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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies, my computer charger died, I have a new one ordered but won't get it till I get home. My son brought his yesterday so I'm all charged up but have to conserve my power this week so I don't run out of steam... Oh yea, that's right I was talking about my computer... oh well, the scenerio goes for both of us..

    So, anyway, we just had the best time with my family yesterday. So much fun, most of us swam and kayaked and ate..ALOT.. and drank. Nora was an absolute angel all day, played in the water a bit and splashed (after I convinced my son it was safe...geesh!) I told him.. I not going to dunk her, just letting her kick and splash a little. Anyway, I'll post a few pics and make this short. DH is golfing and dogs are so pooped I don't imagine any of them will be worth a chit today.

    Sue, I just loved the geisha girl, your Maddy is such a beautiful little girl! My dad went to china when I was about 10 and brought me a kimono and I work it as a robe for years. I still have it. Glad yer feeling more chipper, hope it was a good Sunday and an even better Monday.

    PRN, I won't get too crazy, I've still got 2 1/2 week till surgery, I'm only going to do a 3 day detox, then it'll be lots of protein and water. Been drinking alkamahol on dis vacation and between that and the tail end of this chemo chit I'd just like to flush it out. As far as exercise goes, I'm a long way from where I was, I'm going to have to do a lot of walking before I get back to running. That'll all come in the fall. Hope the rads is easy for you and doesn't fatigue you much. Doesn't it feel good to purge your closets?

    NM, Ha! the wet dog dwink, sounds very interesting. Don't worry about not getting anything done, it'll all just be there when u feel like it.

    Cami, Erin, Ally, Julie, 4, and all the rest of ya, going to end this now cause like I said earlier my computer needs to conserve it's juice this week. Love to all and Erin, hope your work week doesn't suck too much. Lubs and hugs.


    image A pic of the whole famdamily and of course my baby.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    nora  and maddy are absolutley adoreble

    off to the gym this morning for first session with trainer since vacationBawling

    nm-glad you had some sadie time,

    genny enjoy your vacation

    cammi good morningHappy

    have a good day ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning

    NM so what if u didn't do anything, it'll always be there and besides u had some good time with Sadie and u got to rest up, U need that too. Are u all caught up on u'r meds? Just asking.

    Julie it's always nice to see u here, and now back to the world tho. BTW I really enjoyed u'r pics.

    Genny u look great and sound good too. Don't worry u will detox. And u'r pics are so adorable, quite a crowd, more fun then. And of course u'r Nora is getting bigger and so adorable.

    Sue Maddy looks so old in that pic. with her amazing bow look--she's so cute.

    Ok where is our Lori, did she say she'd be gone more than just the weekend? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    cami... LMAO!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Good evening ladies of de lounge!

    I hope you are all dong well. And sorry about the pics that did not post, dey show up for me. Button mese did not get them from the internet, just copied pasted from my emai to BCO.  will get bac at it one of these days.

    Well good news is that I am out of work for a few days. Bad news is that I have a wicked infection of sorts to mese eye ball. And it not mese fault.well//

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!

    Genny--I don't worry
    about the house work going away, I worry about never feeling like doing it. . .
    .What a great family pic!

    Julie--have fun with
    the trainer!

    Cammy--um, actually,
    I need to get some meds refilled.I
    guess I better get to work on that, huh?

    Poor Charlie Brown!

    Hey, PRN!

    Erin--An eyeball
    infuctshun?How'd you get that?Or maybe we don't really want to know?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    2 shots Vodka

    cubes (Fill to Top)

    1 splash (Top Off)
    Red Bull

    8 oz (Fill With)


    Fill glass with ice.
    Add as much vodka as you like, you won't really be tasting it anyway. Fill
    almost to the top with Fresca, then top off with a splash or so of Red Bull.
    Mix briefly with a shaker and enjoy. This guy will certainly get you fresh and
    ready to go and you can vary the amount of vodka to taste.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies, NM haven't had Fresca in a long time, sounds pretty good. 

    Where's Lori?

    Erin, sorry to hear about your eye but enjoy the time off work. Pool ready to go yet?

