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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Lala, who can blame you for waking up cussing! I'm surprised you and Wacko don't just walk around cussing all the dern time. I hope both of you can win on a law suit.

    Genny, those bouncy things are awesome for the kids. I had them for my kids, and they LOVED it. Bought one for our grandson when he was little, but his parents were afraid to put him in it! And I think you meant to say Lara (not me) about going through so much and keeping her implants. Glad you got that time out in the country with your friend, but bummer about the surgery being moved. What happens if you REALLY need another week to recover? And don't ever worry about trying to catch up with everyone and everything when you miss a few days.

    NM, Sadie is just too sweet for words. She was jealous of you working and wanted your attention. The issue wasn't getting the meds here, it was getting them here by a certain time. We are in a VERY rural area where I live. UPS wouldnl't normally deliver to the doctors office until about 1 pm. They needed me in there between 9-10. Doctor only sees a few patients on Wednesdays and it's actually the nurses day off. Well it was the doc who made my appointment, since he is sort of a friend as well, but forgot it was nurses day off. So she came into town, and was running errands. I actually drove to Show Low (1 hour) so I could grab my medicine from UPS as soon as it got there, then drove to doctor (another 45 minutes), had to sit there until the nurse showed up (over an hour).

    Julie, welcome home! Loved all of the wedding pictures, I stalked them on FB. And you looked stunning and what a great job your neice did on the cake. oh, it was mom's o2 causing the nose bleeds. She usually uses a mask, that fits over her mouth and nose, well in the summer it's too hot. So she uses the thing that just goes in the nose, and I guess it was the "pillows" causing her nose to bleed, when she took them out. Or perhaps a combination of the pillows and the o2. My step daughter is getting married in Feb. and that is one of her colors, royal blue. She is also using burgandy.

    Wacko, how are things going wif attorney? And I'm sure glad that wabbit hole is big and STOCKED! LOL@ No Place Like Home! I hope that pool warms up so you can go swimming. I don't know anything about chrome, sorry. If I have pictures I want on my iPhone that I want, I just email them to myself then open on my computer.

    Alyson, I can feel ye pain wif the RA, my DH has that. Has had it for over 15 years, but gets good relief from the drug Humira. I like doze boyz across the road! Is dey cute? Sorry about your MIL and having to get the police involved, yikes. I hope you can find her a place.

    Nuttin like a good rain for the garden NM. Just something about that makes the garden THRIVE!

    Cami, I did not post yesterday, and I don't take it that you are scolding me, gheesh! As per my comment to NM (above) I did not have to drive to Phoenix. But I was dealing with a lot, trying to get these meds. And I was an emotional train wreck, been so depressed these past coulple days, and crying almose contantly. I was so emotionally drained that I had to lay down when we got home yesterday and I slept for 2 hours. I NEVER take a nap, and I mean NEVER. I am starting to feel a bit better (again). Need to get my happy ass off the pity pot and enjoy life. We are heading out to Laughlin later this moring, will check in iffin I can. Be home on Sunday. It's DH birthday today, we are seeing a show tonight when we get to Laughlin, I think it's the Austrailian Bee Gees. We just saw there here, in AZ a couple of months ago. They are good, but to see them again so soon......well not real excited about that! But it's ok, something to do.

    Have a goot weekend y'all. Keep those Tenders hoppin and the drinks a comin.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Hi Goldie OK I'm just so used to a certain order of things. I'm sorry u'r so sad, I don't blame you maybe this trip will cheer u up a bit. (((HUGS)))

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Been MIA...sawweeee....been trying to read and catch up...but impossible.  Have a very busy day today that starts in an hour so this will be short.

    Want to send prayers out to Lara dahhhling....saw mention of pics of a puka, this is just not fair.  (((Lara)))

    Lowee- glad you got your meds even with the wait.  And like you I never take naps, but been getting in a few lately for all the same reasons.  Hope this trip lifts your spirits a widdle bit.  (((Lowee)))

    Er-Wacko - git outta dat wabbit hole soonliest pweeze!!  I'm throwing mese arms around you and gibbing u a big BEAR hug and lots of webk's.  I'm hoping you feel da lubslubs.

    Julie - wow 1st wedding's beautiful, as are the pics of the happy couple!!  Get some rest.

