont gets snow but tis freezing.

    Ise had bit of hard time RA has flared shoulden't dwink but sometimes one must.

    Wese also having MiL probloems gees it's not easy getting old and she is 90. Have to start looking for place for her wid more care. She set of alarms at retirement village cause she woke with ringing in her ears - it was her radio which she had bumped. Then a few weeks ago she gave some nice man who came and fixed something her card and pin!!!! 'Nice' man fixed nothing. Police are dealing with dat. And shes not eating properly. 

    Never mind sun shines today so I had better get moving.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Aly so glad to see u===I forgot u'r in winter now, but it's not like our in the Midwest. Good thing u found some good wine, And I hope u'r AR settles down, that's for sure.

    Genny u have u'r own potty --that is great, I used to hate having someone else waiting or I had to wait. LOL U must get close to people who u have taken care of for so long, and I'm sure they will really miss u. Now u'r vacy sounds wonderful I love seeing family and friends too. So u enjoy.

    Lori where are you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    I didn't see if Lori posted today, well I think I read them all, but if she was in a car most of the day she's probably exhausted. She is like the innocent one and u just have to worry. I know she's fine but she should check in. Don't be mad at me Lori--oops I feel like I'm scolding u but I've just been thinking about u.

    And Lara for u to not chek in u must really be miserable I'm so sorry. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Got some serious rain
    yesterday, as in pull over and wait for it to pass type of downpours.Certainly good for the garden!

    Cammy--I love the
    way Sadie reminds me that work is just work and she is more important than

    Julie--What a
    beautiful cake!Gorgeous bride, love the

    Erin--good to see
    you, sorry you are working so hard.

    Genny--we do get
    attached to some of them, that's for sure.Good luck with surgery and have fun with the staycation!

    Aly--so sorry to
    hear about your MIL's decline.So hard
    when they need more care.Hope the
    'nice' man didn't steal anything.Left
    over anything sounds good to me, not enough energy to cook when I get home
    these days.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Wedding Bell

    1 oz Dubonnet Rouge

    3/4 oz Gin

    2 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1 tbsp Orange Juice

    1 dash Orange


    Pour the Dubonnet,
    gin, cherry brandy, orange juice and orange bitters into a cocktail shaker
    half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    HaHa NM I knew Sadie would win out, and nice DOTD for today. Jeez u had to be in that goofy rain, and when u try to drive and can't see forget it, u have to pull over--I bet u couldn't wait to get home.

    OK now where is everybody. Need to check in. I'll BBL