    Cam...hahaha..funny one. 

    Juliet hope the workout went well and that yer muscles aren't screaming at ya too bad this ayem. 

    Hi Princess, how's it going back in the real world of post vacation? When do u get to see your DH again?

    Well that's it for me, gotta conserve this computer battery life. Hope you all have a great day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Time to play ketchup! Didn't really have time yesterday.

    Cami, Joey's outing at the zoo is too cute. That little girl knows a good catch! Is Joey going to let you share some of his pictures? That is awesome that your sister got switched to every 3 months. Maybe I can get there too one day.

    PRN, awesome pictures of you and your hunka hunka! You sure made the most of your trip, you did a ton of stuff! Ok, rads starting tomorrow. Remember this is another accumulation of fatigue, so rest when you feel it coming on. Seems like it was easy to recoup after the weekend, and fatigue set in towards the end of the week. Good luck and I hope you don't burn.

    NM, the mail pharmacy did not have the right number for me. So I only got a hold of them on Monday, meds shipped on Tuesday next day delivery for Wednesday, my appointment was on Wednesday.

    Julie, going back to work after vacation always sucks. But look at you, running right back to gym. Uh huh, I know what you look like in a bikini!

    Genny, my treatments will be monthly, along with bloodwork and then scans every 3 months. Yes, I should be able to get the meds now without any problem. Just waiting on one of them to make sure I'm covered on it. Which I should be, since I already had one injection. No SE's that I can tell. The house you were at in the country is just gorgeous and I'm sure Nora was the center of attention. Sounds like you had the most perfect time and getting back some energy to boot. Love the pic of your DH and furbabies. And the family pic! DH, is he in the white tank top? And which is your son and DIL? Oh, I wanna kiss doze lil tootsies too! Are you still on vay cay at that beautiful house?

    LDB, that is jes too cute about your Aunt riding the tractor. I hope someone got pictures, as that is a classic. 10 yo and wif da altar boy eh? LOL at the "rock collection". Leave it to Wacko! Like Cami says, you lil tart! OMG, that picture of Maddy is jes too coot. I hope you get it printed. Then put it at your lil alter/prayer table that you have.

    Lara, you are sure having a time of it all. I pray all heals for you, you do not need this.

    NM, sounds like you and Sadie had a very productive weekend. Oops, maybe not? See you got overwhelmed. Das A OK, is allowed to not do any ting! Love the "Adrenaline Juice" hope it helped.

    Wacko, NO TATS FOR YOU! 3D or otherwise. You would certainly get an infection, it's just your luck. Or should we say lack of? OMG, I'm sending you lots of good vibes for the new job. How could he NOT hire you, you are da best dere is. And so happy to hear you daddy is still doing good. Can you return your sandals? You have to repost your pool pics, none of them showed up except for dad. Ok, you have to save the pics from your email to your computer, then post them, k? Eye inphuckshun? You see why you can't get tats???

    I am feeling better, not up to par but getting there (I hope). I'll have 10 each of all the DOTD's that I missed. That should cheer me up!!! The Australian Bee Gee's were not that good, also went to see Sex Tapes, that was not so good either! Had my left butt cheek start to hurt on the way home, ended up being my sciatic nerve. Those hurt like a muther phucker, thank goodness it was gone by morning. I have had that happen before and was in excrutiating pain for DAYS. Have a counter full of tomatoes that I have to do, but doubt I'll get to them today. Meeting with our accountant late this morning, so it will be too late to get started when I get home. Ok, all caught up!

    Jocks/Pants, start bringing on the drinks!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---I'm still draggin' for no good reason.

    OK Lori's back now some order has come to the mornings. I'm glad the sciatica thing didn't last Lori, it's a real PITA for a while too.  Those maters will wait, don't worry about them.

    NM I notice the DOTD's have a splash of some energy stuff lately, I think most of us need it. Well I do.

    Genny u'r still high from u'r vacay good, keep it going.

    Erin another infection, is this pink eye? or somethin' else. U've got to keep u'r hands away from this mess--Lori's right u get infections like a cat eats treats, or a dog--either way it's lot.