    Cami, Aly, Genny big Hello and BIG HUGZ!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS TO ALL, forgib me if I missed someone, but will be back tomorrow...MUAH MUAH MUAH!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Oh it's so nice to hear from u SuzyQ--u busy B, but remember to relax some. I should give a seminar in how to take a happy nap and u'r body gets fooled thinkg it's the next day. Before u know it in u'r mind it's Friday But everyone else thinks it's Wednesday.

    This is a mentally hard day for me and it's just plain stupid that I think the way I do. There is a girl in Joey's class that has a lot of friends but asked Joey to go with her family to Lincoln Park Zoo--a big one. So Les met the parents, seemed fine but my DD and I were like isn't to young for a girl to ask a boy to go with her family for the day? I don't know anymore what kids do, well they picked him up a while ago and the dad told Leslie that all she does is talk about him and how nice he is. Oh Boy THEY ARE 10. They have gone to school together for 2 yrs. They said they would bring him back around 7"30--long day--he looked so good and was so nervous. They are 10----Maybe I'm really old fashioned but I would never be aloud to ask a boy to go somewhere with us. Oh well we didn't go t the zoo those days anyway. Well I can't wait for him to be home so it's all over.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Hello ladies!!  I'm back from vacay!  I had a really great trip with my DH.  

    I went to Boston and was there enjoyed the warmth, ran and walked a lot, saw a Red Sox game and had breakfast with some old neighbors.  And a day in Ogunquit, Maine at the ocean.

    Then we were off to NYC!  We took the train, my first time and super fun and roomy.  We stayed with DH Aunt and Uncle in Brooklyn. We walked in Time's Square.  We saw a musical, A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder on Broadway, we went to Rockafeller Center and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  We walked on 5th Avenue and ran the Brooklyn Bridge and ate at Grimaldi's, the best pizza in Brooklyn.  We went to Coney Island and I had my first Nathan's hot dog and a Mermaid beer!  We also took the Staten Island Ferry and saw the Statue of Liberty and we visited the 911 Memorial.

    This is us on the ferry, no hair for me!



    Here we are at Coney Island on the Boardwalk. In my wig.

    Then we were off to Florida and saw DH Grandma.  She is a super spunky 92 with lung ca, mets to bone and brain!  She does everything like nothing is wrong.  We hung out with her and took a day trip to St. Augustine and enjoyed the pool.

    I am pleased to say that I ate well all 11 days but we walked about 6-7 miles a day.  Some days we exercised and ran in addition to that.  We used the subways and that was a blast too.  When I came back, I was 1# heavier then when I left. I started on my smoothies again and I am now down 4#. I am near to 30#lost and weigh less then when I got sick.

    Mema...nice to see you pop in.

    NM... I was in Oqunquit on Sunday the 6th, it was a scorcher!  90 in the shade.  I thought of you when I was there.  I am glad you have a snuggle bug in Sadie.  I worked in peds for a long time as a staff RN.  I went to two funerals, they were so hard.

    Lara...holy cow, I am so sorry for all the problems you are having.  It just does not seem to let up for you.  I hope it gets better soon.

    Erin...glad Mom and Dad are hanging in.  I know work stinks.  Come on out of the rabbit hole.  We miss and need you here.

    Lori... hope you got your meds and did not have to drive to kingdom come and back. Oh and your veges looked great. 

    Cami...We all knew Joey was gonna get snatched up, just not so soon!  I hope he had a terrific day at the zoo, what beautiful weather they had, not too hot today.

    Genny...I am so glad that you had days with the lovely Nora.  I know that helps pass the time and make you focus on better things.  

    I lurked and read and missed you all!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Julie...aww geez, forgot you!  The weeding looks just wonderful.  What a beautiful bride and location.  I hope you had a great time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Oh princess is baaack--and how happy and beautiful u look. BTW that's a great wig. Wow were u busy. U really saw and did so much and u had the energy to do it all. And u still sound HIGH of the vacay and we missed u and what is a mermaid beer?? U ate in all the great spots and saw so much. Im so glad u had this time, u deserve to.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    prn,glad you had a wonderful time on your vacation

    cammi-how did joeys day go?

    working 3 days in a row Bawling

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Need my coffee this ayem, I
    certainly do, having trouble getting up and moving.