    Lara I hope we here from u today and u'r a bit better.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Yesterday was a bugger...up before the butt-crack of dawn.  Long day!  My DD turned 43 yesterday too.  We talked awhile and I will see her on Friday.  Thank you all for the kudos on my Madison. 

    Lowee I will print that pic, it's a keeper for sure.  Glad you are close to getting all this worked out and getting closer to getting outta dat wabbit hole.  I never have se's with Xgeva but can't say about the other.  Hope se's don't rear their heads, bad enuf as it is.  Thank goodness the sciatica didn't linger.  Been there done that and don't want it no mo.  Good luck with ur accountant, hoping no surprises.

    Er-Wacko - geeezzz....really and eye inphuckshun?  What is it?  Is that why you are out of work for a few days? 

    Julie - u inspire me to exercise....jes need a push.

    Genny - WOW that is a whole famdamily...and good looking too.  Of course Nora..too cute for words.  We are going to a rental house on Clearlake, in CA, next month.  Won't be as many peeps but am sure we'll have a good time.  DH is still saying he is going, but I'm not holding my breath.  When he is in the car and driving North, then I'll believe it...LOL.

    Cami - LMAO 'Charlie Brown' LOL

    NM - WOW I haven't heard of Fresca in eons.  I used to drink it a lot with my wodka at the beach.  I remember it being very refreshing, think I'll have to see if I can find it again.

    Prn - good luck today with your CT.  Will pray that you won't have to do tooo many rads.

    Lara - where u b, r u OK?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls. sorry I cant write much, the light of the screen is brutal. my latest ailment is called iritis. look it up if you want to know more. thought it was pink eye but a much more serious ting. I have to see the eye dr daily and put steroid drops on my eye every half hour for today. I have very little vision in the eye and it feels like i am being stabbed over and around the eye with an ice pick. ugh. I need likker. 

    miss you all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    OMG I know what it is, that can be so painful--I'm glad u'r seeing the Dr. every day--do they know yet what causes it, cuz they didn't know a while back--so I'm sure it's nothing u did, but I'm glad u went to the Dr. right away. Jeez--yeah don't use your eyes to read or anything like that, so u shouldn't be reading this- That doesn't even make sense to me. Heal quickly.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    NM. Hey back at ya. 

    Erin... Boo to infection.  Grrr IRITIS!  Soo painful sorry

    Mema.... Thanks. I feel so good now. I am afraid to feel bad again. My swelling and seroma have just almost gone away I don't want to start all over. 

    Genny... Beautiful Nora, oh all right and those other people too. Lol. The house looks amazing. I go back 7-31. Our 1st anniversary is 8-3. We are going camping and hiking in the white mountains in New Hampshire. 

    Goldie... Thanks. I read two things one says aloe daily the other says nothing. No friction at all the better. What's your two cents? Are you not supposed to have any sun either and no swimming. I mean feet and legs are ok right? How's your new med?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!The lovely, breezy, warm
    weather is giving way to hot, hazy and humid weather as the week wears on.Again, they are calling for scattered
    thunderstorms, possible severe.I've
    still to see a good one here this summer!Maybe this time around. . . .


    Goldie--I hope the
    pharmacy has the right number for you now!

    Cammy--I know I need
    the energy lately, must be subconsciously looking for DOTDs with that stuff in

    Mema--Fresca and
    vodka, hadn't thought of that, need to get some of both, ASAP!

    Erin--Yikes, Iritis
    is nasty, make sure you take care of yourself!

    PRN--Camping sounds
    like great fun!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fresca and vodka, in
    honor of Mema!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, I don't know about giving order to the mornings, but I am home! The maters won't wait too long, and I WILL NOT throw them out!

    Lil Doyty Butt, my other injection is hormone blocker (Faslodex), so of course hot flashes, which never went away, so no biggie there. At $1800.00 a pop, it should make me feel good, real good!!! How come DH doesn't usually want to go to CA? I can see the no flying, but driving too? Happy Birfdey to your JenGirl!

    Dork, I mean Wacko.....I can't believe the things you do to get out of work! Kidding aside, that sounds so painful. Is it expected to clear up quickly? Is it contagious? And I hope it can't cause permanent damage to your eye. What about your contacts? Don't want it to happen again if they are contaminated. And look Dr. Cami, she knows all about this!

    PRN, I was given something to put on my chest after each rad, but I don't remember what it was. It was very thick and greasy. I even bought cheap tops at Wal Mart to wear, so as not to ruin my good clothes, and I covered it with gauze. Then during the last couple weeks I started to burn pretty good and the only thing that helped that was Silvadine, not sure if I spelled that right. As for the sun, I tried to keep the area being radiated out of the sun, and even do that to this day, as it burns easier than the rest of me. And you shouldn't feel "bad", just fatigued, and it comes and goes.

    NM, sounds like you are wanting that good storm? I'll bet Sadie is not! Pharmacy should have the right number now, and I'm waiting to see if I can get the other injection sent out here too. I'm due next Thursday for both. Ahhhhhh, Fresca and Wodka......poyfect summer drink. It's been pretty toasty here, but I won't complain cuz I know winter will be here before we know it!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good morning Ladies,

    Oh NM , Sue right I haven't thought of Fresca in ions, I never noticed if they still make it--it's been so long---I'm sure they must.

    Oh the only reason I know about that eye thing cuz of my sister's crap, it was awful, but Erin seems to be right on it so it should be good.

    Yes Lori u are part of my morning so u'r stuck with that.

    Has anyone heard from Lara, she must really be miserable, poor thing.

    I've got my coffee, but again I can't wake up decently, I hate this feeling.

    Oh this Sat--hope it doesn't storm--- my cousin has her big party cuz the lake in their back yard has fireworks, and it's just so much fun, bunches of people and we all bring something so bunches of food and the fireworks use 2 boats and the leftover falls on her lawn but the kids are all out there watching and it's sooooooo loud--my sister and I stay on the big enclosed porch she has and it's still loud u can't even talk, but every year we look forward to it. Well we'll see.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    NM - thanks for the DOTD honor.  Still no monsoon to speak of here either, jes 'egg fry on da sidewalk' HOT! 

    Lowee - OK, I remember now.  Did I tail u my onco took me off the nightly anti-h (aromisin) when I started TDM1?  Thought my night sweats/hot flashes would lessen, but not to be.  Dry mouth and nausea are most annoying se's of it, so that's not too bad. Thanks for Jen's bday wishes.  DH has disappointed me w/backing out too many times, even last years short plane ride to Texas he was going then not going, and he is GOOD friends with the dh of the gal I was visiting.  So I can't get too excited until it actually happens.  Am prepared to make the drive myself tho, should he back out.  Then the other day he says he's been thinking about HI.  Said he would go if I wanted to.  idk!

    Cami - what is all the fireworks about?  It sounds like fun even with all the noise.  Hope the weather holds!  I too am worried about Lara, hope and pray she is doing as well as can be expected.

    Er-Wacko - every day to doc?  Do you drive it with only 1 good eye?  Please take care, ya don't need anything else on your plate!!  ((EW))

    Genny - hope you still having a marvelous time!

    Prn - You'll get through this, you very strong and healthy!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Just boppin in to let you drunks know I will not be here in the morning. We have to leave early in the morning to take our truck into the dealer, 1.5 hours away and they open at 7:30 am. I've been in the kitchen ALL DAY making salsa and sketti sauce. Mese back is killing me!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Lori u know I'd be making a big deal out of it and slow down, of course u'r back has to hurt try not to go overboard. Muah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    SuzyQ they do the fireworks every year when she lives but not on the 4th, it's always a different time which is good cuz it usually when no one else has anything to do--after grads and beginning pool parties. And u still have hot flashes? Oh those are rotten, and yea the mouth thing aren't so fun either. Jeezz.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Loungettes!Not going to say it's a good
    aeym, been up with a killer headache and
    trhowing up, just now getting myself to the point where I can get ready for,
    fortunately I have the option of starting a little later this ayem.Did get a nice lively thunderstorm to watch
    and listen to last night.I enjoyed it,
    Sadie tolerated it.Cooled things off
    really, really nicely, too.