    Cammy--yup, Sadie
    wins every time! I was glad that downpour didn't last very long, that's for

    Goldie--Wow, what a
    lot of waiting!Kind of everyone to do
    all that for you, though.Still, why
    couldn't the medication be delivered the day before?I'm glad you got to get your med without
    driving hours and hours.Sorry to hear
    about the emotional train wreck, praying it lifts soon.

    Mema--trying to
    catch up is a lot cause, just jump in!Hope your day went well even if busy!

    Cammy--at 10 years
    old isn't this just a kid asking another kid who is a friend to go to the
    zoo?Or do kids start with the boyfriend
    /girlfriend thing way younger than when we were kids?Hope he had fun, anyway!

    PRN--welcome back
    from vacay!What a great tripyou had!It was hot on Sunday, that's for sure.Good beach day.Great pics, and
    that wig looks really realistic!Glad
    you enjoyed yourself.

    Julie--working 3
    days in a row, yuck.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bartendergirl Drink

    1 oz Bacardi Coco

    1 oz Light Rum

    splash Cranberry

    1 splash Pineapple


    On a shaker add,
    Ice, Barcardi Cocorum and the light rum, finally add the pineapple juice, shake
    well, and on a glass full of ice, add the mix them top off with the cranberry.
    Don't forget to add the garnish, a pineapple and a cherry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Julie to come back and go 3 days is not easy.

    NM Good DOTD today and I know Sadie wins out, she should. LOL OK maybe I overreacted, can u tell. Joey had a wonderful time took some pics. The parents talked to My SIL nd DD after and said they were as good as gold. And Joey said they were very nice and he had a great time. So he was fine.

    Lori how are u doing today, I hope better.

    Lara u too, I hope we get to see u today.

    And I LUBS LUBS LUBS u all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies! I am officially on vacation! Yesterday was my last day of work until end of September. We will be leaving today for my friends house in the country. Will be loading up the cat, dogs, food, golf clubs and DH here in a few hours. Didn't get much sleep last night, Emma just fussed on and off all night. I think we had raccoons at the bird feeder and she wanted a piece of em'. But, it doesn't matter cause I'm on vacay and can just grab a raft and float in the pond and do nothing this week. Family coming Sunday so I'll get to see my Nora again, although I'm sure the time with her will be divided cause most of my family has not met her yet. Dogs will probably not want to come home after a week of running and swimming.

    PRN, so glad to have you back, love the pics, looks like your hair is really growing back nicely. Glad you had such a good time, and got to exercise and sounds like you are feeling good and coming back. I'm just 3 weeks out of last chemo but each day I am coming out of the fog a little more. I am going to do a 3 day cleanse when I get back, I'm up 15# from the start of all this and up 20# from where I want to be so I'll have my work cut out for me, but I have to get thru this surgery 1st. My goal is to do a triathlon at this time next year. Have you started rads yet?

    Memasue... we missed you, I hope all your business is good busy and that you are having fun and feeling good.

    Erin, TGIF!!!! come outta da wabbit hole for da weekend... k? 

    NM, hope you get to stay home this weekend and get to play in your garden and get lots of Sadie time. I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee now, having trouble waking up myself.

    Cami, so glad Joey had such a good time. I think that girl just knows what a nice boy he is and wanted to take a friend that she'd have fun with. Hope you get a nice relaxing weekend and a good shower and r smellin' bootiful! Oh.. and no storms. 

    Hi Juliet, hope yer 3 workdays r easy ones. I'd tell ya I hope it passes quickly but I'm on vacay so I'd be lying.

    Lori, you're right, I did mean Lala about the implants. How often do you have to get tx.., I forgot, will they be able to order your meds ahead of time after this? Glad you didn't have to drive the 8 hrs, but it still sounds like it took the better part of the day. I hope yer feeling good and not having SE. You deserve a nap anytime you want. So sorry about all that is happening with you. Have a great weekend in Laughlin and I hope it lifts your spirits. Australian Bee Gees? hmmm sounds interesting, hope your DH has a wonderful b-day.

    I Ally, stay warm and I hope ya find the right place for your MIL. Glad you got good food with the boys.