    Goldie--I do like to
    watch a good storm!Sadie does ok, just
    stays very close to me. As long as I am touching her she's fine, not terribly
    happy, but ok.I can't wait to try a fresca
    and vodka, it does sound like the perfect hot summer day drink.

    Cammy--Sounds like a
    great party coming up!Hope the weather
    cooperates and everyone had a great time!

    Meam--Sounds like DH
    has a hard time making up his mind!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    2 parts Vodka

    1 1/2 scoops Ice

    4 oz Sprite

    250 ml Strawberry
    Kool Aid

    4 parts Mango Juice

    1 shot Grenadine

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Add all ingredients
    to glass and enjoy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies of the Lounge.

    NM should u even go to work today---y never thow up, then a headache too, something is going on. Please take care of u'r self and drink gingerale--Oh I'm telling  a nurse. Jeez, sowwy for the instructions, but sometimes u push u'r self and maybe this is not  good time to.

    OK we know Goldie won't be here so I'm OK with that. But Julie hasn't been on much and Lara is really not on. I hope we hear  from them today

    It really got cool here which is fine with me, I'd rather cuddled than be warm.

    BBL   LUBS U ALL..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    good morning all, off today,and i second dr cammi,rest today nm,.

    i do read everyday if i don't comment,i don't have my tablet now ,left it at home in uk, so days i work no intenet accessHappy

    lori-well done on your canning

    have a good day ladies

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    hi ladies, posting from my phone today, computer just about outta juice. I've been reading daily and keeping up. 

    NM sorry about the h/a and vomiting, is it a migraine? Do u get them often? Sorry u have to go to work, sounds like u should be home in bed. Hope it doesn't last all day. My dogs r the same way when it storms they follow me around and have to be touching me.

    Lori, the tomatoes sound like a lotta work but will be so worth it. Hot flashes r a part of my everyday life too, been having them for years. Glad u r feeling ok and tolerating the tx without many se's. 

    Erin, I hope you eye is getting better, do u know what caused it? Anything new on the job search?

    PRN hope the rads r going ok, I'll be doing that towards fall I guess. Yer back to the real world after yer fabulous vacation, hope it's not too tough.

    Juliet, have a nice day off.

    Cami sounds like a fun party hope u have good weather with no storms and no wind. 

    Lala hope you're getting better, try and pop in and let us know how yer doing. Prayin' that you get this resolved soon.

    Sue I am having a mahvolus time. Yesterday was cool and cloudy so no pond but we did go golfing. I did really awful stopped even trying to keep score but it's so nice to be getting my energy back it just felt good to b out there. Hope yer DH decides to go with u, nice to have someone to drive with.

    Hope everyone has a good day, time to get outta my PJ's and brush my teeth. Ahhh the laziness of vacation...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    Hi girls, I am still struggling with light sensitivity. My eye is getting better, the drops help with the pain. Well I found out the cause yessterday and I am so skeeved. I have freaking herpes and that is the cause of the iritis break out. It is not the genital kind of herpes, doctor assured me that most people have this virus in their bodies, it usually just stays dorment. WTF, I am ffreaked out. Go figure, bliinded by herpes. My vision is still cloudy but I have "seen" (haha, a pun) some improvement. I describe my vision as being in a white out blizzard. I can finally see objects now albeit very fuzzy.

    Cam, glad you are here to keep this place going. You and NM and Lori are the foundation of this place. I have not read anything, hoping everyone is doing ok. Lori, you have a safe trip today. 

    Julie, crud on leaving your machine at home, can someone mail it to you? I for one miss your funnies around here. Hey, for a laugh, what do you think about this?  "Helloooo Ladies"......I was just telling someone about that creepy guy from FL yesterday and remembering the great time we had. I would do anything to dwink with you and CYn again.

    and NM, are you ill? I hope not. well sorry I am struggling with being on the computer so will sign off shortly. I just wanted to check in and say hi. I hope to hear something from Lara, I might text her to see what is happening. I pray for her daily as I do all mese goils here. 

    where is 4sew? And Allyson? 

    to all of you, lots of love and hugs. and dont foyget to dwink; Tits up if ya got em!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Erin what a strange way to get something to infect u'r eyes--OMG this sounds crazy. We all understand not posting or reading, well u shouldn't be reading this--Just relax that eye--Itell u it's crazy.