    Lala, thinkin' of you and hoping you are on the mend and infection is cleared up and you are pain free. Hate that you are going thru this. (hugs)


    This is a pic of my friend's place where we are house sitting. It is surrounded by 4 acres of woods. It's going to be sunny and in the high 80's here so we'll spend lots of time in the pond.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    HI everyone the bangage is off I have guaze still in a critical state

    all cultures were negetive still waiting for three back

    Im ok with the pain actuallly feels great since they closed me up

    just trying to eat and drink good more protein the better it looks like I am starting to close up which is good news

    I see her again Tues she will be cking me every week stitches are there and she will tak ethem out when I am closed she said about 3 weeks

    I think sooner

    I need to find out why this happened if its the ink well I better not tat

    shen sent pics to her PS she said she has seen this happen the girls implants were to big she though mine were and felt the PS went in to deep with the tat and then made the skin fall off it slide off not being able to take the large implant so IDK

    I also sent pics to vinnnie hes on these threads he does tats for women hes supposed to the best I have not heard anything as of yet but I am investagating all possiblitys

    hugs Thank u for all the concern Ill beat this

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Lara I'm so glad u posted---u sound better and that makes me happy. Now just do whatever u'r told and don't move around to much.

    OH GENNY on vacay, now it's u'r turn to relax and have fun--the place where u are going is beautiful and it'll be so much fun seeing everyone Sunday too. (especially Nora) Have loads of fun and be safe xoxox

    I think Lori is off on another trip, I hope she gets some fun and relaxation in.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhhLinKs!!

    NM - Were you out driving in that rain yesterday?  I hope not!  Got a good chuckle outta Sadie sorta 'dressing you down' about your work and not paying attention to precious!

    Prn - U and dh are beautiful.  Love your head with and without the wig.   Beautiful smiles, sounds like you had an amazing time.  While I was vacay and in Otis at db's place, my 90 yoa aunt from Idaho was there.  She is pretty crippled from knee/hip surgeries but still spry and spunky.  DB has 5 acres on the Salmon River and Auntie wanted to look at the entire property, well she can't walk it and wheel chair bogs down, so db put her on the kabota tractor and she rode that thing all over.  It was too funny!  

    Cami - what a sweet story about Joey and the little gal that has a crush on him.   I agree with NM, try to see it as a couple of kids having an outting with the parents.   So good that mom/dad talked to the parents before and after too.  I think most girls at that age start with the crushes, boys don't seem to until their a bit older.  With exception, I remember my 1st crush in gradeschool.  He was an altarboy and used to take me in the room off the altar and just hug me.  I was 10 too.  Laugh about it now when I think of it....he was much older mentally than I was, already had facial hair too.  LOL!

    Julie - waaa about working so soon, and 3 in a row...not fair!

    Lara - glad you gave us an update.  Sounds like your doc really invested in you that is good.  Hoping all works out...(((Lara)))

    Genny - whoop whoop on vacay.  What a beautiful place to spend some totally relaxing time and that you'll even get to see Nora while there.  Had a good day yesterday....nails, lashes, pampering.  Then lunch date with a bartender friend (not with dh)....heehee....It was only Eric the other Tender.  BBQ'd some ribs for dinner with homemade mac salad.  mmmm tasty.  Was worn out tho and in bed by 7:30.  Such an Old Shoe I am!

    Er Wacko - sure hope u climb outta dat wabbit hole soon, sure miss you around here.

    Lowee - hope you having a good time and keeping your spirits up.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS all of youse to da MOON and back!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    SuzieQ, I'm glad u had such a wonderful day yesterday u deserve it by far. BTW u little tart at 10, an altar boy no less. LOL

    Update on my sister she was getting her shot every 2 months (bone mets) now the Dr. has changed it to every 4 months--Whoot Whoot --(I just found out_ Lori??? She did start at one month tho.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie's got me up early, not
    sure why.At least she hasn't gone back
    to sleep on the bed and is keeping me company now that I'm up!Silly dog.

    Cammy--I'm glad Joey
    had a good time at the zoo.In this day
    and age I suppose you can't be too careful about the kiddos.

    Genny--Hooray for
    vacay!Sounds like a great time in store
    for all of you, especially the doggies.Nothing like floating in a raft to relax a person!Got a lot to do this weekend, just got 20
    pounds of fresh caught haddock to package and freeze, some burdocks to get cut
    down and pulled out of the yard, all the usual laundry to do.Maybe even a grocery run, the fridge is
    looking pretty bare.What a beautiful
    house and pond!Lucky you!

    ORLA--So happy to
    hear the cultures are negative so far and they're closing up.So not fair the PS is putting you through all
    this.Still praying for you.

    Mema--out driving
    the last few days, but no rain yesterday.Just beautiful day for riding around, which was good, 'cuz I did a LOT
    of driving.Kinda happy not to have to
    get in the car today.

    Cammy--Great news
    for your sister!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Pirate Float

    1 part Seagram's
    Vanilla Vodka

    1 part Beer

    1 part Spiced Rum

    1 part Cream


    Add all ingredients,
    in order, into a highball glass. Stir if desired.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls, 

    I have really missed all of you. Catching up reading made me smile so big. 

    Lara, so glad that things are looking better. I still can't believe what I was enough to convince me to never ebber try to do nips of any kind. If I do it, I will go 3D tatts and hopefully not have the issues you have had. I am praying so hard that you do not loose those beautiful foobs. They really are purdy. Mine are teeny tiny and fugly and twisted up. All I can say to dat is tank God for clothes! 

    Genny, enjoy every minute of that vacation. the "resort" looks heavenly, that is just beatiful. 

    PRN, such beautful photos. I too love your wig, I first thought it was a before chemo pic. You still look beautiful with the bald look too. You have a gorgeous smile. HOpe you are feeling well.

    Mema Sue, GASP! Getting hugs from a ten year old alter boy eh? You had no clue that he was uh pleasuring his rock collection tehehe. I just love you, you crack me up. I hope you are feeling well and have more energy. Do rest when you feel the need.

    Lori, hope you are having a great weekend. I always miss you when you do not post. How are you feeling? I hope no se's from the injection. And sorry for all the trouble getting it, uuhhhhh. 

    Cammy, great news for your sis. and it is good news for our Innocent goil too. It amazes me how far treatments have come along other the years. Your sis and our dear Lori will be okay and live a long long time through this FNRB. and how freaking sweet that your son has an admirer. How could any girl not be in love with Joey, he is such a sweetie. So glad he got invited. And kudos to that girl and her family for having the balls to invite him with their family. I think that is just awesome. How's work? You taking some time off like I tailed ya too? 

    NM, funny that Sadie woke you up too early but did not crawl back in bed. That would tick me off just a bit. Well crud, my dog wakes me up too early every weekend then goes back to sleep. BUt gotta love those poochies no matter how bad they are. And your Sadie really is a good doggie. I hope you enjoy not driving today and are able to relax and do something enjoyable...such as dwink lots of likker!! 

    Did I miss someone? Oh Julie yes. LOved the pics of the wedding. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics. Hope you not working and dwinking lots.

    Well my resume is done and has gone out to a few places. I just found a lead through facebook today. I got a friend request from a guy I used to work with who is now a VP at a bank and he is looking for mortgage processors. I tailed him I get my resume to him on monday. I cant figure out how to find it on my chromebook. and I found out that I can not use chromebook to work from home so have to buy another computer. Been using my dads dinosaur laptop but it is soooo slow, makes me nuts. 

    I took Dad to his phychiatrist today, upped his dose of abilfy. It is working quite well but why not add more? That is what I said when the doc asked about increasing it. Oh, my sandal broke getting out of the car, had to go into doctors office with one shoe on hehe. I am pretty pissed cuz they are aeropostel brand or something like that,  I paid a good bit of pennies for them. 

    My pool is finally done. The water temp is so cold and it needs vacuumed and the water needs chemically balances. It looks beautiful though, like a brand new huge ass hole in the ground aka pool. Ya see, I have a love/hate relationship with it. I will post pics of the after once it is clean. 

    Let me hit send before i lose this. den  make a dwink then post some pics. Peace out girls, love and hugs to all of you. God BLess all of us goils, cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    I don't know why they turn sideways when I send from mese phone. jest tilk your monitors to de side and ye can see. Or lay down and view hehe!

    this is my "cottage fridge"

    we got jack, jose, wodka and fireballimage

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    I might have posted this pic before, it is my Dad sitting by the pool. You can see how aged the title and coping were. It cost me nearly 8k but I can write it off as a home improvement. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    here is a sneak peak of the corner as the water level was coming up. I will have to take another pic once I get backwashed, vacummed and the water stabelized. ugh, a lot of work. but honestly, I was lost without my pool last weekend, dont know how people live without em. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    and dis is the construction


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    was it sumting I said? wuz me bragging too muchly?

    jest saw this on facebook and it made me cwack de hail up!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    NM Sadie cracks me up, I would love to have a dog like that, our dog is not mine, he's like Leslie's now, he just comes in to see me every so often. But then again my Katie-Kat is always around and lays all over me so I'm happy bout that. U sound busy, I hope u relax today.