    Julie I'm so glad to see u, I miss u so much when u'r not here, like I do with everybody. Chit we haven't heard from Lara at all in a couple of days,--My days are so mixed up this week- kind of like every week.

    This weekend is super casual which is fine, but I really like to wear long dresses (casual ones) ro cover my swollen legs, so I have ro pick capris with of course rhinestones on the sides (LOL) or jean capris, or beown ones with little buttons on the side hahaha I always have to have some ornamentl thing going on--on top too. Well I'll figure it out tomorrow and let joey pick out what I should wear and of course the jewelry--see how much trouble it is for me to go someplace--1/2 my summer clothes are still paced in the attic but I have enough in my closet for now anyway. Oh well, my big deal.

    NM I hope u'r day went much better than it started or u just stayed home today.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,

    headache/throwing up thing isn't new for me, it happens from time to time, has
    been worked up and is a variant of migraine headache.So I know how to deal and once it breaks I'm
    fine again.This is a reaction to the
    office moving, having a couple of more challenging than usual patient/family
    situations, and general frustration about not being able to take care of the
    yard and house as well as I would like.I'll adapt and this will pass over.

    Julie--I did rest,
    started work later than usual, took it easy.I was just fine, even had to stop on the way to the office to get
    breakfast pizza and coffee, I was so hungry!I like to cuddle with Sadie more than being too warm, too!

    Julie--Have a good
    day at work!

    Genny--Yes, it was a
    form of migraine, not as severe as most types (thank You, Lord!) and it was
    gone by 8 am.Sounds like your vacay is
    being wonderful for you!Keep it up!

    Erin--YIKES!I can imagine you being pretty weirded out by
    the herpes thing.Glad it's getting
    better and the pain is under control.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Damn Your Eyes

    1 1/2 oz Gold Rum

    1 tsp Dry Vermouth

    1/2 oz White Wine

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    In a mixing glass
    half-filled with ice cubes, combine the rum, dubonnet, and dry vermouth. Stir
    well. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with the lemon twist.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, standing at the sink, scalding tomatoes, then dunking in ice water and peeling. Also lots of veggies to chop up for both the salsa and sketti sauce. AND I have more picking to do this weekend! The fireworks party sounds like loads of fun. I sure hope you get to go, and are feeling mighty fine. I love that you let Joey pick your are a bling girl for shure.

    LDB, I sure hope you DH doesn't back out of your trips. But like you said, time will tell.

    NM, I like a good storm too. I like to watch the lightening. Why on earth would you go to work not feeling well? Hoping today is better.

    Julie, please don't come in and sit in the corner, we enjoy looking at your pretty self. No tablet, how are you posting? Will they send it to you?

    Genny that's a pretty good post from a phone! I don't think I would even try. When do you head home? The tomatoes and everything else IS a chore, but in the winter when I have it to eat or cook with, it just makes me feel good to know I MADE THAT from my organic veggies that I grew.

    Wacko, are you still off work? And do they know what actually caused that infection. And what is going on with Dr. P. Rick, anything? And I think you said you had a new spot/puka? How is that doing?

    NM, you are always so on top of things and know how to handle it all as well. Sorry for all that is causing you to not feel well. I hear ya about taking care of the house and yard, I try to remind myself that even if I do get it all clean and picked up, in just a couple weeks it will be right back to needing it again. Unfortunately, not so with your patients, sorry for the challenging situations there.

    Lala, hoping you can check in soon, and all the other gals that have not been here in awhile.

    PRN, how are rads going? I do believe you are home, and no doubt, missing your man!

    No town for us today, since the truck is in the shop. Will wait until we get it back, as we usually need something from Lowes for projects. It's been pretty toasty here, hitting triple digits. Trying to see if my mom can get some kind of oxygen tank for traveling, without it costing her anything. The machine she has is pretty big. Any suggestions nurses?