    Oh Erin we've missed u, I'm glad u came to inform us of things, except I could only see that great pic of u'r dad, but no others showed up on my puter. Hey this sounds promising about this job, I hope it all works out the way it should--it' funny tho, just from FB u get a lead, BTW it's going to be hot all week here so that means it will probly be hot there soon and u'r pool should be ready and u can enjoy it. And I always miss our innocent one when she goes away. NM and Goldie are my staples and if one doesn't report in early I always wonder, where the rest of us just come in and out thruout the day and nite.

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better each day, this is awful for u. and if Erin says u'r puka looks terrible she's the original OMG Puka I've ever seen. She knows her pukas, I hope it's healing the way it should.

    I hope everyone has a good Sunday, I know Genny will, she's having a great time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I got just about nothing
    done yesterday.No energy, no
    motivation.Now I've got lots to do
    today and am feeling overwhelmed.Got to
    pick one thing, do that, then pick another and stop looking at bigger (messier)

    Erin--Do gotta love
    the furbabies!No matter what they do we
    love them anyway.This morning Sadie got
    me up and now is sleeping on the ottoman.Every once in a while she gets up and comes over for an ear scratch or a
    petting, then goes back to sleep for a while.She really is a good doggy, even if I am a bit biased in her favor.Didn't go anywhere yesterday except to the
    hammock chair on the deck and a good nap.So glad your pool is done, and loooking so pretty.Can't wait to see pics!

    Cammy--Sadie is my
    sanity, I must admit.She reminds me,
    forcefully at times, that there is more to life than work.I love my work, but I have to have a life,
    too and Sadie is my excuse, and keeps me accountable.Your Katie-Kat does the same thing for you, I

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Adrenaline Juice

    1/2 fifth Vodka

    1 pint Everclear

    1 pint Watermelon

    1 liter Sprite

    pinch (Add To Taste)

    1 can Red Bull

    Best served in a
    Punch Bowl.


    -Made by the gallon

    -after all
    ingredients added then add a 5 hour energy shot

    -slowly stir for
    foaming effect

    -place in freezer to
    keep cool

    I think I need some
    of this!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014


    My Little Maddy (Geisha girl) wearing the pj's mema bought her from China Town in Portland.  Her mommy put her hair up like that for full effect.  She is truly a ham in front of the camera.  Then her daddy sed yesterday that she has insisted on wearing them the last 2 nights.  Don't it jes warm da cockles of ur farts!!  Had to share.

    Morning DahhhLinks!!

    ER-Wacko - I too did not get any of the pics to show up cept the one of you dad.  Handsome as ever too I might add!  I will jes imagine how beautiful it is til u can get the pics to post.  WOW on fb ya got a new job lead...too cool.  I hope you get it and that the pay will be the same but with less stress.  Good luck to you girl! 

    Now Cami and ER-W....yes, years later I realized what was going on with him and his 'rock collection' LMAO.  I was totally nieve, whole thing felt really 'wrong', did that 2 times then he tried to kiss me and I ran...end of romance.  I really was an innocent one...heeheeheee!

    NM - one thing at a time.  Sometimes I start at one end of the house then in moving/taking something to other end, I start up in there before finishing my 1st project.  It drives me nuckingfutz sometimes.  That DOTD sounds like the poyfect 'rager' or 2 and I'd be down and out or taking my clothes off and dancing.  UGH....horrible mental pic on that!

    Cami - X C Lent news on your sister's decrease in frequency of the shot.  I didn't kno they would do that, how long has she been taking the shots anyway?

    Still praying for Lara, missing Lowee, wondering where JeanBeanie, 4Sew and Ed been. 

    Hi to Aly, Julie, PRN and Genny!!

    Yesterday was a total wabbit hole day.  Did nothing but take pooches to park and then sit on my bhind.  Feeling much more upbeat and chipper this morning so gonna make the most of this day.  Hope all ya'll have a wonderful SundayFunday!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Let's hear it for SuzyQ taking, her clothes off. Wow the DOTD is potent and I sure could use it too.  Sounds interesting tho--Leave it to NM to find that one.

    My sister has been on the shot for 7 yrs and still works full time, but will retire this yr. Altho she says this every year for years now. Well she was on the infusion once a month but then came the shot (it was newish) and she's doing well. I think of Lori so it makes me extra happy.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning my beautiful Loungettes. Hope yer all feeling good today and have a nice relaxing Sunday ahead of you. Just a quick pop in, got the whole family coming today so I got lots to do. Having a fabulous time here on vacay. Yesterday, I worked out for the first time in forever. Jogged around the property about 10 times then kayaked around the pond for awhile then went for a swim. Then went with my DH and golfed 9 holes. Guess I'm starting to get my energy back. Bought myself a new activity tracker, hoping it'll keep me motivated. I'd love to get at least 5 lbs. off before my surgery. Dogs are loving the freedom here and the cats finally met for the first time this morning and there were only a couple of hisses involved. Now they are sitting on the back screened in porch together. 

    NM, wow, that was quite a DOTD! I assume I'm not suppose to drink the whole thing myself? Next time I want to be drunk and wide awake at the same time I'll have to give it a try. We all slept like the dead last night. Went to bed at 11 and slept till 8, can't tell ya the last time I got that much sleep, DH slept till after 9 and dogs are hungover from all the running and swimming. Sadie would love this pond I bet! Nothing wrong with spending a day doing nothing, we all need that sometimes. But I know what you mean about then having to play catchup the next day. sidetracked, started this post over an hour ago, now I'm back.

    Cami, such good news about you sister..whoop..whoop indeed!

    Erin, I could only see the pic of your dad also, nice pic! Send us the ones of your newly renovated pool when u can. Good luck with the job search, I hope  your lead pans out. Good to c u out of dat wabbit hole.

    Lori, hope you're having fun this weekend and you're staying out of da wabbit hole.

    Lala, hope you're continue to feel better, hoping you're back here soon.

    Memasue, loved  the alter boy story. Hope you're feeling good too.

    Julie, PRN, Ally and anyone else I might be missing... hugs to all, c u tomorrow.


    My DH taking the furbabies for a paddleboat ride

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Genny thanks for sharing and u are really having fun--I'm so glad u'r more energized--wonderful hve a fun day with Nora too. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Mema your geisha is adorable.  

    Erin dad looks good I'm sure the pool does too. Missing you. 

    Lori.  Hope you're hanging in. And not feeling too badly. 

    Lara.  Hope you're puka-less as things heal up. 

    Genny.. Great day. Don't get too crazy. And keep your protein up so you will heal well from surgery. Smoothies later on when it's all healed up. 

    Julie. Ally. 4. Hi there. 

    I have my CT for rads and markings tomorrow. Actual treatments start Wednesday. I will find out then how many treatments. 

    I cleaned out my closet and got donations ready. Cooked and did laundry of course. My boys all think they are in Hollywood!! They change clothes more than girls!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another lazy day
    yesterday.Got to get some umph from
    somewhere before the summer is gone.Haven't had the kayak in the water yet this season.Need to get my but in gear.

    adorable!!I can picture her wanting to
    wear those Geisha Jammies all the time!Hear you about the wabbit hole, feel like I'm in one, too, but not sure
    why, no good reason to be there.Maybe
    we can boost each other out somehow?

    Cammy--so good to
    hear your sister is doing so well!

    Genny--Sounds like a
    perfect vacay place!And the furbabies
    have establishedthe pecking order and
    are getting along.I bet the pups are ecstatic
    to be able to run around freely.I was
    kinda thinking we'd have to buddy up and share that DOTD, I'm no up for gallons
    of dwinky these days.I don't mind a
    lazy day, but when I have 2 in a row and nothing gets done, I start getting
    upset with myself.

    Oh, my, look at the
    happily wet furbabies!

    PRN--Good luck with
    theCT and markings,and I hope the rads treatment goes well.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    wet dog

    12 oz Beer

    4 oz Sangria

    Best served in a
    Pint Glass.


    12 oz of Old English
    High Gravity malt liquor, mixed well with Carlo Rossi Sangria. Serve cold and
    enjoy the taste of a wet dog